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The family Elachisinidae (Mollusca, Rissooidea) in the temperate and tropical Atlantic PDF

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Preview The family Elachisinidae (Mollusca, Rissooidea) in the temperate and tropical Atlantic

© SociedadEspafiola deMalacología Iberus,2\ (2): 67-90, 2003 The family Elachisinidae (Mollusca, Rissooidea) in the tem- pérate and tropical Atlantic La familia Elachisinidae (Mollusca, Rissooidea) en el Adámico tem- plado y tropical Emilio ROLAN* and Serge GOFAS** Recibidoel29-1-2003. Aceptadoel18-IV-2003 RESUMEN Se revisa el género Elachisina Dalí, 1918 (Mollusca, Rissooidea) en el océano Atlántico, in- cluyendo aquellasespeciesque previamente habían sido situadasen otrosgéneros. En total, hay 4 especies ya conocidas (E. floridana (Rehder, 1943), del Caribe, E. eritima (Smith, 1891) de la Isla de Sta. Helena, E. canarica (NordsieckyGarcía-Talavera, 1979) (combina- ción nueva) deCanariasyE. canaliculataRolan yRubio, 2001, de las IslasdeCaboVerde), 7 que se describen como nuevas para la ciencia (E. azoreana n. sp., de las Azores, E. te- nuisculpta n. sp., E. pergrandis n. sp., E. pelorcei n. sp., E. senegalensis n. sp., E. gubbiolii n. sp. y E. cafenafan. sp., de la costa occidental africana) yuna másque figuramos sin nom- brarla porcarecerde material suficiente. Lasespecies insularesson todas endemismosdesus respectivos arquipiélagosytienen una protoconcha pauciespiral, lo que sugiere un desarro- llo no-planctotrófico. Cuatro de lasseisespecies de la costa africana tienen protoconcha mul- tiespiral y probablemente un desarrollo planctotrófico, pero solo tres de ellas se han encon- trado en un área geográfica amplia, desde Mauritania o Senegal hasta Angola. Teniendo en cuenta las nuevas especies aquí descritas, la provincia Oeste-Africana se presenta como un centrode mayor riqueza específica conocido para la familia. ABSTRACT TheAtlantic speciesofthegenus ElachisinaDalí, 1918 (Mollusca, Rissooidea), including those hitherto placed in othergenera, are revised. In total therearefourpreviouslyknov^n species (E. floridana(Rehder, 1943), from theCaribbean, E. eritima (Smith, 1891), from St. Helena Island, E. canarica (Nordsieckand Garcia-Talavera, 1979) (comb. nov.), from theCanariesand E. cana- liculataRolan and Rubio, 2001, from theCapeVerde Islands), besides seven specieswhich are described as newtoscience (E. azoreanan. sp., from the.Azores, E. tenuisculptan. sp., E. per- grandis n. sp., E. pelorcein. sp., E. senegalensis n. sp., E. gubbioliin. sp. and E. catenata n. sp. from the West African coasts) and one more species which we figure without naming it awaiting appropriate material. The insularspeciesareendemicoftheirrespectivearchipelagoes, and have a paucispiral protoconch thatsuggests non-planktotrophic development. Fouroutof thesixWestAfrican species havea multispiral protoconch and a probable planktotrophic deve- lopment, butamong them onlythree have been collected in an extensive geographical range from Mauritania or Senegal to Angola. Taking into accountthe new species described herein and currentknowledge, WestÁfrica appearsasa centerofhigh species richnessforthefamily. KEYWORDS: Rissooidea,Elachisina, newspecies,Atlantic,WestÁfrica. PALABRAS CLAVE: Rissooidea,Elachisina, especiesnuevas.Atlántico,Áfricaoccidental. *InvestigadordelMuseodeHistoriaNatural, CampusUniversitarioSur, 15782,SantiagodeCompostela. ** Dept. deBiologíaAnimal, FacultaddeCiencias, UniversidaddeMálaga,E-29071 Málaga. 67 Iberus, 21 (2), 2003 INTRODUCTION The genus Elachisina was introduced Eocene with Elachisina minutissima (Des- by Dall (1918), and the taxon received hayes,1861),Elachisinalovmi(Bayan,1873), several different interpretations revie- (seeLeRenard,on-line"fossils"datábase wed in PoNDER (1985a). In this latter http://www.somali.asso.fr/fossils). Se- work, the anatomy of the soft parts and veralothergenera{Entomope,Cirsope,Pseu- thetaxonomyoftheknownspecieswere docirsope,Lacunella,DumaseUa)aretherein detailed and the new family Elachisini- acceptedasElachisinidae.Representative dae was proposed. This author presen- speciesintheNeogeneareElachisinamo- ted thespecieswhichheconsidered wit- ravica (Rzehak, 1893) and Pseudocirsope hinthisgenus, fromtheCaribbean, wes- burdigalica (Cossman and Peyrot, 1919) ternNorthandCentralAmerica,andthe fromtheMiocene,butthereareseveralot- Indo-Pacific. No species were reported her undescribed species (pers. comm. P. from the Eastern Atlantic mainland co- Lozouet, MNHN). ast,butRissoaeritimaSmith, 1890fromSt Helena, was included in Elachisina. Two Abbreviations more species have been described more recently and will be considered here: E. AMNH American Museum of Natural canarica (Nordsieckand García-Talavera, History,NewYork 1979) from theCanaryIslands,and E. ca- BMNH The Natural History Museum, naliculaia Rolan and Rubio, 2001, from London theCapeVerdeIslands. MNCN Museo Nacional de Ciencias From the material collected in Naturales,Madrid several expeditions to West África by MNHN Muséum National d'Histoire both authors, as well as from sediments Naturelle,Paris sent to US by amateur collectors and CERprívatecoUectionofEmilio Rolan from museum material, we have found CFRprívatecollectionofEedericoRubio several additional species of this genus. CEGcollectionErancoGubbioli The presentwork results from the study CJPprívatecollectionofJacques Pelorce of this material. The type material CPRprívatecollectionofPeterRyall collected by E.R. is deposited in Museo CWEprívatecollectionofWinfried Engl Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, spmspecimenwithsoftparts Madrid, and paratypes in several coUec- semptyshell tions; that collected by S.G. is in the juvenile Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, iffragment Paris. sta. station (ofa samplingcruise) The genus has a fossil record in the coU. inthecollectionof WestEuropeanTertiary,goingbacktothe leg. "legit", collectedby TAXONOMICPART FamilyElachisinidae COMPLETAAUTORYAÑO Genus Elachisina Dall, 1918 Type species: Elachisina grippi Dall, 1918; by original designation. Recent, western North America. Elachisinafloridana (Rehder, 1943) (Figs. 1-6) Microdochusfloridanus Rehder, 1943a p. 193-194, pl. 20, fig. 6 [Type locality: originally stated as BonefishKey,Fia.correctedtoMissouriKeyinRehder1943b]. 68 RoiJ^N AND GoFAS: The family Elachisinidae in the températe and tropical Atlantic Figures 1-6.Elachisinafloridana(Rehder, 1943). 1:paratypefromMissouriKey,Florida,leg. B.R.Bales (MNHN;height2.35 mm);2:detallofthemicrosculptureofanotherparatype; 3: protoconch(same specimenas2);4:shellfrornTreasureCove,Abaco,Bahamas,leg.C.Redfern(height2.45mm);5:detail ofthemicrosculpture (sameshellas4);6: protoconch,samelocalityas4, 5. Scalebars 100 pm. Figuras 1-6. Elachisina floridana (Rehder, 1943). 1:paratipodeMissouriKey, Florida, leg. B.R. Bales (altura2.35 mm);2:detalledela microesculturadeotroparatipo;3:protoconcha (mismo ejemplarque 2);4:conchadeTreasureCove,Abaco, Bahamas, leg. C. Redfern (altura2.45mm);5:detalledelamicro- escultura(mismaconchaque4);6:protoconcha, mismalocalidadque4, 5- Escalas100¡im. Typematerial:HolotypeinUnitedStatesNationalMuseum,notexamined;paratypesinLosAngeles CountyMuseum,LosAngeles;8spm,leg.B.R.Bales,incoll.Staadt,MNHN. Othermaterialexamined:Bahamas:9s,TreasureCove,Abaco,inbeachdrift,leg.C.Redfern1981; 5s,TreasureCove,Abaco,inbeachdrift,leg.C.Redfern1977;2spmcollectedalive,TreasureCay, Bahamas,understonein1 mdepth,leg.C.Redfern1982. 69 Iberu5,2\ (2), 2003 Description: Shell (Figs. 1, 4) small, lation in the adapical part, and with the ovate-conical, solid, not transparent, abapical edge slightly protruding at the withconvexwhorlsseparatedbyadeep, pointwheretheumbilicalkeelmeetsthe channelledsuture. Protoconch(Figs.3,6) columella. Peristome continuous, with of a little more than one whorl with a simpleouterlip. Colourwhitish. Dimen- mm diameter of 280-300 pm, depressed sionsupto2.45 height. dome-shaped, and smooth. Teleoconch Distribution:USA:FloridaKeys,Loui- covered by numerous spiral grooves siana; México; Panamá; Bermuda; (Figs. 2, 5) which are about 8-10 very Bahamas: Abaco and Grand Bahama faint at the beginning and, in the last Island; Brazil (see details in Malacolog whorl, are about 30 up to the base and datábase http://erato.acnatsci.org become stronger abapically. Spiral groo- /wasp/search.php/2200) vesaboutaswideastheinterspaces,and Remarks: Thistaxonwas described in rathersmooth. Umbilicusnarrow,borde- a new genus Miavdochus of the Rissoi- redbyabluntkeel and withsmall striae dae, and later recognized as a species of inside.Aperturepiriform,withanangu- ElachisinabyPonder(1985a). Elachisina eritima (E. A. Smith, 1890) (Figs. 7-10) Rissoa eritima E. A. Smith, 1890. Proc. Zool. Soc. London,l8: 289, fig. 40. [Type locality: St. Helena island]. Typematerial:5syntypes(Fig.7)inBMNH. Othermaterialexamined:St.Helena:6s,coll.Turton(MNHN); 1 j,offJamestown 15°54.5'S,5° 42'W,leg.G.Kouyoumontzakis,Orstom(MNHN). Description: Shell (Figs. 7, 8) small, ginal striae inside. Aperture almost ovate to ovate-conic, solid, opaque, with semicircular, with a blunt angulation in convex whorls. Protoconch (Fig. 10) of the adapical part, and with the abapical about one whorl and 1/8 more, light edge slightly protruding at the point brown in colour, depressed dome- where theumbilical keelmeets thecolu- shaped, smooth, about 330 pm in dia- mella. Peristome continuous, with meter with a nucleus of 125 pm. Teleo- simpleouterlip. Colourwhitish. mm conch covered by numerous fine spiral Dimensions: between 1.3 and 1.7 grooves (Fig. 9) which are about 11-13 at height. the beginning, 25 on the last spire Distribution: Only known from St. whorl, and about 60 on the last whorl. Helena. Supposedly endemic of this Spiral grooves of similar size as inters- island. paces, frequently with a thread in the Remarks: E. eritima differs from other interspaces. Umbilicusnarrow,bordered Atlantic species by its characteristically by a sharp ridge and with fine commar- globoseshape. Elachisina canarica (Nordsieck and García-Talavera, 1979) (Figs. 11-17) Cithna tenelín canarica Nordsieck and García-Talavera, 1979. p. 289, pl. 11, fig. L [Type locality: Arrecife,LanzaroteI.,CanaryIs.]. Typematerial: InMuseodelaNaturalezayelHombre,SantaCruzdeTenerife,notexamined. Othermaterialexamined:CanaryIslands:3spm,3s,LaRestinga,ElHierro,30m(CWE). Description: Shell (Figs. 11, 12) small, rent, with convex whorls. Protoconch ovate to ovate-conic, sohd, not transpa- (Fig- 15) of a little more than one whorl 70 Rolan and Gofas: The family Elachisinidae in the températe and tropical Atlantic Figures 7-10. Elachisina eritima (E.A. Smith, 1890). 7: syntype from St Helena (BMNH); 8: shell from St Helena, coll. Turton (MNHN; height 1.66 mm); 9: microsculpture ofthe same shell; 10: protoconch,samelocality. Scalebars 100 pm. Figuras7-10. Elachisinaeritima (E.A. Smith, 1890). 7:sintipodeSantaHelena (BMNH); 8:concha deSantaHelena, coll Turton (MNHN; altura 1.66mm);9: microescultura dela misma concha; 10: protoconcha, mismalocalidad. Escalas 100¡im. with a diameter of360 pm, light brown, ral, thin and transparent. Radula (Figs. depressed dome-shaped, and smooth. 15, 16) as in other species of the genus Teleoconch covered by numerous spiral (seePONDER, 1985). grooves (Fig. 14) which are about 12-13 Distribution: Only known from the at the beginning and, in the last whorl, CanaryIslands. are about 48-50 up to the base. Umbili- Remarks: This taxonwasdescribed as cus narrow, bordered by a sharp keel subspecies of Cithnn tenelín Jeffreys, and with small striae inside. Aperture 1869, but is unrelated with this species ovate-piriform, with an angulation in now classified in the Rissoidae as Bent- the adapical part, and with the abapical honella tenella (see Bouchet and edge slightly protruding at the point WarÉn, 1993: 697-701). where theumbilical keel meets the colu- It most resembles E. azoreana spec. mella. Peristome continuous, with nov. but is more solid and slender (H/D simpleouterlip. Colourwhitish. ratio 1.5 instead of 1.4). The Caribbean Soft parts: The dry animal is appa- species E. floridana is larger, more rently unpigmented with very evident slender, with one more whorl, a more and relatively large fecal pellets in its tumid profile of the spire and a narro- intestine. Operculum (Fig.13) paucispi- werumbilicus. 71 Iberus, 21 (2), 2003 Elachisina azoreana spec. nov. (Fig. 17-19) Typematerial:Holotype(Fig. 17)and11 paratypesfromtypelocality(MNHN). Typelocality:ViladoPorto(depth6-9m),SantaMaría,AzoresArchipelago. Etymology:Thespecificñameisafterthearchipelagowherethespecieswasfound. Description: Shell (Fig. 17) small, pointwheretheumbilicalkeelmeets the ovate to ovate-conic, solid, opaque, with columella. Peristome continuous, with convex whorls. Protoconch (Fig. 18) of simpleouterlip. Colourwhite. mm one whorl and V»/ transparent, dome- DÍ7nensions: Holotype 1.5 high shaped, smooth, about 350 pm in dia- and 1.1 mmindiameter. meter with a nucleus of 109 pin. Teleo- Remarks: Thisspeciesmostresembles conch covered by numerous spiral E. canarica but the latter is narrower, grooves which are about 11-13 at the more solid, a little larger, and has a beginning, 25 over the end of the spire moredistinctkeeldelimitingtheumbili- and about 40 on the last whorl. Spiral cus and protruding over the apertural grooves (Fig. 19) very shallow and edge. Also its microsculpture has micro- narrow, with wider interspaces, and a channels in the interspaces between th- small thread visible inside in some readswhicharenotseenin£.azoreana. áreas. Umbilicus narrow, with a faint The general shell morphology, and rimsituated wellinsideand terminating particularly the conformation of the the spiral sculpture, then commarginal umbilical área, resemble very much E. striae in its innermost part. Aperture tenuisculpta spec. nov. The main diffe- piriform, with a blunt angulation in the rence is in the paucispiral protoconch, adapical part, and with the abapical butalso thesizeissmallerand thespiral edge very slightly protruding at the groovesarewiderthaninE. tenuisculpta. Elachisina canaliculata Rolan and Rubio, 2001 (Figs. 21-25) ElachisinacanaliculataRolanandRubio,2001.Novapex,2(4): 133-136. [Typelocality:BaiaTeodora, NorthofSalRei,BoavistaIsland]. Type material: Holotype (Fig. 22) inMNCN (15.05/44327). Paratypes in MNHN (1), DBUA (1), CER(1),CFR(1). Othermaterial studied: Cape VerdeArchipelago: Sal: 1 s, Mordeira, 5 m (destroyed during the study). Boavista:2s,SalRei,10m;Santiago: 1 s,Praia,8m. Description: Shell (Figs. 21-23) small, licalfunnel). Umbilicusisnarrow,witha ovoid, thin, somewhat transparent, with faint rim situated well inside and termi- 2-3 whorls separated by a well defined nating the spiral sculpture. Aperture suture. Protoconch (Figs. 23,25) globose, oval, with an angulation in the adapical smooth, with a little more than 1 whorl, part, and with the abapical edge dis- and a máximum diameter difficult to be tinctlyprotrudingatthepointwherethe sized dueto thegradualtransitionto the umbilical keel meets the columella. teleoconch (258 jim is mentioned in the Peristomecontinuous, withsimpleouter originaldescription). Nucleusofthepro- lip. Central área ofthe columella curved toconch 137 pm in diameter. Holotype andreflectedtowardstheumbilicus. mm with3slightlyconvexteleoconchwhorls Dimensions: Holotype 1.9 in sculptured with spiral grooves (Fig. 24) height. which are almost canal-like, and cover Remarks: The widely spaced and the entire shell surface (numbering sharply deliniited grooves differentiate between22-25onthelastwhorl,withthe the present species from others in the final3-4groovesreachingintotheumbi- genus Elachisina, particularly from E. 72 RolAn and Gofas: The family Elachisinidae in the températe and tropical Atlantic Figures 11-17. Elachisina canarica (Nordsieck and Garcia-Talavera, 1979). 11, 12: shells from La Restinga, Hierro (height 1.8 and 1.5 mm); 13: operculum (máximum diametre 0.6 mm). 14: microsculpture (sameshell as 11); 15: protoconch, samelocality; 16, 17: radula. Scalebars, 13-15: 100 pm; 16, 17:20pm. Figuras11-17. Elachisinacanarica(NordsieckyGarcia-Talavera, 1979). 11, 12:conchasdeLaRestinga,Hierro (altura1,8y1,5mm);13:opérculo(diámetromáximo0,6mm). 14:microescultura(msmaconchaque11). 15:protoconcha, mismalocalidad; 16, 17:radula. Escalas, 13-15: 100fim; 16-17:20}im. 73 Iberus, 21 (2), 2003 Figures 18-20. Elachisinaazoreanaspec. nov. 18:holotypefromSantaMaria,Azores (MNHN;height 1.5 mm); 19: microsculptureoftheholotype; 20: protoconchofaparatype. Scalebars 100 pm. Figuras 18-20. E. azoreana. 18: holotipo de Santa Maria, Azores (MNHN: altura 1,5 mm); 19: microesculturadelholotipo;20:protoconchadeunparatipo. Escalas 100fim. canarica, E. azoreana, E. pelorcei and E. described below, have a protoconch senegalensis. Elachisinafloridana is larger, with 2 whorls at least and have more with more whorls, a more tumid profile numerous spiral grooves; the former of the spire and a narrower umbilicus. also differs in having a nearly closed Elachisina pergrandis and £. tenuisculpta, umbilicusintheadultstage. Elachisina tenuisculpta spec. nov. (Figs. 26-35) Typematerial:Holotype(Fig.26)depositedinMNHN.Paratypes:AMNH(1),BMNH(1),MNCN (1,Fig.16,n=15.05/46460)CER(50),CER(1),CPR(1),allfromthetypelocahty. Othermaterialexamined:Mauritania:1 s,BaiedeCansado,20°50'N,10m(MNHN);20s,10j,10 f,inintertidalsediments,Bancd'Arguin(CER);2s,intertidal,Baiedel'Etoile,Nouadhibou(CER). Senegal:5s,Dakar,onshipwreck"LeTacoma",15m(CJP);1 s,GrandThiouriba,40m,(CJP);1 s, W2s11t56aj4,.m,O2u79,ef°(,n1MM1d08aN°i'd-H4eTN1Nla,')ebNi1;o,4nr°e1i1sa0j5,,0,°'WD"4Wa4C.R,kh5iaa'2orl4,WgY,umo6i-m21(p754"oMmmnNsitHa(,(.NMC)"4EN1SR;,He)dN.91i°)jGg,.5uuW5ii'Gn1ulN1eii,"eansT1etB4aaai°.nsnCs61aao87u'8hn:,a,Wk21,"r0Ssy°,1e:72d24i1mf°g,ju,NS(iW,MlIl"1Nho4Hasf°tNadl5.i)0oe'8;K0MW,ae2,bl9s,a°2k(21E,C2xE.mp"3R.'S)(e.N"dMCGiNh1hgH3aau°liNnga3)1u7:";i's6W11t1a,sj".,, M2aj,yMuiammbiaa,an3d8-C4o0nmkou(aCtEiR,);"3Cosn,g2o2"j,,1st4a.f.7C9a6,pe17T-h19remeP(oMiNntHsN,)4.5-A60ngmola(:CEnRe)a.rGAambborni:ze5tec,,b7e°t0w7e'eSn, 1120°-2201'mE(,M8N0HmN)(;M4NHs,No)ff;Lu1a5n4dsa,,Pr8a0i-a10E0tma,mb(aCrE,R)L;umaonrdae,thbaenac1h30(j,MoNffHMNu)s;su4los,,390j,-l1l0h0amde(MLuNaHnNd)a;, 1 s,SantoAntonio,Benguela (MNHN);3s,Caotinha, Benguela,infrahttoral (MNHN); 1 s,Santa Mmar(iMa,NHLNuc)i.ra,40m (MNHN);3s, 1 j,SaoNicolau(MNHN);5s,5j,PraiaAmelia,Namibe,40-60 Typelocality:Bancd'Arguin,Mauritania. Etymology:Thespecificñamealludestotheveryfinesculptureoftheshell. 74 Rolan and Gofas: The family Elachisinidae in the températe and tropical Atlantic Figures 21-25. Elachisina canaliculata Rolan and Rubio, 2001. 21: holotype from Sal, CapeVerde Islands (MNCN; height 1.9 mm) 22, 23: paratype, same locality (MNHN, height 1.3 mm); 24: microsculpture (sameparatypeas22, 23). 25: protoconch,sameparatype. Scalebars 100 fim. Figuras21-25- ElachisinacanaliculataRolanyRubio, 2001. 21:holotipodeSal, Islasde Cabo Verde (MNCN;altura 1,9mm)22, 23:paratipo, misma localidad(MNHN, altura 1,3 mm);24: microes- cultura (mismoparatipoque22, 23). 25:protoconcha, mismoparatipo. Escalas100fim. Description: Shell (Figs. 26, 27, 30, 32, wer than interspaces, being slightly 34-35)small,fragüe,ovatetoovate-conic, stronger near the umbilicus, and fre- with convex whorls and a deep suture. quentlyveryattenuated oralmostdisap- Protoconch ofthe type material (Fig. 29) peared on the upper part of the last with 2 whorls, dome-shaped, smooth, whorl in adult shells. Umbilicus narrow, with a diameter of about 340 pm and a hardly developed injuvenile shells; with verysmallnucleusofabout35pm. Proto- afaintrimsituatedwellinsideandtermi- conch (Figs. 29, 31, 33) inAngolan shells natingthespiralsculpture,thencommar- alittlelargerwith460pmandbetween2 ginal striae in its innermost part. Aper- V4and2V2whorls.Teleoconchof2-2V4 tureovate-piriform, withabluntangula- convex whorls, transparent in fresh tion in the adapical part, and with the shells, sculptured with very numerous abapical edge protruding at the point weak spiral grooves (Fig. 28), which are where the umbilical keel meets the colu- 10-12 in thebeginning ofthe teleoconch, mella.Peristomecontinuous,withsimple 15-18 in the second whorl and about 65- outerlip.Colourwhite. 70inthelastwhorl.Thereareabout35-40 Dimensions: The holotype has 2.2 mm mm between the suture and the insertion of in heigthx 1.8 in diameter. The mm the peristome, 25-30 between there and largestshellreaches3.0 inheight. theumbilicus border and 8-12 inside the Distribiition: Known from Maurita- umbilicus). Spiral grooves 4 times narro- nia to Angola, having been collected 75 Iberus, 21 (2), 2003 Figures 26-29. Elachisina teniúsculpta spec. nov. 26: holotype from Banc d'Arguin, Mauritania (MNHN; height 2.2 mm); 27: paratype, same locality (MNCN; height 2.0 mm); 28: microsculp- tureoftheholotype. 29: protoconchofaparatype, samelocality(CER). Scalebars 100 pm. Figuras 26-29. Elachisina tenuisculpta spec. nov. 26: holotipo de Banc d'Arguin, Mauritania (MNHN; altura2,2 mm); 27:paratipo, misma localidad(MNCN; altura2,0 mm); 28: microescul- turadelholotipo. 29:protoconchadeunparatipo, mismalocalidad(CER). Escalas 100fim. from Bale de l'Etoile in Nouadhibou to Remarks: We have found some diffe- Banc d'Arguin, and also in Senegal, rences between the shells from Maurita- GuineaBissauandAngola. nia and Senegal and those from Ghana 76

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