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LUIGI CASCIOLI THE FABOLFEC HRIST BOOKO FA CCUSATION Irrefutadbelmeo nstratitohna t jesunse veerx isted LUIGI CASCIOLI THE FABLEO F CHRIST BOOK OF ACCUSATION Irrefudteambolnes trtahtaito n jesnuesv eexri sted This book is dedicated to the Cavalier de Ia Barre J,��l 0 Thea uthhoarsi rrefudteambolnys trtahtatethd ef acts presenatste rdua en dh istoirnit ch"aeHl o Slcyr iptures" arien r ealfiatlysT eh.ii sse specitarluilenry e gatrotd h e figuroefJ esus Cwhhriichshat sb, e ebna seodna c ertain Johonf G amalsao,no fJ udaAstt. h een do ft hbeo otkh e authhoarsi ncluad DeEdN UNCIATIlOANW SUaIgTa inst · Minisotfet rhCsea thoClhiucr fcoh"r a buosfte h peo pular credul(Artit. y66"1 oft heI talPieannaC lo dea)n df or "imperson(aAtr4it9o.4on ft" h Iet alPieannCa old e). CONTENTS Chap. 1 - The Bible Page 5 Chap. 2- The Second Return to Egypt Page 18 Chap. 3- The Period of the Kings Page 28 Chap. 4- The God of the Bible Page 42 Chap. 5- The Hebrews After the Invasion of Northern Palestine Page 54 Chap. 6- The Mystery Cults Page 59 Chap. 7- The Maccabean Revolt Page 68 Chap. 8- Demographic Situation of Palestine Under the Roman Occupation Page 82 Chap. 9- The Essenes -Sons of Light Page 91 Chap. 10- Essene-Zealot Wars and Revolutions Page 101 Chap. 11- The Essenes after the year 70CE Page 113 Chap. 12- The Canonical Gospels Page 123 Chap. 13- John the Nazarene Page 142 Chap. 14- The Crucifixion Page 151 Translator's note: Bible quotes are from "The King James version" of the Holy Bible CHAPTE1R THE BIBLE Thibso otko omke l ongtehraI ne xpecttoew dr ibteec auIws aen tteodl ogicaanldl y thorouegxhpllyaa limlny s tatemseotn htaset v etnh meo srte lucrteaandtwe orusl adg ree witmhy o bjecttoid veem:o nsttrhaaJttee s huasns e veexri sted. OncIer ealitzheatdth efi guroefJ esuCsh riissjt u stth eo utcoomfet her eligious evoluotfit ohJnee wIsb ,e galno okfionirgtc sa usients h beo owkh icthe ltlhsse t oorfty h is peoptlheBe:i blIeti. si mposstioub nldee rsCtharniidswf te i gnotrheMe a ccabreeavno lt andw ec annsopte aakb outth Mea ccabiefwe esi gnotrheJe e wiNsaht ionPaalriatsnytd consequweenc talnynu ontd erstthaJene dw iNsaht ionPaalriift swyte d on okt nowwh at causietdfs o rmatTihoenr.e fIoh raedt, o g ob acaks f aars ":I np rinccirpeiaaDv eiuts Caeleutmt err(aImtn"h bee ginnGiondcg r eatthehede aveannsdt heea rtwhh)i cihst he beginnoiftn hgBe i ble. Myi ndepenadnedrn att iaonnaallo yfst ihsfe a chtass mleet doc oncluIsf ieoeIncl sa n positdievfeelanygd a iannscyt r iticism. Iti se astyo u ndersteavnedfn,r otmh efi rspta getsh,a tth eB ibliesa foolish, contradaincdat bosruycr odl leocfts itoonra isecsr itboae p de opmlaed uep o fs hepherds, whod idn'ta nhwyar viet htiesnt oTrhyeB. i bhlaeas t tritbhuJete ewdas hisitnto hrseya me wayi nstiotfhu etreasl ddowr hye tnh eiyn vegnetn ealotgriefceoasprl e opwlheo h avneo "histoIrfiy th" a.do nltyo ltdh ter uatbho uwth awte r ealdolk yn owa boutthJ ee wish peopilwteo ,u lhda vseu mmeudpt hehiirs taocrcyo,r tdoit nhgo fseerw e lidaobcluem ents weh aviena,s ingsltea tem"eOnntcu:ep oant imteh ewreer seo mneo madwsh oa,ft etrh ey letfth see miarreigdi oofnM se sopotaimnivaa,dP eadl esatnidfn oecr e ntuprliuensd ered thpee oplwehsol ivtehde rPee"r.i od! Them iraocflt ehB ei bhlaebs e etnh aitft o cuisteadst tenotnio onneo ft hmea ntyr ibes makiunpgt hipse opalnei ,m agiannadhr yyp othettriicbTaehl.it sr iwbaesm adteh mea in charaocftt ehres torayn,da ltlh et alaensdl egenwdhsi,cg he nerirceaflelrtyro ae ldl nomadosft hat pweerrifeoo dc,u osnei dt . Whastt rumcekm ositst hfea ctth autn,l ialkl teh oet heepri bco okwsh ich describe characatlerrecsae dlye brianet aerdll ieegre ntdhsBe,i bcloen striutcsstt eodar ryo utnhde figuorfae c ompleitnevleyn ctheadr acIt'emrr e.f ertroit nhgaB ti blGiocdat,lh aGto d withoanu atm ew hoa,sI w enotn r eadtihnBegi blaep,p eatroem dea sa ne ntiwthyo se existientn hcpeea swta sfr auduleanstsleyr ted,h irmte oal t artiiobnfneg o madwsh oa,sa mattoeffr a citg,n orheidm . Toom anyc ircumstdaenmcoenss ttrhaattteh eG odo ft heB iblhea dn evebre en worshipbpyte hde sshee phewrhdohs a da lwapyrso fepsosleydt hmeaiisnmml ayd uep b y supersttirtiiibodauolasl n sdb ym oriem portdaenitt iesfr otmoa tkhepener o plceusl't s. Theriesn oe videtnhcateth iGso de xisted hbewe afsno armee idnt hBei btlheaw ta s writitnte hn6e t che ntBuCrEy( BeftohrCeeo mmoEnr aT)h.e riesn oe vidennocetev ,e n at rawchei,c the sttiofih eiwsso rshTihpe.ri esn othiwnhgi cthe sttiofih eisma si dto efso r 5 altlh oosteh deeri twiheosse ex istbeenscitedh,ene sa metsh ewye rcea lblyei,dws i tnessed bya ltlh otseem plsetsa,ta unemdse ,m orsitaolnm easdi ent hehiorn oBre.f otrh6eet h centBuCrEty h eirasen a bsolvuactueu m tahbGeoo udot ft hHee brews. oBfte hlei evers Bibcllea tihmta hte Giordw ausn nambeedc ahuesh ei mself iatfno tdrh btaahtde ear ree nos tatourie msa goefhs i bme cahuess eev efroerlbyia tIdd. eo nb'etl iietIvc, ea nb'etl ieve itWh.a th abse coomfte h otseem pwlheisca hc,c ortdoti hnBegi bwleer,be u itloct o ntain thAer okf t hCeo venaWnhatth? a bse coomfet hatte mpolfJe e ruscaolmemmi ssioned, accortdoti hnBegi bblyeS ,o lomaonnbd u iwlitts ht ontehsrt eiem leasr tgheartn ho en es usefdot rh Pea nthaenoodnf w hincoht hiilsne gnf otet,v eanfr agment? Iti sc letahraw tea rceo nfronwtietadhs totrhyBe i bwlrei tienrvse nitnte hd6e t h centtuoar cyh ibeyvu en,i ttihnHege breuwnsd oenrGe o dt,h onsaet ionaailmtishs etyi c hasde ftot rh emsaelftveterhs ew ye rree lefarsoecmda ptiinBv aibtyyl onia. Theo nlwya yt od emonstthreeax ties toefan nce ex tempGoordaw rhyoh adne ver existweadts o r estoorh tia sn onymTihtiaysn. o nywmaisstu yp pobrytt ehdof saem ous init"iHa]WHl"sw hosmee aninnogb ohdayes v ebre eanb lteoe xplaanibdny " Yahweh", whiicnsho atn ambeu atm ereep itthhematet,a nags e ne"raIim ca" n sdo c adne monstrate anythbiuhntig es x istence. NamianG go dw hoh ande veexri satnei dn,v enGtoedwd,o ulhda vber ouagbhotau t histovreirciafli wchaitcwihoo unl,hd a vmea dteh weh olfrea meworrikd icuTlhoiuss . framewocrokur leds oinslwtyi tahn onymTihteey x.i stoeftn hcGieos d b,a soendl oyn dreaamnsvd i siroenpso rbtyie mda gicnhaarrya wchtole irvsie nfd a arw atyi mweistn ho evidetnhctaeht e hya wdo rshihpipmce,od u bledp rovoendlb yya rrogeaxnptlloyti htei ng impossoifbR ielaisttoosyn h otwh neo nexisotfse onmceeb wohdoyd oesenx'itsT th.e historreisceaatlroe c sht abif ltihGseoh do ft hHee brerwesa elxliys bteefdot rhe6et h centcuoruyel ndid nn oo thwearby u wti tthhs et atemAesnn ott:hp"ir nogvh eiessx istence anadt t hsea mtei mneo thpirnogvh einsso nexisttheewnnecc ea nneoxtc lhuedr ee ally existTehdai"tst. h sea mceo ncluacs oimomni srseiaocnwh heedin wt asch arwgietdh establtihstehr iuenexg i stoeftn hcgeei aGnatr ganwthuoaa tnte e mne na te acmhe aaln d whosseh oweesr mea dwei tthhl ee atfrhoemtr w elcvoew s. Iti so nt hiism possiobfsi hloiwtitynh gen onexisotfte hnenco en exitshtaetn t Christair aenliibtgayis,ooe nnd lo ynv isiaonnddsr eaimmsp,o istedsso gmaIsct.o nsiders ast ruteh omsyet ahbso fiuctt itcihoaursas cutcehrt sha osts heo usoafnm dasr toyftr hse neo-Chreirasant doif at nhf eo llocweinntgu Armioenswg.h omw,i thgoouittn ogfo a r, theirsSea int Rose from Viterbo. aftHeherar v irbneigco ognraspthreurc,t edP aolo Cenci, helri tfrey tiopn rgo veb ltahicawskth iatnewd h iitse belnadcbskys , a y"iwncega nd'etn y whaitsw ritatbeonhu etir n " SecoVnidtaaasn " o bocdoyu sladiy t f'asl .sn.eo."b obduyt commosne nse! SoI c acno ncltuhdaife tt hHee brews nheaeddtneo'dc t o nstarG uocdtj, e hovah (Yahwweohu)lh da vree maiinnte hdal ti mobfow aitwihnegrt ehu en knogwondw se re confinTehdec. i otfyP ergamiunAm s,iM ai nohra,dd e dicaam teemdo rsitaoltn ote h ese godfsot rh see nosfpe i tthye fyef lottr h efmo,tr h efirru stration. Thiem aogfet hegsoed wsa,i tfiontrgh m eo mewnhte mne nw oulhda veev oktehde m atl eatsost io tna t hroonnte h eea ritsshi ,g nitfiomc oacnaktlr le ligAftieortn hsme.i nor deittihemasut,l tiotfsu pdiewr hiowt esr ien vobkyte hdpe r imipteiovpeilw tea sts,h teu rn oft hmea joonre Tsh.efi rosnte tsob ec hosfernot mh miusl tiotfwu adiet giondwgse re BrahHmoar,u Oss,i rIissMi,as r,d aunkAd h uMraaz dAal.tl h oet hecrasmae ft erwaanrdd Ic ainm agtihnieem patioefAn lclweah hoh atdo w aiutn ttih5let che ntCuEr( yC ommon Erab)e fhorewe a csh osaessn o meoneG'osd T.oh wenar rese t mialnlgy o dwsa itIid nagr,e 6 sabyi lliif ownets h,i tnhka bte,s itdheo gsoed cso ntiniunavlolkbyey td h see ctthsac to me inteox isteevnecdreay y e,v ehruym abne innege dags o df ohri mself. As histsopreya oknsl iyng enetreircma sb outth neo matdr ibwehsol iviendt hvea st deseorftt h Mei ddElaes atl,tl h awtek nowa boJueth ovathr'iasbb eo,uh tip sr ophheitss , batthlielsse ,a daenrdsh iksi ngcso meesx clusfirvoetmlh yeB iblae b,o otkh agti ves revelaatsti hooenn sl wya rraonfit t" sc reeWde"d .on ofitn dt hlee acsotn firmaotfti hoen characatneders v entthsat thB ei bslpee aakbso uitna nhyi stodroiccuamle Tnhte.ay r ea,s wes haslelee ,i thienrv enotree ndt icroepliyfe rdo omt her peopleIsn't hsleae mgee nds. waya sf otrh ceh aracwteec rasn,nfi ontda nyk inodfc onfirmaatbiooutnth eex istoefn ce thotsweo k ingdoImssr,aa neJdlu dawhh,i cwhi lbleu seadst hfeo undaftoitroh nce l aims onP alestine. Fafrr obme ianw go rokfl iteorrpa oreyt iincs pirtahtHeio olnSy,c riptauraret e rse atise ofa pprentitcoge usehrirpwi alrlfaaa nrdea ni ncitetmoae rnmte rde bellTihoenwy.e re writotnelntyo r eascphe cifica impsoT.lh ietsaieic amwlsi lbelm oreev idwehnetwn e d eal witthh Jee wiPsahr tthyaw ti llela tdhJ ee wtsoc onceaip vreo groafum n iveirsmaple rialism ina c resceonfnd aot ionaelxicsittiecm ent. TheB ibaliem etdou niatf er ustpreaotpebldye a ppeatloit nhgfe e eloifnh gast raendd reventgheat th ehya da ccumuloavteterhd ce e ntucraiuessbe ydt haits olaftoiroconen d them ftrhobeme ginnoiftn igm eTsh.i isse vidbeynt th wea yt hJee wcso nstrtuhcetiedr Godw,h oi sp resenftreotdmh vee rfiyr spta geassc, a paobnlleoy fp unishciunrgs,ai nndg ordermiansgs acres. TheB ibdliev ihduemsa hni stionrttyow op artthsfie:r spta rbte giwnistA hd ama ndE ve ande ndwsi tthh Fel ooadn,dt hsee condr epsaurmtwe istN ho aahn de ndwsi tthh een do f thweo rlTdh.eB ibdlwee lvlesrl yi tutploetn h fetiS tp arotn,lt yh rpeaeg easn,di dt oesso ina ne xtremceolnyfu saenddi maginwaaryy. TheB ibtleel ulsts h set oraibeosuG to dc reatAidnagmb yb lowiinntg h neo soefa c lay figuraeb,o Autd ama ndE vew itthh aep plaeb,o uCta iwnh,o f uolflr emorsfeok ri lling his brotAhbeerfll e df oNro dw herheeg avbei rttoah r acceo,u plwiintaghw omawnh oh ad toh avbee ehni osw ns istaenrdm, a keasl iosfPt a triwahrocshaesv eraaggweea s7 5y0e ars olda,n dt heinst a y"sTh:e re were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown." (Ge6n.: 4) Wek nowt hatth Bei bbleeg atnob ew rititnet nh 6et che ntu(rByC ET)h.e refiotir se , obvioaucsc,o rtdoitn hgee v enrtesp orttheaidtit, sn otth ree suolfdt i viinnes pirbautti on, ist hter anscroifap lttlih oneno titohnasit ta su thloerasr fnreodMm i ddle-Elaesgteenrnd s andm ythdsu ritnhge fiirft y-eyxeiialnrte h Bea bylokniinagnd oTmh.em entitohnBe i ble maketsot herseen ownmeedno fa nciteinmtie sso nlayr eferteont chmeey tholowgei es all knoww,h oshee roweesr oeft esno nosfa g oda ndo fa h umabne insgu cahsA chilles, PersePuosl,y pheamnudss oo n.T heB ibulsee sdu cahr eferteonc cree ahteer ofeosir t s invenstteodrh ye,r owehso w erbeo rno fs terwiolmee fne rtiblyiG zoedsd,u cahsI saac, SamsoJna,c oEbs,aa un dm anoyt heirnos r,d teorc omea,tt heen dt,ot hceo nstruocft ion Jeswuhso a v irggianvb ei rttoha, v irgmiand per egnbaynt thH eo lSyp irJiets.hu ism self wilbleh eralbdyea dn othheerrJ oo,h tnh Bea ptwihsoti, si nt umt,h ree suolfat n other couplbientgw eaes nt erwiolmea ann dG od. Thefi rsptr otohfa tthB ei bilsaeb oookfp agaann dn odti viinnes pirisa tthieeop ni sode ofE vaen dt haep ptlaek ferno amS umerlieagne nTdh.il se gesnadit dh atthfi er swto man hadc ausaeldel v iblesc aubseei,np egr suabdyae s dn akteod isoGboedyt hCer eatsohre, convinhceeprda rttnoee rat th freu ifrto mt hfeo rbidtdreene . 7 A documecnatl l"eTdh e CylinodfeT rem ptation", whicihsn owa tt hBer itish MuseuimnL ondtoenlt,lh si s Sumertiaalinewt ;a wsr itten in2 500BaCnEd e xisted twencteyn tubreifeosr e the Bibwlaews r itten. Thef irpsatre tn dwsi th thee xplanoaftt ihotenw o heroneast'u arnetd,h etnh e Adam andE vine thSeu merilaeng end Bibltee lulsst haGto d, dissatwiistwfihhe ahdte h ad creaotnee adr dtehc,i tdode eds tervoeyr yatnhtdio sn tga orvtea rg ain. "And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom Ih ave createdf rom the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD". (Ge6n:.7 -8) Weal l knoawb otuhtFe l owohdi cbhys, u bmertghiEena gr ktihl,el veedlr iyv tihnign g excefpoNtro ahhi,fs a mainltdyh fies thh aGto dc oulhdanv'detr owneevdei,nhf e h ad wantteod. Befodries cutshsseie ncgop nadrtw ,h ifcohl ltohewexs t ermicnaautsbieytod hn fe l ood, Iw anttom akseo mceo nsidearbaottuihtdoe an tsae nstd h eev etnhtBesi brleep oarbtosu t thpee riwohdig cohe frso mA datmoC hribsitra'tnshwd h ilcahs taecdc,o rtdoti hnBegi ble, foutrh ousyaenadr s. TheB ibslaeyt sh Fel otoodo pkl aicne2 350I.tc ouslede amb sutrotd h itnhka t origitnheaeal rlhtyah bd e come completienol nyl1 y7p 5yo0ep autrlhsaa tntekoadss i ngle coupAldea,am n Ed veH.o weviewtri ,sl ele qmu irtied ictuhlaiotnuA sb rahtaimm'ess (190i0.)oe,n. l,4y 5 y0e aarftset rh dee struocfat llilio vnti hnign sguscn,hu meraonuds advanced paospt uhElega ytpitotinhasPen e sr,s itahBneas b,y lotnhiGear nesea,kn sad l l thoet hoenre wsh oo rigiinnat theMede diterarraenMaer,ai nca anndI ndo-European civiliczoautdliedov neslW,oit ph.o supte akoiftn hLgea plafnrdoetmrh sNe o rPtohl teh,e IndifarnosAm m eritchaAe,b origfirnoAemus s trwahloni,oa bt e icnogn sidientr heed Biblhiicsatlao rrdeye ,s titnobe epd a rotfa notwhoerrla dsi, tf h ewye rpea rotfa nother funsntyo rAy w.o rlwdh icwhh,e intw asd iscovcearuesmdea,dn pyr oblfeomtrsh e Christthieaonl obgeicaantushs eheya tdo d eciif dteh epsoep ulahtaiados nosua lst, h ey werneo ktn owansb eibnogr onfA daamn Edv e. Att hpiosi In'tsm u rteh maatn rye adweirclsrl i tmiycs itzaet emmaeinnttsa tihnaIit n g donh'atvt eot akteh etseem podriavli sliiotnebsru actlo lnys,it dheeormn layss ymbolic expresosfpi eorniwsoh discc ahn nboedt e termWienletldh,.er seea derst okn neoetwdh at, conttrowa hraytt h emya yth iintfkh ,ed yo nc'otn stihdeedsrae t aesbs e irnegat lh,ea yr en't ont hsei doeft hCeh urbcuhat g aiinwtsh ti dcehf etnhdesds aet ceosn demanshi enrge tics thowsheor efutsoea ccetphtea msd ogmattriuctD hesn.y tihnegds aet beygs i vtihnegam bromaeda nimnega,n sr etpolf aaciweti htr he asTohnii.sts h fea iwthhi mcahk tehsJe e ws celebtrhapetr ee syeena2tr0 ,0 a0s,t h5e7 60atnhn iveorfts haferi yrm satnb 'isrt Thh.i s samfea imtahk etshC eh rismtaiianntfsat irtnmh lAaydt a wma csr eabtyGe odd e xacotnl y FridMaayr,2c h44 ,0 0a4c,c ortdowi hnagtt h Een glish theoloUgsihasentr a Mtoends ignor inh ibso oCkr eatoifMo anna ftehra vimnagd" ei dne pstthu dies". TheC hurhcahas g reaeldt,h owuigtmhha nrye servwaittithoh Dneas r,w itnhieaonr y 8 abouptl anatn da nimeavlo lutbieocna uosfte h ee videonfcf ea ctHso.w eveirth, a s categorriecfautlsolea ydp ptlhyti hse otromy a nw hoa,c cortdoit nhCgeh urcwha,sa lready compleatshe edi ,sn oww,h ehne c amoen e artThos. u mu pt,h Ceh urmcahi nttahiants onltyw oh umabne inogrsi ginhautmeadn 6i0ty0y 0e aargso w,h ow erael refaodrym aesd humanasr teo dtahya ntkoGs o d'csr eawtiivlTelh .i csr eationist thteowo hrayt, contrary onem ayt hiinskh elbde,s idbeyts h eologbiyaa ncse,r tbariann ocfhn atusrcaile nce scholIanJr usn.1e 9 9i9n fKaacnts as BSocahro(doU lS vAo)t (ewdi atm ha joroifst ivyxo tes ouotf t enf)ot rh aeb oliotfti hoDena rwineivaonl utitohneaofrrryyo t mh sec hoporlo grams ofb iolaongdyn atusrcaile ntcore esp liatcw ei tthh "e Creatiotnhiesohmre"yl bdy t he BiblTeh.it sh eomrayi ntaaisIn 'sva,el resaadiytd h,ah tu maniitst hyre e souflt thc eo upling oft woh umabne inwghsoc amoen e arbtyhc hanwciet,h oaunot r igwiint,h aonui tn fancy, complaentdpe e rfaedcutla tbslt eos atisfaucstaeol trlhi eoliryrg aenvse,tn h ree productive one.s. . Ino rdteorr easstuhroews heo c oubledd ismaaytte hdii sn formaIwt iisloalnty ,h atth e presidoefan lttlhs oe t hAemre riucnainv erdsoin toirtee sc ogtnhiez ed ipilnbo imoalso gy andn atusrcaile nicsessub eytd h Uen iverosfKi atnys aIs'.cm e rttahiatnth per ofesosfo rs thUen iversKiatnysc aoosuf nl odht a vmea dteh idsec isbieocna uosfae p ersobneallbi uetf becautsheew ye rfeo rcteobd y t hep owerfullo ccalle rgTyh.is sh oumladk eu st hink serioaubsoluytt h ew ays choowlosu lbde comife t hewye rceo ntroblylC eadt holic authorities. Entrusotuircn hgi ldtrore enl igaiuotuhso rwiotuilmedes a gno inbga ctkot hdea rkest medieovbaslc urainntj iussamtf ewy earItsw .o ulmde ang oinbga ctkot hIen quisition whicihnt, h pea scto,n demtnoet do rtaunrdte o tshteaw kheo evoeprp ostehdCe h urch's "trutIh'snm"o .st ayianngy thfionogl ifi Isa hs setrhtat th Ceh urwcohu lbdr ibnagc tkh e staikifeht a dt hpeo webra ctkh aitht a di nt hpea sItn.F randcees,p tihtHeeo lFya ther's requefsoftros r givCeantehsoshl,ai vcrese estabalnai ssshoecdi waittiihno qnu isiatiimosn al asi ss howinnt hfeo llodwoicnugm ent: CREATIOOFNA N EWA SSOICAITON. Declartaott ihPoern e foefPc otl iocfPe a rAisss:o cifaottrih orene -establoifts hhem ent InquisOitbijoentc.ort e:- esttahbieln iqsuhi swihtiicwoihnlh la vteod estarbooyv e all thwer itaignagisn sCta tthhoel ic andtdo oca tvrotiihndpee r opagbayto itohne r meanosft heksien odfsi dewahsi,c ohfc, o urismep,l aib east atglaei hnesrte sies, falrseel igainoidnd se oelso.gi Registoeffirceed: vKo.]nH. i]r.s ch2fi2e3l-dr2 u2ed5e ,C hare7t5on0 P1a2r Diast.oe f thcer eatoifto hnae s sociJautni1eo7 1n,:9 96. (Iafn yohnaeds o ubatbso utth ees tabliosfht mheiansst s ocihaetc iaonwn r ittoet his addrse)s. Havifnagi tlhefiedr satt temGpotd, tChree attohrie,n falalnidb lotemh nei scwiheon t, cand oe verytohridnegr,te hdeF lootdh astu bmertgheeed a rtAlh.l l ivicnrge atures drowneexdc efpotNr o ahw,h of loaftoemrdo rteh atnw entym-ofnotuhirsn siadnae r k wherheet ooskh elwtiethrhi fsa mialnydw itahp aiorfa ltlh dei fferento fak niinmdasl s: twoa nimfaolersa cshp ecaim easl,ae n daf emaalcec,o rtdoi ntLgoh red o'rsd eAnr so.r der thaatl,t hopuegrhe mptNooracyho, u ldn'tl irteesrpbaeelccltayu o,sft e h olsiet ctrleea tures whicuhn fortugnoaattw ealfryyo mh ims ucahsfl eaasn dl ifcier msltyuo cnkh ima ndo n hirse latwiivtehsoc,uo tn sidaelrtlih noegt hpearr asbirtoeusga hlto nbygb iagn imaolns entertihnaegr sku cahst iciknst,e swtoirnmasl tahnhedo rsehfliidedse n tuhnteda eirl s. 9 Andd oy orue ablellyit ehvtaeht e wreero en ltywb ol owfwlhiieccsah,gn o e verywlhiekree thHeo lSyp idroietWs e?c aena siimlayg tihnceeo ndiotfti hoAenr ka,f ttewryo e awrist h onloynl ei twtilnedt ohwr owuhgihtc hhde o vfel eaww aayn cdo nsidtehprehi ynsgi ological neeodfsi tbsi lloifoo cncsu paWnitttshh. ji osk Iiw nagn tteohd i ghlailtglhh petr oblems lintkoet dhf ee edoifan ngi maanltdsot hbeu ilodfti hneg Iaifrrt ke .ad lilhdya vteoc ontain altlh pea iorfas n imaanltdsh feo odsttofu effestd h eimwt,o ultda kNeo aahn hdi sso ns nolte stsh atnw ot housyaenadtr obs u iiltcd,o nsidietdrsii mnegn sainodtn hste o ols availaattb hltaeit m e. Aftfeoru rmtoenetnoh ffs l oatthiwena gt,le ervs eulb siadnetddh a er aktl alsatdi odw n onM ounAtr awrhaetmr aen bye lie(vseirmsp lgeoot nol noso)kf ioinrtgc , o nviinitcss et di ll therHeo.w evtehrwe,a terresm aihniegadhr ouanstd h,ee a rmtuhs hta vbee eunn daetr leafisvtte h ousmaentdeo rfws a tceorn,s idtehrheie niggo hfMt o unAtr arat. Att hpiosi Gnotdm adaew inrdi tshea btyb, l owfiontrge w nh omloen tdhrsi,ue ptd h e watearlsl otwhisenu gr vi"viotnrhf seri, sm to notfNh o ah60'1ss)'e ta orfl i"ft eos efto ot ont hgreo unadg aiTnh.ea nimaallilsng , o ohde alwtehno,tu ttw boy t waos t hehya d comiena ndh,o ldoinntgeo a coht hbeyrt hetiarib lesg,ta ong ob actkot hepilra coefs oritgoic nr etahteesi pre caigeasai stn h Leo rhda ddo noen t hTath urswdhaeyhn e h ad creaatletldh inTghsep. l atyrmrohnikneleye sfft o Sro uAtmhe ritchape,a r rfoottrsh e Equattohsren, o mwo nkefyoCsrh ina,I ndtiehalene phfaontrth se Himaanldta hyea s Mricoannef soK re nyTah.pe a oifr pboelaaarrls hs aoad l onwga tyo g ot ot he NPoorlteh antdh gei atnrto psilcuaaglsbs i,ag st hewye rset,ti ololmk o rteh atnw hou ndryeedat ros goh omeW.e womne'ntt tihofena miwnhei fcohl lowed,h oiwdm iafgfiiicnwtuia lnfstgo r theasnei mtaowl asia lt o ntgi mbee fonraet ucroem,p ledteesltyrb oyty heFedl oocdou,l d foramg asitna,r ftriotnmhgs e e eidnts h meu da,n ndo urtihsehps oeoa rn imwahliswc ehr e workhianrgtd or eprodBueciean.ttg h teo opft hfeo ocdh atihnce,a rnihvaotdro we asi t longtehrat nho et hedrisdM .a noyft heamd apttoee adt viengge tasbulrevsai nvttdeoh is icso nfibrymt ehdee iart viengge twahbelhneu sn glriytk,he ce a dto ewsh,i cahl,t hoau gh carnidvooenrsoe dt,i sdeaaitnci anrgr bortosc,ac nopdlo it atbooeislo,efc d o uristfeh ,e re inso thbientgt er. Noatho woe notu otft haer wki thhiw si faenh di tsh rseoenS sh eHma,m a nJda pheth. Thfei trhsithn edg i wda tsob uials dt oanlett aoor ff etrhL eo radsa,t hanksagliklvi inndgs, ofc leaanni maasal b su ronffte roinnt gh ael t(awrh ehrefe o uanldtl h easnei miasal s mystfeorryeu vnesro lsvientdch,eoe n ewsh iscuhr vhiavtdeo bd e u setdor epoputlhaet e Earth). ThLeo rwda sso m ove"dnA dt hLOeRD smelals ewde et asnatdvh oLOeuRD r s;a iidn hihse aIr wti,nl olat g ain curse mtohrfeoer m agnrs'oasukf neordt; h iaemn ayg ination ofm anh'esa irset v fiorlm h iyso untehi; thearg awsiimnli altn!emJ o'r eev etryh ing livasi In hga,vd eon e("G e8n:.2 W1e)a .rm eo vebdyt hsicse snheo wNionagkh n eeliin ng fronotfa G odw hoc asnm ealnlcd r yL.e tt'askn eo toeft hnei cweo rtdhse Loirnd hsiasi d infignoiotdena esas nos m niscainoedmn tn ipoBteeinntg . As sooanst hteh ankscgeirveimneognn dyeG do,dc ,o midnogw fnr oump ohni g(hn ot verhyi gahn ywiahfye c ouslmde tlhlre o aosntt h e afidred)r,eN sosaeahdn hdi sso nasn d sai"dBf:eru iutfla nmdu lpytla inrdpe leniesahr t(tGhhe"e9n. :. 1 ) Obediteotn htoe r daeftre,sr a yignogo dbtyote h eoilrfd a thNeora,ht 'hsrs eoenl se ft, eacohn ew ithhi wso mant,a kidnigff erdeinrte ctasi tohnaesn ,i mhaaldsd onteo repoputhlEeaa tret h.o noEeaf tc hhe m awlalso caanat reeodaft heea rtThhi.en dividual couplweistt,hh ien eviitnacbaelsshe ta dh appetnhefedi rtsitmw ei tAhd aamn dE ve, prolifseomr uacttheh dwa eta lrle maaisnt onbiyst hheerdie rp oputlhaceto inntgi inne nts 10

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