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WCRJ 2018; 5 (1): e1042 THE EVOLVING LANDSCAPE OF IMMUNOTHERAPY AGAINST CANCER S. PISCONTI1, G. DELLA VITTORIA SCARPATI1, G. FACCHINI2, C. CAVALIERE3, C. D’ANIELLO4, A. FRISCINNI1, A. MELISSANO1, E. BELLINI1, F. PERRI1 1Department of Onco-Hematology Medical Oncology, S.G. Moscati Hospital of Taranto, Taranto, Italy 2Departmental Unit of Experimental Uro-Andrological Clinical Oncology, Department of Uro-Gynecological Oncology, Istituto Nazionale Tumori - IRCCS - Fondazione G. Pascale, Naples, Italy 3Division of Medical Oncology, ASL NA 3 SUD, PO Nuovo Gragnano, Naples, Italy 4Division of Medical Oncology, A.O.R.N. dei Colli – “Ospedali Monaldi-Cotugno-CTO”, Naples, Italy Abstract – The immune system is able to defend us against both pathogens and cancer. Start- ing from this assumption, it is easy to assert that strengthen the immune response against tumor cells may be an incisive strategy of therapy. Several immunotherapy approaches have been pro- posed over the years; however, all of them have a common characteristic: the ability of T-cytotoxic lymphocytes to attack the tumor. Tumor vaccines are the easier strategy; furthermore, there are few of them available in clinical practice. Adoptive immunotherapy consists instead in the direct administration of a population of tumor specific antigens T-Lymphocytes, which have been firstly selected and then re-arranged in order to attack the tumor. The most promising adoptive immuno- therapy strategy is the CAR (chimeric antigen receptors). Direct administration of soluble cytokines has been employed for many years reaching mediocre results, mainly due to the ability of the tumor to bypass the T-cells activation and then the immune response. This happens because the tumor microenvironment has a strong role in modulating immune response, especially through in- hibitory cytokines production. A step forward might be to use antibody or small molecules able to interfere with the inhibitory action mediated by the tumor microenvironment. Currently a number of the “so called” checkpoint inhibitors have been experimented in solid tumors as well as most of them have not yet reached the clinic. KEYWORDS: Immune system, Immunotherapy, Cytokines, Active immunotherapy, Adoptive immunotherapy, Vaccines, Checkpoint inhibitors. BACKGROUND The first acquisition as far as the possible an- ti-tumor function of the immune system concerned Immune system is not just a defense against infec- dates back to 1863, when Virchow showed the tive pathogens but also against cancer cells. First- immune infiltrate in the tumors4. Later, Coley ex- ly, a specific immune response generally involves perimented a “rudimentary” form of immunother- granulocytes as well as macrophages; instead, the apy, administering bacterial products, made by a following antigen-specific response is mostly or- killed-bacteria mixture of species Streptococcus chestrated by lymphocytes. Investigators1-3 have Pyogenes and Serratia Marcescens, in patients discovered that this type of defense, immune-me- affected by malignancies, the so-called “Coley’s diated, helps to eradicate cancer cells. toxin”5. Corresponding Author: Carla Cavaliere, MD; e-mail: [email protected] 1 IRANIAN BREAST CANCER RISK ASSESSMENT STUDY Ehrlich in 1909 argued that nascent mutated lymph nodes and here interact with the effector cells arise continuously in our bodies however; the cells, named as naive T-lymphocytes10. immune system endlessly eradicates them before Interaction between DC and naive T-cells has they are clinically showed6. the result to generate a class of specific T-cells, the In the mid-20th century, scientists demonstrated cytotoxic CD8 positive T-lymphocytes that are able that tumors could be repressed by the immune sys- to recognize the exposed tumor antigens on cancer tem using tumor transplantation models. Findings cells surface, bringing them to death. from the latter strongly suggested the existence of The last phase is the migration of CD8 positive tumour-associated antigens and building the ba- T-lymphocytes to the tumor site following the at- sis of immune surveillance, assumed by Burnet tack of tumor cells. CD8 positive T-cells are able to and Thomas7. These suggested that the control of bring tumor cell to death either through the produc- new transformed cells might represent an ancient tion of perforine, or FAS-FAS-ligand interaction. immune system, which played a critical role in These T-cells release the cytotoxins perforins and surveillance of malignant transformation (Figure 1). granzymes. Through the action of perforin, gran- Few years later, the Bacillus of Calmette and zymes enter in the cytoplasm of the target cell and Guerin (BCG) was used in clinical trials firstly, their serine protease function triggers the caspase and in the clinical practice subsequently, in order cascade, which is a series of cysteine proteases to treat patients with high-risk of recurrent bladder that eventually lead to apoptosis. Alternatively, cancer. Instillations of BCG still represent a stan- CD8 positive T-cells are able to express the surface dard therapy choice for patients with very endo- protein FAS-ligand (Apo1L or CD95L), which can scopically resected high-risk papilloma in situ and bind to FAS (Apo1 or CD95) molecules expressed microinvasive carcinoma of the bladder8,9. on the target cell. The Fas-associated death domain Immune response against cancer cells is very com- (FADD) translocates in the cell, allowing recruit- plex, and it can be divided into three phases, such as ment of both procaspases 8 and 10, which lead to the innate immune response; the activation of specific an alternative way conducing cells to apoptosis11. T-cells against cancer and the killing of tumor cells Based on these findings, several strategies aimed made by the above-mentioned T-cells (Figure 2). to reinforce immune response against cancer have In the first instance, new transformed cells can been developed in the years with the common scope be initially eliminated by macrophages, granulo- to generate a class of T-lymphocytes strongly and cytes as well as Natural-Killers (NK) Lymphocytes. selectively able to recognize the tumor antigens During this phase, several tumor antigens are in- hence able to attack the tumor cells. ternalized and processed by dendritic cells (DC), The afore mentioned aim can be carried out in sev- that are cells able to explain the processed antigens, eral ways, we will list and discuss them in this review. linked to class II major histocompatibility complex Immunotherapy strategies (Figure 3) that have (MHC-II), to the effector cells. DC migrate in the been developed over the years may be briefly divid- Fig. 1. The history of cancer immunotherapy: from empirical approaches to science-based therapies. 2 IRANIAN BREAST CANCER RISK ASSESSMENT STUDY Fig. 2. Immune response against cancer can be divided in three phases: 1) the innate immune response that takes place in the tumor site, 2) the activation of specific T-cells against can- cer, in the lymph nodes and 3) the killing of tu- mor cells operated by the CD8+ T-cells, which migrates in the tumor site. ed in five categories: 1) direct administration of im- marcescens (Coley’s Toxin). Today, the modern munogenic tumor antigens; 2) providing DC pulsed science of immunology has shown that Coley’s with specific tumor antigens; 3) providing specific principles are correct and the Coley’s toxin can be T-Cells, pulsed with immunogenic tumor antigens; defined as the first experimented vaccine against 4) administering cytokines able to activate T-Cells cancer. The Coley’s experiment paved the way to against tumor cells, 5) modifying the microenviron- several other methodologies aimed to stimulate the ment in which the T-Cells mature, removing all the immune system against cancer. stimuli able to induce T-Cells anergy. Immunotherapy strategies should be divided in two categories, namely adoptive and active im- munotherapy. Active immunotherapy, also vaccine Providing immunogenic tumor antigens therapy, consists in the reaction of immune system In 1891, William Coley made the first attempt to by itself caused by the active administration of tu- stimulate the immune system improving a cancer mor antigens in patients. Adoptive immunotherapy, patient’s condition by intratumoral injections of instead, consists in the direct administration in the inactivated Streptococcus pyogenes and Serratia patients of previously activated effector T-Cells12. Fig. 3. Strategies of immunotherapy. 3 IRANIAN BREAST CANCER RISK ASSESSMENT STUDY Several kinds of antitumoral vaccines have been an immune modulator, may reduce the difficulty of experimented and they may be classified in differ- the procedure. TAA are antigens expressed only in ent categories, including cell vaccines (tumor or the tumor (because they are encoded by genes nor- immune cell), protein/peptide vaccines and genetic mally silenced in the normal tissue) or in alterna- (DNA, RNA and viral) vaccines. Despite consider- tive, they may be expressed both in the tumor and in able efforts to develop cancer vaccines, the clinical the normal tissues, but their percent is much higher application of these has been challenging for de- in the tumor cells. TAA are usually administered cades, hence only a few of them have reached the together with an adjuvant or an immune modulator. clinical approval13. Most peptide-based vaccines in clinical trials Autologous tumor vaccines prepared using pa- target cancer-testis antigens, differentiation-associ- tient-derived tumor cells represent one of the first ated antigens, or certain oncofetal antigens (CEA, types of cancer vaccines tested. Tumor cells are MUC-1). Although these vaccines were able to sampled from the tumor site, irradiated and com- induce antigen-specific T cell responses, clinical bined with adjuvant immunostimulatory molecules outcomes have been disappointing18-20. (alum or BCG), and then they are re-inoculated in In Figure 4 are explained the possible TAA used patients. Last generation autologous vaccine are as target for immunotherapy. engineered to express IL-12, a key cytokine pro- Despite the aforementioned results, TAA are moting Th1 (Helper Th1) immunity, also resulted poorly immunogenic in nature, and an immuno- in strong tumor suppression in mice accompanied stimulatory adjuvant is essential for the generation by high IFN-γ production as well as increased of an effective immune response. Recent research activation of cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) and has highlighted that the activation of innate im- natural killer (NK) cells14. Allogeneic whole tumor munity is required to drive adaptive immune re- cell vaccines, which typically contain two or three sponses. In fact, Janeway et al21 demonstrated that established human tumor cell lines, may be used adaptive immune responses are preceded by, and to overcome many limitations of autologous tumor dependent on, innate immunity receptors triggered cell vaccines, such as the difficulty to obtain a by microbial components. Identification of con- large number of immunogenic cancer cells from the served moieties associated with either pathogen or tumor site and very expensive procedures used to pathogen-associated molecular patterns, mediated prepare and render them more immunogenic. by particular receptors present on DC membrane As an alternative to cancer cells, DC can also be (named toll-like receptors -TLR), are able to coor- employed to synthesize anti-tumor vaccines. DCs dinate innate and adaptive immunity against micro- are the most potent professional antigen-presenting bial pathogen or infected cells. Activation of TLR cells (APC), which play as sentinels in the periph- is able to reinforce adaptive response against both eral tissues where they uptake, process and present pathogens and cancer cells. The use of attenuated host-derived antigenic peptides (using the type II pathogens with the ability to engage the TLR has MHC) to naïve T lymphocytes in the lymphoid or- been proposed for anticancer immunotherapy22. gans. DC can be generated in culture made from pe- Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccines are ripheral blood-derived mononuclear cells (PBMC). attenuated strains of Mycobacterium bovis. Fur- These are first sampled from the patient and then thermore, these are one of the most used vaccines pulsed with tumour-associated antigens (TAA) and in the world. Intravesical installation of BCG fol- IL-2. These antigen-loaded, ex vivo matured DC are lowing transurethral resection (TUR) is a standard administrated back in patients to induce anti-tumor treatment for the non-muscle invasive bladder can- immunity15,16. cer aiming to reduce the risk of relapse and poten- The only DC-based vaccine used in clinic is tially progression in muscle invasive bladder cancer. the Sipuleucel-T. The US FDA approved it in 2010 Administering viral vectors to patients affected for the treatment of asymptomatic, metastatic, cas- by cancer is another strategy to deliver TAA. trate-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC). This au- The motivation to use viruses as immuniza- tologous vaccine consists in APC from PBMC that tion vehicles is based on the phenomenon that have been incubated with PA2024, which contains viral infection often results in the presentation of prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP, a prostate antigen) MHC class I/II restricted, virus-specific peptides fused to GM-CSF17. on infected cells. The viral vectors with low dis- The complex procedure to set up individualized ease-causing potential and low intrinsic immuno- vaccines greatly limits the broad use of autolo- genicity are engineered to encode TAA23. gous cancer vaccines, including whole tumor cells Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is an en- or DCs. Recombinant vaccines, made by peptides veloped dsDNA virus with the ability to infect a from defined tumor-associated antigens (TAA), and wide variety of cell types, and to incorporate single usually administered together with an adjuvant or or multiple transgenes. It has been often employed 4 IRANIAN BREAST CANCER RISK ASSESSMENT STUDY Fig. 4. Types of tumour antigens. as viral vector. An oncolytic HSV-1 encoding for destroy tumor cells. Comoli et al25 experimented the granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating fac- above mentioned technique in patients affected by tor (GM-CSF), named T-VEC (talimogene laher- EBV (Epstein-Barr Virus) mediated nasopharyn- parepvec), has been employed for treating patients geal carcinoma in the context of a phase II study, with advanced malignant melanoma both in phase obtaining a good disease control rate (the sum of II and phase III clinical trials, and it has demon- partial, complete remission and stable disease). It strated good activity and efficacy24. is important to clarify that in EBV-mediated malig- Despite the considerable progress made in the nancies, adoptive immunotherapy may be easier to field of vaccine therapy, currently only Sipuleu- perform due to the high rate of immunogenic viral cel-T, BCG and T-VEC can be used in clinical antigens expressed by tumor cells, while in other practice, but the effort are to keep reinforcing im- solid tumors, it may be harder to obtain a clone of mune response against cancer cells in order to have T-Cells highly selective for TAA. TAA, as seen be- a reliable rationale. fore, are not immunogenic and not easy to isolate26. Infusion of TAA-restricted T-cells may be an optimal strategy able to target tumor cells with high Providing sPecific t-cells made affinity; nevertheless, it is very difficult to obtain selective to recognize cancer cells a sufficiently large population of T-lymphocytes (adoPtive immunotheraPy) highly selective for TAA. A step forward may be to directly rescue T-cells from the tumor site, starting Adoptive immunotherapy is based on the stimula- from the idea that lymphocytes able to infiltrate tion of effector T-Cells in vitro and the following the tumor cells might have acquired better ability reinfusion of them intravenously. PBMC are res- to recognize TAA. A number of studies27,28 have cued from the patient’s blood and then stimulated demonstrated that prognosis of patients affected in vitro with cytokines (IL-2) and autologous APC by solid tumors depends on the percentage of TIL expressing TAA. This procedure allows the gener- present in the tumor. TIL are firstly sampled from ation of TAA-restricted cytotoxic T-lymphocytes the tumor site, then expanded using a mixture of that, after intravenous reinfusion, can attack and human cytokines such as IL-2, IL-15 and IL-7. The 5 IRANIAN BREAST CANCER RISK ASSESSMENT STUDY obtained TIL is subsequently re-infused in the pa- as CEA, have been revealed not very immunogenic. tient. Data regarding the use of TIL-based adoptive Currently, CAR therapy has been experimented in immunotherapy are controversial; however, in solid glioblastoma (EGFR directed), neuroblastoma (GD2 tumors, an objective response rate ranging from 20 directed), head and neck cancer (EGFR and cerbB2 to 50% has been reported29,30. directed), breast cancer (cerbB2 directed), non-small Several other strategies to increase the specificity cells lung cancer (EGFR directed), mesothelioma of T-lymphocytes against TAA have been developed, (mesothelin directed), ovarian cancer (NKG2D di- though the most recent as well as the most promising rected), prostate cancer (PSMA directed) and renal is the CAR technology. CAR (chimeric antigen re- cell carcinoma (Carboxy-anhydrase IX directed36-39. ceptors) are chimeric transmembrane receptors con- Nevertheless, adoptive immunotherapy has proved stituted by an antigen specific single-chain variable to be effective especially in hematological malig- fragment (against a predetermined TAA) fused with nancies, while its use in solid tumors needs further the CD3 intracellular domain (the so-called TCR, improvements. namely T-cell receptor). Upon transfection into autol- ogous T-cells, using viral vectors, the gene encoding for CAR leads to the synthesis and expression on cytokines able to activate t-cells the T-lymphocyte’s cell membrane of a receptor against tumor cells highly specific for its target. CAR can be divided in first, second and third generation depending on the In the 70/80s, scientists observed that some solid presence in the chimeric gene of none, one or more tumors, such as melanoma and renal cell carcino- co-stimulatory molecules, such as CD28, 4-1BB and mas, were more immunogenic than others were. This OX40 (Figure 5)26,31-33. The idea of generate T-cells because they were resistant to the conventional che- highly selective for TAA prompt to the design of motherapy but seemed to regress with high dose cyto- several clinical trials aimed to verify in the clinic the kine therapy. Interestingly, cytokine therapy provided areas efficacy of CAR. Unfortunately, despite ongo- robust benefit only in a subset of patients, particularly ing success in the management of CD19+ B-cell he- in those who developed autoimmune reactions40-42. matologic malignancies (using CAR directed against BCG provided excellent results for example in CD19), the same results have not been obtained in the treatment of bladder carcinoma and now it rep- the solid tumors. The main cause of such failure resents the standard of care if given intravescically. is the difficulty to identify effective TAA, against High dose cytokine therapy consisted in the which the immune attack should be directed34,35. systemic administration of IL-2 and IFN. Advanced Several TAA have been proposed as target for CAR renal cell carcinomas have been treated for a long therapy, such as RGFR, CEA (carcino-embryonic time with IL-2 and/or IFN and in two randomized antigen), MUC-1, PSMA (prostate stem-cell antigen) trials, high vs. low dose of the aforementioned and mesothelin; however, their expression is not al- cytokines demonstrated to significantly prolong ways limited to the tumor, being detectable also in survival. The same concept is valid for advanced normal tissues. Instead, tumor-specific TAA, such melanoma; in fact, in patients with advanced dis- Fig. 5. First (1G), second (2G) and third (3G) generation CAR, depending on the presence in the molecule of none, one or more co- stimulatory domain. 6 IRANIAN BREAST CANCER RISK ASSESSMENT STUDY Fig. 6. The landscape of T cell activating and inhibitory recep- tors. ease, high-dose IL-2 is much better able than low- Lately, a very promising cytokine has raised the dose regimens to produce durable responses and interest of scientists, due to its efficacy in preclini- complete responses43-45. cal models, named as IL-15. These studies concluded that (both in renal cell IL-15 is a cytokine that primarily stimulates the carcinoma and in melanoma) the best use of IL-2, proliferation and cytotoxic functions of CD8 T-cells producing the best outcomes, remains high-dose and NK cells, leading to enhanced anti-tumor re- treatment, administered by an experienced team in sponses. Although initially it shows as a promising the appropriate setting. Nevertheless, only a subset cancer therapy, its use as far as the clinic is con- of patients obtained a clinical response and this has cerned, is limited by its short half-life in vivo48. strongly limited the use of soluble cytokines. We can assume that the use of soluble cytokines A possible explanation of this phenomenon is to elicit immune response against tumor is an in- the possibility to arm and disarm the lymphocytes. complete strategy, mainly because T-cells may be For this reason, T-cells can be armed and dis- easily disarmed by the action of inhibitory peritu- armed about their microenvironment. Interactions moral microenvironment. between soluble cytokines and their receptors may The only agents that are used in clinic and are have opposite effects in the T-cells, thus provoking commonly used as a standard therapeutic options their activation or in contrast their anergy (Figure are the adjuvant IFN at low doses, especially in 6). It shows from Figure 7 the inhibitory and stim- patients with high-risk of recurrent totally resected ulatory pathway elicited in the T-lymphocytes. malignant melanoma. Bearing in mind that the administration of sol- uble cytokines is able to arm the T-cells but at the same way inhibitory stimuli elicited by the mi- acting on the inhibitory microenvironment in croenvironment can lead to T-cell anergy, letting which the t-cells mature become the IL-2 and/or IFN administration totally useless. A tumor cannot be defined as a simple collection of Several cytokines have been employed in the cells isolated from the surrounding tissues. It is well clinical practice however; the most used are IL-2 recognized, as matter of fact, that cells adjacent to and IFN. Some scholars46,47, instead, experiment- the tumor (stromal cells), endothelial and immune ed a mixture of multiple interleukin estrying to cells strongly contributed to the tumor plasticity. increase their efficacy. This cytokines mixture is The set of cells and the substances released by them, named “multikine” and it has been administered surrounding the tumor, is defined as microenviron- directly in the tumor site. Results in the clinical ment. Among the immune cells close to the tumor, settings are controversial. CD8+ T-cells, CD4 helper T-cells (TH1), NK cells, 7 IRANIAN BREAST CANCER RISK ASSESSMENT STUDY inhibitory receptors on T-cells membrane50. Some of these inhibitory receptors are CTLA-4 (cytotox- ic t-lymphocytes antigen-4), TIM-3 (T-cell immu- noglobulin domain and mucin domain-3), LAG-3 (lymphocyte activation gene 3 protein) and PD-1 (programmed death-1). Activation of these recep- tors leads to T-cells anergy, while deactivation of the latter might partially restore T-cell function. The success of PD-1, and CTLA-4 targeting drugs in the clinical practice has definitively validated the theory of microenvironment influence upon immune anticancer response. Drugs acting on immune microenvironment are defined as checkpoint inhibitors. Clinically speak- ing, the two major classes of them are anti CTLA-4 and anti PD-1/PDL-1. Fig. 7. Inhibitory effect of microenvironment on effector T- CTLA-4 is an inhibitory receptor present on cells. the T-cells membrane recognizing CD28, present on the APC membrane. The role of CTLA-4 is the M1 macrophages and dendritic cells, work together opposite of B7 receptor (its homolog), which, in- against the tumor, while T reg (T lymphocytes reg- stead, once activated by CD28 interaction, becomes ulatory), M2 macrophages, myeloid derived suppres- able to provide the so-called co-stimulatory signal, sor cells (MDSC) and CD4 helper T-lymphocytes which is essential for T-cell priming (Figure 8). TH2 favor immunosuppression and T-cells anergy, Interaction between CD28 and B7 leads to differ- leading to tumor growth (Figure 7)49. entiation of naive T-cells into activated T-cells, able Cytotoxic T-cells are crucial to sustain adap- to attack tumor cells. On the other hand, interaction tive immunity and are the main protagonists of between CTLA-4 and CD28 has an inhibitory effect anticancer immune response. In some situations, on the T-cell priming and leads to T-cells anergy. especially in late phases of neoplastic progression Blocking CTLA-4/CD28 interaction, using a mono- leading to a great tumor burden, they lose their clonal antibody, such as Ipilimumab, the inhibitory antitumor efficacy and become hypofunctional. effect on T-cell priming is removed, so it can lead In this state, called T-cells exhaustion, T-cells to unrestricted T-cells activation51,52. express high level of inhibitory receptors, pro- PD-1 is a receptor presents on activated T-cells gressively lose their capability to produce IL-2, membrane, hence the interaction between PD-1 TNF-alpha, IFN and granzyme and thus are un- and its ligand PDL-1 is a normal mechanism able able to eliminate cancer. to reduce auto immunity as well as to promote tol- T-Cells exhaustion was firstly seen in chronic erance. PDL-1 is often expressed by dendritic cells infections but it is now described in cancer. Its and epithelial cells, but also by the tumor cells. In etiology may be due to the constitutive and sus- this way, through PDL-1/PD-1 interaction, tumor tained antigen stimulation. Therefore, continued cells may dampen the antitumor response mediated antigen exposition leads to increased expression of by T-cells. Fig. 8. Mechanism of action of CTLA-4 and effect of its blockade. 8 IRANIAN BREAST CANCER RISK ASSESSMENT STUDY CTLA-4 and PD-1 are responsible for T-cells spond better whether compared with those express anergy. These act at different moments of T-cells lower levels. This data are valid only for NSCLS differentiation, being CTLA-4/CD8 interaction able now, while regarding other solid tumors these have to arrest T-cells maturation in an early phase, while not been confirmed57. In addition, other subgroup PD-1/PDL-1 linkage intervenes in a later phase analysis discovered that both in MM and NSCLC, (Figure 9). response to immunotherapy was worse in tumor Anyway, checkpoint inhibitors, such as CTLA-4 characterized by a “driver mutation”, (i.e. B-RAF inhibitors and PD-1/PDL-1 inhibitors act deleting for MM and EGFR for NSCLC)58-59. Finally, as far the microenvironment inhibitory effect on T-cells, as head and neck, carcinomas are concerned, HPV letting them be able to carry out their anticancer (human papilloma virus) positive tumors had better function. respond to immunotherapy whether compared with A number of drugs able to target CTLA-4 have HPV negative counterpart60. been tested in clinical trials, but at the present, only Checkpoint inhibitors literally ruled the clini- ipilimumab has used in clinic, being employed for a cal scenario; however, currently there is a lack of long time as first line of therapy in patients affected knowledge about predictive factors of response. by advanced malignant melanoma53. Moreover, their clinically employment is for the On the other hand, anti PD-1, such as pembroli- most empirical. zumab and nivolumab, have already obtained sever- al clinical indications. Patients affected by melano- ma, NSCLC, kidney cancer, urothelial cancer, head CONCLUSIONS and neck and colorectal cancer can be treated with nivolumab or pembrolizumab in different phases of Our immune system is very complex and it is a their clinical history54-56. powerful defense against “foreign” antigens. The Clinical responses widely vary, not depending immune system is able to defend us against both from the type of tumor. As matter of fact, some infective pathogens and cancer. Cancer, especially patients with NSCLC gain excellent response rate in later phases, is responsible of immunosuppres- in clinical trials, while others did not. Furthermore, sion. One of the most shared hypotheses takes into a subgroup analysis revealed that patients whose account the capability of cancer to produce immu- tumor expresses high levels of tissue PDL-1 re- nosuppressive cytokines such as TGF-beta61. Fig. 9. 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ing from this assumption, it is easy to assert that strengthen the immune response against tumor cells may be an incisive 2Departmental Unit of Experimental Uro-Andrological Clinical Oncology, Department of Uro-Gynecological. Oncology, Istituto .. view and recent advances. Immunol Res 2017; 65:.
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