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The Field Nature of Time in General Relativity M. Pawlowski, Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies, Warsaw, Poland. V. Pervushin, D. Proskurin Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980, Dubna, Russia. 1 Abstract 0 0 Thepaperisdevotedtothedescriptionofthereparametrization-invariantdynamicsofgeneral 2 relativityobtainedbyresolvingconstraintsandconstructingequivalentunconstrainedsystems. The n constraint-shell action reveals the ”field nature” of the geometric time in general relativity. The a time measured by the watch of an observer coincides with one of field variables, but not with the J reparametrization-noninvariantcoordinate evolution parameter. 6 We give new solution of such problem, as the derivation of the path integral representation of 3 the causal Green functions in the Hamiltonian scheme of general relativity. v 0 0 1. Introduction 1 9 Theproblemoftimeandthereparametrization-invariantHamiltoniandescriptionofgeneralrelativity 0 0 has a long history [1] - [7]. There are two opposite approaches to solution of this problem in the 0 generalized Hamiltonian formulation [1, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]. / c The first approach is the reduction of the extended phase space by fixing the gauge that breaks q reparametrization invariance from the very beginning [2, 6]. - r The second approach is the reparametrization-invariant reduction of an action by the explicit g : resolving of the first class constraints to get an equivalent unconstrained system, so that one of the v i variables of the extended phase space (with a negative contribution to the energy constraint) converts X intothedynamic evolution parameter, andits conjugatemomentumbecomesthenonzeroHamiltonian r a of evolution [3, 4, 7, 13, 14, 15, 16]. An example of the application of such an invariant reduction of the action is the Dirac formulation of QED[17]directly interms of thegauge-invariant (dressed)fieldsas theproof of theadequateness of the Coulomb gauge with the invariant content of classical equations. As it was shown by Faddeev [18], the invariant reduction of the action is the way to obtain the unconstrained Feynman integral for the foundation of the intuitive Faddeev-Popov functional integral in the non-Abelian gauges theories [19, 20]. The application of the invariant reduction of extended actions in cosmology and general relativ- ity [4, 7] allows one to formulate the dynamics of relativistic systems directly in terms of the invariant geometric time with the nonzero Hamiltonian of evolution, instead of the non-invariant coordinate time with the generalized zero Hamiltonian of evolution in the gauge-fixing method. The formulation in terms of the geometric time is based on the Levi-Civita canonical transformation [12, 21] that converts the energy constraint into a new momentum, so that the new dynamic evolution parameter coincides with the geometric time, as one of the consequences of new equations of motion. 1 In the present paper, we apply the method of the invariant Hamiltonian reduction (with resolving the first class constraints) to express reparametrization-invariant dynamics of relativistic systems in terms of the geometric time and to construct the causal Green functions in the form of the path integrals in the world space of dynamic variables. 2. Hamiltonian Dynamics of General Relativity 2.1. Action and geometry General relativity (GR) is given by the singular Einstein-Hilbert action with the matter fields µ2 3 W(g µ) = d4x√ g[ R(g)+ ] µ2 = M2 (1) | − − 6 Lmatter Planck8π Z (cid:18) (cid:19) and by a measurable interval in the Riemannian geometry (ds)2 = g dxαdxβ . (2) αβ They are invariant with respect to general coordinate transformations ′ ′ x x = x (x ,x ,x ,x ). (3) µ → µ µ 0 1 2 3 2.2. Variables and Hamiltonian Thegeneralized Hamiltonian approach toGR was formulated byDirac andArnovit, Deser andMisner [2] as a theory of system with constraints in 3+1 foliated space-time (ds)2 = g dxµdxν = N2dt2 (3)g d˘xid˘xj (d˘xi = dxi+Nidt) (4) µν ij − with the lapse function N(t,~x), three shift vectors Ni(t,~x), and six space components (3)g (t,~x) ij depending on the coordinate time t and the space coordinates ~x. The Dirac-ADM parametrization of metric (4) characterizes a family of hypersurfaces t = const. with the unit normal vector να = (1/N, Nk/N) to a hypersurface and with the second (external) form − 1 ((3)g˙ ) ∆ N ∆ N ) (5) ij i j j i N − − that shows how this hypersurface is embedded into the four-dimensional space-time. Coordinate transformations conserving the family of hypersurfaces t = const. t t˜= t˜(t); x x˜ = x˜ (t,x ,x ,x ) , (6) i i i 1 2 3 → → dt ∂x˜k dt ∂x˜k ∂xi N˜ = N ; N˜k = Ni (7) dt˜ ∂x dt˜− ∂x ∂t˜ i i arecalledakinemetricsubgroupofthegroupofgeneralcoordinatetransformations(3)[22,4,5,7]. The group of kinemetric transformations is the group of diffeomorphisms of the generalized Hamiltonian dynamics. It includes reparametrizations of the nonobservable time coordinate t˜(t)) (6) that play the principal role in the procedure of the reparametrization-invariant reduction discussed in the previous Sections. The main assertion of the invariant reduction is the following: the dynamic evolution parameter is not thecoordinate butthevariable with anegative contribution to theenergy constraint. (Recallthatthisreductionisbasedontheexplicitresolvingoftheglobalenergyconstraintwithrespect 2 to the conjugate momentum of the dynamic evolution parameter to convert this momentum into the Hamiltonian of evolution of the reduced system.) A negative contribution to the energy constraint is given by the space-metric-determinant loga- rithm. Therefore, following papers [3, 4, 13, 14, 23, 24] we introduce an invariant evolution parameter ϕ (t) as the zero Fourier harmonic component of this logarithm (treated, in cosmology, as the cosmic 0 scale factor). This variable is distinguished in general relativity by the Lichnerowicz conformal-type transformation of field variables f with the conformal weight (n) ϕ (t) −n (n)f¯= (n)f 0 , (8) µ (cid:18) (cid:19) where n = 2, 0, 3/2, 1 for the tensor, vector, spinor, and scalar fields, respectively, f¯is so-called − − conformal-invariant variable used in GR for the analysis of initial data [23, 25]. In particular, for metric we get ϕ (t) 2 ϕ (t) 2 g (t,~x)= 0 g¯ (t,~x) (ds)2 = 0 [N¯2dt2 (3)g¯ d˘xid˘xj] . (9) µν µν ij µ ⇒ µ − (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) As the zero Fourier harmonic is extracted from the space metric determinant logarithm, the space metric g¯ (t,~x) should be defined in a class of nonzero harmonics ij d3xlog g¯ (t,~x) = 0. (10) ij || || Z The transformational properties of the curvature R(g) with respect to the transformations (9) lead to the action (1) in the form [4] t2 d ϕ˙ √g¯ W(g µ) = W(g¯ϕ ) dt d3xϕ ( 0 ). (11) | | 0 − 0dt N¯ Z Z t1 V0 This form define the global lapse function N as the average of the lapse function N¯ in the metric g¯ 0 over the kinemetric invariant space volume V N (t) = 0 , g¯= det((3)g¯) , V = d3x , (12) 0 0 √g¯(t,~x d3x Z N¯(t,~x) V0 V0 R where V is a free parameter which in the perturbation theory has the meaning of a finite volume 0 of the free coordinate space. The lapse function N¯(t,~x) can be factorized into the global component N (t) and the local one (t,~x) 0 N N¯(t,~x)g¯−1/2 := N (t) (t,~x) := N , (13) 0 q N where fulfills normalization condition: N 1 d3x I[ ] := = 1 (14) N V 0 Z N that is imposed after the procedure of variation of action, to reproduce equations of motion of the initial theory. In the Dirac harmonical variables [1] chosen as qik = g¯g¯ik, (15) 3 the metric (4) takes the form ϕ (t)2 (ds)2 = 0 q1/2 N2dt2 q d˘xid˘xj , (q = det(qij)). (16) µ2 q − ij (cid:16) (cid:17) The Dirac-Bergmann version of action (11) in terms of the introduced above variables reads [4, 5] t2 1 W = dt L+ ∂ (P ϕ ) , (17) t 0 0 2 Z (cid:26) (cid:27) t1 P2 L = d3x P F˙ Ni P ϕ˙ N 0 +I−1H(ϕ ) , (18)  F i  0 0 0 0 VZ0 XF − P ! − − "−4V0 #     where P F˙ = p f˙ π q˙ij; (19) F f ij − F f X X H(ϕ ) = d3x (ϕ ) (20) 0 0 NH Z is the total Hamiltonian of the local degrees of freedom, 6 ϕ2q1/2 (ϕ ) = qijqkl[π π π π ]+ 0 (3)R(g¯)+ , (21) H 0 ϕ2 ik jl− ij kl 6 Hf 0 and = 2[ (qklπ ) (qklπ )]+ (22) i k il i kl if P ∇ −∇ P are the densities of energy and momentum and , are contributions of the matter fields. In the f f H P following, we call the set of the field variables F (19) with the dynamic evolution parameter ϕ the 0 field world space. The local part of the momentum of the space metric determinant π(t,x) := qijπ (23) ij is given in the class of functions with the non-zero Fourier harmonics, so that d3xπ(t,x) = 0 . (24) Z The geometric foundation of introducing the global variable (9) in GR was given in [24] as the assertion about the nonzero value of the second form in the whole space. This assertion (which contradicts the Dirac gauge π = 0) follows from the global energy constraint, as, in the lowest order of the Dirac perturbation theory, positive contributions of particle-like excitations to the zero Fourier harmonic of the energy constraint can be compensated only by the nonzero value of the second form. 2.3. Local constraints and equations of motion Following Dirac [1] we formulate generalized Hamiltonian dynamics for the considered system (17). It means the inclusion of momenta for and N and appropriate terms with Lagrange multipliers i N t2 1 WD = dt LD + 2∂t(P0ϕ0) , LD = L+ d3x(PNN˙ +PNiN˙i−λ0PN −λiPNi). (25) Z (cid:26) (cid:27) Z t1 4 We can define extended Dirac Hamiltonian as P2 HD = N0"−4V00 +I−1H(ϕ0)#+Z d3x(λ0PN +λiPNi). (26) The equations obtained from variation of WD with respect to Lagrange multipliers are called first class primary constraints PN = 0, PNi = 0. (27) The condition of conservation of these constraints in time leads to the firstclass secondary constraints d3x HD,PN = H− V N2H = 0, HD,PNi = Pi = 0 (28) R 0 n o N n o For completeness of the system we have to include set of secondary constraints. According Dirac we choose them in the form (t,~x)= 1; Ni(t,~x) = 0; (29) N π(t,~x)= 0; χj := ∂ (q−1/3qij) = 0. (30) i The equations of motion obtained for the considered system are dF ∂H(ϕ ) dP ∂H(ϕ ) 0 F 0 = , = , (31) dT ∂P − dT ∂F F where H(ϕ ) is given by the equation (20), and we introduced the invariant geometric time T 0 N dt := dT . (32) 0 2.4. Global constraints and equations of motion. The physical meaning of the geometric time T, the dynamic variable ϕ and its momentum is given 0 by the explicit resolving of the zero-Fourier harmonic of the energy constraint δWE P2 = 0 +H(ϕ ) = 0. (33) 0 δN (t) −4V 0 0 This constraint has two solutions for the global momentum P : 0 ∗ (P0)± = 2 V0H(ϕ0) H±. (34) ± ≡ q The equation of motion for this global momentum P in gauge (29) takes the form 0 δWE dϕ (P0)± d3x H(ϕ0) = 0 = = ρ(ϕ ); ρ(ϕ ) = H = . (35) 0 0 δP0 ⇒ (cid:18)dT(cid:19)± 2V ±q R V0 V0 The integral form of the last equation is ϕ0 T±(ϕ1,ϕ0) = dϕρ−1/2(ϕ) , (36) ± ϕZ1 where ϕ = ϕ (t ) is the initial data. Equation obtained by varying the action with respect to ϕ 1 0 1 0 follows independently from the set of all other constraints and equations of motion. 5 InquantumtheoryofGR(likeinquantumtheories ofaparticle), wegettwoSchro¨dingerequations d ± ∗ ± i Ψ (F ϕ ,ϕ ) = H (ϕ )Ψ (F ϕ ,ϕ ) (37) 0 1 ± 0 0 1 dϕ | | 0 with positive and negative eigenvalues of P and normalizable wave functions with the spectral series 0 over quantum numbers Q Ψ+(F ϕ ,ϕ ) = A+ < F Q ><Q ϕ ,ϕ > θ(ϕ ϕ ) (38) | 0 1 Q | | 0 1 0− 1 Q X − − ∗ ∗ Ψ (F ϕ ,ϕ ) = A < F Q > < Q ϕ ,ϕ > θ(ϕ ϕ ) , (39) | 0 1 Q | | 0 1 1− 0 Q X where < F Q > is the eigenfunction of the reduced energy (34) | ∗ H (ϕ )< F Q >= E(Q,ϕ ) < F Q > (40) ± 0 0 | ± | ϕ0 ϕ0 ∗ < Q ϕ ,ϕ >=exp[ i dϕE(Q,ϕ)], < Q ϕ ,ϕ > = exp[i dϕE(Q,ϕ)] . (41) 0 1 0 1 | − | ϕZ1 ϕZ1 The coefficient A+, in ”secondary” quantization, can be treated as the operator of creation of a Q − universe with positive energy; and the coefficient A , as the operator of annihilation of a universe also Q with positive energy. The ”secondary” quantization means [A−Q,A+Q′] = δQ,Q′. The physical states of a quantum universe are formed by the action of these operators on the vacuum < 0, 0 > in the form of out-state (Q >= A+ 0 >) with positive ”frequencies” and in-state (< Q =<| 0| A−) with | Q| | | Q negative ”frequencies”. This treatment means that positive frequencies propagate forward (ϕ > ϕ ); 0 1 and negative frequencies, backward (ϕ > ϕ ), so that the negative values of energy are excluded 1 0 from the spectrum to provide the stability of the quantum system in quantum theory of GR. In other words, instead of changing the sign of energy, we change that of the dynamic evolution parameter, which leads to the causal Green function Gc(F1,ϕ1 F2,ϕ2)= G+(F1,ϕ1 F2,ϕ2)θ(ϕ2 ϕ1)+G−(F1,ϕ1 F2,ϕ2)θ(ϕ1 ϕ2) (42) | | − | − where G+(F1,ϕ1 F2,ϕ2) = G−(F2,ϕ2 F1,ϕ1) is the ”commutative” Green function | | G (F ,ϕ F ,ϕ ) =< 0Ψ−(F ϕ ,ϕ )Ψ+(F ϕ ,ϕ )0 > (43) + 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 | | | | | For this causal convention, the geometric time (36) is always positive in accordance with theequations of motion (35) ϕ0 dT = √ρ T±(ϕ1,ϕ0)= dϕρ−1/2(ϕ) 0 . (44) (cid:18)dϕ0(cid:19)± ± ⇒ ±ϕZ1 ≥ Thus, the causal structure of the field world space immediately leads to the arrow of the geometric time (44) and the beginning of evolution of a universe with respect to the geometric time T =0. The way to obtain conserved integrals of motion in classical theory and quantum numbers Q in quantum theory is the Levi-Civita-type canonical transformation of the field world space (F,ϕ ) to 0 a geometric set of variables (V,Q ) with the condition that the geometric evolution parameter Q 0 0 coincides with the geometric time dT = dQ . 0 6 Equations (35), (36) in the homogeneous approximation of GR are the basis of observational cosmology where the geometric time is the conformal time connected with the world time T of the f Friedmann cosmology by the relation ϕ (T) 0 dT = dT , (45) f µ and the dependence of scale factor (dynamic evolution parameter ϕ ) on the geometric time T is 0 treated as the evolution of the universe. In particular, equation (35) gives the relation between the present-day value of the dynamic evolution parameter ϕ (T ) and cosmological observations, i.e., the 0 0 density of matter ρ and the Hubble parameter µϕ′ µ√ρ µ√ρ 1/2 e = 0 = ϕ (T )= := µΩ1/4 (46) Hhub ϕ2 ϕ2 ⇒ 0 0 0 0 0 (cid:18)Hhub(cid:19) 1/4 where ( 0.6 < (Ω ) < 1.2 ). The dynamic evolution parameter as the cosmic scale factor and a 0 exp value of its conjugate momentum (i.e., a value of the dynamic Hamiltonian) as the density of matter (see equations (35), (36)) areobjects of measurementinobservational astrophysics andcosmology and numerous discussions about the Hubble parameter, dark matter, and hidden mass. Thegeneral theory of reparametrization-invariant reduction describedin the previousSections can be applied also to GR. In accordance with this theory, the reparametrization-invariant dynamics of GR is covered by two unconstrained systems (dynamic and geometric) connected by the Levi-Civita canonical transformation which solves the problems of the initial data, conserved quantum numbers, and direct correspondence of standard classical cosmology with quantum gravity on the level of the generating functional of the unitary and causal perturbation theory [7, 15]. 3. Equivalent Unconstrained Systems Assume that we can solve the constraint equations and pass to the reduced space of independent ∗ ∗ variables (F ,P ). The explicit solution of the local and global constraints has two analytic branches F with positive and negative values for scale factor momentum P (34). Therefore, inserting solutions of 0 all constraints into the action we get two branches of the equivalent Dynamic Unconstrained System (DUS) ϕ2 ∗ ∂F 1 WDUS[F ϕ ]= dϕ d3x P∗ H∗ + ∂ (ϕ H∗) , (47) ± | 0 ϕZ1 0("Z XF∗ F ∂ϕ0#− ± 2 ϕ0 0 ± ) ∗ where ϕ plays the role of evolution parameter and H defined by equation (34) plays the role of the 0 ± ∗ ∗ evolution Hamiltonian, in the reduced phase space of independent physical variables (F ,P ) with F equations of motion ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ dF ∂H dP ∂H = ±, F = ± . (48) dϕ ∂P∗ − dϕ ∂F∗ 0 F 0 ∗ Theevolution ofthefieldworldspacevariables(F ,ϕ )withrespecttothegeometric timeT isnot 0 contained in DUS (47). This geometric time evolution is described by supplementary equation (35) for nonphysical momentum P (34) that follows from the initial extended system. 0 Toget an equivalent unconstrainedsystemin termsof thegeometric time(we call ittheGeometric Unconstrained System (GUS)), we need the Levi-Civita canonical transformation (LC) [12, 21] of the field world phase space ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ (F ,P ϕ ,P ) (F ,P Q ,Π ) (49) F| 0 0 ⇒ G G| 0 0 which converts the energy constraint (33) into the new momentum Π . 0 7 In terms of geometrical variables the action takes the form t2 d WG = dt d3x P∗F˙∗ Π Q˙ +N Π + SLC (50)  G G− 0 0 0 0 dt  tZ1  Z XFG∗    where SLC is generating functionof LC transformations. Then the energy constraint and the supple- mentary equation for the new momentum take trivial form δW dQ 0 Π = 0 ; = 0 = N dQ = dT. (51) 0 0 0 δΠ ⇒ dt ⇒ 0 Equations of motion are also trivial ∗ ∗ dP dF G = 0, G = 0, (52) dT dT and their solutions are given by the initial data P∗ = P∗0, F∗ = F∗0. (53) G G G G Substituting solutions of (51) and (52) into the inverted Levi-Civita transformations ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ F = F (Q ,Π F ,P ), ϕ = ϕ (Q ,Π F ,P ) (54) 0 0| G G 0 0 0 0| G G and similar for momenta, we get formal solutions of (48) and (36) F∗ = F∗(T,0F∗0,P∗0), P∗ = P∗(T,0F∗0,P∗0), ϕ = ϕ (T,0F∗0,P∗0). (55) | G G F F | G G 0 0 | G G We see that evolution of the dynamic variables with respect to the geometric time (i.e., the evolution of a universe) is absent in DUS. The evolution of the dynamic variables with respect to the geometric time can be described in the form of the LC (inverted) canonical transformation of GUS into DUS (54), (55). There is also the weak form of Levi-Civita-type transformations to GUS (F∗,P∗) (F˜,P˜) F ⇒ without action-angle variables and with a constraint Π˜ H˜(Q˜ ,F˜,P˜)= 0. (56) 0 0 − We get the constraint-shell action dF˜ W˜ GUS = dT d3x P˜ H˜(T,F˜,P˜) , (57)  dT−  Z  Z XF˜    that allows us to choose the initial cosmological data with respect to the geometric time. Recall that the considered reduction of the action reveals the difference of reparametrization- invariant theory from the gauge-invariant theory: in gauge-invariant theory the superfluous (longitu- dinal) variables are completely excluded from the reduced system; whereas, in reparame- trization-invariant theory the superfluous (longitudinal) variables leave the sector of the Dirac ob- ∗ ∗ servables (i.e., the phase space (F ,P )) but not the sector of measurable quantities: superfluous F (longitudinal) variables become the dynamic evolution parameter and dynamic Hamiltonian of the reduced theory. 8 4. Reparametrization-Invariant Path Integral Following Faddeev-Popov procedure we can write down the path integral for local fields of our theory using constraints and gauge conditions (27-30): F2 Z (F ,F P ,ϕ ,N )= D(F,P )∆ ∆¯ exp iW¯ , (58) local 1 2 0 0 0 f s t | Z F1 (cid:8) (cid:9) where dqikdπ dfdp ik f D(F,P )= (59) f  2π 2π  t,x i<k f Y Y Y   are functional differentials for the metric fields (π,q) and the matter fields (p ,f), f ∆ = δ( ))δ(χj)det ,χj , (60) s i i P {P } t,x,i Y d3xH(ϕ ) ∆¯ = δ( (µ))δ(π)det (ϕ ) ρ,π , ρ = 0 (61) t 0 t,x H {H − } R V0 ! Y are the F-P determinants, and t2 P2 1 W¯ = dt d3x P F˙ P ϕ˙ N 0 +H(ϕ ) + ∂ (P ϕ ) (62)  F 0 0 0 0 t 0 0  tZ1 VZ0 XF !− − "−4V0 # 2  is extended action of considered theory.  By analogy with a particle and a string considered in papers [15, 16] we define a commutative Green function as an integral over global fields (P ,ϕ ) and the average over reparametrization group 0 0 parameter N 0 ϕ2 dϕ dP dN˜ 0 0 0 G (F ,ϕ F ,ϕ ) = Z (F ,F P ,ϕ ,N ), (63) + 1 1 2 2 local 1 2 0 0 0 | 2π ! | ϕZ1 Yt where N˜ = N/2πδ(0), δ(0) = dN . (64) 0 Z The causal Green function in the world field space (F,ϕ ) is defined as the sum 0 G (F ,ϕ F ,ϕ ) = G (F ,ϕ F ,ϕ )θ(ϕ ϕ )+G (F ,ϕ F ,ϕ )θ(ϕ ϕ ). (65) c 1 1 2 2 + 1 1 2 2 1 2 + 2 1 2 1 2 1 | | − | − This function will be considered as generating functional for the unitary S-matrix elements [26] ϕ2 ∗ S[1,2] =< out (ϕ )T exp i dϕ(H ) (ϕ ) in >, (66) 2 | ϕ − I | 1  ϕZ1  where T is a symbol of ordering with respect to parameter ϕ , and < out (ϕ ), (ϕ) in > are states ϕ 0 2 | | of quantum Universe in the lowest order of the Dirac perturbation theory ( = 1; Nk = 0; qij = δ +hT), H∗ is the interaction Hamiltonian N ij ij I ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ H = H H , H = 2 V H(ϕ), H = 2 V H (ϕ) , (67) I − 0 0 0 0 0 q q 9 H is a sum of the Hamiltonians of ”free” fields (gravitons, photons, massive vectors, and spinors) 0 where all masses (including the Planck mass) are replaced by the dynamic evolution parameter ϕ [7]. 0 For example for gravitons the ”free” Hamiltonian takes the form: 6(πT )2 ϕ2 H (ϕ ) = d3x (h) + 0(∂ hT)2 ; (hT = 0; ∂ hT = 0). (68) 0 0 Z ϕ20 24 i ! ii j ji 4.1. QFT limit of Quantum Gravity The simplest way to determine the QFT limit of Quantum Gravity and to find the region of validity of the FP-integral is to use the quantum field version of the reparametrization-invariant integral(63) in the form of S-matrix elements [26] (see (66), (67)). We consider the infinite volume limit of the S-matrix element (67) in terms of the geometric time T for the present-day stage T = T ,ϕ(T ) = µ, 0 0 and T(ϕ )= T ∆T,T(ϕ )= T +∆T = T . One can express this matrix element in terms of the 1 0 2 0 out − time measured by an observer of an out-state with a tremendous number of particles in a universe using equation dϕ = dTout√ρout and approximation of a tremendous energy (1079GeV) in comparison with possible real and virtual deviations of the free Hamiltonian in the laboratory processes: H¯ = E +δH , < out δH in ><< E . (69) 0 out 0 0 out | | to neglect ”back-reaction”. In the infinite volume limit, we get from (67) dϕ [H∗] = 2dϕ V (H +H ) V H = dT [FˆH¯ +O(1/E )] (70) 0 I 0 0 0 I − 0 0 out I out (cid:18)q p (cid:19) where H is the interaction Hamiltonian in GR, and I E E Fˆ = out = out (71) s H0 sEout+δH0 is a multiplier which plays the role of a form factor for physical processes observed in the ”laboratory” conditions when the cosmic energy E is much greater than the deviation of the free energy out δH = H E ; (72) 0 0 out − due to creation and annihilation of real and virtual particles in the laboratory experiments. The measurable time of the laboratory experiments T T is much smaller than the age of the 2 1 − universe T , but it is much greater than the reverse ”laboratory” energy δ, so that the limit 0 T(ϕ2) +∞ dT dT out out ⇒ T(Zϕ1) −Z∞ is valid. If we neglect the form factor (71) that removes a set of ultraviolet divergences, we get the standard S-matrix element [19] that corresponds to the standard FP functional integral with the geometric (conformal) time T (instead of the coordinate time t) and with conformal-invariant fields t T : out → +∞ S[ + ] =<out T exp i dT FˆH (µ) in> Fˆ = 1 . (73) out I −∞| ∞ | − |  −Z∞  (cid:16) (cid:17)   10

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