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&JGS m ml THE EUROPEAN CHALLENGE NEKSaSSdi * THE EUROPEAn CHALLENGE TIME® HIE BOOKS Other Publications: THE ART OF WOODWORKING LOST CIVILIZATIONS ECHOES OF GLORY THE NEW FACE OF WAR HOW THINGS WORK WINGS OF WAR CREATIVE EVERYDAY COOKING COLLECTORS LIBRARY OF THE UNKNOWN CLASSICS OF WORLD WAR II TIME-LIFE LIBRARY OF CURIOUS AND UNUSUAL FACTS AMERICAN COUNTRY VOYAGE THROUGH THE UNIVERSE THE THIRD REICH THE TIME-LIFE GARDENER'S GUIDE MYSTERIES OF THE UNKNOWN TIME FRAME FIX IT YOURSELF FITNESS, HEALTH & NUTRITION SUCCESSFUL PARENTING HEALTHY HOME COOKING UNDERSTANDING COMPUTERS LIBRARY OF NATIONS THE ENCHANTED WORLD THE KODAK LIBRARY OF CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY GREAT MEALS IN MINUTES THE CIVIL WAR PLANET EARTH COLLECTOR'S LIBRARY OF THE CIVIL WAR THE EPIC OF FLIGHT THE GOOD COOK WORLD WAR II HOME REPAIR AND IMPROVEMENT THE OLD WEST For information on and a full description of any of the Time-Life Books series listed above, please call 1-800-621-7026 or write: Reader Information Time-Life Customer Service P.O Box C-32068 Richmond, Virginia 23261-2068 This volume is one of a series that chronicles the histo- ry and culture of the Native Americans Other books in the series include THE FIRST AMERICANS THE SPIRIT WORLD The Cover: A member of an Indian welcoming party offers fish to the crew of a French vessel exploring the southeast coast of North America in the 16th century Native American peoples regarded gift giv- ing as essential to good relations between house- holds and tribes, and many freely extended that courtesy to the mysterious white men who descended on their shores THE AMERICAN I N D I A N S THE EUROPEAN CHALLENGE by THE EDITORS of TIME-LIFE BOOKS ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA Time-Life Books is a division of Time Life Inc., THE AMERICAN INDIANS General Consultants a wholly owned subsidiary of Frederick E. Hoxie is director of the D'Arcy McNickle SERIES EDITOR: Henry Woodhead Center for the History of the American Indian at the THE TIME inc. BOOK COMPANY Series Administrator: Jane Edwin Newberry Library in Chicago. Dr. Hoxie is the author Editorial Staff for The European Challenge of A Final Promise: The Campaign to Assimilate the TIME-LIFE BOOKS Art Directors: Herbert H. Quarmby (principal), Indians 1880-1920 and other works. He has served PRESIDENT: Mary N. Davis Dale Pollekoff as a history consultant to the Cheyenne River and Picture Editor: Jane Coughran Standing Rock Sioux tribes, Little Big Horn College MANAGING EDITOR: Thomas H. Flaherty Text Editors: Stephen G. Hyslop (principal), archives, and the Senate Select Committee on Indian Director of Editorial Resources: Elise D Ritter-Clough John Newton Affairs. He is a trustee of the National Museum of the Executive Art Director: Ellen Robling Writer Maggie Debelius American Indian in Washington, DC. Director of Photography and Research: John Conrad Associate Editors/Research: Harris J. Andrews, Mary Weiser Neal Salisbury is Professor and Chair of the History Helena McCarthy (principals), Kirk E. Denkler Editorial Board: Dale M. Brown, Janet Cave, Roberta Department at Smith College in Northampton, Massa- Assistant Editor/Research: Annette Scarpitta Conlan, Laura Foreman, Jim Hicks, Blaine Marshall, chusetts. Throughout his career, he has specialized in Assistant Art Director. Susan M. Gibas Rita Thievon Mullin, Henry Woodhead the study of Indians in colonial North America and Senior Copy Coordinator Ann Lee Bruen Assistant Director of Editorial Resources/Training has written extensively about this subject. Among his Picture Coordinator David Beard Manager: Norma E. Shaw publications are Manitou and Providence: Indians, Editorial Assistant: Gemma Villanueva Europeans, and the Making ofNew England, 1500- PUBLISHER: Robert H. Smith Special Contributors: Ronald H. Bailey, Charles S. 1643 and The Indians ofNew England: A Critical Bib- Associate Publisher Sandra Lafe Smith Clark, George Constable, George G. Daniels, Lydia liography. Dr. Salisbury has been a research fellow at Editorial Director Russell B. Adams, Jr. Preston, David S Thomson (text); Barbara L. Klein the Smithsonian Institution and the D'Arcy McNickle Marketing Director Anne C Everhart (index). Center for the History of the American Indian, and a Director of Production Services: Robert N. Carr Fellow at the National Humanities Center. He is a Correspondents: Elisabeth Kraemer-Singh (Bonn), Production Manager: Marlene Zack member of the American Historical Association, the Christine Hinze (London), Christina Lieberman (New Supervisor of Quality Control: James King Organization of American Historians, and the Ameri- York), Maria Vincenza Aloisi (Paris), Ann can Society for Ethnohistory. Editorial Operations Natanson (Rome). Valuable assistance was also pro- Production: Celia Beattie vided by: Janet Huseby (Berkeley); Barbara Gevene Special Consultants Library: Louise D. Forstall Hertz (Copenhagen); Fran Gardner Youssef (Irvine); Bill Holm, retired since 1985, was for many years Cu- Computer Composition: Deborah G. Tait (Manager), Sarah Moule (London); Trini Bandres (Madrid); Cathy rator of Northwest Coast Indian Art at the Burke Mu- Monika D. Thayer, Janet Barnes Syring, Booth (Miami); Glenn Mack, Aselle Sarina, Juan P. seum in Seattle and a professor of art history at the Lillian Daniels Sosa (Moscow); Elizabeth Brown, Katheryn White University of Washington. Drawing upon his longtime Interactive Media Specialist: Patti H. Cass (New York); Ann Wise (Rome); Ana Martinez (Santo interest and involvement in Native American cultures, Domingo); Carolyn L. Sackett (Seattle); Mary Johnson he is working on a series of acrylic paintings of the (Stockholm). people of the Plains, Plateau, and Northwest Coast. Professor Holm has lectured widely on native North- west arts and cultures and has published numerous books, including Northwest Coast Indian Art: An Analysis ofForm and Box of Daylight: Northwest Coast Indian Art. Albert H. Schroeder spent more than 30 years with c 1992 Time-Life Books All rights reserved. the U.S. National Park Service until his retirement in No part of this book may be reproduced in any form 1976. During much of that time he was a southwest- or by any electronic or mechanical means, including ern interpretive archaeologist with a special interest information storage and retrieval devices or systems, in linking late prehistoric and early historic Indian without prior written permission from the publisher, cultures. Mr Schroeder has been a frequent contribu- except that bnef passages may be quoted for reviews tor to numerous scholarly journals on the subject of First printing Printed in USA archaeological, ethnological, and early historical Published simultaneously in Canada. research relating to the American Indians of the School and library distribution by Silver Burdett Southwest. Company, Morristown, New Jersey 07960 Time-Life is a trademark of Time Warner Inc U.S.A. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data The European challenge/by the editors of Time-Life Books p. cm - (The American Indians) graphical references and index. ISBN 0-8094-9408-6 ISBN 0-8094-9409-4 (lib. bdg.) 1 Indians of North America-First contact with Europeans. 2. Indians of North America -History. 3 Indians of North America—Social conditions. 4 Europe Colonies- America. 5. Frontier and pio- neer life-Un' d States- History. I. Time-Life Books. II Series E98F39E87 I 92-1582 970 004'97-dc20 CIP CONTENTS THE FIRST ENCOUNTERS 6 CONFLICT IN THE NORTH WOODS 54 THE PLIGHT OF THE PUEBLOS 102 INTRUDERS ON PACIFIC SHORES 146 ESSAYS LIFE IN A POWHATAN VILLAGE 48 A GREENLAND TRAGEDY 84 A CITY SIGHTLYAND STRONG 92 MISSION TO CALIFORNIA 136 A COMMON GROUND OF TRADE 176 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 186 BIBLIOGRAPHY 186 PICTURE CREDITS 188 INDEX 189

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