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Preview THE EMPLOYMENT RIGHTS ACT 2008 Act No. 33 of 2008 I - ILO

648 Acts 2008 THEEMPLOYMENTRIGHTSACT2008 Act No.33of 2008 s ht I assent g Ri nt e m y o mpl 19thSeptember 2008 ActingPresidentoftheRepublic E s/ n Tra ————— ~ e e kh ARRANGEMENTOFSECTIONS o L ~ 5 Section c a M PARTI–PRELIMINARY 1. Shorttitle 2. Interpretation 3. ApplicationofAct PARTII–AGREEMENTS 4. Discriminationinemploymentandoccupation 5. Agreements 6. Capacityofworkers 7. Liabilityforactoromissionofanotherperson 8. Writtenparticularsofworkagreement 9. Continuousemployment 10. Considerationforfull-timeemployment 11. Transfertopart-timework PARTIII–MINIMUMAGEFOREMPLOYMENT 12. Employmentofchildrenandyoungpersons 13. Recordofyoungpersons Acts 2008 649 PARTIV–HOURSOFWORK 14. Normalworkinghours 15. Notionalcalculationofbasichourlyrate 16. Overtime 17. Publicholiday 18. Mealandteabreaks 19. Mealallowance PARTV–REMUNERATION 20. Equalremunerationforworkofequalvalue 21. Paymentofremuneration 22. Deduction 23. Paymentofremunerationtoapart-timeworker 24. Paymentofremunerationinspecialcircumstances 25. Paymentofremunerationdueonterminationofagreement PARTVI–OTHERCONDITIONSOFEMPLOYMENT 26. Transportofworkers 27. Annualleave 28. Sickleave 29. Medicalfacilities 30. Maternitybenefits 31. Paternityleave 32. Otherfacilities PARTVII–ENTITLEMENTOFWORKERSINTHESUGARINDUSTRY 33. InterpretationofPartVII 34. ContinuousemploymentofexistingworkersintheSugarIndustry 35. Workersemployedbyjobcontractor PARTVIII–TERMINATIONOFAGREEMENT 36. Terminationofagreement 37. Noticeofterminationofagreement 38. Protectionagainstterminationofagreement 39. Workerundernoticeoftermination 650 Acts 2008 PARTIX–WORKFAREPROGRAMME 40. InterpretationofPartIX 41. WorkfareProgramme 42. EligibilitytojointheWorkfareProgramme 43. ElectionforWorkfareProgramme 44. TransitionUnemploymentBenefit 45. EstablishmentofWorkfareProgrammeFund PARTX–COMPENSATION 46. Paymentofseveranceallowance 47. Paymentofrecyclingfee 48. Deductionsfromseveranceallowance 49. Gratuityonretirement 50. Deathgrant 51. Certificateofemployment 52. TerminationofappointmentundertheConstitution 53. Contractualworker PARTXI–VIOLENCEATWORK 54. Violenceatwork PARTXII–JOBCONTRACTORS 55. Issueofpermit 56. Jointliabilityofemployerandjobcontractor 57. Remunerationtobeprivilegeddebt PARTXIII–RECORDSANDADMINISTRATION 58. Registerofemployers 59. Keepingofrecords 60. Labourinspection 61. Powertomakeenquiries 62. Powertosummon 63. Complaintprocedure Acts 2008 651 PARTXIV–LABOURADVISORYCOUNCIL 64. EstablishmentofCouncil 65. FunctionsofCouncil 66. MeetingsofCouncil PARTXV–MISCELLANEOUS 67. Offences 68. Regulations 69. Repeal 70. Consequentialamendments 71. Transitionalprovisions 72. Commencement —————— An Act To revise and consolidatethe law relatingto employment and contractof employment orcontractof service ENACTEDbytheParliamentofMauritius,asfollows– PARTI –PRELIMINARY 1. Shorttitle ThisActmaybecitedastheEmploymentRightsAct2008. 2. Interpretation InthisAct– “agreement” means a contract of employment or contract of service between an employer and a worker, whether oral, written,impliedorexpress; 652 Acts 2008 “basicwageor salary”,inrelationtoaworker,means– (a) where the terms and conditions of employment of the worker are governed by a Remuneration Regulations, arbitral award or an agreement, whether oral or written, express or implied, the basic wage or salary prescribed in the Remuneration Regulations, award or agreement, or where the employer pays a higher wage or salary, the higher wage or salary so paid, but does not include any allowancebyanynamecalled,andwhetherpaidincash or inkind; (b) in any other case, all the emoluments received by the worker,excludinganybonus or overtime; “child”meansapersonundertheageof 16; “collective agreement” has the same meaning as in the EmploymentRelationsAct2008; “comparable full-time worker” means a full-time worker who – (a) hasthesametypeofemploymentrelationship; (b) is engaged in the same or a similar type of work or occupation;and (c) is employed in the same establishment, enterprise or branchofactivity, asapart-timeworker; “continuousemployment”meanstheemploymentofaworker under an agreement or under more than one agreement where theintervalbetweenanagreementandthenextdoesnotexceed 28days; Acts 2008 653 “Council” means the Labour Advisory Council established under section64; “Court” means the Industrial Court established under the IndustrialCourtAct; “day”means anyperiodof 24consecutivehours; “employer”,subjecttosection33– (a) means – (i) a person, enterprise or body of persons, who or whichemploys aworker;and (ii) is responsible for the payment of remuneration to theworker; (b) includes – (i) ajobcontractor; (ii) a person, other than another shareworker, who sharestheprofitorgrossearningsofashareworker; “enterprise”includes atradeorbusiness; “fortnight”meansanyperiodof14consecutivedays; “goodandsufficientcause”includes – (a) illness orinjurycertifiedbyamedicalpractitioner; (b) absenceauthorisedbytheemployer; “goods vehicle” has the same meaning as in the Road Traffic Act; “harassment”meansanyunwantedconduct,verbal,non-verbal, visual,psychologicalorphysical,basedonage,disability,HIV 654 Acts 2008 status,domesticcircumstances,sexualorientation,race,colour, language, religion, political, trade union or other opinion or belief, national or social origin, association with a minority, birth or other status, that a reasonable person would have foreseen that a worker would be affected negatively in his dignity; “industrialundertaking”includes – (a) mining and quarrying operations or other activities connectedwithmineralprospecting; (b) the manufacture, production, assembly, installation, repair, maintenance, modification or destruction of materials or properties; (c) shipbuildingoperations; (d) the generation, transformation, and supply of electric powerorothertypeofenergy; (e) the construction, extension, installation, repair, maintenance, alteration or demolition of buildings, airfields, tramway lines, harbours, dockyards, piers, inland water ways, roads, tunnels, bridges, drainage, water pipes, telegraphic and telephonic installations, electric gas or water works or other construction work including the preparation for or laying the foundation of anysuchwork orstructure;and (f) such other undertaking as the Minister may, by regulations,determine; Acts 2008 655 “job contractor” means a person who employs a worker to perform any work or service that the person has contracted to door providefor another person; “local authority” has the same meaning as in the Local GovernmentAct2003; “Minister” means the Minister to whom responsibility for the subject of labour and employment relations has been assigned; “National Pensions Fund” means the National Pensions Fund established under theNationalPensionsAct; “National Savings Fund” means the National Savings Fund established under theNationalSavingsFundAct; “notional hourly rate” means the hourly rate as calculated in section15; “officer” means an officer designated by the Permanent Secretary; “pay period” means the period for which remunerationis paid undersection21; “part-time worker” means a worker whose normal hours of workareless thanthoseofacomparablefull-timeworker; “Permanent Secretary” means the Permanent Secretary of the Ministryresponsibleforthesubjectoflabourandemployment relations; 656 Acts 2008 “placeofwork”meansaplacewhereworkisperformedunder anagreement; “public holiday” has the same meaning as in the Public HolidaysAct; “publicofficer”has thesamemeaningas intheConstitution; “remuneration”– (a) means all emoluments, in cash or in kind, earned by a workerunder anagreement; (b) includes – (i) anysumpaidbyanemployertoaworkertocover expenses incurred in relation to the special nature of his work; (ii) anymoneytobepaidtoajobcontractor,forwork, bythepersonemployingthejobcontractor;and (iii) anymoneydueasashareofprofits; “retirement age” means, in respect of a worker whose month and year of birth is mentioned in Column 1 of the First Schedule,thedateonwhichtheworkerattainstheagespecified inColumn2ofthatSchedule; “severance allowance” means an amount calculated in accordancewithsection46; “shareworker”meansapersonwho – Acts 2008 657 (a) is remunerated wholly or partly by a share in the profits of the enterprise for which he works, or gross earnings ofanenterpriseobtainedfromtheworkdonebyhim;and (b) is not an owner of the main equipment, premises and materialsused inthework hedoes; “shift work” means work on which 2 or more persons are alternatelyemployedatdifferenttimes; “shop” means a place where any wholesale or retail trade or business is carriedon; “stipulatedhours”meansthehoursofworkspecifiedinsection 14(1)(a) and 14(4)(a) or such lesser number of hours of work as maybespecifiedinanagreement; “threateningbehaviour”meansanybehaviourordeclarationof intentiontouse forceon,or tointimidate,aworker; “trade or business” means any occupation, calling, trade, business, profession, industry, service or other commercial activity; “trade union” has the same meaning as in the Employment RelationsAct2008; “TransitionUnemploymentBenefit”meanstheunemployment benefitasspecifiedinsection44; “Tribunal” means the Employment Relations Tribunal establishedundertheEmploymentRelationsAct2008;

Sep 19, 2008 Transport of workers. 27. Annual ENACTED by the Parliament of Mauritius, as follows –. PART I – .. (1) Where a vacancy occurs in the full-time workforce of an employer .. that purpose by the National Transport Authority.
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