The Face in the Window and Other title: Alabama Ghostlore author: Brown, Alan. publisher: University of Alabama Press isbn10 | asin: 081730813X print isbn13: 9780817308131 ebook isbn13: 9780585211633 language: English subject Ghosts--Alabama. publication date: 1996 lcc: BF1472.U6B74 1996eb ddc: 133.1/09761 subject: Ghosts--Alabama. Page i The Face in the Window and Other Alabama Ghostlore Page ii The face in the window of the Pickens County Courthouse in Carrollton is probably Alabama's most famous ghost. See Stories 123a-d. From a photograph by Marilyn Brown. Page iii The Face in the Window and Other Alabama Ghostlore Alan Brown Page iv Copyright © 1996 The University of Alabama Press Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35487-0380 All rights reserved Manufactured in the United States of America designed by erin toppin bradley The paper on which this book is printed meets the minimum requirements of American National Standard for Information Science- Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48- 1984. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Brown, Alan, 1950 Jan. 12- The face in the window and other Alabama ghostlore / Alan Brown. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 0-8173-0813-X I. GhostsAlabama. I. Title BF1472.U6B74 1996 133.1'09761dc20 95-33572 British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data available Page v Contents Preface xiii Introduction 1 Chapter 1 Central Alabama 1. The Thing with Wings 11 2. It's Cold Down Here! 12 3. The Wailing Ghost 12 4. An Alabama Banshee 12 5. God, the Devil, and the Two by the Gate 12 6. The Woman in White 13 7. Who's Going to Sleep with Me Tonight? 14 8. The Face on the Door 14 9. The Mad Scientist's House 14 10. The Railroad Ghost 15 11. The Blue Ladies 15 12. The Spectral Housekeeper 16 13. The Lady on the Rock 16 14. Reynolds's Ghost 16 15. Trummy's Ghost 17 16. The College Night Kid 17 17. Condie Cunningham 17 18. Bayview Bridge 18 19. The Lady on the Bridge 19 Chapter 2 Northern Alabama 20. The Ghost of the Opera Singer 20 21. The Headless Girl 20 22. The Vanishing Woman 20 23. The Spectral Singers 21 Page vi 24. Sally's Ghost 21 25. Ghost Dog 21 26. The Tate-Ashford House 22 27. The Haunted Schoolhouse 22 Chapter 3 Northeastern Alabama 28. Miss Pokey 23 29. Surprise Homecoming 23 30. The Haunted Plantation 24 31. Goose Ghost 24 32. The Open Grave 25 33. The Dog Man of Eastwood 25 34. The Wailing Waif 26 Chapter 4 Eastern Alabama 35. Gloria's Bridge 28 36. The Laughing Voice (WPA) 28 37. The Haunted Graveyard in Lowndes County (WPA) 29 38. Fishing Peter (WPA) 30 39. Murdered Girl's Spirit Lives (WPA) 30 40. The Haunting of Crommelin Estate (WPA) 30 41. Travling with a Ghost (WPA) 31 42. The "Hanted" House (WPA) 31 43. Buried Money Protected (WPA) 32 44. Old Court Street Church Ghost (WPA) 32 45. Thirteen Bridges Road 33 46 The Moving Beds 33 47 The Red Lady 34 48 The Bachelor's Haunted House (WPA) 34 49 The Haunted Corner 35 50 The Cold Ghost 36