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HINDSIGHT APPLICATION IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE NO 9527 OF 2011 CHANCERY DIVISION COMPANIES COURT IN THE MATTER OF MF GLOBAL UK LIMITED (in Special administration) AND IN THE MATTER OF THE INVESTMENT BANK SPECIAL ADMINISTRATION REGULATIONS 2011 HINDSIGHT APPLICATION 18/19 JUNE 2012 EXPERT REPORT OF DR M. DESMOND FITZGERALD TH 7 SEPTEMBER 2012 1. OVERVIEW 1.1 In this Report I deal with various issues relevant to the Application in the Matter of MF Global UK Limited (in Special Administration) made by the Joint Administrators of MF Global UK Limited on 18/19 June 2012. 1.2 EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS 1.2.1 At the present time I am Chairman and Chief Executive of Equitable House Investments Limited – a firm which specialises in the design of arbitrage, volatility trading and risk management strategies. During the period since 1993 when Equitable House was founded, I have had experience of proprietary volatility and arbitrage trading in fixed income, equity and commodity markets including the UK, US, Europe and Asia. Such trading has included equity and commodity derivatives trading, arbitrage trading worldwide, and volatility and relative value trading in equities, commodities and fixed income. 1.2.2 I am also currently a Partner in Unique Investment Advisers LLP, an FSA regulated partnership specialising in the provision of investment advice to high net worth individuals and institutions, and Chairman of Unique Consultants Limited, which is a specialised financial training and risk management consulting firm. 1.2.3 During the period 1988 – 93, I served as Director and Head of Arbitrage at Mitsubishi Finance International Plc, the securities arm of Mitsubishi Bank. In that role I was responsible for all exchange traded and over the counter derivatives activities in the areas of fixed income, equities and commodities. I was also involved with the structured product group in designing structured products for clients, pricing them and then managing the risks within the Arbitrage Group. During the period 1991 – 93, I also acted as Head of the Investment Management Group at Mitsubishi Finance International Plc. 1.2.4 My previous professional experience includes serving as Chief Economist and Head of Planning at Credit Lyonnais-Alexanders, Laing and Cruickshank, Chief Economist at Chemical Bank, London, and Senior Economist at J & A Scrimgeour. 1.2.5 My academic background has been in Finance and I hold a Ph.D in Finance from the University of Manchester, and a B.A in Economics from the University of York. My previous academic posts have included a National Research Fellowship at Princeton University, Associate Professor of Finance at New York University, Senior Lecturer in Finance at City University, London and the Ernst and Whinney Chair in Finance at the University of Strathclyde. I have served as the Chairman of the Financial Options Research Centre at the University of Warwick, and am also a member of the Futures and Options Committee of the Securities Institute. 1.2.6 Further details of my professional experience can be found in my full C.V. appended as Appendix 1 of this Report. 2 1.2.7 As a consequence of my professional and academic experience, I am familiar with the trading of and investment in equities, fixed income and commodities in emerging and developed markets, as well as other forms of associated derivatives including credit derivatives. I also have an extensive knowledge of the asset management and hedge fund industries, including the role of managers, investment managers and brokers, valuation agents and financial regulators. 1.3 INSTRUCTIONS This report has been prepared for the Court pursuant to a request by Macrae & Co LLP, the solicitors acting on behalf of Schneider Trading Associates Limited. I attach my letter of instructions as Appendix 2 to the Report. I set out the particular issues on which I express my Opinion in the relevant sections of this Report. 1.4 DOCUMENTATION For the purpose of producing this Report I have had access to a variety of documents. I attach a list of the documents I have relied on in Appendix 3 to this Report. 1.5 EXPERT’S DECLARATION I, M. Desmond Fitzgerald, declare that: 1.5.1 I understand that my duty in providing written reports and giving evidence is to help the Court, and that this duty overrides any obligation to the party who has engaged me. I confirm that I have complied with this duty and will continue to comply with this duty; 1.5.2 I have endeavoured to include in my report those matters, which I have knowledge of or of which I have been made aware, that might adversely affect the validity of my opinion; 1.5.3 This report has been prepared in accordance with the Draft Code of Guidance for Experts and any Practice Direction, which may supplement or supersede it; 1.5.4 I have indicated the sources of all the information I have used; 1.5.5 I have not, without forming an independent view, included or excluded anything which has been suggested to me by others (in particular my instructing lawyers); 1.5.6 I will notify those instructing me immediately and confirm in writing if for any reason my existing report requires any correction or qualification; and 3 1.5.7 I understand that: (a) my report, subject to any corrections before swearing as to its correctness, will form the evidence to be given under oath or affirmation; (b) I may be cross-examined on my report by a cross-examiner assisted by an expert; (c) I am likely to be the subject of public adverse criticism if the Court concludes that I have not taken reasonable care in trying to meet the standards set out above; and (d) I confirm that I have not entered into any arrangement where the amount or payment of my fees is in any way dependent on the outcome of the case. 4 2. OVERVIEW 2.1 I have been asked to provide my views on “the extent to which it is possible, in relation to the range of financial instruments to which CASS 7 applies, to estimate the market value and mark-to-market value of open positions at the Primary Pooling Event (‘PPE’) of a firm”. 2.2 A glossary of terms used in this Report can be found as Appendix 4 to the Report. 2.3 As I understand it CASS 7 applies to the range of financial instruments specified in Section C of Annex 1 of MiFID. I have looked at the list of instruments, and confirm that it would cover all the instruments likely to be traded by customers of a firm such as MFGUK. This list includes both exchange traded and OTC instruments, including cash assets, futures, forwards, swaps, options both vanilla and exotic, credit derivatives and so on Marking to Market, Market Values and Market Prices 2.4 At the outset, it is important to consider the meaning of the two concepts of “market value” and “mark-to-market value” of a customer’s risk positions. Mark to market valuation, as will be discussed in detail below, involves the revaluation of a customer’s positions in line with prevailing market prices, generally the mid-prices for the underlying asset or assets in question. However, such mark to market prices are not necessarily accurate measures of the market price because they generally do not reflect the market bid-offer spread, the size of the customer’s position, the current state of liquidity in the market, the nature of the underlying asset, and numerous other factors. Market value can also be a concept distinct from market price. International Valuation 1 Standards (IVS) defines market value as “the estimated amount for which a property should exchange on the date of valuation between a willing buyer and a willing seller in an arm’s-length transaction after proper marketing wherein the parties had each acted knowledgeably, prudently and without compulsion”. This can be viewed as distinct from the market price, which is simply the price at which a trader can transact a specific volume of an underlying asset at a specific time. In inefficient disequilibrium markets, market values can be perceived as different to market prices for a prolonged period. 2.5 In his second Witness Statement, Mr Richard Heis contrasts liquidation values for a client position with a position’s “market value” on another date, such as the PPE. He defines liquidation values as the actual value obtained when a position is closed out. He defines market value as the price at which a customer would buy or sell an asset or a particular position at a given time, so 1 The International Valuation Standards (IVS) are developed and maintained by the International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC), which is an independent organisation that develops and promotes technical and ethical standards for the conduct of valuations on which investors and others rely. The IVSC works cooperatively with national professional valuation institutes, users and preparers of valuations, governments, regulators and academic bodies, and is responsible for developing the International Valuation Standards and associated technical guidance. 5 that the “market value is generally regarded as the price that a willing buyer or seller, dealing fairly and on arm’s length terms would agree as at a given time”. I would regard Mr Heis’s definition as equivalent to the IVS definition provided in paragraph 2.3 above. Concept of Slippage 2.6 Thus, there is (i) a “mark to market value”, which is simply, in my view, an accounting number used to reflect current market conditions in a broker’s customer positions, mostly for margining purposes; then (ii) a “market value” which reflects potential transaction prices in an informationally efficient and liquid market; and (iii) a market price which reflects the price at which an actual position can be transacted in an actual market. The concept that links the various definitions is that of slippage. Slippage is defined as the difference between an average execution price and the initial mid-point of the bid-offer spread, for a given quantity of the instrument to be executed. The level of slippage will depend on a whole range of factors including the nature of the instrument traded, current market conditions, the degree of aggressiveness of the buyer or the seller, and the volume that is desired or required to be traded. Of course, it must be remembered that although mark to market prices are generally, though not always, available for most assets, actual market prices can only be observed after a transaction has taken place. While a broker or a customer can estimate what the degree of slippage will be between a mark to market price and an actual market transaction price, there is no guarantee that that is the level which will be observed with respect to a specific trade. The Mark to Market Process 2.7 In any case, I will first describe the process of marking to market for a financial instrument or group of financial instruments in more detail. When a customer trades through a broker, he will buy or sell a financial instrument at a specific trade price. For instance, a customer might buy a futures contract based on the FTSE-100 index at a price of 5500 at £10 per point. The initial contract value at which the future has been purchased will therefore be (5500 x £10) or £55,000. Over time, clearly the FTSE-100 index level will rise or fall, and the customer’s position will show a profit/loss. For instance, if the FTSE-100 future fell to 5000, then the customer would only be able to sell what he had purchased at a price of 5000, equivalent at £10 per point to £50,000. Clearly if the customer who paid £55,000 for the future, sold it for £50,000, then he would have lost £5000. The term marking to market means the process of valuing and reporting a customer’s positions in line with the current market prices for the positions, as opposed to the prices at which they were originally traded. Thus in the case described above, a simple mark to market report might look as follows. 6 FTSE-100 FUTURE ORIGINAL PURCHASE PRICE 5500 ORIGINAL POSITION VALUE £55,000 CURRENT MARKET PRICE 5000 MARK TO MARKET POSITION VALUE £50,000 POSITION PROFIT/LOSS £5000 Marking to Market : Exchange Traded Positions 2.8 With the customers of a broker such as MFGUK, it is likely that all their positions will be marked to market on a daily basis, and the results reported to them. Of course, numerous issues arise in such a marking to market process for complex and numerous customer positions. In the case of exchange traded positions, including cash, futures and option positions, official settlement prices will generally be provided at the close of trading on a specific day, and those would represent an obvious source of mark to market prices for exchange traded positions. However, it is also obvious that exchanges close at different times especially across time zones. So, for instance, if positions were to be marked to market at 21.30 in the UK, a customer’s US positions would be being marked at almost contemporaneous prices, whereas the UK position prices would be, maybe, five hours old, and any Japanese position prices would be more than twelve hours old. Self-evidently if there had been a major collapse on Wall Street in the last couple of hours of trading, the UK and Japanese mark to market prices would not adequately reflect the prices at which those positions could be purchased or sold, if the UK and Japanese exchanges were open. 2.9 The position becomes even more nebulous with positions based on markets that trade continuously without fixed trading hours. Consider a customer of MFGUK who held a position in foreign exchange based on the Euro/USD exchange rate. Such a liquid FX market trades continuously over the entire 24 hour day. Hence the broker will need to choose a specific time to monitor the Euro/USD FX rate, to carry out the mark to market valuation for the customer’s position. Marking to Market : OTC Positions 2.10 Similarly for Over The Counter (OTC) positions traded with a market counterparty, there will be a range of decisions that need to be taken by a broker with regard to the marking to market process. I will illustrate this with the case of a simple interest rate swap, where the customer has agreed to pay a fixed rate of interest in exchange for a floating rate of interest. The general position will be that if market interest rates rise, the customer will benefit, but if interest rates fall, the customer will suffer. In order to assess the mark to market profit or loss for such a position, the position will need to be valued in line with the current pattern of interest rates in the market using an appropriate valuation model. So the first question is whether the broker estimates the mark to market values of the position internally, or asks the original 7 counterparty to the trade for a mark to market value, or asks a range of swaps traders for fair prices. And, of course, the mark to market values from a range of counterparties may well vary, and the broker will have to have a system for producing a single MTM value from that data set. The broker would also need to decide, if relying on other market participants for prices on OTC positions, at what time to sample the market, bearing in mind some market participants will tend to be slower than others in their response times. Quality of Mark to Market Prices 2.11 It is also important to realise that the quality of mark to market prices may vary significantly depending on the source, and type of instrument. Thus for liquid futures, cash equities, government bonds and FX, one would expect official settlement prices or screen prices to provide an accurate picture of the then current traded prices in the market. Model based prices for such instruments as interest rate and currency swaps, credit derivatives etc may be less accurate, in that they will be influenced by the structure of the provider’s 2 book. Illiquid financial instruments such as individual corporate bonds, emerging market equities and debt, and many options especially out of the money options, may have prices that are infrequently updated by traders, so that they could reflect market conditions days or weeks earlier rather than currently. 2.12 In any case, it is evident that a total set of mark to market prices for all traded financial instruments will represent a considerable quality range, depending on the market structure for each instrument, and the available liquidity in specific markets. Moreover, it must be remembered that a mark to market price will be a single value. As such, it cannot represent a price at which a financial instrument can be bought or sold, even exactly contemporaneously with the time of the mark to market price. This is because the vast majority of mark to market prices will represent a mid-market price at the time of observation. Exchange Official Closing Settlement prices can be regarded as mid-market prices at the close of business on a specific trading day. That is, the mid- market price would represent the middle of a conventional bid-offer spread for the underlying asset, although specific Exchange Settlement Price procedures might mean the final closing price was nearer to the bid or offer level. The mark to market price for all financial instruments would, in the vast majority of cases, represent for a position, a better or more advantageous price than could be achieved, if the position was to be closed in the market even at that precise time. 2.13 The normal size of the bid-offer spread will clearly vary between financial instruments and markets, and no doubt will vary through time in line with prevailing market conditions. A position in a liquid stock index futures contract, say the S+P500, may have a bid-offer spread which is only one or two ticks, where a tick represents the minimum price fluctuation allowed for a contract. A bond such as a US Treasury bond may have a bid-offer spread of 2 For instance, a counterparty who already has a large number of swaps where it is paying fixed may be more reluctant to add another such position, except at an offmarket price, than a different counterparty. 8 0.01%-0.02%. By contrast, a position in a very illiquid option contract based on an unusual asset may have a bid-offer spread of ten percent or more around a mark to market price. 2.14 Even for standard liquid financial instruments trading in normal market conditions, mark to market prices cannot be regarded as prices at which actual market trading would or could occur. The concept of marking to market should be regarded as a convenient accounting tool, as opposed to a realistic assessment of the market values of a set of positions in financial instruments. Role of the Order Book 2.15 In actual markets, the lack of realism of mark to market prices is even more severe than simply reflecting the effects of conventional bid-offer spreads. This is because actual trading prices for financial instruments are not independent of volumes. Thus, if one examines, say, a current quotation for the price of an individual stock, one might observe a best level of 500-505. That is, a customer can trade with the market by either selling the stock at 500 or buying it at 505. But in practice, that price set will also be accompanied by numbers showing the volume each price is good for. Thus the actual screen might show STOCK BEST BID SIZE BEST OFFER SIZE ABC 500 20,000 505 50,000 So in the market, the customer could sell up to 20,000 shares of ABC at a price of 500, and could buy up to 50,000 shares of ABC at a price of 505. But if the customer wished to sell immediately a larger amount than 20,000 shares, he would probably not be able to achieve a sale price as advantageous as 500. 2.16 It is useful to bring in the concept of the order book to further explain this volume effect. In paragraph 2.15, the best bid was shown as 500 for 20,000, but behind this best bid probably lay a range of other less advantageous bids. For example, one might envisage the following set of bids: PRICE 500 499 498 497 496 495 AMOUNT 20,000 10,000 20,000 20,000 40,000 40,000 So if a customer wanted to sell 150,000 shares immediately, he would have to hit all the bids down to 495, and the average achieved sale price would be 496.87. That would be 3.13 worse than the best bid price, and 5.63 worse than the likely mark to market price of 502.5 (the mid-point of the 500-505 bid offer spread). 2.17 Such a deterioration in the achieved price is the result of what I defined as slippage in paragraph 2.6 above. What this means is that not only is a single mark to market price not a correct measure of the market value of a set of positions, but neither would be the best bid and offer prices if the set was valued on that basis, independent of the size and nature of the positions. For a 9 complex set of varied positions in a range of financial instruments, the mark to market price could deviate from the market price by a substantial margin. Market Prices for Different Types of Position 2.18 One can illustrate this point by considering the range of positions that might be held on behalf of customers by a broking firm such as MFGUK. As I have already mentioned the most liquid cash and futures instruments may display regular bid-offer spreads in the market of no more than a tick or two, but that would not be independent of volume. Suppose one was looking at a position in FTSE-100 futures, where the current price was 5499-5501, and the position held was 1000 contracts. On the assumption that there was then no information-driven movement in the FTSE-100 index, trades of 10-20 contracts could no doubt be carried out at the bid-offer spread of 5499-5501. However, any attempt to trade quickly out of 1000 contracts would rapidly become apparent to the market, and market makers would move the futures price against the trader. The net actual price might be five to ten index points or more away from the mid-price observed in the market before the trade. 2.19 Although exchange traded cash and futures contracts may show only a modest degree of slippage, the same will not be true of exchange traded option positions, especially out of the money options, where the market price is higher than the strike or exercise price in the case of puts, and lower in the case of calls. Such option contracts are generally much more illiquid than the underlying assets, and even in normal market circumstances, finding the other side of a potential trade in an out of the money option can be difficult. For such illiquid option contracts, movements in bid-offer spreads and prices occasioned by high volumes of closing trades within a limited period of time could be very large. I would not be surprised to find that a large short-term trade in an illiquid out of the money exchange traded option might require a ten or twenty percent premium or discount to a mark to market price. Example of an Out of the Money Option 2.20 For instance, consider a significantly out of the money put option on the FTSE-100 index. The value of such an option will depend on various market inputs including the current level of the index, the maturity of the option, interest rates and dividend yields, and most importantly (and not directly observable) the volatility (degree of variation) of the index returns. Assuming the current date is 16/8/12, I observe the FTSE-100 index trading at 5832, and September 5675 strike put option quoted at 55-58 with no volume traded as of 09.40am. The price bid-offer spread can also be cast as a bid-offer spread in implied volatility, when it would become 15.75% - 16.22%. This thinking of options being traded at a bid-offer spread in volatility is common practice for derivatives traders. If a trader wished to trade out of a large position, say 200 lots, relatively quickly, he would no doubt face a volatility spread larger than the one quoted. I would not be surprised if the volatility spread became 15% - 17%, even in reasonably normal market conditions. Again each of these volatilities would suggest a different price for the option. In this case, the price spread equivalent to a 15% - 17% volatility spread would move to 10

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