S T THE O J A R O FAR RIGHT V This is the first book to provide comprehensive coverage Á of the far right political party phenomenon in the Balkans. The author focuses on parties generally described as lying T IN THE H on the far right in academic literature and examines their E development from 2000 until 2010. F BALKANS A The book provides a detailed analysis of the historical legacy essential in R understanding the overall context of nationalism in the region as well as R an overview of the far right political parties in each country. It discusses I parties individually, detailing their ideological features, strategy, internal G organisation and leadership, and compares their political, social, economic, H ethno-cultural and international characteristics. It reveals the main factors T that were influential in the successes and failures of the far right, I and offers a comparison between the typical far right voter living in the N Balkans and his counterpart in Western Europe. The implementation and T enforcement of legislature such as hate speech laws is also examined, H along with other legal issues affecting the extremist parties in the region. E The book will primarily appeal to academics, established scholars and B practitioners focused on Balkan issues, researching radicalism and A extremism and participating in the establishment of democratic practices. L It will also prove valuable to students at all levels and will complement K syllabuses in Political Science, Eastern European Studies, Balkan Studies A and Security Studies among others. N Věra Stojarová is Lecturer in Balkan Studies at Masaryk University in Brno S VĚRA STOJAROVÁ www.manchesteruniversitypress.co.uk MUP FINAL PROOF – <STAGE>, 01/16/2014, SPi The Far Right in the Balkans 0000__VVeerraa__FFMM..iinndddd ii 11//1166//22001144 66::2299::3311 PPMM MUP FINAL PROOF – <STAGE>, 01/16/2014, SPi The Far Right in the Balkans V ěra S tojarová Manchester University Press Manchester and New York distributed in the United States exclusively by Palgrave Macmillan 0000__VVeerraa__FFMM..iinndddd iiiiii 11//1166//22001144 66::2299::3322 PPMM MUP FINAL PROOF – <STAGE>, 01/16/2014, SPi Copyright © Věra Stojarová 2013 The right of Věra Stojarová to be identifi ed as the author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. Published by Manchester University Press Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9NR, UK and Room 400, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010, USA www.manchesteruniversitypress.co.uk Distributed in the United States exclusively by Palgrave Macmillan, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010, USA Distributed in Canada exclusively by UBC Press, University of British Columbia, 2029 West Mall, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z2 British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data applied for ISBN 978 0 7190 8973 2 hardback First published 2013 The publisher has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for any external or third-party internet websites referred to in this book, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. Typeset by SPi Publisher Services, Pondicherry, India 0000__VVeerraa__FFMM..iinndddd iivv 11//1166//22001144 66::2299::3322 PPMM MUP FINAL PROOF – <STAGE>, 01/16/2014, SPi Contents List of figures and tables page vii Acknowledgements ix Abbreviations xi 1 Introduction 1 2 Terminology and conceptualization 8 3 Historical legacies of the Balkan Far Right 20 4 A n overview of Far Right political parties in the Balkan region and political party selection 34 5 International supply side: brief presentation of political parties in terms of ideology 46 6 E xternal supply side: the roots of success and political opportunity structures in successful cases 60 7 E xternal supply side: the roots of success and political opportunity structures in the less successful cases 87 8 Voters of the Far Right and legislative implementation in practice 117 9 Internal supply side: strategy, organization, role of paramilitaries and international cooperation 126 10 Concluding remarks 150 References 157 Index 171 0000__VVeerraa__FFMM..iinndddd vv 11//1166//22001144 66::2299::3322 PPMM MUP FINAL PROOF – <STAGE>, 01/16/2014, SPi Figures and tables Figures 2.1 Model of extremism (Mareš 2003:33, modified model from Stöss, R. (1999) Rechtsextremismus im vereinten Deutschland, Bonn: Fridrich Ebert Stiftung, p. 18) page 14 4.1 Percentage vote share of Far Right parliamentary political parties in the Balkans since 2000 40 6.1 Causes of radical Right behaviour (Stöss, R. (1991). Politics Against Democracy: Right-Wing Extremism in West Germany . Oxford: Berg, cited from Williams in Ramet (ed.) 1999:31) 63 6.2 The Romanian unemployment rate and gains by Far Right parties after 2000 72 6.3 Serbian unemployment and the gains of SRS 72 6.4 Bulgaria and the Far Right and the unemployment rate 72 7.1 1991 Montenegro census 94 7.2 2003 Montenegro census 94 Tables 2.1 A comparison of extreme Right and national–populist parties (Frölich-Steffen and Rensmann 2005: 10) 12 2.2 Major actors of the radical Right: Germany and Poland (since the 1980s) (Minkenberg 2008:17) 16 5.1 Ideological core and specific features of Far Right parties in the Balkans 56 7.1 The chief political players impacting the Far Right’s fortunes in the Balkans 105 7.2 Party and organizational strength of the Far Right and contextual factors in selected Balkan countries since 2000 110 9.1 Internal organization and leadership of Balkan Far Right parties 139 0000__VVeerraa__FFMM..iinndddd vviiii 11//1166//22001144 66::2299::3322 PPMM MUP FINAL PROOF – <STAGE>, 01/16/2014, SPi Acknowledgements This text has been undertaken as part of the Research Project ‘Transformation of political and social pluralism in modern Europe II’ (MUNI/A/800/2011). An Andrew Mellon Fellowship undertaken at IWM in Wien in autumn 2009 also made possible realization of the text. I would like to thank Daniel Bochsler, Natalia Chirienco, Jakub Šedo, Embassy of Czech Republic in Tirana, Blendi Kajsiu, Goran Čular, Cas Mudde, Lubomír Kopeček, Miroslav Mareš, Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen in Wien, János Mátyás Kovács, Andreea Maierean, Lisa Bjurwald, Kondrad Adenauer Stiftung in Macedonia, and all reviewers at Manchester University Press for their help in looking for sources or critical comments. Last but not least, I would like to thank Gafur and others who took care of Malý and Velký Myšur while I was writing this book. 0000__VVeerraa__FFMM..iinndddd iixx 11//1166//22001144 66::2299::3322 PPMM MUP FINAL PROOF – <STAGE>, 01/16/2014, SPi Abbreviations AN National Alliance (A lleanza nazionale ) ANA Albanian National Army ANS Action Front of National Socialists (A ktionsfront Nationale Sozialisten ) Ataka National Union Attack (N atsionalen Sayuz Ataka ) BDF Bulgarian Democratic Forum (B ulgarski Demokraticheski Forum ) BDSS Bosniak Democratic Party of Sandžak (B ošnjačka demokratska stranka Sandžaka ) BiH Bosnia and Herzegovina BK National Front ( Balli Kombëtar ) BKDP Bulgarian Christian Democratic Party (B ulgarska Khristian Demokraticheska Partija ) BNF Bulgarian National Front (B ulgarski Natsionalen Front ) BNP British National Party BNPP Bulgarian National Patriotic Party (B ǎlgarska Natsionalna- Patriotichna Partiya ) BNRP Bulgarian National Radical Party (B ulgarska National Radikalna Partija ) BNS Bulgarian National Union (B ulgarski natsionalen sujuz ) BZÖ Alliance for the Future of Austria (B ündnis Zukunft Ősterreich ) CD Centredemocrats (C entrumdemokraten ) CNSAS National Commission for the Securitate Archives CP’86 Centreparty 86 ( Centrumpartij’86 ) CSU Christian Social Union ( Christlich-Soziale Union ) DF Danish People’s Party (D ansk Folkeparti ) DN National Democracy (D emocracia Nacional ) DPA/PDSh Democratic Party of the Albanians (D emokratska Partija na Albancite/Partia Demokratike Shqiptarëve ) DPS Democratic Party of Socialist (D emokratska Stranka Socijalista ) DPS Movement for Rights and Freedoms (D vizhenie za Prava i Svobodi/Hak ve Özgürlükler Hareketi ) DSHV Democratic Union of Croats in Vojvodina (D emokratski Savez Hrvata u Vojvodini ) 0000__VVeerraa__FFMM..iinndddd xxii 11//1166//22001144 66::2299::3322 PPMM MUP FINAL PROOF – <STAGE>, 01/16/2014, SPi xii abbreviations DSS Democratic Party of Serbia (D emokratska Stranka Srbije ) DUI/BDI Democratic Union for Integration (D emokratska Unija za Integracija/Bashkimi Demokratik për Integrim ) DVT Warriors of Tangra Movement (D vizhenie Voini na Tangra ) DVU German People’s Union (D eutsche Volksunion ) ENF European National Front EPP European People’s Party EPP–ED European People’s Party–European Democrats EU European Union FAP Free German Workers’ Party (F reiheitliche Deutsche Arbeiterpartei ) FBKSH Albanian Front of National Unifi cation (F ronti Për Bashkim Kombëtar Shqiptar ) FI Forward Italy (F orza Italia ) FIDESZ-MPS Fidesz–Hungarian Civic Union (F idesz–Magyar Polgári Szövetség ) FN New Force (F orza nuova ) FPCD Christian Democrat Popular Front (F rontul Popular Creştin şi Democrat ) FPÖ Freedom Party of Austria (F reiheitliche Partei Österreichs ) FrP Progress Party (F remskrittspartiet ) GERB Citizens for the European Development of Bulgaria (G razhdani za evropeysko razvitie na Balgariya ) HB Croatian Bloc (H rvatski blok ) HB People Unity (H erri Batasuna ) HČSP Croatian Pure Party of the Right (H rvatska Čista Stranka Prava ) HDZ Croatian Democratic Union (H rvatska demokratska zajednica ) HIP Croatian True Revival (H rvatski Istinski Preporod ) HNS Croatian People’s Party (H rvatska Narodna Stranka ) HOS Croatian Defence Forces (H rvatske Obrambene Snage ) HPB Croatian Right-Wing Brotherhood (H rvatsko Pravaško Bratstvo ) HP–HPP Croatian Right–Croatian Right-Wing Movement (H rvatski Pravaši–Hrvatski Pravaški Pokret ) HSLS Croatian Social Liberal Party (H rvatska socijalno liberalna stranka ) HSP Croatian Party of the Right (H rvatska Stranka Prava ) HSP-1861 Croatian Party of the Right 1861 (H rvatska Stranka Prava-1861 ) HSS Croatian Peasant Party (H rvatska seljačka stranka ) HSU Croatian Party of Pensioners (H rvatska stranka umirovljenika ) HZDS Movement for a Democratic Slovakia (H nutie za Demokratické Slovensko ) ICTY International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia IDS Istrian Democratic Assembly (I starski demokratski sabor ) ITP International Third Position Jobbik Movement for a Better Hungary 0000__VVeerraa__FFMM..iinndddd xxiiii 11//1166//22001144 66::2299::3322 PPMM MUP FINAL PROOF – <STAGE>, 01/16/2014, SPi abbreviations xiii KKCMTSH National Liberation Front of Albanians (K omitetit Kombëtar për Clirimin dhe Mbrojtjen e Tokave Shqiptare ) KLA Kosovo Liberation Army (U shtria Çlirimtare e Kosovës or U ÇK ) KPN-SN Confederation for an Independent Poland (K onfederacja Polski Niepodleglej ) LDK Democratic League of Kosovo ( Lidhja Demokratike e Kosovës ) LDP Liberal Democratic Party (L iberalno demokratska partija ) LDPR Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (L iberalno- Demokraticheskaye Partiya Rossii ) LN Northern League (L ega Nord ) LPR League of Polish Families (L iga Polskich Rodzin ) LS Liberal Party (L iberalna stranka ) LSI Socialist Movement for Integration (L ëvizja Socialiste për Intigrim ) MAN National Alliance (M ovimento de Acção Nacional ) MEP Member of the European Parliament MER Ecological Movement of Romania (M iscarea Ecologista din Romania ) MP Member of the Parliament NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization ND New Right (N oua Dreaptă ) NDH Independent State of Croatia (N ezavisna Država Hrvatska ) NDSO National Movement for the Salvation of the Fatherland (N atsionalno Dvizhenie za Spasenie na Otechestvoto ) NDSV National Movement of Simeon II (N acionalno Dviženie Simeon II ) NLA National Liberation Army (U shtria Çlirimtare Kombëtare ) NOP Polish National Rebirth (N arodowe Odrozenie Polski ) NPD National Democratic Party of Germany (N ationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands ) NS New Serbia (N ova Srbija ) NSD New Serbian Democracy (N ova Srpska Demokratija ) ODS Civic Democratic Party (O bčanská demokratická strana ) ONR National-Radical Camp (O bóz Narodowo-Radikalny ) PBDSh Party for Democratic Action (P artia për bashkimin demokratik të shqiptareve ) PBKSh Albanian National Unity Party (P artia Bashkesia Kombetare Shqiptare ) PD Democratic Party (P artidul Democrat ) PD-L Democratic Liberal Party (P artidul Democrat-Liberal ) PDSh Democratic Party of Albania (P artia Demokratike e Shqipërisë ) PiS Law and Justice (P rawo i Spraviedliwość ) PLL Legality Movement Party (P artia Lëvizja e Legalitetit ) PNG–CD New Generation Party–Christian Democratic (P artidul Noua Generaţie–Creştin Democrat ) 0000__VVeerraa__FFMM..iinndddd xxiiiiii 11//1166//22001144 66::2299::3333 PPMM