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The first fossil record of the genus Chileutomia (Eulimidae: Gastropoda) in the Mediterranean Neogene PDF

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Preview The first fossil record of the genus Chileutomia (Eulimidae: Gastropoda) in the Mediterranean Neogene

BollettinoMalacologico,Roma,37(9-12):223-224,2001 -SocietàItalianadiMalacologia The first fossil record of the genus Chileutomia (Eulimidae: Gastropoda) in the Mediterranean Neogene BernardLandau & Robert Marquet KEYwords: chileutomia,Eulimidae,Pliocene,Zanclean,Mediterranean. ABSTRACT A few shells attributable to Chileutomia miramia (Dautzenberg, 1925) (Eulimidae, Prosobranchia, Gastropoda) have been discovered in the early Pliocene(Zanclean)depositsatVelerin nearEstepona,SouthernSpain.ThisisthefirstfossilrecordotthisgenusintheMediterraneanNeogene. RIASSUNTO Pochi nicchiattribuitiaChileutomiamiranda(Dautzenberg, 1925)(Eulimidae,Prosobranchia,Gastropoda)sonostati rinvenuti indepositidelprimo Pliocene (Zancleano) a Velerin, vicino a Estepona (Spagna meridionale). Questo è il primo reperto tossile neogenico di questo genere nel Mare Mediterraneo. B. LANDAU. International HealthCentres,AvenidaInfantedeHenrique7,AreiasSàoJoào,821)0Albufeira, Portugal. R. MARQUET. InstitutroyaldesSciencesnaturellesdeBelgique,c/oConstitutiestraat50,2060Antwerp,Belgium. INTRODUCTION More recently LOZOUET(1999) consideredAurkuligerina a synonym Only in recent years have the highly fossiliferous Pliocene (Zan- ofChileutomia, and we fully agree with this opinion, since all these clean) deposits around Velerin, Estepona (Malaga, Spain) appeared generadisplay astrong anal notch, absent in Oceanida. Furthermore, inthe literature(e. g. Vera-Pelaezela/, 1995). These Pliocenedepo- the presenceof the umbilicus depends on the greateror lesserdeve- sits,consistotcoarsesands(representingout nearshoreand/orbeach lopment ofthe columellar lip and cannot be used as a character to deposits), fine clayey sands (deposited in a relatively deeper shelf differentiatebetween thegenera. environment) and coarse conglomerates, all within a halfkilometre radius. The conglomerates host the most diversified macrofossil assemblages; however the most interesting small gastropods are found in fine sandy clay especially at the locality ofVelerin Carrete- ra. Here the preservation of calcareous fossils is exquisite and even fragile species rarely found as fossil (such as Aglaja depkta Renier, 1807) occur in such sediments. The present paper documents the first record ofshells belonging toChikutmuiamiranda(Dautzenberg, 1925) in theMediterranean Neogene. Ourrecord is based upon two shells sourced from Velerin Carretera and two more found within coarsesanddepositsoutcroppingnearbyatVelerinAntena. SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY Family Eulimidae Rafinesque, 1815 Genus Chileutomia Tate&Cossmann inTate, 1898 Synonyms Hoplopteropsis deMorgan, 1915; Anrkuligerma Dautzenberg, 1925 Discussion ofgenus: The genus Hoplopteropsis, Mogan, 1915 was synonymised with Chileutomia Tate & Cossmann in Tate, 1898 by Cossmann (1921). Warén (1984, 1986) discussed the close relationship between Aurkuligerina Dautzenberg, 1925, Oceanida de Folin, 1870andChileutomiaTate&CossmanninTate, 1898. Accor- ding to this author Chileutomia is restricted to the Tertiary of Australiaanddiffersfrom theprevioustwoinhavingadeepumbili- cus. Aurkuligerina is characterised by a greater development of thickened scars from earlier positions of the outer lip present in all PLATE 1: ChileutomiamirandaiDiimzenhotg,, 1925) LowerPliocene,Zanclean;Velerinconglomerates,VelerinEstepona,Spain. thesegenera, into wing-hkevarices. Indeed hesuggestedAuriculige- Fig. I: Frontalview;x 15.2. Fig. 2:Sideview;x 15.2. Fig. 3: Protoconchapical rina miranda could be an aberrant species of the genus Oceanida. view;X45.8. Fig.4; Protoconch;x45.4. Fig. 5: Protoconchdetail;x56.8. >223< BernardLandau&RobertMarquet 1925 -AurknligmnamirandaDautzenberg, 1925: 7,fig. 5-6. species shows distinctlycarinated apical whorls,as in Menon placed , 1926 - Aiiriailigmna miranda Dautzenberg: Dautzenberg, 1927. by him in the Rissoacea. Neither the figure nor the description 170,pi. 5, fig 14-17 given by de MORGAN (1915, p. 340, fig. 36) suggest carinated 1927-AiiriailigerinamirandaDautzenberg: Warén 31,fig.46-47. whorlsand due tothe lackoffurther material, weprefer to keepthe 1928-Anriadigerinamiranda Dautzenberg: Boucher&Warén,440, originalgenericdesignation. fig. 1042-1047. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS MATERIAL STUDIED Wethank P. LozouetoftheMuseum nationald’Histoire naturel- Two specimens from the Velen'n sands^ two from Velerin Carre- le, Paris and A. Warén, Swedish Museum ofNatural History, tera, Estepona, Spain. All Zanclian, Lower Pliocene (no formation Stockholm forthe loanofphotographsandhelpfulcommentson the name). manuscript. We are grateful to L. Cilis and K. Wouters, Institut Dimensions: figured specimen: 6.9x3.9 mm, others: 7.1x2.7 royal desSciences naturellesde Belgique, Brussels, forthe useofthe mm, 5.0x2.2 mm, 3.4x3.4 mm. SEM. Description: Shell small, thin, turriculate, antero-posteriorly flattened, seven to eight whorls, height of the largest specimen REFERENCES mm 6.9mm, width 3.9 (height/width ratio 1.76). Protoconch pati- Bouchet P. & Warén, A., 1986. Revision ot the northeast Atlantic bathyal and cispiral, aboutoneand one haltwhorls, smooth,firstwhorl bulbous, AbyssalAclididae,Eulimidae,Epitoniidae(Mollusca,Gastropodal. Bnlleti- junction with teleoconch not clearly delineated. Teleoconch about nudellaSucktàMcilacolugicaItaliana.Milano,Sappi.2:300-576. six whorls, devoid of sculpture except for very faint, closely set CossmannM., 1921. Essaisdepale'oconchulogiecomparée, 12. Paris, PressesUniversitai- growth lines. Whorl profile isalmoststraightwithawell-developed sutural ramp, giving the shell profile a stepped appearance. Two res,348pp. strong varices are present on the periphery of each whorl, placed Dautzenberg P., 1925. Mollusques nouveaux provenant des croisières du Prince almost inalinearfashion aboveeachother,developingfrom thescar AlbertlerdeMonaco. BulletindeI'lnstitatOcmnographiqaedeMonaco. Mona- of theouterapertural lip. Thesevarices aredetached from thewhorl co.457: 1-12. andmostdeveloped adapically,wherethey join thesutureforminga DautzenbergP., 1927.MollasquesprovenantdescampagnesscientifiquesduPrin- sinus. Thewhorlprofile isthereforebroadestadapically, taperingsli- ceAlbertlerdeMonacodansI'OceanAtlantiqueetdanslegolfedeGasco- ghtly towards the lower suture. Aperture elongated, oval, with the gne.Réaltatsdescampagnesscientifiqiia Albertler.72: 1-401. outerlipslightlyflared abapically. Outerlipthickened;well-develo- pedanal sinus; narrow,clearlydelimitedparietalcallus. Insomespe- MorganJ. de, 1915. Observationssurlastratigraphieet lapaléontologiedu Falu- cimens asmall umbilical cleft is formed between the columellaand nientie laTouraine. BalletindelaSociétéGéologiqaedeFrance, Paris,(4) 15: the last varix on the body whorl. The thickness of the outer lip and 217-241. strengthoftheumbilical cleftvariesbetweenspecimens. Lctzoliet P,, 1999. Nouvelles espèces de Gastéropodes (Mollusca: Gastropoda)de REMARKS l'Oligocèneerdu Miocène inférieurd'Aquitaine(sud-ouest de la France). Partie2.Cossmanniana.Paris.6(1-2): 1-68. Anria/ligerina miranda is a rare utxon. Originally described from deep water off the Azores and, more recently, recorded also from Vera-PelAezJ.L.etal., 1995.Estudiopreliminardelamalatolaunadel Pliocenede shallower depths offshore Sicily (Bouchet & Warén, 1986, p. Estepona(Màlaga,España).Iberas. 13(2):93-117. 440). Three european Tertiary species have been described, all from Warén A., 1984. Ageneric revision ofthe family Eulimidae. /íwrwír/ofMollascan French Atlantic deposits under the various generic names mentio- Studies.London,i,upp\. 13: 1-96. nedabove. Theoldest isCbikntomiapanUnensisLozouet, 1999, recor- ded from the Late Oligocene, Hoplopteropsispontileviensis de Morgan, 1915, from the Pontilevien, Middle Miocene and the Late Miocene (Redonian)ChilentomiamorganiCossmann indeMorgan, 1915. Chi- leutomiapanlimnmLozouet, 1999, differs from C. miranda by having a multispiral protoconch with about one extra whorl; the teleocon- chs of both species are remarkably similar and characterised by strongly developed varices. Chilentomiapontileviensis (de Morgan, 1915) has a paucispiral, bulbous protoconch (like C. miranda'), but differs by having a more elongated, less stepped teleoconch and dif- fers from from both C. paidinensis and C. miranda by having lesser developed varices.Judging from the original figureChilentomiamor- ganiCossmann in de Morgan, 1915 h;is even weakervarices than C. pontileviensisand a largerand moreoval aperture than anyofthe pre- viousspecies. According toWarén(1984,p. 49) 'Thefigureofthat Lavoroaccettaloil24marzo2001 >224<

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