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The Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia And Other Psychotic Disorders, 3rd Edition (Facts on File Library of Health and Living) PDF

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Preview The Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia And Other Psychotic Disorders, 3rd Edition (Facts on File Library of Health and Living)

THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SCHIZOPHRENIA AND OTHER PSYCHOTIC DISORDERS THIRD EDITION Richard Noll, Ph.D. Foreword by Leonard George, Ph.D. i-xxii_schizo-fm.indd i 8/28/06 4:19:10 PM For Wolfgang Noll, My beautiful boy of seven summers, Sol invictus The Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders, Third Edition Copyright © 1992, 2000, 2007 by Richard Noll, Ph.D. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher. For information contact: Facts On File, Inc. An imprint of Infobase Publishing 132 West 31st Street New York NY 10001 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Noll, Richard, 1959– The Encyclopedia of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders / Richard Noll; foreword by Leonard George. — 3rd ed. p. cm. Includes index. ISBN 0-8160-6405-9 (alk. paper) 1. Schizophrenia—Encyclopedias. 2. Schizophrenia—Information services—Directories. I. Title. RC514.N63 2006 616.89’003—dc22 2005056749 Facts On File books are available at special discounts when purchased in bulk quantities for businesses, associations, institutions, or sales promotions. Please call our Special Sales Department in New York at (212) 967-8800 or (800) 322-8755. You can fi nd Facts On File on the World Wide Web at http://www.factsonfi le.com Text and cover design by Cathy Rincon Printed in the United States of America VB Hermitage 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 This book is printed on acid-free paper. i-xxii_schizo-fm.indd ii 8/28/06 4:19:10 PM CONTENTS Foreword iv Preface to the Third Edition vii Madness, Psychosis, Schizophrenia: ix A Brief History Entries A to Z 1 Appendixes 373 Index 393 FOREWORD: THE HAUNTED ANIMAL ur species is haunted by madness. One in down by spirits. A shaman may have been called Oevery 100 of us will fall prey to it at some time in to divine the problem and heal the deranged in our lives, and of those, one in 10 will be driven person, by finding the wayward soul or extracting by misery or confusion to take their own lives. Not the invader—often literally by sucking it out of the only the afflicted suffer, of course. As Aristotle body through a tube of bone or bark—or cutting a famously noted, we are social animals, profoundly deal with the peeved sprite whose taboo had been linked with each other, and derangements of the slighted. Shamans lived on the cusp between seen psyche (the technical term is psychoses) strain the and unseen worlds and partook of the weirdness social web, burdening family, friends, communi- of that liminal space, so their actions were often ties, and economies. Directly or indirectly, mad- inscrutable. Ironically, many modern scholars ness touches us all. who studied preliterate healing practices confused Has it always been so? Experts disagree as to the patient’s state with that of the doctor, seeing whether some forms of psychosis, such as schizo- symptoms of psychosis in the odd behavior of sha- phrenia, may have arisen over the last few centu- mans. The present work’s author, Dr. Richard Noll, ries. But people showing the common mark of the exposed the fallacy of the “schizophrenia meta- psychotic disorders—disturbed contact with physi- phor” of shamanism in one of his earliest research cal and social reality, leading to mental anguish papers. and inability to live well—can be found in every The notion that madness can be caused by spiri- culture on earth today and were likely among our tual forces endured into the worldviews of the ancestors at prehistory’s dawn. early civilizations—indeed, it has survived to the Throughout history, madness has been a terrible present. With the Vatican’s blessing, a Roman col- scourge and, also, a mirror. Beliefs about psychosis lege still offers courses in the study of demonic pos- reflect the framework with which societies define session and exorcism, training priests to discern reality. Traditional cultures going back to the Old the signs of the devil’s hand in severely disturbed Stone Age did not draw a line between animate behavior and the right techniques of “sucking out” and nonliving as we do today. Rather, the cosmos the pest—no longer with a shaman’s bone, but and everything in it was ensouled. In dreams and with sprays of holy water and chants of scripture. visions, a person’s soul could wander in the invis- Dr. Noll’s published collection of psychiatric case ible lands of the spirits. A soul’s distress implied reports of the “possession syndrome” is the most trouble in the spirit realm. Perhaps the soul had important study of this topic in many decades. been kidnapped by a sorcerer or lost its way in the In ancient Greece, all sorts of mental and physi- otherworld. Maybe the body had been invaded by cal maladies were taken to be the mischief of the some dark ghost. Or the person might have skewed kakodaimones, personifications of malign forces in the balance of the world by breaking a taboo laid one’s character or environment, or else the result iv i-xxii_schizo-fm.indd iv 8/28/06 4:19:10 PM Foreword: The Haunted Animal v of the gods’ displeasure. Sufferers might make By the later Middle Ages, the Catholic project a pilgrimage to a temple-complex of the heal- of a universal church was in dire straits. The grip ing deity Asklepios. There, they would ease their of Islam on Africa and the Middle East was not souls by strolling through gardens and groves and seriously loosened by the Crusades. Within west- attending the theater. At the climax of the ther- ern Europe itself, heresies like Catharism and apy, they spent the night in the temple, where Waldensianism threatened the Catholic monopoly they prayed for a visit from the divine healer. of faith. The Black Death’s ravages were strangely Asklepios’s favorite animal was the snake (which unresponsive to prayer, raising further doubts. still curls around Asklepios’s wand in the symbol Clearly, Christendom was under sustained attack of the medical profession)—feeling it slither over by a potent foe. It could only be the devil, aided by one’s body in the darkened temple was a sure sign a “fifth column” of perverse humans. This conclu- of good prognosis. sion was drawn not by the ignorant masses but by Hippocrates founded a medical tradition that the leading intellectual lights of the church, setting sought natural causes for ailments. The cosmos the foundation for the Great Witch Hunt. Devi- was an interplay of four elements (air, fire, earth, ant behaviors that were taken as signs of humoral and water), and the human being, as a mikrokosmos imbalance in the past now marked a person as (small replica of the cosmos), featured the circula- either a demonic victim or collaborator. The pre- tion of airy blood, fiery yellow bile, earthy black scription for psychosis was often exorcism. As well bile, and watery phlegm. If the balanced flow of as the pronouncement of holy mutterings, tortur- these four humors was upset, illness of body or ing the bewitched person was encouraged to dis- mind could ensue. Too much yellow bile could comfit the resident demon. The “witches” accused trigger bouts of mania, while an excess of black bile of sending the demons got even worse treatment. (melan choler in Greek) could lead to a deep mel- Tens of thousands confessed under torture. But ancholy. Either extreme could fray the sufferer’s some eagerly shared their tales of flying through contact with reality for a while. The Hippocratic the air at night on a goat or broom to the witches’ doctor would advise a moderate lifestyle—neither sabbaths, where in Satan’s honor they would kiss a too much nor too little sleep, food, exercise, social- giant cat beneath the tail, feast on babies’ flesh, and izing. He might also try to bleed the excess humor plot spells to blight crops and abort good Christian from the body. Hippocratic medicine, as reformu- fetuses. These delusional souls were freed from lated by Galen in the second century A.D., remained their psychoses by the stake or the noose. vital for classifying and treating madness well into There never were any witches. But the witch- the Enlightenment. hunters’ fantasies surfaced again in the late 20th Christian authorities through the ages viewed century as a wave of “ritual Satanic abuse” reports madness in many ways. Christ’s call to compas- spread around the world. Investigators found no sion for the sick drew Christian doctors to treat credible evidence for the alleged global conspiracy of psychotic sufferers as patients who needed medi- devil-worshippers. Dr. Noll’s timely writings on this cal help, often of the Hippocratic/Galenic variety. topic helped eventually to stem the irrational tide. Christianity cast the world as a battle between the In the 1400s, as the Witch Hunt was unleashed, Lord and Lucifer over the fate of souls, so it is no the Renaissance bloomed in Italy. A brighter con- surprise that hurt psyches would be seen as casu- ception of humanity and nature gradually spread. alties of that spiritual war. Folk healers peddled No longer was the world the chessboard of God charms to keep Satan’s spawn at bay or drive them and devil, but a wondrous creation to be explored out or offered to cut open the scalp of the mad per- by the miracle that is humanity, “noble in reason, son and remove the “folly stone” that had sprouted infinite in faculty,” as Shakespeare put it. This in the brain. With a little sleight of hand, they rebirth of a proud and ingenious curiosity led to could give the plucked stone to the patient’s grate- the rise of modern science. Mad people were no ful family as a keepsake—and then leave town as longer thought soiled by Satan’s touch but some- fast as possible. how diseased. In the absence of useful treatments, i-xxii_schizo-fm.indd v 8/28/06 4:19:11 PM vi The Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders they were locked in “insane asylums” or “mad- The madness that haunts us still evades our houses” in the care of a new breed of medical spe- grasp. Millions around the world succumb, and cialist, the “mad-doctor.” Patients’ disruptive acts few recover fully. But there is good news. A revo- had to be managed in these settings, leading to an lution is taking place in our conceptions of health, era of inventive restraints. And the mad-doctors illness, and recovery. Researchers have found that devised many clever means to try to shock or stress the most useful approach to health problems is to patients out of their psychoses. These methods weigh the full range of biological and psychoso- were often not so different from those of the witch cial influences. We suffer not just as ill bodies or as interrogators, but with much kinder motive. ill minds but as ill persons. In broad strokes, this The humanistic wisdom of the Renaissance bore “biopsychosocial” model is like the holistic vision fruit in the rise of democratic governments and of the ancients, but now confirmed, revised, and legally enshrined human rights in Europe and the empowered by the tools of modern science. And it Americas. Seen with humanists’ eyes, the denizens seems that psychosis is finally yielding some of its of the madhouses looked to be unfortunate kin, not secrets to this approach. Let us hope that more and only saddled with mental illness, but stripped of more effective therapies will be the result. dignity and jailed in dungeons. Such was the view The study of psychosis is one of the fastest chang- of the great reformers like Pinel, Rush, and Tuke, ing areas in health science. And its long history who began the process (which is not yet complete holds deep lessons that must never be lost. How are in some parts of the world) of unchaining the mad we to embrace this vast topic? We can have no bet- and treating them decently. But there were still no ter guide in the world than Dr. Richard Noll. The viable theories to explain the cause of psychosis or first two editions of the present book established it guide its treatment. Other areas of medicine were as the best single-volume resource for anyone wish- starting to see breakthroughs—scientists found ing to learn about the history and current science of the cause of many diseases to be microorganisms, psychotic disorders. This, the third edition, is a mas- and soon were creating vaccines. Medicine’s trend terpiece of erudition and clarity. Experts will find was to focus on biology and neglect psychological nuggets of knowledge that they missed in decades and social factors in illness and health. of study; nonspecialists will be introduced to the The imprint of this split between body and landscape of psychosis in straightforward language psyche has been clear in the disciplines of psychia- that is grounded in rock-solid scholarship. The best try and psychology since their inception in the 19th way to use this book—indeed, the best way for us century. Camps of specialists framed the puzzle of to advance in our struggle with psychosis—may be psychosis as either biological or psychosocial. Their to follow the advice of the alchemists of old: “Ora, research produced a series of dead ends instead of lege, lege, lege, relege, labora, et invenies”—“Pray, read, insights. Each view had its turn dominating aca- read, read, reread, work, and you will find!” If we demic and popular culture. More harm than good do so diligently, one day humankind may no longer came of these fractured perspectives. The reign be the haunted animal. of psychoanalysis for several decades was notably unhelpful. Dr. Noll’s archival research, published —Leonard George, Ph.D., R.Psych. in several articles and books, has shed much- Department of Psychology, Capilano College needed light on this complex era. North Vancouver, British Columbia i-xxii_schizo-fm.indd vi 8/28/06 4:19:11 PM PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION his third edition of The Encyclopedia of Schizo- New research findings regarding the course and Tphrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders is a com- outcome of schizophrenia and possible new envi- pletely revised and updated reference to all the ronmental risk factors are discussed in entries for medical, scientific, and historical aspects of these those topics. ancient afflictions. The entries in this book have Since the last edition, an explosion of new been carefully selected for their usefulness in the scholarship on the history of psychiatry has broad- years to come. ened our understanding of the historical trajec- This volume points both forward and backward tory of the evolution of dementia praecox (1893) in time. In addition to providing entries that sum- into schizophrenia (1908). Extensive, entirely marize all the current theories, findings, and treat- new entries for these disorders appear in this edi- ments for schizophrenia since the second edition tion, as well as for related psychotic disorders such was completed in the summer of 1999, this book as manic-depressive illness (1899) and bipolar dis- has been thoroughly revised to place the science of order (1980). Disorders that may be biologically schizophrenia into its historical context. Thus, this related to schizophrenia, such as schizotypal per- book combines the latest scholarly research in the sonality disorder, also received thorough updating. history of medicine and psychiatry with the vast So have entries for psychotic disorders that appear scientific research literature on the diagnosis, etiol- to be distinct from schizophrenia and manic- ogy, pathophysiology, course, outcome, and treat- depressive illness, such as paranoia, chronic delu- ment of schizophrenia. There is no other reference sional states in French psychiatry, and the atypical work that combines these two perspectives in such psychotic disorders. The history of treatments for depth. schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders is For this edition, many entries have been com- covered in depth in new or significantly revised bined into larger, more comprehensive essays. entries on psychosurgery, insulin coma therapy, This change is most evident in the entries for two metrazol shock therapy, and electroconvulsive of the most rapidly changing areas of research in therapy. schizophrenia: antipsychotic drugs and genetics Throughout this book, there will be many refer- studies. The latest scientific information for all ences to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental entries is distilled and explained in plain lan- Disorders, 4th ed., text revision, or DSM-IV-TR (2000), guage, thoroughly embedded in the new histori- produced by the American Psychiatric Association, cal scholarship on those topics. Extensive reviews and The International Classification of Diseases, 10th ed., of the latest findings on endocrine and immune or ICD-10 (1992), created by the World Health Orga- system alterations, brain abnormalities, and nization. They are the two most often used diag- blood vessel alterations in schizophrenia likewise nostic manuals for mental disorders throughout combine historical and scientific perspectives. the world. The diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia vii i-xxii_schizo-fm.indd vii 8/28/06 4:19:11 PM viii The Encyclopedia of Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders from these two volumes are included in appendixes the spirit of the proverb that was a favorite among in this volume. the ancient alchemists, liber librum aperit (“one Rather than including a huge bibliography at the book opens another”). end of the book and in order to prevent all the flip- There are many long citations from rare psychi- ping of pages back and forth as the reader attempts atric texts and especially from autobiographical to locate a particular reference, full citations of accounts. Our best feeling for what life must have references are included after each entry. Publica- been like for patients, their family members, and tions in English, German, and French—the three physicians alike over the past two centuries comes primary languages in the history of psychiatry— from such vivid reports. Many of these quotations are provided for scholars and for European readers are from volumes that are so obscure that they of this volume. Those reference sources have been can only be found in the rare book collections of chosen carefully according to three criteria: (1) some specialized libraries, and care has been taken the source is recommended as the best review of to select those passages that particularly make the the relevant research in a particular area, (2) the history of psychiatry “come alive” for the reader. source represents the first mention of an impor- No other book like this presently exists for tant theory or research finding in print, and (3) understanding schizophrenia and the other psy- the source refers directly to a passage quoted in the chotic disorders. It is hoped that the reader will find entry or cites a major representative work of the it of value when trying to come to grips with a sub- person listed in a biographical entry. The users of ject that has mystified humankind for centuries. this book are encouraged to read further, and it is hoped that the extensive references provided with —Richard Noll, Ph.D. the entries will encourage further exploration in Allentown, Pennsylvania i-xxii_schizo-fm.indd viii 8/28/06 4:19:11 PM MADNESS, PSYCHOSIS, SCHIZOPHRENIA: A BRIEF HISTORY he history of schizophrenia is the history of Did Schizophrenia Exist Tpsychiatry. The earliest clear description of in Antiquity? this disease dates to only 1809—at about the time that the very first psychiatric textbooks were being If schizophrenia is truly a brain disease that has a written by dedicated physicians who worked in strong basis in genetics, then there should be evi- “madhouses” and “asylums” with the “insane.” dence that this severe mental disorder has afflicted They collected their observations of lunatics, people for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. devised classifications for them, speculated as to “Madness” has been reported in every society on the causes of their afflictions, and even performed record, no matter how ancient or how primitive, crude autopsies on their bodies to see if they could and descriptions of hallucinations, delusions, and discover the secret of madness. The profession of bizarre behavior are often reported in associa- psychiatry grew out of the efforts of these physi- tion with “madness.” For example, in an attempt cians to understand and cure diseases of the mind, to trace schizophrenia back to ancient Babylonian particularly those tragic, chronic mental illnesses accounts (3000 B.C.) or to early Sanskrit texts from that condemned thousands to debilitated lives in India, translation of descriptions of mental illness institutions. Therefore, the psychotic disorders, from these cultures have been collected in articles and schizophrenia in particular, have always been published in 1985 by D. V. Jeste and his colleagues at the very heart of the concerns of the psychi- and in 1984 by C. V. Haldipur. But it is still not clear atric profession and are in fact responsible for its from this historical evidence that schizophrenia— existence. as we know it, as a disease with a particular course As we enter the 21st century hardly a month that begins in adolescence or early adulthood, with goes by in which some new discovery in genetics characteristic signs and symptoms, and a chronic is not announced, and the mission to explore the deteriorating course (at least in the type of schizo- genetics of schizophrenia will no doubt occupy phrenia that seems to be the most “genetic”)— a prominent position in the research of the next existed in the ancient eras. This point (and the decade. But our late 20th-century cultural per- larger ramifications of this entire issue) has been sona of schizophrenia as primarily a “genetically eloquently argued and documented by psychiatrist transmitted disease” forces us to reexamine cer- E. Fuller Torrey in his book Schizophrenia and Civi- tain historical problems related to schizophrenia. lization (1980). Specifically, what is its ever-changing story over There are many reasons for this doubt. First, the centuries? What other masks has it worn on ancient descriptions of madness that involved the various stages of human history? What guesses delusional, hallucinating, or confused individu- have been made as to its possible etiology? What als could be accounts of any number of physical have been the fads and fashions in its research? or mental disorders. The same argument holds The many individual entries in this encyclope- true for 19th- and 20th-century anthropological dia provide detailed synopses of these topics, but descriptions of “schizophrenia” or “psychosis” in below is a brief summary of the highlights of the preliterate (formerly called “primitive”) societ- history of this disease. ies. For example, these same symptoms could be ix i-xxii_schizo-fm.indd ix 8/28/06 4:19:11 PM

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