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The family Pyramidellidae Gray, 1840 (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Heterostropha) in West Africa. 5. Afroturbonilla hattenbergeriana n. gen. n. sp PDF

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Preview The family Pyramidellidae Gray, 1840 (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Heterostropha) in West Africa. 5. Afroturbonilla hattenbergeriana n. gen. n. sp

SociedadEspañoladeMalacología /¿'^rwj, Suplemento 5: 201-205, 1999 The family Pyramidellidae Gray, 1840 (MoUusca, Gastro- poda, Heterostropha) inWest África. 5. Ajroturbonilla hat- tenbergeriana n. gen. n. sp. La familia Pyramidellidae Gray, 1840 (MoUusca, Gastropoda, Heterostropha) en África Occidental. 5. Afroturbonilla hattenberge- rianagen. nov. spec. nov. Anselmo PEÑAS*, Emilio ROLAN** and Christoffer SCHANDER*** Recibidoell-VI-1999.Aceptadoel15-IX-1999 ABSTRACT A new genus, Afroturbonilla, and a new species, A. hattenbergeriana, belonging to the family Pyramidellidae are described from the West África coast. The shell and the most important morphological characters of the shell are represented. A comparison with rela- ted genera and species is made. RESUMEN Se describe un nuevo género Afroturbonilla, y una nueva especie, A. hattenbergeriana, de la familia Pyramidellidae de la costa occidental de África. Se representan la concha y los más importantes caracteres morfológicos de la misma, estableciéndose una compara- ción con los géneros próximosyespecies más similares. KEY WORDS: Pyramidellidae, Afroturbonilla hattenbergeriana, new genus, new species, West África, Paradoxella,Styloptygma,Syrnolina. PALABRAS CLAVE: Pyramidellidae, Afroturbonilla hattenbergeriana, nuevo género, nueva especie, África Occidental,Paradoxella,Styloptygma,Syrnolina. INTRODUCTION In a series ofpapers the authors are therefore erect a new genus, Afroturbo- revisingthefamilyPyramidellidaefrom nula, to containthis species. West África. Complete references to these works canbe found in a previous paper (Peñasand Rolan, L998). In the MATERIALANDMETHODS present paper we describe a new species that could not be assigned to SeePeñasandRolan(1998)andthe any previously described genus. We firstworkinthepresentsupplement. *CarrerOlérdola,39, 5°C,E-08800VilanovailaGeltrú, (Barcelona), SPAIN **CánovasdelCastillo,22,E-36202Vigo, Pontevedra,SPAIN ***WoodsHoleOceanographicInstitution,RedfieldLaboratory1-44MS#34,WoodsHole,MA02543,USA 201 Iberus, Suplemento 5, 1999 RESULTS Family Pyramidellidae Gray, 1840 GenusAfroturbonilla n. gen. Typespecies:Afroturbonillahattenhergerianan.sp. Diagnosis: Shell slender, fragile, midella {Styloptygma) typica Tryon, 1866 conoid in initial whorls and cylindrical owing tohomonymy This is incontrast in later ones. A well-defined umbilicus to SCHANDER, AaRTSEN AND CORGAN is surrounded by a distinct, prominent (1999) that considered Styloptygma and spiral ridge. Sculpture ofweakaxial ribs Paradoxellasepárategenera.Afroturbonilla alsocoveringthespiralridge. is also similarto the type species ofSyr- Etymology: Afro-, which relates to nolina Dalí andBartsch, 1904, Odostomia África, and Turbonilla, a genus of Pyra- rubraPease, 1868,byoriginaldesignation. midellidae. Thetype species ofStyloptygmahas a Remarks: ThegenusAfroturbonillahas shell with a deeper suture and more a superficial resemblance to the type convexwhorls. Thetype species orPara- species ofthe genusParadoxella Laseron, doxella is more uniformelly elongate, 1959, Paradoxella ambigua Laseron, 1959, with asmallerlastwhorl. Thethreetype by original designation. We here agree species of the genera Styloptygma, Para- withShigeoHori (personal communica- doxella and Syrnolina are smaller in size tion)thatParadoxellaisasynonymofSty- and they are all lacking an umbilicus loptygmaA. Adams, 1860, with the type and the distinct ridge surrounding it, species, Monoptygma stylinaA. Adams, and have a different profile thatAfrotur- 1853, by original designation. The type bonilla. All known species of these three speciesofStyloptygmawasrenamedPyra- generaarefromthePaciñcOcean. Afroturbonilla hattenhergeriana n. sp. (Figs. 1-12) Typematerial:Holotype (Fig. 1), specimenwithdriedsoftpartsinside; and4paratypes(2juve- nile and 2 fragments); from 20 m, Cacuaco, Bengo, Luanda, Angola, deposited in the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid (Accessionnumber 15.05/33303). Additionalparatypes are placed in the following institutions: 1 shell and 2 fragments from25 m, Dakar, Senegal, in MuséumNationald'HistoireNaturelle, Paris;2juveniles, onefrom2m. ClubNautique, Congo, andanotherfrom2m, PointeIndienne, Congo,incollectionofP. H. Hattenberger; 1 shelland 1 juvenile,from20m, Palmeirinhas, Luanda,Angola,incollectionofA. Peñas; 1 shell,2juveniles, 5 fragments, intertidal, Banc d'Arguin, Mauritania, and4juveniles (Fig. 2), from30 m, Miamia, Ghana,incollectionofE.Rolan;3juveniles,Dakar,Senegal,incollectionofJ.Pelorce. Typelocality:Cacuaco,Luandaárea,Bengoprovince,Angola. Etymology:ThespeciesisnamedinhonorofPaulHenriHattenbergerwhohascollectedsomeof thematerialofA.hattenbergeriwhokindlyputhiscollectionofWestAfricanshellsatourdisposal. (Right page) Figures 1-7. Afroturbonilla hattenhergeriana n. sp. 1: Holotype (MNCN), Cacuaco, Angola;2:juvenileshell,Miamia, Ghana;3:detalloftheapertureofajuvenileshell;4: detailofthe internal part ofthe columella, Congo; 5: protoconch, Senegal; 6: protoconch, Ghana; 7: proto- conch andfirstwhorls,Angola. (Página derecha) Figuras 1-7. Afroturbonilla hattenhergeriana spec. nov. I: Holotipo (MNCN), Cacuaco, Angola;2: conchajuvenil, Miamia, Ghana;3: detalledelaabertura de una conchajuvenil; 4:detalledelaparteinternadelacolumela, Congo;5:protoconcha, Senegal; 6:protoconcha, Ghana; 7: protoconchayprimeras vueltas,Angola. 202 PeñasETAL.-. PyramidelliclaeofWestÁfrica.Áfroturbonillahattenbergerianan. gen. n. sp. 203 Iberus, Suplemento 5, 1999 Figures8-12.Afroturbonillahattenbergerianan.sp. 8: protoconch, Ghana; 9: microsculptureonthe sixthwhorl (holotype); 10: microsculptureonlastwhorl (holotype); 11: apertureofajuvenileshell, Dakar, Senegal; 12: apertureoftheholotype. Figuras8-12.Afroturbonillahattenbergerianaspec. nov. 8:protoconcha, Ghana;9:microsculturadela sexta vuelta (holotipo); 10: microscultura de la última vuelta (holotipo); 11: abertura de una concha juvenil, Dakar, Senegal; 12:aberturadelholotipo. Description: Shell (Fig. 1) cylindric- towards A (in the classification of conoid elongate with a sharp apex, Aartsen, 1987), planispiral and 250 ¡¿m fragile, slightly translucent and whitish. in diameter, showing one whorl with Protoconch (Figs. 5-8) small in relation visible nucleus partially sunk into teleo- to the size ofthe shell, oftype B tending conch. Teleoconchbeginning with 5 or6 204 PeñasETAL.-. PyramidellidaeofWestÁfrica.Afroturbonillahauenbergerianan. gen. n. sp. smooth whorls (Figs. 1, 2, 6), increasing folds. The curvature is slightlyirregular, quickly in diameter giving the shell a extending both to the base and to the cortical shape. Thereafter numerous external part of preceding whorl. The axial riblets appear, weakly marked and micro-sculpture is not readily visible in slightly irregular. The subsequent\l-2 the initial teleoconch whorls, but a whorls increase regularly in diameter rough surface is visible inhigh magnifi- but the foUowing keep the same diame- cation in the following whorls (Fig. 9). ter giving the shell a cylindrical profile. This surface is formed by many micros- The last whorl represents one-third of copie depressions. In the subsequent the total shell length and has a strong whorls there are axial undulations cordsurroundingtheumbilicusnearthe betweenandontheaxialribs (Fig. 10). base. Umbilicus isnarrowbutdeep. The Dimensions:Theholotypeis 14.3x3.8 cord is present also in juvenile shells mm.Anothershell, destroyedduringthe mm (Figs. 2, 3), being then less marked, and study,reached 15 inheight. becoming stronger with growth (Figs. Distribution: This is a rare species. 11, 12). Aperture is semicircular and Shells and shell fragments have been slightly pyriform. The visible partofthe foundfromMauritaniatoAngola. columella is slightly undulating and Discussion: There is no African without any fold. Columellar fold is species with a profile similar to Afrotur- visible in juvenile specimens, and a bonilla hattenbergeriana. Juvenile shells well-demarcated prominent fold is can resemble species of shells belonging present on the internal part of the colu- to the genus Syrnola A. Adams, 1860, mella inbroken shells (Fig. 4). Outer lip butthepresenceofanumbilicusandthe is smooth, narrow and without any surroundingcord differentiatethem. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are in debt to the following ítaloNofroni andtwo anonymousrevie- persons whohave collected the material wersfortheirsuggestions. used in this study: J. Templado, F. This is contribution number 10010 Rubio, M. Calvo, C. Álvarez, Pelorce, from the Woods Hole Oceanographic J. F. Fernándes, M. Pin and P. H. Hatten- Institution. berger. We thank Jesús Méndez of the This research has been partially CACTI, Vigo University, for taking the suported by the project XUGA SEM photographs and Shigeo Hori, 30114A96. BIBLIOGRAPHY Aartsen, van,1987.EuropeanPyramide- SCHANDER,C,VANAaRTSEN, ANDCORGAN, J.J. J.J. llidae: III Odostomia and Ondina. Bollettino J.X, 1999.FamiliesandGeneraofthePyra- Malacologico,23: 1-34. midelloidea(Mollusca:Gastropoda). Bollet- Peñas,A.andRolan,E.,1998.LafamiliaPy- tinoMalacologico(inpress). ramidellidaeGray, 1840 (Mollusca, Gastro- poda,Heterostropha)enÁfricaOccidental. 3.ElgéneroChrysallidas.LIberus,suplement 4:1-73. 205

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