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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Thiwse bsiitsde e dicattoea dlt lh ec ontactaenedas b ductweheosh avhea dt he couratgoes peaoku ta boutth eipre rsoneaxlp erienwcieteshx tra-terreIsnt rials. spitoeft hei ntenssoec iaanldp olitpirceasls utrore e maiqnu ietth,e sber avseo uls havde emonstrautnecdo mmoinn tegrbiyrty i skirnigd icfurloemf amialnyd f riends andi ns omec aseesv epnh ysihcaarlm a ndh arassmfernotmo urg overnment. Iw antt ot hanmky famifloyhr a vinsgu pportmeedi nt hiesn deavaonrd b y contributthienoigrw np ersonaabld uctaicocno unttoms y r esearpcrho jeIca tl.s o thantkh eo ther abduwchtoeh easv e worwkietdh tmoec ontribiuntvea luadbaltea towartdh eu nderstanodfti hneeg x tra-terrpehsetnroimaeln on. TrumaLn. C ash INTRODUCTION Them ysteorfyt heG reaPty ramidi so neo ft heb eskte pste creotnEs arth . Who buiiltt? H ow wasi tb uilt? Whyd idt hebyu ilidt ?W ast herseo mek inodf s ecrrietualt conducitnesdi tdheGe reaPty ramiIdn?s piotfea ltlh se pec­ ulatiaonndt heortiheesansw , errse maiunn certaIih na.vh ee aridts aid":I wfe o nlhya da timmaec hin.e." . Wellt,h ei roniyst hawte d oh avaet immaec hine!--iat'nrsdi gbhett weoeunr e arsT.h et immea chionfew hich Is peaiksca llepda slti fmee morieAsl.t houtghhip sh enomeniosdn e bunkaendd i gnorbeyda cademiitia s,n evertheless quitree liaabslI eh ,a vdei scovered. Wheno neu nveitlhsem ysteorfyt heG reaPty ramido,n eo penusp a v eritacbolsem icca no fw orms,w hiclhe ads toe veGn reaMtyesrt erIities sti. m et or evetahla wth ichash beenh iddefonr s ol ong. Inm y researc h hIa vdei scovetrheaadt p owerfublu,ti nvisgiubildei hnagn dhas beesnt eeritnhgec ourosfeh uman evenotnst hipsl anfeotrm anyt housaonfdy se arsM.o stpe oplweo ulcda ltlh esbeei ngesx tra-terreTshtreiyaa rlets h.e puppetma sterwsh op ultlh es tringosft hew orld's wehloii tnturne , pultlh es trinogfts h e common people. ThesEeT sa ree xtremely cletvheerti,er c ahnndo laopgpeya rtsou sa sm agic. tWhiitashm azing techtnhoelyo gy havbeu ial lta byrisnoet lha boraantdse o v astth aittbo ggletsh ei maginatiLoink.se i nister cosmtihce hyas vpseip duenr s as ilkwyeb o fd ecetihta setd uces petooip mlper ison thewmistiehdl evaess. Howevetrh,e sbeei ngsa ren oti nfalliPbalselt.i free seairsct hh ek eyt haunltoc ks thed ootro t heM ysteries, expostehsee xtra-tercroensstrpiiarlaa ncdyd ,e monstrattheawste alalr ei ncredspiiribtuall e beings.Pa slti fteh erapy, properdloyn oen a ni ndivibdausailcans ,fr eeu sfr om thep sycholomgaicchailn atiooftn hse sbeei ngasn do fferhso pef or an eww orlodf p eacaen du nderstanding. Ih avsepe ntt hep asttw entyeya rcso nductpianslgti free seaarncdhtr yintgo a ssembtlheep iecteost hiisn credi­ blep uzzleI.t isn crediibsii,ln i tfyao cnteo, fi tpsr imary defTehners eevse.l ationst hefw oiltlhoiwnpi anggew si ll seem toou nbelievaanbdtl oeob izarret obe taken serbiyom uossltpy e ople. HoIwh eavvefero ,u ntdh atth eraer ep eopwlheo doi ndewead ntto k noww hati sg oinogn oPnl anEeartht anda rer eadtyoc onfrotnth et rutIht.i sf ort hesdei scerning peoptlhea Itw ritteh ibsoo k. A scientiefixcpe rimentbe craenpe ataegda iann da gaiyni,e ldtihnesg a mer esulInts l.i kmanen era,n yoncea n condutchte oiwrn r eseaurscihn tgh esame toolsa ndm ethodtsh aIth avues eidn o rdetroa rriavtte h es ameb asicco nclu­ sionTsh.e refoirtie sn, o tne cessafroyar n yonteos imptlakye m y wordf oirt b aseodn b linfda ith. Theo ldm uspta sasw ayi nttoh en ew-Thiisst hefi nadle groefeIl lumination. THE LABYRINTH Once upon a time/spcaocnet inutuhme rlei vead B einsgo fr ee thahte c oulcdo mea ndg ow herevheerw o ulpdl ease. A curioBuesi nhge w as.H ej ourneyed nearand far andh igahn dl owi ne ndlesqsu esttoc reaandt ek nowand experience allt heries . Onceh ec hancuedpo n a timeand placheen evewro ulfdo rgeHte. f oundh imselafg ainas wta lslo e ndlestsh ahte couldgno'a tr ound.H e wasj usatbo utt oturn arounda ndc ontinueo nh isw ay,w henh esa w ther ainbowl ightthast flashedi nh isa ll-seeeiynegs V.e nturing closehre sa w thel ighwtesr feo rmedi ns ymboltsh ahte c oulnodt understand­ LABYRINTH . Beneatthhedaz zling, flashing lighatnso pen doorbec koned himt oe nterC.u rioBuesi ntgh ahte w ash,e e ntered throutghhed oorand founhdi mselfi na brigandh t airy room witmahn y wondetrosbe hold.W aterfalandls trees and lushg,r eenp lanwtist mhu lti-rolfloorwede rsC.u rioluisf efoorfam lskindsl danced tot hmaeg icamlu siocf t hrainboew ­ colorledi ghtWsh.a ta fascinatingp lacthise was!And thirsoo m inturn had doorsw,h iclhed t hroucgohr ridtoo marnsy moref ascinatrioonmgst haatl shado doors.Th ere werried dlteoansws erm,y stertiose osl vande ,m yriagda mest op lay! Soma ny gamesand thinwgesr teh eret ose e and dot hahte l osatl trla cokf ti meand spacient hivsa satmazi ng place. Buth ed idnthink' t tomark hiswa ya sh ew endto wnd eeper int heL abyrinth. Anda sh ew enta lonhgi sw ayt hero oms and corridwoarneds smalandl darkTh.e re wemarney more doorsthan eveberf oreand, sometimes thed oorss lammeds hubeth indh imw itahn a wfuls ountdh aecth oed downi nttoh ed ark deptohfst heLa byrinth. Whenh eturned aroundh ef oundt haeta cdhoo r woulddi sappear,b uth ej ussth ruggheids shouldande rfisg uredh ew oulfindd his wayo uto ft hiLsa byrinth-someday. Shadowpsa sseidnd arkdank, placesw herunseee n hands pullanded pushed and slappedand pinchedP.l easure turned top aina,n dn owh es earcihnedv aint,h inkionngl oyf e scapeH.o wd idh ee vegre ttr apped int hipsl acaen yway? And howw oulhde g eto ut? Hem ets ome peoplea lontgh wea yand askedi ft hekneyw thew ayo uto fth eLa byrintThhe.y woulodn lsyt abraec k witthh eboitrt omlesesy esa nda sk":W hata'La sb yrinth?" Finallhyem eta l adwyi tahc andleg lowinandg ,s hesai d," Follmeo,w foIrh avfeo unlldl umina.ti·So inncheeh ad neverm eta nyone elsIleul miwniatht, ih oefo nllowedh ere veinn ttoh ed arkeosftt un nelssearc, hinfgo rt hew ayo uto f theL abyrinTthhe.y e xplored corrwihdeorhrees ' nde vebere nbe foreb,u tfi nalhlye rc andburnlede outand, hew as agailno sitnt hed arkness. He searc hed form orepeo ple witIhll muinatandi oans kedt hemw here tfhoeuynt dh eciarn dles. saSio"dmG eod " spoket ot hemi nt hehiera dssa yin"gGo, t ot hLie ght,and" thewye rgeu idtedo t hec andles.O thesrasi tdh ehya dm eta "God"fa ce-to-andfa cleearned thesec retosf ll iuminaandt irecoeni vedt hFie refro mt he" Gods." He followmaedn y people witIlhu lminat,ib outen vertiym eh ee nded up ind ead�ndp lacienst hed eepd,a rdke pths oft heL abyrinStohh .es toppedl istetnoit nhgec andpeloep lande triedt ofi gurheo wt og eto utb yh imself. He thougandh tt hougandh t,fi nalhleyr ealitzehda atl hle h adt od ow asr emembehro wh eg oti nttoh eL abyrinth. Thish,e f ound,w asn ota nea sytask ,b uth ej usknewt ith adt ow ork.H e begant or etrahciess tepisnt hed ark,a nd whenh e'fdo rgwehti cturnh heh adma de orw hicdhoo rh eh adc ome throughehw ,o uljdu ssti dto wnc,l oseh ise yes, andl ooka th imesm orietso s ee thew ayh e'cdo me. Hew ass oh apptyh ahte h adfi guredo utt hew ayo uto ft hLaeb yrintHhe.f eltth ahte s houtledlt lh ec andpeolpel e, because thewye rsearce hinfgo rt hew ayo utt,oo . Butt hewyo uljdus ts huhni mo rm ock himand say," Whoa rye otuo pointt hew ay?Y oua re lionts hteL abyrinth likwee a reT! heG ods ofLi ghpoti ntt hew ay,a ndt hearey not trapped in . theLab yrinth likyeo ua res,o w ewil l listtoe tnh emno,t you." Hec ontinuoedn ,beca use hef oundh imselsfpe ndingal lh istime trying toc onvincthee candlpeoep lei nsteaodff ol­ lowinhgi sp lanS.o metimes hehad tofind thed oorst hahta dd isappeared, butw itghr eatp atienhceef oundt hesec ret keytso th e secretd oors and continuedo nh iwsa y.H ew oulsdo metimes wantto g ivuep beca use heh adto pastsh rough thec orridoofpr asi nb,u this will wass tronandg soc ontinuoedn . 2 Finallhyef ounhdi mselofu tsitdheeLa byrintThh.eF reed Beinrge joiicnedt hefre ed om ofi nfinitetime and space. Butt hehne be gant othink aboutt hepeo pleh ehad leftbe hind,tr apped int heL abyrinth. He feltb adf ort hepe ople trapped insiandd es tillw antetdoh eltph emH.o wevehre,real ized thahtem ighgte ttr apped insitdheeL abyrinth agaiinf hew entin tteolt lh emH.e al so recallhedo wt hemocyk ed him and how wtohuelyod n llyi stteotn h e"Gods "o fll lumi­ nationSo. theF reed Beinjgu ssth ruggedand thoug"hWte,l lIg, u esst heyh'alvlte o fi gurieto utf ort hemselves." Butj ustas heturned tol eavhee,sa w anotheFrr eeB einagp proacthhieLan bgy rintAh g.r easta dnesfse lolv ehri m, because heknew thatthis Free Beinwgo ulalsod gett rappedi nt heLa byrinthH.e tried tod issuatdheiF sr ee Beinfrgo me ntering theLa byrinth, butt ono avail. TheF reed Beinnega rlgya vuep w hena g reaitd eflaa shedt hrouhgihminds . Hes tilhadl hinost eso fh ijso urney outo ft heLa byrintsoh h,e g avhise book ofno tes tot heF reeB eingH.e s ai"dH,e ret,a kteh iboso k wityho u.Y ou can use iti ncase youg ets tuciknt heLa byrintBhu.tbe foryeo ul eavgei,v iett ot hpeeo plweh ose ekll lumination-for unlitkheeo thertsh,ek yn owt heayr ei nt hLae byrinatnhda res eekinagw ayo ut. "And whasth ouIlt de ltlh es eekerosfil luminawthiaottnh iboso k is?a"s kedt heF reeB eing. TheF reed Beintgh ougfhotra whiandl e thenr epli"eTde,lt lh emi ti sil luminatifroonm thGodes -They willli sten to that. 3 RAANDPTAH After my dischafrrogme t hear myi n1 97I2 became a born-againC hristimaonv,ed t ot hec ountrayn,d b uial t logc abinIbe. g anc ommuning witnha tuarseI h add onien m y youthA.l thougIhh adg rowunp r eaditnhgeB iblIe , nowbe ganreadin g bookso nm etaphyasniddc esv eloapnei dn terients htpe a slti vpehse nomenIotns .ee medm uchm ore crediblthane thHee aven/Hell concebpymot s tpChr riesaticahnesd. Ibe gane xpressmiyn ogp iniaobonu tp aslti vteosm yC hristifraine ndCso.nseq uentltyh,me i nistweirf'weSarn ed me thaittw asb lasphemtootalku sa bout tshuicnhg Tsh.erumo rt haItw asa "devil worshipspoeorsn"p relaidk wei ldfire throught hec ommunitIybec .a me sod isguswtiedt thhi spe erp ressthuoruegh tc ontrothla tI l eftt heC hristianc hurch altogeatnhdbe erg arnes earchinthge p aslti vpehse nomeinnoearne n st. Id idn otl earn untmialn yy earlsa tthaetr i n5 53A .Dth.e E mperJousrti nimaand ei ti lletgobea lli evient hceo ncept ofp aslti veosr", t hper ieorx isteonfsc oeu lsI.n"o thewro rdsi,tw asa p olitidcaecli smaidoen b yt hReo man govern­ mentT.hi sd ecisiwoans u ltimateenlfyo rtcherdo utghhusee ofi mprisonmteonrtt,u andr ed,e athb yt h"eH olyR"o man EmpireC.o nsequenthtelw ye,s tewrno rlwda sp rogramwmiedt thh em orep oliticallmanyi pulativbelei eoffh eavaennd hell. Ie ventualllyearned techniqtuoer se triepvasetl ifmee morieansd had thoep portuntiomt eye mta nyo thepeorp lew ho hade xperieenxcteedn spiavsleti fteh erapIynt. h e1 980I5be gano peniunpgm yo wnp aslti fmee moriaensdd iscovered firsthand thawte a rien despeidr ituable inagnsdo urbod ies are merevlyehi clest hawte i nhabifrto mo nel ifetitmoane o th­ erI.n t hep rocesIsa lsdoi scovtehraedIt h adbe ena bducbtyee dx tra-terreisntra i paalslsti faesw elals m y presenlti fe­ time.T hisin, turn , inspimreedt ob egimny researc h inttoh fiee lodf e xtra-terrestrial contact. Id iscovtheartedm yw ifea nda tl eatswtoo fm yc hildwreernae l sbeoi nga bducbtyeda na lireanc kneo wnc olloquial­ lya sG ray,sw hop urporthaile dlfryo m theZ etRae ticustarl is ysteThme.r eare variotuysp eosfG raysb,u tt heayr e commonknloyw nf otrh epiarl skine ,s kinnbyod iesl,a rhgeea dasn,d labrlgaece ky esW.e havbee einn undaitnte hde ninetiwesi tdhe pictoifoG nrsa ys in andm oovnit eesl evision. If ountdh aitnm oscasest thGer ays intenctreiaotnedaa mlnleys sioat ,h apeotp lew oulndo tk nowt hathte yh adbe en abducteIda .l sfoo untdh atth ep aslti fmee morreytr ievteaclh niqthuaetsI h adl earned werjeu satsu sefuli nr etrieving hiddaebnd uctimoenm orieNso.to nldyi dI be gint oo peunp m y owna bductimoenm oribeust,I alsbeog anw orking witho thearb ductaeswe esl l. Is oonb egatnorealize thamta nya bductweeers"e c hosoenne s.T"h at wiesh ,a vbeee nc hosfeonrr e peatceodn tact witehx tra-terroevsetrthrie ac losu rosfem anyl ifetimesE.T ss ometimeevse cna luls" chosoenne Ws a,s i fi tw eres ome kindo fh ono(rw hiicthi sn'Itd )i.s covtehraettdh ceh osoenne wse roeft ecno ntacbtyde idff ereexnttr a-tergrreosutrpisa l and thatth esvea rioualsi egnr oups steeomb eedn etworkwiintgeh a coht herF.o re xamplaepe ,r sownh oi sbe inga b­ ductbedy G raythiss lifetimema y havbeee nc ontacitnaed p aslti fbeya umanh -lookinEgT g roucpa llPelde iadians. Evenmo res ignificaInf toluynt,dh aatch oseno nwea ss ometimpelsa cienda p ositioofpn o weorr a uthorsiutcyah,s ah igphr ieas ptr,o phaepo tl,i ticoarlm ilitlaerayd eorra, f oundoefar secrestoc ietThye.r efobryew ,o rkinwgi tha b­ ducteeuss inegx tensipvaesl ti fteh erawpeyc ,a ng aian tre mendouisn sigihnttth oe machinatiooftns h esvea rioEuTs groupTsh.i s procespsr oavliasdw oeis n doiwn ttoh re elah istoorfoy u rp laneIttw! a s tphriocse stsh alted m et od is­ covfierr sthtandh ien credisbeclreeo tft hGer eaPyramitd andt hseu bsequreenvte latianodni sm plicattihoenrse wohfi,c h affect allm ankind. Ibe gant hper ocesosfu nveiltihnimgsy steirnMy a yo f1 99w5h enIs tumbledo ntmoy paslti faesa nE gyptipahna ­ raohR,a messIIe.sN ormalIlw yo,u lndo tp ublidcilvyu lhgaev ibneegn a w ell-knohwins torfiigcuarleT .h ep urposoef recoverinpga slti fmee moriiesst herapeutiisc,-tht ehi amtp rovemoefon nte 'cso nditiiontn h per esenlti fetimet-hainisds ap ersomantatle rI.tis certainly notf otrh peurpo se off launtionnge 'psr isotart uassa w ell-knbouwtln o,n dgea dki ng. HoweveIrf ,e etlh atth faer -reacihmipnlgi caotifow nhsa Itex peernicased Pharaoh RamesseIsId emantdh aItn otr emain silenItn.d eeidnl, i gohftt htre emendosusi gnificoafnt cheis su ddeandn unexpectedk nowledIgh ea,v hea dt oc arefully examitnheee thaincd " karmic" repeorfnc uosspeakitsn igo nosu t--laonudd lFyo.r i tis seeccyr,whi chh asc reattehde conidtionfso mra smsa nipulatiaonndt hper gramomi ngo ft hipsl anet. Certaitnlhye,arer et hosew how ilsln ickjeers,jt ee,r o, rtr yt od iscrmeed,ia tn dt hesaree someo fth ev errye asons forw hichI ha vec onsidreemraedi nisnigl enAst .a researchhoewre,v eIrf ,e etlh aItam obligattore edp otrth etru th, evetnh ougthh etru th iso ftenv erdyi fficutlotb elieovrae c ceapntd i ns piotfet hef acttha ti tm ays ometimveiso late societlyi'msi tartiefidc,i aclo nstrucotfsr ealiatnyd h istoIram y .fu llayw arteh atth cer edibiolfim tyy resear chm ayb e jeopardbiyzr eedpo rting thtruee evendtest aiilnte hdi boso k,b utIam willitnosug ff erth e slinagnsda rrowosf UF O debunkande rost henarror w-mindiendd ividiuantl hsie n teroefrs etpo rtingt hwe holtruteh . Youa lshoa vmey as suran cet haitni nstancesw herIeam notc ertoafit nh ea ccuroafcm yy memory, Iw ilqlu aliifyt ass uchI.ha vea bsolunot eilnyt enotifom ni sleapeodpilneg. Th erea riens tancheosw,e vewrh,e rIem ususet 4 pseudonytmso d isgutihseie d entitioefos t hearbd ucteewsh od on'wti stho g op ublaindc risk ridicbuylfr ei endosr fam i­ lyo rpo ssibharaslse ment byour own goernmev nt.In exchanfgoear g reeitnogk eept hereali r names outo ft hpeu blic eyet,h ehya vgraec iousalllyow ed me top ritnth eeixrpe riencwehsi,c thh esharedy witmeh inp rivmeamotrey retrieval sessions. Ih avreec overfedo umarj ori ncidensots far inm yl ifetaisPme h araRamesosesh n,ea cho ne involvcionngta ct witthh e" Gods" Ra orPtah . Thef ollowrepoirtng detamiyl esnc ountweirtsth h esee xtra-terres(tIhr aivaielts a.l icized wordasssoc iatwedi tlihg hatnd ilumilnationt ob rinagt tenttioothis n symbology.) On May1 6,1 995m,y w ife,l wasg uidimen gt hrougahs trinogfsimilar incideinntsv olvcionngt awcittE hT s. Afterc ontactai recnegn ta bductiobny G rayasnd thetnw op aslti fienc idenJt.s , tolmed to" Recall ane arltimei er wheny ouw eraebd uctbedy be ing"s . I responded":Ig etth feee litngh athist isE gyptI.' mw earionneg o ft hoseskirt things and one oft hoseb igh ead­ dresses . Seemsl ikIe' mv eryh iguph inpo sitionH.o tb,r igdhaty .T here'ass hinmeyt alloibcj ecitnt hsek yI.g etth is flash thougahsit t 'cso mincgl osert-hIEtey' eso fR a.I t hiInk' mtak en aboartdh seh ipI.k now itso undrse alalbys urd, buti tse ems likIe' ma p haraoLahy.i ngdo wno na t ab.l.Te.h ey'lreev itamtieno gff t htea ble." Thesew erteh ei nitipailc turetsh aflasth ed througmhy mind asI be gant oc ontamcyt l ifetiamseP haraRamesosesh II.I d idnk'nto wa tthe timew halte vitating offo fa t abhadle tod ow itshee intgh "eE yoef R a."I a lsnoot icedth atI wasb athiedn li ghttha cto vertedh tea balnde extenduedp ward tot hcee iling. Id idnp'utta ltlh pei eces to this puzzlteo getuntilh erthe firswtee k inJ anuaorf1y 996 . Afterfirst discoverthisi ng lifetimei nM ayo f1 995,I d iscontinuemdy memo ryr etriewvoarlkt hroutghhesum me ra nd falli no rdetroc omplmeyt e first book,Th ePr ogamrmingof aPlanet . Id idng'etbt a ctko t hilsi fetiumen tiiltcame up agaiinna sessionon N ovem­ ber 30,1 995I.s houallds mentioo n thaItk new veryl itatboluet E gyptianl ifaend histoberyf ore openupi tngh ilsi fe­ time. TherefwohreenI,be ganr eadimonrge a boutE gyptian phaanrdar oehlsi giin1o 9n9 6I,w as pleastedofind thamty memoriewse rvea lidbaytr edec ordhedi stoonrma yn y accounHtosw.e ver, wtash muecrhe th ath istdoirdnoy t recorda,s youw ilslee int hfeo llowing accounts. Atfi rsItd idnkno'wt whyw ec allReda 'csraft an" eye.Ia" l swoa snsure' t whicphharao h Iw asu ntimly May1 9th sessiowhne nJ askedm et oscan my lifetiImee .x tracttedhf eo llowdiinagl ofrgoumeh enr otes durmienmogr yt his retrieval session: "Ir ememberbe inga c hiilnda v eryfa ncyt emple-learning,sc hoolingTh.e name Ptah juscamet up.I t'nsi ce livithnegl ifoefl uxurAy l.o otf a ttentiwoasn devottedob uildstatuesi ng and �Ies and muchw as dedicatedt o Ra."( SuddeIne lxype,r ienceda p rickly feetlhibena gc okfo m ny h eada,n dJ noticed thaItw ase xperiencing something.) "Whawta sth at?" "Something aboutPtah . Id on'knotw whatth awta s.("A f eelionfgt erroacrc ompanied thename Ptah , although Id idnme'ntti ont hifsee litong r until late"rI.c )oul d havaebo uta nyw oman Iw anted and had many women, hadma ny childraend nI,l ovedt hemI.d on'gte tth feee liInw ga sa mean person.I t hinPtahk fitsi nh ersoem e whereT.h erwea spo ssibalp yl otot kil lme byt hper iestAst.l eaIssuspec tt ed themI.d idntt'uts tth emI.h ad ap retty smusctrounlga,bodr y . Iw asnfa'tto ra nythiInr god.e i na charihoorse-t-<ira, wn,has twow heelosn i t. Ic oulddot hamty selfS.ee ms likIew enotu tw itahr miteosw ageb attlWee. j ourneyed nortnoht, to ofar from theN iloer t hMeed itrraneane ,k inodf w herIes raaendl S yriiasmo ,r e inlatndo waIrrda qI.fe ltuneas y because someocnoeu lbdl ock oreturnu rto EgyptW.e sees paceships, the oefyR ea , whweewn e rter avelIibe nlgi.e ve more andm oreIw asRamses thseec ond.I r eturn toE gypatsa h erop,raised ." "Howo ldw eryeo uw heny oud ied." "Eighty-Nnoi,nt eh.as tee mst oo oldI.t hinsekv enty-insim neo rec orrect(I. c"o vermedy deatahsR amesses IIo nJ anua7r,1y 9 96a,n dd iscovetrheadIt w asind eed eighty-yneianroesl do nm y deathbed.) "Howma ny yearasg ow heny oud ied?" "3,219(.M"y J anuary 7thse ssioanl soc onfirmtehdathis t datwea sind eed correct.) 'Whaty'osu narm e?" "Ithink my name meant somethliinkgte h "eS oonf R a." "Sonl,i koeffs prinogr,s un?" "R a-may-sa.y.R .a -mayse-es.I 'mthinking ita lsomeans thaIt' mt hemes se ngeorf R a,t haep pointoedfR a. wast hceh oseonne ofR a.I tw as more than beingt hpeh araoofEh g ypt-It'hgmeo -betweeno fthe peoplea nd Ra. Iam pharaoh because Rac hose me tobe pharatooh be, h iemisssary , hiLis ghotn Earth . Iam thLie ghotfR ao n Earth-SwzlSMoany.be I 'ma h ybriIdam . thLie ghtth,Se wz (Sono)fRa . The HolyOne ofR a.H aloff m yl ife Iw asp rettscaredy ofhim ,t heInf elptr otectbedyhim . If elvte riympo rtant. The onloyne aboveme wasR a. There was jealoaumosnyg t hper iebecasusets Iw as thoene tos peak witRha .I g ot to got othe shipI.f eared 5 thewyo ulpodi sonme . Seemsl ikIeh ada f ood tastemary,be , justtoma ke sure . Seems likIed iedo fna tural " causes,and seventy-seneimsne thaeg eI d ied,b ute ight-anliwnea poypss up . (AlthoughI w asc onsidteorbe ed th"eS oonf Ra ,"I d on'betl ieveth isw asl iteratruel.l)y One reaso n whyw ec allReda s's hiapn e yew asbeca use ithad thoeu tloinfae n e yew henv iewedfr omt hsei daeta distance. Howevetrh,iw sa sno tth emain reaso n.Th e dislkoo kedl iktew obow ls gluedt ogetandh ewra st hereqfuoirtee hig(ho trh iciknt) h mei ddlIeta. p peared tobe abouts ixttoyse ventfeye ti nd iameteIrthad. thaeppearanc e ofa r ound, convedxi swkh eni th overdedi rectalboyv e.Tbis is whyt hwei ngedd issky mbolw as so prevaleinnEt g ypandt Mesopo­ tamial-iitte rmeanta ll"yfl yindgi skE.g"y ptolocalglii stthet sS olaDri skthinki,n g itme relrye presenttedh seu o. Iw as sittionngm y throinen m y palaicneT hebes whena mes se ngeern teredt hep alaandce informedm et hatt here wasa ne yei nt hsek yI.w alkedt hroutghhfre o ndtoo ro fthe palaandc ei nttoh ber igEhgty ptiasnun ligIhw ta.l kedp art wayd ownt hneu merousst eipnsfr onotf t hpea lacIel .oo keudp i nttoh sek yand notictheed suo'rse flectifloans hionffg ofa s hinmeyt,a llfliyci ndgi skI.tw ash overaibonugt f orty-dfievger eeasbo vet hheo rizon. Iknew ato ncet haittw ast heey eo fR a.I w ast oltde lepathtiomca elelRtya i nh iesy ei nt hec ountryosuitdseio dfe ThebesI.be ganw alking outt ot hseh iwpi tahh igphr iefsotl lowing mbeeh.i nd WhenI fi rsrte -experietncedh is inciIfd oeunndti ,tq uiitnet rigtuhiaantsga pharasoiht tiinnm gy p alaIcf ee ltth e powero fm ypo sitiando nw asv erseyl fas-sured. Howevethre,c losetrh aItg ott oR a'esy et,h emo re If elmty confi­ dencew aningIn. fac t,as Ia pproacthhedet woguards standibensgi dteh ef ooto ft heramp inttoh es hipm,y stomach grew queasyI,f elwte aki nt hkneees , and my heart beganr acing. The guarsdtanding ont hele fts idoeft hrampe hada h eaddrleiskase fal con,and thguea rdo nthe righhatd a ni bis headdesrs. dIo n'ktno w ifth eyw ereEarth humans orE Ts.In Egyptiahni erogltyhpfaehl sc orne presentHedo rus( and Ra)and, thei bibsi rrde resenp tedT hothH.o weveIrd ,o n'knotw ift hese tfweol lostandiwnsg byt hrampe weriende ed theset woE Tso rm ererleyp resentedt hem. Iw alkedup theramp and inttoh seh ipT.h eh igphr iesstt oppeda shodrits tafrncoem t hcer aftI.knew thahtew as not allowtedoe nteRra 'ssh ipO.n ltyh eph arawoahsa llowtedoc ommunicfacea tteo face witRha .T hiwsa s probably whyI t hougthhtat th per iesthood ewnasv iooufms e . Iw alkedup thrampe and inttoh seh ipT.h ei nteroifRo ar' ssh iwpa sn otl ikteh tey piGcraaly ssh ipIst.w asc om­ pletoepelnyo nt hiens idwei tnho w allrunsning throutghhme i ddolfet hcer aftI.tw asb uillitk aet heater-in-the-round. In thmei ddolfet hcer awftas a smoo thc,i rculflaoorr ,w hichw asa boutt wenfteeyt i nd iameteIrt.a ppeared toh avae kind ofc heckerboard designA. po lei nthe middlcoen nected thefl oort ot hceilineg . Ithink thiposl ew asi ntegtrota hle functioningand structureo ft hcer arfta ththane rd ecoratioSenv.e raclo ncentitreircsurs ro undedand rose abovet hfel oor towartdh eo uterimr oft hec raftT.h eseti erasp peared tobe benchefso peorp let os iotn .I f ounodu tl attehra tth ey werindeeed used fothisr purpose . An emptgyi,l dtedh rosatne ont hfier stite ro nthe opposi tes idoeft hcirceular floor.On threi gshitd oeft hteh rone and slighitnfrl oyn otf i ts tood at apered,g oldstafefn witahbal l ont opTh.e staffw asa boutfi vef eeth igwhi tahs nake entwined arouindt .(A tfirst Ith oughtth ewreere tw o snakes ont hsetaf f,b uti nl atsesesir ons Icame tot hcoenc lusion that therwea so nloyne snakeo nt hes taffI.rece ived a hypnosseisss ioonnF ebrua1r0y,1 996,and verifitedh atth ere wasi ndeed jusotne snakoent hset affT.h eg oldseernpe ntand stalffoo keda si fbo thw ercaes ti nt hsamee moldI.h ad leftm y composuberhei ndw henIs tarted walkinupg thrampe inttoh seh isop ,i tw asd ifficuflotmer tor ecovesorme of thed etailtsh ieosxf pe riewnchei lhea vitnogc onfrontth intimied ating presenocfeR a.) Althouthgehr ew asno one to be sene,a voicienm y head tolmed toh umblmey selbeff orteh et hroonef R a.I crossed ovetrh ec ircufllooarr t owartdh et hronwealking, ont hel efts idoef t hec entpoelre .I f eltlom y knees and touchmedy talhle addrteots hsefl oor asI g rovebelfoedr et hee mptyt hrone.M eanw hilRea,a ppeared outo fa small room onm y leftu,p a gaitnshteo uterri mo ft hsaeu cerI.t hintkh irsoo m wast hpei locta'bsi Tnh.e f olloweixncge rpts are fromJ noteosfm y May1 7,1 995me,mo ry recovesreys sion: "Whadtoe sh esa y?" "'amI Ra.'H e'vse rgyood ati ncitifnega rI.' mp retmtuyc hscared shitlIesg so.d owno nt hfel ooarn dt ouch my headdrestsot hfleoo r.I s tanupd. I'mt oltdh peoep leare tow orshRiap- thRaatis thGode orK inogf a ll EgyptH.e 'cso mmunicatitnhagtt hpeoep leh avnoet o beyedand that their minds and hearts are notw ithhi m.' Go teltlh peoep let hemusty worshmei po rI w ilblrin g destruction upon thDestructeim.' onand plague(.I"an l ater sessionId iscovetharted healso threateuneds b ysa yinhge w ould "bfireri ndgo wnu ponthe Earth.") "I'shakm ­ ingi nm ysandal s. I feleilk wee h avleet him down. He'wse ariang go lhdea ddress made ofmetal . The design spreaodustl ikpeacocke featheorrss u or ays(.I"realized ina l atsesesri onth att hewye riend eed tapered spikes representitnhgre aysof the sunor,il umilnation,l ikthee headdreosfts h Set atoufeLi berty. Ia lsloa treecra lled that therew erseev enra yso nRa 'sh eaddress.) 6 Can youse ew hahti fsa cleoo ksl ikoeri si tc overbedyth eh eaddress?" " "Itu'nnesr ving-potwbeer be hindhis word-ltihkuend erM!a ybet hatw'hsyh e'csa lltheedT hundeGrod . 'Go nowa ndteylolu pero plweh aIt' vceo mmanded.' So Ig oo uotf t hseh iapnd walbka ctko th ec ity." "Howd oy ouf eela tth ispo int?" "I'smtarting tol oseth atq ueasinesisn m y stomach(.Th"i sh adbe en gau t-wrenfcehawirhn egnI w asc onfront­ ing Ra.) "I'smt artitnoreg g aimny composure. Is endmes se ngerosu tto c althle pe oplteo t hteo wsqnuare . Fromt hset e(posmf y p alaIct ee)tl hlpeo ep lew haRta s aiwdh,a hte c ommands. Ite ltlh ewmh awte h avteo d o tow orshRiap,w hatw eh avteod ot oa void plIatgl'uaset se.Thr e. sun musbet settiSnhadgo.w s covetro wtnh e square. Ig oi nttoh tee mplaen ds iotn m yt hroneW.e discwuhsaswt e h avteo d ot ofu lfilRla 'csomman ds." "Whoa rdei scussing?" "Mostplryi e"s ts. "Whadto y ous ayCan? youh eaarn yd ialogue?" "Thatw eh avteo p uhti psi ctures aroundh,i ssy mbolsM.o sttlhya wte h avteo h avhei mi no urh eartasn d minds.Th ent herteh'oesu twaerxdp ressiopna-i-nthtioenr ghs i eroglyphhsi-sspy amibonlotsu motr et ok eep peoplree mindaledld ayl onogf him Heis thGeod ofE gyphte,i so urG od,beca use hec ommands it". . ' J. -'g. uidmede t hrouthighs incidthreeent times duritngh isse ssiOno nt.h teh irurnd- throuIgp hi ckuedp m ore details: "Doesh es peatkoy ouv erbailnla yv ,o icoeri, s i tt elepathic?" "Ithink it'bost h.B uti ts'osd iffereInt th.i intkw' hsy h e'csa lltedh Theu nderG od. Hehas av erpoyw erful voicMeo.r ethan thpoew erbe hinhdi vso iciet,'h isss tr engathsa be ing.H esa ys' Iam Ra,t hGeod ofE gypt, thGeod oft hpeh araohIs'.'mtra nslatinhgei; s nspeaking' t Englis'hIam. theG od ofa lElg yptTh.e' pe oploef Egypatr feo rsaking hima ndw orshipopthienGrgod s.I t'msy re sponsibitlogi etttyh peeo plbeac kt ow orshipping him--thleikynee ed tol ivaen db reatRah.e Theraere o thEeTrs i nvolhveedre b,u Rta i sv erayd amaanbto upe0-t plweo rshiphimp iangs t hteo Godp here. .". "Ihse i na humafno rm?" "YesI.' ma fraidt oc onfronth imb,u Ith avteo .H ish eaddrecsosm esd owna rounhisd face.I 'mh avitrongu ble confronting him because he'ssoi ntimidating. Hehas al ight bberaorwdnI. t r emindmes ofp ictuorfNes ep tune. Hehas realilntye nesey es.Th ere'sos m uch intensenescso mingo uotf h iesy ethse, y'dreee p-seatl ,i tdtalrek aroutndh emb,u sheyy ebrow"s . "What colaorrhe i esy e"s . "Id onkno'wt. Confrontinghim eyet oe yei sdamn near ani mpossibilTihteyre.'so s m uchpo weri nh igsl ance. Ifl ooksc oulkidl lH!e has yellow-geoylesd-etnih rei sg-e-thtIe i mpressiiotng' osl dH.e 'wsearing a robea ndsan dals ...! setems likhei nsose isa p rominentf eaturThee. b ridogfe hnoissei ss omewhsharapt ..H.e sayhsewil l be watchuisnfr go mth eh eave"n s. J :gamev ea nothseesrs itohnnee x td ay( May1 8tha)n,dI u ncovearnoedt heernc ounterw itRha .T hiisn cident demonsuawtheadht e mean tw henh es aihdewil l be watchuisnfr go mt hhee avens. Rat olmde t elepathtiomec eatlh liymo uat tt hGer eaPyramitd ofG iza.W henI a rriIvsa edw hiesy ew,h icwha s parkoedn t hsande near one oft hCOeI nerso ft hGer eatPyrami d. Iw alkuped thrampe andi nthoi esy eH.e w ass itting onh ithrosn e,w hicwha si nthe same plaacset hper eviioncuisd enHte.then tookme foarr idienh iesy e. Asw ea scendeda bovteh Gei zap yramidas p,o rtioonfhis eyebecame transparent.The transparent portiowna so n thoep possiitdoeef t hshei pfro m thpei lortoo'ms. T hec ratilftted at about af orty-dfievgera een glteot hger ouansdw e continuteosd p iruaplw aradbo vet hpey ramidIsw .a ss tanding ont hcei rcufllooarrnear thcee ntoeftr h seh iandp , so my bodyw asa lstiloted ata bouatf orty-dfievgera een glteot hger oundI.c oulpdl aisenelty h ger ousnde vehraundredl feetb elomwe t hroutghhtranspare e ncy int heey es,oI f elabt i nte rvoabouust thpoes sibiolfif talyling ouotf t hseh ip. HoweveIrd ,i dne'vtel no sem ybal ance. Thisi ndictaotm ees- from amod em perspective-thtahtee y eo fR ah adi tosw n gravitafitieolnadlTh. e vieowf th ep yramidbesl oww asb reathtaIkiw nagsv. e riymp ressed. Initiatlhltranspeya ,r ency int heey efac ed westb,u ats w ea scendedt hcer asftl owturnedl y towatrhdeaste ,r evealing ap anoramviice owf t hfee rtiNlielv ea lleTyh.ee yek epturnitn g and ascending untiIlc oulsede th e MediterranSeeaan tot hneo rtWhe. thesnh ootu itn tod eep spaceI.w asa weda ndt errifiWeed th.e nre turned toEarth ,a ndh ed ropped me offi nfr onotf m ypa lacaetTh ebes. Afterrec overithnegmemo rieosft hetsew oenco unters witRha ,I knew whyw ec allhised flying disk an eye.N ot onldyi idt h avteh gee neroault loifna ene yefr omth es idaend, h es aithatd hew ouladl wabey sw atchuisnb,gu Itg otto experiefirsthanncde whaittw as ltiolk ooek t hrouhgiheys e a tt hEarthe below.I und erstanownd whya nciepeonptl es 7 sometirmeesf etrotr hede "Godsir "a s" WatcheInr sfa.c"tt ,hE eg yptiwaonrf do trh eso-calilred Godsw aNTRs (Deter), whimceahn "tW atchers." On Novem3be0r,1 995J, gavmee a nothesers sioThne.i ncidwehnetIr h ea tdome etR ai nh iesy oeu tsoifd e Thebespo pped upa gaiInd .i dknno'wti nitwihaytl hliiyns c ipodpepedn tu pa gabecaiunse, It houIghad h tc ompletely coveiritedn M ayH.o wevIew ra,ss oo nto realize that thewrasea notheirn cicdoenntn ecwteidthi t. tAhlnameeso , "Ptapohp"ped intmoym inadtth ebe ginning oft hsees siaocnc,o mpbayna i edqueasine ss inm ys tomacIhw .o ushludd ­ deerv etirmey I s atihdnamee "Ptaihnm" ym indIh. a fidr setx periethncedi Pst ah-equals-terroirnm ypM haeyno menon 19,1 99se5 ssion. Int hsesissi oInl earned: " t.h.Pa.tat h i sth eC reatoRrai. st hSeo onf God . Rai st hSeun t hlaitg ohutswr a yH.e ist hSeun -tShune/ Sthato nl igthhtswe a yand theS on/oSftun h Geod Ptathh,Ce r eatooftr h Uen iveIrran s ethro.u gh thienc idiennt the ey oef R aw hehne p utth fee aorfG od inme ancdo mmandmede t or esthiso wroer shiinEp g ypt. Thiwsa st hfeo utimer thI 'gdo nteh rothuigishnc ideonntlt,yh timei s Ip ickuepsd o methtihngRa atc mmano dedt hIa t hando ptr evireomeumsbelryed .H et olmdet hiawtta st imfeom re t obe initiinatttohedB e r othoefrts hS ena ke(.I t alstor ansBlraottehse orfthh eoodS nakeH.e)c ommandmeedt ot ratvote hlGe re aPty raamtiGiza d tobe initiaantded become immortal litkheGe od s. Afteard vising thpeoep leand thper ieosfRt as'd se mandIsd ,r omvyec hartioGo itza In. thodsea ytshG ere aPyrat ­ midw ass mootahn wdh itTeod.a yt hpiysr almooiksdl iakg el oripfiiedol fer ockcso mpared toi tfso rmbeearu tayn d grandeThuerre.w erset abiuriisln ttt hoGe r ePyramiadt, whilcedhp awraty u pth em iddolfoe ne o ft hsei des. WheIna rriavtted h Gere aPty ramIip da,r kmedyc hariinfro otn otfth esset eapnssd tarted walkiupn gt hsei doef thpey ramTihde.r e nwobe arnei stteohr oslo dnt ow hihikingl e upt hliosng fl igohfst t eep Tshteeprse.afo srIr e e,­ experietnhcpieasdr t ioncfi dtiehnntsee s siIof ne,al m ti lcased ofa crophobIinad.eedi ,td irde quais ruebstanti al amouonfct o urjaugtseotw alukpt hesset aiOner sc.o uelads sitleoypff t hsei doeft hessteep ands sliddoew tnh e smootshi doefts h pey ramrieds,u litintn hlgeo ossfapo und ort woof s kinA. fal lfr omt huep peporr tioonfthis stair­ Casew ousludr reelsyiu ndl eta th. As Ia scendtedhs et aIil roosk,edu pand notitchedsune flashionffgo fa s himetalnliyc, objwecitt ahsurface like polishsedt aisntleeelsId.s i dunnd'etr swtand hatth wiassu nttihlfie r swtee ko fJ anuaroyf1 996I.th ene ntered the pyraandm iwda lkdeodwa nn thend upa l ongfl igohfst t aiIfir nsa.lr leya cahr edoo mw hesreev eprrailes sttoodas r ound as tosarcone phaguTsh.ew rasea nee rilei gchotm idnogw frno mt hcee iloiftn hgre oo ma nedn veltohpseit nogsn lea b ont hteo opft hsea rcophBaagciuknMs a.y o f1 99I5k eptg ettingme moryfl ashoesfthis paorftt hienc ideand neatc,h timeIno ticedth isstra nglieg htI.td efiniterleym inmdeoed f t hsamee typeo fbeaming lig(htrta cbeatmo)rthat Grays usteof lomaeut p t hrotuhgrehoo fo fa h ou(soemr y v ana)n idn taso h iMpo.n tlahters I d iscovthearmtedy i mpres­ siownesrr ei gohntt h mariee Whethisn incipdoepnpedtu pa gaoinNn o vem3be0r,1 995I,a gariecna lseleiedn thisg ligohvtet rhs et osnea rcopha­ gusI.a lesxope riehnearingc edt hnamee ofP taahg aandi nf etlhtte e rorfho irnas m e.A frienCdhar,l ie ,g avmee ano lbodo ko nE gyptilainte raftoaurChristma r se presenIht a.pd revi ousltyo hlidtom be onth ew attcohar c opoyf thEeg yptBioaoonkf t he Dbecaeuasde,h eran thboeo kdepartme nt atS tV.i ncdeentP auThl.i sbo okc ontaitnhede EgyptiBaoonko ft hDeade and othwerri tilnigtkshe "e L itoafRn ayfrn o mth eV alloefthy eK ings. In thlea wseetk o fD ecemIbew ra sb rowsithngr outghhboi osk ,and Iw asq uiamazedt e tor eaedntr y# 42o ft he "LitoafRn ay, w"h irceha d"sH:o magteoth ee,R a!S uprempoew erth,e w onderofunlwe h od welilnhiss eyew,h o ligthhtsarcoes pha.g".u. sI ta'v se rgyood feeliwnhgey no hua vaep alstime fmeo ry valliitkdheai tHsedo. w evIew ra,s evemno ramazede wheInd iscowvhearthtedi lsi gwhatus s efdo r! Iw alkaedc rostshr eoo mand stooda to noef t heen dosft hset osnaerc ophaAg pursi.te hsetgna vmee ath ick, crunccrhayc lkiekdrer ibedre adI.w ashetdh diosw wni tahna lfroem ag oldcehna liTcheiw.sa st hEeu chaorfi st Osirair si,tw uhailwc ahls a taeprp ropbryiC ahtreids tians. It hewna lkaerdo utnotd h oet heenrod f t hree ctansgtuolsarconaerp ,h agwuhsi,sc thood a boufto ufree atbo vteh e flooArtt. h oet heenrtd h ewreerthre ee stepIws a.l kuedpt hset eandp sl aoyn th es tosnel aobnt oopft hsarceo phagus witmhyf eeatt t heen wdi tthhs et epIws a.nos w immersed int hlei tg.hA tthis pointhte p riebesgtatosn walcko un­ terclocakrwoiutsndhesarcop e h agus.Il aterre altihzedta htwi asts h seo urofct eheF remasoe n'rsi touf"a crcumamli bula­ tion.Ia" l shoe atrdh ecmh antitnhgnamee ofP tawhi tahne xten"dab"eds oulndi "kPtaeaa aaaaaaaah." Ji idaskn 't meh owm anpyr iethsetrwsee reb,u mty i mpresiss tihotanht e wreert ew elve. Thset osnleabe bg atnol eviitnta htbeeea mo fl igwhittm heo ni tI.fl oatupedw artdh rotuhgceehi liandn gthr ough thes olsitdo onfet shp ey rauntilm idIfo unmdy selifna na lisepna cecTrhairftsoo. mwas quiltaer cgier,c aunlhadda ra, higche ilTihnigws.a nso Rta 'ssh ip. Twohuman ETst helnedme acrosthissr oomand intaco o rriWdeow ra.l kaeds hodrits tancdeo wthisn corridor and theturnned rigwhalkingt , throaud goohr waand y intoa notrhooemr.Th isr oomw aimsme rsed ina t hifcokg,g y whitel ight. 8

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Most books are stored in the elastic cloud where traffic is expensive. For this reason, we have a limit on daily download.