A STUDY OF THE ENGLISH APOTHECARY FROM 1660 TO 1760 (Medical History, Supplement No. 3, 1983) DEDICATION Tothememory ofmy mother, Amy KathleenThomas. Published 1983 by the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, 183 Euston Road, London NWI 2BP. C Wellcome InstitutefortheHistoryofMedicine, 1983. ISBN0854840435 ISSN 002572733 Supplements to Medical History may be obtained at the Wellcome Institute, or by post from Science HistoryPublications Ltd, Halfpenny Furze,ChalfontStGiles, BucksHP84NR,England. PrintedbytheWellcomeFoundation Limited, PrintandPackagingDivision(Crewe). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS It is impossible to name more than a few ofthose who have helped me over the course ofmanyyears, but Iwould like particularly toacknowledge mydebttoMiss Margaret Mackenzie who set me on the path ofserious historical research, and to Miss Barbara Fenwick who has sat in record offices for many long hours trans- cribing material for me. Dr Jessie Ridge and Mr F. H. Rawlings have been so generous asto allow me access to their unpublished material, which was extremely useful; whilst the help, encouragement, and stimulating exchange of ideas with Dr Edwin Clarke and Dr Douglas Whittet have proved invaluable. I am very conscious ofthe debt Iowe to the editorial staffofMedicalHistory, inparticular to Mrs J. Runciman whose patience and ingenuity in dealing with problems seem to be inexhaustible. To my husband I can but say "Thank you" and that without you none of this work would have been possible. NOTE It should be noted that dates ofdays from the 1st January to the 24th March prior to 1752 are given according to the moden calendrical style, as ifthe year began on the 1st January. INDEX A Army Medical Board, 47 Arnold, Thomas, 87 Adams, Ann (n&e Fry), 52 Arscott (apothecary-surgeon ofPlympton), 77 Adams, John Till, 52, 61 Atherall, Thomas, 13n Adams de laPoletrie, 16 Atkins, Henry, 6 Addenbrooke, Thomas, 105n Atkins [Adkins], Willis, 33 Aiken, John, 25-26, 87, 88-89 Aubrey, John, 62, 64 Albin, Eleazor, 91 Ayreton, Brother Richard, 16-17 Allamand, Jean N. S., 69 Allard (surgeon, fl. Bristol 1793), 111 Allen, Benjamin, 28 B Allen, John, 56 Allen, William, 50n Bacon, Francis, 1stbaron Verulam, 62 Allen, Zachariah, 80 Bacon, SirFrancis, 6, 7 Amyand, Claude, 74, 90 Bage, Edward, 31 Anderson, Patrick, 47 Bagshaw, Samuel, 84 Anderson, Robert, 59 Baildon, W., 17n Andrews, Joseph, 66 Baker, Edward, 76 Andrews, W., 48n Baker, SirGeorge, 74, 88 Angell, Rev. John, 84 Balguy, Charles, 90 Angibaud, Charles, 48 Barbers' Company ofLondon, 24 Anne, Queen, 79, 96 amalgamation with surgeons (1540), 5, 83 apothecaries: Barber-Surgeons' Company of London (1540- apprenticeship, 1-2, 15,29,30,40,53, 59-61, 1745), 11-12, 15, 26, 27, 29, 33, 34n, 40, 57, 70n, 79-91passim, 94-96, 97 79n, 81, 115;seealso, Surgeons' Company Continental, 1, 41n, 68, 82-83 Barker, T. C., 11n cultural interests, 79-91 Barnard, Francis, 8 education, 2-3, 4-5, 79-91 Barnstaple, Devon, 32 as experimental and manufacturing chemists, Barrett, C. R. B., 79n 1, 24, 40-47 Barrough, Philip, 26 financial position, 1, 18-20, 21, 32, 55 Bartlett, Benjamin (I), 72, 77 as general practitioners, 1, 24, 25-40 Bartlett, Benjamin (II), 72n, 73 job description, 14-23 Barton, Peter, 47n inLondon, 1,2,3,4-10, 14-15,43-51,53-56, Barwick, Peter, 91 63-65, 67, 68-70, 72-73, 79-85, 99-101, Basnett, Nathaniel, 59 110, 114-115; see also, Society of Bateman, Matthew, 101n Apothecaries ofLondon Bateman, Sarah, 101n asmidwives, 18,22,31,33,34,35,37,40,76, Bath, Somerset, 115 77, 107 Bathurst, Ralph, 42 as harmaceutical chemistsorpharmacists, 1, Bauhin, Caspar, 65 24, 53-61 Baume, Antoine, 83 as pharmaceutical wholesalers and manu- Bayles, Anthony, 15 facturers, 1, 24, 47-53 Bayley, Harry, 90 in poorrelief, 9, 31-35, 40, 51, 76, 114 Baynard, Edward, 8 as progenitors, 24-61 Beacon, Theodore, 26 in provinces, 1, 2, 4, 10, 15, 16-23, 51-52, Beard, Richard, 75 56-61, 66-67, 70-71, 74-76, 77, 84-91, Beaumont, Anselmsr., 90n 97-98, 102-109, 111-112, 114, 115 Beaumont, Anselm, 90 in science, 62-78: botany, 62-68, 80-81, 115; Beaumont, John, 58n chemistry, 1,40-47,68-71;medicine,71-78 Beckington, William, 35 social status, 1, 92-112 Beguin, Jean, 41 surgeon-apothecaries, 22, 25-26, 28-30, 31, Bell, H. N., 31n 36, 39-40, 52, 56, 72, 73n, 74, 76, 77, 78, Bell, Jacob (fl. 1770), 15 90, 104, 107, 114 Bell, Jacob (fi. 1880), 46n, 55 Apothecaries' Act (1815), 1, 16, 116 Bell, John (fi. 1710), 14-15 Appleby (medical practitioner ofSt Neots), 32 Bell, John (17741849), 15 apprenticeship, see apothecaries Bellers, J., 25n Archdeacon, Samuel, 32, 33 Belton, Robert, 16-17 Armestead, Rev. Michael, 105 Bemrose, H. A., 57n Armestead, Thomas, 105 Bennett, Edward, 84n 117 Index Bennett, J. H. E., 59n British Museum, 67 Bennett, Nicholas, 26 British Society for the History of Pharmacy, Bentley, Timothy, 87, 88-89 17n, 91, llln, 115n Benwell, Thomas, 52 Bromfield family, 111: Beresford, Richard, 18 Bridget (nee Witherley), 54 Berger, R. M., 13, 16n Edward, 54 Ber[r]idge, John, 58 James, 74n Berkeley, Rowland, 21 Rebecca (nee Girle), 54 Best, William Draper, 1stbaron Wynford, 27 Thomas (I), 47, 54, 74n Bevan family: Thomas (II), 54 Joseph Gurney, 50-51 Thomas (III), 54, 74n Silvanus (I), 50, 73, 89, 91 William, 54, 74 Silvanus (II), 50 Bromley. Rt. Hon. William, 21 Timothy (I), 50 Brown, Edmund, 58 Timothy (II), 50 Brown[e], Henry, 58 Bew, George, 70n Brown[e], John (fl. 1706), 39, 40 Biddle, Henry, 36n Brown, John (fl. 1763), 50 Biggs, Noah, 40 Brown, Ralph, 59 Bilger, Daniel, 43 Brown[e], Samuel, 29 Birch, Edward, 36n Brown[e], Theophilus, 58 Birch, Nicholas, 36n Browne, Heneage, 90 Birmingham, 13 Browne, SirThomas, 81-82 Bishop, W. J., 97-98 Bryan, Joshua, 115 Black, Joseph, 40, 62 Bryan, Joshuajr., 115 Blackman, R. J., lln Bryett, James, 30 Blackstone, John, 66, 87 Bryett, Thomas, 30 Blankley, John, 107n Buggs, John, 17 Blease, Adam, 16 Bulkeley, Viscount, 70 Blease, Robert, 16 Bulkeley, Edward, 29, 65n Blizard, Thomas, 37 Bulleyn, William, 27 Bloom, J. H., 26n, 28n, 34n Burdock, Ebenezer, 60 Blundell, Richard, 57 Burges, James, 43 Boerhaave, Herman, 40, 70, 71, 75 Burnby,J. G. L., 13n, 30n, 35n, 37n, 49n, 51n, Boghurst, William, 3, 17 53n, 54n, 55n, 64n, 96n, llln Bogle-French, James, 73 Bush, James, 61 Bold, Peter, 90 Bute, 3rdearlof,see Stuart, John Bond, William, 56n Buxton, Samuel, 30 bonesetters, 32, 34 Booth, SirChristopher, 72n Borlase, John Bingham, 51-52, 68 C Borlase, William, 52n Borlase, W. C., 52n Calamy, Rev. Edmund, 84 Bose, George Matthias, 69 Cambridge, 17, 18, 32;seealso, universities Bossley, William, 19n Cameron, H. C., Sn, 7, 9n, 10n, 12n, 17n, 46n, botany, see apothecaries in science 47n, 79, 80n, 81, 92, 1IOn Bott family (pedigree, 106), 115: Cameron, John, 35 Ann, 105 Campbell, R., 113 Anne, 107 Canterbury, Kent, 13, 26, 74 Daniel, 107 Carter E H., 27 Elizabeth (nee Gresley), 107 CasseJy, J. H., 44n Henry, 107 Cavendish, Henry, 40, 69 Joan, 105 Caventou, Joseph-B., 68 John (d. 1686), 105, 107 Cecil, John, seeSessill John (d. 1739), 107 Cecil, Thomas, 1stearlofExeter, 17 Septimus, 105, 108, 115 Chabr6e [Chabreusi, Dominique, 65 Thomas (d. 1652), 105 Chamberlaine, Benjamin, 28 Thomas (1680-1739), 1, 20-21, 105-107, 108 Chamberlen, Hugh, 8 Bowes, Jonathan, 28 Chambers, John, 37 Boyle, Hon. Robert, 42-43, 44, 46, 79, 81 Chambers, William, 114-115 Brande, Johann Conrad, 68 Chandler, Benjamin, 74, 77 Brande, W. T., 1, 68 Chandler, John, 74, 77, 89 Brandt, Hennig, 42-43 Chapman, Edmond, 76 Brecknock, James, 90 Charas, Moise, 41 Brigg, J. E., 50n, 82n Charles I, 31 Briggs, William, 83 Charles II, 8, 89 Bright, Edward, 42 Charles Edward, theyoungpretender, 58 Bristol, Somerset, 13, 19, 51-52, 53, 59-60, 61, Charlewood, Benjamin, 96 111 Charlton, Rice, 60, 91 118 Index Charlton, Susannah, 60 John, 101n Chatham, 29 Conyers family (ofWalthamstow): Chaucer, Geoffrey, 26 Anthony, 101n Chelsea Physic Garden, 63-65, 66, 67, 68, SirGerard, 101n 80-81, 90, 115 Robert, 101n chemistry, see apothecaries inscience Tristram, 101n chemists, 46, 48-49, 60; dispensing, 53-61, 92; Williamsr., 44n seealso, apothecaries William, 44, 101n chemistsanddruggists,9, 10, 11,36n,39,50,51, Conyngesby, John, 54-55 52, 53-61passim Cook, John, 27n Cheselden, Francis, 30n Cooke, George, 92 Cheselden, William, 30n, 82 Cooke, Helen, 102n Cheshire, 76 Cookworthy, William, 18, 23, 77n Chester, 10, 13, 15-16, 31-32, 59, 75, 96n, 115 Cooper, SirAstley Paston, 36 Church, Mrs, 82 Cope, SirZachary, 25 Church, James, 82 Cope &Taylor (a pharmacyin Derby), 57-58 Civil War, 4, 5, 7, 92 Corbyn, John, 50 Clark, SirGeorgeN., 4-5, 7n, 10n, lln,25, 30, Corbyn, Thomas, 49-50 46, 79, 83n Corner, B. C., 72n Clark, Ralph, 16n Cory, John, 67n Clarke, Jane, seeConyers, Jane Cory, Robert, 67 Clause, Samuel Ruthbrook, 56 Cotterall, Richard, 19 Clause, Thomas, 56 Coursus de Gangeland, 16n Clause, Thomasjr., 56 Coventry,Warwicks., 1, 13, 16,20-21, 105-107, Clegg, Rev. James, 84 115 Clerk[e], John, 28, 89n Coventry, Thomas, 1stbaron Coventry, 97 Cliff, Henry, 33 Covey, John, 74 Cliff, Jeremy, 19-20 Cowell, Benjamin, 73 Cluer, John, 14 Cox, Michael, 90 Clusius, C., 65 Crabbe, George, 2-3, 18 Clutton family: Cranwell, Luke, 84 John, 49 Craven, Lord, 20n, 21 Joseph, 49, 50 Crawford, D. G., 29n Mary, 49 Crellin, J. K., 51n, 71, 116n Morris, 49-50 Cripps, E. C., 56n Cock, J., 91n Crisp, Margaret, 34 Cockburne, James, 39 Croll, Oswald, 41 Coke, Thomas, 57 Cropps, John, 26 Coleby, Dixon, 90 Cropps, Johnjr., 26 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 36n Crosse, John, 42, 89n Coley, N. G., 41n, 48n Croughton, Charlessr., 96n College of Physicians of London, 3, 4, 11, 12, Croughton, Charles, 96n 24,26,28,35n,46,48,49,69,74,80,81,83, Crow, James, 32 88, 92, 98, 99n, 110, 114 Crutchley, Brooke, 104 dispensary (1697), 8 Crutchley, John, 104n disnutes with Society of Apothecaries, 5-10, Cullen, William, 40, 74 f7, 47 Culpeper, Nicholas, 17 laboratory (1650), 46 cultural interests, see apothecaries Collins, James, 27 Cuninghame, James, 65n Colt, SirHenry, 29 Cunnington, R. H., 110n Complin, William, 36 Cunnington, William, 110 Condoiti, Panagioti, 90 Curtis, John, 67 Continent, see apothecaries, Continental Curtis, William (fl. 1692), 34n Conyers family (pedigree, 100): Curtis, William (1746-99), 56n, 67-68, 82 Edward (b.1590), 44, 99 Curtis, W. H., 67n Edward (b.c. 1644), 99, 101 Emanuel, 99, 101 Jane (nee Clarke), 44, 99 D John (c.1633-c.1694), 43-46, 48, 94, 99-101 Dalby, Francis, 52 John (c.1684-1735), 101 Dale, Samuel, 1, 28, 65-66, 81 Mary (nee Glisson), 99 Dale, William, 60 Reginald, 99n Dalmahoy, Alexander, 52 Richard, 94 Dalmahoy, William, 52 Sarah, 101 Dalton, John, 40 Conyers family (ofDurham and Gray's Inn): Darling, Ralph, 115n Baldwin, 101 Darwin, Charles (1758-78), 102n Christopher, 101n Darwin, Charles (1809-1882), 113 119 Index David de Westmerland, 16 Durbin, Henry, 60 Davies, M. G., 79n Durham, James, 91 Davis, Thomas, 59 Duthie, R. E., 90n Davy, SirHumphry, 52n, 68 Dyson, John, 59 Davy, Robert, 52n Day, William, 42 Debus, A. G., 4n, 40n, 44n E Deering, George, 86, 87 Defoe, Daniel, 94 Earles, M. P., 49n Delamotte (chemist, fl. London 1829), 70n East IndiaCompany, 25, 29, 39, 47 Delaune, Gideon, 6, 98 Eaton Socon, Beds., 32-33, 39 Delaune, Isaac, 98 Ecroyde, John, 73n Delaune, Peter, 98 Edmonton, Middx, 35-37, 56 Dempster, W. J., 113 education, see apothecaries Denham, Arthur, 79 Edward III, 12 Denman, John, 19, 76-77 Edward IV, 26 Denman, Thomas (fl. 1657), 76n, 96 Edwards (grocer, fl. Worcester 1738), 104 Denman, Thomas (1733-1815), 76-77 Edwards, Abraham, 60 Dent, Abraham, 108n, 115 Edwards, Abrahamjr., 60 Dent, Peter, 32 Edwards, E., 70n Derbyshire, 18, 19, 57-58, 84, 107, 112 Edwards, John, 60 Derry, W., 115 Edwards, Richard, 17 Descartes, Rene, 62 Edwards, Thomas, 12, 17, 29 Dewhurst, K., 72n Elborowe, Richard, 64 Dicey, William, 14 Elizabeth I, 5 Dickenson family (pedigree, 103), 115: Ellames, Pattison, 59 Edward, 102, 104 Ellames, Peter, 59 Elizabeth, 102 Ellames, Peterjr., 59 John, 102-104 Emmison, F. G., 32n, 33n Joseph, 102-104, 115 Enfield, Middx, 18, 32, 33-35, 39 Lewis (fl. 1688), 102 Essex, 22-23, 28n, 76 Lewis (d. 1734), 102 Estwick, Francis, 54-55 Lewis (1715-1775), 1, 21-22, 102-105, 108, Evelyn, John, 63, 90 115 Exeter, 12, 17, 26, 27 Mary, 102, 104 Exeter, 1stearlof, seeCecil, Thomas Samuel (I), 104 experimental and manufacturing chemists, see Samuel (II), 104 apothecaries Thomas (d. 1721), 21-22, 102 Thomas (b. 1717), 22, 102 Dimsdale family: F SirJohn, 75 John, 75 Fape, John, 18 Robert (I), 74-75 Fairchild, Thomas, 14 Robert (II), 75 Farrar, K. R., 70n Thomas, 75 Farrar, W. V., 70n William, 75 Farrer, John, 76n dispensary movement, 73 Faversham, Kent, 27, 56 dispensing chemists, seechemists Fell, John, 56 Dixon (physician, fl. Bolton 1729), 84n Feltham, Charles, 49n, 64 Dodd, SirSamuel, 9 Feltoe, C. L., 54n Dodderidge, Philip, 87 Fernel, Jean, 83 Doe, V. S., 84n Ferris, Richard, 52 Doody, Samuel, 64, 65, 80, 89 Fiddel, Joshua, 115n Dopson, L., lln Field, Henry, 79 Dove, William, 27 financial position, seeapothecaries Drake, Francis, 90 Fiott, Peter, 115 Drakeford, Matthew, 105n fire ofLondon (1666), 46, 99 Drakeford, Richard, 105 Fish, Sarah, 34 Drewitt, F. D., 76n Fisher (bonesetter ofEaton Socon), 32 Drudge, Henry, 11-12 Fisk, D. M., 76n druggists, seechemists and druggists Flamsteed, John, 46 drugs, 20, 21, 22, 41, 46, 55; see also, patent Flay, Thomas, 27 medicines Foggs, Elizabeth, 14 Du Fay, Charles-Franqois, 69 Folleville, George de, 26n Dugdale, Lady, 20n Foot, Jesse, 113 Dunne, Edward, 60 Fordyce, George, 76 Dunsterville, Bartholomew, 23 Fothergill, John, 72-73 Duranc, Bernardhin, 82 Fothergill, Samuel, 25 120 Index Fowler, Frances Leveson, 30n Girle, Rebecca, seeBromfield, Rebecca Fowler, Sarah,seeOldershaw, Sarah Glaser, Christopher, 41 Fox, John, 86 Glass, Samuel, 70, 71 Fox, R. H., 75n Glisson family: Foxcroft, Moses, 30 Francis, 45, 78, 99 Franceys family: Mary, see Conyers, Mary Elizabeth, 57 John, 99n George, 58 Paul, 99n Henry apothecary), 57-58, 115 William, 99n Henry (clerk), 58n Goddard, Jonathan, 45 John, 57 Godkin (apprentice apothecary, fl. 1750s), 87 Mary, 57n Goldsmith, Jane, 102n William (I), 57 Goldsmith, William, 102n William (II), 19, 57, 115 Good, JohnMason, 24, 53n, 94 William (III), 57 Goodall, Charles, 4 Frank, Robert G.jr., 42n, 84n Goodwin, James, 9, 46 Frankland, Rev. Richard, 84 Gorum Goreham , Jonathan, 33 Frankland, SirThomas, 56n Gorum Goreham , William, 33 Franklin, A. White, 40 41, 72n Gostlin, John, 83 Franklin, Benjamin, 68, 69 Gough, R., 89 Freeman, James. 60 Goulbourne, John, 59 Freeman, Joseph, 28 Graham, Thomas, 90n Freind, John, 42 Gray, Stephen, 69 Frewen family: Greaves, . J., 56n Accepted, archbishop ofYork, 97 Green, Joseph Henry, 36n Edward, 97 Greenhill, Thomas, 33n John (1560-1628), 97 Greg, Hugh, 42 John (1595-1654), 97 Gresham College, 45, 89 Thankfull (1591-1656), 97 Gresley family (pedigree, 109): Thankfull (1669-1749 97 Anne (nee Bott), 107 Thomas (1630-77), 9 , Charles, 60, 107, 108 Thomas (1704-91), 75, 97 SirCharles, 107 Fripp (tallow-chandler ofBristol), 52 Elizabeth,see Bott, Elizabeth Frisby, Richard, 34n Elizabeth, 108 Frisby, William, 32 Francis, 108 Frobenius, Johann Sigismund, 43 Henry, 108 Fryfamily: JamesHenry, 31, 107 Ann,seeAdams, Ann John, 107 Hannah, 52n Philip, 108 John Plant, 52n Robert, 108 William (dispensing chemist), 52 Thomas, 107 William (grocer), 52n WilliamTheophilus, 107-108 Fry, Joseph, 52n Grew, Nehemiah, 48-49 Fuller, William, 18 Grier, J., 46n Fullwood, William, 30 Grindale, Ralph, 28 Grindon, George, 22 Grindon, Maximilian, 22 G Gudgen, George, 57 guilds, seeLondon livery companies; provincial Gaitskell, William, 25 guilds Galen, 89 Guisborough,priorof, 16-17 Galilei, Galileo, 62 Gunther, R. T., 44n, 64n Galliard, Pierce, 36 Gunthorpe (druggist, fl. Leicester, 1748), 86 Game, John, 34 Guy, Robert, 90 Garrett, James, 28 Gwyn, Roger, 28 Garthshore, Maxwell, 88 General Apothecaries' Company, 39 general practitioners, seeapothecaries H Gentlemen's Society ofSpalding, 89-90 George II, 12 Haley, F., 56n George, Philip, 19-20 Halfhyde, Edmund, 32 Gerard, John, 63, 81 Halfhyde, Thomas, 66 Gibbs, F. W., 41n Hall (druggist, fl. London 1720s), 56 Gibbs, James, 52 Hall, A. Rupert, 40 Gibson, Thomas, 81 Hall, P. A., 56n Gill, John, 42 Hall, R. M., 56n Gilman, Charles, 32 Haller, Albrechtvon, 62 Girle, John, 75 Halley, Edmund. 64 121 Index Halliley, William, 33 Henry family: Hamilton, B., 92 Mary (nee Kinsey), 70 Hammond family: Thomas, 70-71 Ann Elisha, 36n William, 71 Edward Bowles, 36 Hepburn, John, 90 Harriet Blizard, 37n Hermann, Paul, 63 Henry Samuel, 36-37 Hertfordshire, 18, 74-75 John, 35-36 Hewitt, George A., 58 Johnjr., 36 Hicks, J. H., 76 Samuel, 37 Hill, Charles, 97n Thomas, 36 Hill, Christopher, lln, 13n William, 36 Hill,SirJohn,66,85,87,90 Williamjr., 36 Hillary, William, 72n Hammond, Thomas, 41 Hills, William, 54 Hampstead, 48 Hinds, Artemas, 32 Hanckwitz family: Hinton, Matthew, 59 Ambrose (I), 42-43 Hinton, Samuel, 59 Ambrose (II), 43 Hippocrates, 89 Ambrose (III), 43 Hitchcox, Robert, 26n Boyle Godfrey, 42 Hobbys, William, 26 John, 43 Hogges,priorof, 16 Hankin, Frances, 35n Holland, Adam, 84 Hardinge, Robert, 57n Holloway, S. W. F., 27, 116n Hardwicke, George, 76 Holmes, Geoffrey, 2, 9n, 15, 22, 96, 101 Harper, Daniel, 33n Holmes, Henry, 58n Harris (apothecary, fl. Loughborough 1745), 85 Holmes, Henryjr., 58n Harris, John, 26n Holmes, John, 58 Harris, Thomas, 3, 85-86, 87 Holmsted, John, 28 Harrison, Alexander, 31-32 Hooke, Robert, 42, 44 Harrison, Anthony, 30, 35 Hope, John, 74, 88 Harrison, Edward, 24, 53n Hopkinson, G. D., 52n Hart, Samuel, 29 Horridge, John, 56 Harvey, John, 110 Horrocks, T. B., 56n Harvey, Robert, 26 Horseman (apothecary and surgeon, fl. 1723), Harvey, William, 42n, 76, 114 26 Haskins, C., 15n, 81n hospitals, London: Haslfoot, Robert, 28n City pesthouse, 17 Haslfoot, Thomas, 28n Foundling, 72 Haslfoot, Vesey, 28n Guy's, 36, 39, 113 Hastings, Henry, 30 London, 114 Hastings, Theophilus, 7th earl of Huntingdon Middlesex, 114 30n St Bartholomew's, 28, 41, 64, 90, 98, 113 Hastings, Theophilus, 30 St George's, 74, 77, 113-114 Hatcher, J., lln StThomas's, 28, 35n, 36, 54, 73, 75, 113 Haughton, George, 17 Westminster, 113 Haughton [Houghton], John, 64, 66, 89, 115 hospitals, provincial: Hauust, Robert, 26 Bristol Infirmary, 51-52, 111 Hawes, Richard, 32 Liverpool Infirmary, 108n Hawkins, SirCaesar, 74 Manchester Infirmary, 76 Hayes, Henry, 19-20 Royal Sea Bathing Hospital, Margate, 73 Haygarth, John, 75 Winchester County Hospital, 49 Healy, Timothy, 108n Huddleston, John, 33 Hearne, Thomas, 91 Huddleston, Robert, 33 Heath, Isaac, 90 Huddleston, Robertjr., 33 Heathcote, Gilbert, 114, 115n Hudson, Thomas, 60 Heathfield,John,29 Hudson, William, 66-67, 87 Heberden, William theelder, 74, 78 Hudson Bay Company, 36 Heckford, William, 28 Hull, Samuel, 46 Hector family: Hunter, John, 76, 113 Benjamin, 74n Huntingdonshire, 56-57, 97 Brooke, 74, 92 Hussey, William, 60 George, 74n Huxham, John, 3, 77, 78 Sarah, 74n, 92 hydrotherapy, 41n, 48-49 Henderson (physician, fl. Newcastle uponTyne 1632), 32 I Henry VI, 54 Henry VII, 94 Industrial Revolution, 79n Henry VIII, 4, 5, 12 Inkersall, John, 19 122