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The first discovery of the “Pheidole quadricuspis group” in the Indo-Chinese Peninsula (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae) PDF

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Preview The first discovery of the “Pheidole quadricuspis group” in the Indo-Chinese Peninsula (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae)

Revue suisse de Zoologie {March 2016) 123(1): 45-55 ISSN 0035-418 The first discovery of the “Pheidole quadricitspis group” in the Indo-Chinese Peninsula (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae) Katsuyuki Eguchi1*, Bui Tuan Viet2, Emiko Oguri & Seiki Yamane 3 4 1 Systematic Zoology’ Laboratory, Department of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Science and Engineering. Tokyo Metropolitan University, 1-1 Minami-Osawa, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo, 192-0397, Japan. 2 Vietnam National Museum of Nature, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Can Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam. E-mail: [email protected] 3 Department of Biological Science, Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima 739-8526. Japan, E-mail: eoguri@hiroshima-u. ac.jp 4 Faculty of Science, Kagoshima University, Kagoshima 890-0065, Japan. E-mail: [email protected] * Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] Abstract Pheidole leloi is described as a new species based on a colony series collected in an evergreen forest on the Da Lat Pla¬ teau’s eastern edge (Hon Ba Nature Reserve, Khanh Hoa Province, Vietnam). It is the first discovery of the Pheidole quad- ricuspis group in the Indo-Chinese Peninsula. The p-distance between COI sequences of P leloi and its putative named allies of the species group is 13.4-15.8%. This may indicate that P. leloi has been genetically isolated for several million years. An ancestor of P leloi probably expanded its distribution into the Indo-Chinese peninsula during the Miocene ex¬ pansions of rainforests, and survived into rainforest patches (réfugia) during the Quaternary glacial age. Key words: Pheidole leloi - new species - Vietnam - DNA barcoding - biogeography. INTRODUCTION minor armed with a pair of long and pointed spines, (2) hypostoma of the major bearing a pair of stout subme¬ The genus Pheidolacanthinus was established by dian processes; (3) frontal carina of the major and minor F. Smith (1865) for Pheidolacanthinus armatus (junior inconspicuous or almost absent. synonym of Pheidole quadrispinosa) and was later de¬ Until recently, the members of the P. quadricuspis group moted to a subgenus of Pheidole by Forel ( 1900). Emery had been known from lowland and/or hill rainforests of (1921) subdivided “Pheidolacanthinus” into three spe¬ the Indo-Malayan, the Austro-Malayan and/or the Aus¬ cies groups, i.e., P quadricuspis Emery group (Indo-Ma- tralian subregions (Eguchi, 2001, 2008, 2011; Eguchi layan), P. quadrispinosa F. Smith group (Austro-Malay- & Yamane, pers. observ.). However, in the course of the an and Australian), and P. cervicornis Emery group (New authors’ last field survey in an evergreen forest on the Guinean). Finally Pheidolacanthinus was synonymized Da Lat Plateau’s eastern edge (Hon Ba Nature Reserve, with Pheidole by D. R. Smith (1979), and his treatment Khanh Hoa Province, Vietnam), an unknown species has been widely accepted (see Bolton, 2013). Further¬ having the above-mentioned characteristics was collect¬ more, Moreau (2008) and Economo et al. (2014) pro¬ ed. In the present paper, it is described as a new species, posed a molecular phylogeny of Pheidole of the world and brief biogeographical remarks are provided. and showed the polyphyly of Pheidolacanthinus sensu Emery (1921). Based on morphological similarity Eguchi (2001) in¬ MATERIALS AND METHODS ferred that the following named species and several other undescribed species are members of a single lineage Abbreviations of the specimen depositories are: VNMN, equivalent to the P. quadricuspis group sensu Emery Vietnam National Museum of Nature, 18 Hoang Quoc (1921): P. acantha Eguchi, P. lokitae Forel, P. quadren- Viet, Cau Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam; ACEG, Ant Collection sis Forel, P. quadricuspis, P sperata Forel and P. spini- of Katsuyuki Eguchi (see his contact address given un¬ cornis Eguchi. They share the following morphological der the title of this article); BMNH, the Natural History characteristics: (1) promesonotal dome of the major and Museum, Cromwell Road, London, England; MBD, Mu- Manuscript accepted 03.09.2015 DOI: 10.528 l/zenodo.46289 46 K. Eguchi, T.V. Bui, E. Oguri & S. Yamane seum Brunei, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam; of promesontal dome to the mid-point of a transverse line MCZC, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard spanning the posteriormost points of metapleuron; HFL, University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA; MHNG, length of hind femur; PtL, petiolar length measured from Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, Geneva, Switzerland; the anterodorsalmost point of petiolar peduncle to the MSNG, Museo Civico di Storia Naturale “Giacomo posterodorsal comer of the petiole in lateral view; PtW, Doria”, Genova, Italy; NHMW, Naturhistorisches Mu¬ maximal width of petiolar node in dorsal view; PPtL, seum Wien, Austria; UMS, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, length of postpetiolar tergile (excluding helcium) mea¬ Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. sured from the anteroventral comer to the posterodor¬ Multi-focused, montage images were produced using sal comer of the tergite in lateral view; PPtW, maximal Helicon Focus Pro 5.3.10 from a series of source images width of postpetiole in dorsal view; CI=HW/HLxlOO; (5184x3456 pixels) taken by a Canon Eos Kiss X5 di¬ SI=SL/HWxlOO; MI=ML/PWxlOO (major and minor), gital camera attached to a Nikon SMZ-1270 microscope. or MI=ML/MSWx 100 (queen); PtI 1 =PtL/PPtLx 100; Fine hairs and other features that were not recognized PtI2=PtW/PPtWx 100; HFI=FL/HWx 100. automatically were copied from the focused parts from Five dry-mounted specimens were used for DNA bar¬ the source images on to the montage image using the coding (see under “Description” and “Recognition”). retouching function of Helicon Focus. Artifacts (ghost The body was washed with ca. 500 pL TE (pH 8.0) in a images) and unnecessary parts (unfocused appendages, sterilized disposable dish and the gaster was partly bro¬ etc.) surrounding or covering target objects were erased ken by sterilized forceps. The whole body was then trans¬ and cleaned up using the retouching function of Helicon ferred into 105 pL of extraction buffer (100 pL of 10% Focus. Finally, the background was cleaned up, and the Chelex-TE solution and 5 pL Qiagen Proteinase K) and color balance, contrast and sharpness were adjusted us¬ incubated at 56°C for 24-48h, and then heated at 99°C for ing Adobe Photoshop CS6. 10 minutes for inactivating Qiagen Proteinase K in the Photographs (5184 x 3456 pixels) for measuring were extraction buffer. taken using a Canon Eos Kiss X5 digital camera attached The 658-base standard DNA barcoding region (Folmer to the Nikon SMZ-1270 microscope under suitable mag¬ region) near the 5’ terminus of the COI gene was am¬ nifications, and the following parts of bodies were mea¬ plified using the primer set LCO-EG/HCO-EG (Table sured using ImageJ 1.49m (National Institute of Mental 1). Each PCR contained 5 pL of 2xPCR buffer, 2 pL of Health, USA, available at http://imagej.nih.gov/ij/) and dNTPs (final 0.4 mM), 0.3 pL of 10 pmol/pL forward then indices calculated: HL, maximal length of head cap¬ and reverse primers (final 0.3 pM), 0.2 pL of 1.0 U/pL sule (in cases where anterior margin of clypeus and/or DNA polymerase KOD FX Neo (TOYOBO KFX-2015), posterior margin of head are concave, the landmarks for and 0.5 pL of DNA template. In cases where the target measuring are set at the mid-point of a transverse line region was not successfully amplified, three shorter spanning the anteriormost points and/or posteriormost overlapping segments that allowed the creation of a points); HW, maximal width of head capsule excluding composite sequence of the region were amplified using eyes; SL, length of antennal scape excluding the basal primer sets LCO-EG/COÎ-286R, CI-13-EG/C01-441R condylar bulb; PW, maximal width of promesonotum and C01-362F/CI-14-EG. The PCR thermal regime measured at the bottom in anterodorsal view (major) consisted of one cycle of 2 min at 94 °C; five cycles of or in dorsal view (minor); MSW, maximal width of 10 sec at 98 °C, 30 sec at 45 °C and 45 sec at 68 °C; 40 mesoscutum in dorsal view (queen); ML, mesosomal cycles of 10 sec at 98 °C, 30 sec at 48.5 °C and 45 sec length measured from the mid-point of anterior margin at 68 °C; and a final cycle of 7 min at 68 °C. Further- Table 1. Primers used in the present study. Nucleotide positions referring to the mitochondrion complete genome of Solenopsis invicta pop-variant PMS (Accession No. HQ215538) are shown. Name Sequence Position Reference LCO-EG TTTCAACAAATCACAAAGAYATYGG 17-41 Modified from Folmer et al. (1994) C1-13-EG ATAATTTTTTTTATAGTWATRCC 187-209 Modified from Hasegawa et al. (2002) C01-286R TTATTCGTGGRTADGCYATRTC 286-265 Eguchi et al. (2013) C01-362F GAACAGGWTGAACWRTHTAYCC 362-383 Eguchi et al. (2013) COl-441 R TTAATAGCTCCTADRATNGADGATA 482-458 Eguchi et al. (2013) C01-479R ATTGCYCCTAAAATWGADGAYAT 479-457 Eguchi originai HCO-EG TAAACTTCAGGRTGACCRAAAAATCA 725-700 Modified from Folmer et al. (1994) Pheidole quadricuspis group in Indo-China 47 more, in cases where these two methods did not work digitiform, with blunt apex; ventral face of petiole with well, semi-nested PCR were employed. Primer sets were a conspicuous longitudinal carina; anterior half to two LCO-EG/HCO-EG (outer), LCO-EG/CG1-479R (inner), thirds of first gastral tergite finely rugoso-punctate. In and C01-362F/HC0-EG (inner). The PCR thermal re¬ the minor, posterior part of irons and vertex reticulate; gime for both the first and second runs consisted of one mesosoma relatively densely covered with standing cycle of 2 min at 94 °C; 35 cycles of 10 sec at 98 °C, hairs; dorsal face of promesonotal dome weakly 30 sec at 50 °C and 45 sec at 68 °C; and a final cycle of punctured, overlain with several rugae, and lateral face 7 min at 68 °C. After confirming the PCR amplification of the dome, mesopleuron, metapleuron and dorsal face on a 2.0% agarose gel, the amplified products were in¬ of propodeum punctate; propodeal spine in lateral view cubated at 37 °C for 30 min and 80 °C for 20 min with elongate-triangular; petiolar node in lateral view acute Illustra# ExoStar (GE Healthcare, Buckinghamshire, at apex, and in posterior view widely and shallowly UK) to remove any excess primers and nucleotides. The emarginate at apex. cycle sequencing reactions were run with ABI PRISM Description BigDye Terminator Cycle Sequencing Kit v.3.1 (Applied Major (Figs 1-5): Body dark reddish brown with darker Biosystems). The sequencing reaction products were pu¬ gaster, relatively densely covered with standing hairs rified, concentrated by ethanol precipitation with sodium (Figs 1, 2, 4, 5). Head in full-face view subrectangular, acetate, and their nucleotide sequences were determined with its posterior margin narrowly and shallowly emar- using an automated sequencer (ABI PRISM 3100, Ap¬ ginated medially, in lateral view relatively thick, faintly plied Biosystems). The sequences obtained were submit¬ impressed on vertex; frons longitudinally rugoso-reticu¬ ted to the DDBJ database. late; vertex, and dorsal, lateral and ventrolateral faces of These sequences, in addition to the homologue sequen¬ vertexal lobe strongly and coarsely reticulate; gena longi¬ ces of Pheidole quadrensis (Accession No. EF518392.1, tudinally rugose; frontal carina almost absent or present Borneo), P quadricuspis (EF518393.1, Borneo) and just as rugula(e); antennal scrobe absent; median portion P sexspinosa (EF518404.1, Palau), were then aligned of clypeus almost smooth or faintly rugose longitudinal¬ using Clustal W (Larkin et al, 2007) built in MEGA 6.06 ly, with a few longitudinal rugae laterally; median longi¬ (Tamura et al, 2013). Pheidole sexspinosa was included tudinal carina of clypeus relatively distinct; hypostoma as a representative of the Pheidolacanthinus quadrispi¬ with a pair of stout submedian processes (“SM” in Fig. 3) nosa group sensu Emery (1921). The extensions beyond but without median process; lateral processes of hyposto¬ the Folmer region of P. sexspinosa, P quadrensis and ma present but tiny (“L” in Fig. 3); masticatory margin P. quadricuspis were trimmed, and then pairwise diver¬ of mandible with apical and preapical teeth, and a tooth gences were calculated using the p-distance (obtained by in front of basal angle; outer surface of mandible smooth dividing the number of nucleotide differences by the to¬ except its base, scattering relatively long decumbent/ap- tal number of nucleotides compared) and K2P distance pressed hairs; antenna with 3-segmented club; maximal model (Kimura, 1980). diameter of eye longer than or almost as long as antennal segment X. Promesonotal dome with an inconspicuous DESCRIPTION transverse ridge on its posterior slope; pronotai spine long, slender, almost straight, with pointed apex; anterior Pheulole leloì Eguchi & Bui, sp. n. slope of promesonotal dome largely smooth with several Figs 1-13 transverse rugae; posterior slope and lateral face of the dome, mesopleuron and metapleuron irregularly rugo¬ Type material examined: VNMN; holotype (major); so-reticulate; propodeum irregularly rugoso-reticulate Vietnam, Khanh Hoa, Hon Ba Nature Reserve, dorsally, longitudinally rugose laterally, and transversely 12°07’24”-38”N, 108°58’24”-28”E, ca. 1030-1050 m rugose posteriorly; propodeal spine somewhat digitiform, alt.; K. Eguchi leg.; 16/iii/2013 [colony: Eg 16iii 13-24], with blunt apex. Ventral surface of midcoxa and hind- - VNMN, MCZC, MHNG, ACEG; paratypes; 8 majors, coxa smooth. Petiole longer than postpetiole (excluding 9 minors, 1 queen from the same colony as holotype; heicium); petiolar node in lateral view blunt at apex, in Accession No. LC020537; voucher specimen No. posterior view widely and shallowly emarginate at apex, Ext20130410-1 (paratype) from the same colony as in dorsal view laterally with a narrow flange; ventral face holotype (ACEG). of petiole with a conspicuous longitudinal carina; post¬ Diagnosis: In the major, vertex as well as dorsal, petiole in dorsal view much broader than long, somewhat lateral and ventrolateral faces of vertexal lobe strongly spindle-shaped; its anteroventral part forming a sharp and coarsely reticulate; promesonotal dome with an transverse ridge. Anterior half to two thirds of first gastral inconspicuous transverse ridge on its posterior slope; tergite finely rugoso-punctate. pronotai spine almost straight; posterior slope and Holotype (major): HL, 2.36 mm; HW, 2.62 mm; SL, lateral face of the dome, mesopleuron and metapleuron 1.22 mm; ML, 2.27 mm; PW, 1.18 mm; HFL 1.76 mm; irregularly rugoso-reticulate; propodeal spine somewhat PtL 0.58 mm; PtW 0.47 mm; PPtL 0.45 mm; PPtW 48 K. Eguchi, T.V. Bui, E. Oguri & S. Yamane Figs 1-5. Pheidole leloi sp. nov., major. (1) Head in full-face view. (2) Head in lateral view. (3) Hypostoma in ventral view: (SM) sub- median processes; (L) lateral processes. (4) Mesosoma and waist in lateral view. (5) Body in dorsal view. Pheidole quadricmpis group in Indo-China 49 0.77 mm; Cl, 111; SI, 46; MI, 193; HFI, 67; Ptll, 130; bent to appressed hairs; antenna with 3-segmented club; PtI2, 62. Paratype majors (n=8): HL, 2.39-2.49 mm, HW, maximal diameter of eye longer than or almost as long 2.55-2.71 mm; SL, 1.18-1.24 mm; ML, 2.23-2.35 mm; as antennal segment X; median ocellus in full-face view PW, 1.16-1.20 mm; HFL, 1.74-1.80 mm; PtL, 0.61- located a little behind the level of the posterior margin 0.67 mm; PtW, 0.46-0.52 mm; PPtL, 0.45-0.49 mm; of compound eye; maximum diameter of median ocellus PPtW, 0.77-0.86 mm; Cl, 107-110; SI, 45-47; Ml, 188- a little longer than the distance between the median and 198; HFI, 65-68; Ptll, 128-145; PtI2, 60-63. lateral ocelli (Fig. 11). Mesosoma fully segmented; pro- Minor (Figs 6-9): Body dark reddish brown, relatively notum almost smooth anteriorly and reticulate laterally; densely covered with standing hairs (Figs 6, 8, 9). An¬ pronotai spine stout and straight, directing anterolaterad; teromedian part offrons largely smooth; posterior part of mesoscutum longitudinally rugose medially and irregu¬ Irons and vertex reticulate; area between antennal inser¬ larly rugoso-reticulate laterally; parapsidai line weakly tion and eye, and gena rugose; preoccipital carina con¬ recognized; scuto-scutellar suture present as a deep and spicuous dorsaily and laterally; median portion of cly- broad impression; mesoscutellum largely smooth dorsai¬ peus slightly punctate, with a median longitudinal carina; ly; mesopleuron irregularly rugoso-reticulate, subdivid¬ masticatory margin of mandible with apical and preapi- ed into anepistemum and katepistemum; metapleuron cal teeth followed by several small teeth; 1 or 2 small irregularly rugoso-reticulate; propodeum longitudinal¬ denticles between the preapical tooth and 3rd tooth; outer ly rugose laterally, and transversely rugose posteriorly; surface of mandible longitudinally rugose, scattered with propodeal spine somewhat digitiform, with blunt apex. long decumbent hairs; antenna with 3-segmented club; Ventral surface of midcoxa and hindcoxa smooth. Petio¬ scape extending far beyond posterolateral margin of le longer than postpetiole (excluding helcium); petiolar head; maximal diameter of eye shorter than antennal seg¬ node in lateral view blunt at apex, in posterior view wide¬ ment X. Promesonotal dome with a pair of spines that are ly and shallowly emarginate at apex, in dorsal view late¬ long, slender and pointed apically; posterior slope of the rally with a narrow flange; ventral face of petiole with dome with an inconspicuous transverse ridge; dorsal face a conspicuous longitudinal carina; postpetiofe in dorsal of the dome weakly punctate, overlain with several ru¬ view much broader than long, somewhat spindle-shaped; gae; lateral face of the dome, mesopleuron, metapleuron its anteroventral part forming a sharp transverse ridge. and dorsal face of propodeum punctate; propodeal spine Anterior three fifths of first gastral tergite finely rugo- in lateral view elongate-triangular. Petiole a little longer so-punctate. than postpetiole (excluding helcium); petiolar node in HL, 2.10 mm, HW, 2.50 mm; SL, 1.21 mm; ML, 3.19 mm; lateral view acute at apex, and in posterior view widely MSW, 2.03 mm; HFL, 1.90 mm; PtL, 0.82 mm; PtW, and shallowly emarginate at apex; ventral face of petiole 0.72 mm; PPtL, 0.60 mm; PPtW, 0.91 mm; Cl, 119; SI, without any process and longitudinal carina. 48; MI, 157; HFI, 76; Ptll, 136; PtI2, 79. HL, 0.97-1.01 mm, HW, 0.89-0.93 mm; SL, 1.21- Bionomics: The type series (a single colony) was 1.27 mm; ML, 1.42-1.50 mm; PW, 0.61-0.65 mm; HFL, collected from rotten wood on the forest floor of a 1.36-1.43 mm; PtL, 0.31-0.34 mm; PtW, 0.14-0.16 mm; relatively disturbed patch of an evergreen forest at an PPtL, 0.28-0.29 mm; PPtW, 0.31-0.34 mm; Cl, 91-93; altitude of ca. 1,000 m. SI, 134-138; MI, 227-235; HFI, 152-155; Ptll, 111-119; PtI2, 45-49. Queen (Figs 10-13): Body dark reddish brown with dark¬ SIMILAR SPECIES er gaster, relatively densely covered with standing hairs (Figs 10, 12, 13). Head in full-face view subtrapezoidal, Pheidole leloi can be morphologically well distinguished with its posterior margin broadly and shallowly concave, from P quadricmpis and its named allies as follows (see in lateral view relatively thick, not impressed on vertex, also “Diagnosis” of P leloi). with its posterior margin narrowly and shallowly emar- ginated medially; frons longitudinally rugoso-reticulate; Pheidole acanthu Eguchi, 2001 vertex, and dorsal, lateral and ventrolateral faces of ver- Pheidole acantha Eguchi, 2001: 25-27. texal lobe strongly and coarsely reticulate; gena longitu¬ dinally rugose; frontal carina present just as rugula(e); Type material examined: BMNH, MCZC, MSNG, antennal scrobe absent; median portion of clypeus faintly NHMW, UMS; Malaysia, Sabah, Taman Kinabalu rugose longitudinally, with a few longitudinal rugae la¬ (KPHQ); K. Eguchi leg. [colony No.: Eg97-BOR-404, terally; median longitudinal carina of clypeus relatively type images: CASENT0901618 and CASENT0901619 conspicuous; hypostoma with a pair of stout submedian of AntWeb (http://www.antweb.org/)]. processes but without median process; lateral processes of hypostoma present but tiny; masticatory margin of Nontype material examined: ACEG; Malaysia, Sabah, mandible with apical and preapical teeth, and a tooth in Taman Kinabalu (KPHQ); K. Eguchi leg. [Eg97- front of basal angle; outer surface of mandible smooth BOR-377 (Accession No. LC020538: voucher specimen except its base, scattered with relatively long decum¬ No. Ext20131019-10), -386], Mt. Kinabalu, ca. 1500 m 50 K. Eguchi, T.V. Bui, E. Oguri & S. Yamane Figs 6-8. Pheidole leloi sp. nov., minor. (6) Head in full-face view. (7) Right antenna. (8) Mesosoma and waist in lateral view. Pheidole quadricuspis group in Indo-China 51 Figs 9-11. Pheidole leloi sp. nov. (9) Minor, mesosoma and waist in dorsal view. (10) Queen, head in full-face view. (11) Queen, ocelli. alt., T. Kikuta leg. [7IV0714-1-B1; 15Q12S3, 15Q22B5; Type material examined: MNHG; Indonesia, Central 118AC, 177A, 179A, 185A], Mt. Kinabalu, ca. 1800 m Sumatra, Bandar Baroe; v. Buttel-Reepen leg. [9 alt., T. Kikuta leg. [593A, 604A, 607A, 617A, 626A, syntypes (3 majors, 3 minors, 3 queens), type images: 664A, 668A, 873A], CASENT0907766 and CASENT0907767 of AntWeb (http://www.antweb.org/)]. Distinction from R leloi'. In the major, promesonotal dome with a conspicuous transverse ridge on its Nontype material examined: ACEG; Malaysia, Sabah, posterior slope; ventral face of petiole without a Mahua Waterfall area, ca. 1000 m alt., Crocker Range longitudinal carina. In the minor, dorsum of mesosoma N. R, K. Eguchi leg. [EgOO-BOR-102]. - ACEG; in profile bearing less than 10 standing hairs. Indonesia: North Sumatra, Parapat, 900 m alt., Danau Toba, Sk. Yamane leg. [SU02-SKY-95, -96 (Accession No. LC020541: voucher specimen No. Ext20130415- Pheidole lokitae Forel, 1913 2)]; W. Sumatra, Padang, Sukarami, F. Ito leg. [FI92-78, FI96-153, -180], Pheidole (Pheidolacanthinus) lokitae Forel, 1913: 46. Pheidole lokitae. - Smith, D.R., 1979: 1365. Distinction from P. leloi: In the major, promesonotal dome with a conspicuous transverse ridge on its 52 K. Eguchi, T.V. Bui, E. Oguri & S. Yamane Figs 12-13. Pheidole leloi sp. nov., queen. (12) Mesosoma and waist in lateral view. (13) Mesosoma and waist in dorsal view. posterior slope; ventral face of petiole without a Crocker Range N. R, K. Eguchi leg. [EgOO-BOR-129 longitudinal carina. In the minor, propodeal spine (Accession No.: EF518392.1)], Poring, 450-500 m extremely long; petiolar node in lateral view blunt at alt., Kinabalu Park; K. Eguchi leg. [Eg96-BOR-279], apex. Poring, 600 m alt., T. Kikuta leg. [06Q36B5], Poring, 900 m alt., T. Kikuta leg. [512-A; 7IV0510- 7-1-a]. - ACEG; Sepilok Forest, K. Eguchi [Eg97- Pheidole quadrensis Ford, 1900 complex BOR-471; Eg98-BOR-870, -876], Tawau Hills N. P, K. Eguchi leg. [Eg96-BOR-034]; Tawau, Gunong Pheidole quadrensis Forel, 1900: 25. Rara, K. Eguchi [Eg96-BOR-328; Eg97-BOR-542, Pheidole (Pheidolacanthinus) quadrensis. - Forel, 1913: 45. -535, -571], Sarawak, Miri, Lambir N. R, K. Eguchi [Eg98-BOR-806, -822], Bako, F. Ito leg. [FI96-535], Type material examined: MHNG; Indonesia, Sumatra, Bt. Entimau, 390 m alt., Mahmud leg., 20/iv/l994. - Kajactonam, Sumatra; M. Weber leg.; 1888 [holotype ACEG; Indonesia, W. Sumatra, Padang, UIu Gaduk, (major), type images: CASENT0907768 of AntWeb F. Ito leg. [FI97-440], 28/iii/1997 [FI97-499], Lubuk (http://www.antweb.org/)]. Gadang, Sk. Yamane leg., 21 -23/viii/1985; Sitiung, Nontype material examined: ACEG; Malaysia, E. F. Ito leg. [FI93-255]. - ACEG; Brunei, Tutong, Tasek Malaysia, Sabah, Mahua Waterfall area, ca. 1000 m alt.. Merimbun, K. Eguchi leg. [Eg99-BOR-052, -535; Pheidole quadricuspis group in Indo-China 53 Eg00-BOR-070], Temburong, Kuala Belalong Field completely smooth, with a few standing hairs; dorsal Studies Centre, K. Eguchi [Eg99-BOR-217], face of promesonotal dome smooth dorsomedially, and weakly punctate anterodorsally, laterally and Distinction from R leloi: In the major, propodeal spine posterodorsally; mesosoma lacking standing hairs; in lateral view broadly based, pointed apically. In the petiolar node in lateral view blunt at apex, and in minor, petiolar node in lateral view blunt at apex, and in posterior view not emarginate at apex. posterior view not emarginate at apex. Remarks: Pheidole quadrensis sensu Eguchi (2001) is highly heterogenous in worker morphology and Pheidole sperata Forel, 1915 undoubtedly constitutes a species complex. Thus, it Pheidole (Pheidolacanthinus) sperata Forel, 1915: 29-31. needs to be revised based on future intensive sampling in Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula. However, Pheidole Type material examined: MHNG; Indonesia, Sumatra, leloi is morphologically distinguishable from the Simalur, Sinabang; E. Jacobson leg.; ii/1913 [4 syntypes complex as mentioned above. (2 majors, 2 minors), type images: CASENT0907770 Two minors collected by v. Buttel-Reepen from Max¬ and CASENT0907771 of AntWeb (http://www.antweb. well^ Hill, Taiping, Malacca, and labeled as types org/)]. (CASENT0904266 and CASENT0907769) (see Forel, 1913) were treated as “syntypes” of P. quadrensis by the Nontype material examined: ACEG; Indonesia, West Ant Web. However, the original description (Forel, 1900) Java, Mt. Halimon, F. Ito leg. [FI96-259, -297, -283, was based on a single major collected by M. Weber from -302; FI98-309], M. Kawamura leg. [No. 161; No. Kajactonam, Sumatra (CASENT0907768). Actually, the 10/16a (Accession No. LC020540: voucher specimen two minors seem to be related to P. aristotelis Forel, 1911 No. Ext20130524-3)]. (see Eguchi, 2001 for diagnosis of P aristotelis). Distinction from P. leloi: In the major, ventrolateral face of vertexal lobe weakly and finely rugoso-punctate; lateral face of promesonotal dome, mesopleuron, Pheidole quadricuspis Emery, 1900 metapleuron and dorsal face of propodeum punctate; first gastral tergite finely punctate over the surface or Pheidole quadricuspis Emery, 1900: 683. Pheidole (Pheidolacanthinus) quadricuspis. - Emery, 1921: in anterior half to two thirds. In the minor, dorsum of 683. mesosoma sparsely with relatively short standing hairs; dorsal faces of head and promesonotal dome punctate but not overlain with rugae; petiolar node in lateral view Type material examined: MSNG; Indonesia, blunt at apex, and in posterior view not emarginate at Sumatra, Si-Rambé; E. Modigliani leg.; xii/1890- apex. iii/1891 [3 syntypes (1 major, 2 minor), type images: CASENT0904267 and CASENT0905766 of AntWeb (http://www.antweb.org/)]. Pheidole spinicornis Eguchi, 2001 Nontype material examined: ACEG; Malaysia, Pheidole spinicornis Eguchi, 2001: 116-117. Selangor, Ulu Gombak, F. Ito leg. [FI96- 604, -605; FI98-113, -114, -130, -188, -197], Pahang, Cameron Type material examined: BMNH, MBD, MCZC, Highlands, ca. 1000 m alt., F. Ito leg. [FI92MCH-16, MSNG, NHMW, UMS; Malaysia, Sabah, Sepilok -32], Malaysia, Sabah, Gunong Rara, K. Eguchi leg. Forest; K. Eguchi leg. [Eg98-BOR-880 (Accession No. [Eg96-BOR-315, -319, -320, -343A, -343B, -353, LC020539: voucher specimen No. Ext20131029-1), -370, -372; Eg97-BOR-530, -557, -558], Sepilok type images: CASENT0901620 and CASENT0901621 forest, K. Eguchi leg. [Eg97-BOR-495]. - ACEG; of AntWeb (http://www.antweb.org/)]. Brunei, Tutong, Tasek Merimbun, K. Eguchi leg. [Eg99- BOR-039, 111, 112, 522, 585. - ACEG; EgOO- Nontype material examined: ACEG; Malaysia, Sabah, BOR-037 (Accession No.: EF518393.1), 048, -057, Poring, 500 m alt., Kinabalu Park, H. Hirosawa leg., 20/ -058], Temburong, Kuala Belalong Field Studies Centre, vii/1997, Poring, 600 m alt., T. Kikuta leg. [6x2906-5- K. Eguchi leg. [Eg99-BOR-222]. - ACEG; Indonesia, Bd], Sayap Kinabalu, ca. 1000 m alt., K. Eguchi leg., East Kalimantan, Kutai N. P.; Sk. Yamane leg., 13/ 15/vii/1996. ix/1993. North Sumatra, Pulau Nias (Lotu), Sk. Yamane Distinction from P. leloi: In the major, promesonotal leg. [SU02-SKY-126, -134, -137], West Sumatra, Lubuk dome with a pair of spines which slightly or weakly Gadang; Sk. Yamane leg., 21 -23/viii/l985. - ACEG; curve backward, with a distinct transverse ridge on its Philippines, Camarines Sur, Naga City, Panicuason Vili., posterior slope; first gastral tergite finely punctate over D. General et al. leg., 7/iii/2003. the surface. In the minor, propodeal spine horn-like, Distinction from P. leloii In the major, anterior part of weakly downcurved; petiolar node in lateral view blunt vertex longitudinally rugose. In the minor, head almost at apex, and in posterior view not emarginate at apex. 54 K. Eguchi, T.V. Bui, E. Oguri & S. Yamane BIOGEOGRAPHICAL REMARKS nomena seem to explain the present isolation of P. leloi from its possible relatives, i.e., an ancestor of P. leloi Pheidole leloi has so far been collected just once from an probably expanded its distribution into the Indo-Chinese evergreen forest located in the Da Lat Plateau's eastern peninsula during the Miocene expansions of rainforests, edge despite our long-term intensive surveys in various and survived into rainforest patches (réfugia) during the localities of Vietnam (Eguchi, 2008, 2011). In contrast Quaternary glacial age. with southern Vietnam under the subtropical climate with relatively distinct dry season, along the Da Lat Plateau’s eastern edge annual rainfall reaches 3,850 mm and there ACKNOWLEDGMENTS is essentially no dry season (Sterling et al, 2006). This suggests that P. leloi, as well as Pheidole quadricuspis We wish to thank Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Van Luc (Former and its allies (Eguchi, 2001 ), are adapted to humid wood¬ Director, Vietnam National Museum of Nature), Assoc. ed environments. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Trung Minh (Director, Vietnam Natio¬ The p-distance between COI sequences of P. leloi and its nal Museum of Nature), and the director and staff of Hon putative allies, i.e., P. acantha, P. lokitae, P. quctdrensis Ba Nature Reserve (Khanh Hoa Province). Dr. Bernhard complex, P quadricuspis, P. sperata, P. spinicornis, is Merz (MHNG) and Dr. Valter Raineri (MSNG) gladly 13.4-15.8% (Table 2). Previous studies (Brower, 1994; allowed us to examine type material. We are also thank¬ Quek et al, 2004) estimated that nucleotide substitution ful to Dr. Steve Shattuck (Australian National Univer¬ rate of COI is around 1.3-2.3% per million years in sever¬ sity) and Dr. Herbert Zettel (Naturhistorisches Museum, al arthropod groups including Insecta. When extrapolat¬ Wien) for careful corrections and helpful comment. This ing this value to our case, P leloi may have been geneti¬ research is funded by the following foundations and so¬ cally isolated for several million years. cieties: Vietnam National Foundation for Science and In the middle and late Miocene rainforests periodically Technology Development (NAFOSTED, grant number extended from tropical Asia northward to southern China 106.12-2012.16); the Japan Society for the Promotion or even to Japan (Morley, 1998). Although, in the Qua¬ of Science (JSPS) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research ternary fluctuations between wetter and drier climates (B, Overseas Academic Research, no. 24405010 and became more pronounced, rainforest réfugia persisted in 26304014; C, no. 15K07193); Advanced Research Pro¬ north Sumatra, the Mentawai Islands, north Borneo, west gram of Asian Human Resources Fund by Tokyo Metro¬ Java, northeast Indochina and southern India, and some politan Government. of these réfugia are located at 1,000 meters or more in altitude (Brandon-Jones, 1998). Such paleoclimatic phe¬ Table 2. Pairwise divergences calculated using the p-distance (upper right) the K2P distance model (lower left). The p-distance is shown indicated by percentage. Nucleotide positions referring to the mitochondrion complete genome of Solenopsis invicta pop-variant PMS (Accession No. HQ215538) are shown. Species name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Position 1 P. leloi sp. n. 15.7 15.8 14.6 15.2 13.4 14.0 15.4 42-699 2 P. acanthi 0.179 17.4 17.3 15.9 15.5 15.1 17.6 42-665 3 P. lokitae 0.178 0.203 15.9 16.7 15.6 15.8 15.6 46-687 4 P quadrensis complex 0.165 0.202 0.182 13.4 13.5 13.1 15.7 42-699 5 P quadricuspis 0.172 0.182 0.192 0.150 10.5 11.2 15.9 42-699 6 P sperata 0.149 0.176 0.177 0.152 0.115 10.6 14.8 77-699 7 P. spinicornis 0.157 0.171 0.179 0.146 0.123 0.116 14.2 42-699 8 P. sexspinosa 0.174 0.205 0.176 0.179 0.181 0.166 0.158 58-699

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