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FPT $25.00 (Canada $38.00) T he Essential Basho is the most complete single-volume collection of the writ ings of one of the great luminaries of Asian literature. Basho (1644-1694)-who elevated the haiku to an arc form of utter simplicity and intense spiritual beauty-is best known in the West as the author of Narrow Road to the Interior, a travel diary of linked prose and haiku that recounts his journey chrough che far northern provinces of Japan. Included here is a masterful trans lation of this celebrated work, along with three other less well-known but important works by Basho: Travelogue of Weather-Beaten Bones, The Knapsack Notebook, and Sarashina Travelogue. There is also a selection of over 250 of Basho's finest haiku. In addition. the translator has provided an introduction detailing Basho's life and work and an essay on the art of haiku. - Praise for 5AM HAMILL's TRANSLATION OF BASHO'S Narrow Road to the Interior "In the spirit of Basho and all the poets before him, Hamill has given us some thing of lasting importance and beauty." - LEZA LOWITZ, The Japan Times T he Essentla B a s h o ALSO BY SAM HAMILL PUBLISHED BY SHAMBHALA PUBLICATIONS Tli, fustntiol Clrnang Tzu, translated with]. P. Seaton 1998 Tiu Spring of My Lif, and Stlcct,d Haiku, by Kobayashi Issa 1997 J Only Companion: opanc.st Poems of Love 011d Longing 1997 Th, Erotic Spirit: An Anthology of Pot ms of Sensuality, Lov,, and Long mg 1996 River of Stars: Stltct,d Poems of Yosano Akiko, translated with Keiko Matsui Gibson 1996 -·--- THE ESSENTIAL BASH 0 -.•...-.---·-- ........ ~,..- Matsuo Basho TRANSLATED FROM THE JAPANESE by SAM HAMILL t SHAMBHALA Boston & London I 9 9 9 Shambhala Publications, Inc. Horticultural Hall 300 Massachusetts Avenue s Boston, MA 0211 littp:I /www.ihambhola .,om © 1998 by Sam Hamill All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, clcctron1c or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without pcm11ss1on in writing from the publisher. 9 8 1 6 s 4 3 2 1 First Edition Printed in the United States of America © This edition is printed on acid-free paper that meets the American National Standards Institute 239.48 Standard. Distributed in the United States by Random House, Inc .. and in Canada by Random House of Canada Ltd Library of Congress Cataloging·m·Publication Data Matsuo, Bashi!, 1644-1694. Narrow road to the interior, and other writings/ by Matsuo Basho; translated by Sam Hamill. P· cm. Translations of"Oku no hosomichi," three other works and some haiku. Contents: Nanow road to the intenor-Travelogue of weather-beaten bones-The knapsack noteboolc Sarashina travelogue-Selected haiku. ISBN 1-5Jo62-282-5 (cloth) 1. Matsuo, Bashi!, 1644-1694-Translauons into English. I. Hamill, Sam. II. Title. PL794.4.AZ4 i998 98-43o9 895.6'132-dc21 CIP To Gray Fost,r and Eron Hamill And to Bill O'Daly, Galm Garwood, K,ida Yusuk,, Chnstoph,r Y ohmt1 Blasdtl, and Peter T urntr Companions along the Way CONTENTS Translator's Introduction IX Chronology XXXII Map of Bash5's Journeys XXXIV Narrow Road to the Interior l Travelogue of Weather-Beaten Bones 37 The Knapsack Notebook 53 Sarashma Travelogue 75 Selected Haiku 83 Aftm.11ord 169 Notes 179 Bibliography 183 About th, Translator 185

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