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The Factors Affecting the Transfer of Training Based on the Opportunity to Perform Trained Tasks PDF

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UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff TTeennnneesssseeee,, KKnnooxxvviillllee TTRRAACCEE:: TTeennnneesssseeee RReesseeaarrcchh aanndd CCrreeaattiivvee EExxcchhaannggee Doctoral Dissertations Graduate School 12-1996 TThhee FFaaccttoorrss AAffffeeccttiinngg tthhee TTrraannssffeerr ooff TTrraaiinniinngg BBaasseedd oonn tthhee OOppppoorrttuunniittyy ttoo PPeerrffoorrmm TTrraaiinneedd TTaasskkss David Arnold Blair University of Tennessee - Knoxville Follow this and additional works at: https://trace.tennessee.edu/utk_graddiss Part of the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Commons RReeccoommmmeennddeedd CCiittaattiioonn Blair, David Arnold, "The Factors Affecting the Transfer of Training Based on the Opportunity to Perform Trained Tasks. " PhD diss., University of Tennessee, 1996. https://trace.tennessee.edu/utk_graddiss/3239 This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at TRACE: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in Doctoral Dissertations by an authorized administrator of TRACE: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange. For more information, please contact [email protected]. To the Graduate Council: I am submitting herewith a dissertation written by David Arnold Blair entitled "The Factors Affecting the Transfer of Training Based on the Opportunity to Perform Trained Tasks." I have examined the final electronic copy of this dissertation for form and content and recommend that it be accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, with a major in Human Ecology. Gerald Cheek, Major Professor We have read this dissertation and recommend its acceptance: Clifton Campbell, Roger Haskell, & Robert Maddox Accepted for the Council: Carolyn R. Hodges Vice Provost and Dean of the Graduate School (Original signatures are on file with official student records.) Tot heG raduatCeo uncil: Ia m submitthienrge wiat dhi ssertawtriiotnt beynD aviArndo ld Blair entit"lTehde F actoMrfse ctitnhge T ransfoefTr r ainiBnags eodn t he OpportuntiotP ye rforTmr aineTda sks.I"h avee xaminetdh ef inal ocfo py thidsi ssertaftoirfo onr ma ndc onteanntd r ecommentdh aitt b ea cceptiend partifaull fillomfet nhter equiremefnotrs the doefDg orceteo orf Philosopwhiyt,ha majoirn H umanE cology. GeralCdh eekM,a jorP rofessor Acceptfeodrt heC ouncil: AssociaVtiec eC hancelalnodr Deano ft heG raduatSech ool FACTORSA FFECTING THE TRANSFERO F TRAINIGN BASED ON THEO PPORTUNITYT O PERFORMT RAINED TASKS A Dissertation Presentfeodrt he DoctoorfP hilosophy Degree UniversoiftT ye nnessKeneo,x ville DaviArndo ld Blair Decembe1r9, 96 Copyrigh1t9© 9b6yD avidArn oldB lair 1996 , Alrli ghrtess erved ii DEDICATION Thidsi ssertiastd ieodinc attote hdem emoroyf m yf ather Mr.J ameAs. B lair. iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Iw oulldi kteot hanmky majporro fesDsro.Gr e,r alCdh eek, fohirs guidanpcaet,i eanncdef riendsIhw iopu.l adl sloi kteot hank my othecro mmittee meDmrb.Ce lrisf,tC oanm pbeDlrl.,R oger Haskealnld,D r.R obert Mafdodtroh xe aisrs istaanndcf eo bre inmgy mentofrostr h el asste veryaela rIsw .o uladl sloi kteoe xpremsys thanktsoD eborHaaht chefroh,re ru ndrestandainndgp atience throutghhew holper oceWsosr.d csa nneotx premsys t hanktsom y motheErs,s ifeo,r gimvei enngc ourageamnedni tn,v aluable educatioopnpaolr tuniAt sipeesc.ti haal nktsoT imP atton. iv ABSTRACT Thep urpoosfte h isst udwya st oi dentainfddy e finteh ef actors thaatff ectth et ransoffne erw llye arneds kiltlots h ej obO.n ef actor thahta sb eesnh owtno a ffectth et ransoffte rra intiont gh ej oibs t he extetnotw hicthh et rainpianrgt iciapraegn itvs etnh e opporttou nity perfotrrma inteads ks oncree ttuhtmeo y theirT hjeoo pbpso.r tunity top erfowrams t oc onsiosftt w od imensionbsr:e adatnhda ctivity level. Trainipnagr ticifpraonamt g so vrnme entf acilaintdty h eir immediastuep ervi(sNo r74s ) r espontdoet dw od ifferent = questionnwahiirchem se asurtehdet hredei mensiooftn hse opportutnoip teyr foarnmd v ariooursg anizatwioornkca oln,t eaxntd, indivifdaucatlo9 r0ds a ys atfhtete rra inheaedsc ompleat Perdo ject Managemetnrta inipnrgo gram. Thes tuduyt iliaz oende -shot programd eesviaglAnu .a tion Pearsopnr'osd uct-mocmoernrte lactoieoffinc iaenndta multiple regresasniaolny wsaissp erfortmoed de termiifns ei gnificant relationesxhiisptaset td h e. 0l5e voefls ignificaCnocrer.e lated variabwleerste h eo pportunity-tion-dpeeaxrn fdto hreim n dependent variabulnedses rt udyt:y poef t askssu,p ervipseorrcye ptwioornk, grouspu ppopratc,oe f w orks,e lf-effiacancdcy a,r emeort ivation. Thes tudfyo untdh a(ta ) trarienceeeisdv ieffde rential opportuntiopt eirefso trrma inteads kasf tterra inainndg( b) differencienos p portuwneirtreye latteofd a ctoirnts h et rainee's transefnevri ronmaesnw te,la ls t het raineien'dsi vidual v characteriFsitnidcisni.gn sd icattheadtt r ainweheosw erpee rceived byt heiimrm ediastuep ervtiosb oecr o mpetoebntta ingerde ater breadotfhe xperieanncdpe e rfortmheemd o rec omplaenxd d ifficult tasktsh atnh oswei tlhe sssu pervissuoprpyo rTth.es tudayl so showetdh attr ainaesessi gntoew do rkg routphsa wte rpee rceiavse d highsluyp portwievreme o rel iketlopy e rfoar bmr oadrearn goef taskwsi,t h mroerpee titainodmn osr,ec omplex otfyt paessk s than thoster ainienel se sssu pporteinvvei ronmeAndtdsi.t ionally, trainewei'thshi ghleerv eolfss e lf-effiacnadcc ya remeort ivation wersei milafroluynt doh avsei gnificagnrtelayto eprp ortuntiot ies perofrm. vi TABLE OFC ONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I.I NTRODUCTION . .. . . . 1 ..................... .... ........................ ... ...... Statemoefntth eP robl.em ... . 4 . ............................ ....... ............. Purposeo ft heS tudy .. ....... 5 ................................... . ... . ............ TheorceatliF ramework ..... . . 5 ........ ... . .. ............... .................... ResearQcuhe stion . .. 16 ............................ ................................ Rationale 19 ............................................................................ Assumptions ......... . .22 .............................................. .. .. . ... ... .. Delimitati.on.s.. ... . .. .. ... ...23. ..... .... . ........................... ... .. ... . ... .. Definitions. ... . . 23 ............................... .. .. .............. ................... I.I REVIEWO F RELATEDL ITREATUREA ND RESEARCH.. 31 . . ... OvervioefTw r ansfReers ear.ch .... . 35 . .......... ... ... ...................... DifficulotfAy c hievTirnagn sf.er. . 38 ... ... ................................... ConditioofTn rsa nsf.e.r .... . 41 .. .. ..... .. ...... ................................. Summaroyf R evieowfL iterataunrdRe e search 85 ...................... II.I METHOADSN DP ROCEDURE.S.. ...... 89 . .... ........................... PopulatainodSn a mple . 89 ....................................................... IndpeendenVta riab.les . 91 .. ..................................................... DependeVnatr iable .. . .. . . 91 ......... ................... ..... .. ........ ....... .... ResearDcehs ig.n.. ......................................9.2 ....................... ResearIcnhs treunmt.s. ......................................94. ................ DataC ollecPtricooend ures . ... . 95 ......................... .. ................... vii

my other committee members, Dr. Clifton Campbell, Dr. Roger. Haskell, and Dr. Robert Maddox for .. organizational factors on training outcomes" (Kraiger, Ford, &. Salas, 1993, p. 312). 3 .. l Career Motivation! 4. 5. I. I. Self-Efficacy.
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