T H E E M P L O Y E R ’ S L E G A L A D V I S O R .................16290$ $$FM 01-08-0715:16:53 PS PAGEi This page intentionally left blank T H E E M P L O Y E R ’ S L E G A L A D V I S O R • Handling Problem Employees Effectively • Knowing When and How to Work with an Attorney • Staying Out of Court—or Winning Your Case if You Get There Thomas M. Hanna AmericanManagementAssociation NewYork•Atlanta•Brussels•Chicago•MexicoCity•SanFrancisco Shanghai•Tokyo•Toronto•Washington,D.C. .................16290$ $$FM 01-08-0715:16:54 PS PAGEiii SpecialdiscountsonbulkquantitiesofAMACOMbooksare availabletocorporations,professionalassociations,andother organizations.Fordetails,contactSpecialSalesDepartment, AMACOM,adivisionofAmericanManagementAssociation, 1601Broadway,NewYork,NY10019. Tel:212-903-8316.Fax:212-903-8083. E-mail:[email protected] Website:www.amacombooks.org/go/specialsales ToviewallAMACOMtitlesgoto:www.amacombooks.org Thispublicationisdesignedtoprovideaccurateandauthoritative informationinregardtothesubjectmattercovered.Itissoldwiththe understandingthatthepublisherisnotengagedinrenderinglegal, accounting,orotherprofessionalservice.Iflegaladviceorotherexpert assistanceisrequired,theservicesofacompetentprofessionalperson shouldbesought. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Hanna,ThomasM. Theemployer’slegaladvisor:handlingproblememployeeseffectively,knowing whenandhowtoworkwithanattorney,stayingoutofcourt—orwinningyourcase ifyougetthere/ThomasM.Hanna. p. cm. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN-13:978-0-8144-0918-3 ISBN-10:0-8144-0918-0 1. Laborlawsandlegislation—UnitedStates—Popularworks. I. Title. KF3455.Z9H365 2007 344.7301—dc22 2006032543 (cid:2)2007ThomasM.Hanna. Allrightsreserved. PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica. Thispublicationmaynotbereproduced, storedinaretrievalsystem, ortransmittedinwholeorinpart, inanyformorbyanymeans,electronic, mechanical,photocopying,recording,orotherwise, withoutthepriorwrittenpermissionofAMACOM, adivisionofAmericanManagementAssociation, 1601Broadway,NewYork,NY10019. Printingnumber 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 .................16290$ $$FM 01-08-0715:16:55 PS PAGEiv Contents Acknowledgments ix Introduction 1 TheCostsofLitigation 2 TheEmployer’sNeedtoAct 3 Chapter One. Employment Law at Work 8 TheBurdenontheEmployer 9 IfItCanBeFiled,ItWillBeFiled 12 DiscriminationCases 13 DefendingYour Company 15 Chapter Two. Good Intentions Are Only a Start 19 AShocktotheClient 19 ShieldingYourselffromChargesof Discrimination 21 ConstructiveDischargeandOther Claims 22 Chapter Three. Eliminating Problems Before They Arise 27 PromptCorrectionofEmployees 27 v .................16290$ CNTS 01-08-0715:17:02 PS PAGEv vi Contents EmployeeReviewsoftheCompany 28 FollowingThroughonComplaints 31 It’sNotOnlyWhatYouSayButHowYouSayIt 34 Chapter Four. Communications Strategies to Help You Avoid Legal Woes 38 MaintainingaPresencewithYour Employees 38 PublishingaSexualHarassmentPolicy 42 InterpretingEmployeeBehavior 43 Chapter Five. Investigating Problems and Preserving Evidence 47 Investigations 48 PreservingtheFacts 49 GettingItinTheirOwnWords 52 ConfrontingtheEmployeewiththeFacts 56 DealingwithDifficultWitnesses 59 TheCaseoftheJerkofaManager 60 KnowingtheEmployee’sExcuse 61 Chapter Six. Knowing Why Things Happen Strengthens Your Case 65 DiggingDeepforWhy 65 CheckingtheRecord 68 Chapter Seven. Trusting but Verifying 73 LookingforLies 73 ThePoweroftheLie 75 Chapter Eight. Advantages and Pitfalls of Electronic Devices 78 TelephonesandTapeRecorders 78 .................16290$ CNTS 01-08-0715:17:03 PS PAGEvi Contents vii VideocamerasandVideotaping 81 E-MailandElectronicTransmissions 83 HandlingMisuse ofCompanyElectronicsThrough Monitoring 86 Chapter Nine. Making Your Decision 90 TakingtheFirstSteps 91 ‘‘Stale’’Offenses 93 ZeroTolerance 94 OtherFactorstoConsider 96 Chapter Ten. Implementing Your Decision 101 DirectEvidence(ortheLackThereof) 102 BeingHonestwithEmployees 103 Chapter Eleven. Paperwork and Reality 111 EmployeeEvaluations 111 AvoidingHasteinCompletingPaperwork 114 WritingtheDisciplinaryReport 115 Chapter Twelve. Unemployment Compensation Claims 118 ProvidingtheNecessaryInformation 118 HearsayTestimony 120 TestifyingattheHearing 121 Chapter Thirteen. Problem Employees 125 AlcoholandDrugUse 125 TheAttendanceProblem 126 CriminalBehavior 128 TheDangerousEmployee 130 TheInsubordinateEmployee 132 .................16290$ CNTS 01-08-0715:17:03 PS PAGEvii viii Contents TheTroublemaker 132 TheThief 134 Chapter Fourteen. Employees with Special Issues 136 TheAccident-ProneandWorkersCompensationClaimants 136 TheDisabledEmployee 140 Chapter Fifteen. Things You Should Know 145 AvoidingDo-It-YourselfEmploymentLaw 145 HiringanAttorney 147 DecidingWhethertoFightorSettle 148 Workingwithan Attorney 151 HowtoBeaGoodWitness 152 Final Thoughts 162 Summary of Key Employment Laws 165 Glossary of Terms 169 Appendix A. Quick Reference Guide 177 Appendix B. Sample Consent Form for Electronic Monitoring 181 Appendix C. Sample Rules of Conduct 185 Appendix D. Sample Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy 189 Appendix E. Sample No-Fault Attendance Policy 195 AppendixF. SampleHarassmentand SexualHarassment Policy 201 Index 205 .................16290$ CNTS 01-08-0715:17:04 PS PAGEviii Acknowledgments I would like to express my thanks to my partners in practice, Patricia McFall and Kevin Lorenz, for their assistance. Pat deserves many thanks for her editing advice and assistance and Kevin for his sugges- tions for Chapter Twelve. Not to be omitted are thanks to my secre- tary, Susan Berck, for her work on the manuscript. My thanks as well go to Adrienne Hickey, Mike Sivilli, and Louis Greenstein for their hardworkandsuggestionsonmakingthebookreadableandinforma- tive.Iwouldalsoliketothankmylatepartners,V.LeeMcMahonand Alan Berger, for bringing me into the practice and for their help and practicaladviceovertheyears,andElmerDavisandHughFrankMa- lone, for whom I worked at the National Labor Relations Board so many years ago and who gave a very young lawyer the kind of leader- ship he needed. Last but not least, I want to thank Liz for forty-five– plusyearsofsupportandencouragementinallendeavors. ix .................16290$ $ACK 01-08-0715:17:04 PS PAGEix