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The extreme radio emission of PSR B0656+14 -- Is B0656+14 a very nearby rotating radio transient? PDF

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Preview The extreme radio emission of PSR B0656+14 -- Is B0656+14 a very nearby rotating radio transient?

Proceedingsofthe363.WE-HeraeusSeminaron:“NeutronStars and Pulsars”(Postersand contributedtalks) Physikzentrum BadHonnef, Germany,May.14−19,2006, eds.W.Becker,H.H.Huang, MPEReport291,pp. 60- 63 The extreme radio emission of PSR B0656+14 — Is B0656+14 a very nearby Rotating Radio Transient? P. Weltevrede1, B. W. Stappers2,1, J. M. Rankin3, and G. A. E. Wright4 1 AstronomicalInstitute“AntonPannekoek”,UniversityofAmsterdam,Kruislaan403, 1098SJAmsterdam,TheNetherlands 2 StichtingASTRON,Postbus2, 7990 AA Dwingeloo, TheNetherlands 7 3 Physics Department,405 Cook Physical Science building, Universityof Vermont,Burlington, 05405, USA 0 4 Astronomy Centre, University of Sussex, Falmer, BN19QJ, UK 0 2 n a Abstract. Wepresentadetailedstudyofthesingleradio 2. Observations J pulses of PSR B0656+14.The emission can be character- 8 The results presented in this paper are based on two ob- ized by two separate populations of pulses: bright pulses servations made using the 305-meter Arecibo telescope. have a narrow “spiky” appearance in contrast to the un- 1 Bothobservationshadacentre-frequencyof327MHzand v derlyingweakerbroadpulses.The shape ofthe pulse pro- a bandwidth of25MHz. Almost25,000and17,000pulses 9 file requires an unusually long timescale to achieve sta- withasamplingtimeof0.5125and0.650mswererecorded 8 bility (over 25,000 pulses at 327 MHz) caused by spiky 1 using the Wideband Arecibo Pulsar Processor (WAPP) emission.Theextremepeak-fluxesofthebrightestofthese 1 for the observation made in 2003 and 2005 respectively. pulses indicates that PSR B0656+14,were it not so near, 0 The Stokes parameters have been corrected off-line for could only have been discoveredas anRRAT source.The 7 dispersion,Faradayrotationandvariousinstrumentalpo- 0 strongest bursts represent pulses from the bright end of larization effects. For more details we refer to Weltevrede / an extended smooth pulse-energy distribution, which is h et al. 2006b and 2006c. p unlikegiantpulses,giantmicropulsesorthepulsesofnor- - mal pulsars. Longer observations of the RRATs may re- o vealthat they, like PSR B0656+14,emit weakeremission 3. Stability of the pulse profile r t in addition to the bursts. s For most pulsars one can obtain a stable pulse profile by a averaging a few to a few hundred pulses, so our observa- : v tions of up to 25,000 pulses could have been expected to Xi 1. Introduction belongenough.HoweverPSRB0656+14provedtobe far from typical, as the pulse profile is highly unstable. To r a PSR B0656+14 is one of three nearby pulsars in the illustrate this time dependence, the profiles of successive middle-age range in which pulsed high-energy emission blocksofonethousandpulseswerecalculated(leftpanelof has been detected (the “The Three Musketeers”). It was Fig. 1). The scintillation bandwidth is much smaller than included in a recent extensive survey of subpulse modu- the observing bandwidth, so the intensity of the profiles lation in pulsars in the northern sky at the Westerbork are unaffected by interstellar scintillation. This is not be- Synthesis Radio Telescope by Weltevrede et al. 2006a. In cause of systematic errors due to polarization calibration the single pulses analysed for this purpose exceptionally uncertainties (Weltevrede et al. 2006c). A much longer powerfulandlongitudinally narrowsubpulses reminiscent observationwouldbe requiredto find out if there exists a of “giant” pulses were found. We therefore set out to ex- time scale for the pulse profile to stabilize. plore the full nature of PSR B0656+14’spulse behaviour in the radio band (Weltevrede et al. 2006c).This pulsar’s 4. The spiky emission extreme bursts are far from typical of older better-known pulsars, but are similar to those detected in the recently Atypicalpulsesequenceofthispulsarisshownintheleft discoveredpopulationofburstingneutronstars.TheseRo- panelofFig.2.Onecanseethatthefrequentoutburstsof tatingRAdioTransients(RRATs;McLaughlinetal.2006) radio emission are much narrower than the width of the typically emit detectable radio emission for less than one pulse profile. The emission also has burst-like behaviour second per day, causing standard periodicity searches to in the sense that the radio outbursts tend to cluster in fail in detecting the rotationperiod. The intermittent ex- groups of a few pulse periods. Furthermore, this cluster- treme bursts we have detected in PSR B0656+14 led us ingsometimesseemstobeweaklymodulatedwithaquasi- to argue that this pulsar, were it not so near, could itself periodicity of about20 pulse periods (see for instance the have appeared as an RRAT (Weltevrede et al. 2006b). bursts around pulse numbers 55, 75, 95, 115 and 135). P. Weltevredeet al.: The extremeradio emission of PSR B0656+14 61 Fig.1. The pulse profiles obtained by averaging successive blocks of one thousand pulses each of the 2005 Arecibo observation. The left panel shows all the emission and the middle and right panel show the spiky and weak emission separately. The 1-sigma error bars are plotted in the top left corner. Thebrightestburstsarealsoshowntohavequasi-periodic Thereasonwhythepulseprofileisunstableisthepres- structures with a ∼11 ms and a ∼1-ms timescale (Wel- ence of the spiky emission. These spikes have a very un- tevrede et al.2006c).Besides these bursts there aremany evenlongitude distributionandthereforemanypulses are pulses (and largefractionsofthe pulse window)thatcon- required to obtain a steady profile. This is demonstrated tain no signal above the noise level. We will use the term in Fig. 1, where the profiles of successive blocks of one spiky to refer to these bursts of radio emission. thousand pulses each are plotted separately for the spiky andweakemission.Onecanclearlyseethatitisthespiky Although the pulse sequence of the left panel of Fig. emission that is highly unstable, whereas the weak emis- 2 is dominated by the very apparent spiky emission, this sion converges rapidly to a stable profile. is accompanied by an almost indiscernible background of weak emission. To separate these two components of the 5. The radio bursts of PSR B0656+14 emission, we have applied an intensity threshold to the data. The intensities of the time samples in the pulse The brightest measured pulse is 116 hEi (where hEi is stack of the weak emission are truncated if they exceed the average integrated pulse energy). This is exceptional this threshold. The time samples in the pulse stack of the for regular radio pulsars and based on the energy of spikyemissioncontainsonlysamples withintensityinex- thesepulsesalone,PSRB0656+14wouldfitintotheclass cess of this threshold. When the pulse stack of the weak of pulsars that emit so-called giant pulses. Nevertheless, emissionisaddedtothe pulsestackofthe spikyemission, there are important differences between giant pulses and one retrieves exactly the original pulse stack. the bright bursts of PSR B0656+14. The bursts of PSR B0656+14have timescales that are much longer than the We have set the threshold intensity such that 99% of nano-second timescale observed for giant pulses, do not thenoisesamplesarebelowthisthresholdvalue.Notonly showa power-lawenergy-distribution,arenotconfinedto dothenoisefluctuationsmakeitimpossibletocompletely a narrow pulse window and are not associated with an separate the weak and spiky emission, it is also very well X-ray component. This suggests differing emission mech- possible that the energy distributions of the two compo- anismsfortheclassicalgiantpulsesandtheburstsofPSR nents overlap. In Fig. 2 one can see the pulse stacks ob- B0656+14.Alsothepossiblecorrelationbetweenemission tained after separation of the spiky and weak emission. of giant pulses and high magnetic field strengths at the The integrated power of this sequence of weak pulses is light cylinder clearly fails for PSR B0656+14. However, about 3 times greater than that of the sequence of the giantpulseshavebeenclaimedinother(slow)pulsarsthat spiky emission. This shows that a significant fraction of also easily fail this test and for millisecond pulsars a high the pulsar’s emission lies at or below the noise level. magnetic field strengths at the light cylinder seems to be 62 P. Weltevredeet al.: The extremeradio emission of PSR B0656+14 Fig.2. A typical sequence of successive pulses (left panel). The same pulses are shown in the middle and right panel, but there the emission is separated into the spiky and weak emission respectively. a poor indicator of the rate of emission of giant pulses thispulsariscapableofproducingintensesporadicbursts (Knight et al. 2006). ofradioemissionevenatearlyphasesoftheprofile.There are only two bursts with a peak-flux above the noise level The bursts of PSR B0656+14 are even more extreme detected at the longitude of the peak of this pulse out of whenweconsidertheirpeak-fluxes.Thehighestmeasured the total of almost 25,000 pulses (see right panel of Fig. peak-flux of a burst is 420 times the average peak-flux 3). This implies either that these two bursts belong to an of the pulsed emission, which is an order of magnitude extremely long tail of the distribution, or that there is no brighter than the giant micropulses observed for the Vela emissionatthislongitudeotherthansuchsporadicbursts. pulsar (Johnston et al. 2001) and PSR B1706–44 (John- ston & Romani 2002). Giant micropulses are not neces- sarily extreme in the sense of having a large integrated energy (as required for giant pulses), but their peak-flux 6. The RRAT connection densities are very large. Not only are the bursts of PSR B0656+14 much brighter (both in peak-flux and inte- TheobservationalfactsarethatPSRB0656+14occasion- grated energy) than those found for giant micropulses, allyemitsextremelybrightburstsofradioemissionwhich they are also not confined in pulse longitude and they areshortinduration.Althoughtheseburstsappearstobe do not show a power-law energy-distribution as the giant different than that of the giant (micro)pulses, it seems to pulses and micropulses do. besimilartothosefoundfortheRRATs.Weltevredeetal. At the leading edge of the profile we detected a burst 2006bshowthatthe luminositiesofthe burstsoftherela- with an integrated pulse-energy of 12.5 hEi. What makes tivelynearbyPSRB0656+14(288pc;Briskenetal.2003) this pulse so specialis thatit has a peak-flux that is 2000 isverytypicalfortheknownRRATsources.Althoughthe times that ofthe averageemissionatthat pulse longitude slope of the top end of the peak-flux distribution of PSR (left panel of Fig. 3). Its dispersiontrack exactly matches B0656+14 is in the range of the giant pulses (between what is expected for this pulsar (middle panel of Fig. 3), −2 and −3), it is better described by a lognormal than proving that this radio burst is produced by the pulsar. by a power-lawdistribution. This again suggests that the Notice that the effect of interstellar scintillation is also brightburstsofPSRB0656+14aredifferentfromtheclas- clearly visible (different frequency channels have differ- sical giant pulses. The top end of the RRAT distribution ent intensities) and that the dispersion track is the same with the highest number of detections seems to be harder for the two pulses in the centre of the profile. This burst (with a slope −1), but for the other RRATs this is as yet demonstrates that the emission mechanism operating in unclear. For instance, the tail of the distribution of PSR P. Weltevredeet al.: The extremeradio emission of PSR B0656+14 63 10000 30 25 1000 malized intensity 1250 Counts 100 Nor 10 10 5 1 0 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 100 150 200 250 Fi / 〈Fp〉 Pulse longitude (deg) Fig.3.Thebrightradioburstdetectedattheleadingedgeofthepulseprofileinthe2003observation.Left:Theburst (solid line) compared with the average pulse profile (dashed line). Middle: The same burst, but now with frequency resolution. The data in this plot is not de-dispersed and its dispersion track matches exactly what is expected for the known dispersion measure (DM) of this pulsar (dashed line). Right: The longitude-resolved energy-distribution at the longitude of the peak of the strong pulse (solid line) and the off-pulse distribution (dashed line). The peak-fluxes (F ) are normalized to the average peak-flux of the profile (hF i). i p B0656+14seems to be consistent with the distribution of weak emission (with a high occurrence rate over the full the RRAT with the second highest number of detections. width of the pulse). PSR B0656+14 intermittently emits Normal periodicity searches failed to detect the pulses that areextremelybrightcomparedto normalpul- RRATs,whichplacesanupper limitonthe averagepeak- sars and with pulse energies well above ten times the av- flux density of weak pulses among the detected bursts of erage pulse-energy these pulses formally qualify as giant about1:200(McLaughlinetal.2006).Becausethebright- pulses. Nevertheless these pulses differ from giant pulses est burst of PSR B0656+14exceeds the underlying peak- and giant micropulses in important ways. Many of the flux by a much greater factor,PSR B0656+14could have exceptional properties of PSR B0656+14 have led us to beenidentifiedasanRRAT,wereitnotsonearby.Wereit point out that this pulsar,were it not so near,could have located twelve times farther away (thus farther than five been discovered as an RRAT. of the RRATs), we estimate that only one burst per hour Our identification of PSR B0656+14with RRATs im- wouldbedetectable(theRRATs haveburstratesranging plies that at least some RRATs could be sources which fromoneburstevery4minutestooneevery3hours).The emit pulses continuously, but over an extremely wide typicalburstduration(about5ms)ofPSRB0656+14also range of energies. This is in contrast to a picture of infre- matches that of the RRATs (between 2 and 30 ms). quent powerful pulses with otherwise no emission. There- Were PSR B0656+14 twelve times more distant, the fore,ifitindeedturnsoutthatPSRB0656+14(despiteits RMS of the noise would increase by a factor 144 relative relatively short period) is a true prototype for an RRAT, to the strength of the pulsar signal. When we artificially we can expect future studies to demonstrate that RRATs addgaussian-distributednoiseatthisleveltotheobserva- emit much weaker pulses among their occasional bright tion, we find no sign of the pulsar’s (2.6-Hz) rotation fre- bursts. We would also predict that their integrated pro- quencyin35-minutesegmentsofthedatayetthebrightest fileswillbefoundtobefarbroaderthanthewidthsofthe pulseiseasilydetectedwith18σ(Weltevredeetal.2006b). individualbursts,andwillneedmanythousandsofbursts For telescopes with a lower sensitivity than Arecibo (e.g. to stabilize. Parkes)thenevenifPSRB0656+14werequiteabitcloser itwouldnotrevealit’speriodicityinasimilarlylongobser- References vation.Only inthe spectrumofthe whole 1.8-hourobser- vationthe periodicity ofa twelvetimes more distantPSR Brisken, W. F., Thorsett, S. E., Golden, A., & Goss, W. M., B0656+14 would be marginally detectable for Arecibo. 2003, ApJ, 593, L89 This means that a distant PSR B0656+14 could only be Johnston, S.& Romani, R.,2002, MNRAS.,332, 109 Johnston,S.,vanStraten,W.,Kramer,M.,&Bailes,M.,2001, found as a RRAT in a survey using Arecibo, unless the ApJ., 549, L101 pointings were unusually long. Knight, H. S., Bailes, M., Manchester, R. N., Ord, S. M., & Jacoby, B. A., 2006, ApJ,640, 941 7. Implications and discussion McLaughlin, M. A., Lyne, A. G., Lorimer, D. R., et al. 2006, Nature,439, 817 The emission of PSR B0656+14 can be characterized by Weltevrede, P., Edwards, R. T., & Stappers, B. W., 2006a, spiky (with low occurrence rate within each pulse) and A&A,445, 243 64 P. Weltevredeet al.: The extremeradio emission of PSR B0656+14 Weltevrede, P., Stappers, B. W., Rankin, J. M., & Wright, G. A.E. 2006b, Astrophys.J., 645, L149 Weltevrede, P., Wright, G. A. E., Stappers, B. W., Rankin, J. M., & 2006c, accepted by A&A(astro-ph/0608023).

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