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The fight for the flag in South Africa [microform] : a history of the war from the Boer ultimatum to the advance of Lord Roberts PDF

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Preview The fight for the flag in South Africa [microform] : a history of the war from the Boer ultimatum to the advance of Lord Roberts

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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 w B( I IL C( <r^ikS!9LJ<^ THE PIQ71T HISTORY FOR THE OF THE WAR FROM THE BOER ULTIMATUM TO THE ADVANCE OF LORD ROBERTS BY Edgar Sanderson Author of ''Africa in ttie I9th Century** lOO ILLUSTRATIONS AND MAPS Including Pictures of COLONEL OTTER and Manitoba Contingent TORONTO: WILLIAM BRIQQS & THOMAS OETZMANN C0.'$ "NEW CENTURY" MODEL GRAND Upright Piano e ® £15 Delivered and per Tuned Free for Month Three Years O Becomes the Property of the Hirer on Payment of 36th INSTALMENT The STUDENTS' MODEL 24- Guineas The BOUDOIR MODEL ' 30 Guineas The DRAWING-ROOM MODEL - 36 Guineas Can also be supplied in this ^<vay THOMAS OETZMANN & CO. AOndldyre.ss.j)27. BAKER STREET, LONDON. W. 27{AOndldyrM.S. Tsiablishea 50 Years PIANOS BY ALL MAKERS 'S > ?e rs >f n : I Phofo byA'usse/i&•Sons,Londofi FIELD-MARSHAL LORD ROBERTS COMMANDING THE IMPERIAL FORCES IN SOUTH AFRICA. V 1' 1 1 !•: FIGHT FOR THE FLAG SOUTH AFRICA IN WAR A HISTORY OF THH FROM THF BOER ULTIMATUM TO THE ADVANCE OF LORD ROBERTS II EDGAR SANDERSON, M.A. Ai:ril()K OK "A1UII.A IN iiii: mm:teentii ikntuky" "iiUITISlI I.Ml'lKK IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY ETC., ETC. WITH ONE HUNDRED ILLUSTRATIONS AND MAPS KOM IJKAWINCS HV 1 R. CATOX WOODVll.l.i:, MllLTOX PRIOR, STAXLIA' L. WOOD A. c. si'j'i'ixos wkioirr, w. iiathicri'.ll, j. fixxi:mor1'; oEOFi'Ri:v stkaiiax, w. n. woli.i.x, a. d. Mccormick, ri-.xi': hull AND OTlIKk 1:M1X1.XI ARilVLS, AXl) FROM I'lIOTOORAl'lIS TORONTO WILLIAM BRIGGS 1900

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