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The European Jews, Patriotism and the Liberal State 1789–1939: A Study of Literature and Social Psychology PDF

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The European Jews, Patriotism and the – Liberal State 1789 1939 The fragility of the liberal democratic state after 1789 is illustrated in the history of the European Jews from the French Revolution to the Holocaust. EmancipationandhopeofemancipationamongtheEuropeanJewishpopulation created a plethora of Jewish identities and forms of patriotism. ThisbooktakestheoriginalapproachofstudyingEuropeanJewishpatriotism as awhole, with particular attention given to creative literature. Despite their growing awareness of racial, genocidal hatred, most European Jews between 1789and1939tendedtobepatriotic towardthecountries oftheircitizenship, andstronglyattachedtotheirlanguagesandcultures.Theseattitudesarereflected intheliteratureofthetime,inallmajorEuropeanlanguages,especiallyGerman. Yet the common assumption among emancipated Jews that anti-Semitism wouldfadeinaworldgovernedbyreasonprovedfalse.FormillionsofEuropean Jews, the infinite possibilities they associated with emancipation came to nothing. The Jewish experience exposed many of the weaknesses and failings of the liberal multicultural state, and demonstrated that its survival cannot be taken for granted but is dependent on vigilance and struggle. By focusing on Jewishpatriotismfrom1789–1939,thisbookexploresthenatureoftheliberal state, how it can fail, and the conditions needed for its survival. Professor DavidAberbachteaches intheJewishStudies departmentatMcGill University, Montreal, and has held visiting postitions at Oxford University, Harvard University, University College London and the London School of Economics. He has published 12 books including Imperialism and Biblical Prophecy (Routledge, 1993) and Jewish Cultural Nationalism (Routledge, 2010). His research interests focus on the relationship between literature and the social sciences. Routledge Jewish Studies Series Series Editor: Oliver Leaman, University of Kentucky Studies, which are interpreted to cover the disciplines of history, sociology, anthropology, culture, politics, philosophy, theology, religion, as they relate to Jewish affairs. The remit includes texts which have as their primary focus issues, ideas, personalities and events of relevance to Jews, Jewish life and the concepts which have characterized Jewish culture both in the past and today. The series is interested in receiving appropriate scripts or proposals. MEDIEVAL JEWISH FROM SYNAGOGUE TO PHILOSOPHY CHURCH: THE TRADITIONAL An Introduction DESIGN Dan Cohn-Sherbok Its Beginning, its Definition, its End John Wilkinson FACING THE OTHER The Ethics of Emmanuel Levinas HIDDEN PHILOSOPHY OF Edited by Seán Hand HANNAH ARENDT Margaret Betz Hull MOSES MAIMONIDES DECONSTRUCTING THE BIBLE Oliver Leaman Abraham ibn Ezra’s Introduction to A USER’S GUIDE TO FRANZ the Torah ROSENZWEIG’S STAR OF Irene Lancaster REDEMPTION IMAGE OF THE BLACK IN Norbert M. Samuelson JEWISH CULTURE A Historyof the Other ON LIBERTY Abraham Melamed Jewish Philosophical Perspectives Edited by Daniel H. Frank FROM FALASHAS TO ETHIOPIAN JEWS REFERRING TO GOD Daniel Summerfield Jewish and Christian Philosophical and Theological Perspectives PHILOSOPHY IN A TIME OF Edited by Paul Helm CRISIS Don Isaac Abravanel: Defenderof JUDAISM, PHILOSOPHY, the Faith CULTURE Seymour Feldman Selected Studies by E. I. J. Rosenthal JEWS, MUSLIMS AND MASS Erwin Rosenthal MEDIA Mediating the ‘Other’ PHILOSOPHYOFTHETALMUD Edited by Tudor Parfitt with Yulia Hyam Maccoby Egorova JEWS OF ETHIOPIA THE JEWISH-CHINESE NEXUS The Birth of an Elite A Meeting of Civilizations Edited by Emanuela Trevisan Semi Edited by M. Avrum Ehrlich and Tudor Parfitt GERMAN-JEWISH POPULAR ART IN ZION CULTURE BEFORE THE The Genesis of National Art in HOLOCAUST Jewish Palestine Kafka’s Kitsch Dalia Manor David Brenner HEBREW LANGUAGE AND THE JEWS AS A CHOSEN JEWISH THOUGHT PEOPLE David Patterson Tradition and Transformation S. Leyla Gürkan CONTEMPORARY JEWISH PHILOSOPHY PHILOSOPHY AND RABBINIC An Introduction CULTURE Irene Kajon Jewish Interpretation and ControversyinMedievalLanguedoc ANTISEMITISM AND Gregg Stern MODERNITY Innovation and Continuity JEWISH BLOOD Hyam Maccoby Reality and Metaphor in History, JEWS AND INDIA Religion and Culture History, Image, Perceptions Edited by Mitchell B. Hart Yulia Egorova JEWISH EDUCATION AND JEWISH MYSTICISM AND HISTORY MAGIC Continuity, Crisis and Change An Anthropological Perspective Moshe Aberbach; Edited and Maureen Bloom translated by David Aberbach MAIMONIDES’ GUIDE TO THE JEWS AND JUDAISM IN PERPLEXED: SILENCE AND MODERN CHINA SALVATION M. Avrum Ehrlich Donald McCallum POLITICAL THEOLOGIES IN MUSCULAR JUDAISM THE HOLY LAND The Jewish Body and the Politics of Israeli Messianism and its Critics Regeneration David Ohana Todd Samuel Presner COLLABORATION WITH THE JEWISH CULTURAL NAZIS NATIONALISM The Holocaust and After David Aberbach Edited by Roni Stauber THE GLOBAL IMPACT OF THE RABBINIC THEOLOGY AND PROTOCOLS OF THE ELDERS JEWISH INTELLECTUAL OF ZION HISTORY ACentury-Old Myth The Great Rabbi Loewof Prague Edited by Esther Webman Meir Seidler THE HOLOCAUST AND ISRAELI HOLOCAUST REPRESENTATIONS OF THE RESEARCH JEWS Birth and Evolution History and Identity in the Museum Boaz Cohen K. Hannah Holtschneider MODERN GNOSIS AND WAR AND PEACE IN JEWISH ZIONISM TRADITION The Crisis of Culture, Life FromtheBiblicalWorldtothePresent Philosophy and Jewish National Edited by Yigal Levin and Amnon Thought Shapira Yotam Hotam JESUS AMONG THE JEWS THE EUROPEAN JEWS, Representation and Thought PATRIOTISM AND THE Edited by Neta Stahl LIBERAL STATE 1789–1939 A Study of Literature and Social GOD, JEWS AND THE MEDIA Psychology Religion and Israel’s Media David Aberbach Yoel Cohen The European Jews, Patriotism – and the Liberal State 1789 1939 A Study of Literature and Social Psychology David Aberbach Firstpublished2013 byRoutledge 2ParkSquare,MiltonPark,Abingdon,OxonOX144RN SimultaneouslypublishedintheUSAandCanada byRoutledge 711ThirdAvenue,NewYork,NY10017 RoutledgeisanimprintoftheTaylor&FrancisGroup,aninformabusiness ©2013DavidAberbach TherightofDavidAberbachtobeidentifiedasauthorofthisworkhas beenassertedbyhiminaccordancewithsections77and78ofthe Copyright,DesignsandPatentsAct1988. Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthisbookmaybereprintedorreproducedor utilisedinanyformorbyanyelectronic,mechanical,orothermeans,now knownorhereafterinvented,includingphotocopyingandrecording,orin anyinformationstorageorretrievalsystem,withoutpermissioninwriting fromthepublishers. Trademarknotice:Productorcorporatenamesmaybetrademarksor registeredtrademarks,andareusedonlyforidentificationandexplanation withoutintenttoinfringe. BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary LibraryofCongressCataloginginPublicationData Aberbach,David,1953- TheEuropeanJews,patriotismandtheliberalstate,1789–1939:astudyof literatureandsocialpsychology/DavidAberbach. p.cm.–(RoutledgeJewishstudiesseries) Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. 1.Jews–Europe–History–18thcentury.2.Jews–Europe–History– 19thcentury.3.Jews–Europe–History–20thcentury.4.Patriotism– Europe.5.Nationalism–Europe.6.Jewishnationalism.7.Jews–Identity– History.I.Title. DS135.E82A242012 305.892’40409034–dc23 2012021676 ISBN:978-0-415-54013-1(hbk) ISBN:978-0-203-07920-1(ebk) TypesetinTimes byTaylor&FrancisBooks In memory of my parents Moshe and Rose Aberbach with love to Mimi, Gabriella, Shulamit and Jessica and thanks to my students and colleagues at McGill University; The London School of Economics; University College, London; and Harvard University, where this book was written 2000–2012 Contents Acknowledgments x Preface xi 1 Between hope and terror: the European Jews, 1789–1939 1 2 Patriotism and its limits in Germany 38 3 Jewish patriotism in Austria-Hungary 68 4 Patriotism and East European Jews 89 5 Jewish emancipation, patriotism and anti-Semitism 132 6 From patriotism to militant Zionism: European Jewish army service, 1789–1939 154 7 Zionist patriotism and anti-Semitism, 1897–1942 169 8 Literary warnings of the Holocaust 192 9 Love unrequited: the failure of Jewish emancipation, 1789–1939 208 10 Ancient roots of European anti-Semitism and Jewish patriotism 224 Conclusion 238 In memoriam: Moshe Aberbach (1924–2007) 255 Notes 260 Bibliography 300 Index 331 Acknowledgments IamgratefultoEdwardIngram,AntonyPolonsky,AnthonyD.Smith,Stanley Nash and Oliver Leaman, who edited sections of this book, respectively for International History Review, Polin, Nations and Nationalism, CCAR Journal and my edition of my father’s writings, Jewish Education and History: Con- tinuity, Crisis and Change; and to Dara Horn for editing a version of the chapter on literary foreshadowings of the Holocaust for a Festschrift for my colleagueatMcGill,RuthWisse.Iamfortunatetohavehadexcellenteditorsat Routledge, Oliver Leaman, Kathryn Rylance, Joe Whiting and Victoria Chow, to steer the book through to its final form. I also thank Joyce Seltzer for her invaluableadviceand mycolleaguesat McGillUniversityforproviding me with conditions that greatly facilitated the writing of this book; as well as HarvardUniversity,MahindraHumanitiesCenter;UniversityCollege,London, English Department; and The London School of Economics, departments of SociologyandGovernment,wheremuchofthisbookwaswritten,andpartsofit werepresentedinpubliclectures,duringgenerousperiodsofleavefromMcGill.

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