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The Evolving Demands of a Sports RD in High Performance Settings PDF

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Preview The Evolving Demands of a Sports RD in High Performance Settings

Dave Ellis, RD, CSCS #fuelingtactics The Evolving Demands of a Sports RD Pa3st President / Ambassador in High Performance Settings The Evolving Demands Objectives: of a Sports RD in High Performance Settings • You will learn about the skill sets that historically have helped Sports RDs gain traction working in sports. Making Nutrition “Coachable” www.sportsrd.org For Over 3 Decades! • Registered Dietitian (R.D.) • You will learn about the emerging skill sets Sports RDs via Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics are being asked to acquire by High Performance • Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (C.S.C.S.) via National Strength & Conditioning Association (Nutrition SIG Co-Founder) Directors. • Master Level V Certified Hockey Coach via USA Hockey • Advisor: USADA, USA Hockey, MLB/PA, MLB Strength & Coaches Society • You will compare and contrast emerging skill set • American Egg Board, NSF demands with emerging Precision Medicine models. !"#$%&'$"'!())*))[email protected] www.daveellisbio.com • facebook.com/dave.r.ellis • http://twitter.com/fuelingtactics www.sportsrd.org Twenty Years In The Collegiate Ranks ’82 -’90 Nebraska ’90 -’94 Wisconsin ’94 -’01 Nebraska https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIaWrhSJ4Og&t=20s 2001 University of Nebraska Performance Team Boyd Epley, CSCS Performance Nutrition Staff Before There Were High Performance Directors… George Sullivan, ATC Training Table Staff WENT PRIVATE 2001 “Sports RD” Vision: 2011, Be acknowledged as the •U WS OSPREKC WIAITLH F:O NRFCLE, MSLB, NBA, NHL, NASCAR, OLYMPIC NGB’S, COLLEGE ATHLETICS, organization that established nutrition to be on par with Sports Medicine and Strength & Conditioning and Advocate for the nutritional welfare of athletes. Dave Ellis (MLB), Becci Twombley (USC), Amy Freel (IU), Randy Bird (UVA), Amy Bragg (Bama) First President Ambassador www.sportsrd.org First Conference ’09 Non-Profit Membership Est. ‘11 ’14 – Feed Rule Deregulation April 24th, 2014 Division I student-athletes can receive unlimited meals and snacks in ’17 – 30% Protein Rule Dereg. conjunction with their athletics participation! !"##$%&'()*$%+,-.+-$/.*0)1)-$$ 2$"'3&-004-$%56-715(8*$"'33,9-- :(,5.$;5,.<,.-$ ='>.$?5(*'.* Need Stronger NCAA Doping Control! Dec. ‘16 Consulting Sports RD MLB / MLBPA vs. High Performance NNNuuutttrrriiitttiiiooonnn aaannnddd AAAttthhhllleeetttiiiccc PPPeeerrrfffooorrrmmmaaannnccceee FFoorrwwaarrdd bbaasseedd ccoonnjjeeccttuurree vvss .. EEvviiddeennccee bbaasseedd rreesseeaarrcchh PPeerrffoorrmmaannccee rreeqquuiirreess rriisskk!! AAAcccaaadddeeemmmyyy ooofff NNNuuutttrrriiitttiiiooonnn aaannnddd DDDiiieeettteeetttiiicccsss,,, DDiieettiittiiaannss ooff CCaannaaddaa,, aanndd tthhee AAAmmmeeerrriiicccaaannn CCCooolllllleeegggeee ooofff SSSpppooorrrtttsss MMMeeedddiiiccciiinnneee High aspirations, expectations and standards TTThhheee pppeeerrrfffooorrrmmmaaannnccceee ooofff,,, aaannnddd rrreeecccooovvveeerrryyy fffrrrooommm,,, ssspppooorrrtttiiinnnggg aaaccctttiiivvviiitttiiieeesss aaarrreee eeennnhhhaaannnccceeeddd bbbyyy wwweeellllll---ccchhhooossseeennn nnnuuutttrrriiitttiiiooonnn ssstttrrraaattteeegggiiieeesss http://journals.lww.com/acsm-msse/Fulltext/2016/03000/Nutrition_and_Athletic_Performance.25.aspx Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise: March 2016 - Volume 48 - Issue 3 - p 543–568 Signature Process vs Best Practices Position Stands, Joint Position Statements and Opinion Statements are published in Plan – Execute – Review Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise®, the official journal of ACSM. Position Stands are official statements of ACSM on topics related to sports medicine and exercise science.All Steve ““MMaarrggiinnaall GGaaiinnss”” –– ccoonnttiinnuuoouussllyy iimmpprroovviinngg current ACSM Position Stands and Joint Position Statements are free to the public online. Norris eevveerryy aassppeecctt aa lliittttllee bbiitt aatt aa ttiimmee Best Practices Are Very Circumstantial & Evolving Rapidly! KKaaiizzeenn –– ccoonnttiinnuueedd iimmpprroovveemmeenntt NNuuttrriittiioonn aanndd AAtthhlleettiicc PPeerrffoorrmmaannccee Less Key Tenets of a High Performance Diet Step 1 Down Time Due Foods 11)) IImmmmuunnee-- GGaammee DDaayy AAvvaaiillaabbiilliittyy NNOOTT IINNJJUURREEDD oorr SSIICCKK!! Highly trained athletes walk a tightrope between training hard enough to achieve a maximal training stimulus and avoiding To Illness the iillllnneessss aanndd iinnjjuurryy rriisskk associated with an excessive training volume (dysfunctional over-reaching/OT or UUnneexxppllaaiinneedd UUnnddeerrppeerrffoorrmmaannccee SSyynnddrroommee -- UUUUPPSS:: hhttttpp::////bbmmjjooppeennsseemm..bbmmjj..ccoomm//ccoonntteenntt//11//11//ee000000006633..ffuullll..ppddff)) —— 22)) EEnneerrggyy AAvvaaiillaabbiilliittyy -- AAccttiivvee vvss.. IInnaaccttiivvee DDaayy FFeeeedd RRaatteess // TTiimmiinngg PPeerriiooddiizzeedd,, ttaakkiinngg iinnttoo aaccccoouunntt tthhee nneeeeddss ooff ddaaiillyy ttrraaiinniinngg sseessssiioonnss ((wwhhiicchh ccaann rraannggee ffrroomm mmiinnoorr iinn tthhee ccaassee ooff ““eeaassyy”” Step 2 workouts to substantial in the case of high quality sessions (eg, high intensity, strenuous, or highly skilled workouts) and Energy overall nutritional goals (Active vs. Inactive Day Feed Rates) Foods Onboard For TTiimmiinngg ooff nnuuttrriieenntt iinnttaakkee aanndd nnuuttrriittiioonnaall ssuuppppoorrtt oovveerr tthhee ddaayy aanndd iinn rreellaattiioonn ttoo ssppoorrtt rraatthheerr tthhaann ggeenneerraall ddaaiillyy ttaarrggeettss.. Pre-, During and Post-Event Eating —— Quality Work 33)) RReeccoovveerryy -- RReeaaddiinneessss TToo TTrraaiinn oorr CCoommppeettee PPeerrssoonnaalliizzeedd PPllaannss -- ccaallccuullaattee nneeeeddss uussiinngg gguuiiddeelliinneess ppeerr kkgg oorr llbb ooff bbooddyy mmaassss ((ffaatt mmaassss oorr ffaatt ffrreeee mmaassss)) ffoorr nutrients (eg, energy, carbohydrate, and protein) to be scaled to the large range in the body sizes of athletes. Reality is we Step 3 are trying to use realtime monitoring to dial in individual loads and minimize non-functional overreaching, illness, and injury. (Internal Biometric Monitoring vs. External Load Monitoring). Foods BBooddyy CCoommppoossiittiioonn associated with optimal performance is now recognized as an important but challenging goal that Less Muscle needs to be individualized and periodized. Care should be taken to preserve health and long term performance by avoiding practices that create unacceptably low energy availability and psychological stress (Frame). Soreness & SSppoorrtt CCuullttuurree // DDiivveerrssiittyy -- ttaakkee ssppeecciiffiicciittyy aanndd uunniiqquueenneessss ooff tthhee eevveenntt,, ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee ggooaallss,, pprraaccttiiccaall cchhaalllleennggeess,, ffoooodd Improved preferences, and responses to various strategies (addressing cultural diversity of teams w/food supply critical). Recovery Time Fueling Tactics®: Making Food Coachable Organize Feedings At Home… 2005 SUPER BOWL NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS TEAM ONLY DINING ROOM And On The Road.... “A well organized approach to educating and feeding athletes can make a difference, MEMORIAL especially at the highest levels of sport. STADIUM Dave’s Fueling Tactics® systems is a time tested TRAINING TABLE performer.” & Bill Belichick Head Coach ’95 FIESTA BOWL New England Patriots NEBRASKA TEAM HOTEL Three Step System Energy fresh food focus Availability Periodized: Coaching athletes on the appropriate way to up-regulate or down-regulate non-protein calories (sugar, starch and fat) relative to activity. Timing…Can Combine & Reorder Based On Schedule Personalize Meal Meal Meal Snack Snack Snack Mike Mancias @MikeMancias1 Personalize Energy Availability - How Little Is Too Little? FFrreeqquueennttllyy fifinndd aatthhlleetteess eenntteerriinngg pprree--sseeaassoonn ttrraaiinniinngg aatttteemmppttiinngg ttoo ccoonnttiinnuuee ooffffsseeaassoonn ffeeeedd rraatteess uusseedd ttoo mmoobbiilliizzee bbooddyy ffaatt!! Periodization based on demands of training typical range based on fat free mass: --2200..66 kkccaallss // llbb.. oonn aaccttiivvee ddaayy --1133..66 kkccaallss // llbb.. oonn iinnaaccttiivvee ddaayyss ((nnoo lleessss tthhaann)) NOTE: Lean female athlete 9 x more likely to restrict than lean males. WWiitthhiinn 55 ddaayyss bboonnee mmiinneerraalliizzaattiioonn ddeecclliinneess aabbrruuppttllyy aass eenneerrggyy aavvaaiillaabbiilliittyy ddeecclliinneess bbeellooww 1133..66 kkccaall // llbb.. FFFFMM// ddaayy,, aass ddoo ccoonncceennttrraattiioonnss ooff:: -insulin-like growth factor-1 -triodothyronine (T3). -Along with low Vit D, low kcals Protein rec. for endurance and strength intake in males can lower free trained athletes range from 1.2 to 1.7 g/kg (0.5 to 0.8 /lb) body weight per day testosterone (low values FT or ~1 g pro / lb. fat free mass. < 1.5 ng/dL). http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11128862 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21793767 (J Sports Sci. 2011;29 Suppl 1:S7–15. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2011.588958. Epub 2011 Jul 28.) Long Term Athletic Development (LTAD) Windows of Trainability Chronological Age BBiioollooggiiccaall AAggee Training Age “understand the downside of early specialization” Pacific Sports – Optimal Windows of Trainability (Balyi and Way 2005) PPaaggee FRAME: Trunk Length & Robust Characteristics “Obesity Trait” Genes & Frames DDDDiiiieeeettttaaaarrrryyyy AAAAGGGGEEEE ccccoooonnnntttteeeennnntttt mmmmaaaayyyy bbbbeeee aaaa ccccrrrruuuucccciiiiaaaallll ddddeeeetttteeeerrrrmmmmiiiinnnnaaaannnntttt ffffoooorrrr aaaaccccccccuuuummmmuuuullllaaaattttiiiioooonnnn ooooffff AAAAGGGGEEEE cccccccccrrrrrrrrrooooooooossssssssssssssssss---------llllllllliiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnkkkkkkkkksssssssss iiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnn ttttttttteeeeeeeeennnnnnnnndddddddddooooooooonnnnnnnnnsssssssss aaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnddddddddd fffffffffooooooooorrrrrrrrr tttttttttiiiiiiiiissssssssssssssssssuuuuuuuuueeeeeeeee cccccccccooooooooommmmmmmmmpppppppppllllllllliiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnccccccccceeeeeeeee......... TTTTTTTTThhhhhhhhheeeeeeeee rrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeesssssssssuuuuuuuuullllllllltttttttttsssssssss dddddddddeeeeeeeeemmmmmmmmmooooooooonnnnnnnnnssssssssstttttttttrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaattttttttteeeeeeeee hhhhhhhhhooooooooowwwwwwwww sssyyysssttteeemmmiiiccc mmmeeetttaaabbbooollliiiccc fffaaaccctttooorrrsss mmmaaayyy iiinnnflflfluuueeennnccceee ttteeennndddooonnn hhheeeaaalllttthhh. With aging, muscle ECM hydroxyproline content increased twofold and advanced glycation end-product protein adducts increased threefold, whereas collagen fibril orientation and total ECM area were not different between muscles from adult and old mice. The greatest of contributors by far of AGEs/ALEs by food (Table II) seem to be dairy products130 (Figure 1), bread, and meat, not only because they are rich in these substances but also as these foods constitute the bulk of modern food, especially in the western world. Also, plants contribute to accumulation of AGEs/ ALEs in the body, especially fruits, which contain larger amounts of fructose, which is highly reactive with proteins. However, consumption of carbohydrates seem mainly, or only, to be of considerable risk when consumed as industrially w/Age concentrated products, refined sugar, and high-fructose corn syrup.91 Play Lighter! http://www.andjrnl.org/article/S0002-8223%2810%2900238-5/fulltext?dialogRequest= NNuuttrriittiioonn aanndd AAtthhlleettiicc PPeerrffoorrmmaannccee Lots of high water We Typically Key Tenets of a High Performance Diet foods from Step #1 Eat Our like cold fruit, but Last Solid skip the onions, Workout / Competition / Game Day Contingencies Meal 3-4 peppers, pickles Fuel demands of the event and support cognitive function. Adapt the body to develop metabolic efficiency and flexibility while competition nutrition strategies Hour Prior and pungent spices focus on providing adequate substrate stores to meet the fuel demands of the event w/o GI distress and support cognitive fx (coaches). Feeding on the road is big deal! To activity • Fatigue reducing / delaying strategies specific to the event, the environment/scenario in which it is Lots of slow uunnddeerrttaakkeenn,, aanndd tthhee iinnddiivviidduuaall aatthhlleettee ((((ccccoooonnnnttttiiiinnnnggggeeeennnncccciiiieeeessss ffffoooorrrr hhhhyyyyddddrrrraaaattttiiiioooonnnn,,,, aaaallllttttiiiittttuuuuddddeeee,,,, ccccrrrraaaammmmpppp mmmmiiiittttiiiiggggaaaattttiiiioooonnnn //// • bbbuuuffffffeeerrriiinnnggg aaannnddd pppooossssssiiibbblllyyy nnneeeuuurrrooo---fffaaatttiiiggguuueee /// nnnooooootttrrrooopppiiicccsss))).. digesting starches Liquid Meals like pasta, rice and Functional Foods / Dietary Supplements Security - A pragmatic approach to advice regarding the use And Small of functional foods and dietary supplements is needed in the face of the high prevalence of interest in, whole grain bread and use by, athletes and the evidence that some products can usefully contribute to a sports nutrition Snacks plan and/or directly enhance performance. Athletes should be assisted to undertake a cost-benefit analysis of the use of such products and to recognize that they are of the greatest value when added to a Can Be well-chosen eating plan (caffeine, beet powder, plasma volume builders, time released carbohydrate blends, fast digesting-high leucine protein post workout blends / slow digesting Consumed • before bed, Vit. D, DHA rich fish oil, turmeric, pre-probiotics - joint health-brain health-vision / Only small inflammation / immune). http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0891584916000307 1-2 Hour Pre- amounts of the NOTE: When working with drug tested athletes, all supplement facts panel products should be tested to Activity ensure they are free of banned substances and possibly some functional foods where risk has been LEAN protein identified. sources Troy Flanagan Performance Director for the Milwaukee Bucks • Sports Physiologist (B. App. Sci. Hons.) • Sports Technology Development (Ph.D. Aerospace Engineering). Analytics - Cross Validates What Coaches Think They See! Quality vs. Minutes. Use of analytics for more objective decision making and efficient organization management. Tease out key learning to direct / validate forward based conjecture! Shawn Zell EXTERNAL Sports RD LOAD MONITORING Accelerometers, RFID, GPS, Gyroscope, Digital Compass, HR Force Plates, Video… Blood Type Assessment of Internal Load Precision Medicine Metabotype HR/HRV Precision Medicine Initiative 215M Funding in 2016! http://ow.ly/10xdhP EEG (Trans-Generational) Glycogen Xenobiotics Cheek Swab (SMiigcnroabtuiorem)e (Precision Medicine) PhInagr(mrAecadtciieveenu ttsic)al Fiber Saliva (Dysbiosis) (Metabolomic Fingerprint) (Endocrine Disruptors) Breath Elimination Diets Sweat Urine (Biometrics) Inter-individual genomic, environmental, and gut microflora variation can contribute to an Blood individual-specific metabotype or metabolomic fingerprint. Each of these factors can influence the others and Body Comp. determine the outcome of the metabotype. Conversely, the individual's metabolome can affect each one of the factors. Adapted… Biosensor Technology Urine Metabolites Gatorade’s New Gx Sports Fuel Customization Platform Electrochemical vs. Colorimetric Biochemical Assays SSttaarrtteerr KKiitt PPrriiccee:: $$559933..7755 NNCC99220066330066 UURRIISSYYSS11110000,, 1100MMDD SSTTRRTT KKTT PPRROOMMOO NNOOTTEE:: UUrriissyyss 11110000 UUAA SSttaarrtteerr KKiitt iinncclluuddeess:: MMeetteerr && 22 ssttrriipp ttrraayyss (($$993377..4488 vvaalluuee)) SSiixxvviiaallss ooff tthhee CChheemmssttrriippss1100MMDD//660000SSStttrrriiipppsss ((($$$333444666...333222 vvvaaallluuueee))) OOnnee vviiaall ooff ccaalliibbrraattiioonn ssttrriippss (($$6622..7711 vvaalluuee)) OOnnee ttrraaiinniinngg DDVVDD,,ooonnneee ooopppeeerrraaatttooorrr'''sss mmmaaannnuuuaaalll,,, aaannnddd aaa ooonnneee yyyeeeaaarrr wwwaaarrrrrraaannntttyyy ((TToottaall vvaalluuee $$11,,334466..5511)).. SSttaarrtteerr kkiittss ssaavvee yyoouu oovveerr $$775500!!

1) Immune - Game Day Availability NOT INJURED or SICK! nutrients (eg, energy, carbohydrate, and protein) to be scaled to the large range in . of functional foods and dietary supplements is needed in the face of the high .. Both Training Low & Keto increase risk for unexplained underperformance.
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