Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,1–??(2003) Printed2February2008 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) The elliptical galaxy colour-magnitude relation as a discriminant between the monolithic and merger paradigms S. Kaviraj1⋆, J. E. G. Devriendt1,2, I. Ferreras1,3 and S. K. Yi1 1Department of Physics, University of Oxford, KebleRoad, Oxford OX1 3RH, UK 2Observatoire Astronomique de Lyon, 9 Avenue Charles Andr´e, 69561 Saint-Genis Laval cedex, France 6 3Department of Physics, Institute of Astronomy, ETH Hoenggerberg HPF D8, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland 0 0 2 14July2003 n a J ABSTRACT 1 The colour-magnitude relation (CMR) of cluster elliptical galaxies has been widely 2 used to constrain their star formation histories (SFHs) and to discriminate between v themonolithiccollapseandmergerparadigmsofellipticalgalaxyformation.We usea 6 ΛCDMhierarchicalmergermodelofgalaxyformationtoinvestigatetheexistenceand 2 redshiftevolutionofthe ellipticalgalaxyCMRinthemergerparadigm.We showthat 1 the starformationhistory(SFH) ofclusterellipticals predictedbythe modelis quasi- 1 monolithic, with only ∼ 10 percent of the total stellar mass forming after z ∼ 1. The 0 quasi-monolithic SFH results in a predicted CMR that agrees well with its observed 4 counterpart in the redshift range 0<z <1.27. We use our analysis to argue that the 0 elliptical-only CMRcanbeusedtoconstraintheSFHsofpresent-dayclusterellipticals / h only if we believe a priori in the monolithic collapse model. It isnota meaningfultool p forconstrainingthe SFHin the mergerparadigm,since aprogressivelylargerfraction - of the progenitor set of present-day cluster ellipticals is contained in late-type star o forming systems athigher redshift, whichcannotbe ignoredwhenderiving the SFHs. r t Hence,theelliptical-onlyCMRisnotausefuldiscriminantbetweenthetwocompeting s a theories of elliptical galaxy evolution. : v Key words: galaxies: elliptical and lenticular, cD – galaxies: evolution – galaxies: Xi formation – galaxies: fundamental parameters r a 1 INTRODUCTION metric data based on CCD observations of the nearby Virgo and Coma clusters, was first undertaken by Evolution with redshift of fundamental physical re- Bower, Lucey & Ellis(1992,hereafterBLE92).Theirresults lations can provide robust constraints on the epoch showed a remarkably small scatter about the mean rela- of formation and subsequent evolution of early-type tion. Their interpretation of the results, in the context of galaxies. The apparently universal relationship between the monolithic collapse model, was to attribute the slope of colour and luminosity of elliptical galaxies, usually the CMR to a variation in mean metallicity with luminos- referred to as the colour-magnitude relation (CMR), ity and to attribute the small scatter to a small age dis- was first established by Sandage & Vishvanathan (1977), persion between galaxies of the same size. They concluded although the correlation between these two quanti- that the epoch of formation of elliptical galaxies should be ties had been demonstrated before (e.g. Baum 1959; at z > 2. Subsequent studies of the CMR extended the deVaucouleurs1961;McClure & van den Bergh1968).The BLE92 results to intermediate redshifts (0 < z < 1) and observed CMR has been widely used as a discrim- showed that there was no detectable evolution of the slope inant between the two competing theories of early- and scatter with time (e.g. Ellis et al. 1997; Stanford et al. type galaxy evolution, the monolithic collapse model 1998; Gladders et al. 1998; van Dokkumet al. 2000). The (e.g. Larson 1974; Kodama & Arimoto 1997) and the results from these studies were interpreted as confirmation hierarchical merger model (e.g. Kauffmann et al. 1993; of a high-redshift formation epoch of cluster ellipticals fol- Somerville & Primack 1999; Cole et al. 2000; Hatton et al. lowed by passive evolution to present day. 2003;Khochfar & Burkert 2003). A comprehensive study of the CMR, using photo- Subsequent studies indicated that the key charac- teristics of the CMR (slope and scatter) that were de- rived by these authors needed some modification. Ellip- ⋆ E-mail:[email protected] tical galaxies commonly display radial colour gradients 2 S. Kaviraj et al. (e.g. deVaucouleurs 1961; Sandage & Vishvanathan 1978; markable absence of early-types galaxies at z > 1.3 in a Franx et al. 1989; Peletier et al. 1990), being optically red- K-bandselectedsampleintheHubbleDeepField.Thesere- der at their cores than at the outskirts. Galaxy colours in sultsstronglysuggestthatearly-typegalaxiesinnearbyand themajority of these CMR studies were derived using fixed distant clusters may have been formed from late-type pro- apertures which, given that a galaxy’s intrinsic size may genitors (e.g. Butcher & Oemler 1984; Dressler et al. 1997) vary, meant sampling different portions of different galax- andhighlightthepossibleifnotessentialroleofmergerand ies. Accounting for the effect of fixed aperture photometry interaction events in the formation of early-type galaxies. isessentialinthecontextofthisstudy,sinceourmodellacks In particular, if the merger paradigm is correct then late- spatialinformationonthescaleofgalaxies.Producingacen- type progenitors of the present-day cluster ellipticals must tral CMRisthereforenotpossiblewithinthemodelandwe beincluded inanymethod (e.g.theCMR) employedtode- mustcompareourresultstoaperture-correctedphotometry. termine their SFHs. Excluding these late-type progenitors Numerousauthorshaveattemptedtoquantifythefixed- would produce a distorted view of their formation histories aperture bias that may result due to the presence of colour (progenitor bias), a point first suggested and explored in gradients. An efficient way to control this effect is to mea- detail by van Dokkum& Franx (2001). surethecolourinsideanaperturewhichscaleswiththesize Given the accumulating evidence for formation of of the galaxy (e.g. Bower et al. 1998; Terlevich et al. 2001; early-type galaxies from star-forming progenitors at fairly Scodeggio2001),suchthatonesamplesanidenticalfraction recent epochs, a number of authors have success- ofthelightineachgalaxy.Bower et al.(1998)comparedthe fully reconciled the observed CMR with galaxy merg- CMRslopeobservedbyBLE92withtheslopederivedafter ing models (Kauffmann & Charlot 1998; Bower et al. 1998; replacing a fixedaperture with the parameter Dv - the size Shioya& Bekki1998;van Dokkum et al.1998).Apartfrom of the galaxy within which the mean surface brightness is Kauffmann & Charlot (1998), these studies have not in- 19.80 mag arcsec−2. They estimated that colour gradients volved a fully realistic semi-analytical galaxy formation accounted for roughly 30 percent of the slope i.e. the mag- model which incorporates the important effects of galaxy nitude of the slope in the Dv CMR was roughly two-thirds merging on the chemo-photometric evolution of galaxies. of that derived using fixed-apertures in BLE92. Crucially, One of our aims is to extend these studies by applying a their study indicated that theCMR maintains a significant ΛCDM hierarchical merger model to study the CMR from slope even after correcting for colour gradients. A series of low to high redshift. other studies have also studied the effect of removing the We begin our study by discussing the comparative ef- fixed-aperture bias. Shallower CMR slopes have been re- fectsofageandmetallicityindeterminingthemodel(U−V) ported by Prugniel & Simien (1996) who used colours de- CMR at present day and tracing the bulk SFHs of cluster rivedwithin theeffective radius (radiuswhich containshalf ellipticalsasafunctionofredshift.Wethenexplorethepre- the galaxy’s light, Re) and by Fioc & Rocca-Volmerange dictedevolutionoftheCMRtohighredshifts,comparewith (1999) who used total magnitudes and colours. Scodeggio existing observational evidence and, in particular, quantify (2001) suggested that re-computing colours over Re for the the effect of progenitor bias. Using our analysis of progeni- BLE92 galaxies causes the apparent slope to decrease from tor bias, we present arguments to show that the commonly −0.082±0.008 to −0.016±0.018, a value which is statis- usedelliptical-onlyCMR,evenwhenitisderivedusingequal tically consistent with a zero slope. In addition, the scat- light fractions (c.f. Bower et al. 1998; Terlevich et al. 2001; ter increases from 0.035 to 0.136, due to the large intrinsic Scodeggio 2001), can only be used to constrain the SFHs scatter in thecolour gradients. However,the uncertaintyin of cluster ellipticals if we believe a priori in a monolithic colour measurements within Re can be significantly larger collapse model. It is not a meaningful method of constrain- than within Dv, because the surface brightness within Dv ing the SFH in the hierarchical merger picture. Hence it is is higher. At 2σ the Scodeggio (2001) data is consistent also not a useful discriminant between the two competing withslopesbetween+0.02and−0.52.ModifyingtheBLE92 theories of galaxy evolution. slope for colour gradients, using the 30 percent correction factor derived by Bower et al. (1998), gives −0.054, so that within the errors there is agreement between the various 2 MODEL PARAMETERS THAT AFFECT studies. THE PRESENT-DAY CMR Over the last decade, there has been steadily accumu- lating evidence for morphological evolution amongst clus- The model we use in this study is GALICS, which com- ter galaxies, which suggests that formation mechanisms of bines large scale N-body simulations with simple analytical cluster ellipticals are at least not uniquely monolithic. Al- recipes for the dynamical evolution of baryons within dark though approximately 80 percent of galaxies in thecores of matterhaloes. WedirectreaderstoHatton et al.(2003)for present dayclusters haveearly-typemorphologies (Dressler specificsregardingthemodel.Therearecertain keyparam- 1980),ahigherfractionofspiralgalaxieshavebeenreported etersin themodelthat affect theage and metallicity of the in clusters at 0.3 < z < 0.8 (e.g. Butcher& Oemler 1984; modelgalaxiesandthushaveanimpactontheslope,scatter Dressler et al. 1997; Couch et al. 1998; van Dokkum et al. and absolute colour of the predicted CMR. A discussion of 2000), along with increased rates of merger and interaction these model parameters is necessary, not only to elucidate events (e.g. Couch et al. 1998; van Dokkumet al. 1999). their effect on the CMR, but also because the actual setup Kauffmann et al. (1996) suggested thatonly approximately we use in this study is slightly different from the reference one-third of early-type galaxies in the Canada-France Red- modelgiveninHatton et al. (2003).Thesetuphasbeenal- shift Survey (Schadeet al. 1995) were fully formed and tered, firstly to make some corrections to the metallicity of evolving passively. Franceschini et al. (1998) found a re- freshgasinjectedintoDMhaloes,andsecondlytobringthe The elliptical galaxy CMR as a discrminant between galaxy formation paradigms 3 predicted metallicities of the model galaxies in agreement withcurrentobservationalevidence.Table1summarisesthe changesin thecharacteristics of theCMR duetovariations in these parameters. In the subsequent sections we present anexplanationoftheparametersandthevaluesusedinthis study. 2.1 Baseline metallicity The reference model in Hatton et al. (2003) adds pristine i.e. metal-free gas to DM haloes when they are identified. However, the haloes are not identified until they achieve a threshold mass of 1011M⊙. In reality, early population II stars would already havepolluted theISMin thetime that it takes for such halo identifications to take place. Hence, the gas in the haloes should not be pristine but slightly polluted. Chemical enrichmentmodels (e.g. Devriendt et al. 1999) suggest that this pollution should be of the order of 0.1Z⊙.Hence,weusethisvalueasabaseline metallicity for freshgasinjectedintoDMhaloesinthemodel.Thebaseline metallicity has a negligible impact on the slope and scatter of the CMR but slightly affects the absolute colour of the cluster sample as it changes the average metallicities of the model galaxies. 2.2 Threshold black hole mass and IMF Another parameter that affects the metal input into the ISM,andthereforetheaveragemetallicityofthestellarpop- Figure 1.Themodelcolourmagnitude relationat z=0.TOP: ulation, is the threshold mass at which a star becomes a CMRsequence withalinearleast-squaresfit(dotted line)anda black hole (BH). This is still poorly understood, but esti- progressiveone-sigmafittothesample.BOTTOM:Clusterellip- mates suggest masses around 50±10M⊙ (Tsujimoto et al. ticalssplitintotheirindividualclusters. 1997), based on a combination of local stellar [O/Fe] abun- dancesandchemicalenrichmentanalysis.Weuseathreshold black hole mass of 60M⊙ in this study. Since massive stars make a significant contribution to one-sigma fit to the sample, with the error bars indicating themetalenrichmentoftheinter-stellarmedium(ISM),the the local spread of points about the best-fit relation. We proportion of massive stars and hence the IMF affects the select present-day cluster ellipticals by identifying elliptical mean metallicities of the model galaxies. In this study we galaxiesindarkmatter(DM)haloeswithmassesof1014M⊙ usea KennicutIMF(Kennicutt1983),which was also used and above. Also shown in Figure 1 is the CMR sequence in the fiducial model of Hatton et al. (2003). Both the BH with galaxies coded according to their mean metallicities thresholdandIMFincreasethedynamicalmetalenrichment andages.Thebottompanelsplitsthemodelellipticals into of the ISM. This changes not only the mean metallicity of their individual clusters. The model slope is derived in all thegalaxies,andhencetheirabsolutecolour,butalsomakes casesusingalinearleast-squaresfit.Thescatteriscalculated theslopeoftheCMRsteeper.Thisisbecausemoremassive using Tukey’s Biweight statistic (Beers et al. 1990), which galaxies, which have deeper potential wells, retain gas and hascommonlybeenusedbyobserversinCMRstudies.Table therefore metals more effectively, leading to higher enrich- 1 compares the model CMR with those derived by BLE92 mentoftheISMandstellar populationsthatarebornfrom andBower et al.(1998)withinDv andbyScodeggio(2001) it.However,lessmassivegalaxiestendtolosetheirgascon- using theeffective radius, Re. tent anyway, so that a larger injection of metals into their The predicted model slope is consistent with both the ISM does not have a big impact on the metallicity of their value reported by Scodeggio (2001) and the BLE92 value, stellarpopulations.Asaresultofthisdifferentialbehaviour aftercorrectingforcolourgradientsusingthe30percentcor- theslope of the CMR becomes steeper. rectionderivedinBower et al.(1998).Thepredictedscatter issmallerthanthatderivedbyScodeggio(2001)butroughly 1.5 times larger than that reported by Bower et al. (1998). Wenote,however,thatthescatterin themodelgalaxies it- 3 PROPERTIES OF PRESENT-DAY CLUSTER self varies from cluster to cluster, so that the intra-cluster ELLIPTICALS scattermaybedifferentfromtheglobalvalueacrossallclus- In this section, we explore the present-day CMR predicted ters.InFigure2wesplitoursampleofmodelellipticalsinto by our model. Figure 1 presents the predicted CMR in our theirrespectiveclustersandplottheintra-clusterscatteras model for cluster ellipticals at z=0. Also shown is a linear a fraction of the global scatter in the sample. We find, for least-squaresfittothepoints(dottedline)andaprogressive example, that the cluster with the largest number of ellip- 4 S. Kaviraj et al. Table 1. Variations in CMR slope and scatter with baseline metallicity, threshold BH mass and IMF. The slope is derived from least squares fits (over the magnitude range MV =−19 to MV = −23) and the scatter is calculated using Tukey’s bi-weight statistic. The values in bold indicatetheparametersusedforthisstudy.†BHT=BlackHoleThresholdmass. Baselinemetallicity=0 BHT=45M⊙ BHT=60M⊙ BHT=120M⊙ KennicuttIMF −0.037±0.007 −0.049±0.007 −0.050±0.009 0.072 0.079 0.094 ScaloIMF −0.034±0.006 −0.033±0.009 −0.047±0.010 0.057 0.070 0.10 Baselinemetallicity=0.1Z⊙ BHT† =45M⊙ BHT=60M⊙ BHT=120M⊙ KennicuttIMF −0.036±0.009 −0.047±0.010 −0.052±0.010 0.075 0.082 0.12 ScaloIMF −0.032±0.007 −0.034±0.010 −0.045±0.010 0.061 0.078 0.10 Table 2. Comparison between the characteristics of our model CMR at z = 0 with BLE92, corrected for colour gradients using the 30 percent correction given in Boweretal. (1998) and Scodeggio (2001)whousedthe effective radius(Re)of galaxies toderivecolours.For themodel CMR the slope is derived from least squares fits (over the magnitude range MV = −19 to MV =−23)andthescatter iscalculatedusingTukey’sbi-weightstatistic. Source Slope Scatter (mag) Colour Boweretal.(1992,1998)(Coma) −0.054±0.007 0.049 U-V(withinDv) Scodeggio(2001)(Coma) −0.016±0.018 0.136 U-V(withinRe) This study −0.047±0.010 0.082 U-V (total magnitudes) ticals has a lower scatter than the global value, although there are other large clusters which exhibit a scatter above the global value. We note that our model galaxy sample is an ensemble of galaxy sets from different clusters, whereas theobservationsusuallyrefertoonlyonecluster.Theremay beadditionalissuescontributingtothediscrepancybetween themodel and observed scatter - for example, thereappear tobestrongradialcolourgradientsinclusterpopulationsat low redshift (e.g. de Propris et al. 2004, Margoniner et al. 2001;Ellingson et al.2001),suchthatbluerobjectsresidein theouterpartsofclusters.ThescatteroftheobservedCMR would thereforedependonthemaximumcluster-centricra- dius sampled in theobservations. In addition, since the ob- servations are not derived from total colours, it is possible thatcolourgradientsarecorrelatedwithdeviationsfromthe true total-colour CMR in such a way that aperture colours appeartohavesmallerscatter.Forthesereasons,wedonot find the discrepancy between the model and observed scat- Figure 2. Intra-clusterscatter asafractionofthetotal scatter plottedagainsttheellipticaloccupancy ofeachcluster. ters particularly compelling. We find that the model predicts a significant correla- tion between colour and luminosity.An important question ishow themodelCMRisgeneratedatpresentday.Clearly, in a hierarchical merger scenario age is expected to play a to disentangle the effects of age and metallicity and deter- part in generating any such sequence.It is therefore crucial minehowmuchofthecorrelationisgeneratedbyavariation The elliptical galaxy CMR as a discrminant between galaxy formation paradigms 5 thehalf-widthsofourmetallicitybins.Theresolutioninage, by comparison, is exteremely good (0.1 Gyr), as indicated bythe small age error bars. The model predicts a gradient both in the age- luminosity and metallicity-luminosity relations, so that larger ellipticals are both older and more metal-rich. We note first that contrary to previous studies (e.g. Kauffmann & Charlot 1998), higher mass (luminosity) el- lipticals are predicted to have larger mean ages, in agree- ment with observational evidence (see e.g. Trager et al. 2000a,b; Caldwell et al. 2003). Current understanding of cooling flows in clusters is poor. Models suggest that if large inflows of cold gas are allowed at the centre of viri- alized DM haloes, it is impossible to prevent a large frac- tion of this material from forming stars (e.g. Cole et al. 2000),whicharenotobservedatthepresentepoch.Topre- Figure3.Variationofmass-weightedaverageagesandmetallic- vent this, one has to reheat or keep gas hot in massive DM itieswithabsoluteV-bandluminosityandbaryonicmass. haloes. Various authors have tackled this problem in differ- ent ways. Kauffmann et al. (1993), for instance, prevented cooling from taking place in DM haloes with circular ve- locities of 350 km/s and above. GALICS takes advantage of the observed correlation between AGN and bulge mass (Magorrian et al. 1998) and assumes that AGNs are effi- cient enough to completely halt cooling flows as soon as the bulge which harbours them reaches a critical mass of 1011M⊙. This coupling between AGN feedback and bulge masspreventsstarformationearlyenoughinlargeelliptical galaxies to allow them to grow solely through mergers of gas-poor progenitors. Thus, although galaxies with a larger mass experience their last merging events at a later time than their less luminous counterparts, the small gas frac- tion at these last-merger epochs prevents any substantial production of young stars from merger-driven starbursts. Therefore, although more massive galaxies are dynamically younger based on their merger record, their stellar popula- tions are, nevertheless, older. The average predicted age of a cluster elliptical is approximately 9.8 Gyrs, and the scat- terinageincreasestowardsthelowmassend,inagreement with recent observational studies in clusters such as Virgo Figure4.Age-metallicityparameterspaceinmodelclusterellip- (Caldwell et al. 2003). The average metallicity is approxi- ticalssplitintoluminosityclasses.UPPERLEFT:Highluminos- itymodelellipticals(−23.0<MV <−21.5);UPPERRIGHT:In- mately solar and the gradient in metallicity is modest, also termediate luminosity model ellipticals (−21.5<MV <−20.5); in general agreement with recent spectroscopic studies of LOWERLEFT:Lowluminositymodelellipticals(MV >−20.5); nearby cluster environments(Caldwell et al. 2003). LOWER RIGHT: Allmodel ellipticals.Thehorizontal errorbar A comparison with simple stellar population (SSP) showsthemaximum averagemetallicityerrorformodelgalaxies models (Yi 2003) shows that roughly half of the CMR with sub-solar and super-solar metallicities, calculated by con- slope is generated by the age-luminosity gradient, with the sideringthehalf-widthsofthemetallicitybinsinthemodel.The rest attributable to the metallicity-luminosity gradient in verticalerrorbarshowsthemaximumerrorintheagesthemodel the model sample. Clearly, the age and metallicity gradi- ellipticals. ents complement each other in this model, in contrast to Kauffmann & Charlot(1998)wheretheanti-correlation be- tween age and luminosity required a large compensating in age and how much by a variation in metallicity with lu- metallicity gradient (generated through high metal yields) minosity. toproducea CMR thatwas consistent with theBLE92 ob- Figure 3 shows the variation in the mean ages and servations. metallicities of the model cluster ellipticals with absolute It is clearly beyond the scope of this paper to do a de- V-bandluminosity.Wealsoshowtheage-metallicityparam- tailedcomparisonofhowfeedbackistreatedinGALICSand eter space for these model galaxies in Figure 4. We should the specific model of Kauffmann & Charlot (1998). How- noteherethatthemetallicityresolutioninthemodelislow, ever,wenotethatthereexistsatleasttwomaindifferences: with stellar mass resolved only into five metallicity bins in therange−1.3<[m/H]<0.5.Wehaveindicatedthemax- (i) Cosmological models - Kauffmann& Charlot (1998) imum averagemetallicityerrorformodelgalaxieswithsub- adopt the SCDM cosmology while GALICS adopts the solarandsuper-solarmetallicitiesinFigure4,byconsidering ΛCDM cosmology. 6 S. Kaviraj et al. 4 EVOLUTION OF THE CMR WITH REDSHIFT We now check if it is possible to reconcile the model CMR withobservationaldataatvariousredshifts.Figure6shows thepredictedevolutionofthemodelCMRfrompresentday to a redshift of 1.27, which is roughly the redshift limit of current observational evidence on early-type cluster galax- ies(van Dokkumet al.2001).Asbefore,thedottedlinedis- playsalinearleast-squaresfitandwealsoshowaprogressive one-sigma fit to the sample, with the error bars indicating the local spread of points about the best-fit relation. Fig- ure 7 traces the evolution of the slope and the scatter. The shaded region denotes the area enclosed by the predicted slopes and their associated errors. We note that the definition of a cluster elliptical will change with increasing redshift. We assumed in our analy- Figure 5.Stellarmassfractionformedat or before agivenred- sis of present-day cluster ellipticals that DM haloes with a shift. The solid line shows the cumulative mass fraction for all mass equaltoorgreater than1014M⊙ host regions of high- stellar mass. The other curves represent stellar mass in five dif- estbaryonicdensityandthereforegalaxyclusters.However, ferentmetallicityranges. since DM haloes are being steadily formed through time, maintaining a hard mass cut-off of 1014M⊙ for all redshifts wouldnotbecorrect.Tomakethisdefinitionconsistentwith changingredshiftwetakeintoaccounttheaccretionhistory ofDMhaloesinthemodel.Wefirstcomputeanaverageac- cretionhistoryofthepresent-dayDMhaloeswithmassesof 1014M⊙andaboveasafunctionofredshift.Ateachredshift (ii) GALICS derives feedback directly from the mass wethendefineaclusterhostingDMhalo asonewhosemass locked up in the spheroidal component of the galaxy, while is equal to or exceeds the value given by the average ac- Kauffmann & Charlot (1998) use the velocity dispersion in cretion history.Wenotethatourvaluesare consistent with dark matter haloes alone tostop the cooling. van den Bosch(2002)whoprovidestheoreticalprescriptions for computing universal DMmass accretion histories. The first point implies that in GALICS, structures of WeseefromFigure7thatthereisgradualevolutionin a given mass will be assembled earlier on average than in the CMR slope, although in the range 0<z <0.8 the evo- Kauffmann & Charlot(1998).Thesecondpointmeansthat lution in the slope is zero within the errors. However, once gas does not cool onto a spiral galaxy which sits in a halo we move out to z =1.23 the change in slope is appreciable with circular velocity greater than or equal to 350 km/s comparedtothevalueatpresentday.Withintheerrors,we in the Kauffmann & Charlot (1998) model whereas it does seethatathighredshifts(e.g.z=1.23) theCMRloses any in GALICS, provided the spiral does not possess a massive detectableslope,partlybecausetheexpectedincreaseinthe bulge. Feedback in GALICS is explicitly linked to themass scatter masks any correlation that may be present. buildupofspheroids,whichinturniscorrelatedtothemass InFigure8weputtheevolutionofthepredictedCMR (velocity dispersion) build up of the host dark matter halo. in the context of observational evidence. We use a variety Howeverthislattercorrelation neednot belinear, sincethe of sources who have explored the CMR in various colours. mass build up of spheroids depends on local physics (e.g. Weapply the 30 percent correction for colour gradients de- disk instabilities and mergers). Weattributethedifferences rivedbyBower et al. (1998) to studiesthat haveused fixed in theresultsof Kauffmann& Charlot (1998)and GALICS apertures. We find that the slopes of the model and ob- tothesetwofactors(cosmologyandfeedbackmodelling)but servedCMRsmatchwellwithintheerrorsatallredshifts.In note that there may be other factors in the details of the particular,we notethat van Dokkumet al.(2001)reported modellingthatmightcausediscrepanciesintherelationship a slope at z = 1.27 that was significantly lower than the betweenage,metallicityandluminosityinthesetwomodels. BLE92 value at present day. This suggests that the CMR Figure5presentsthebulkcumulativeSFHofthemodel slope does indeed decrease, in agreement with the expecta- clusterellipticals. TheSFHisshownbothsplitintothefive tions of a hierarchical merger scenario. The values for the GALICS metallicity bins and considering all stellar mass. model scatter are also fairly consistent with the observa- The cumulative SFH shows that ∼ 10 percent of the total tions, given the previous discussion in Section 2 regarding stellar mass (solid line) was formed after z = 1, with ∼ 65 possiblereasonsforthediscrepancybetweenthemodeland percentand∼40percentalreadyinplaceatz=2andz=3 observedscatteratz=0.However,weshouldnotethatthe respectively. The bulk SFH is quasi-monolithic because the tightness ofthepredictedCMR(especiallyatthehighlumi- low cold gas fraction at low redshifts (z < 1) means that nosityend)seemslargerthanwhatappearsinobservational merger-driven star formation does not produce substantial studies. Themodel ellipticals do occupythe red part of the amounts of stellar material. This enables the model ellipti- sequence(shadedregioninFigure8),withascattertobluer cal CMR to maintain its slope and small scatter upto high colours which increases with redshift. However, comparing redshifts (Section 4). our results at z ∼ 0.8 to, for example van Dokkum et al. The elliptical galaxy CMR as a discrminant between galaxy formation paradigms 7 Figure 6. Predicted redshift evolution of the model CMR from present-day to z = 1.23, which is roughly the redshift limit of currentobservationalevidenceonearly-typeclustergalaixes.Also shownisalinearleast-squaresfit(dotted line)andaprogressive one-sigma fit, with the error bars indicating the local spread of pointsaboutthemeanrelation. Figure 8. CMR evolution with redshift. NOTE: We show the propertiesofCMRsinthree different colours asgivenintherel- evant studies:(U−V)data aremarkedas circles,(U−B)data are shown as triangles and (B−V) data are shown as squares. Filled symbols represent model values and open symbols repre- sentobservationalresults.Weapplythe30percentcorrectionfor colour gradients derived by Boweretal. (1998) to studies that have used fixed apertures. The observational data from left to right are taken from: Boweretal. (1992) (marked), Scodeggio (2001) (marked), vanDokkumetal. (1998), Ellisetal. (1997), vanDokkumetal.(2000),vanDokkumetal.(2001).Wedonot transform all results to a single colour because this requires an assumption of the template used to perform the transformation which may introduce additional uncertainities into the compari- son. (2000, Figure 8), we find that at comparable redshift, the observed elliptical CMR is tighter than our model predic- tions, although outliers do exist in the observed elliptical sample. Figure7.Redshiftevolutionoftheslopeandscatterinthemodel (U-V) vs. V CMR. Although the evolution in the slope is zero withintheerrorsintherange0<z<0.8,thechangeintheslope fromthevalueatpresentdaybecomes appreciableatz=1.23. 5 PROGENITOR BIAS When comparing the slope and scatter of the CMR at var- ious redshifts, we should ideally sample the same stellar mass at every redshift. Only then are the slope and scat- tertrulymeaningfultracers ofthestarformation historyof thedaughter mass seen today. However, an unavoidablere- sultofthemergerparadigmisthatsinceearly-typesystems 8 S. Kaviraj et al. Figure10.Thenumberoffullyformed,monolithicallyevolving elliptical progenitors of present-day cluster ellipticals at a given redshift. These progenitors do not undergo any further mergers, althoughquiescentstarformationcontinuestoz=0.Theremain- ingmassintheprogenitor setishostedbylate-typesystems. scatter.S0s,however,tendtocontributemoreoutlierstothe CMRathigherredshifts.Includingthelate-typeprogenitors causesthescattertoincreaseapproximatelythree-foldinthe rangez >0.8,comparedtotheelliptical-onlyscenario.This result agrees with CMR observations at high redshift. For example,van Dokkumet al.(2000)foundthattheelliptical CMR at z = 0.83 has a scatter of ∼ 0.024 while the scat- ter for all morphological types is ∼ 0.081 - an approximate Figure 9. Progenitor bias: filled circles are ellipticals, triangles 3.5foldincrease. Blakesleeetal.(2003) notedthatfortheir areS0sandopensquaresarelate-typesystems(spiralsandirreg- observed cluster at z = 1.24, deriving the scatter without ulars). Allgalaxies areprogenitors of the galaxies at z =0. The reference to morphology increases the CMR scatter three shaded region indicates the mean elliptical-only relation and its to four-fold. A similar increase can be estimated from the associatederrorstaken fromFigure6. studyby Van Dokkumet al. (2001) of a cluster at z =1.27 (see theirFigure 3). Figure 10 indicates how much of the progenitor set of form through the amalgamation of late-type units, a pro- present-day cluster ellipticals is composed of fully-formed gessively larger fraction of the stellar mass we see today in ellipticals at any given redshift. It becomes clear from Fig- cluster ellipticals is locked upin late-type(spiral and irreg- ure 10 that if we look solely at the elliptical progenitors ular)unitsathigherredshifts.Hencetheearly-typesystems of present-day cluster ellipticals we sample a progressively at high redshift form aprogressively narrower subset of the thinnerfraction of theprogenitorset at higherredshift. Al- progenitors of present-day elliptical systems. Consequently, though restricting ourselves to this subset of progenitors by not taking into account these late-type progenitors we seems to give a CMR which maintains its slope and scat- introduce a bias in the CMR, mainly in terms of the ob- ter with redshift (Figure 6), an elliptical-only CMR can be served scatter. In this section we quantify the effect of this usedtoconstraintheSFHofonlythepartofthestellarmass progenitorbias (seealsovan Dokkumet al.2001).Although in present-day cluster ellipticals that is contained solely in tracing an astronomical object back throughtime isimpos- early-typesystemsatanygivenredshift.However,sincethe sibleobservationally,itbecomesasimpleexercisewithinthe subsetofellipticalprogenitorsisnotrepresentative ofallthe model. stellar material at present day, we cannot usetheevolution In Figure 9 we restrict ourselves to the progenitor set ofanelliptical-onlyCMRtoconstraintheSFHoftheentire ofpresent-dayclusterellipticals. Weshowonlythosegalax- stellar mass of present-daycluster ellipticals. ies(regardlessofmorphology)thateventuallycontributeto Figures 6, 9 and 10 show that the merger paradigm theformation of cluster ellipticals which exist at z =0. We does indeed expect to have fully formed elliptical galaxies are therefore tracing the same stellar mass back through (andthereforearedsequence)evolvingpassivelyatredshifts time, regardless of the type of system that hosts it. We where CMR observations have been conducted. However, find that including progenitors with S0 morphology does theelliptical-onlyCMRathighredshiftdoesnotcorrespond not change the slope of the CMR. The overall scatter in- to the elliptical-only CMR at present day and comparisons creases slightly at higher redshifts (z > 0.62), although between the two give a heavily biased picture of the star theelliptical-only scatteragrees,withinerrors,totheE+S0 formation history of elliptical galaxies and has serious im- The elliptical galaxy CMR as a discrminant between galaxy formation paradigms 9 plicationsfortheabilityoftheCMRtodiscriminatebetween themonolithiccollapseandhierachicalmergerparadigms.In essence, the quantity (in this case the elliptical-only CMR) that is being used to discriminate between the two forma- tion models is no longer model independent and therefore loses its usefulness as a discriminant. 6 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS We have used a semi-analytical hierarchical galaxy forma- tion model to investigate the existence and evolution of theCMR of elliptical galaxies in cluster environments. Our analysis shows that, by constructing a CMR purely out of Figure 11. Predicted distribution of stellar mass contained early-type systems, the predicted relation agrees well with in cluster ellipticals. Overplotted are observations of young local observations (after the fixed-aperture bias has been globular clusters. From left to right - Larsenetal. (2003); corrected)andwithobservationsatallredshiftsintherange Straderetal.(2003);Goudfrooijetal.(2001);Kissler-Patigetal. 0<z <1.27. Secondly, we have used our analysis to quan- (2002);Yietal.(2004).Thekeyindicatesthemassfractionscor- tifytheissueofprogenitorbiasandconstructtheCMRthat respondingtothecoloursusedintheplot. couldbeexpectedifwecouldidentifyallprogenitorsystems athighredshiftthatwouldeventuallyformpartofapresent- day cluster elliptical. We have also shown that the scatter between this model distribution and a distribution based in this all-progenitor CMR is consistent with the scatter on the monolithic collapse model is the presence of young derived, without reference to morphology, in cluster CMR stars. Indeed we find that observations of young globular studiesathighredshift.Thirdly,wehavesuggestedthatthe clusters have been made in elliptical galaxies by a variety elliptical-onlyCMRisnotausefuldiscriminantbetweenthe ofauthors(Goudfrooij et al.2001;Kissler-Patig et al.2002; monolithicandmergerformation scenariossinceitissignif- Larsen et al. 2003; Strader et al. 2003; Yiet al. 2004). We icantlybiasedtowardsthemonolithicpicture.Althoughthe indicatetheseobservationsinFigure11.Thefivedatapoints merger paradigm satisfies the elliptical-only CMR in any with error bars in Figure 11 show theage/metallicity prop- case and expects to have a monolithically evolving red se- ertiesofyoungglobularclusterpopulationsderivedinthese quenceathighredshift,restrictingourstudiestoearly-type studies. To conclude, we suggest that it seems increasingly systemsdoesnotprovidemeaningfulinformation aboutthe likely that the monolithic collapse picture may simply be a true star formation history of all the stellar mass that is subsetofthemergerparadigmandthatthedominantmech- found today in cluster ellipticals. anism for the formation of elliptical galaxies is through the The debate regarding these two competing theories merging of late-typeprogenitors. of elliptical galaxy formation still remains an open one. Although there is clear evidence of interactions, mergers and recent star formation in early-type systems, a possi- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ble caveat is the inability of the merger paradigm to sat- isfy the high [Mg/Fe] ratios observed in luminous ellipti- We are indebted to the referee, Richard Bower, for nu- cals(e.g.Trager et al.2000a).Thesesuper-solarabundance merous suggestions and comments which signifcantly im- ratios indicate a lack of enrichment from Type Ia super- proved the quality of this paper. We warmly thank Jeremy novae, thereby constraining the duration of star formation Blaizot, Roger Davies, Joseph Silk and Sadegh Khochfar and gas infall to timescales shorter than about 1 Gyr (e.g. for their careful reading of this manuscript and many use- Matteucci & Recchi 2001; Ferreras & Silk 2003). While the ful discussions. We also thank Seok-Jin Yoon for construc- CMR has been used as an indirect tool for constraining tiveremarksrelatedtothiswork.SKacknowledgesPPARC the star formation history of cluster ellipticals, more direct grant PPA/S/S/2002/03532. This research has been sup- sources of evidence may be required. If the stellar mass in ported by PPARC Theoretical Cosmology Rolling Grant clusterellipticalsdidindeedformatz>>1thenweshould PPA/G/O/2001/00016(S.K.Yi)andhasmadeuseofStar- notfindanytracesofstarformation afterthisepoch,which link computing facilities at theUniversity of Oxford. inaΛCDMuniversecorrespondstoanageofapproximately 10Gyrs.Themergermodelsdoofcoursepredictstarforma- tionrightuptothepresentdayandonecouldassumethatat REFERENCES least a small fraction of the resultant stellar mass could be locked upin globular clusters, which are the faintest stellar Baum W. A., 1959, PASP,71, 106 aggregations that can be accessed observationally. Beers T. 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