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THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF POLITICAL SCIENCE THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF POLITICAL SCIENCE George Thomas Kurian, editor in chief James E. Alt Simone Chambers Geoffrey Garrett Margaret Levi Paula D. McClain ASSOCIATE EDITORS Prepared with the assistance of the American Political Science Association A Division of SAGE Washington, D.C. CQ Press 2300 N Street, NW, Suite 800 Washington, DC 20037 Phone: 202-729-1900; toll-free, 1-866-4CQ-PRESS (1-866-427-7737) Web: www.cqpress.com Copyright © 2011 by CQ Press, a division of SAGE. CQ Press is a registered trademark of Congressional Quarterly Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Cover design: Anne C. Kerns, Anne Likes Red, Inc. Cover photos: Protest in India: Associated Press, Mustafa Quraishi; Afghan women vote: Associated Press, Alexandra Boulat; Japanese Parliment: Kyodo; U.S. Supreme Court: Jarek Tuszynski, Wikimedia Commons, CC-BY-SA-3.0; Iraqi Kurdish women militia: Associated Press, Hasan Sarbakhshian Maps: International Mapping Associates Composition: C&M Digitals (P) Ltd. The paper used in this publication exceeds the requirements of the American National Standard for Information Sciences—Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48-1992. Printed and bound in the United States of America 14 13 12 11 10 1 2 3 4 5 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data The encyclopedia of political science/George Thomas Kurian, editor-in-chief. 5 v. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-933116-44-0 (alk. paper) 1. Political science—Encyclopedias. I. Kurian, George Thomas. II. Title. JA61.E513 2011 320.03—dc22 2010036238 CONTENTS Alphabetical Table of Contents vii Thematic Table of Contents xxi About the Editors xxxvii List of Authors xli Preface lv Introduction lix Entries, A–Z 1 Index, following page 1802 ALPHABETICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Abortion and Politics 1 Anticlericalism 59 Absentee Voting 3 Anti-democratic Thought 60 Absolutism 3 Anti-Semitism 62 Academic Freedom 4 Antitrust Policy 63 Accountability 5 Apartheid 65 Addams, Jane 9 Apparentement 66 Additional Member System 10 Appeasement 66 Adjudication 10 Appropriation 67 Administrative Courts 11 Approval Voting 67 Administrative Law 13 Aprismo 68 Administrative State 14 Arab-Israeli Relations 68 Adorno, Theodor W. 15 Arab League 69 Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard 15 Arab Political Economy 70 Advertising, Political 16 Arab Political Thought 71 Advise and Consent 17 Arab Socialism 72 Advocacy Coalition Networks 18 Arbitration 73 Advocacy Groups 20 Arendt, Hannah 73 Affirmative Action 21 Aristotle 75 Aflaq, Michel 22 Armenian Genocide 75 African Political Economy 23 Arms Control 77 African Political Thought 24 Arms Race 81 African Politics and Society 26 Arnold, Thurman Wesley 83 African Union 30 Aron, Raymond 83 Afro-Marxism 32 Articles of Confederation 84 Agenda Control 33 Asian American Identity and Groups 85 Agenda Setting 34 Asian Political Thought 86 Agrarianism 36 Asia Pacific Region Politics and Society 91 AIDS, Politics of 37 Assassinations, Political 95 Alienation, Political 38 Assimilation 96 Alighieri, Dante 40 Astell, Mary 97 Alker, Hayward R. 40 Asylum Rights 98 Allegiance 41 Asymmetric Wars 99 Alliances 43 Atlantic Charter 100 Almond, Gabriel 44 At-Large Elections 100 Alternate Delegate 45 Attorney General 101 Althusius, Johannes 45 Augustine of Hippo 101 Althusser, Louis 46 Australian Ballot 102 Americanization 46 Autarky 103 Amicus Curiae Briefs 48 Authoritarianism, African 103 Analytic Narrative 48 Authority 104 Anarchism 51 Autocracy 106 Anarchy 52 Autogestion 107 Anglophone Africa 54 Autogolpe 107 Animal Rights 56 Autonomy 107 Anthony, Susan Brownell 57 Baathism 109 Anti- and Alter-globalization Movements 58 Bachrach, Peter 110 viii Alphabetical Table of Contents Bagehot, Walter 111 Bunche, Ralph Johnson 161 Bahro, Rudolf 111 Bureaucracy 162 Bakunin, Mikhail 112 Bureaucratic Authoritarianism 166 Balance of Power 113 Burke, Edmund 167 Balkans 113 Burnham, James 168 Ballot Design 115 Business Cycles, Political 169 Baltic States 117 Business Preference Formation 170 Banana Republic 120 Business Pressure in Politics 171 Bandwagoning 120 By(e)-election 172 Banfield, Edward C. 121 Cabinets and Cabinet Formation 173 Banks, Jeffrey S. 121 Caciquismo/Coronelismo 174 Barker, Ernest 122 Caesarism 175 Barrès, Maurice 123 Calhoun, John 175 Basque Separatism 123 Calvin, John 176 Bassett, Reginald 124 Cambridge School 176 Baudrillard, Jean 125 Campaign Advertising 177 Bauer, Otto 125 Campaign Finance 179 Bayesian Analysis 126 Campaigns 181 Beard, Charles A. 126 Campbell, Albert Angus 184 Beauvoir, Simone de 127 Camus, Albert 184 Beccaria, Cesare 128 Candidate Recruitment 185 Beer, Samuel Hutchison 128 Candidate Selection 187 Behavioral Game Theory 129 Capitalism and Democracy 188 Bellarmine, Robert 130 Capital Punishment 189 Bentham, Jeremy 131 Caribbean 193 Bentley, Arthur Fisher 132 Carr, E. H. 196 Berelson, Bernard R. 132 Carter, Gwendolen M. 196 Berle, Adolf Augustus 133 Cartoons, Political 197 Berlin, Isaiah 134 Case Studies 198 Bernstein, Eduard 134 Caste System 199 Bill of Rights 135 Castoriadis, Cornelius 200 Binomial Electoral System 136 Casus Belli 201 Bioethics and Politics 137 Catlin, George Edward Gordon 201 Biology and Political Science 138 Caucus 201 Blackstone, William 139 Causal Inference 202 Blanqui, Louis-Auguste 140 Causation and Correlation 202 Bloc 140 Censorship 203 Bloch, Ernst 141 Censure 204 Block Vote 141 Center-periphery Relations (Federalism) 205 Blogs and Bloggers 142 Central Bank 206 Bobbio, Norberto 143 Centralization, Deconcentration, and Decentralization 207 Bodin, Jean 144 Centrally Planned Economy 208 Boff, Leonardo 144 Chamberlain, Houston Stewart 209 Bolshevism 145 Chancellor 210 Bonald, Louis Gabriel-Ambroise, vicomte de 146 Charisma 211 Bookchin, Murray 147 Chartism 211 Boundary Making and Boundary Disputes 147 Chauvinism 212 Bourdieu, Pierre 149 Checks and Balances 212 Boycott 150 Children’s Rights 216 Brinkmanship 150 Chinese Political Thought 217 British Political Thought 150 Christian Democratic Parties 220 Bryce, James 154 Christian Socialism 221 Buddhist Political Thought 154 Church and State 222 Budgeting 156 Cicero, Marcus Tullius 224 Bukharin, Nikolai Ivanovich 159 Citizen Knowledge 225 Bull, Hedley 160 Citizenship 226 Alphabetical Table of Contents ix City-republic 230 Consensus 299 Civic Education 231 Consent of the Governed 300 Civic Engagement 233 Consequentialism 301 Civic Humanism 233 Conservatism 301 Civil and Political Rights 235 Conservative Parties 305 Civil Disobedience 236 Consociational Democracy 307 Civil Law 237 Constant de Rebeque, Henri-Benjamin 308 Civil-military Relations 238 Constituency 309 Civil Religion 239 Constituency Relations 309 Civil Rights Movement 240 Constitutional Amendments 310 Civil Service 241 Constitutional Courts 312 Civil Society 242 Constitutional Democracy 313 Civil Wars 246 Constitutional Law 314 Clash of Civilizations 247 Constitutional Monarchy 315 Class and Politics 248 Constitutional Systems, Comparative 317 Class Consciousness, Envy, and Conflict 252 Constitution Amending Procedures 318 Clericalism 253 Constitutions, Unwritten 319 Clientelism 253 Constitutions and Constitutionalism 320 Clientelistic Parties in Latin America 254 Constructivism 323 Climate Change Conferences, United Nations 255 Consultants, Political 325 Cloture 257 Consumer Society 326 Coalition Formation 257 Contagion of the Left 327 Coalition Theory 258 Containment 327 Cognitive Theory and Politics 259 Content Analysis 328 Cohabitation 261 Contentious Politics 328 Cold War 261 Contractarianism 332 Cole, George Douglas Howard 263 Convenience Voting 332 Collapsed and Failed States 264 Convergence Theory 333 Collective Action, Theory of 265 Cooperative Security 338 Collective Action and Mobilization 266 Copyright 339 Collectivization 270 Corporation 340 Colonialism 271 Correlation 341 Colonial Wars 274 Corruption, Political 341 Commerce Clause 275 Corruption and Other Political Pathologies 343 Common Goods 276 Corwin, Edward Samuel 346 Common Law 280 Cosmopolitanism 347 Commonwealth 281 Cost-benefit Analysis 348 Communalism 283 Counter-Enlightenment Political Thought 348 Commune 283 Counterfactual 350 Communication, Two-step Flow of 284 Coup d’État 350 Communism 284 Covenant 351 Communism, Fall of, and End of History 286 Crime Policy 352 Communitarianism 287 Crisis Rhetoric 353 Community 288 Critical Juncture 355 Community Power 290 Critical Race Theory 356 Compulsory Voting 291 Critical Realignment Theory 357 Computational Modeling 291 Critical Theory 358 Comte, Auguste 292 Croce, Benedetto 361 Concept Analysis 293 Crosland, Charles Anthony Raven 362 Concordat 293 Crossman, Richard 363 Condorcet, Marquis de 293 Cryptography 364 Confessional Parties 294 Cube Law 364 Conflict Resolution 295 Cue Taking 365 Confucian Political Thought 296 Cult of Personality 365 Congress, Contempt of 298 Cultural Policy 365 Conseil d’État 299 Cultural Relations 367

for Basic Research in the Social Sciences (now the Institute .. Amy E. Black. Wheaton the Obasanjo regime. In the Fitzgerald, Allan D., ed.
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