The Pennsylvania State University The Graduate School Intercollege Graduate Degree Program in Ecology THE EVOLUTIONARY ECOLOGY OF INTRASPECIFIC TRAIT VARIATION IN LARVAL AMPHIBIANS A Dissertation in Ecology by Bradley E. Carlson © 2014 Bradley E. Carlson Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy May 2014 The dissertation of Bradley E. Carlson was reviewed and approved* by the following: Tracy Langkilde Associate Professor of Biology Dissertation Advisor, Chair of Committee Victoria Braithwaite Professor of Fisheries and Biology James Marden Professor of Biology John Tooker Assistant Professor of Entomology Durland Shumway Research Associate and Faculty Consultant of Statistics David Eissenstat Professor of Woody Plant Physiology Chair, Intercollege Graduate Degree Program in Ecology *Signatures are on file in the Graduate School ii ABSTRACT Individual organisms of the same species can differ from each other in a variety of phenotypic traits (“intraspecific trait variation”), a phenomenon that is increasingly understood to impact our understanding of natural ecological systems. Behavior is often a particularly variable trait and is important for mediating the interactions of animals with their environment. In this dissertation, I used tadpoles as a system to explore two general questions: why do conspecifics differ in behavior, and what are the ecological implications of behavioral variation? I characterized consistent individual differences in behavior in tadpoles, and found that experimental artifacts (marking effects), hunger, and population of origin all influence tadpole behavior. Counterintuitively, individual differences in boldness didn’t impact survival of predation. Antipredator responses of tadpoles in simulated ponds apparently increased the abundance of their resources but, unexpectedly, differences in behavior between populations did not alter the strength of this ecological impact. Together, these findings reveal multiple factors influencing behavioral variation and demonstrate the complexity of the impacts of behavioral diversity on ecological interactions. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS List of figures ........................................................................................................ vi List of tables ...................................................................................................... viii Acknowledgements ................................................................................................ ix Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................1 Thesis overview ...............................................................................1 References ........................................................................................3 Chapter 2. PERSONALITY TRAITS ARE EXPRESSED IN BULLFROG TADPOLES DURING OPEN-FIELD TRIALS ...........................................................................5 Abstract ............................................................................................5 Introduction ......................................................................................5 Methods............................................................................................7 Results ............................................................................................12 Discussion ......................................................................................12 References ......................................................................................17 Tables & Figures ............................................................................22 Chapter 3. A COMMON MARKING TECHNIQUE AFFECTS TADPOLE BEHAVIOR AND PREDATION RISK .....................................................................................24 Abstract ..........................................................................................24 Introduction ....................................................................................24 Methods..........................................................................................28 Results ............................................................................................34 Discussion ......................................................................................35 References ......................................................................................40 Tables & Figures ............................................................................46 iv Chapter 4. NO EVIDENCE OF SELECTION BY PREDATORS ON TADPOLE BOLDNESS ........................................................................................................48 Abstract ..........................................................................................48 Introduction ....................................................................................48 Methods..........................................................................................52 Results ............................................................................................60 Discussion ......................................................................................61 References ......................................................................................65 Tables & Figures ............................................................................71 Chapter 5. FOOD OR FEAR: HUNGER MODIFIES RESPONSES TO ALARM CUES IN TADPOLES ......................................................................................................77 Abstract ..........................................................................................77 Introduction ....................................................................................77 Methods..........................................................................................79 Results ............................................................................................82 Discussion ......................................................................................83 References ......................................................................................88 Tables & Figures ............................................................................94 Chapter 6. PREDATION RISK IN TADPOLE POPULATIONS SHAPES BEHAVIOURAL RESPONSES OF PREY BUT NOT STRENGTH OF TRAIT- MEDIATED INDIRECT INTERACTIONS .........................................................98 Abstract ..........................................................................................98 Introduction ....................................................................................98 Methods........................................................................................101 Results ..........................................................................................107 Discussion ....................................................................................108 References ....................................................................................114 Tables & Figures ..........................................................................118 Appendix ......................................................................................................123 v LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1. Individual bullfrog tadpole behavioral scores for activity (A), boldness (B), and exploration (C). Points and lines depict means ± one standard error. ........................................................................................................23 Figure 3.1. Effects of marking with methylene blue and olfactory cues from predators (newts and dragonflies combined) on tadpole (A) activity, (B) distance moved, (C) speed of movement, and (D) avoidance. C = control (baseline) conditions, P = after addition of predator cues ..............................47 Figure 4.1. Diagram of experimental setups for a) assaying behavior in an open-field, and b) predator selection trials. ......................................................73 Figure 4.2. Distributions of behavioral scores for a) activity level in the absence and b) presence of predator cues, and c) avoidance of predator cues. Activity levels represent the number of observations (out of 30) in which tadpoles were observed moving, while low numbers indicate avoidance of the predator cues. .................................................................................74 Figure 4.3. Distribution of durations of predator selection trials used in the analyses. Trials were terminated when one tadpole was captured or eaten. .75 Figure 4.4. Relationships between survival of focal tadpoles in predation trials and relative differences in boldness-related behavior between the focal tadpole and the conspecific with which it was paired during a trial. Behaviors are a) activity level in the presence of predator cues, b) responsiveness (change in activity after adding predator cues), and c) spatial avoidance of predator cues. .................................................................................76 Figure 5.1. Test arenas used for measuring responses of tadpoles to injured or uninjured conspecific cues. ............................................................................96 Figure 5.2. Effects of hunger status (fed vs. unfed) and cue type (uninjured vs. injured conspecifics) on a) activity levels and b) attraction to the cue (mean zone location, with lower values indicating avoidance of the cue). .......97 Figure 6.1. Population mean visibility (± 1 SE) of tadpoles in mesocosms and predation risk index (PRI) in source ponds. Open circles indicate control (predator- vi free) mesocosms and closed circles indicate mesocosms with caged (non- lethal) larval dragonfly predators. Lines represent fitted relationships using GLMMs with Poisson error distributions; the slope was only significantly different from 0 in predator mesocosms. .....................................119 Figure 6.2. Population mean movement rates (± 1 SE) of visible tadpoles plotted against predation risk index (PRI) in population source ponds (open circles = control mesocosms, and closed circles = predator-treated mesocosms). Lines are GLMM fitted relationships (both non-significant), and the vertical axis (counts of moving tadpoles) is presented on a logarithmic scale..............................................................................................120 Figure 6.3. The percent difference in periphyton dry biomass in predator mesocosms (compared to control mesocosms with tadpoles from the same population) in relationship to a) the percent difference in tadpole visibility in predator compared to control mesocosms, b) the percent difference in number of visible tadpoles that are moving, and c) the source pond PRI of tadpoles from that population ....................................................................121 Figure 6.4. Periphyton biomass and a) the proportion of tadpoles visible and b) the proportion of visible tadpoles moving across all mesocosms. Open circles and closed circles indicate control and predator-treated mesocosms, respectively. Activity levels are mesocosm means, averaged across five observations. ................................................................................122 vii LIST OF TABLES Table 4.1. Summary of logistic regression models predicting survival of the unmarked tadpoles. ‘Behavior’ includes all three measures of boldness (activity, responsiveness, and avoidance). All statistical tests are likelihood ratio tests (LRT) comparing fitted models to either a null model (to evaluate overall significance of all parameters) or Model 1 (to test marginal improvement in fit over the reduced model). .................................71 Table 5.1. Effects of hunger status (fed or unfed), cue type (uninjured or injured conspecific), and block on wood frog tadpole a) activity and b) attraction to cue ..............................................................................................94 Supplementary Table 2.1. Summary of statistical analyses of bullfrog tadpole personality traits. Analyses were conducted as ANCOVAs with a random intercept for tadpole identity, fit as linear mixed models with the lmer function in the R package “lme4”. Tests were conducted as likelihood ratio tests comparing nested models that differed only in the presence of the tested predictor variable .........................................................123 Supplementary Table 3.1 Summary of statistical analyses of marking effects on tadpole behavior. Analyses were conducted as ANOVAs with cue treatment effects nested within individual tadpoles. ....................................124 Supplementary Table 6.1. Summary of analyses of effects of predation risk on tadpole behavior. Values are derived from generalized linear mixed models fit with quasi-Poisson distributions. .................................................125 viii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First, I am grateful to my advisor, Tracy Langkilde, who has provided support to me in innumerable ways over the past 5 years. She has guided me in developing interesting questions, energized me with her enthusiasm, sharpened my writing, and served as a therapist when things went awry. She has been a mentor, role model, and friend, and a critical element of my positive experience in graduate school. I also thank my committee members for all their contributions. Victoria Braithwaite provided keen insights into behavioral biology and an invaluable teaching experience. Jim Marden and John Tooker stretched my thinking with their perspectives, challenging me to examine key questions and place my work in a much larger context. Durland Shumway graciously offered his time to helping me earn a statistics minor and introduced me to statistical ideas that I will carry with me for many years. Sigma Xi, the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, the Animal Behavior Society, and the NSF all contributed funding to my work, and I couldn’t have done it without their generosity. Thanks also to the Ecology Program and Biology Department, which provided many forms of support – from funding to helping with paperwork. The camaraderie and help of other graduate students, and especially of the Langkilde Lab, will always be treasured. Lindsey, Renee, Jenny, Kelly, Chris, Gail, Travis, and Sean – it’s been a pleasure teaming up with all of you on both projects and hijinks. Numerous undergraduate students provided help at various times and though space doesn’t permit naming individuals, I have appreciated each of them. Finally, I thank my parents for all their love and support, both currently and as a child when I was first catching frogs and conducting “experiments” with cooking supplies. To my in-laws, I am grateful for all their encouragement and interest in my work. Most of all, I thank my wife, Gwen, and daughter, Nora, for being there for me, making me smile, and giving me a reason to work hard. ix Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION Thesis overview It is readily apparent that individual organisms of the same species often differ from each other in size, morphology, physiology, behavior, life history, and other traits. This has been recognized at least since the formulation of the theory of evolution by natural selection (Darwin 1859), which depends on substantive phenotypic variation within species to operate. As expected given the significance of phenotypic differences for evolutionary fitness, variable traits often mediate ecological interactions, resulting in a diversity of ecological impacts and niches within species (Bolnick et al. 2003). Accordingly, a growing body of evidence demonstrates that phenotypic differences between populations, among individuals, and within individuals (over time) have important consequences for communities and ecological processes (Bolnick et al. 2011, Bassar et al. 2010), with impacts on areas of applied interest such as agriculture (Tooker and Frank 2012) and conservation (Forsman 2014). Recognition of the ecological significance of “intraspecific trait variation” (Bolnick et al. 2011) necessitates a more expansive approach to ecology, in which phenotypic and genetic variation within species is incorporated into the well-established research program on the origins and impacts of biodiversity at the species level (Hughes et al. 2008). Behavior is especially variable in animals. Recent research has uncovered substantial within-species diversity in basic behavioral traits such as activity levels, boldness, and sociality, with consistent individual differences in these traits variously considered “personality” (Gosling 2001), “temperament” (Réale et al. 2007), or “behavioral syndromes” (Sih et al. 2004b). As with studies of intraspecific trait variation in general, a deeper recognition of the variation that surrounds the “average” behavioral phenotype has presented exciting new challenges for ecologists. Two key issues are how ecological interactions shape production of diverse behaviors (both by processes acting over evolutionary time and within generations; Dall et al. 2004), and consequences of behavioral diversity for ecological processes in complex communities (Sih et al. 2012, Sih et al. 2004a, Wolf and Weissing 2012).