THE NAUTILUS 125(1):41-43, 2011 Page 41 Research Note The first confirmed record ofthe Chinese cially imported cultured fish: Cyprinidae: Bighead Pond Mussel Sinanodonta woodiana) Carp (.Hypophthalmichthys nobilis), Black Caip ( Mylopharyngodon piceus Common Carp Cyprinus (Bivalvia: Unionidae) in the United States c(.ai-pio). Grass Carp (Cte)n,opharyngodon idell(a), Silver Carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix and Cichlidae (cich- ( ); The Chinese Pond Mussel, Sinanodonta woodiana (Lea, lids): Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). One native fish, 1834) (previouslyreferredtoasAnodonta woodiana), is a Poecillidae, (mosquitofishes),Western Mosquitofish, Gam- widely introduced unionid around the world. There is busia ajfinis is also reported to serve as a glochidial host. , evidence that Anodonta from China were imported into Mienis (2002b) noted that Grass Caip and Silver Carp Asian markets in the western United States as early as were the probable host fish for Sinaondonta woodiana the late 1800s (Wood, 1892), butwere notknown tohave whenitwas firstintroducedinto Europe in 1983. been released in open waters. Watters (1997) surveyed Three live specimens of anodontine bivalves the countries where this nonindiginous species had been suspected to be Sinaondonta woodiana were collected documented as established and reported them from from the New Jersey Conservation Foundation’s fish France, Hungary, Romania, Indonesia, Costa Rica, and ponds, offJoe Ent Road, 3.3 air miles south-southeast of the Dominican Republic. The native range ol this spe- the center of Pittstown, Franklin Township, Hunterdon cieswas reportedtobe eastern Russia, China, Cambodia County, New |ersey by the NJ Endangered and [doubtful], Thailand [this is refuted by Brandt (1974)], Nongame Species Program staffon 7 June 2010. These Malaysia [it is claimed by Brandt (1974) to have been specimens were placed directly into 95% ethyl alcohol imported to several Malaysian localities by Chinese fish and sent to the North Carolina State Museum of Natural breeders] and Taiwan. Watters (1998, 1999) added Sciences, Raleigh, and catalogued (number NCSM Singapore, the Philippines, and possibly Panama to the 46965) into the MolluskCollection. list ofcountries where this species has been introduced. A small mantle snip was taken to be used for DNA Watters (1997) noted the absence of Sinaondonta analyses. DNA was extracted and a portion of the mito- woodiana records for the United States but pointed out chondrial gene cytochrome oxidase subunit I [COI] was that it might be confused with the native species of sequenced following protocols outlined in Raley et al. Anodonta of similar size and shape, Anodonta (2006). A BLAST search (Zhang et al, 2000) was per- suborbiculata or Anodonta sp., subsequently described formed with these sequences which confirmed their as A. hartfieldorum. Watters observed that “Given the identification as Sinanodonta woodiana. These same history ofthis species' invasion elsewhere, and the con- sequences were inserted into our data matrix of tinuedfarmingandexporting [importing] ofitshosts, itis anodontine bivalves where it clustered with two other likely that A. woodiana eventually will invade North specimens of S. woodiana and was sister to Anodonta America and othercountries. beringiana. Genetic data and shell characters appear Information on the range expansion of the Chinese sufficient to verify the identity of these samples as Pond Mussel across Europe has been continuously S. woodiana, confirming the first record of an updated by Mienis (1999, 2001, 2002a-c 2003, 2004a, b; established population ofthis highly invasive species in ; 2005, 2006a-c 2007a, b; 2008a, b; 2009a, b; 2010), the U.S. ; documentingthe occurrence ofthis invasive mussel as it Followingthe discoveryofSinaondonta woodiana, the spread across 15 countries in Europe: Austria, Belgium, New Jersey Conservation Foundation staff lowered Bulgaria, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Moldova, waterintheponds andkilledallfishwith Rotenone. Fish Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Sweden, the Nether- removed from the ponds included: Bluegill, Bighead lands, and Ukraine. Distribution information for France Capo, Common Cap), Grass Caip (diploid), Largemouth and Europe including a discussion of colonization Bass, and American Eel. Although the ponds have been hypotheses and ecological threats has been provided by lowered, they are fed by runoff and springs and have Adam (2010). Bogan and Sehilthuizen (2004) reported it begun to refill. It is unknown whether live mussels from the island ol Borneo, Sabah, Malaysia. remain in the ponds. Planningis underwayto determine Sinanodonta woodiana appears tohavebeenintroduced the best method ofcomplete eradication at the site. Pos- via the release of host fishes infested with gloehidia. sible actions include either draining the ponds via Watters (1997) listed potential nonindigenous fish hosts pumping or allowing them to freeze over during the including Cyprinidae (minnows): Acheilgnathus moriokae, winterandthenconductingsurveys to determine if there Metzia takakii Puntius semifasciolatus Rhodens tabira are surviving individuals. Shells have been found in , , , Zncco platypus Z. temmincki; and Gobiidae (gobies): Wiekecheoke Creek downstream ofthe ponds at several , Rhinogobius brunneus. Fish hosts also include commer- locationsbutnoliveindividualswerefound. This creekis Page 42 THE NAUTILUS, Vol. 125, No. 1 introduite qui colonise le bassin Rhone-Mediterranee. Bogan, A.E. and M. Schilthuizen. 2004. First report of the introduced freshwater bivalve, Anodonta woodiana (Lea, 1834) from the island of Borneo, Sabah, Malaysia. Ellipsaria6(1): 5. Brandt, R.A.M. 1974. The non-marine aquatic Mollusca of Thailand. Arehivfur Molluskenkunde 105:1-423. Mienis, H.K. 1999. Once more Anodonta Sinanodonta ( ) woodiana. Triannual Unionid Report 18:2-3. Mienis, H.K. 2001. Some more information concerning the invasive mussel Sinanodonta woodiana (Lea, 1834). 12- Ellipsaria3(2): 9-10. Mienis, H.K. 2002a. The Chinese Pond Mussel Sinanodonta woodiana continues its conquest of Europe. Ellipsaria 4(1): 11-12. Mienis, H.K. 2002b. The Chinese Pond Mussel Sinanodonta woodiana in Europe: Further gleanings. Ellipsaria 4(2): Figure 1. Picture ofthe shell ofone of the specimens col- 13. lectedfrom fishponds, HunterdonCounty, NewJersey. NCSM Mienis, H.K. 2002c. Sinanodonta woodiana also in Serbia. 46965-3. Ellipsaria4(3): 9—10. Mienis, H.K. 2003. Additionalinformationconcerningthecon- quest of Europe by the invasive Chinese Pond Mussel S1i3n-anodonta woodiana. 8. Where are the records from the Netherlands? Ellipsaria5(3): 14-15. Mienis, H.K. 2004a. Additional information concerning the conquest ofEurope bythe invasive Chinese Pond Mussel Sinanodonta woodiana. 9. News from Belgium, Italy, Romaniaand Serbia. Ellipsaria6(1): 8-9. Mienis, H.K. 2004.b Additional information concerning the conquest of Europe by the invasive Chinese Pond Mussel Sinanodonta woodiana. 10. News from the Neth- erlands, Belgium andthe Czech Republic. Ellipsaria6(3): 14. Mienis, H.K.2005.Additionalinformationconcerningthecon- quest of Europe by the invasive Chinese Pond Mussel Sinanodonta woodiana. 11. News from Hungary, Poland and Ukraine. Ellipsaria7(1): 8-9. Mienis, H.K. 2006a. Additional information concerning the conquestofEuropebythe invasive Chinese Pond Mussel Sinanodonta woodiana. 12. News from Austria, Slovakia and Greece. Ellipsaria8(1): 8-9. Mienis, H.K. 2006b. Additional information concerning the conquest of Europe by the invasive Chinese Pond Figure 2. Picture of umbonal sculpture of specimen Mussel Sinanodonta woodiana. 13. News from Austria, Sinanoclontawoodiana NCSM 46965.1. the Netherlands, Poland and Ukraine. Ellipsaria 8(2): 9-10. tributaryto Delaware Riverandalsoconnects tothe D & Mienis, H.K. 2006c. Additional information concerning the R Canal at Stockton, New |ersey. The occurrence of cSoinnqauneosdtonotfaEwuoroodpieanbay.t1h4e.iNnevwassivferCohmiIntealsye, RPoomnadnMiuasasnedl oshfelalsrelailcotnsgheWllicnkeeaerhtehoekeDC&reRekcaananldaat PrreaclelnsvtilslieghMitlilnsg MieniSse,rbiHa..K.Ell2i0p0s7arai.a8A(d3d) information concerning the is evidence that fish hearing Chinese Pond Mussel conquestofEurope bytheinvasive Chinese Pond Mussel gloehidia may have spread downstream. The extent of Sinanodonta woodiana. 15. News from Bulgaria, Italy, the invasion is unclear at this time. Polandand Sweden. Ellipsaria9(2): 3-4. The molecular work presented here is a contribution Mienis, H.K. 2007b. Additional information concerning the from the NC State Museums Molecular Genetics conquestofEuropebytheinvasive Chinese Pond Mussel Laboratory. Sinanodonta woodiana. 16. News from the Czech Repub- lic, Germany, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Slovakia. Ellipsaria9(3): 9-10. LITERATURE CITED Mienis, H.K. 2008a. Additional information concerning the conquestofEurope bythe invasive Chinese Pond Mussel Adam, B. 2010. L’Anodonte chinoise Sinanodonta woodiana Sinanodonta woodiana. 17. News from Hungary, Italy, (Lea, 1834) (Mollusca, Bivalvia, Unionidae): une espece Polandand Serbia. Ellipsaria 10(1): 10-11. A. E. Bogan et al., 2011 Page 43 Mienis, H.K. 2008b. Additional information concerning the Watters, G.T. 1999. More Anodonta woodiana. Triannual conquestofEuropebythe invasive Chinese Pond Mussel Unionid Report 17:18. Sinanodonta woodiana. 18. News from Austria, Greece, Wood, W.M. 1892. Appearance of an Asiatic Anodonta in the Netherlands, Poland and Slovakia. Ellipsaria 10(2): the Chinese markets ofSan Francisco. The Nautilus 6(5): 9-10. 51-52. Mienis, H.K. 2009a Additional information concerning the Zhang, Z., S. Schwartz, L. Wagner, and W. Miller. 2000. conquestof Europe bytheinvasive Chinese Pond Mussel A greedy algorithm tor aligning DNA sequences. Journal Sinanodonta woodiana. 19. News from Austria, France, ofComputational Biology7: 203-14. Hungary, Moldova, Romania, Serbia and Sweden. Ellipsaria 11(1): 10-11. Mienis, H.K. 2009b. Additional information concerning the Arthur E. Bogan conquest ofEuropebythe invasive Chinese Pond Mussel North Carolina State Museum ofNatural Sinanodonta woodiana. 20. News from Belgium. Sciences Research Laboratory, MSC 1626 Ellipsaria 11(2): 5-6. [Repeated 2009, Ellipsaria 11 Raleigh, NC. 27699-1626 USA (3): 13.]. [email protected] Mienis, H.K. 2010.Additionalinformationconcerningthecon- quest of Europe by the invasive Chinese Pond Mussel Raleya,IStsiaMnlyaaE,n.Pno,oodnloJlan.eFntt.dahaLawlenovdoaidnnUiedkarnaamaini.ndnei.2Am2.a.EllEll.NiyepBswoiasngrviaaanfs.r1io2v(2me20)0As:6uo.s9u.trrHcieea,moofFlryaDnmNcpeAh, JWNNieeeladwwnleiJJtfeeterressEeenByydoDDawienevpgriaessrir-oteAnmdleotanfnmtFdaionsfNhoEannnvgdiarmoenmental Protection Species Program 220 Blue Anchor Road, for molecular systematic studies of freshwater mussels. Sicklerville, NJ 08081 USA Tentacle 14:33-35. Watters, G.T. 1997. A synthesis and review of the expanding range ofthe Asian freshwater mussel Anodonta woodiana Morgan E. Raley (Lea, 1834) (Bivalvia: Unionidae).TheVeliger40: 152-156. North Carolina State Museum ofNatural Sciences Watters, G.T. 1998. The continuing saga of Anodonta Research Laboratory, MSC 1626 Raleigh, woodiana. Triannual Unionid Report 14: 10. NC 27699-1626 USA