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Astronomy&Astrophysicsmanuscriptno.aadsph˙accept (cid:13)c ESO2008 February2,2008 The evolution of the photometric properties of Local Group dwarf spheroidal galaxies F.Calura1,G.A.Lanfranchi2,3,F.Matteucci1,3 1INAF-OsservatorioAstronomicodiTrieste,viaG.B.Tiepolo11,34131Trieste,Italy 8 2Nu´cleodeAstrof´ısicaTeo´rica,CETEC,UniversidadeCruzeirodoSul,R.Galva˜oBueno868,Liberdade,01506-000, Sa˜oPaulo, 0 SP,Brazil 0 3DipartimentodiAstronomia-Universita´diTrieste,ViaG.B.Tiepolo11,34131Trieste,Italy 2 n Received-;accepted-; a J ABSTRACT 6 1 Aims.Weinvestigatethepresent-dayphotometricpropertiesofthedwarfspheroidalgalaxiesintheLocalGroup.Fromtheanalysis oftheirintegratedcolours,weconsiderapossiblelinkbetweendwarfspheroidalsandgiantellipticals.FromtheanalysisoftheM vs V ] (B-V)plot,wesearchforapossibleevolutionarylinkbetweendwarfspheroidalgalaxies(dSphs)anddwarfirregulargalaxies(dIrrs). h Methods.Bymeansofchemicalevolutionmodelscombinedwithaspectro-photometricmodel,westudytheevolutionofsixLocal p Group dwarf spheroidal galaxies (Carina, Draco, Sagittarius, Sculptor, Sextans and UrsaMinor). The chemical evolution models, - o whichadoptup-to-datenucleosynthesisfromlowandintermediatemassstarsaswellasnucleosynthesisandenergeticfeedbackfrom r supernovaetypeIaandII,reproduceseveralobservationalconstraintsofthesegalaxies,suchasabundanceratiosversusmetallicity t andthemetallicitydistributions.Theproposedscenariofortheevolutionofthesegalaxiesischaracterisedbylowstarformationrates s a andhighgalacticwindefficiencies. [ Results. Suchascenarioallowsustopredictintegratedcoloursandmagnitudeswhichagreewithobservations.Ourresultsstrongly suggestthatthefirstfewGyrsofevolution,whenthestarformationismostactive,arecrucialtodefinetheluminosities,colours,and 1 otherphotometricpropertiesasobservedtoday.Afterthestarformationepoch,thegalacticwindsweepsawayalargefractionofthe v gasofeachgalaxy,whichthenevolvespassively. 7 Ourresultsindicatethatitislikelythatatacertainstageoftheirevolution,dSphsanddIrrspresentedsimilarphotometricproperties. 4 However,afterthatphase,theyevolvedalongdifferentpaths,leadingthemtotheircurrentlydisparateproperties. 5 2 Keywords.Galaxies:dwarf;galaxies:evolution;galaxies:fundamentalparameters;LocalGroup. . 1 0 8 1. Introduction Originally, the local dSphs were believed to be very old 0 simple systems, similar to globular clusters (Shapley 1938). Thedwarfspheroidalgalaxies(dSphs)areamongthemostcom- : However, more recent deep photometric observations of main v montypesofgalaxiesintheuniverse.Theyarefoundnormally sequence turn-off stars revealed also intermediate-age popula- Xi in groups (Coˆte´ et al. 1997) and clusters (Phillips et al. 1998, tions, as well as a significant metallicity range, different from Ferguson&Sandage1991).TheonesfoundintheLocalGroup mostglobularclusters.Infact,analysisofcolour-magnitudedi- r a have become an increasingly important matter of study in the agrams(CMDs)suggestedthatthesegalaxiesarecharacterised lastfewyearsduetotheirproximity,whichenablesonetostudy bycomplexanddifferentstarformation(SF)histories(vanden indetailobjectsandprocesseswhichwereformallyrestrictedto Bergh1994;Hernandez,Gilmore,Valls-Gabaud2000;Dolphin ourownGalaxy. et al. 2005).In almost all cases, the mechanismswhich trigger Severalissues regardingthe formationand evolutionof the andcontrolthe SFareyetunknownandseveralscenarioshave LocalGroupdSphscanhelpintheattempttoclarifythewhole been proposed. These scenarios should also explain the com- subject of galaxy formation. For example, how did the dSphs pletelackofgasinthesegalaxies,thelowmetallicities,thelow form?When?Whatmechanismruledtheirevolution?Arethese valuesof [α/Fe] relativeto Galactic starswith thesame [Fe/H] galaxies remnants of the building blocks from which larger (Bonifacioet al. 2000;Shetrone,Coˆte´, Sargent2001;Shetrone galaxiesassembled?Istheirevolutionmainlyaffectedbytheen- et al. 2003; Tolstoy et al. 2003, Bonifacio et al. 2004; Venn et vironmentordointernalprocessesplayamajorrole?Arethese al. 2004; Sadakane et al. 2004; Geisler et al. 2005; Monaco et galaxieslinkedtoothertypesofdwarfgalaxiesinthecontextof al. 2005) and the metallicity distributions, including the large any evolutionary scenario? In order to answer these questions, metallicityrange(Kochetal.2005,Bellazzinietal.2002). oneshouldtrytounderstandnotonlythepresentdayproperties Several attempts to model the properties of dSphs have been of the dSphs, but also try to understandtheir past evolutionary performed,generallyfollowingdifferentapproaches.Bymeans history.Onepossibleprocedureistomakeuseofmodelswhich, of high-resolutioncosmological numerical simulations, Ricotti beingbasedonpresentdayobservationalconstraints,allowone & Gnedin (2005) and Kawata et al. (2006) studied dSphs in a totracethepastevolutionofthedSphs. cosmologicalframework.Theirstudiesareusefultounderstand the link between the dSphs and the first galaxies, but cannot Sendoffprintrequeststo:F.Calura,e-mail:[email protected] investigate in detail the chemical properties of dSphs and the 2 Calura,Lanfranchi,Matteucci:PhotometricPropertiesofLocaldSphs relative roles of SNe Ia and II in the chemical enrichmentand In this work we show that a spectro-photometriccode cou- gas ejection processes. Marcolini et al. (2006), by means of a pled with a chemical evolution model allows us to investigate chemo-dynamicalevolutionmodel,studiedtheevolutionofthe the past evolution of the dSphs and impose constraints on the interstellar medium (ISM) of the Draco dSph. In their picture formationandevolutionofthesegalaxiesandalsotothepossi- no galactic wind develops and, in order to deplete the galaxy ble connectionwith other typesof dwarf and giant galaxies.A ofits gasandto stop star formation,one mustinvokean exter- chemicalevolutioncode whichreproducessuccessfully several nalmechanism,suchas ram pressurestrippingor tidalinterac- observationalconstraintscanprovidetheparametersrequiredto tions.Fenneretal. (2006)andIkuta& Arimoto(2002)studied predictthe evolutionof the photometricpropertiesof a sample the properties of dSphs by means of chemical evolution mod- ofsixlocaldSphgalaxies. els includinggalactic winds. Their results indicate that a small The paper is organizedas follows: in Sect. 2, the chemical fraction of the ISM is carried away by the SN-driven winds evolution models which reproduce the chemical data of these andconfirmtheneedofexternalgasremovingprocessestore- galaxies and their results are described. In Sect. 3 we describe produce the present-day gas fractions of dSphs (see also Mori the spectro-photometric code. The results of our models com- & Burkert 2000, Mayer et al. 2006). Lanfranchi & Matteucci pared to observationaldata are shown in Sect. 4 and finally in (2003,2004,hereinafterLM03,LM04),alternatively,bymeans Sect.5wedrawsomeconclusions. of a detailed chemical evolution model with galactic winds, wereabletoreproducemanyobservationalconstraintsofsixlo- caldSphgalaxies(Carina,Draco,Sagittarius,Sculptor,Sextans, UrsaMinor).Thescenarioproposedbytheseauthorsconsidered 2. ChemicalEvolutionModels low efficiency star formation rates (SFR) derived from colour- magnitudediagramstogetherwithintensegalacticwinds. In order to provide the star formation rates, metallicities, gas LM03,04 were able to reproduce not only the chemical prop- mass,HImassandpredictionsofotherparametersusefultothe erties, but also the lack of central neutralgas and the metallic- spectro-photometriccode, we adopted the same chemical evo- itydistributionsofthestudiedgalaxies.Inparticular,the[α/Fe] lutionmodelsasdescribedinourpreviousworks.Inparticular, vs [Fe/H] and neutron capture element ratios in these galaxies themodelsforDracoandUrsaMinoraretakenfromLanfranchi arewellreproducedaswellasthestellarmetallicitydistribution & Matteucci (2007 - LM07), Carina and Sagittarius from (SMD). Lanfranchi,Matteucci& Cescutti(2006b- LMC06b),Sculptor The photometric properties of the local dSphs, however, are from Lanfranchi, Matteucci & Cescutti (2006a - LMC06a) rarelyaddressedinanyofthesemodels,eventhoughtheycould and Sextansfrom LM04. The main parametersadoptedfor the help, not only in constraining the formation and evolution of modelof each galaxy can be seen in Table 1. For more details thesegalaxies,butalsoinclarifyingthesubjectofapossibleevo- on the models, we refer the reader to LM03, LM04. All these lutionaryconnectionbetweenthegaspoordSphgalaxiesandgas models already reproduced very well the [α/Fe] ratios, the rich dwarf irregular galaxies (dIrrs). In such a scenario, a star- [Ba/Fe] and [Eu/Fe] ratios, the stellar metallicity distributions burstina dIrrgivesrise to a superwind whichremovesallthe and the present total mass and gas mass observed in these gasofthegalaxy(whichcouldberemovedalsobyrampressure galaxies. In these models, we adopted a scenario in which the strippingortidalstripping)andhaltstheSF,givingrisetoadSph dSph galaxies form through a continuous and fast infall of galaxy (Lin & Faber 1983;Dekel & Silk 1986;van den Bergh pristinegas.Weassumethatthestarformationhistories(SFHs) 1994; Papaderos et al. 1996; Davies & Phillipps 1988). There of dSph galaxies consist of one or more episodes of different are,however,severaldrawbacksinthatscenario,fromboththe duration.Themainparametersindeterminingthestarformation chemical and photometric point of view. First, the large scale historyconsistintheburstdurationt ,thenumberofthebursts B distributionofdSphsissubstantiallydifferentfromthatofdIrrs. n and the star formation efficiency ν. The burst duration t B Most of the dSphs cluster around the two giant spirals of the and the number of the bursts n are provided by the observed Local Group (Grebel 1998), with very few exceptions. On the colour-magnitude diagrams (CMDs), representing the most other hand, most of the dIrrs lie at large (> 500kpc) distances reliable constraints on the star formation history of each dSph from the large galaxies (Mateo 1998). This is probably linked (Dolphin 2002, Dolphin et al. 2005). These diagrams suggest tothemorphology-densityrelationfordwarfgalaxiesandisin- a unique long (t > 3 Gyr) episode of SF in Draco, Sextans, terpretedasanevidenceofenvironmentaleffectsongalaxyevo- Sculptor, Ursa Minor and Sagittarius (Dolphin et al. 2005, lution(Grebel2001).Inparticular,itmaybepossiblethattheir Carrera et al. 2002, Aparicio et al. 2001, Hernandez, Gilmore, proximitytolargegalaxieshadsomeeffectsontheevolutionof Valls-Gabaud 2000) and a few episodes (4) in Carina (Rizzi dSphs. et al. 2003). It is worth mentioning that the models adopting Futhermore,the dIrrsand dSphsshow ratherdifferentobserva- the SFHs taken from observed CMDs (as described in Table tional properties. The integrated colour-magnitude diagram of 2) reproduce very well the abundance ratios observed in these the Local Group dwarf galaxiesexhibits a clear distinction be- dSph galaxies. More important, the adopted SFHs for Draco, tween the dSphs and the dIrrs, which occupy different regions UrsaMinorandCarinaproducedSMDsinverygoodagreement (Mateo1998).Afewgalaxies,namelytransitiontypedwarfs,ex- with observations (LM07, LMC06b). In the case of Carina, hibitintermediatephotometricproperiesbetweenthoseofdSphs LMC06btestedseveralmodelsadoptingineachoneadifferent anddIrrs.Alsotheluminosity/metallicityrelationcanbeusedto SFH (in particular the ones from Smecker-Hane et al. 1996, distinguishbetweendIrrsanddSphsatthepresentepoch(Mateo Hurley-Keller, Mateo & Nemec 1998, Hernandez, Gilmore 1998,Grebeletal.2003).Atthesameluminosity,thedIrrstend & Valls-Gabaud 2000, Dolphin 2002, and Rizzi et al. 2003) toexhibitlowermetallicitiesthanthedSphgalaxies.Thesetwo and compared the predictions of such models with the [α/Fe], facts could be related to differentevolutionaryhistories for the [Ba/Fe],[Eu/Fe]andtheSMDofKochetal.(2006).Themodel twotypesofdwarfsandonlyastudyoftheirpasthistorycould withtheRizzietal.(2003)SFH(thesameadoptedinthiswork) helpinclarifyingthisissue. wastheonewhichgavethebestresult. Calura,Lanfranchi,Matteucci:PhotometricPropertiesofLocaldSphs 3 2.1.Basicingredients The basic equations of chemical evolution are the same as describedinLM03andLM04(seealsoTinsley1980,Matteucci Intable2,wepresenttheSFHs forthesix dSphgalaxiesmod- 1996),asaretheprescriptionsfortheSFRψ(t),whichfollowsa elledinthiswork,alongwiththereferencestotheSFHsinferred Schmidtlaw(Schmidt1963): fromstudiesoftheobservedCMDs,consideredinthispaperto computetheSFHsforthefiducialmodels. ψ(t)=νGk(t) (1) Inthefirstcolumn,weindicatethesixdSphs.Inthesecond, where G(t) is the gas fraction with respect to the total initial thirdandfourthcolumns,weshowthenumbern,thetimesofoc- mass.νistheSFefficiency,namelytheSFRperunitmassofgas. currencet andthedurationsdofthestarformationepisodes,as B ForeachdSphgalaxy,theSFefficiencyhasbeendeterminedin inferred from the observed CMDs, respectively. Finally, in the order to best reproducethe observedabundance ratios (LM04) last column we present the references for the observed CMDs andtheSMDs(LMC06b,LM07). usedtodeterminetheSFHs. Asinpreviousworks(LM03,LM04),weassumek = 1andan Thegalacticwindisactuallyonevitalingredientinthesemodels initialmassfunction(IMF)fromSalpeter(1955).Thechoiceof sinceitplaysacrucialroleintheevolutionofthegalaxies.When the Salpeter IMF allows one to reproduce the abundances ob- the thermalenergyof the gasequalsor exceedsits bindingen- served in dwarf galaxies (LM04, Recchi et al. 2002, LM07), ergy,a winddevelops(see forexampleMatteucci& Tornambe´ as well as their present-day observational features (Calura & 1987).Thethermalenergyofthegasiscontrolledmainlybythe Matteucci 2006). Moreover, as shown by Calura & Matteucci thermalization efficiencies of the supernovae explosions (η SNII (2004),theassumptionofaSalpeterIMFallowsonetoaccount forSNeIIandη forSNeIa)andstellarwinds(η ),which SNIa SW alsoforthelocalmetalbudget. control the fraction of the energy converted to thermal energy Ourmodelsincludealsoinfallandgalacticwinds,occurringata ofthe gas(see Bradamanteetal. 1998).Thebindingenergyof rate(G˙ )and(G˙ ) ,respectively.Therateofgasinfallisdefined the gas, on the other hand, is strongly influenced by assump- i i out as: tions concerning the presence and distribution of dark matter (Matteucci1992).A diffuse(Re/Rd=0.1,whereRe is theeffec- (G˙i)inf = Ae−t/τ (2) tive radius of the galaxy and R is the radius of the dark mat- d ter core) but relatively massive (M /M = 10) dark halo withAbeingasuitableconstantandτtheinfalltime-scalewhich dark Lum hasbeenassumedforeachgalaxy.Thisparticularconfiguration isassumedtobe0.5Gyr. allows the development of a galactic wind in these small sys- Therateofgaslossviagalacticwindsforeachelementiis tems without destroying them. The galactic winds are intense assumedtobeproportionaltothestarformationrateatthetime (the rate of the wind is 4-13 times the SFR) in the models for t: thedSphgalaxiesinordertoreproducethedecreaseobservedin the[α/Fe]vs[Fe/H]plots,aswellasseveralfeaturesofthestel- (G˙ ) = w ψ(t) (3) larmetallicitydistributions(LM07),andalsotoremovealarge i out i fractionofthegascontentofthegalaxy.Apossiblejustification wherew isthewindefficiencyparameter. forintensegalacticwindsindSphgalaxiescomesfromthefact i IntheleftpanelofFig.1,weshowtheevolutionofthestarfor- thattheirpotentialwellisnotasdeepasinthecaseoftheDwarf mationratesforthesixdSphsconsideredinthiswork.Foreach Irregulargalaxiesand is more extended(Mateo 1998;Guzman galaxy, we show the fiducial star formation rates and the star et al 1998; Graham & Guzman 2003). In that sense, the gas formation rates computed by assuming lower and upper limits wouldbeabletoescapemoreeasilyfromthesesystems.These for the star formationefficienciesas in LM04.We will refer to models allow us to follow in detail the evolution of the abun- theselattermodelsasminimalandmaximalmodel,respectively. dancesofseveralchemicalelementsandisotopes,startingfrom Theminimalandmaximalmodelsgiveanideaofthescatterin the matter reprocessed by the stars and restored into the ISM theSFefficiencyparameterandofhowwideitsrangeis,within by stellar winds and type II and Ia supernova explosions. The whichonecanstillobtainareasonablygoodfittotheabundance type Ia SN progenitorsare assumed to be C-O white dwarfsin patternobservedindSphs(LM04). binarysystemsaccordingtotheformalismoriginallydeveloped In some cases, it appears that the minimal and maximal lines byGreggio&Renzini(1983)andMatteucci&Greggio(1986). mayreverse.Thiseffectisrelatedtothefactthat,ineachmodel, Type II SN explosionsare assumed to originatefrom core col- the time when the galactic wind develops depends on the as- lapseofsinglemassive(M > 8M )stars,leavingasremnantsa ⊙ sumedSFefficiency.InFig. 1,theonsetofthewindcorresponds neutronstarorablackhole. tothechangeinslopeofeachcurve.Ingeneral,thelowertheSF Themainassumptionsofthemodelsare: efficiency,the later thegalactic winddevelops.For thisreason, thelowertheSFefficiency,thelongeristheperiodduringwhich – onezonewithinstantaneousandcompletemixingofgasin- thestarformationremainshigh.Thiseffectisparticularlystrong sidethiszone; for the Draco and Sextans models, since these are the models – no instantaneous recycling approximation, i.e. the stellar presentingthewidestrangeofvaluesforν. lifetimesaretakenintoaccount; ThelowerandupperlimitsfortheSFefficiencyareindicatedin – theevolutionofseveralchemicalspecies(H,D,He,C,N,O, Tab. 1 as ν and ν , respectively.These quantities will be used 1 2 Mg,Si,S,Ca,Fe,BaandEu)isfollowedindetail; later in Sect.s 4.4 - 4.5 to derive error bars for the present day – the nucleosynthesis prescriptions include the yields of colours of dSphs. Unless otherwise stated, all the calculations Nomoto et al. (1997) for type Ia supernovae, Woosley & willbeperformedbyusingthefiducialstarformationrates,com- Weaver (1995)(with the correctionssuggested by Franc¸ois putedusingtheSFefficienciesνreportedinTab.1. etal.,2004)formassivestars(M >10M ),vandenHoek& InFig. 1,rightpanel,weplottheevolutionofthegasfractions ⊙ Groenewegen(1997)forintermediatemassstars(IMS)and (definedastheratiobetweenthegasmassandthetotalbaryonic forBaandEutheonesdescribedinLMC06aandCescuttiet mass,i.e.gasplusstars)forthesixfiducialdSphmodels.Asthe al.(2006). gasistransformedintostarsandremovedbythewinds,thegas 4 Calura,Lanfranchi,Matteucci:PhotometricPropertiesofLocaldSphs fractionsof the dSphsdecreaseby severalordersof magnitude infewGyrs.AsshowninEq.1,atanytime,theSFRdependson 0 theamountofavailablegaspresentinthegalaxy.Forthisreason, thestarformationcontinuesevenaftertheonsetofthewind,but -2 at a considerably lower rate. In the few last Gyrs of evolution, -4 theoscillationsinthegascontentareduetoinjectionofgasinto -6 theISMfromdyingstarsandtogasremovalviawindsandstar formation. Fenneretal.(2006)andIkuta&Arimoto(2002)suggestedthat galacticwindsdonotplayamajorroleinremovingthegasfrom dSphs.InordertoexplainthelackofgasindSphgalaxies,they invokedacomplementarymechanism,suchastidalstrippingor ram pressure. However, by means of closed-box models, Ikuta & Arimoto (2002) are not able to reproduce the lowest values of[α/Fe]observedindSphswithoutinvokingaverysteepIMF, whereasourmodelscanreproducethosevaluesverywellwitha normalSalpeter-likeIMF(seealsoGeisleretal.2007).Besides that, the works by Fenner et al. (2006) and Ikuta & Arimoto (2002)do not compare their predictionswith the stellar metal- licity distributions (SMDs) observed in dSph galaxies. On the other hand, Lanfranchi & Matteucci (2007) consider the con- straintsprovidedbySMDs oflocaldSphgalaxies,arguingthat thesediagramscanbereproducedonlyifstronggalacticwinds 0 0 aretakenintoaccount. -1 -1 Recent evidence (Tolstoy et al. 2004) is finding that the -2 -2 SculptordSphhasatleasttwodistinctpopulationsofstars,with -3 -3 differentmetallicity,spatialdistributions,andkinematics. -4 -4 These two different stellar populationscan be explained as the 0 0 consequence of a monolithic collapse of gas, with more metal -1 -1 richstarsforminginthecentralregionsofthegalaxy,andmetal -2 -2 poorstarsintheoutskirts.Sinceourmodelisone-zone,wecan- notdistinguishbetweenthesetwopopulations.However,weare -3 -3 abletoreproducequitewelltheoverallchemicalfeaturesforthe -4 -4 dSphs.Furthermore,aphotometricstudyofthespatialdistribu- 0 0 tion of the stellar populationsis beyondthe aimsof this paper, -1 -1 sincehereweareinterestedinthephotometricpropertiesofeach -2 -2 dSphasawholeandnotasafunctionofradius. -3 -3 -4 -4 3. Thespectro-photometriccode 0 5 10 0 5 10 To calculategalaxycoloursand magnitudes,we use the photo- Fig.1. Upperpanel:evolutionoftheSFRasafunctionoftime metriccodebyBruzual&Charlot(2003,hereinafterBC).This forthesixdSphs.ThesolidlinesrepresenttheSFRsofthefidu- codeallowsonetocomputethetimeevolutionofthespectraof cial models. The dotted lines are star formation histories com- stellar populationsin themetallicity range0.0001 ≤ Z ≤ 0.05, putedbyassuminglowerandupperlimitsforthestarformation across the whole wavelength range from 3200 Å to 9500 Å. efficiencies, as indicated by the quantities ν and ν of Tab. 1, We have implemented the BC code by taking into account the 1 2 respectively.Lowerpanel:evolutionofthegasfractionsforthe evolutionofmetallicityingalaxies(Calura,Matteucci&Menci fiducialmodelsofthesixdSphs(solidlines). 2004). To model the spectral evolution of the 6 dSph galaxies studied in this paper, we have used simple stellar population (SSP) modelscalculatedfora Salpeter (1955)IMF, with lower Weassumethattheopticaldepthτ(λ)isproportionaltothe anduppercutoffsmL = 0.1M⊙ andmL = 100M⊙, respectively. gassurfacedensityandtothemetallicityZ,accordingto: Dust extinction is also properly taken into account. We adopt k(λ)M Z the“screen”dustgeometricdistributionwhich,accordingtoUV τ(λ)=C gas (5) andopticalobservationsoflocalstarburstgalaxies,istobecon- πr2 d sideredfavoredoverthe“slab”model(Calzettietal.1994).The where k(λ) is the extinction curve. In this paper, we adopt the absorbedfluxI (λ)ofastellarpopulationbehindascreenofdust a extinctioncurvesuggestedby Calzetti (1997). M is the total isgivenby(Calzetti2001): gas gas mass and r is the radius of the galaxy. We assume that, d in each dSph galaxy, the neutral gas follows a homogeneous, Ia(λ)= II(λ) exp(−τ(λ)) (4) sphericaldistributionwithinaradiusrd =0.5kpc.Thisvalueis of the same order as the estimated tidal radii of some of these whereI (λ)representstheintrinsic,unobscuredfluxatthewave- systems (Irwin & Hatzidimitriou 1995, Gallagher et al. 2003). I lengthλ. The constant C in equation 5 is chosen in order to reproduce Calura,Lanfranchi,Matteucci:PhotometricPropertiesofLocaldSphs 5 Table 1. Main parametersfor the modelsof the six dSph galaxiesstudied in this paper. Minitial (column2) is the baryonicinitial tot massofthegalaxy,in M .w (column3)isthewindefficiency.ν(column4)isthestar-formationefficiency,aquantityexpressing ⊙ i theintensityofeachstarformationeventandisexpressedinGyr−1.Throughoutthispaper,νisusedtocomputethefiducialSFRs. ν andν (column5)aretheloweranduperlimitsontheSFefficiency,asshowninLM04.ν andν areusedinSect.s4.4and4.5 1 2 1 2 toprovidetheerrorsassociatedwiththetheoreticalpredictionsofthepresent-daycoloursofdSphs.Finally,theIMF(column6)is thestellarinitialmassfunction. galaxy Minitial(M ) w ν(Gyr−1) ν ,ν (Gyr−1) IMF tot ⊙ i 1 2 Sextans 5·108 9 0.08 0.01-0.3 Salpeter Sculptor 5·108 13 0.2 0.05-0.5 Salpeter Sagittarius 5·108 9 3.0 1.0-5.0 Salpeter Draco 5·108 4 0.03 0.005-0.1 Salpeter UrsaMinor 5·108 10 0.2 0.05-0.5 Salpeter Carina 5·108 5 0.15 0.02-0.4 Salpeter Table2.TheadoptedstarformationhistoriesforthedSphgalaxiesstudiedinthispaper.Inthefirstcolumn,welistthedSphs.In thesecond,thirdandfourthcolumn,n,t anddarethenumber,timeofoccurrenceanddurationoftheSFepisodes,respectively.In B thelastcolumn,wepresentthereferencesforthechosenSFHs. SFHs References n t (Gyr) d(Gyr) B Sextans 1 0 8 LM04 Sculptor 1 0 7 Dolphin2002 Sagittarius 1 0 13 Dolphin2002 Draco 1 0 4 Aparicioetal.2001, Dolphinetal.2005 UrsaMinor 1 0 3 Carreraetal.2002, Dolphinetal.2005 Carina 4 0/2/7/9 2/2/2/2 Rizzietal.2003 Fig.2. Predicted B- (upper panel) and K- (lower panel) band Fig.3. Predicted B- (upper panel) and K- (lower panel) band luminositiesforthedifferentstellarpopulationsoftheSculptor luminosities for the different stellar populations of the Carina dSphformedatvariousmetallicitiesasafunctionoftime. dSphformedatvariousmetallicitiesasafunctionoftime. 4. Results 4.1.TheevolutionoftheVbandluminosities the Milky Way average optical depth in the V band, τ = 0.8 EachdSphgalaxyis assumedto be composedof differentstel- V (Calzetti2001),givenagassurfacedensityof∼ 10M pc−2and lar populations, each one characterised by a particular metal- ⊙ thesolarmetallicity(Caluraetal.2004). licity. The metallicity values for the stellar populations are 6 Calura,Lanfranchi,Matteucci:PhotometricPropertiesofLocaldSphs Fig.4. Predicted B- (upper panel) and K- (lower panel) band Fig.6. PredictedB-(upperpanel)andK-(lowerpanel)bandlu- luminosities for the different stellar populations of the Sextans minositiesforthedifferentstellarpopulationsoftheDracodSph dSphformedatvariousmetallicitiesasafunctionoftime. formedatvariousmetallicitiesasafunctionoftime. Fig.5. PredictedB-(upperpanel)andK-(lowerpanel)bandlu- Fig.7. PredictedB-(upperpanel)andK-(lowerpanel)bandlu- minositiesforthedifferentstellarpopulationsoftheUrsaMinor minositiesforthedifferentstellarpopulationsoftheSagittarius dSphformedatvariousmetallicitiesasafunctionoftime. dSphformedatvariousmetallicitiesasafunctionoftime. the ones of the BC spectro-photometric model, i.e. Z = ulationswithmetallicitiesZ > 0.0004givenegligiblecontribu- 0.0001,0.0004,0.004,0.008,0.02(Z⊙),0.05.Theluminosityofa tions to the total luminosities. A particular case is represented dSphgalaxyis givenbythe sum of the luminositiesof thedif- bythe SagittariusdSphs.In thisgalaxy,the Band K luminosi- ferentSSPs. ties are dominated by stellar populations with higher metallic- In figures 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 we show the predicted evolution ities, i.e. Z = 0.004 and Z = 0.008. This is reflecting the fact of the luminosities for the differentstellar populations, formed thattheSagittariusgalaxyhadastarformationhistorysubstan- at different Z, composing the Sculptor, Carina, Sextans, Ursa tiallydifferentfromtheother5dSphsstudiedinthispaper(see Minor,DracoandSagittariusdSphs,respectively.Inmostofthe Fig.1).Fromthechemicalevolutionpointofview,thedifference cases,thetotalluminositiesofthedSphgalaxiesaredominated betweenSagittariusandtheotherdSphgalaxiesstudiedherere- bytheSSPsformedatthelowestmetallicities,Z = 0.0001and sides in the fact that the former is characterised by a star for- Z = 0.0004.ThisistruefortheSculptor,Carina,Sextans,Ursa mationefficiencyhigher(>10times)thantheothers.Theslow MinorandDracodSphs.Foreachgalaxy,thestellarpopulation evolutionandtheoccurrenceofanintensegalacticwind,which dominating the metallicity distribution (LM04) dominates also prevents metal rich stars to be formed in a significant number, thetotalKandBlight.Forallofthesegalaxies,thestellarpop- explains the fact that stellar populations with low metallicities Calura,Lanfranchi,Matteucci:PhotometricPropertiesofLocaldSphs 7 passivelyorwithverylowSFactivity. Finally, it is worth noting that the curve of the Draco dSph is substantially different from the others. This can be understood bylookingatthestar formationhistories(Fig. 1).TheSFH of Dracopeaksat2Gyr,correspondingtotheagewhenthecolour bumpislargestinFig. 9. 4.3.Thecolour-magnituderelation:acomparisonwithgiant ellipticals Infigure10,weplotthepredictedpresent-dayU-V(lowerpanel) andV-K(upperpanel)coloursasafunctionoftheintegratedab- soluteVmagnitudeforthesixdSphsstudiedinthispaper(open squares). Our predictions are compared to the best fits (thick solid lines) of the colour-magnitude relations as observed by Boweratal.(1992),forthegiantellipticalgalaxiesintheComa andVirgoclusters.Thedashedlinesrepresentthe1σscatterto the data by Bower et al. (1992). For the early-type galaxies in theVirgoandComaclusters,Boweretal.(1992)foundasmall scatterof∼0.05inthecoloursasafunctionofthetotalVmag- nitude. This small scatter implies a uniformity in the star for- mationhistoriesofthesesystems,aswellasasimilarformation epoch (Renzini 2006). By comparing the data by Bower et al. (1992)to the colour-magnituderelations(CMRs) predicted for Fig.8. Predictedintrinsic(dottedlines)anddustobscured(solid thedSphs,itispossibletoseedifferencesbetweenthedSphsand lines)totalVbandluminositiesforthesixdSphsstudiedinthis giantellipticalsfoundinclusters,in particularconcerningtheir paperasfunctionsoftime. starformationhistory.Furthermore,itispossibletotestwhether dwarflocalspheroidalsbelongtothesameclassofobjects,i.e. ifthedSphsrepresentthelow-masstailofthemassfunctionof dominate the total luminosity of these other dSph galaxies be- asinglepopulationofgalacticspheroids. sidesSagittarius. The CMR for cluster galaxiesby Bower at al. (1992)has been The total luminosities of the dSph galaxies in the bluest determined for galaxies with maximum apparent V magnitude bands of the optical spectra (i.e. U, B, V) are affected by dust 13and∼ 17inthecaseoftheVirgoandComaclusters,respec- extinction effects. These effects are negligible at the present tively.Byadoptingdistancemoduliof31.1and35fortheVirgo time, but they must have played an important role in the past. (Freedmanetal.1994)andtheComa(Thomsenetal.1997)clus- In figure 8, we show the predicted evolution of the V band ters, respectively, the faintest absolute magnitudes which have LuminositiesforthesixdSphgalaxies,bothintrinsicandatten- been probedare M ∼ −18, correspondingto galaxiesconsid- V uatedbydustextinction.Forallthegalaxies,theeffectsofdust erablybrighterthanthelocaldSphs,presentingabsolutemagni- extinctionarenoticeableduringthestar formationphase,when tudes M ≤ −14.Forthisreason,inFig.10,wearecomparing V the galaxies have rich reservoirs of gas. After the onset of the thecolourscomputedinthispaperforthedSphswiththeextrap- galacticwindsandtheconsequentdecreaseofthestarformation, olationoftheBower atal. (1992)relation.Themostimportant for each galaxyalmost all of the interstellar gasis swept away aspect we are interested in is the slope of the CMR, since it is and the effects of extinction become negligible. At the present strictly linked to the galactic star formationhistory and age, in time (13 Gyr), the dSphs have very little gas and the intrinsic the sense that the tilt of the CMR tells us that fainter galaxies andattenuatedVbandluminositiescannotbedistinguished. are bluer,hence haveyoungerstellar populations.On the other hand,the scatter expresseshowcoevalthe galaxiesarein clus- tersandintheLocalGroup. 4.2.TheevolutionofthecoloursofdSphs ForeachdSph,thecolourhasbeencomputedusingthe3mod- In Figure 9, we show the predicted U-V (solid lines) and V-K els introducedin Sect. 2.1,i.e. bymeansof the fiducialmodel, (dashedlines)coloursforthesixdSphs.Itispossibletoseethat theminimalmodel,andmaximalmodel.Thisallowsustopro- duringthe star formationperiod,in generallasting some Gyrs, videanerrorbarforthecomputedpresent-daycoloursofthesix the attenuated colours are redder than the intrinsic ones. After dSphs.By lookingattheU-V vsVplot(lowerpanel),wenote theendofthestarformation,whenthegalaxieshavelostalmost that5outof6dSphsshowverysimilarcolours.Thisisduetothe all of their gas, dust extinction is negligible and the curves for factthatforallthesixsystemsbutSagittarius,thebulkofthestar the attenuated and the intrinsic colours overlap.This relatively formationwascompletedalreadyseveralGyrsago.Since4out6 short but importantperiod correspondsto the first few Gyrs of dSphs(Carina,Sextans,UrsaMinorandDraco)haveverysimi- evolution, exactly the same epoch when the stars formation is larpresent-dayluminositiesandintegratedabsolutemagnitudes moreintense.AsmentionedinLMC06b,theevolutionofseveral (seefig.8),theytendtoclusterinthesameregionofthe(U-V) dSphsisalmosttotallydeterminedbythefirstfewGyrsafterthe vs V diagram. Sculptor is more luminous than these 4 dSphs, beginningofthestarformation.Inthistimeinterval,thepattern but presents similar present-day integrated colours. Sagittarius of the abundance ratios and the stellar metallicity distributions representsanexception,sinceithasaconsiderablyhigherlumi- are almost totally in place (LMC06b), and also the coloursare nosityandareddercolour. determined,supportingtheideathatthemainactivityinthedSph In general, in the (U-V) vs M plot, the dSphs are displaced V galaxiesoccurredveryfarinthepastand,afterthat,theyevolved to redder colours than cluster dwarfs of comparable luminos- 8 Calura,Lanfranchi,Matteucci:PhotometricPropertiesofLocaldSphs ity. However, The predicted (U-V) colours of the majority of in clusters to fainter absolute magnitudes. In the next Section, the dSphs are compatible with the extrapolation to the faintest wewilldiscussimplicationsofouranalysisfortheformationof magnitudes of the colour-magnitude relation (CMR) for giant spheroids. spheroids. We note that there is a partial overlap of the dSphs colours with the region including the scatter of the Virgo and 4.4.Implicationsfortheformationofthegiantgalaxies ComaCMRs.Inparticular,theerrorbarsof5(Carina,Sextans, Ursa Minor, Sculptor and Sagittarius) out of the 6 systems an- An important question concerns the possibility that dSphs alyzed in this work fall within the dispersion found by Bower couldrepresentthebuildingblocksofthelocalgiantellipticals. et al. (1992).The other system lies outside of the dashed lines Chemicalevolutionstudiesindicatethatthe dSphsareunlikely andpresentsaslightly(∼0.1mag)redder(U-V)thanthecluster torepresentthebuildingblocksofgiantspiralgalaxies.Thisis dwarfellipticalsofthesamemagnitude. suggested by the abundance patterns observed in most of the The (V-K) colours of Carina, Sextans, Ursa Minor and Draco dSph stars, which are clearly distinct from the ones observed dSPhsare0.2magbluerthantheComaspheroidsofsimilarab- in the stars of the MilkyWay haloand disc (Vennet al. 2004). solute magnitude, whereas Sculptor is 0.3 mag bluer. The (V- Thisfactrepresentsa challengetoallgalaxyformationmodels K)colourofSagittarius,plottedwithitserrorbar,iscompatible basedonthepopularΛcolddarkmatter(ΛCDM)cosmological withtheVirgoandComaCMRs. scenario. According to these models, in a ΛCDM-dominated WeplotalsothebestfitstothepredictedCMRofthedSphs,rep- universe, small dark matter halos are the first to collapse, then resentedbyastraightliney=ax+b.FromFig.10,itisclearthat interact and merge to form larger halos. In this framework, theslopesofheCMRsfordSphsandgiantellipticalsarediffer- massive spheroids are formed from several merging episodes ent.Forthe(U−V)vsMV relationfordSphs,theslopeoftheline among smaller objects (Somerville et al. 2001, Menci et al. which best fits ourpredictedvalues is adSph = −0.093,against 2002).Thisscenarioforthemostmassivegalaxiesisatvariance thevaluesaE,V =−0.074±0.01andaE,C =−0.079±0.007ob- withtheoldmonolithiccollapsescenario,whereellipticalsand tainedbyBower atal. (1992)forthe VirgoandComa clusters, bulgesformedathighredshift(e.g.z > 2−3)astheresultofa respectively. violentburstofstarformationfollowinga“monolithiccollapse” From the study of the (V − K) vs MV plot, we find that dSphs ofa gascloud(Larson1974,Sandage1986,Arimoto& Yoshii haveanevensteeperCMR,withadSph = −0.14,againstaE,V − 1987,Matteucci1994). 0.078±0.007andaE,C −0.08±0.013.Thedifferencesbetween A picture where small and large spheroids form quasi- the CMRs of giantellipticalsand dSphs,in particularconcern- monolithically, although with different star formation ingthe(V-K)vsVplot,areverylikelyduetoamoreprotracted timescales, accounts naturally for the fact that local dwarf SFHsofthedSphswithrespectto theonesoftheclusterellip- spheroidals may represent the low mass counterparts of giant ticals.Infact,theCMDsofdSphsindicatethatingeneral,they ellipticals. A possible link between dSphs and giant ellipticals have experienced long star formation histories, lasting several was suggested by Tamura, Hirashita & Takeuchi (2001), who Gyrs(seeFig.1,Aparicioetal.2001,Rizzietal.2003),atvari- showed that both the mass-metallicity and mass-luminosity re- ancewiththeirgiantcounterparts,whichformedthebulkoftheir lationsofsomedSphgalaxiesmaybeunderstoodasalow-mass starsin0.2-0.5Gyr.Inthecaseofthegiantellipticals,thescatter extensionofgiantellipticalgalaxies. oftheCMRasderivedbyBoweretal.(1992)impliesadisper- The link between dSphs and giant ellipticals is supported by sionintheageofthespheroidstellar populationsof∆form ∼ 2 the scenario proposed by Zaritsky et al. (2006), who found Gyr.Althoughpresentingsimilarpresent-daycolours,thedSphs that small and giant spheroids belong to the same family and presentalargerdispersionintheageoftheirstellarpopulations: that a “fundamental manifold” for spheroids of all masses forinstance,theSFHoftheUrsaMinordSphiscompletedafter exist,i.e.thatthelocalspheroidsofallmassesfollowthesame 3Gyrs,whereasCarinaundergoesstarformationepisodesuntil fundamental plane, with very few exceptions. As argued also 10 Gyrs of evolution (see Fig. 1). This implies that the forma- by Zaritsky et al. (2006), it is probably difficult to account for tionofdSphsoccurredwithalowerdegreeofsynchronicitythan the tightness of the CMR and of the spheroid manifold in a theformationofclusterellipticals.Althoughpresentingalarger hierarchicalframework,where the dSphs are the few survivors dispersion in the ages, in the colour-magnitude plots it is not or intense merging activity. In the hierarchical paradigm, unlikelythatthelocaldSphsstudiedhereformasequencesim- the dwarf spheroidal galaxies should be the first galaxies to ilar to the one observedfor their giantcounterpartsin clusters. form their stars. The giant galaxies should assemble later by TheapparentdifferencesbetweenthecoloursoflocaldSphsand progressive merging of smaller systems. As a consequence, clusterdwarfsmaybeduetoenvironmentaleffects:theclusters in general the dwarf galaxies should show stellar populations areingeneraldenserenvironments,whereinteractionswiththe redderthantheirgiantcounterparts.AscenarioinwhichdSphs intra-cluster medium or with other galaxies are more frequent were the building blocks of giant ellipticals would give rise thanintheLocalGroupandmayhavesomeeffectsalsoonthe to a CMR for dwarf and giant spheroids characterised by a photometric evolution of their members. By means of cosmo- shallower slope and a larger dispersion than the observations logicalsimulations,Bullocketal.(2001)showedthatdarkmat- indicate,asshownbyKauffmann&Charlot(1998)bymeansof terhalosindenserenvironmentsformearlierthanmoreisolated semi-analythicalmodelsand bySaroet al. (2006)by meansof halos. For this reason, cluster dwarfs may form earlier or may numericalsimulations.Thesepapersshowedthat,ina scenario evolvefaster,showingatthepresentdayreddercoloursthanlo- where the galaxiesgrow hierarchically,the present-daytilt and caldSphs. tightness of the CMR represents one of the most challenging Sincethesampleconsideredhereislimitedtosixsystems,from featurestoexplain. the current analysis it is not possible to draw firm conclusions OtheropenquestionsincosmologicalstudiesofdSphsconcern on this issue, i.e. whether local dSphs may represent the low- the “missing satellite” problem, i.e. the discrepancy between mass tail of giant ellipticals. In the future, it will be important the observed number of dwarf galaxies clustered around giant to extendour analysis to a larger numberof dSphs, in order to spirals and the numbers predicted by hierarchical models improvethestatistics,aswellastoextendobservationalsurveys (Moore et al. 1999) and their anisotropical spatial distribution Calura,Lanfranchi,Matteucci:PhotometricPropertiesofLocaldSphs 9 Table 3. Photometric properties of Local Group Dwarf galaxies. In column 1, we list all the six dwarf spheroidal galaxies. In columns2and3,wepresenttheobservedandpredictedpresent-dayintegrated(B-V)colours,respectively.Incolumns4and5,we presenttheobservedandpredictedpresent-dayHItoblueluminosityratios(M /L ),respectively. HI B Galaxy (B−V) M /L HI B Obs Pred Obs Pred Sculptor 0.71 0.67±0.02 0.011 0.0006-0.0018 Carina 0.71 0.67±0.05 <0.0021 0.008-0.022 Sextans 0.71 0.66±0.04 <0.0011 0.001-0.005 UrsaMinor 1.3±0.31 0.67±0.02 <0.0021 0.007-0.017 Draco 0.95±0.21;0.5±0.72 0.65±0.02 <0.0071,2 0.008-0.036 Sagittarius 0.61 0.8±0.01 <0.0011 0.0012-0.0016 References:1Mateo1998,2Aparicioetal.2001 (Kroupaetal.2005),difficulttoaccountforbycurrentΛCDM lar populations,in the sense that theymust haveoccurredafter models. Together with the arguments studied in this section, the bulk of the stars were formed. However, it is important to thesepointsoutlineourincompleteunderstandingoftheprocess note that effects such as tidal interactions with the Milky Way ofgalaxyformation. mayplaysomeroleintheevolutionofdSphs.Themoststriking In Table 3, we presenta summary of some of the observed exampleisrepresentedbytheSagittariusdSph,whichischarac- andpredictedphotometricpropertiesofthedSphgalaxiesstud- terisedbyatidaltailextendingfromitscentreouttoadistance iedinthiswork.Incolumn1,welistallthesixdwarfspheroidal of∼ 20−40kpc(Mateoetal.1996,Majewskietal.2003).In galaxies.Incolumns2-5wepresenttheobservedandpredicted thiscase,suchaninteractionmayhavetriggeredastarformation (B − V) and HI to blue luminosity ratios (M /L ) for the episodea few Gyrsago,as indicatedbythe M giantsobserved HI B six dSphs, respectively. For the present-day (B− V) values of in its stream. Another case is represented by Carina. For this Sculptor, Carina, Sextans, Ursa Minor and Sagittarius we use galaxy,photometricstudiesofregionsbeyondtheclassicaltidal theobservationaldatapublishedbyMateo(1998).Someofthese radiusshowastellardistributionextendingasfarasseveralde- data arepresentedwithouterrorbars.For DracodSph,we also greesfromitscentre(Kuhnetal.1996,Mun˜ozetal.2006)Allof usetheobservationalB,VmagnitudesandM /L aspublished these results indicate that the main effects of these interactions HI B byAparicioetal.(2001). affectedthelastfewGyrsofevolutionandweremainlyofady- By considering the error of 0.2-0.3 given by Mateo (1998) namicalnature(seeKlimentowskietal.2006),withoutaffecting forthe(B-V)coloursofUrsaMinorandDracoasrepresentative significantlythepaststarformationhistoryofthedSphs. forallthe othersystems, we note thattheB andV magnitudes On the other hand, for most of the dSphs we overestimate of all the galaxies considered here are reproduced with good theobserved(MHI/LB),withtheexceptionoftheSculptordSph. accuracy, with one exception. According to the data by Mateo Thisis againdueto the factthatourmodelsdo notincludein- (1998), the Ursa Minor dSph is considerably redder than what teractionswiththeexternalenvironment,inthiscasedynamical we predict, with a discrepancy between our predictions and gasremovalmechanisms,suchasrampressurestrippingortidal the observed (B − V) of 0.6 mag. Interestingly, the observed interactions.Thesedynamicalprocesses,besidegalacticwinds, (B − V) is considerably redder even than giant ellipticals arelikelytoplayanonnegligibleroleinsweepingthegasfrom in local clusters. In fact, in the Fornax cluster, Karick et al. thedSphgalaxies(Grebeletal.2003).Toinvestigatetheeffects (2003) observe for elliptical galaxies (B − V) ranging from of ram pressure stripping, hydrodynamical simulation studies 0.6 mag up to 1.1 mag. This tells us that the star formation shouldberequired(seeMarcolinietal.2006). history of the Ursa Minor was probably more complex than InthecaseoftheSculptordSph,weseverelyunderestimatethe the one modelled in this paper. Moreover, a recent large-area observed(MHI/LB) reportedby Mateo (1998).Observationsof photometricsurvey of the Ursa Minor dSph showed a peculiar thisgalaxyindicatethatitpresentsaparticularlyhighcontentof structureofthisgalaxy,withanelongatedmorphologypossibly HI. A possible explanation is that the Sculptor dSph is rapidly due to tidal interaction with the Milky Way (Bellazzini etal. accretinggasfromthe externalclouds,as its proximityto high 2002). In the light of these results, Bellazzini et al. (2002) velocitycloudsismostlikelysuggesting(Carignanetal. 1998, recomputedthe integrated V magnitude of Ursa Minor finding 1999). M = −10.3 ± 0.4, against the value M = −8.9 computed V V by Mateo (1998) without taking account any distortion effect. 4.5.Whatdothecolourstellusoftheevolutionaryhistoryof Unfortunately, no up-to-date estimations are available for the dSphgalaxies? corrected integrated B magnitude. We await further data able to confirm or to rule out the peculiar (B-V) colour of the Ursa An interesting question concerning dSphs is how their SFHs MinordSph. have proceeded in the past. To investigate this aspect, of particularinterestisthestudyoftherelationshipbetweendSphs As shown in Tab. 3, in most of the cases, a scenario like and dwarf irregulars which could represent the same objects ours,wherethebulkofthedSphsstarsformedpriortoanyinter- seen in different evolutionary phases. In general, dSphs have actionsamongthemandwiththeirlargestconterparts,isableto physical properties rather different than dIrrs (Grebel et al. accountfor the observedintegrated coloursof the local dSphs. 2003 and references therein): (1) the gas content, with dSphs Throughoutthispaper,wehaveassumedthattheinteractionsbe- being gas-poor, whereas dIrrs contain large reservoirs of gas; tweenthedSphsandtheexternalenvironmentandwiththegiant (2) Rotation: dSphs have little angular momentum, whereas galaxiesoftheLocalGrouphadnegligibleeffectsontheirstel- dIrrs are fast rotating systems; (3) Metallicity: dSphs present 10 Calura,Lanfranchi,Matteucci:PhotometricPropertiesofLocaldSphs Fig.11. ObservedandpredictedVmagnitudevs(B-V)colours Fig.9. Predicted U-V (solid lines) and V-K (dashed lines) for various dwarf galaxies. The thick solid lines represent the colours for the six dSphs studied in this paper as functions of evolution of the V magnitudes as a function of the (B-V) time. The thick lines represent the intrinsic predicted colours. colourforthesixdSphsstudiedinthiswork(solidline:Carina; Thethinlinesrepresentthecolourscalculatedbytakingintoac- dotted line: Draco; short-dashed line: Sagittarius; long-dashed countdustextinctioneffects. line:Sculptor;dot-short-dashed:Sextans;dot-long-dashed:Ursa Minor). The solid dots at the end of each line represent the present-day values. The dotted thin line represents the predic- tions obtained by means of a model for the Large Magellanic cloud.Theopencircles,opensquaresandsolidtrianglesarethe observedvaluesfor dSphgalaxies, dIrrsand transitionobjects, respectively(datafromMateo1998).Thedashedlineisthesame astheonedrawnin figure5 ofMateo(1998)andseparatesthe systems classified as dIrrs (left region of the plot) and dSphs (rightregion). 2 1 0 Fig.10. Predictedpresent-dayU-V(lowerpanel)andV-K(up- -1 perpanel)coloursforthesixdSphsstudiedinthispaper(open squareswitherrorbars).Theblueandredsolidthicklinesrepre- sentthefitsoftheBoweretal.(1992)dataforearlytypegalax- -2 ies in the Virgo and Coma clusters, respectively, with their 1σ scatter (dashedthicklines).The thinlines representthe bestfit to the predicted colours, computed by means of a straight line -30 1 2 3 4 y=ax+b. Fig.12. Evolution of M /L four the six dSphs (solid lines) HI B during their initial 4 Gyr of evolution, corresponding approxi- matelytothetimethateachdSphgalaxyspendsintheleftpart metallicities in general higher than dIrrs at the same optical oftheplotinFig.11.Theshadedareaenclosesallthepossible luminosity. All these arguments stand against a continuous valuesforM /L observedinlocaldIrr(Mateo1998). HI B evolution from dIrrs to dSphs and seem to indicate that they representsystemswithdifferentoriginandpastSFHs.

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