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Preview The European Union Collective: Enemy of Its Members States — A Study in Russian and German Strategy to complete Lenin’s World Revolution

THE EUROPEAN UNION COLLECTIVE ENEMY OF ITS MEMBER STATES A STUDY IN RUSSIAN AND GERMAN STRATEGY To complete Lenin's World Revolution BY CHRISTOPHER STORY The Leninist strategists 'take particular heart from the fact that American and West European policymakers have no understanding of their strategy and its dialectic nor any means of countering if'. ANATOLIY GOLITSYN, 'The Perestroika Deception', page 58, Memorandum of 4th January 1988. 'Western experts fail to perceive the strategic continuity behind [events]. They accumulate facts but are unable to see their strategic interaction and cannot build them into a strategic picture. They lack vision and insight, which is why they are floundering in the face of the onslaught which they fail to understand'. ANATOLIY GOLITSYN,'The Perestroika Deception', page 38, Memorandum of March 1989. This prevents the West from appreciating 'the irreconcilable differences of principle between the Western and Soviet versions of democracy and the market economy. In the West, elections usually decide which party achieves political power'. In the USSR and now in the 'former' Soviet Union, 'the Communist Party continues to decide the outcome. It maintains its monopoly of political power ... through a controlled "multi-Party system"' [in which all the participants, without any exception, are covert Communists masquerading under false, Western style 'non-Communist' labels, or overt Communists wearing their own labels. In the 'former' Soviet Union, the continuing Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) controls and supervises all the political 'fractions' splintered out of the CPSU itself, as is explained and proved with documentation in Part One - Ed.]. ANATOLIY GOLITSYN, 'The Perestroika Deception', page 127, Memorandum of September-November 1990 'And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents. Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them'. The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans, Chapter 1, verses 28-32. A Study in Russian and German Strategy V With special respect for and gratitude to: Anatoliy Golitsyn whom I have never met. And in memory of: my father, Colonel H H Story MC, Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) and all who like him fought in two World Wars only to watch the compromised Foreign Office and successive British Governments prepare the ground for the abolition of the ancient British nation for which they fought and in which they believed. IMPORTANT NOTICE The Author draws attention to two important points about this book. First, the under- lying purpose of the work is to provide, as far as possible, a documented primer of con- temporary 'post'-Soviet and Pan-German strategy for Europe and the world, so as to show the lack of strategic discontinuity in both cases. Given the environment of whole- sale mis- and disinformation (the 'Luciferian fog') in which we live, and the egregious left-wing bias which predominates in the 'mainstream media', the sources are more than usually important. In a work that challenges the received version of events, faithful doc- umentation is indispensable. Anyone who, after reading this book, chooses nevertheless to doubt the accuracy of the analysis herein, will face the obstacle that the sources cited throughout the book - given in the Notes at the end of each section - stand in the pub- lic domain. The reader is urged to make maximum use of these clearly referenced Notes, many of which contain supplementary information to illuminate the main text. The second point is that, because of its focus, this work does not extensively address a fundamental dimension of the accelerating Leninist World Revolution, which targets the nation state for destruction - namely, the relentless, long-term assault on morality, national institutions, true Christianity and civilisation itself, which is based upon a complementary Leninist strategy elaborated by the Italian Communist, Antonio Gramsci, to introduce a 'common mind'. Gramsci was 'the originator of the cultural "war of position" strategy that stresses... social struggle as a prelude to the conquest of power, that counters Lenin's "seizure of the Winter Palace" approach with a gradual buildup towards socialist hegemony within the [existing] political structure of society' [Carl Boggs, in his book 'Gramsci's Marxism']. Although the Soviet use of 'criminalism' - the exploitation of organ- ised criminality in the interests of strategy - is alluded to here, as is the Soviet involvement in the global drugs scourge, 'the Gramsci dimension' is of such importance in its own right that, God willing, it will form the subject of a separate work Many people are dismayed at the shameless, seemingly open-ended deluge of filth which is corrupting public discourse, education, religion, television, the cinema, and almost all aspects of our lives. With the use of documentation, the Author will show, in the intended separate study, how these great evils stem from the same global revolutionary source as those discussed in this work. ■ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS None of those people to whom I am most indebted for such understanding as I have acquired concerning the extent of Soviet deceit and the true nature of the European Union as a political collective and the enemy of its Member States, have had any hand in the preparation of this work. The insights, elaborations and research, and any shortcomings and omissions, are entirely mine. It goes without saying that, although I was a student of Soviet Leninist strategic deception before he approached me, I owe much of my understanding of the Leninist mind and behaviour chiefly to Anatoliy Golitsyn, whose analyses and predictions have proved almost 100% correct, and who puts all other Soviet analysts - not to mention whole intelligence communities - to shame. Among those others who have influenced my thinking most profoundly, I must mention first of all the late and dearly loved Dr Malachi Martin, of New York City, who miraculously assisted me with the basis for faith and determination to carry out this and related projects; and after Malachi's untimely death, my other Irish friend in America, Des Griffin, of Oregon, a man of glowing faith and shining knowledge and understanding of true Christianity and thus of the Truth, and our mutual friend Mrs Betty Sakuma, of Long Island, truly a jewel of light; my special friend Lawrence Kohn, of Wisconsin, a Sovietologist whose eagle eye and remarkable expertise, acquired despite his many demanding tasks as Education Director at Temple Beth El, Madison, WI, have brought countless 'post'-Soviet ruses to my notice; Don McAlvany, of Colorado, whose great generosity and support in these endeavours has been both unexpected and invaluable; the Rev Richard Wurmbrand, a Romanian priest of Jewish background whose work 'Marx and Satan' [1990: ISBN 0-89107-379-5] definitively identifies from Karl Marx's papers, he whom Marx wor- shipped; Dr Paul Busiek, of Springfield, Missouri, who is surely the wisest private Lenin scholar of our time, to whom I owe all my higher training in, and understanding of, Lenin and his evil works; Joel Carmichael, the distinguished veteran author and former editor of Midstream, New York, for his illuminating insights into 'the Mongol mentality' and his detailed knowledge of Lenin's mind, of Trotsky and of the Russian Revolution; Jimmy Clabough ('Brooklyn Jimmie'), of Brooklyn, New York, whose rich and encyclopaedic knowledge and understanding of continuing Communist global revolutionary thinking, methodology and achievements, and whose perpetual agitation to awaken opinion-formers and specialists to the grave dangers we face from rampant Leninism, has achieved far more than he may acknowledge; Bill Jasper, of California, a Senior Editor of The New American, the delightful colleague with whom I penetrated the offices of the Gorbachev Foundation /USA at the Presidio, San Francisco, in 1995; Dr Joseph D.Douglass Jr., of Virginia, for sharing with me his open-ended knowledge of Soviet global drug operations and other dimensions of satanic Soviel activity; the Rt Hon the Lord Bruce of Donington, formerly 'Mr Europe' in an earlier Labour Government, whose first-hand knowledge of, and relentless determination to expose, the abuses and undemocratic practices of the European Union, have inspired so many; Ian Milne, publisher of the invaluable UK fortnightly paper Eurofacts, which specialises in the exposure of the EU's lies and arrogance; the brilliant Marie Ciliberti, formerly of Voice of America; Martin Dewhirst, the doyen of British Sovietologists, of Glasgow University, who has freely given me many leads since I became Editor of 'Soviet Analyst'; Christopher Gill, the MP for Ludlow, Shropshire until 2001, and now Chairman of the Freedom Association who, though ploughing a sometimes lonely furrow as a dedicated and implacable opponent of the European Union Collective, enjoys the rare satisfaction of political integrity; and many others on both sides of the Atlantic too numerous to mention. Finally, I must thank my wife Janet for having tolerated my subversive thinking for so many years, without resorting to drastic measures. ■ ABOUT THE AUTHOR Christopher Edward Harle Story was born in the United Kingdom in 1938 and was educated at Eton College and Christ Church, Oxford. After working as an industrial writer in Canada for a number of years, he established an intel- ligence publishing company based in London in 1963, which has maintained an office in New York since 1977. As the Editor and Publisher of the intelligence journal 'Soviet Analyst', which specialises in the exposure of Soviet strategic deception, he was approached by the widely-cited genuine Soviet defector, Anatoliy Golitsyn, in May 1992, and subse- quently edited and published the defector's second classic book 'The Perestroika Deception'. In 1995, the Author founded this publishing company, Edward Harle Limited, which specialises exclusively in 'politically incorrect' intelligence works - that is to say, in books which defy the fashion for controlled 'politically correct' thinking, in order to reveal truths about the contemporary world. ('Political correctness' is a Leninist concept which fosters the imposition of an intolerant 'common global mind'). Mr Story is married to Janet, from Adelaide, Australia. They have four daughters. ■ A poster published by the Council of Europe: The Tower of Babel is taken from the famous painting by the 16th Century Flemish artist Breughel, showing the well-known scene from the Book of Genesis. The Bible says that for their arrogant behaviour, God divided and confused the builders of this monstrosity by causing them to babble at each other in different languages. The choice of this motif to symbolise 'the building of Europe' shows that, as one would expect, the secular designers of this poster were either ignorant or sceptical of the moral of the Biblic- al story. However, in 1993, shortly after the Author first republished this illustration in one of our intelligence ser- ials, and pointed out its irony, the poster was suddenly withdrawn. The inverted stars are intended to replicate the 'stars' of the European symbol, which have remained 12 in number-the number of the Apostles, and also the number of the stars itemised in Revelation 12, verse 1, which depicts 'a woman clothed with the sun... and upon her head a crown of twelve stars', an image extensively used by the European Union: see page XXVIII). The stars mimic the upside-down pentagram used in occult contexts [see inset]. The expanding EU's retention of 12 stars, and their use upside-down here (one being obscured), conveys a conscious yet subliminal occultic message. Bernard Connolly, who was the senior Brussels official formerly in charge of the European Monetary System, refers in his book 'The Rotten Heart of Europe' [Faber and Faber, London, 1995] to 'the sinister motives and back-to-front reasoning' of Euro-ideologues and of the 'builders of Europe'. 'Back-to-frontness' and 'upside- downness' are characteristic of evil. No doubt the poster was withdrawn because of a fear or superstition that 'the European edifice' may well suffer the same fate as the Tower of Babel. Since there is no place for God in Lenin's 'Common European Home', which the deluded European elites are 'building', this is a certainty. They forget that 'except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it' [Psalm of Solomon 127, verse 1 ]. ■ The national revolutionary subversion process, based on details revealed by the Soviet defector Yuriy Bezmenov (a.k.a. Tomas Schuman), using his own knowledge of KGB strategy and details conveyed to John Barron, [the author of 'KGB: The Secret Work of Soviet Secret Agents'[1974] and 'KGB Today: the Hidden Hand'[1983], Hodder and Stoughton, London], by the GRU-KGB officer Stanislav Levchenko, who had attended the Soviet Academy of [Leninist] Sciences' Oriental Studies Institute with Bezmenov. The chart, which has been elaborated by this Author on the basis of new information, shows the four stages of Soviet/Leninist ideological subversion: Demoralisation, Destabilisation Crisis and 'Normalisation'. Source: 'Soviet Analyst'. CONTENTS Preface: Enemy of its Member States XV Leninist Aesopian speech XXXIX The supremacy of the KGB-GRU XXXX Introduction: What is the European Union? 1 PART ONE: EUROPE FROM THE ATLANTIC TO VLADIVOSTOK The pursuit of European hegemony 'by other means': Europe's slide towards Lenin's 'Common European Home' THE COVERT SOVIET AGENDA 27 THE CONTINUITY OF SOVIET STRATEGIC DECEPTION - The Leninists' agenda for Europe in their own words - An 'agent of change': The European Union's CPSU, in effect - Predicting and understanding Leninist strategy - Unbroken Leninist continuity with the past - Overt aims of 'perestroika' for the USSR and Western Europe - No fundamental deviation from Communism ever intended - Repackaging old lies to sustain the vulnerable deception - A false image to hoodwink the West - The end of anti- Communism-Conspiracy and the 'Mongol mentality'-Western institutional memory recklessly discarded - Communism collapses twice -The brutal final period of 'restructuring' -The central importance of Sun-Tzu's 'The Art of War'- 'Active measures' operations against Western leaders - European bilateral treaties drafted by the GRU - The 'Political Affairs' article by Carl Bloice - Covert Communism, 'state-controlled capitalism & 'criminalism' - CPSU freed from administration, to concentrate on strategy-The 'unintended consequences' diversion - Historical record: The 'splintering' of the CPSU - Gorbachev confirms Yeltin's 'Party splintering formula' -All politicians are Communists, so Communists win all elections- Revolutionary 'New Thinking' and psychopolitics- Europe, NATO and the 'former' Republics' false 'independence' - Psychological pressures on the E.U. Collective- Preparations for entry into the enemy's camp -Applied dialectics: Three geopolitical case studies: 1: The dialectical method used to enter the Council of Europe - 2: The dialectical method used to penetrate NATO openly- 3: Primakov's 'staged row with Yavlinski' in Washington - East European upheavals 'ordered from above' - Psychotropic drugs and European collectivisation -The collective security system's intended 'centre of gravity' - 'An elaborate maze of compulsive lies' -Appendix: 'Reformation' of the General Staff of the Revolution - Notes and references. PART TWO: EUROPE FROM THE ATLANTIC TO THE URALS The pursuit of Pan-German hegemony 'by other means': Europe's slide towards the Nazi International's 'Europa' THE COVERT PAN-GERMAN AGENDA 145 THE CONTINUITY OF GERMAN STRATEGIC DECEPTION - The Pan-German agenda pursued 'by other means'-The Nazi International Centre in Madrid-The German Masterplan discovered in 1945-The demand for orientation towards the Soviet Union - The reality of Germany's 'leaning towards Russia' - The Nazi Plan for 'United Europe': 'Europaische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft' - A Nazi European Economic Community - A Brussels view of the E.U.'s Nazi origins: 'Europaische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft' and 'The Rotten Heart of Europe'- Origins of Germany's secret orientation towards Russia: The Kaiser's European Union - Lenin cleverer and nastier than the Germans - Lenin exploits the Germans' frustra- tion and hatred - Lenin's dual tactics at Genoa - Soviet deception and the Nazi-Soviet Pact - The second Pan-German refusal to accept defeat - The 'Madrid Circular' of the German Geopolitical Centre - Continuing influence of the Nazi international's prescriptions - Nazi penetration of Germany's postwar structures - Ostpolitik: Dialectical German orientation to the East - Dr Adenauer and his Pan-German Nazi baggage-Adenauer's devious ruse: 'The mirage of a Pan-Europe' -The 'Generalplan 1945': Fragments of captured Nazi documents - Pre-agreed German-Soviet partition of Central Europe - TYDENIK POLITIKA: PRIVATE JOURNAL FOR POLITICS AND ECONOMICS - A German-Soviet 'Socialist Union' - The 'Fischer Controversy': A German historian 'sees the light' - Community law replaces 'failed blood and iron' -Apparent convergence of German and Russian strategies: Genscher's article in 'International Affairs'-The Nazi International's Plan is brought into the open - Russian anxieties about Germany's real intentions - Raising the stakes: Two studies in German obtuseness: 1: The Bundesbank intermeddles in foreign affairs-2: Berlin seeks its own settlement over Kaliningrad -Why the Kaliningrad issue is so critical - Concluding study notes: German postwar strategic deception - Long tradition of German East- West dialectics - Bilateral treaties and secret alliances - Moscow's warnings to Germany in the mid-1990s - Postscript: Joschka Fischer: Marxist, alleged terrorist, and advocate of violence - Notes and references. CONCLUSION: THE E.U. AS THE ENEMY OF ITS MEMBER STATES Collaboration masks mutual strategic deception 264 Short Index 267 ABOUT THIS BOOK This work has been written in order to clear up profound, egregious and dangerous misconceptions about the nature and purpose of the European Union Collective - the most advanced of the regional blocs intended as the pillars of a long-planned One World Government which will represent the final realisation of Lenin's global revolu- tion against the nation state. By definition, a Single World Government, from the arbitrary decisions of which there will be no appeal, will be a brutal dictatorship, perhaps ultimately engaged in 'population reduction'. The idea of a global holocaust has been discussed in certain revolutionary circles - shockingly, for example, at various 'State of the World Forum' events staged from 1995 to 2000 by the Gorbachev Foundation/USA, an influ- ence-building and propaganda organisation named after the parallel Leninist powerhouse in Moscow. This is a 'New Form' of Leninist revolutionary instrument developed via the Lenin School and the International Department of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union [CPSU] under the late Georgiy Shakhnazarov, who was prominent in the 'struc- tures' during Gorbachev's time. The CPSU continues to function 'underground', direct- ing, supervising and controlling all the political parties formed out of the CPSU itself. In November 2001, Izvestia described the intended merging of President Vladimir Putin's so-called 'Unity' Party with two other key factions in the Duma, as 'a movement, a front, a league - the CPSU, in effect' [The New York Times, 6th November 2001]. The Soviet Bloc was 'folded' not, as is commonly believed, because Communism and the Soviet Union 'collapsed', but because the Soviet strategic collective, after long preparation spanning much of the 40-year postwar period during which the wartime allies had agreed that Germany should be occupied, entered in 1989-91 upon a new phase of the World Revolution in pursuit of Lenin's objectives 'by other means' (to quote Lenin him- self). These objectives presuppose the destruction of all nation states, the collectivisation of every dimension of human existence, the obliteration of religion, the development of a uniform global mentality (agenda-setting and 'the common mind'), and the gradualist establishment of World Government. For the continuing Soviet Communist strategists, the European Union is a primary infiltrated instrument for the furtherance of these objectives. The European Union is a revolutionary organisation which seeks to supplant its constituent nation states. Its arrogance is such that it presumes that certain of its decisions - the locking of national exchange rates, for instance - can be taken 'irrevocably', which is to say, for all eternity. But even Hitler was clear-headed enough to realise that he could not realistically claim that his Reich would last for more than a thousand years. Hitler's heirs, the Pan-German disciples of Dr Konrad Adenauer, are meanwhile on the brink of using the European Union for the fulfilment of Hitler's aims - again, by 'other means'. On 1st November 1993, even as the EU collective's Maastricht Treaty came into force, Moscow Television proclaimed that the Treaty was 'the culmination of plans agreed 50 years ago'. The inadequate label 'Eurosceptic', used in Britain to pigeon-hole activists engaged in various forms of direct and indirect opposition to Britain's participation in the European Union, signifies ultimate submission to the intended federation - since scepticism implies not so much a determination to resist, as resignation to, or a sullen acceptance of, an unpalat- able state of affairs which it is assumed cannot ultimately be prevented. This book seeks to inject backbone into the efforts of those who are sickened by the European Union - by exposing the parallel, coordinated strategies of Russia and Germany in Europe. That can only be done by showing that there has been no strategic discontinuity in either case. The European Union Collective is part of a wider, pernicious Man-centred project to 'organise' the entire world along revolutionary Leninist lines - dispensing with the nation state. Today's successor of the biblical Tower of Babel [see page VII] has no time or space for God. For this reason alone, it is a certainty that it will share the fate of that edifice. ■ 'Federation is a transitional form towards the complete union... of all nations'. Theses on the National and Colonial Questions adopted by the Second Comintern Congress, 28 July 1920 [Protokoll, ii, page 224] 'The aim of socialism is not only to abolish the present division of mankind into small states, and all national isolation, not only to bring the nations closer to each other, but also to merge them.... The merging of states is inevitable '. V. I. LENIN, 'Imperialism and the Right to Self-determination', cited in a paper by the British Communist R. PALME DUTT, published in 1949 by International Publishers, New York. • The right of self-determination, the stage of possible separation or alternatively federation is, Lenin insisted, only a prelude or transition to the ultimate aim of the merging of nations'. R. PALME Dutt, in the paper mentioned above, published in 1949 by International Publishers, New York. In this statement, the author accurately anticipated, by a margin of 48 years, the precise twin threats Britain faces at the beginning of the 21st century, as a consequence of the blindness of its leaders and policymakers: separation, to be followed by federation.This is Lenin's idea. 'An example... is what is happening in the Soviet Union. Separation must come before integration '. 'The United Nations in the 1990s: A Second Chance?', MAX JAKOBSON, TWENTIETH Century Fund [A United Nations front group], 1993, page 123. 'The Soviet United States of Europe is the only correct slogan pointing the way out from European disunity, a disunity which threatens not only Germany but the whole of Europe with complete structural and cultural decline'. LEON TROTSKY, writing in his journal 'The Bulletin of the Opposition', Number 17-18, November-December 1930, page 53. '[The aim is to] carry forward theideas of the New World Order'. KARL MARX, cited in 'Karl Marx and the United States', JAMES E. JACKSON, International Publishers, New York, July 1983. 'The transition step to the New World Social Order involves merging the newly captive nations into regional governments '. F. PETRENKO and V. POPOV, 'Soviet Foreign Policy, Objectives and Principles', Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1985. 'The objective of Communist strategy is [to set up] the New World Social Order '. WILLIAM Z. FOSTER, the late leader of the Communist Party USA, in 'Toward Soviet America', Elgin Publications, Balboa Island, California, 1961, originally published in 1932. 'If we... are by nature too primitive to rise above our aggressive instincts and selfish greed, must we not be forced by a supranational authority to submit to a New World Order that will ensure survival? As has been pointed out by one of its advocates, the German physicist, Karl Friedrich von Weizsacker, such a world order would have to be a harsh dictatorship '. 'The United Nations in the 1990s: A Second Chance?', MAX JAKOBSON, Twentieth Century Fund, 1993. 'Today I have had to speak about a New World, a world that is at a risky, but promising stage in its historic long march toward unity '. MICHEL CAMDESSUS, former Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, in a speech at the LMF/World Bank Annual Meetings, 10th October 1995 [page 7 of text and as delivered]. 'We are experiencing an increasing abandonment of sovereignty within the European Community in favour of this Community and, as I hope, also in favour of [a] European Parliament equipped with full rights'. HANS-DIETRICH GENSCHER, the German Foreign Minister and agent of influence (controlled by Aleksandr Bessmertnykh - the chief Soviet controller of agents of influence - under the code-name 'Tulpe', or 'Tulip'), 'Der Spiegel', September 25,1989. 'We set ourselves the ultimate aim of destroying the state'. Vladimir V. Lenin 'State and Revolution', International Publishers, New York, 1961 Edition, page 68. 'The 'nation state' in the style of the last century has ceased to exist as an impermeable structure, and to be quite plain, nor should it exist any longer '. DR PROFESSOR ROMAN HERZOG, President of the German Federal Republic, 17th September 1996. 'National sovereignty is becoming irrelevant and meaningless for all that many still cling to it'. OTTO VON DER GABLENTZ, the German Ambassador to Russia, spouting Russian policy in the journal of the Russian Foreign Ministry, 'International Affairs', June 1994. 'All countries are basically social arrangements. No matter how permanent and even sacred they may seem at any one time, in fact they are all artificial and temporary '. STROBE TALBOTT, who later became Deputy US Secretary of State, 1992. 'Our vision of the European space from the Atlantic to the Urals is not that of a closed system. Since it includes the Soviet Union [sic: he said this in June 1992, six months after the USSR had 'ceased to exist'], which reaches to the shores of the Pacific, it goes beyond nominal geographical boundaries'. MIKHAIL GORBACHEV, Nobel Peace Prize Lecture, Oslo, June 1992. 'I look forward to the day when Russia is a fully-fledged member of the European Community '. JOHN MAJOR, the former British 'Conservative' Prime Minister, spouting Russian policy in his 1992 New Year's Day broadcast on BBC Radio 4. 'Thou art Euro and on this Euro I will build Europe '. Pedro Solbes, Spanish Finance Minister of the day, Madrid, 15th December 1995, cited in 'The New York Times', l6th December 1 995. This blasphemous statement is typical of the 'builders' of the European Union Collective and the 'New World Social Order', from which God is excluded. 'The achievemtn of German unification, which we jointly welcome, gives a new dimension and a broader horizon to our cooperation, the aim of which has been from the very outset to advance together the cause of European unification in all spheres'. oint statement issued by CHANCELLOR HELMUT KOHL and the late PRESIDENT FRANCOIS MITTERRAND At their meeting in Munich on 18th September 1990, cited by the controlled agent of influence Hans-Dietrich Genscher in a Policy Statement on the Treaty on the Final Settlement with respect to Germany, in the Bundestag on 20th September 1990. This statement referred obliquely to the requirement in the bilateral Franco-German Treaty of the Elysee [22nd January 1963] for the two countries to 'reach... an analogous position' on all international, especially European, issues. 'The EC must turn itself into a new superpower [and should start work immediately on] a new political and institutional programme for a structure comprising 24 or 30 countries'. JACQUES DELORS, former President of the European Commission, and also the most determined advocate of full-blooded socialism in France, citing Soviet strategy for the achievement of 'Europe from the Atlantic to Vladivostok' - which, thanks to the provisional, Leninist 'independence' of the 'former' Soviet Republics and the controlled 'liberation' of Eastern Europe in the context of the inexplicable eastward expansion of the European Union (the 'replacemenf collective), is well on the way towards realisation - in 'Der Spiegel', Germany, and also in 'Belvedere', Paris, October 1991. '... Blake said that he believed 'individual choice would eventually be mastered by a central Soviet control of thought process''. GEORGE BLAKE, Soviet spy, explaining the Soviet conspiracy to achieve thought-hegemony and agenda control (the 'common mind') as a key means of furthering Leninist revolutionary objectives, to the late Kenneth de Courcy, cited by Chapman Pincher, in 'Traitors: The Labyrinths of Treason', Sidgwick & Jackson, London, 1987, page 157. 'Citizens may not infringe upon the interests of the state, of society or of the collective'. 'Human Rights in China', Information Office of the State Council, November 1991, Beijing. ■

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