Clim.Past,11,305–326,2015 doi:10.5194/cp-11-305-2015 ©Author(s)2015.CCAttribution3.0License. The evolution of sub-monsoon systems in the Afro-Asian monsoon region during the Holocene – comparison of different transient climate model simulations A.Dallmeyer1,M.Claussen1,2,N.Fischer1,K.Haberkorn2,S.Wagner3,M.Pfeiffer4,L.Jin5,V.Khon6,7,Y.Wang8, andU.Herzschuh8,9 1MaxPlanckInstituteforMeteorology,Bundesstrasse53,20146Hamburg,Germany 2MeteorologicalInstitute,CentrumfürErdsystemforschungundNachhaltigkeit(CEN),UniversitätHamburg, Bundesstrasse55,20146Hamburg,Germany 3HelmholtzCenterGeesthacht,InstituteforCoastalResearch,21502Geesthacht,Germany 4AlfredWegenerInstituteforPolarandMarineResearch,27568Bremerhaven,Germany 5KeyLaboratoryofWesternChina’sEnvironmentalSystems,LanzhouUniversity,ResearchSchoolofAridEnvironmentand ClimateChange,Lanzhou730000,China 6InstituteofGeosciences,Christian-AlbrechtsUniversitätzuKiel,Ludewig-Meyn-Str.10-14,24118Kiel,Germany 7A.M.ObukhovInstituteofAtmosphericPhysicsRAS,Pyzhevsky3,117019Moscow,Russia 8AlfredWegenerInstituteforPolarandMarineResearch,TelegrafenbergA43,14473Potsdam,Germany 9InstituteofEarthandEnvironmentalScience,UniversityofPotsdam,Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse24–25, 14476Potsdam,Germany Correspondenceto:A.Dallmeyer([email protected]) Received:29March2014–PublishedinClim.PastDiscuss.:15May2014 Revised:22January2015–Accepted:26January2015–Published:19February2015 Abstract. The recently proposed global monsoon hypothe- The East Asian monsoon changes independently during the sis interprets monsoon systems as part of one global-scale Holocene.Thedissimilaritiesintheseasonalityofthemon- atmospheric overturning circulation, implying a connection soon sub-systems lead to a stronger response of the North between the regional monsoon systems and an in-phase be- African and Indian monsoon systems to the Holocene inso- haviour of all northern hemispheric monsoons on annual lationforcingthanoftheEastAsianmonsoonandaffectthe timescales (Trenberth et al., 2000). Whether this concept seasonaldistributionofHolocenerainfallvariations.Within can be applied to past climates and variability on longer the Indian and North African monsoon domain, precipita- timescales is still under debate, because the monsoon sys- tion solely changes during the summer months, showing a temsexhibitdifferentregionalcharacteristicssuchasdiffer- decreasing Holocene precipitation trend. In the East Asian entseasonality(i.e.onset,peakandwithdrawal).Toinvesti- monsoonregion,theprecipitationsignalisdeterminedbyan gate the interconnection of different monsoon systems dur- increasingprecipitationtrendduringspringandadecreasing ingthepre-industrialHolocene,fivetransientglobalclimate precipitation change during summer, partly balancing each model simulations have been analysed with respect to the other. A synthesis of reconstructions and the model results rainfalltrendandvariabilityindifferentsub-domainsofthe do not reveal an impact of the different seasonality on the Afro-Asian monsoon region. Our analysis suggests that on timingoftheHolocenerainfalloptimuminthedifferentsub- millennialtimescaleswithvaryingorbitalforcing,themon- monsoon systems. Rather they indicate locally inhomoge- soons do not behave as a tightly connected global system. neous rainfall changes and show that single palaeo-records Accordingtothemodels,theIndianandNorthAfricanmon- should not be used to characterise the rainfall change and soonsarecoupled,showingsimilarrainfalltrendandmoder- monsoonevolutionforentiremonsoonsub-systems. atecorrelationincentennialrainfallvariabilityinallmodels. PublishedbyCopernicusPublicationsonbehalfoftheEuropeanGeosciencesUnion. 306 A.Dallmeyeretal.:Theevolutionofsub-monsoonsystemsintheAfro-Asianmonsoonregion 1 Introduction insolationchange.Thiswouldimplyanintensificationofthe summermonsoonstrengthandanincreasedsummerprecip- Monsoonsystemsarecoupledatmosphere–ocean–landphe- itationintheearlyandmid-Holocenefollowedbyagradual nomenathatareprimarilydrivenbyseasonalandlatitudinal decrease of both climate variables in the course of the time differencesinincomingsolarradiation.Thedifferentheatca- towardsthepresentday. pacitiesofoceansandcontinentsleadtostrongthermalcon- Indeed, many palaeoenvironmental records reveal en- trasts forming large-scale atmospheric circulations that re- hancednorthernhemisphericmonsooncirculationsandmore verse seasonally and are characteristically accompanied by rainfallduringtheearlyand/ormid-Holocene(e.g.Fleitmann summer rainfall and winter dryness (Webster et al., 1998). et al., 2003; Jolly et al., 1998; Peyron et al., 2006; Prasad Changes in any component of the climate system affect the andEnzel,2006;Wangetal.,2005).However,notallrecon- monsoon circulations and result in strong temporal climate structions show a synchronous trend within and among the variability on all timescales (e.g. Ding, 2007; Lau et al., differentsub-monsoonregions.FortheNorthAfricanmon- 2000;Wang,2006).Themostpronouncedmonsoonsystems soon area, for instance, some records are indicative of an aretheNorthAfricanandAsianmonsoon,incorporatingthe abrupt end of the humid period around 5k (e.g. deMeno- IndianandEastAsianmonsoonsub-systems. cal et al., 2000), whereas other records suggest a gradual Prior to the satellite era, observational data of monsoon decline in annual precipitation during the Holocene (e.g. precipitationandcirculationswerescarce,particularlyabove Kropelin et al., 2008; Francus et al., 2013). The timing of the oceans. By the use of remote sensing, monitoring of maximum Holocene rainfall in the Asian monsoon region allmonsoonsystemshasbeenenabled.Thein-phasemove- strongly depends on the location (e.g. An et al., 2000) and ment of the global monsoon systems partly visible in the theaffectingmonsoonsub-system(Maher,2008;Maherand seasonal migration of the Intertropical Convergence Zone Hu,2006).WhilemoisturelevelsintheIndianmonsoonre- (ITCZ) led to the development of a new monsoon concept, gion are highest during the early Holocene, the East Asian i.e. the global monsoon hypothesis (Trenberth et al., 2000). monsoon did not reach maximum strength before the mid- This concept suggests that all monsoon systems are part of Holocene (Herzschuh et al., 2006; Wang et al., 2010). On one seasonal varying global-scale atmospheric overturning longer timescales, the precessional cycle is shared by most circulationinthetropicsandsubtropicsforcedbytheannual monsoon systems, but Chinese speleothems lag the insola- cycleofinsolationandtheresultantglobaldivergentmotion. tion curve by 4ka, northern African records by 2.6ka and Furthermore, for instance, the African and Indian monsoon Indianrecordsby8ka(cf.Caleyetal.,2011andreferences share similar decadal variability (Feudale and Kucharski, therein),showingnouniformresponsetotheinsolationforc- 2013).Whethertheglobalmonsoonconceptcanbeapplied ing. to past climates and variability on longer timescales is not Varioussuggestionsofpossibleexplanationsforthedevi- yet clear (Trenberth et al., 2000), although palaeomonsoon atingprecipitationtrendsexist,butsofarthecausalrelation- studiesrevealsimilaritiestothemodernglobalmonsooncon- ships are not clear. Among other reasons, the differences in cept regarding palaeomonsoon evolution, e.g. similar long- rainfalltrendscouldbeattributedtopreviousmisinterpreta- term monsoon intensity oscillations in different monsoon- tion of the data (Cheng et al., 2012 and references therein; subdomains(Chengetal.,2012). MaherandThompson,2012)and/ordifferencesinthechar- During the early Holocene, the main changes in surface acteristics of the monsoon sub-systems: at least partly, the boundary conditions compared to the present day were the monsoonresponsetotheorbitallycontrolledinsolationforc- remnant Laurentide ice sheet and differences in the sea- ing is affected by differences in the land–sea settings (e.g. sonalincomingsolarradiation.Forinstance,9000yearsago Wangetal.,2003,2013;Wang,2009)thatprobablyalsohave (9k), the cyclic variations in the Earth’s orbital configura- animpactonthestrengthoftheinvolvedocean–atmosphere tion (mainly the precession) led to a 10% higher summer feedbacks. The Indian and North African monsoon circula- insolation on the Northern Hemisphere compared to today tions are determined by a meridional and interhemispheric (Berger, 1978). In contrast, winter insolation was decreased land–oceancontrast,whiletheEastAsianmonsoonischar- by10%yieldingonlysmallchangesintheannualmeanin- acterised by a zonal land–sea contrast (Wang et al., 2001). solation,butanincreaseoftheamplitudeoftheseasonalin- Furthermore,theimpactofotherlarge-scalecirculationsys- solationcycle.Whiletheinsolationdifferenceshavecontinu- tems (e.g. the Westerly wind system) varies among the dif- ouslydecreasedthroughouttheHolocene,thepresentextent ferent monsoon sub-systems. For instance, the Indian mon- of the Northern Hemisphere ice sheet was already reached soon system is less affected by mid- and high-latitude cli- duringmid-Holocene.Accordingtotheglobalmonsooncon- mate processes than the East Asian monsoon (Huang et al., cept (Trenberth et al., 2000) and Kutzbach’s orbital mon- 2012). All monsoon systems show differences in the sea- soonhypothesisofnorthernhemisphericsummerinsolation sonalcycle,particularlyinthetimingofonset,rainfallpeak drivingthesummermonsoonevolutionatprecessionalscale and withdrawal. These differences in the seasonality of the (Kutzbach, 1981; Ruddiman, 2006), one would expect that sub-monsoonsmayleadtodifferencesintheresponseofthe all boreal summer monsoon systems react similarly to this Clim.Past,11,305–326,2015 A.Dallmeyeretal.:Theevolutionofsub-monsoonsystemsintheAfro-Asianmonsoonregion 307 monsoonsystemtotheHolocenechangeinseasonalinsola- 2.1.1 COSMOSandCOSMOSacc tion. Thus,whetherthemonsoonsystemsevolvesynchronously COSMOS is the model of the Community Earth System or asynchronously during the Holocene, i.e. if the global models network, initiated by the Max Planck Institute for or regional aspect of monsoons predominates on millennial Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany. The model consists of timescales,isstillunderdebate.ToinvestigateHolocenepre- the general circulation model for the atmosphere ECHAM5 cipitation trends in different parts of the Afro-Asian mon- (Roeckner et al., 2003) coupled to the land-surface scheme soonregionandtotesttheconnectivityofthedifferentmon- JSBACH(Raddatzetal.,2007)andtheoceanmodelMPIOM soonsub-systemsinthisregion,weanalysefivetransientcli- (Marslandetal.,2003).Intheversionusedinthisstudy,JS- mate simulations covering the last 6000 years, which have BACH included the dynamic vegetation module of Brovkin been performed using various coupled atmosphere–ocean– et al. (2009) representing eight different plant functional (vegetation) models. We focus on the following research types. MPIOM was integrated with a horizontal resolution questions: ofapproximately3◦ and40levelsinthevertical.ECHAM5 wassetupinaspectralresolutionofT31L19corresponding 1. Can state-of-the-art climate models capture the recon- to a longitudinal distance of approx. 3.75◦ on a great circle structedprecipitationtrendsintheAfro-Asianmonsoon and19levelsinthevertical. region,e.g.retrievedfromspeleothemrecords? In this setup, two transient experiments have been per- formed.Thefirst(COSMOS)wasconductedbyFischerand 2. Do the simulations reveal a synchronous precipitation Jungclaus (2011) and started at mid-Holocene climate con- responsetotheHoloceneinsolationforcingforallsub- ditions(6000yearsago).Themodelwasbroughttoaquasi- domains,supportingtheglobalmonsoonhypothesison equilibrium climate state prescribing mid-Holocene insola- longertime-scales? tion forcing and pre-industrial atmospheric conditions (e.g. CO composition of 280ppm). Afterwards, the orbital con- 2 3. If differences in the precipitation trend among sub- figuration was changed yearly until present-day conditions domainsexist,whichcontrollingmechanismscanbere- werereached.Thechemical compositionoftheatmosphere trievedfromthemodelresults,forinstanceinthecon- stayedconstantduringtheentiresimulation.Thissimulation textofchangesintheseasonalinsolationcycleanddif- covers the last 6000 years. The data of this simulation are ferencesintheseasonalityofthemonsoonsub-systems? available as snapshots (every 50 years) in the PANGAEA database(FischerandJungclaus,2012). After a short description of the models, simulations and The second simulation (COSMOSacc) was performed methods used in this study, we first assess the performance by Pfeiffer et al. (2013) (Varma et al., 2012; Pfeiffer and of the models concerning the representation of the modern Lohmann,2013)inthesamewayasthefirstsimulation,but precipitationdistributionintheAfro-Asianmonsoondomain using an orbital forcing accelerated by a factor of 10. This (Sect.3.1).Thesecondpartoftheresultsdealswiththepre- meansthattheperiodbetweenthemid-Holoceneandthepre- cipitation change from mid-Holocene to present-day times industrialperiodisrepresentedbyonly600insteadof6000 includingacomparisonoftheprecipitationtrendsinthedif- model years. The chemical composition of the atmosphere ferent models (Sects. 3.2–3.4). Based on these results, we wasfixedtopre-industrialvalues.Similarexperimentswere discusswhetherthetransientsimulationssupporttheglobal also carried out by Lorenz and Lohmann (2004) with the monsoon hypothesis for the Holocene monsoon evolution ECHO-Gmodelusingtheaccelerationtechniqueforinvesti- (4.2) and analyse the effect of the differences in seasonal- gationsoftheclimateoftheHolocene. ity on the Holocene monsoon response (4.3) as this is the onlyhypothesisforthedeviatingprecipitationtrendswecan 2.1.2 ECHO-G analysewiththissetupofsimulations. ECHO-G (Legutke and Voss, 1999) consists of the atmo- 2 Methods sphericgeneralcirculationmodelECHAM4(Roeckneretal., 1996) and the ocean model HOPE-G (Wolff et al., 1997). 2.1 Modeldescriptionandexperimentaldesign Adynamicvegetationmodelwasnotincludedinthissetup. The vegetation is set to present-day conditions throughout ToinvestigatetheHolocenerainfalltrendintheAfro-Asian the entirety of the simulations. ECHAM4 had a numerical monsoon system, we analyse five transient climate model resolution of T31L19 corresponding to approx. 3.75◦ on a simulations that have been performed in a wide spectrum great circle and 19 levels in the vertical. HOPE-G had 20 of coupled atmosphere–ocean–(vegetation) models (cf. Ta- irregularly spaced vertical levels and an effective horizon- ble1).Inthefollowing,themodelsandsimulationsareintro- tal resolution of 2.8◦×2.8◦ increasing to 0.5◦ towards the ducedbriefly;forfurtherdetailsonthesimulationswerefer Equator. In contrast to the newer COSMOS generation the totheoriginalmanuscripts. ECHO-G model is flux corrected for heat and fresh water Clim.Past,11,305–326,2015 308 A.Dallmeyeretal.:Theevolutionofsub-monsoonsystemsintheAfro-Asianmonsoonregion Table1.Overviewofalltransientclimatesimulationsconsideredinthisstudy,includingresolution(Res.),applicationoftheforcing(Acc.), i.e.acceleratedornot,andhandlingofdynamicvegetationinthemodel. Simulation Model Reference Res. Forcing Acc. Dyn.veg. COSMOS ECHAM5/JSBACH-MPIOM FischerandJungclaus(2011) T31L19 Orbit No Yes ECHO-G ECHAM4-HOPE-G Wagneretal.(2007) T31L19 Orbit No No PLASIM PlaSim-LSGocean-Simba Haberkorn(2013) T21L10 Orbit+GHG No Yes COSMOSacc ECHAM5/JSBACH-MPIOM Varmaetal.(2012); T31L19 Orbit Yes Yes PfeifferandLohmann(2013) KCM ECHAM5-NEMO Jinetal.(2014) T31L19 Orbit Yes No in order to avoid climate drift. The model was brought to a Thecoupledmodelhadbeenbroughttoaquasi-equilibrium quasi-equilibrium climate state using a mid-Holocene (7k) climate state with the early Holocene orbital configuration orbital configuration (Wagner et al., 2007). Afterwards, the (9.5k) before the transient simulation started using orbital insolationforcingwaschangedaftereachmodelyear.Inthe forcing only (Jin et al., 2014). The forcing, i.e. change in transientsimulationusedinthisstudy,thechemicalcompo- orbital parameters, was accelerated by a factor of 10. The sition of the atmosphere was kept constant at pre-industrial chemicalcompositionoftheatmospherewassettoconstant levels.Thefirstpartofthissimulation(7000BP–4500BP)is pre-industrialvaluesthroughoutthesimulation.KCMshows availableontheCERAdatabase(Wagner,2007). good agreement between simulated precipitation and obser- vationsforcontemporaryclimate,aswellaswiththehydro- 2.1.3 PLASIM logicalchangesduringthemid-Holocene(Khonetal.,2010). PlaSim is an atmosphere model of medium complexity 2.2 Analysesmethodsofmodelresults (Fraedrich et al., 2005) and was used in a horizontal reso- lution of T21 (approx. 5.6◦×5.6◦ on a Gaussian grid) and Precipitation in monsoon regions has a strong seasonality 10 levels in the vertical. In the simulation used for this and usually the summer (i.e. June–September) precipitation study (Haberkorn, 2013), PlaSim was coupled to the ocean is taken to analyse changes in the monsoon intensity and to model LSG (Maier-Reimer et al., 1993) and the vegeta- discussrainfallvariationsinmonsoondomains.Wedecided tion module SimBA (Kleidon, 2006). The model had been touseannualprecipitationbecausewealsoincludetheEast broughttoquasi-equilibriuminearlyHoloceneclimatecon- Asian monsoon region in which precipitation is not solely ditions (10k orbit and atmospheric composition). Then the related to the summer season. Here, more than 30% of an- transient simulation was started using yearly adapted or- nual rainfall already falls during the months February–May bital forcing (Berger, 1978). Holocene variations in atmo- (cf.YihuiandZunja,2008).Furthermore,reconstructionsof- sphericCO concentrationwereadditionallyprescribedfrom ten integrate over a longer period and therefore an annual 2 Taylor Dome reconstructions (Indermuhle, 1999). For in- signal rather than a monthly or seasonal signal is recorded. stance, atmospheric CO content was changed from 265– Forexampleplants(pollenproxy)canusemoisturestoredin 2 269ppmduringthemid-Holocenetothepre-industriallevel the soil or lake level changes (various sedimentary proxies) (280ppm). The effect of increasing CO during the pre- record the annual balance. We do not want to exclude the 2 industrialHoloceneisrelativelysmallcomparedtochanges pre-monsoon precipitation in East Asia from our analysis. inorbitalforcing.Therefore,wedonotexpectanysubstan- In all other regions considered here, annual precipitation is tialimpactofthevaryingCO concentrationontheresultsof highly correlated with summer precipitation. Therefore tak- 2 this study. Here, the last 6000 years of this simulation were ingannualrainfallinsteadofsummerrainfalldoesnotaffect used. the results in these regions. Moreover, defining a meaning- fultimeperiod(intheformofmonths)forthesummermon- 2.1.4 KCM soonseasonisdifficultinpalaeo-studiesbecausethesummer monsoonseasonmaybevariableoverthetime. TheKielClimateModel(KCM,Parketal.,2009)isacou- pled atmosphere–ocean–sea ice general circulation model. 2.2.1 Definitionofthetime-slices The atmosphere is represented by ECHAM5 (Roeckner et al., 2003) that ran in the numerical resolution T31L19 cor- We compare the simulated climate of the mid-Holocene responding to 3.75◦ on a great circle. ECHAM5 is cou- (6000yearsago,furtherreferredtoas6k)andpre-industrial pledtotheocean–seaicemodelNEMO(Madec,2006)that time-slice(herereferredtoas0k).Theresultsarebasedon ran with a horizontal resolution of approx. 2◦×2◦ and in- climatological means of 120 years, i.e. 120 model years in creased meridional resolution (0.5◦) close to the Equator. the non-accelerated experiments and 12 model years in the Clim.Past,11,305–326,2015 A.Dallmeyeretal.:Theevolutionofsub-monsoonsystemsintheAfro-Asianmonsoonregion 309 onthelast1000yearsofthesimulations.Forthiscalculation, thetimeserieshavebeenfilteredbya10-yearrunningmean andhavebeendetrendedbya500-yearrunningmean.Only thenon-acceleratedsimulationsareconsidered. The rainfall trend series in the different sub-regions are based on 100-year running means to filter out interannual and interdecadal variability. Only the non-accelerated sim- ulations have been considered since the accelerated simu- lations reveal a strong year-to-year variability. The signifi- cance of the trend is estimated by the signal-to-noise ratio. Figure1.Definitionofthedifferentmonsoonsub-regionsusedin The time series are displayed as anomalies with respect to thisstudy(shaded)andthelocationsofcavesintheEastAsianmon- thelasttime-steprepresentingthepre-industrialclimate.To soonregion(letters)forwhichspeleothemrecordsexist,i.e.Dongge cave(D,25.32◦N,108.09◦E;Wangetal.,2005),HeshangCave(H, calculatethecorrelationsamongrainfallinthedifferentmon- 30.45◦N,110.42◦E;Huetal.,2008),LianhuaCave(L,29.29◦N, soonsub-regions,thetimeserieshavebeendetrendedbythe 109.32◦E; Cosford et al., 2008), and Jiuxian Cave (J, 33.34◦N, 500-yearmovingaverageoftheannualtimeseries.Therain- ◦ 109.6 E;Caietal.,2010). falltrendseriesareprovidedassupplementarymaterialinthe PANGAEAdatabase( 837442). Sliding correlations are performed for annual and accelerated experiments. We are aware of the short period decadal time series to assess if the teleconnections among usedtorepresenttheacceleratedsimulations.Therefore,we thesub-systemsarestableandiftheregionalmonsoontele- calculated the statistical significance of the rainfall change connectionsweakenedorstrengthenedundervaryingorbital using the student’s t test and only show results that are sig- parameters. nificant at the 95% level in the case of the non-accelerated Similarly, as for the time-slice results, the seasonal cy- simulationsandsignificantatthe90%levelinthecaseofthe cleineachsub-regionhasbeencalculatedonclimatological acceleratedsimulations.Thereby,themainaimistheassess- monthlymeansof120years. mentofthephysicalsignificanceoftherainfallchange. Global fields of precipitation (in netCDF) for both 3 Results time-slices are provided as supplementary material in the PANGAEAdatabase( 3.1 Pre-industrialAsianandNorthAfricansummer 837442). monsoonprecipitation 2.2.2 Inferenceofrainfalltrendsandcomparisonof Inordertogetanoverviewoftherepresentationofthepre- regionaltimeseries industrialcontrolclimateinthedifferentmodelswecompare the simulated precipitation with data of the Global Precipi- Thedifferentsub-regionspresentedinthisstudy(cf.Fig.1) tation Climatology Project (GPCP, 1979–2008, Adler et al., have been defined on the basis of the leading empirical 2003).Asthepre-industrialsimulationshavebeenperformed orthogonal function (EOF) mode of the annual precipita- with a CO concentration of 280ppm, considerably lower 2 tion variations. For this purpose, the ensemble mean of the thanthoseobservedforthepresentday,weexpectsmallbi- non-accelerated simulations (i.e. COSMOS, ECHO-G and ases particularly in the strength of the monsoon system and PLASIM)hasbeenstandardisedanddetrendedbya500-year precipitationamountresultingfromthedifferentCO levels. 2 running mean. The EOF was calculated afterwards for the African,IndianandeasternAsianregions.Themonsoonsub- 3.1.1 Evaluationoftheannualprecipitationpattern systemsareselectedbasedontheareasshowingthehighest loadings in the respective region. The East Asian monsoon Ingeneral,themodelsareabletocapturethesummermon- domain is divided into two sub-regions, as it is commonly sooncirculation(seeAppendix).Theyshowsimilardiscrep- characterisedbybipolarprecipitationpatterninpresent-day anciestotheobservedprecipitationpattern,buttheamplitude observations, e.g. floods in the north, droughts in the south ofthebiasesdiffers(Fig.2).Allmodelstendtooverestimate (e.g.Ding,2007). annualprecipitationintheEastAsianmonsoonregion.This To test whether the different monsoon sub-systems are is particularly pronounced in the area between the Yangtze connectedduringpre-industrialtimes,wecalculatethePear- andHuangheRiverineasternChina(100–120◦E,25–35◦N) soncorrelationcoefficientbasedonthelast150yearsofthe wherepre-industrialannualprecipitationexceedsthemodern annual mean precipitation time series (for interannual vari- observations by more than 750mmyear−1 in most simula- ability).Forthispurpose,thetimeserieshavebeendetrended tionsandtheensemblemean. by a 30-year running mean. In addition, we calculate the In contrast, precipitation in the Indian monsoon re- Pearsoncorrelationcoefficientsfordecadaltimescalesbased gion is highly underestimated in all models, particularly in Clim.Past,11,305–326,2015 310 A.Dallmeyeretal.:Theevolutionofsub-monsoonsystemsintheAfro-Asianmonsoonregion Table2.Absoluterainfall(mmyear−1)intheensemblemeanAfro-Asianmonsoonregion(includinglandandocean,cf.Fig.2)duringthe pre-industrialperiodandinobservations. GPCP COSMOS ECHO-G PLASIM COSMOSacc KCM ENSMEAN Rainfall(mmyr−1) 941.7 1016.8 965.0 862.1 1052.2 998.2 978.9 Taylor Diagram precipitation 0.1 0.2 0.3 l KCM 0.4 l ECHO−G 0.5 l COSMOS 1.5 1.5 0.6 0C.7orrelation lll PCElNOaSSSMiMmEOASNacc n 0.8 eviatio 1.0 1 d d ar 0.9 d n a st lll l 0.95 0.5 ll 0.5 0.99 0.0 l 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 standard deviation Figure 3. Taylor diagram showing the pattern correlation, nor- Figure 2. Biases in annual mean precipitation (mmyear−1) be- malisedstandarddeviationandnormalisedroot-mean-squareerror (greycircles)ofthesimulatedprecipitationinthedifferentmodels tweenthedifferenttransientsimulations(last100years,i.e.0k)and (0k-time-slice)fortheAfro-Asianmonsoonregion.Referencedata themodernobservedclimate,representedbytheprecipitationdata set:GPCP,basedontheyears1979–2008(whitedot). oftheGlobalPrecipitationClimatologyProject(GPCP,1979–2008, Adleretal.,2003).Thegreylineintheplotoftheensemblemean marksthesimulatedpre-industrialAfro-Asianmonsoonregion,i.e the55%isolineofthesummertoannualprecipitation. totheobservation.Inaddition,itdisplaysthestandarddevia- tionineachdatasetcomparingtheamplitudeofthetemporal andspatialpatternvariations.Overall,ECHO-Ghasasimilar Bangladesh, which exceeds by −750mmyear−1. With the spatial and temporal variation as observed precipitation and exception of ECHO-G showing more precipitation than ob- agreesbestwiththeobservedprecipitationpattern.PLASIM served, all other models also underestimate precipitation by underestimates the variation slightly and shows the lowest more than 300mmyear−1 in large parts of northern Africa. correlation.KCM,COSMOSaccandCOSMOSdemonstrate Above the tropical oceans, the models simulate consider- a very similar skill for simulating the North African and ably higher precipitation compared to observations. How- Asianmonsoonprecipitation.Thosemodelsslightlyoveres- ever,overtheseoceanicareas,precipitationobservationsare timate the amplitude in pattern variation, but show a good alsoafflictedwithhigheruncertainty. patterncorrelation.Theensemblemeanrevealsthebestpat- Averagedovertheentireensemblemeanmonsoonregion tern correlation and also the highest agreement in terms of ofNorthAfricaandAsia(includingoceanicareas,cf.Fig.2), spatialandtemporalvariation. COSMOS, COSMOSacc and KCM simulate too much pre- cipitation, and PLASIM too little precipitation. ECHO-G 3.1.2 Evaluationoftheseasonalprecipitationcycle simulatessimilarrainfallasobserved(cf.Table2).Tofurther quantifythebiasesbetweensimulatedandobservedprecipi- Toassesstheperformanceofthemodelswithrespecttothe tation(hereGPCPdata),wechoseaTaylordiagram(Fig.3). seasonalprecipitationcycle,thesimulatedpre-industrialsea- This diagram is based on the climatological monthly mean sonal precipitation cycle for each sub-region is compared precipitationvaluesofeachsimulationandshowsthepattern to the seasonal cycle derived from present-day GPCP data correlation of the simulated and observed precipitation and (Fig. 4): during the present-day times, the rainy season in the centred root-mean-square difference of each simulation the North African monsoon region (NAM) starts in March Clim.Past,11,305–326,2015 A.Dallmeyeretal.:Theevolutionofsub-monsoonsystemsintheAfro-Asianmonsoonregion 311 is shifted by one month to August. Rainfall rates are much lowercomparedtoobservations. The observed seasonal precipitation cycle in the East Asian monsoon area (EASM) is different to the cycle in the tropical monsoon regions of Africa and India. Over this region, precipitation occurs during the entire year reaching rainfall rates of 1–2mmday−1 during winter and spring. Nevertheless, the temporal rainfall distribution reflects a monsoonal character with summer dominant rainfall and much higher precipitation rates in summer than in win- ter. Maximum rainfall is reached during June with approx. 6mmday−1.AllmodelsexceptPLASIMareabletosimulate thisseasonalcycle.However,winterandspringprecipitation isstronglyoverestimatedby1–2mmday−1leadingtoarain- fall peak by May. During summer, simulated rainfall rates areasobservedinmostmodels.ECHO-Gsimulatesrainfall ratessimilartothoseobserveduntilMay;afterwardsprecip- itation rates decrease and are underestimated until Septem- ber. PLASIM strongly overestimates the late summer, au- Figure 4. Simulated pre-industrial seasonal precipitation cycle tumnandwinterprecipitation. comparedtoGPCPobservationaldata(inmmday−1,basedonthe The observed seasonal precipitation cycle in the north- years 1979–2008), for different regions in the Afro-Asian mon- ern East Asian monsoon region (NEASM) is characterised soon domain, i.e. the North African monsoon region (NAM), In- by weak winter/spring rainfall rates and high summer rain- dianmonsoonregion(ISM),EastAsianmonsoonregion(EASM), fall rates, although much less than in the other parts of the andthenorthernpartoftheEastAsianmonsoonregion(NEASM). monsoondomain,withamaximumprecipitationrateofonly Pleasenotethechangeinscale. 2.7mmday−1 inJuly.Mostmodelscapturetheseasonalcy- cle, but slightly overestimate precipitation throughout the yearbyapprox.0.5mmday−1.ECHO-Gsimulatestoolittle summerprecipitation.Similarly,asfortheEastAsianmon- with rainfall continuously increasing to a rainfall peak of soon region, PLASIM strongly overestimates precipitation 4mmday−1 in August. Afterwards, precipitation declines duringtheentireyear. until October. This seasonal cycle is simulated correctly by all models with the exception of ECHO-G which strongly 3.1.3 Connectivityofthedifferentsub-monsoon overestimates precipitation during March–July, leading to systems peak rainfall by July. COSMOS, COSMOSacc and KCM Table3showsthePearsoncorrelationcoefficientsforthean- simulate a similar seasonal cycle as observed, but underes- nual and decadal (in brackets) precipitation time series of timate rainfall rates during the entire rainy season (at sum- mer peak by 1–2mmday−1). PLASIM reveals less than the different sub-regions considered here. Overall, only the 0.5mmday−1 as the precipitation peak, which is a typical COSMOSmodelshowsastrongpositivecorrelationamong annual and decadal mean precipitation in the Indian and rainfall rate in (semi-) arid regions. Thus, with respect to the North African monsoon (r >0.8). In COSMOS, pre- maximumprecipitationPLASIMdoesnotidentifytheNorth cipitation variability over these regions is also moderately Africanmonsoonasamonsoonregion. correlated with precipitation over the northern part of the The observed precipitation maximum over the Indian EastAsianmonsoon(annual:r >0.6anddecadal:r >0.5). monsoon region (ISM) is reached during July following a These correlations stay at high levels throughout the entire very rapid increase of rainfall starting in May. None of the 6000years(notshown).Fortheotherregionsandintheother models captures this seasonal cycle: in PLASIM, the rainy models,correlationsareveryweakandthereforechangeus- season is very short. Precipitation starts to increase as late ing different sliding windows. They remain mostly statisti- as July and does not peak until September. Rainfall rates callynon-significant(notshown). are strongly underestimated during the entire rainy season. COSMOS, COSMOSacc and KCM reveal a similar mon- soon season length as observed, but simulate a double-peak monsooninJulyandSeptember.However,thesemodelsalso underestimate precipitation during the entire rainy season, particularly KCM, by up to 3mmday−1. Precipitation rates riseslowerinECHO-Gthanobservedandthemonsoonpeak Clim.Past,11,305–326,2015 312 A.Dallmeyeretal.:Theevolutionofsub-monsoonsystemsintheAfro-Asianmonsoonregion Table3.Pearsoncorrelationcoefficientsforthe0krainfalltimeseries,basedonthelast150years(1000years)detrendedbya30-year (500-year)runningmeanforannual(decadal)variability,fordifferentmonsoonsub-regions,i.e.theIndianmonsoonregion(ISM),North Africanmonsoonregion(NAM),EastAsianmonsoonregion(EASM),andthenorthernpartoftheEastAsianmonsoonregion(NEASM). Onlythenon-acceleratedsimulationshavebeenused. COSMOS ISM NAM EASM NEASM ISM 1.00(1.00) – – – NAM 0.83(0.83) 1.00(1.00) – – EASM 0.19(0.00) 0.10(−0.01) 1.00(1.00) – NEASM 0.62(0.57) 0.67(0.51) 0.14(0.03) 1.00(1.00) ECHO-G ISM NAM EASM NEASM ISM 1.00(1.00) – – – NAM 0.0(−0.12) 1.00(1.00) – – EASM −0.06(−0.12) −0.11(0.02) 1.00(1.00) – NEASM 0.12(0.09) 0.06(0.00) 0.22(0.26) 1.00(1.00) PLASIM ISM NAM EASM NEASM ISM 1.00(1.00) – – – NAM 0.04(0.01) 1.00(1.00) – – EASM 0.05(0.01) 0.10(0.01) 1.00(1.00) – NEASM 0.10(0.11) 0.08(0.08) 0.01(0.09) 1.00(1.00) 3.2 Mid-Holoceneclimate 3.2.1 Changesinannualprecipitationpattern Figure 5 shows the simulated mean annual precipitation difference between the mid-Holocene and pre-industrial. All models simulate an increase in precipitation in the North African and Indian monsoon regions during the mid- Holocene compared to the pre-industrial climate. In most models, these changes are connected with a shift in the ITCZ, indicated by the bipolar difference in precipitation pattern between ocean and land, particularly in northern Africa.ThispatternisconsistentwiththeincreaseinNorth- ern Hemisphere summer insolation (Kutzbach, 1981). The largestchangesoccurinCOSMOSandKCMrevealinganin- creaseinprecipitationbymorethan500mmyear−1 inlarge partsofthemonsoonregion. IntheNorthAfricanmonsoonarea,thesimulatedmagni- tudeofprecipitationchangediffersstronglyamongthemod- Figure5.Simulatedmeanannualprecipitationdifference(shaded, els. ECHO-G reveals a relatively weak response to the in- mmyear−1)betweenmid-Holocene(6k)andpre-industrialclimate solation change with an increased mid-Holocene precipita- (0k).Onlysignificantvaluesareshown,i.e.significantatthe95% tion by less than 200mmyear−1. PLASIM shows a signifi- level(student’st test)forthenon-acceleratedexperiments(ECHO- cantriseinrainfallintheentiretyofnorthernAfricainclud- G,COSMOS,PLASIM)andsignificantatthe90%levelfortheac- ing the Sahara, but the strongest changes are concentrated celeratedexperiments(COSMOSacc,KCM).Theensemblemean around the Equator. COSMOS, COSMOSacc and KCM in- (ENSMEAN)isdefinedassignificantifallsimulationsagreeinthe signoftheprecipitationchangeintheindividualgrid-boxes.There- dicatethestrongestincreaseinprecipitationinabroadarea between the Equator and 20◦N (by up to 400mmday−1). constructionsofBartleinetal.(2010)areadditionallyshown(dots, samelegendasthesimulateddata). Regarding the precipitation increase in the Indian monsoon region, the models are in better agreement with each other. All models show a relatively strong response in a broad re- to650mmyear−1 inKCM).COSMOSaccistheonlymodel gionextendingfromIndiatothecentralTibetanPlateau(up revealingnosignificantsignal. Clim.Past,11,305–326,2015 A.Dallmeyeretal.:Theevolutionofsub-monsoonsystemsintheAfro-Asianmonsoonregion 313 IncontrasttotheincreasedNorthAfricanandIndianmon- soon rainfall during the mid-Holocene, the models tend to simulate less precipitation in the core regions of the East Asianmonsoondomain.InPLASIM,precipitationdecreases byapprox.200mmyear−1 inIndochina,easternChina,and overthewesternPacificOcean.COSMOSandCOSMOSacc revealasignificantreductionofprecipitationonlyincentral- eastern China (up to 300mmyear−1). In ECHO-G, the de- creaseinprecipitationislimitedtotheIndochinesePeninsula andthewesternPacific.Thestronginter-modeldiscrepancies concerningtherainfallchangeintheEastAsianmonsoonre- gionleadtoanon-significantsignalintheensemblemean. Figure5additionallyshowspollen-basedprecipitationre- constructions(Bartleinetal.,2010)plottedontopofthesim- ulated precipitation changes. Overall, the simulated rainfall difference between the mid-Holocene and the pre-industrial agreewellwithreconstructionswhichrevealsubstantiallyin- creased mid-Holocene precipitation at most sites. However, the models tend to underestimate the precipitation change, Figure6.Simulatedchangeintheseasonalprecipitationcyclebe- particularlyinnorthernAfricaandeasternChina. tweenmid-Holoceneandpre-industrialclimate(mmday−1)fordif- ferent regions in the Afro-Asian monsoon domain, i.e. the North 3.2.2 Changeintheseasonalprecipitationcycle African monsoon region (NAM), Indian monsoon region (ISM), EastAsianmonsoonregion(EASM),andthenorthernpartofthe Figure6showsthesimulatedchangeintheseasonalprecipi- East Asian monsoon region (NEASM). Please note the change in tationcyclebetweenthemid-Holoceneandthepre-industrial scale. forthedifferentmonsoonsub-regions. Forthemid-Holocenetime-slice,themodelsrevealacon- sistent picture regarding the shape of change in the North solation forcing throughout the year. In most models, win- African seasonal precipitation cycle (NAM), but they vary ter and spring precipitation are substantially reduced by regarding the amplitude. Precipitation is increased from up to 1mmday−1 (1.5mmday−1 in KCM). Summer mon- June to November revealing the strongest signal in August soon rainfall is increased by 0.5mmday−1 (PLASIM) to (PLASIM,ECHO-GandKCM)andSeptember(COSMOS, 1.3mmday−1 (COSMOS) at most. The strongest enhance- COSMOSacc). The most intense response is shown in mentofrainfalloccursinJuly(ECHO-G,PLASIM),August COSMOS with a peak signal of up to 3.5mmday−1. The (KCM)andSeptember(COSMOS). weakestresponseoccursinPLASIMwithmaximumvalues Most models simulate slightly decreased precipitation in of0.5mmday−1atmost.Themaximumprecipitationdiffer- the northern East Asian monsoon region (NEASM) dur- encebetweenthemid-Holoceneandthepre-industrialtime- ing the mid-Holocene winter and spring. This signal is par- sliceintheNorthAfricanmonsoonregioncoincideswiththe ticularly pronounced in PLASIM (0.5mmday−1 at most). present-day monsoon season peak, suggesting a strong in- During summer, rainfall increases in all models by up tensitychangeoftheNorthAfricanmonsoonandnotapost- to 0.8mmday−1 (COSMOS). Maximum precipitation is ponementofthemonsoonseason. reached in July (KCM) or August. PLASIM shows a very Similar to the North African monsoon region, all mod- weakresponsetochangesinthesummerinsolationandsim- els simulate increased precipitation during summer and au- ulatesonlyslightlymoreprecipitationduringOctober. tumn(May–November)intheIndianmonsoonregion(ISM) Theseasonalprecipitationchangeindicatesthattheannual during the mid-Holocene with maximum precipitation val- rainfallsignalsintheAfricanandIndianmonsoonregionare uesinAugust(PLASIM,KCMandECHO-G)andSeptem- mostly related to the increased summer monsoon precipita- ber (COSMOS, COSMOSacc). PLASIM and KCM reveal tionat6k.Incontrast,thedecreasedmid-Holocenerainfallin the strongest response with 2.5 and 2.2mmday−1 at most, parts of the East Asian monsoon area (cf. Fig. 5) cannot be respectively. In the other models, the magnitude of rain- explainedbysummermonsoonchanges.Withtheexception fall change is similar with maxima ranging from 1.2 to of PLASIM, precipitation is increased in most parts of the 1.6mmday−1. EastAsianmonsoondomainduringthemid-Holocenesum- The simulated seasonal precipitation change in the East mermonsoonseason(notshown)revealingthatthedecrease Asian monsoon region (EASM) from the mid-Holocene to inprecipitationisrelatedtochangesinthepre-monsoonsea- thepre-industrialisverydifferenttothechangeinthetrop- son as previously pointed out in Dallmeyer et al. (2013). In icalmonsoon domainbecauseprecipitation reactsto thein- this region, the Holocene summer monsoon signal is over- Clim.Past,11,305–326,2015 314 A.Dallmeyeretal.:Theevolutionofsub-monsoonsystemsintheAfro-Asianmonsoonregion Table 4. Pearson correlation coefficients for the rainfall time se- riesinthedifferentmonsoonsub-regions,i.e.theIndianmonsoon region (ISM), North African monsoon region (NAM), East Asian monsoonregion(EASM),andthenorthernpartoftheEastAsian monsoonregion(NEASM).Thetimeserieshavebeendetrendedby a500-yearmovingaveragebeforecalculatingthecorrelationcoef- ficients.Onlythenon-acceleratedsimulationshavebeenused. COSMOS ISM NAM EASM NEASM ISM 1.00 – – – NAM 0.38 1.00 – – EASM −0.08 −0.02 1.00 – NEASM 0.50 0.36 0.19 1.00 ECHO-G ISM NAM EASM NEASM ISM 1.00 – – – NAM 0.31 1.00 – – EASM −0.19 −0.02 1.00 – NEASM 0.12 0.20 0.17 1.00 PLASIM ISM NAM EASM NEASM ISM 1.00 – – – NAM 0.27 1.00 – – EASM −0.08 0.03 1.00 – NEASM −0.11 0.09 0.17 1.00 compensatedbythepre-monsoonsignal.Incomparisonwith thereconstructionsofBartleinetal.(2010),whichshowin- creased precipitation in East Asia, COSMOS and ECHO-G may overestimate the decreased pre-monsoon precipitation at6k. Figure 7. Simulated rainfall trend (100-year running mean, in mmyear−1) in different sub-regions of the Afro-Asian monsoon 3.3 Rainfalltrend domain, displayed as an anomaly to the last time-step represent- ing the pre-industrial climate. The regions are: the North African Figure7showstheevolutionofrainfallinthedifferentsub- monsoonregion(NAM),Indianmonsoonregion(ISM),EastAsian monsoonregionsbasedonthenon-acceleratedclimatesimu- monsoonregion(EASM),andthenorthernpartoftheEastAsian lations.FortheNorthAfricanregion,allmodelsshowasta- monsoonregion(NEASM). tisticallysignificant(>99%)negativerainfalltrendranging from 40mm/6000 years (PLASIM) to 280mm/6000 years (COSMOS). The trends are relatively linear, but all models suggest a stronger trend in the first 4000 years, i.e. from 6 for some periods in the last 2000 years. The evolution of to 2k, than in the last 2000 years of the simulations. Both theprecipitationsignalsimulatedbyCOSMOSshowsmod- ECHO-G and COSMOS reveal periods of long-lasting dry erate positive correlation with the precipitation variability and wet phases interrupting the general trend. The non- overnorthernAfrica(r =+0.38,Table4).InECHO-Gand linearity of the trends is consistent with changes in orbital PLASIM,Indianrainfallisonlyweaklycorrelatedwithrain- forcing, i.e. the rate of change in the decline of northern fallovernorthernAfrica(r =+0.31andr =+0.27,respec- hemisphericsummerinsolationislargerinthemid-Holocene tively). comparedtothelateHolocene. The models disagree regarding the sign of the precipita- FortheIndianmonsoonregion,allmodelsindicateasim- tion trend over the East Asian monsoon region. COSMOS ilardecreasingtrendof130–160mm/6000years.Thistrend and PLASIM indicate a slightly increasing trend during the is statistically significant (>99%) and linear, but superim- Holoceneof20mm/6000years(significantatthe90%level) posed by several long-lasting dry and wet periods. For in- and 80mmyear−1 (significant at the 99% level), respec- stance, COSMOS, and to a minor extent ECHO-G, reveal tively. In contrast, ECHO-G reveals a slightly decreasing a prominent long-lasting dry period around 2k. PLASIM trend of 20mm/6000 years (significant at the 95% level). simulateslessprecipitationcomparedtopre-industrialtimes Thetrendsaregenerallylinear,buttheareaischaracterised Clim.Past,11,305–326,2015