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Tfje €^tfterlc ftegs Baron and Baronessa &raipee rpss mj flrcaw ^orliicos The Etheric Keys by Baron and Baronessa Araignee © Copyright 2016 to Baron and Baronessa Araignee, Araignee Arcane Services © Revised by Baron and Baronessa Araignee 2019 No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a re­ trieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, elec­ tronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, with­ out the prior permission of the said authors. All work herein is original unless otherwise stated. Contents Introduction Chapter i; Through the Looking Glass Chapter 2: Down the Rabbit Hole Chapter y. The Higher Self and The Shadow Chapter 4: The Universal Mind Chapter y. Cutting Corners Chapter 6; The Mental Craft Chapter 7: The Hatter's Party On Closing About the Authors Introduction T his modest and insignificant work is a righteous testament as to what you as a person can achieve on the path of spiritual ascen­ sion. This book is not a manuscript of darkness and despair, but a voice which cries out: “I am that I am”. Our revision on our written piece has revealed to us not only of the condition of this world but our perception upon it. We (the authors) have written a handful of spiritual literature, yet we would like to think that this book is the predecessor to The Hexagrammaton, thus form­ ing the first key which will help you to realise the God of Self. We will make no ridiculous claims or boast about this or that, for we leave that to individuals who strive for the spoils of the flesh... .we strive for the rewards of the Spirit. It is true in essence that we (the authors) do not embrace this wicked world and know for this very reason we will be hated for it. Yet there are those who, in the spirit of righteousness, has ex­ perienced the same persecution. We write this book to you, and dedicate it not to the world, but to those who strive for spiritual perfection. May you, be lead from a word, to a word, and from a deed to a deed... The subconscious (Mind of Soul) is the great machine that drives the Occult faculties of every individual. Carl Gustav Jung referred to this as the "anima and animus”. The so called "Higher-Self" is an excellent example of this anima and animus. Some misguided individuals believe that "the Higher-Self" (H.S.) is a force separate from the individual - however quaint this ide­ ology might be it is illogical and false. The "darker" side of the H.S. is referred to as "The Shadow". Anton LaVey called it "Satan". Others call it the Qlipphoth - the "Dark Side of the Tree". Call it what you may, it is part of every individual. You cannot run from it and you cannot shake it off- like a bad hangover. But what you can do is harness the power of your "Shadow" and H.S. in the workings of "Magick". There are MANY Occultists that struggle to work with the "Higher Self" or "Shadow" simply because they have not har­ nessed the power of the Subconscious. In this book we will dis­ cuss and instruct you on how to harness the power of the hidden self, effectively and lucidly. This will be a no-nonsense approach to the subject matter, which will be so easy to grasp, even a child can practically apply this knowledge. Please note that this is NOT a book of Magic/Magick in the tradi­ tional sense. This book is written for serious individuals who wish to develop themselves spiritually without stereotypical Oc­ cult labels and delusional beliefs. There are many great books written on the subject of Magick, however very few of them lucidly explain why and how Magick actually works. Within this book we will debunk popular Occult beliefs and popular grimoires. The evidence will speak for itself. This will help the serious individual Occultist to find a path with­ out illusion and glamour. This book is by no means a complete pathwork as we have revealed a fraction more in our other books such as The Hexagrammaton. Revised in July 2019 Chapter 1: Through the Looking Class H uman beings are Fallible by nature and has a filthy habit of feed­ ing their soul darkness instead of awakening and realising the God of Self. Indeed, a lower life form by choice and not design, with fallibilities ranging from sexual depravity to insecure psy­ chosis and all in between. Unfortunately, not many humans reach some form of spiritual growth before their bodies die...but then it is too late! The reason for this stigma is manifold - however let’s focus on "herd conformity” and the cancer known as instant gratification. Laws exist to “guide” society and to control the raw vexed animal nature of the human species. Since birth, the individual is "pro­ grammed” to be compliant and behave in a socially acceptable manner however this programming is devised by humanity - thus is fallible. The foundation of society is to obey and "do as they do” or be cast out. A perfectly "righteous" individual can function in a "society” without the law lurking from around the corner. The question in this world we live is not what is "right” and what is “wrong”, but what is acceptable by society. Take for example the A-Bomb dropped on Hiroshima during the Second World War. Was this right or wrong or simply an accept­ able "necessity”? Herein lies the problem. Reader, it simply comes down to per­ ception. How you view the world as an individual and how you see yourself. A moral dilemma should NEVER inhibit or stunt spiritual growth. Do YOU know yourself? To put it plainly, who ARE you? What do you value? What do you admire? What do you dislike? This is not about how society views you - what Bob drank in the bar or what Sally had for lunch at work. It's time to be selfish. You need to take a closer look at yourself. What is acceptable to you? How far are you willing to go to obtain your desires? Are you Just or sim­ ply just another leech? Search your soul even if you have to evis­ cerate your sanity to obtain a semblance of truth within you! Here comes the really hard part. Separate yourself from society. Forget about the world, this is about you! If you care what society thinks of you, you will NEVER reach a breakthrough. Choose: ei­ ther grow and develop yourself to reach your true potential, or just be the same as everyone else to fit in. You can't have both. Are we saying that you should become a recluse? No, not at all - simply change your habits and dedicate yourself to yourself. Eas­ ier said than done? Reader, let's share a secret with you: "change starts within". How can you possibly expect to affect ANYTHING outside of you if you cannot master yourself? "As within, so with­ out...” “But, where do I start?” l. Deprogram yourself Since birth we are programmed and led to believe that lies are truth and truth are lies. Start thinking for YOURSELF! Take as an example the following fact: Science has proven that the colours we see are not the actual colour that is truly there. Hell, there are colour spectrums that science cannot even identify. Enough said! Reader, and this is only colours! What matters is not what herd conformity has brainwashed you with, but what YOU want to believe. The greatest minds in history were not sheep, but free-thinking individuals such as Plato, Pythagoras, Hermes, Descartes, jung and many others. These individuals broke away from the norm of "society" and be­ came Gods in their own right. Make your choice...man or God. 2. Take a step back There is no "school" of magick that is better than the other! It ALL depends on the individual. Let's say for example that "John" has been practicing Witchcraft for 20 years and with growing concern realizes that his heart is not in it anymore. Simply put, John lost interest. This doesn't mean that Witchcraft is to blame for John's loss of interest - John simply needs to "take a step back" and review his life. (At times the individual can surpass such trivial institutions). However, as most practitioners will do in the same situation, John does exactly the same: he dives head first into another Occult practice. What will happen? John's past will just repeat itself in one big frustrating loop. Taking a step back will allow you to review your H.S. and fine- tune the areas that need attention. In this case, the fault obvi­ ously lies with John and not his practice. Soul searching sounds like such a cliche, however through this you can discover a great deal about yourself, a situation etc. Take a step back, observe, re­ evaluate, and know that spiritual ascension is a very unpleasant experience. Remove the darkness within you and the light will shine through and scorch all fallibility into ash...then the eyes of God open. 3. Letting Go We all have some past hurt or anger that we are consciously aware of. By simply ignoring the problem, you don't solve it at all. You need to take a look at the root of the problem - very rarely emotional, mental or spiritual hurt will resolve itself. A few times in our own lives, we have also ignored emotional hurt and anger from the past, and in doing so - created a mental and spiritual barricade or block. This can happen to anyone, so if you can re­ late, know that you are not its slave. Remember, we are here to set the captives free and grant power to the downtrodden. Needless to say, these kinds of “blocks” can lead to a "Crossed Condition” where you draw more and more negativity towards yourself until you suffer physically, mentally, spiritually and emo­ tionally. This will inhibit you to function as you normally should, dulling all of your potencies, creating depression and stunting your spiritual and emotional growth (to mention just a few). Let­ ting go is not an easy process - however you need to let go in order to move on to the fourth point in this chapter: Making the "impossible”, possible. 4. Make the impossible, POSSIBLE You need to know and accept that nothing is impossible. Two centuries ago, humanity believed that flight was impossible. And now? Your belief must be so strong and solid that it becomes part of your D.N.A. Nothing can sway or move your faith, for you have the will of a God. Remember, a God does not have to speak in order to create or destroy, this is achieved solely by will. Speech is simply a tool of the will. If you believe in the Divinities, you know very well the nature of Divinity versus the nature of man. We are not referring to the manifold architypes which humanity worship as gods, no, we refer to the Righteous, Just and Merciful god which is the light and an enemy to that which is its opposite. Do not mistake a God for a Demiurge, for the latter can only de­ stroy and corrupt, but GOD can do all things, at all times and places. Let's not be delusional, dear reader - your "essence" or "soul" re­ sides within your body, thus it's a bit tricky to reach spiritual growth overnight. Remember, your "soul" does not need your body, but your body needs your soul. Herein lies the key: Condi­ tioning the "soul". This works just like a mirror, as you condition your "soul" or "being" - the rest of you will follow, including your body (at the least). You will be able to manipulate, control and dominate any person or situation by mere will, IF you adhere to the instructions in this book, it can and will be so, IF you wish it to be! We can assure you that this is not impossible. The H.S. is not some foreign force, separate from you. It is you in every way, shape and form. The H.S. is just hidden in plain sight within you, waiting to be discovered and "trained" by the dedicated indi­ vidual. Breaching the primal border between the conscious and subconscious is the most divine quest any being can undertake, for herein lies ascension, true spiritual growth...but there is a catch. You need to destroy the vileness within you first before god can even begin to be realised. After all is said and done - Let's begin...

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