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The fashionable tour [microform] : an excursion to the Springs, Niagara, Quebec, and through the New-England States : interspersed with geographical and historical sketches PDF

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Preview The fashionable tour [microform] : an excursion to the Springs, Niagara, Quebec, and through the New-England States : interspersed with geographical and historical sketches

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THII .t:,- paiNTj /i^itf THE rASBIOMTABKB TOUR i ^v\.^^•-l•./^^ AN EXCURSION TO * THE SPRINGS, NIAGARA, QUEBEC, AND THROUGH THE -^ *> fr»» NEW.ENGLAND STATES : '".Lo'i'^itV is INTERSPERSED WITH GEOGRAPHICAL AND HI^- 1 t TORICAL SKETCHES.*: ^ ,^J.C;jj .l^iii — THIRD EDITION ENLARGED MXti IMPROVKP^: > SARATOGA SPRIJVOS r PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY G. M, DAVISON. 1828.

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