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Author index Drei AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAArrArrAArAAAnAAnnAAnAAAnAAnnAmlmllllllikcmelllckkgieddddscdddbddblbditlliicmohhaasbeieamborhrbeobatiaamimeaornedoeinernil.nxgiotueiraosnrmsm,agrorramrrgtpcieosMsr,iattlaas,,toBgsin,i,gnoséh,ss,tn,o.Uo,ootnezGCnto.n,e,,oBGanv,h,ToM,,ao.GJK,e,d..zr,,sn ,ClEt,.G,Ka.K,K. .nrmnS.,AJD.MeCoMR,.,it.T.,.BW,.1 .P.A. . ,,,...V rl ..Se,3G . .I. - . .. DCCGi,Cr B.91.I. .U 4 R3H3,.,..W75...33LI56R 2 2,12633.T2. 31 5M43. M.WR8I1933.933 38.674140 5 31.15S 7 .7..19 019 53 79459 6 7 3 583. 25 3 21 9197229790063 799 1913 , 90 15 1231 7 367244192211359,966583299 14 63 9257 9677 9372 3 8 9 5443 ,73 2 451 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBeBBBeeeBBeBBeBBeBeBBBBeeBBeeBBeeeeeeenalalnanaalaaaaaaaaahaecaanacgcacgetalacaydaw usuwtursrrrsksrurrkrklrkzo-ducuzcankedmttmskdrrzwheeeaoneemteneezhcLmlDreheeeermneearyirue,iev,rnyratail,lagey,iytlane,n,ati,F,La,nsnast,,,rsa,nDvgls,,J,Siw.,hDcJS.sO,,vnp,iT,PdC,,D.ye, ..nMnt.P,,RhL.S.A.Tt.,pnDM.Mi,.S.B , P1,,.eJM..tC.... .e H .aB...E,GS...JdRS .2r.. ,A SJ.Mr ,.J .. .JG.M. .8,J7 .8T.. .,5.. RY1 . 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NS-n CY.,. ,A....L,7 f2,ar, ...C ,.SRD . .J,4A4,m C3 S.o6D ..2 . M0.7K2..11.5 o. 16-_12 1 4.31.41A 4 53k 2L9 3 19181 782.7 611,. 915381415943 74733 E15 277 133511242 7372 .877 1 , 7949 9732 R 9621, 771719 2.832 9 3 5 504 355 9]5 9 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBuBurruBBBurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrogrouugcoocuoiouooiiieaaeiaazaiuannwhgzauwokocngtnwsuzdnmnamsntunlkennkwkksegigsnontbnnnqaeeoeonsd,,,clmsa,ennk,i,aiuilrncrv,,,JJhTe,uieuWelTgencD,a,,,oiSCe..MyD,dr.,el.t.,Ok,h.CLC.crmD.IL.,,.,BHa, sLCB.e a...F,h.. BR.bF.R,I... t,.m L A. , .. . .P e.1 Ae .41., KR .2,. 1.5r8 1R2.. 1346 818R1 13,8132 J.279229036673.851T33012.14542370H53952 6 22 37.1 5 31 89 342 37.5189425 6 27173 32 2 89 1321 4 413 152 1 39 7455904, 792, 631038 7 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCiCCChhhhCCChhhChhhhhhhhhhhhahhhhurruhrhrhuhrueeoeioafaaeaaiaaaiia,éaiaal,nnrnuitrnssnu,nsnstnlClqlh.mMegnaeé,gtdst.ti,cey,.,uuJws.ba,lr,GoeileNei,Bhp-iRMp.taS,d-efdu.Hnnne.Jg.aeS, .n,..lJouL,rx-,,.Hr-.nSkD.rLyH-.raXrMS. TR.sH,.o-i.. eA.,.2i-,aa...J.. M, ls M.a ,1NM i iS.2 .A,, G.u.7.t4,-.1 G.M23.7 93,rJM513GP42B.1 .18E3302e 11A4.15...69.8 3 1851.,7427 5 .2 9 7 107,19419S41 1 029 732 35.5 158 124 441 6 1 5193121311231 310 3181553311873 8, 75 52 14 1 BBBBaaaarrnrdfdaeiablékil,dinHj,o.iA, .aS n.3-M22M.08iL76c. 7h au,1J95. 3157 BBBBiiiirsrrnhccsohhtpmmi.eeeJiil.ee.MrrM,..,C LW... 133332 658916337 BBBBiiiuiiirlrhgdlcetek,rreG,ri.Btn ..g N5,.2B2 1.1 4M570. 5T.h2.4 61 1103 CCCCClllllaaaaarrrrekkkks,,,-sDKMWo...naJLE-l...Wk eelr3s12,82h9G764,..51L3D .4. 1 9 13394273, 4121 Author index Clarke,S. 1699 De Ciechi,P. 1619 Edelman,I. 1481 Figueroa,N. 941 Clayton,C. 3379 de Groot,R.P. 2523 Eder-Colli,L. 1671 Filipowicz,W. 2635 Clements,J.M. 4113 de Herreros,A.G. 3215 Edgecombe,M. 3769 Filman,D.J. 2331 Cleveiand,D.W. 1245 de Hostos,E.L. 4097 Edwards,K.A. 2479 Finch,J.T. 1939 Clevers,H. 123 de la Concha,A. 2975 Edwards,R.M. 4113 Finkel,S.E. 1593 Cockcroft,S. 2507 De La Vega,F.M. 3549 Eerola,E. 1347 Fishelson,Z. 4061 Cohen,S.N. 2583 de Laat,S.W. 1083 Eggert,H. 1237 Fjose,A. 799,3609 Colas,P. 3343 de Lorenzo,V. 1159 Egly,J.-M. 1853 Florent,I.C. 2047 Coll,M. | De Magistris,L. 1435 Ehrlich,S.D. 2171,2699 Fodor, 1.1. 2489 Collawn,J.F. 3247 De Robertis,E.M. 3621 Ehrmann,M. 2773 Folli,F. 1275 Collini,M.P. 2069 De Rycke,R. 1723 Eilers,M. 133 Forrest,D. 269 Colosetti,P. 1091 De Simone,V. 1435 Eisen,H. 1653,2047 Forsberg ,M. 2543 Comoglio,P.M. 2867 De Vendittis,E. 349 Eisenman,R.N. 865 Forte,J.G. 2363 Compton,D.A. 1245 Dear,T.N. 2813 Ekker,S.C. 1179 Forte,M. 3221 Constable,A. 1903 Decker,T. 927 El-Baradi,T. 1407,3087 Fournier,R. 2621 Cook,A.L. 4113 del Castillo,I. 467 Elalouf,J.-M. 3721 Foury,F. 997 Copeland,N.G. 2425,2821 Delaney,P.B. 2839 Eléouet,J.-F. 1809 Fox,J.W. 3137 Copertino,D.W. 433 Delcayre,A.X. 919 Ellard,M. 1767 Frangione,B. 513 Corces,V.G. 407 DeLuca,E. 4153 Elledge,S.J. 2653 Frank,R. 2343 Cornelis,S. 2133 Dencher,N.A. 521 Ellis,C. 2451 Frankel,A.D. 1733 Cornelissen,A.W.C.A. 1061 Deng,X.-W. 3015 Ellis,V . 3399 Franken,P. 2605 Cornet,M.E. 3215 dePamphilis,C.W. 3281 Ellmeier,W. 3513 Franken,S.M. 1297 Cortay,J.-C. 675 DePamphilis,M.L. 4351 Emorine,L.J. 3721 Frankiln,G.C. 1365 Cortese,R. 1435,3177 Derbyshire,V . 17 Emr,S.D. 239,4049 Franza,B.R.Jr 3311 Coschigano,K.T. 2577 Derfler,B. 2179 Endow,S.A. 419 Franzén,L.G. 2033 Cosman,D. 2821,2839 Deutsch,U. 1135 Enerbiick,S. 3787 Frasch,M. 1225,1265 Cosson,P. 2783 Devault,A. 2087 Engel,J. 3137 Frech,M. 1325 Costantini,F. 3157 Devos,R. 2133 Engelhardt,K. 1037 Freeman,M. 809,817 Cotterill,S. 4361 DeVoti,J. 3759 Engh,R.A. 2321 Fresno,M. 903 Courtet.M. 2461 Di Fonzo,N. 617 Engstrém,A. 163 Fu,X.-D. 3467 Coussen,F. 1285 Diaz-Meco,M.T. 3215 Engstroém,Y. 153 Fujimura,T. 1803 Cox,T.C. 1891 DiCapua,E. 2695 Enomaa,N. 51 Fukada,Y . 3669 Cozzone,A.J. 675 Diederich,L. 3061 Enriquez-Harris,P. 1833,4197 Fukita,Y. 3641 Crabtree,G.R. 2231 Dierich,A. 59 Epstein,N. 3941 Fukunaga,R. 2855 Craig,S. 4113 Dijkstra,B.W. 1297 Era,T. 337,2111 Furuya,S. 1759 Cramer,W.A. 2757 DiMaio,D. 845 Erickson,A.K. 885 Fiitterer,J. 3887 Crameri,A. 697 Dionne,C.A. 2849 Ericson,J.U. 3609 Futterman,G. 1337 Crevel,G. 4361 Dirr,H.W. 1997 Erselius,J.R. 1135 Croce,C.M. 2821 Divecha,N. 3207 Erusalimsky,J.D. 2497 Gad'on,N. 2949 Crocker,P.R. 1661 Dixon,D.C. 1317 Escher,C. 555 Gal,S. 1571 Crook,T. 2879 Dobbeling,U. 2513 Escoubas,J.M. 705 Galas,D. 705 Cross,G.A.M. 2731 Dobrowolski,S. 2897 Eshhar,Z. 101 Galas,S. 2087 Cross,R.A. 747 Dohrmann,C.E. 43i1 Espinosa,M. 1375 Galindo,J.M. 3549 Crossley ,.R.E. 4371 Dollé,P. 2279 Estes,P.A. 3523 Galinier,A. 675 Crumle,yG . 2849 Domen,J. 655 Estruch,J.J. 2889,3125 Galjaard,H. 4041 Crystal,R.G. 1355 Dominguez,I. 3215 Evan,G. 1331 Galjart,N.J. 4041 Culbertson,M.R. 1481 Donovan,M. 1365 Evers,R. 1061 Gallay,O. 1997 Curran,J. 443,3079 Donowitz,M. 1957 Gallwitz,D. 785,3951 Cutt,J.R. 1317 Dontsova,O. 2613 Fagg,B. 2125 janem,D. 3533 Cutting,G.R. 1355 Dooijes,D. 123 Fakharzadeh,S.S. 1565 Gantt,J.S. 3073 Cyrklaff,M. 3129 Dorée,M. 2087 Falk,J.L. 1255 Gao,J. 4137 Cyster,J.G. 893 Dostatni,N. 2931 Falkenstein,H. 2279 Garcfa-Villegas,M.R. 3549 Cziepluch,C. 3703 Doucas,V. 2237 Fallon,A. 4113 Garel,M.-C. 3157 Douglas,C.J. 1767 Fan,H. 633 Garnier,J.-M. 59,71 d’Azzo,A. 4041 Dower,S.K. 2821 Fantes,P.A. 4291 Garrard,W.T. 607 da Costa e Silva,O. 1777 Draetta,G. 2069,3311 Farlow,M.R. 513 Gaub,M.-P. 1149 Dalbon,P. 3343 Drews,G. 2949 Farr,S.B. 3897 Gaudino,G. 2867 Dalemans,W. 1355 Drummond,A.H. 4113 Farrell,P.J. 2879 Gauthier-Rouviére,C. 2921 Dalla-Favera,R. 2911 Du Pasquier,L. 2461 Fasano,O. 349 Gautier,J. 177 Damiani,E. 3183 Dubois,C. 1661 Fase-Fowler,F. 1009 Gdula,D. 3729 Danchin,A. 1683 Duboule,D. 2279,4177 Faye,G. 2165 Gearing,D.P. 2839 Dandekar,T. 1903 Duclos,B. 675 Sayet,O. 705 Geeves,M.A. 747 Dangl,J.L. 1767 Ducommun,B. 3311 Featherstone,T. 1629 Gehring,W.J. 153 Dang,K. 3399 Dujardin,G. 2023 Feger,G. 349 Geny,B. 2507 Danon,A. 3993 Dunant,Y . 1671 Fehr,S. 2419 George,D.L. 1565 Darlison,M.G. 3239 Duncan,S.A. 4343 Feldmar,S. 4003 Georgopoulos,S. 4025 Darnell,J r J.E. 927 Dunmont,J.E. 1677 Feldwisch,J. 3983 Gérard,C. 1677 Dasgupta,A. 2941 Dunnett,S.B. 297 Félix,M.-A. 3311 Gerbi,S.A. 767 Davidson,D.R. 2985 Diirr,I. 2957 Felsenfeld,G. 387 Gerisch,G. 4097 Davies,J. 3099 Dirrenberger,F. 3495 Ferguson,M.A.J. 2041 Gerstner,J. 1435 Davis,S.J. 377 Duval,N. 1285 Fernandez,A. 1523,2921 Getzoff,E. 1585 Davison,M. 2725 Fesquet,D. 2087 Ghetti,B. 513 de Boer,D. 2765 Earnshaw,W.C. 1245 Fewson,C.A. 2063 Ghiso,J. 513 de Boer,P.A.J. 3363,4371 Ebendal,T. 2105 Field,M.C. 1969,2731 Gibbs,J.B. 3215 De Camilli,P. 1275 Eckner,R. 3513 Fiers,W. 827,2133 Gielow,A. 3061 Author index Gille,H. 1579 Hagman,J. 3409 Ho,A.D. 2905 Jack,.R.S. 1237 Gillemans,N. 4041 Hahlbrock,K. 1767,1777 Ho,1.-C. 1187 Jackle,H. 2267 Gillen,C. 3661 Haliday,E.M. 109 Hoch,M. 2267 Jacobson,D.H. 2331 Gilles,A.-M. 1683 Halila,R. 51 Hoffmann,A. 1711 Jacquemot,C. 1653 Gilmartin,G.M. 215 Hall,D.J. 3753 Hoffmann-Berling.H. 2689 Jaffe,A. 183 Giltay,R. 1407 Hall,T.C. 1469 Hofmann,F. 45 Jaffe.C.L. 4061 Gimpel,S.D. 2839 Hallb66k,F. 269 Hogle,J.M. 2331 Jakes,R. 2725 Giot,L. 2165 Hallick,R.B. 433 Hohmann,S. 2095 Jakobsen,B.K. 369 Girard,M. 2331 Haltia,T. 2015 Hohn,B. 697,1571 Jakubowski,H. 593 Giroud,C. 1653 Ham,J. 2931 Hohn,T. 1571,3887 Jalinot,P. 3795 Givel,F. 263 Hamada,H. 2997 Holden,J.J.A. 3931 Jallat,S. 1355 Givol,D. 647 Hamatani,K. 3167 Holland,I.B. 3113 Jan,L.Y. 2975 Glaser,P. 1683 Hammerle,T. 2941 Hollinshead,M. 2343 Jan, Y.N. 2975 Gnirke,A. 1629 Hampsey,D.M. 563 Holmgren,L. 1365 Janniére,L. 2171 Goédecke,A. 3693 Hancock,J.F. 641.4033 Honjo,T. 337,3641 Jans,A.W.H. 2095 Goedemans,H.J. 3343 Hand,A.R. 4371 Honoré,E. 2805 Jans,D.A. 633 Gold,J.D. 1149 Handa,H. 2305 Horne,A.S. 419 Janson,L. 2291 Goldblatt,D. 425 Hanemann,C.O. 3661 Horth,M. 2747 Janz,L. 3379 Goldschmidt-Clermont,M. 2033 Haner,M. 1535 Ho6rz,W. 361 Jarvis,J.M. 2139 Golubié,M. 2897 Hannon,G.J. 3869 Housman,D.E. 3941 Jayaram,M. 1585 Gong,Z. 2905 Hansen,L.P. 2231 Howe,G. 1383 Jaye.M. 2849 Goodall,G.J. 2635 Hanzawa.N. 681 Howley ,P.M. 4129 Jaynes,J.B. 1427 Goossen,B. 1903 Hanzel,D. 2363 Hrycyna,C.A. 1699 Jenkins,N.A. 2425,2821 Gordon,S. 1661 Harlow,E. 4278 Hu,C.-H. 2297 Jensen,S. 1927 Gotoh,H. 681 Harshey,R. 1585 Hu,.X. 2471 Jentsch,S. 227 Gotoh,Y . 2661 Hartig,A. 585 Huang,D. 2757 Jessen,T.-H. 3447 Gould,K.L. 3297 Hartings,H. 617 Huang,J. 3877 Johanssen,T. 3215,3609 Gould,S.J. 3255 Hartmann,G. 2867 Huber,R. 1,1997,2321 Johansson,H.E. 1903 Goulding,M.D. 1135 Harvey,R.J. 3239 Huebner,K. 2821 Johnnes,F.J. 3951 Govindarajan,R. 2311 Hassell,J.A. 959 Hug,M. 3379 Johnson,R.C. 1593 Graf,T. 837 Hata,S. 2681 Hughes,C. 3263 Johnston,L.H. 4343 Grandbastien,M.A. 1911 Hatakeyama,M. 3191 Hughes,J.M.X. 4231 Johnstone,D.B. 3897 Gratecos,D. 4267 Hatfull,G.F. 3541 Huibregtse,J.M. 4129 Jones,C.J. 3913 Gray, J.C. 4011 Hauffe,K.D. 1767 Hultmark,D. 163 Jones,R. 4301 Gray,N.K. 1903 Hauser,K. 4081 Humphrey,T. 3503 Jonsson,A.-B. 477 Graziani,G. 3215 Hayashi,S.-I. 2111 Humphries,M.J. 4089 Joulin,V. 1809 Green,A.R. 4153 Hayday,A.C. 83 Hunt,D.F. 885 Jouvin,M.-H. 101 Green,B.N. 1939 Haystead,C. 877 Hunt,M.D. 1187 Jowett,T. 1075 Green,D.R. 4113 Hazelrigg,T. 4259 Hunter,E. 535 Joyce.C.M. 17 Green,M.R. 195,207 He,S. 4011 Hunter,L.A. 3941 Ju.$.T. 903 Green,N.M. 1053 Hecht,B. 4145 Hunter,T. 1555 Jiinke,N. 2195 Grell,K.G. 499 Heidmann,T. 1927 Hurt,E. 195 Griffiths,G. 2343 Heilig,J.S. 809 Hurt,E.C. 573 Kabat,E.A. 2717 Grigoriadis,A.E. 2437 Heinemann,U. 35 Hutter,K.-J. 1337 Kafatos,F.C. 2259 Grimsley,N. 1571 Heinemeyer,W. 555 Huttner,E. 1911 Kail,M. 2343 Grindley,N.D.F. 17,3541 Heitlinger,E. 1535 Huttner,W.B. 3589 Kaim,D. 1511 Grén,K. 51 Helbl,V. 4145 Kalk,K.H. 1297 Gronemeyer,H. 3839 Heldin,C.-H. 1091,4121 Ibafiez.C.F. 2105 Kalkan, F.A. 1469 Groner,Y . 2119 Héléne,C. 1111 Iglesias,A. 2147 Kallajoki,M. 3351 Gros,F. 2411 Hellewell,P.G. 4113 lida,H. 1555 Kanner,S.B. 1689 Gross,M.K. 2047 Hentze,M.W. 1903 lino, Y. 221 Kaplow,J.M. 2849 Grosschedl,R. 3409 Her,J.-H. 885 Ikonen,E. 51 Karasuyama,H, 327 Grossmann,K. 2889 Herget,T. 2497 Ilyin,Y.V. 11692489 Karjalainen,K. 93,3655 Grosveld,F. 1391 Herman,P.K. 4049 Imai,T. 3641 Karperien,M. 2523 Gruber,C. 4081 Hermoso,T. 4061 Imamura,R. 183 Karpinski Oakley,B. 1187 Grubin,C.E. 2821 Hernandez-Chico,C. 467 Imbault,P. 2621 Karsenti,E. 3311 Gruenwald,S. 857 Herrero,M. 1159 Inglis,J.D. 255 Kaslaris,E. 4025 Gruissem,W. 1493 Herterich,S.U. 981 Inzé,D. 1723 Kaslin,E. 2157 Gruss,P. 1135 Hesse,J.E. 3631 Irvine,R.F. 3207 Kastelein,R.A. 4105 Guarneros,G. 3549 Hettema,E. 1009 Ishihara,T. 1635 Kastner,P. 59,71 Guasch,A. | Heumann,H. 2589 Ishii,T. 2681 Katunuma,N. 2321 Gubler,M. 951 Heurteaux,C. 2805 Ishino,F. 2997 Kaufman,J. 93 Gudas,L. 1149 Hewart,E.A. 2695 Ishino-Kaneko,T. 2997 Kavathas,P. 1201 Guerquin-Kern,J.-L. 3157 Heymach,J.JVr . 2395 Ishizaka-Ikeda,E. 2855 Kavounis,C. 349 Guerrier,P. 3343 Hill,C.S. 1939 Isobe ,K.-I. 3167 Kawasaki,H. 2661 Guggenheim,R. 4097 Hill,K. 1383 Israél,A. 1827,4159 Kaziro,Y. 1635 Guggino,W.B. 1355 Hill,R.E. 255,2985 Israél,N. 1827 Keegan,A.D. 3675 Guiochon-Mantel,A. 3851 Hillen,W. 4145 Ites-Morales.M.-E. 1767 Keenan, T.W. 2757 Giinther,K. 3095 Hillman,B.1. 741 ito.M. 3167 Keffer,J. 4025 Gussin,G.N. 4137 Hiraga,S. 183 Ivanov,V.A, 2489 Keller.M. 2521 Gutman,A. 1127 Hirsch,R.C. 3533 Iwabuchi,M. 1459 Keller,W. 4241 Hirschberg,K. 4061 Iwamoto.T. 3167 Kelly.R.B. 1979 Haasch,D. 4331 Hirschmann,P. 3829 Iwasaki,H. 4381 Kelm,S. 1661 Haber,L.T. 2707 Hirvas,L. 1017 Izpistia-Belmonte J.-C. 2279,4177 Kendall,G. 3861 Hackett J.Jr 4331 Hirvonen,H. 1347 Izquierdo,M. 377 Kendrick-Jones,J. 747 Author index Kerjan,P. 4267 Kuhse,J. 2401 Liu,L.-F.S. 3247 Mayer,U. 3137 Kerr,S.M. 4343 Kumamoto,C.A. 239 Lloubés,R. 1989 Mayerhofer,R. 697 Keshet,E. 2425 Kundel,C.A. 289 Llyin,Y.V. 2489 Mayfield,S.P.Y. 3993 Keverne,E.B. 2813 Kunisada,T. 2111 Loctin,F. 1671 Mayinger,P. 2795 Khim,M.C.L. 2747 Kunze,R. 4003 Loeb,D.D. 3533 Mayr,I. 2321 Kiefer,H. 1061 Kuo,C.-F. 1583 Logeat,F. 1827 McCormick,F. 1103,3215 Kikuchi,Y . 327 Kuo,C.J. 2231 Lohmer,S. 617 McGovern,K. 2773 Kim,U. 3523 Kusakabe,M. 2111 Lokker,N.A. 2125 McGowan,C.H. 4301 Kimble,J. 171 Kylsten,P. 163 Lombard-Platet,G. 3795 McGrath,J.P. 227 Kimbrell,D.A. 163 Loosfelt,H. 3851 McKenzie,A.N.J. 1193 King,J. 2839 La Thangue,N.B. 3819 Lorca,T. 2087 McLeod,M. 3759 Kioussis,D. 4025 Labastie,M.-C. 1809 Loss,P. 719 Mclntosh,L. 3289 Kirberg,J. 913 Labbé,J.-C. 1523 Lottspeich,F. 1061,4097 McMahan,C.J. 2821 Kirwin,P.M. 4113 Labhardt,A.M. 1303 Lotz,M. 919 McStay,B. 2297 Kishi,H. 93,913 Ladenstein,R. 1997 Lovell-Badge,R. 3177 MceVay,L.D. 83 Kishimoto,T. 2661 Lahaye,A. 997 Lozier,R. 2353 MeWilliam,A.S. 1661 Kitamura,K. 3743 Lahm,A. 1607 Lu,M. 2905 Medema,.R.H. 1103 Kitamura,T. 2833,4105 Lamb,N.J.C. 1523,2921 Luca,F.C. 4311 Meijer,L. 1545 Klappa,P. 2795 Lambrecht,B. 2747 Lucchetti,S. 1787 Melchers,F. 327 Klar,A.J.S. 3025 Lambrecht,H.-G. 793 Lucocq,J.M. 3567 Meldolesi,J. 3183 Klarsfeld,A. 625 Lamm,S.S. 1949 Lund,L.R. 3399 Mello,C.C. 3959 Klausner,R.D. 1643,2783 Lamond,A.I. 195,1863 Lupton,S.D. 2821 Melnikov,A.A. 2489 Kleinschmidt,J.A. 555,3043 Lang,K.M. 4241 Liischer,B. 865 Mendel,D.B. 2231 Klempnauer,K.-H. 3713 Langsford,M. 2157 Lutz,Y. 1149 Mendelsohn,C. 59,71 Klessig,D.F. 1317 Lanzavecchia,A. 3655 Lyman,S.D. 2425,2451,3683 Menon,A.K. 1969,2731 Knapp,B. 3095 Laurie,D.J. 4017 Mercenier,A. 1355 Knauthe,R. 3839 Lautwein,A. 1325 Ma,A. 1957 Merchant,S. 1383 Knobler,H. 2119 Laverty,T. 809 Maassen,J.A. 1103 Merdes,A. 195 Knéchel,W. 3087 Lavoie,B.D. 3051 Mackay,D. 3567 Messer,W. 1579,3061 Knoop,V . 3483 Law,K.M. 4343 Maddaloni,M. 617 Metcalf,P. 3129 Koch,K.-W. 793 Lazdunski,C. 1989 Madeddu,L. 1979 Metz,T. 837 Koch,M.H.J. 521 Lazdunski,M. 2805 Mader,S. 1149 Metzke,M. i159 Koenen,M. 2957 Lazzaro,D. 1435 Magee,A.I. 2741 Mével-Ninio,M. 2259 Kohler,G. 2147 Le Bail,O. 1827 Makela,T.P. 1331,1347 Meyer,H.E. 45 Kohli,J. 2157 Le Douarin,N.M. 2387 Makino,S. 1307 Meyer,T.F. 1307 Kolakofsky,D. 443,3079 Le Grice,S.F.J. 3905 Maleszka,R. 3923 Michaelis,G. 247 Kollias,G. 4025 Lecocgq,J.-P. 1355 Maller,J.L. 177 Michaelis,S. 1699,3777 Komma,D.J. 419 Ledbetter,J.A. 1201 Malosio,M.-L. 2401 Michal,Y . 3795 Konez,C. 697,3983 Lee,A. 289 Mangeat,P. 2363 Michalopoulos,G.K. 2867 Koncz-Kalman,Z. 697 Lee,K.J. 809,817 Maniatis,T. 3467 Michel,B. 2699 Koorneef,I. 1083 Lee,M.-S. 607 Mann,D.A. 1733 Michel,H. 2353 Kopf,M. 2147 Lee,M.S. 1255 Mann,K. 3137 Michels,P.A.M. 3861 Kopylov,A. 2613 Lee,W.-H. 857 Manning-Krieg,U.C. 3273 Mignery,G.A. 3199 Korber,H. 3383 Lees,J.A. 4279 Manolios,N. 1643 Mihara,K. 1759 Korhonen,!. 1347 Lefort,A. 1677 Marcey,D. 4259 Mikami,K. 1459 Koronakis,E. 3263 Legay,C. 1285 Marciniak,R.A. 4189 Milgrom,E. 1875,3851 Koronakis,V. 3263 Lehtonen,H. 573 Maréchal-Drouard,L. 2605 Millar,J.B.A. 4301 Korzh,V. 3609 Leid,M. 1149 Marin,N. 1187 Miller,C.A. 2583 Koski,P. 1017 Leiden,J.M. 1187 Maroney,P.A. 3869 Milstein,C. 2139 Koéster,M. 3087 Lemke,G. 3661 Marquéze-Pouey,B. 2401 Minc-Golomb,D. 2119 Kouchi,H. 2681 Lenaers,G. 4301 Marshak,D.R. 4279 Mirande,M. 4267 Kourilsky,P. 1827,4159 Lernhardt,W. 919 Marshall,C.J. 641.4033 Mirkovitch,J. 927 Kovats,K. 919 Leroy,P. 59,71,2223 Marshall,M. 2897 Misrahi,M. 1875 Kramer,A. 1503 Lesage,F. 2805 Marshall,M.S. 3215 Mita,S. 2833 Kramer,IJ.M 1083 Lescop,P. 3851 Martin,A. 1891,2331 Miyajima,A. 2833,4105 Kramer,J.M. 3959 Letourneur,F. 1643 Martin,B. 1611 Miyazaki,J.-I. 337 Krauss,G. 981 Letwin,K. 317 Martin,G. 4251 Miyazaki,T. 3191 Krauss,S. 3609 Leutz,A. 837 Martinez,E. 263 Miyazono,K. 1091 Krejci,E. 1285 Lev,S. 647 Martino,P. 885 Moazed,D. 3099 Krek,W. 305,3331 Lever,A. 2765 Maruyama,M. 3191 Modi,S. 4011 Krieg,T. 3137 Levine,S. 1957 Massoulié,J. 1285 Moens,U. 3609 Krin,E. 1683 Levitt,N. 1833 Masters,C.L. 297 Mohle-Steinlein,U. 2437 Krol,A. 599 Lew,D.J. 927 Masterson, W.J. 2041 Mohr, E. 2419 Krolewski,J.J. 2911 Lewis,S.M. 3631 Masturzo,P. 349 Mohun,T.J. 933 Kroneri,W.A. 2479 Ley,S.C. 903 Mathis,D. 3647 Molven,A. 799 Krouwer,A.J.J. 489 Li,W. 277 Mathur,S. 919 Monaci,P. 1435 Kruijer,W. 2523 Li,W.-Z. 563 Matsuda,F. 3641 Montarras,D. 2411 Krust,A. 59,71 Ly X.-1. 3221 Matsuda,S. 2661 Montrose,M.H. 1957 Kubota,A. 2305 Libert,F. 1677 Matsuoka,M. i803 Morden,C.W. 3281 Kudo,A. 327 Liebhaber,S.A. 3523 Mattaj,1.W. 1853 Morel,N. 1671 Kues,W. 2957 Lilley,D.M.J. 713 Mattéi,M.-G. 1809 Morelli,G. 1787 Kiihn,G. 3661 Lin,B.T.-Y. 857 Mattei,.M.G. 3721 Moreno,F. 467 Kuhn,L.A. 3247 Lindahl,T. 3913 Matteoli,M. 1275 Moreno,S. 3297 Kuhn,R. 3661 Lingelbach,K. 3095 Maurer,R.A. 1523 Moriwaki,K. 681 Kuhn,U. 3087 Lisanti,M.P. 1969 May,B.K. 1891 Moriyama,K. 2661 Author index Morla,A.O. 857 Nitsch,D. 2559 Paulson.J.C. 1661 Puype,M. 1285 Morrison,S.L. 2717 Njolstad,P.R. 799 Pausch,M.H. 1511 Morriss-Kay,G.M. 2985 Noller,H.F. 2203,3099 Pavirani,A. 1355 Qian,S. 1415 Moscat,J. 3215 Norbury,C. 3321 Pawson,T. 317.2451 Quail,P.H. 3015 Mosley ,B. 2821 Nordheim,A. 4219 Payne,D.M. 885 Moss,E.G. 1067 Normark,S. 477 Payre,F. 2533 Rabbitts,T.H. 2813 Moss.J. 1355 Norris,V . 3113 Pearce,E.J. 2741 Racaniello,V.R. 1067 Motto,M. 617 North,R.A. 3221 Pecht,I. 3603 Rachubinski,R.A. 3255 Mould,A.P. 4089 Novak,M. 2725 Peles,E. 2077 Raibaud,A. 2047 Mouzaki,A. 1399 Numberger,M. 2957 Pelet.T. 443 Ramesha,C.S. 109 Movva,N.R. 2125 Nurse,P. 3297,3321 Pelham,H.R.B. 369 Rapp,G. 521 Mrsa,V. 4081 Nuss,D.L. 731,741 Pellecuer,C. 1683 Rappuoli,R. 3971 Mueller,C.G.F. 4219 Nyberg,G. 477 Peltonen,L. 51 Ratto,A. 499 Mulle,C. 2411 Pepperkok,R. 195,1863,2343 Rauch,C. 1875 Miiller,G. 4145 O’Donnell,K. 2669 Perasso,R. 499 Ray,P.N. 2471,3931 Miiller,H. 2689 O’Farrell,P.H. 1427 Pérez-Martin,J. 1375 Reach,M. 3439 Miiller,H.W. 3661 Odell,M. 4343 Perricaudet,.M. 143 Redei,G.P. 697 Miiller,J. 3147 Oeda,K. 1793 Perriére,G. 675 Redeuilh,G. 1875 Miiller,U. 193 Oesterhelt,D. 521.2353 Perrot-Applanat,M. 3851 Reeder,R.H. 2297 Miiller,W.H. 489 Offen,D. 425 Persson,H. 269,2105 Rees,J. 2223 Miiller-Immergliick,M.M. 2291 Ogawa,M. 337,2111 Peschle,C. 4177 Reetz,A. 1275 Munier,H. 1683 Ogg,S. 1255 Peter,M. 1535 Reggio,H. 2363 Munro,S. 3577 Ogura,T. 183 Peters,A. 4331 Régnier-Vigouroux,A. 3589 Muramatsu,M. 2997 Ohbayashi,M. 3167 Peters,R. 633 Regulla,S. 45 Murchie,A.I.H. 713 Ohguro,H. 3669 Petersen,C.C.H. 527 Reichardt,L.F. 2375 Murphy,P. 2985 Ohlsson,R. 1365 Petersen,O.H. 527 Reik,A. 2559,2569 Murray,J.M. 3523 Ohstubo,.M. 1265,1555 Pettersson,U. 2291 Reinemer,P. 1997 Murtagh,J.J.Jr 1355 Okamoto,K. 2997 Petti,L. 845 Reinhardt,D. 2007,3137 Musil,D. 2321 Okamoto,M. 337 Pfeifer-Ohlsson,S. 1365 Reinsprecht,M. 3603 Muster,L. 1399 Okazawa,H. 2997 Pfleiderer,K. 4145 Reith,A.D. 2451 Okkema,P.G. 171 Pham, V.P. 3387 Renucci,A. 2279,4177 Naas,T. 3905 Okumura,E. 2661 Phipps,B.M. 1711 Rey,I . 1111 Nagai,K. 3447 Olofsson,A. 1091 Pickart,C. 2187 Rey-Campos,J. 1445 Nagamine,Y . 117 Olson,M.V. 1629 Pieler,T. 1407,3087 Reygers,U. 2689 Nagaoka,H. 3641 Olsson,O. 3983 Pierce,J.H. 3675 Reynolds,A.B. 1689 Nagata,S. Omura,T. 1759 Pikaard,C.S. 2297 Rhee,S.S. 535 Nahmias,C. 3721 Oosterwegel,M. 123 Pines,J. 1555 Ricard,P. 2805 Nakamura,S. 1635 Opperdoes,F.R. 3861 Pingoud,A. 1325 Richards,S.-J. 297 Nakashima,I. 3167 Or,E. 2077 Pinset,C. 2411 Richardson,S.J. 4113 Nakata,A. 4381 Orkin,S.H. 1187 Pipkorn,R. 2795 Richter,D. 2419 Nakayama,T. 1459 Osborn,M. 3351 Pirrotta,V. 1415 Rieber,P. 2247 Nakshatri,H. 2223 Osmani,A.H. 2669 Pisan,B. 1571 Riesner,D. 197 Naldini,L. 2867 Osmani,S.A. 2669 Piwnica-Worms,H. 1255 Rihs,H.-P. 633 Nallaseth,F.S. 4351 Osuna,R. 1593 Plaetinck,G. 2133 Rimmer,J.M. 1939 Narsimhan,R.P. 2867 Ottemann,K.M. 1749 Plasterk,R.H.A. 1919 Ringold,G. 109 Nastainczyk,W. 45 Oubridge,C. 3447 Platt,T. 3503 Rinke-Appel,J. 2195 Nawrath,C. 697 Ouellette,M. 1009 Plaut,M. 3675 Rippmann,F. 1053 Nayee,P.D. 4113 Overath,P. 1061 Pléhn,H.-J. 521 Robins,P. 3913 Néanit,I. 3343 Owen,D.J. 3297 Podini,P. 3183 Rochaix,J.-D. 2033,3495 Négre,D. 675 Oxtoby,E. 1075 Ponzetto,C. 2867 Roche, E.S. 2479 Nehlin,J.O. 3373 Popovic,T . 2321 Rodriguez-Boulan,E. 1969 Neuberger,M.S. 2139 Pachnis,A. 3157 Pornon,A. 3839 Rogerson,B. 4331 Nevins,J.R. 215 Pakrasi,H.B. 1619 Portugal,J. 713 Rohrschneider,L. 877 Newton,C.L. 3199 Pal,G.P. 349 Porumb,T. 1683 Rojo,F. 3429 Newton,K.J. 1045 Pallen,C.J. 3231 Potter,J. 1957 Rolink,A. 327 Nicholson,R. 1127 Palme,K. 3983 Pouteau,S. 1911 Romagnoli,P. 1303 Nicosia,A. 1435 Palmer,J.D. 3073,3281 Pouyssegur,J. 1957 Romanin,C. 3603 Niehrs,C. 3621 Pals,C. 2523 Powers,T. 2203 Roméo,P.-H. 1809,3157 Nielsch,U. 4169 Pan,C.-X. 2855 Prakash,L. 2187 Romer,J. 3399 Niesbach-Klésgen,U. 2605 Papavassiliou,A.G, 397 Prakash,S. 2187 Romey,G. 2805 Nietfeld,W. 3087 Parada,L.F. 2425 Prangé,T. 827 Roncarati,R. 1037 Nigg,E.A. Parker,L.L. 1255 Pratje,E. 247 Rgnne,E. 3399 Niki,H. 183 Parmeggiani,A. 779 Preis,D. 1061 Ronne,H. 3373 Nilsen, T.W. 3869 Parmentier,M. 1677 Prelli,F. 513 Rosbash,M. 1209 Nilson,L.A. 845 Paro,R. 153 Prendergast,G.C. 757 Rosengarten,R. 4069 Nilsson,T. 3567 Parry,H.D. 1853 Prere,.M.F. 705 Rosl,F. 1377 Nimmo,H.G. 2063 Parsons,J.T. 1689 Presutti,C. 2215 Ross,D.T. 2047 Nischt,R. 3137 Partanen,J. 1347 Price,V . 2839 Rosselli,W. 4391 Nishida,E. 2661 Partridge,J.F. 3819 Primig,M. 4209 Rossomando,A.J. 885 Nishikawa,S.-I. 2111 Paszkowski,U. 1767 Pritchard,C. 3447 Roth,C.W. 1653 Nishikawa,S.I. 337 Patel,R. 3769 Probert,L. 4025 Roth,S.Y. 2069,3033 Nishikura,K. 3523 Paterson,H. 4033 Proudfoot,N.J. 1833,3503,4197 Rothbard,J.B. 1053 Nishimoto,T. 1265,1555 Patterson,D. 1629 Prugnola,A. 3971 Rothfield,L.1. 3363,4371 Nishitani,H. 1265,1555 Patterson,U. 2291 Prusiner,S.B. 513 Rotter,M. 1037 Nissim,A. 101 Paul,W.E. 3675 Pu.R.T. 2669 Rouvieére-Yaniv,J. 687 Author index Rouyer-Fessard,P. 3157 Schmitz,M. 719 Smaal,E.B. 489 Syvanen,A.-C. 51 Rozeboom,H.J. 1297 Schmitz,M.L. 3805 Smart,L.B. 3289 Szezepaniak,A. 2757 Rozengurt,E. 2497 Schneider,A. 247 Smith,G.L. 4343 Szent-Gyorgyi,C. 3033 Ruberti,I. 1787 Schneider,K. 1037 Smith,S. 971 Szymanski,P. 4321 Rubin,G.M. 809 Schneider,T. 45 Smith,V . 2627 Rudenko,G. 3387 Schofield,P.R. 1885 Smith, W.C. 2223 Tabata,T. 1459 Ruderman,J.V. 4311 Schrek,R. 1817,2247 Smithers,S.R. 2741 Tada,Y . 1803 Ruffenach,F. 71 Schuchert,P. 2157 Snarey,M. 4113 Tagliavini,F. 513 Ruigrok,R.W.H. 2695 Schurmann,J. 3703 Snyder,S.H. 3183 Tainer,J.A. 3247 Ruis,H. 585 Schuster,G. 1493 Soeda,E. 3641 Takahagi,M. 4381 Rungger,D. 1399 Schuster,W. 3483 Soen,S.-Y. 2033 Takahashi,K. 1635 Rusconi,S. 2513 Schiitz,G. 2559,2569 Sogo,J.M. 4351 Takahashi,M. 3167 Russell,P. 4301 Schutz,P. 2589 Solimena,M. 1275 Takahashi,T. 1635 Russo,P. 563 Schwab,M. 3703 Sonnenberg,E. 3693 Takahashi,Y . 2033,2387 Ruysschaert,J.-M. 2747 Schwager,J. 505,2461 Sonoda,S. 665 Takaki,S. 2833 Schwager,M. 505 Spanu,P. 2007 Takao,T. 3669 Saadane,N. 3157 Scott,B. 93 Sparkman,D.R. 297 Takatsu,K. 2833 Sadhale,P. 3503 Scott,M.P. 665 Spector,D.L. 3467 Takeda,S. 2997 Saedler,H. 2605 Seeburg,P.H. 4017 Spena,A. 2889,3125 Takei,K. 1275 Sagai,T. 681 Seed,B. 343 Sperling,J. 425 Talbot,D. 1391 Saidowsky,J. 555 Segura,M. 3549 Sperling,R. 425 Tamanoi,F. 2897 Saison-Behmoaras,T. 1111 Seifart,K.H. 2595 Spiess,M. 3735 Tan,T.J. 785 Sakai,H. 2661 Seifert,E. 2267 Spottswood,M.R. 2653 Tanaka,K. 2897 Sakakura,T. 2111 Seino,H. 1265 Sprague,G.F.Jr 1265 Tanda,S. 407 Sakamoto,M. 1803 Seipel,K. 2291 Sprengel,R. 1885 Taniguchi,T. 4191 Sakiyama,F. 1607 Sémériva,M. 4267 Spreyer,P. 3661 Tanner,W. 4081 Saksela,K. 1331 Séraphin,B. 1209 Spriggs,M.K. 2821 Tannock,L. 317 Salamini,F. 617,1037 Serban,D. 513 Sproat,B.S. 1863 Tao,M. 2717 Salas,F. 919 Séror,S.J. 3113 Spyrou,G. 2237 Tapley,P. 877 Salas,M. 3429 Serth,J. 1325 Stacey,D.W. 2897 Tavernier,J. 827,2133 Salentijn,E. 2765 Sessa,G. 1787 Stack,J.H. 4049 Taylor,M.V. 933 Salinas,J. 1793 Seto, Y. 2855 Stade,K. 2195 Taylor,W.R. 1053 Salmon,A.-M. 625 Seydoux,G. 3759 Stahl,H. 997 Ten,R. 1827 Salvignol,I. 705 Shabanowitz,J. 885 Staiger,D. 3983 Teo,C.H. 3447 Samakovlis,C. 163 Shah,N. 2783 Stamenkovic,1. 343 Terhorst,C. 903 Samson,L. 2179 Shambaugh,J.D. 3869 Stanley,E.R. 277 Terracol,R. 2259 Samuelsson,L. 3787 Shanafelt,A.B. 4105 Stark,W.M. 3541 Tessier,L.-H. 2621 Samulski,R.J. 3941 Shanahan,F. 2879 Stasiak,A. 4391 Thevelein,J.M. 2095 Sanchez-Madrid,F. 903 Shapira,R. 731,741 Steger,G. 719 Thines-Sempoux,D. 997 Sandberg,G. 3983 Sharp,A.H. 3183 Steinbeisser,H. 3043 Thiriart,C. 2747 Sanderson,C.J. 1193 Sharp,P.A. 4189 Steitz,J.A. 459,2645 Thomas,D. 547 Sapperstein,S.K., 1699 Sharpe,M.J. 2139 Steitz,T.A. 25 Thomas,G.M.H. 2507 Saraste,.M. 2015 Shaw,J.M. 1741 Steller,H. 809,817 Thomas,J.O. 1939 Sardet,C. 1957 Shemshedini,L. 3839 Stenlund,A. 449.4321 Thompson,R.D. 617 Sarfati,R. 1683 Shen,W. 2905 Stetter,K.O. 1711 Thorner,J. 1511 Saris,C.J.M. 655 Sherman,D.R. 3379 Stewart,A.F. 2569 Thuong,N.T. 1111 Sasker,M. 2553 Sherman,F. 563 Stillman,B. 971 Thut,C.J. 2839 Sassone-Corsi,P. 3839 Shiba,T. 4381 Stinchcomb,D. 3959 Tichy,H.-V. 2949 Sather,S. 2047 Shibata,Y . 1555 Storb,U. 4331 Timmis,K.N. 1159 Savouret,J.F. 1875 Shibuya,E.K. 4311 Storm,D.R. 2047 Timpl,R. 3137 Sazer,S. 3297 Shimizu,M. 3033 Stragier,P. 3559 Tocque,B. 1111 Scangos,G.A. 289 Shimoda,C. 3743 Straka,C. 361 Toczyski.D.P.W. 459 Scarlato,V. 3971 Shimonishi,Y . 3669 Strath,M. 1193 Toescu,E.C. 527 Schaal,H. 3661 Shin,E.K. 3641 Stripecke,R. 1903 Tollervey,.D. 195,573 Schaffer,J. 1997 Shinagawa,H. 4381 Strittmatter,U, 2125 Tominaga,A. 2833 Schaffner,W. 2291 Shingle,J.M. 3753 Strizhov,N. 3983 Tooze,S.A. 3589 Schanz,M. 585 Shiroishi,T. 681 Strémberg,K. 3787 Towatari,T. 2321 Schatz,G. 247,3273 Shooter,E.M. 2395 Strosberg,A.D. 3721 Towers,N. 933 Schatz,O. 3905 Shotton,D.M. 893,1661 Stunnenberg,H.G. 1853,2553,3829 Toyada,Y. 2997 Schatz,P.J. 1749 Siegbahn,A. 4121 Sturgill, T.W. 885 Trapnell,B.C. 1355 Scheffner,M. 4129 Sigler,P.B. 3105 Subramani,S. 3255 Trapp,B.D. 289 Schell,D. 1061 Silhavy,T.J. 1749 Subramanian,T. 2311 Traunecker,A. 93,3655 Schell,J. 697,2889,3125,3983 Silverstein,S.J. 397 Suck,D. 1607 Travis,A. 3409 Scherer,P. 247 Simmen,K.A. 1853 Stidhof,T.C. 3199 Trepte,H.-H. 785 Scherer,P.E. 3273 Simon,M. 2165 Sugimoto,A. 221 Triller,A. 625 Schertler,G.F.X. 2353 Simpson,A.J.G. 2741 Sung,P. 2187 Tripodi,M. 3177 Schickor,P. 2589 Simpson,R.T. 3033 Surdin-Kerjan,¥ . 547 Trowbridge,I.S. 3247 Schiffmann,S.N. 1677 Sims,J.E. 2821 Suter,U. 2395 Trudel,M. 3157 Schild,D. 1629 Sinigaglia,F. 1303 Suzuka,I . 2681 Trusko,S.P. 1565 Schiltz,E. 4251 Siunov,A.V. 2489 Suzuki,K. 2661 Tsai,M.H. 2897 Schindler,H. 3603 Skelly ,P.J. 3923 Swanson,M.S. 1863 Tsai,S.-F. 1187 Schirm,S. 133 Slack J.L. 2821 Swenson,K.I. 1255 Tse,C.M. 1957 Schlessinger,J. 2849 Slonimski,P.P. 2023 Swinkels,B.W. 3255 Turk,D. 2321 Schmidt,A.M.A. 981 Sloof,P. 1271 Sybesma,C. 1723 Turk,V. 2321 Schmidt,M.C. 1843 Slooten,L. 1723 Symington,L.S. 987 Turkewitz,A.P. 1979 Tyndall,W.A, 3753 Wahli,W, 263 Author index UUUUUrrnleitbldeeararrn,,ib,GHce.M.hc . ,kAB, 4..6A16 .725J70 , 71 781 27 89 WWWWWaaaaaijllljilkdjsdesw.ircDa,,h.lGMm k..iuCFd1.,.t4 WF.3. .R .27 30117206 57795 5 WWWWWooooolllllffffffge,,ea,CD,nK ..g.ARH,H... .P W. .51 3503257438 5121 92 1 UUUUUUtsssssautihhndaakseavav,,.rr,U EywM..Yoo. .v o ,4d 412,435Y3P2900A].3 5 N.4 .3 R2.]3 19392 39 WWWWWWaaaaaannnlnngagtg,nge,,JrdXH,,Yi...B, Y. -.I. C.J33 .,233R 3662.]3958 395 57 1.618594 5 WWWWWWroooooisrooogttddhdecot,,onn,RDc.,A..kRH.D ... .GA2 .J.2.8 7B 913.77932 1043947 981 93 93} Wang,Z.Q. 2437 Wu.C. 665 VVaana raA,eMl.s t,L1.0 172 095 WWaarrrbreinc,kG,.E , 3546279 ] WWuu,,J .Y .-4N3.5 ] 322] vvvvaaaannnn1 0d8ddd3eeee nn W WeEBetiuterjergnri,diJnen.gn g-,,vMM1a.2.nL1 .7 R1a2a31i 1j0,3A .J.M. WaWWWWataaatkssseyiysrllnsey,ysnJkka,...aWJCBr...., S T..2 M9117.114 22 2775 92 055 XWWWiiyiiacitoshh,tor.WiwD.cs. h k.iK2.,11 0C70.99 11 233] Vvaann dDeerr EbH,eAy.dJe.n ,J.1 1032 133 WWaattssoonn,-AM.cJK.Mo.w n.R19.5 7 4069 XXui,aLo,.X-.X . 39344]3 9 vvvvvvavaVaVaaanannanann n n n OMdLdddoeoeodedersreroner tr r nt eZ,PaVSVreAllgoKphi.irooeuoeijEkre,ftus.,tgMt,tt H,,,P.,,.TL.L BJ .C3...P..3HHA. 1A4.1 ..73.2MTM23 W1 43 ,07.8 0 M97. 24 3 08359857 ,3877 WWWWWeWWWeaeWeeieieiatielbdbhtzdd,eee,zeenJrrFemln.e.,l,a-,er MeKHn..,,...NnMKGJ 2 ......5F H5M 23..9.63 4 2 54 80|]0838 852]013 8 7 16337 7 YYYYYYYYaaaaaaaannmmhmmgmgaaaaa,,asmrgJ mhdau.uVioa,r c.ttI,ahaW.oG,2i, .,.K2, 9M. KN2]-...6 I1 36 9. 115 197252] 528 5133 3 3 7 VVvvVaaaaannnnn 'd te WPkOueesHtrpottcefaek.drnhJee,,o.J nvX.e,.P.1W .J9.M4.8.W9 2 , 7 1330070 7 3007 WWWWWeeeeeliiiilssslsssb,.he,RLaeE..ak . r,A,P.21B. 43. 79 992 12517 76757 YYYYYeaaaaasrnntudiegedvs,na.,.,XMT H...Y.W0 , ., 16144522475365,534 ]225 0 27377 293] VVVaVVaVVVeeVsVasaananasaussdrnnnianxirsddslrd,oehteeeteDls,anrvrl,n,Gvb,,héGB .sJrLam.o,.ka. e, s2 ynTBg,3,d..hT41Ae 11 e3.1].6nn4 7 ,9,247S 63 J.2295.8 2 1-37 J 9. 1 71212368 757, 2133 WWWWhWeWWWhWWieeseeeieetnysststrnassstideezki,ee neleJelnr,m,l.,rkImGa,W RI,,a,A,nL.MrP ..3 n.k.C7 , ,.C2222LUB.9263,5.. 8793 9 0971 23 62249 9255 7 6174 027315 YYYYYYYYoYoYooooouooeussosnnnkg,nhhhe,g.eoiigihTc,vdzny,a..Ka.araaCJ ,a.Dgw.m.T,E.aaS a3S., ..5.,. KT 2HK 1.4 3.2. 0 1 41 6225169238 735 133694 1636 3]4 99 ] Verkleij,A.J, 489 Whitmarsh, J. 1619 VVVViViViVVViVrViitniiientelencgkrdelrlacnermlaasrneaoin,ai,uen,,tAjtRndntAt.Ezz.,,,,. i.eR D,A K, Ar...M.A3,. 3 .. 1C24 C 8.89.233P3136 51, 6707135 886 03793772 34 790 07 WWWWWWiiWiWWiiWilWlliiikeielilklgscselideincekantaemnaornanmrrsslx,dsne,,elé,R,,dG.r.nm.KSA,.JM.,, ... U..RWMW FM.B..,.... 51T 8]2. 5254 322261309800037472615 711 }35 7, 4819 3 ZZZZZZZhZhZeZeeZaaaooaralnarrpubumekmhnepin,,oenateabtXQr,,.ngv,,..KGeRa,iAD. Y..,r§.g.S . ,P .n .R .1aH .328D,5.7 4414.9V 053920,. 56 2574 33]]8 2 163947951 ,7270 7 VViivvainacn,oN-.R ui3z17,7M .d.M. 3829 WWiilllliiaammss,,GD..SE.. 22144275 ,245] ZZiheug,eXl.b au3e9r4,]K . 106] Vizan.J.L. 467 Wills.N. 94] Ziegler,A. 117 Voigt,M.M. 4017 Wilson,M. S05 Ziff,E.B. 757 VVvvVVoooooosnrnll, h pbJeee.KeB,CedsoP.sa,e. s,Ph lA.me2. 3er5 1r,581D,3311. H 86P.70. 7 9131,7991 3 WWiiWWWWisriiincannmtkhksemll,ireeoDk,rrw.E,,,,.OCH D...E, M .3 . 74 52422831909 2419 ]39 72725 ZZZZZZiiiiiinnmmmmkkmm,mmoeBeewe.rrrsr ,mkmmSaia.a1n,nG5nRnn3,n. ., ,PR M.F4 .1K61 229274 79529 505 9 5 VVroeuusgddeenn,hKil.,HE., 23827399 WWWiiisssseei.,nKDg..eS r., B1.24 4056 394 83 ZZZusoceui,bcAo,.,D K, .M152.83 52 ]4 121 WWaWaaghgnlneee,rrE,,. A E.. 4F2,55 ]8 25 4373683 WWWiiisttsztmeianmganhnnon,f,Ae .rV, .A .4 219415537 2 5 Zzuwra alH,aRu.sRe.n ,H.1 2171 337 Wohlgensinger,B. 3905 4405 Subject index a factor cAMP response element binding protein Saccharomyces cerevisiae, methylation by STE/4 gene product phosphorylation, induced by TGF-3, 1083 1699 cAMP-dependent protein kinase Abscisic acid inhibition, role in mitosis and nuclear envelope breakdown 1523 induction of barley aldose reductase 1037 role in Schizosaccharomyces pombe meiosis regulation 3759 Absorption spectroscopy Amplification bacteriorhodopsin photocycle 2353 and drug resistance in Leishmania 1009 Acetate operon mouse mdm2, associated with tumorigenesis 1565 Escherichia coli, \clR repressor 675 Amyloid precursor protein Acetylcholine gene, regulatory sequences 289 release, analysis using Xenopus oocyte system 1671 Amyloid protein Acetylcholine receptor P component, Gerstmann —Straussler —Scheinker disease 513 a-subunit gene expression during myogenesis 625 Anti-bacterial peptides activation, cytoplasmic Ca** oscillation 527 Drosophila andropin, gene and gene product 163 development of adult form in in vitro myogenesis 2411 Antibiotics muscle-specific gene expression, regulation 2957 interaction with 16S rRNA 3099 Acetylcholinesterase Antigenicity Torpedo marmorata, collagenic tail peptide, cloning and expression leukosialin 893 1285 Antisense oligonucleotides Actin inhibition of Ha-ras translation 1111 ACT] gene, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, site-directed mutagenesis a-1 antitrypsin 3951 gene, liver-specific transcription factors 3177 Actin binding protein AppppA Dictyostelium discoideum, similarity to G protein 8 subunits 4097 binding to heat shock and oxidative stress proteins 3897 Actin reorganization Arabidopsis following c-kit product activation 4121 nad5 MRNA, trans-splicing 3483 Actin severing protein Arabidopsis thaliana novel, Mbh1 757 Agrobacterium tumefaciens T-DNA integration 697 B-adaptin leucine zipper and homeodomain 1787 binding to asialoglycoprotein receptor 3735 Arachidonic acid Adeno-associated virus inhibits NFI and IRA2 proteins 2897 targeted integration into chromosome 19 3941 metabolite involved in c-fos induction by tumour necrosis factor Adenosine receptors 109 Al and A2 G protein coupled receptors 1677 Archaebacteria Adenovirus thermophilic, ATPase complex 1711 basis of differing oncogenicity of AdS and Ad1l2 4169 Arthritis EIB gene, alternative splicing, effect of DNA template transgenic mouse model 4045 major late promoter, transcription 3439 Ascaris lumbricoides Adenylate cyclase trans-splicing 3869 Bordetella pertussis, mutational analysis 1683 Asialoglycoprotein receptor encoded by Trypanosoma equiperdum ESAG 2047 binding to B-adaptin 3735 Adenylyl cyclase internalization signals promote transferrin receptor endocytosis Saccharomyces cerevisiae, RAS point mutations 349 3247 Adipocyte differentiation Aspartylglucosaminid role of C/EBP 3787 missense mutation causing aspartylglucosaminurea 51 33-adrenergic receptor Aspartylglucosaminurea mouse, characterization 3721 caused by aspartylglucosaminidase missense mutation 51 Agrobacterium rhizogenes Aspergillus nidulans rolB, product hydrolyses indoxyl-3-glucoside 3125 NIMA protein kinase, role in mitosis 2669 rolC, encodes cytokinin-3-glucosidase 2889 ATP binding proteins Agrobacterium tumefaciens Saccharomyces cerevisiae STE6, mutational analysis 3777 T-DNA gene 5, encodes auxin antagonist 3983 ATP hydrolysis T-DNA integration, model 697 role in DNA strand exchange 4391 Albumin ATPase transcription regulation 1445 membrane, required for correct site of septum formation in Aldolase Escherichia coli 4371 Plasmodium falciparum, translation initiation 3095 ring-shaped complex, thermophilic archaebacteria 1711 Alkylation damage Salmonella typhimurium MutS mutant with altered activity repair of, role of Saccharomyces cerevisiae methyltransferase 2179 2707 Alternative splicing Autoimmunity adenovirus EIB gene, effect of DNA template 3457 autoantibody-related Vj, sequences 3641 mouse retinoic acid receptor a isoforms 59, 71 Autonomously replicating sequence element Alzheimer’s disease Saccharomyces cerevisiae, binding of single-strand specific DNA mouse mode! 289, 297 binding protein 981 paired helical filament, tau protein isoforms 2725 Auxin antagonist Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase encoded by Agrobacterium tumefaciens T-DNA gene 5 3983 multifunctional, Drosophila 4267 Auxin conjugates 5-aminolevulinate synthase hydrolysis by Agrobacterium rhizogenes rolB product 3125 human erythroid, post-transcriptional regulation 1903 Axon human erythroid, promoter and post-transcriptional regulation 1891 expression of integrin ag subunit 2375 cAMP control element Axonal transport regulation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae catalase T gene in hypothalamo—hypophyseal tract, vasopressin and oxytocin transcription 585 mRNAs 2419 4406 Subject index B cells Caenorhabditis elegans differentiation, molecular requirements of p-induced light chain sex determination, fra-2 gene, molecular analysis 171 gene rearrangement 2147 transformation 3959 differentiation, mouse Ig gene rearrangement 337 transposition, Tel footprints 1919 early, specific DNA binding protein 3409 Calcium binding protein interferon a receptor 919 activates guanylate cyclase in rod outer segments precursor clones, Dj, —Jy rearrangement 327 Calcium channel type IL interleukin | receptor 2821 site of interaction with DHP channel blocker 45 B-DNA Calcium storage conformation, sequence-determined 35 Purkinje neuron, heterogeneity 3183 Bacillus subtilis Calmodulin inhibitor sporulation and sigma factors 3559 resistance conferred by tRNA mutation 3113 transcription regulation, role of DNA bending 3429 CaM kinase Bacterial invasion Saccharomyces cerevisiae, multiple genes 1511 Campylobacter jejuni, role of flagellin 2055 Campylobacter jejuni Bacteriophage \ flagellin, role in bacterial invasion 2055 inhibition of Escherichia coli protein synthesis, role of peptidyl Candida glabrata tRNA hydrolase 3549 mitochondrial DNA replication, mechanism 3923 Bacteriorhodopsin Capping enzyme Halobacterium halobium photocycle/X-ray diffraction 521 vaccinia virus, role in transcription initiation 2553 photocycle, absorption spectroscopy 2353 CArG box Barley bound by Xenopus laevis transcription factor SRF 933 aldose reductase, role in desiccation tolerance 1037 Carrot Bel complex cyclins 2681 electron transfer, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, role of ABC] 2023 Cartilage Bispecific antibodies tumours, resulting from c-fos overexpression in embryonic stem against HIV-1 infected cells 3655 cells 2437 Bordetella pertussis Casein kinase II adenylate cyclase, mutational analysis 1683 c-fos induction 2921 virulence factors, regulation 3971 ‘asein kinase IT site Bovine lens fibre MIP gene family role in protein transport from nucleus to cytoplasm 633 homologue in Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2095 ‘atalase T gene Bovine papillomavirus Saccharomyces cerevisiae, transcription regulation 585 DNA replication, transactivation 449 ‘athepsin B E2 enhancer, cell type dependent activation by single transcription human, X-ray crystallography 2421 factor 2543 ‘auliflower mosaic virus E2 protein, transactivation, elements required 2931 system for monitoring homologous recombination in planta 1571 ES protein, activates PDGF receptor 845 Cb2 Bovine parainfluenza virus 3 cytoplasmic domain, role in signal transduction 377 P gene, MRNA editing 443 CD3 Brain T cell receptor complex, different y~ and 6 chains 903 development, thyroid hormone receptors, c-erbA gene expression CD3-« 269 gene expression, motif recognized by T cell-specific transcription rat, expression of glycine receptor subunit mRNAs 2401 factor 123 Brain derived neurotrophic factor CD4 and nerve growth factor, chimeric molecules 2105 and CD8 lineage, commitment, model 913 Branchpoint sequence cytoplasmic domain, role in signal transduction 37 Saccharomyces cerevisiae, role in spliceosome assembly 1209 solubie, bispecific antibodies against HIV-1 infected cells 3655 Bryophyllum fedtschenkoi CD44 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase, circadian rhythms in activity isoforms, differential cell adhesion properties 343 2063 CD8 Burkitt's lymophoma and CD4, lineage, commitment, model 913 p53 mutation 2879 association with p56'* required for activation of T cells 1201 cde2 kinase c-Ets cell cycle regulation, phosphorylation 305 activates stromelysin promoter 1127 histone HI phosphorylation in Tetrahymena amitotic macronucleus c-fos 2069 induction by casein kinase I 2921 implications for activation 177 induction by tumour necrosis factor 109 phosphorylates lamin B, 865 overexpression in embryonic stem cells results in cartilage tumours phosphorylates retinoblastoma RB protein 857 2437 phosphorylation of lamins, role in depolymerization 1535 c-kit Cecropin mouse coat colour alteration using anti-c-Ait antibody 2111 gene family, andropin—a male-specific member 163 product, activation leads to actin reorganization and chemotaxis Cell adhesion 4121 differential properties of CD44 isoforms 343 receptor and ligand, role in mouse development 2425 integrin recognition sequence in fibronectin 4089 tyrosine kinase receptor, rescue of W locus mutants 3683 sialic acid receptor in macrophages 1661 c-mos Cell cycle proto-oncogene, product not required for cyclin destruction 2087 cde2 kinase phosphorylation, G, phase 305 c-sis progression, requires centromere-associated protein CENP-E 1245 transcription regulation 1365 protein phosphorylation, cde2-related 317 C/EBP role of p34? phosphorylation 3297, 3321, 3331 role in adipocyte differentiation 3787 role of Regulator of Chromatin Condensation 1265, 1555 ‘a?* —calmodulin Cell division required for cyclin destruction 2087 Escherichia coli, membrane ATPase required for correct site of ‘a’* oscillation septum formation 4371 receptor activation, ATP 527 genes, Escherichia coli, transcription activation 3363 Subject index Cell fate Crystal idioblasts Xenopus, effect of XIHbox 6 ectopic expression 3621 Nicotiana tabacum, targeting of PR proteins 1317 CENP-E CSF-1 human centromere-associated protein required for cell cycle signal transduction, growth factor receptor internalization 277 progression 1245 Cyclins Centromere-associated protein abundance, relationship to p34 ede2 phosphorylation, sea urchin 3769 CENP-E, required for cell cycle progression 1245 destruction, requires Ca? * —calmodulin 2087 Chalcone synthase interaction with p34, requires phosphorylation 3311 genes C2 and Whp, Zea mays, regulation 2605 Patella vulgata 3343 Channel blocker plant 2681 DHP, site of interaction in calcium channel 45 regulation of p34°“*? tyrosine phosphorylation 1255 Chaperones Cyclin B Escherichia coli, role in protein export 239 targets p34°"? for tyrosine phosphorylation 1545 mhsp60 and mhsp70, role in mitochondrial protein import Cyclin B2 3273 Xenopus, presence in prophase-arrested oocytes 177 Chemot Cyclophosphamide Dictyostelium discoideum, signal transduction, role of actin binding mode of action 1075 protein 4097 Cystic fibrosis following c-kit product activation 4121 analogous mutations in Saccharomyces cerevisiae STE6 a-factor Chestnut blight transporter 3777 hypovirulence, associated double stranded RNA 731, 741 CFTR, variable exon deletion in normal bronchial! epithelium 1355 Chick Cytochrome b brain development, c-erbA gene expression 269 Saccharomyces cerevisiae cbs2-223 mutant, suppression by ABC/ Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 2023 chloroplast 23S rRNA gene intron, self-splicing 3495 Cytochrome b, cytochrome c6, transcription regulation 1383 yeast mitochondria, protease | 247 psaC gene, insertional inactivation 2033 Cytochrome 6559 Chloride channels site-directed mutagenesis, effect on photosystem IL 1619 role in degranulation of rat mucosal mast cells 3603 Cytochrome b,f complex Chloroplast electrostatic destabilization 2757 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 238 tRNA gene intron, self-splicing Cytochrome c oxidase 3495 subunit III, site-directed mutagenesis 2015 mRNA 3’ end processing 1493 Cytochrome c6 specific mRNA binding proteins, role in light regulated translation transcription regulation, role of copper 1383 3993 Cytochrome CYP2B1 transformation, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 2033 role in cyclophosphamide toxicity 1075 Chloroplast gene Cytochrome f transfer to nucleus during evolution 3073 electron transfer to plastocyanin 4011 Cholecytokinin Cytochrome oxidase receptor activation, cytoplasmic Ca** oscillation 527 yeast mitochondria inner membrane 247 Chromatin Cytokines assembly during DNA replication 971 GM-CSF and IL-5, domains required for high affinity binding to Chromatin structure receptors 4105 Drosophila, role of scaffold attachment region 1237 production by mast cells, enhanced by ligand stimulation of growth effect of steroid hormones 2569 factor receptors 3675 Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and mating type switching 3033 Cytokinins transcription and DNase I sensitivity 607 release from glucoside conjugates, Agrobacterium rhizogenes rolC Chromosomal rearrangement 2889 X chromosome —autosome translocation, Duchenne muscular Cytoskeleton dystrophy 3931 linker protein, ezrin 2363 Chromosome partitioning Escherichia coli gene, mukB 183 Chromosome segregation Degranulation Drosophila, roie of claret non-disjunctional 419 rat mucosal mast cells, role of chloride channels 3603 mechanism, differs in mitosis and meiosis 419 Deletion claret non-disjunctional hot spot, Escherichia coli terB 2699 Drosophila, role in chromosome segregation 419 Desiccation Cleavage and polyadenylation factor tolerance, barley, role of aldose reductase 1037 interaction with pre-mRNA 3’ processing signal 4241 Dictyostelium discoideum Codon recognition actin binding protein, similarity to G protein 2 subunits 4097 by Saccharomyces cerevisiae glutamine tRNA 1481 DNA Colicins positively supercoiled, formation of nucleosomes 387 import into Escherichia coli 1989 single-stranded, complex with Escherichia coli recA protein 2695 Collagen DNA accessibility binding to laminin, mediated by nidogen 3137 effect of DNA methylation 2559 Complement genes DNA bending human, transcription termination 4197 by phage mu A protein 3051 Complement proteins by POU proteins 3007 phosphorylation by Leishmania major protein kinases 4061 during DNA protein interaction in Mu transposition 1585 Complement receptor CR2 effect on promoter 941 may be interferon a receptor 919 role in transcription regulation 3429 Copper role in transcription regulation by RepA repressor 1375 role in cytochrome c6 transcription regulation 1383 DNA binding Crithidia fasciculata Salmonella typhimurium MutS mutant with altered activity 2707 RNA editing, role of guide RNA 1217 DNA binding protein Cryphonectria parasitica complements defect in DNA repair in xeroderma pigmentosum hypovirulence, associated double stranded RNA 731, group A 3913 4408

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