f s THE ELOQUENT J ACQUELINE K O ENNEDY NASSIS A Portrait in Her Own Words Ed ited by B i l l A d l e r C O N T E N T S Introduction 1 HIGHLIGHTS 3 THE EARLY YEARS 7 Childhood 7 School Days 9 College Days 11 Jackie’s Mother 16 Jackie’s Father 18 Jackie’s Sister, Lee 19 Early Career 20 Early Social Life 24 LIFE WITH JOHN F. KENNEDY 27 Courtship 27 Early Years of Marriage 35 The Kennedys 42 Joseph P. Kennedy Sr. 4 5 Rose Kennedy 4 7 Robert F. Kennedy 4 9 Ethel Kennedy 5 1 Edward M. Kennedy 5 1 Joan Kennedy 5 2 POLITICAL WIFE 53 The 1960 Presidential Campaign 62 The 1960 Election 82 The Inauguration 84 THE NATION’S FIRST LADY 87 The White House 106 The White House Restoration 119 THE ASSASSINATION 129 The Funeral 137 The Aftermath 141 Camelot 151 Future Plans 152 William Manchester’s Death of a President 1 5 5 Memorials 159 Memories of Jack 163 The John F. Kennedy Library 172 The Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. 175 The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy 176 CHILDREN AND FAMILY 179 Caroline Bouvier Kennedy 186 John F. Kennedy Jr. 189 Patrick Bouvier Kennedy 192 MARRIAGE TO ARISTOTLE ONASSIS 195 ON HER OWN AGAIN 205 Work 209 Art 218 Travels 221 Humor 224 Jackie on Herself 229 Words of Wisdom 235 Maurice Tempelsman 239 Grandchildren 241 THE FINAL CHAPTER 243 Jackie’s Illness 243 Jackie’s Will 245 About the Author Other Books by Bill Adler Credits Cover Copyright About the Publisher I N T R O D U C T I O N f s J ack and Jackie were America’s royal couple, Camelot come to life. Jacqueline Kennedy brought beauty, grace, and intelligence to the White House. She had so affected us that even long after her husband’s tragic assassination, she remained in the hearts of Americans. The courage she exhibited, the choices she made for her own well-being and that of her family, and the often glamorous life she lived inspired a nation. Jackie was one of a kind. Hers is a fascinating story, filled with the highest highs and the lowest lows. This is Jackie’s life—in her own words. —BILL ADL ER