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THE FACTS ON FILE STUDENT’S THESAURUS THIRD EDITION THE FACTS ON FILE STUDENT’S THESAURUS THIRD EDITION d Marc McCutcheon The Facts On File Student’s Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2006 by Marc McCutcheon All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher. For information contact: Facts On File, Inc. 132 West 31st Street New York NY 10001 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data The Facts On File student’s thesaurus / [edited by] Marc McCutcheon.—3rd ed. p. cm. ISBN 0-8160-6038-X (hc : alk. paper) 1. English language—Synonyms and antonyms. I. Title: Student’s thesaurus. II. McCutcheon, Marc. PE1591.F24 2005 423’.12—dc222004061966 2004050661 Facts On File books are available at special discounts when purchased in bulk quantities for businesses, associations, institutions, or sales promotions. Please call our Special Sales Department in New York at (212) 967-8800 or (800) 322-8755. You can find Facts On File on the World Wide Web at http://www.factsonfile.com Text design adapted by Dorothy M. Preston Cover design and illustration by Nora Wertz Printed in the United States of America VB Hermitage 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 This book is printed on acid-free paper. d INTRODUCTION Welcome to the greatly expanded third edition word that is not quite right for your purposes, of The Facts On File Student’s Thesaurus. We’ve then a thesaurus should be able to provide a added nearly 50,000 words of text to help you perfect alternative. For example, suppose you express yourself on paper and in speech, better want to find the right word to describe a skinny than ever before. friend but don’t want to use skinny because it seems negative. You can look in this thesaurus WHAT IS A THESAURUS? and find substitutes, such as thinor lean. A thesaurus is a book that lists synonyms and HOW DO YOU USE THIS THESAURUS? antonyms. Synonyms are words that have the This thesaurus has been organized to be simple same or similar meanings, and they can often be and easy to use. The word you are looking for substituted for each other. Antonyms, on the is known as a primary entry, and you can find other hand, are words that have the opposite it listed in alphabetical order. A primary entry meanings. By way of example, shy and bashful is presented in bold type. The part of speech are synonyms for timid, and bold and assertive that the primary entry is follows immediately are its antonyms. in its abbreviated form in italictype. Next is a list of synonyms and then a sample WHY USE A THESAURUS? sentence illustrating how the primary entry A thesaurus is a valuable reference tool for word can be used. If the primary entry word can improving your writing. But how can it be valu- be used in more than one way, additional syn- able to you? For starters, it can help you avoid onym lists follow. If there are any antonyms, overusing any particular word, thus making your they will appear at the end of the synonym lists. conversation and writing more lively and inter- This thesaurus has an extra vocabulary- esting. As a case in point, the word valuable has building feature called Word Search. It lists been used twice in this paragraph. If it were to words and terms related to the primary entry appear again, it would make the text too repeti- that are not synonyms of it. After locating syn- tive. As a substitute, a synonym, such as impor- onyms for, say, dog (canine, hound, mutt, etc.), tant,would be more appealing (appealing,by the you may require some words to accurately way, is used here as a synonym for interesting). describe a dog. A coat streaked with gray, for There is another important way in which a example, is said to be grizzled. The soles of a thesaurus can be of value to you. If you know a dog’s feet are known as pads.The lower cheeks v vi d Introduction of a dog are its chops. With this fun but oh-so- synonyms good enough to merit inclusion. For useful feature, you will be able to make your example, alphabetize means “to arrange in the writing more descriptive and precise. order of the letters of the alphabet.” But there A variety of abbreviations are used in this the- are no other words that mean precisely the same saurus—mainly referring to parts of speech. It is thing, so alphabetizedoes not appear in this the- important to be familiar with them when using saurus. Finally, a word of caution is in order. In the thesaurus. Following is a list of the abbrevi- some of the synonym lists, you will find words ations used in this book: that look like they cannot be substituted for the primary entry, or at least not in the accompany- adj. adjective ing sentence. This happens because there are adv. adverb very few words in the English language that are ant. antonym truly interchangeable. Synonyms of the primary interj. interjection word that will not work in the sample sentence n. noun are included because there are other situations prep. preposition and other sentences for which they may be just vb. verb right. In general, synonyms most closely associ- This thesaurus lists thousands of the most ated with the primary entry are listed first. commonly used words; however, you may be looking for a word that has not been included. Now you know how to use this thesaurus. Omissions occur when a word is judged to be Keep it on your bookshelf next to your diction- too obscure to include or when there are no ary, for it should prove to be as essential. A d abandon vb. 1. desert, reject, forsake, drop, abbreviation n. condensation, shortening, renounce. Uncaring people abandon their friends abridgment, compression, reduction. Virtually in a crisis. 2. discontinue, abort, cease, stop, everyone knows the abbreviation for “Doctor.” forgo. A major avalanche forced the climbers to Ant. expansion, enlargement, extension, abandon their attempt on Mt. McKinley. –n. 3. increase. gusto, dash, animation, verve. Hip-hop dancers WORD SEARCH perform with abandon. Ant. 1. keep, claim. 2. continue, maintain. 3. self-control, restraint, (Common abbreviations) AC: alternating current, air conditioning caution, moderation. A.D.: anno Domini, in the year of the Lord abandoned adj. 1. shameless, wild, loose, a.k.a.: also known as immoral. The playboy led an abandoned way of a.m.: ante meridiem(before noon) life. 2.vacant, deserted, unoccupied, neglected. AM: amplitude modulation An abandoned building typically becomes a ruin. anon.: anonymous Ant. 1. upright, moral, virtuous, chaste. 2. ASAP: as soon as possible occupied, maintained. aux.: auxiliary B.C.: before Christ abandonment n. discontinuance, cessation, C: Celsius, centigrade halt, stoppage. The abandonment of the mission CEO: chief executive officer was caused by a defect in the rocket. Ant. con- cl.: centiliter tinuation, prolongation, extension. cm.: centimeter abate vb. diminish, subside, lessen, weaken, co.: company decline, wane. It was at least 48 hours before the COD: cash on delivery rain began to abate. Ant. increase, strengthen, corp.: corporation intensify. CPR: cardiopulmonary resuscitation DA: district attorney abbey n. monastery, convent, friary, priory. The DOA: dead on arrival abbey is a refuge for those monks and nuns who Dr.: Doctor seek to live an uncomplicated life. ESP: extrasensory perception abbreviate vb. condense, shorten, contract, etc.: et cetera(and so forth) compress, reduce. “Mister” is usually abbreviated F: Fahrenheit as “Mr.” Ant. lengthen, extend, increase, FM: frequency modulation expand, protract, prolong. ft.: foot 1 2 d abdicate FYI: for your information and—most of all—wooden stakes. Ant. adore, g.: gram love, admire, prize, cherish, treasure. GOP: Grand Old Party hq.: headquarters abhorrence n. loathing, repugnance, aversion, in.: inch detestation, disgust, hatred. Most people react IQ: intelligence quotient with abhorrence to the thought of increased taxa- kg: kilogram tion. Ant. approval, admiration, acceptance, km: kilometer endorsement. l: liter abhorrent adj. revolting, nauseating, abom- lb.: pound inable, detestable, repugnant. Cruelty to children mg.: milligram is the worst kind of abhorrent conduct. Ant. ml.: milliliter admirable, commendable, laudable, praiseworthy. mm.: millimeter mph: miles per hour abide vb. 1. remain, linger, stay, tarry. Please oz.: ounce don’t hurry off, but abide here with me. 2.endure, PC: personal computer tolerate, bear, suffer. Many people can’t abide the p.m.: post meridiem(after noon) smell of cheap cigars. Ant. 1. leave, depart, quit. P.S.: postscript 2. reject, decline, spurn, oppose. RBI: runs batted in rpm: revolutions per minute abiding adj. unshakable, firm, constant, last- RSVP: repondez s’il vous plait(please answer) ing, enduring. Honest people have abiding trust in SOS: save our ship/save our souls others. Ant. passing, momentary, temporary. TBA: to be announced UFO: unidentified flying object ability n. capability, competence, capacity, apti- VIP: very important person tude, skill, talent, qualification. She has the abil- VP: vice president ity to excel in graduate school. Ant. inability, incapability, incompetence, inadequacy. abdicate vb. resign, renounce, relinquish, abandon, vacate, surrender. The rebels forced abject adj. 1. wretched, hopeless, miserable, their king to abdicate his throne. terrible, piteous. His abject condition is the result of losing his job. 2. servile, cringing, groveling, abdomen n. stomach, belly, midsection, subservient, spiritless. The student’s abject apol- tummy, gut. The boxer was punched in the ogy made little impression on her teacher. Ant. abdomen. 1. dignified, hopeful. 2. assured, spirited, abduct vb. kidnap, shanghai, steal, grab, seize. admirable. Terrorists abducted the ambassador. Ant. free, release, return. ablaze adj. 1. burning, blazing, flaming, flar- ing, aflame, afire. The building was totally ablaze aberration n. abnormality, irregularity, oddity, before anyone knew what was happening. 2. anomaly, deviation, quirk. Snow in July is an bright, shiny, aglow, luminous, radiant. The boy aberration. Ant. norm, regularity. was ablaze with love for the girl next door. Ant. abhor vb. loathe, detest, despise, hate, disdain, 1. extinguished. 2. gloomy, somber, depressed, reject. Vampires abhor garlic, crosses, sunlight, dispirited. abrasiond 3 able adj. capable, qualified, competent, effec- aboriginal adj. native, indigenous, endemic, tive, proficient. The personnel director was look- original, primal, primitive. The aboriginal people ing for able employees. Ant. inept, unable, living on the island are actually transplanted Asians. incapable, unqualified. aborigine n. native, indigene, first inhabitant, able-bodied adj. strong, fit, healthy, sound, original settler, settler. The aborigines lived there strapping, athletic. John was able-bodied enough long before anyone else. Ant. immigrant, new to unload the entire truck by himself. Ant. dis- arrival, foreigner. abled, handicapped. abort vb. cancel, terminate, abandon, halt, abnormal adj. odd, unusual, unnatural, irreg- stop, cease. A computer malfunction forced flight ular, extraordinary, uncommon. The boy’s abnor- controllers to abort the shuttle launch. Ant. con- mal behavior was a source of concern for his clude, complete, finish, achieve. parents. Ant. normal, common, ordinary, natu- abortion n. miscarriage, termination, expul- ral, usual, typical. sion, infanticide, aborticide. Unfortunately, Mary abnormality n. oddity, exception, irregularity, had a spontaneous abortion and lost the baby. peculiarity, aberration. Her only abnormality was putting ketchup on her ice cream. about adv. 1. almost, approximately, around, nearly. It’s about 93 million miles from the Earth aboard adj. on board, topside, on deck. When to the Sun. 2. around, throughout, everywhere. Gilligan came aboard, we knew we were trouble. As the man walked through the dark cemetery, he kept looking carefully about. –prep. 3. concern- abode n. home, house, residence, dwelling, ing, regarding, involving. The movie was about habitation, quarters. If I were rich, my abode ghosts and goblins. would be a truly grand old castle. abolish vb. eliminate, negate, disallow, end, above prep. 1. over, beyond, past. This book is not intended for people above the age of eighteen. cancel, nullify, rescind, revoke. The Emancipa- tion Proclamation abolished slavery. Ant. con- 2.over, higher than. Her name was above his on the list. –adv. 3. over, overhead. His bedroom is serve, retain, establish, create, institute. on the floor above. Ant. 1–3. under, below, abolition n. ending, termination, elimination, beneath. eradication, repeal. The abolition of slavery was long overdue. Ant. establishment, start, creation. abracadabra n. incantation, invocation, charm, hocus pocus, mumbo jumbo. The magi- A-bomb n. atomic bomb, nuclear bomb, ther- cian shouted “abracadabra” and some other invo- monuclear bomb, weapon of mass destruction. cation and the rabbit vanished. The A-bomb can unleash a staggering amount of power. abrade vb. scrape, grate, scuff, scour, grind, See also NUCLEAR BOMB. erode, gouge, sand. We were warned that the rough surface of the stone might abrade the table’s finish. abominable adj. awful, horrible, nasty, loath- some, despicable, deplorable, atrocious. Slavery abrasion n. scratch, scrape, cut, chafe, irrita- was an abominable institution. Ant. great, won- tion, scuff. She fell and suffered an abrasion on derful, commendable. her left hand.

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