Steve Wilkins writes, "Covenant is the central teaching of the Word of God; it describes a relationship with the Triune God through Jesus Christ, His only Begotten Son. To be in covenant is to be in real communion with God, attendant with real privileges and real blessings. It is to be brought into the circle of the eternal fellowship that has always existed between Father, Son, and Spirit. It is to be made partaker of the divine nature. It is to be beloved of the Father for the sake of His Son and is founded upon union with Christ."
The Federal Vision communicates the importance of applying a more robust Covenant theology to our study of the relationship between obedience and faith, and to the role of the Church and Sacraments in our Salvation.
Contributing authors: Steve Wilkins, John Barach, Rich Lusk, Doug Wilson, Steve Schlissel, Peter Leithart, James B. Jordan, and Mark Horne.