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THE ALCHEMY ELEMENTS OF a graduatoefC ambridUgnei versiist y, Cherry Gilchrist, well-knowansa n authoarn da singwehro s pecialiinz es baroquaen de arlmyu sicS.h eh asw rittmeann y books anda rticolnea sl chemays,t rolmoygtyh,o loagnyds ocial histoarnydh, a sw orkeidnv ariocuasp aciitnip eusb lishing bookosn t hesseu bjecSthsel. e ctuwriedse layn dg ives workshocpesn troendt hesteh emes. The Elemeonfti ssa seriedse signetdo p resenhti gh qualiitnyt roducttioao b nrso arda ngoef e ssentsiuablj ects. Theb ookasr ec ommissionsepde cificafrlolmy e xperitns theifire ldTsh.e yp rovirdeea dabalnedo ftenu niquvei ews oft hev ariotuosp iccos vereadn,d a ret herefoofri en terest botht ot hosweh oh aves omek nowledogfet hes ubjeacst , wellas t ot hosweh o area pproachiitfn go rt hefi rstti me. Many oft hesceo ncisyee tc omprehensbiovoek sh ave practiscuaglg estiaonndes x erciwsheisc ha llopwe rsonal experieanscw ee lals t heoretuincdaelr standainndog f,f er a valuabsloeu rcoef informatoino nm any important themes. Int hsea msee ries TheA borigiTnrea dition Islam TheA rthuriTarna dition Judaism Astrology Meditation TheB aha'Fia ith Mysticism Buddhism NativAem ericaTnra ditions CeltCihcr istianity NaturMaalg ic TheC eltTirca dition Numerology TheC hakras PenduluDmo wsing ChristSiyamnb olism Prophecy CreatiMoynt h Psychosynthesis Dreamwork The Qabalah TheD ruiTdr adition Reincarnation EartMhy steries The Runes TheE gyptiWains dom Shamanism FengS hui Sufism Gnosticism TaiC hi TheG oddess Taoism TheG raiTlra dition The Tarot Graphology Visualisation Han dreading World Religions Herbalism Yoga Hinduism Zen HumanP otential The CIh ing � thee lemenotfs alchemy chegrirlyc hrist ShaftesDbourr•s yRe,ot c kpMoarsts,a ch• MueslebtotVusim deo,r ia © ElemenBto okLsi mite1d9,9 1 Tex©t CherrGyi lchr1i9s9t1 Firsptu blishienGd r eaBtr itaiinn1 99b1y ElemenBto okLsi mited ShaftesbuDroyr,s eStP 7B BP Publishiendt heU SA in1 99b1y ElemenBto oksI,n c. PO Box8 30R,o ckporMtA, 0 1966 PublishienAd u strailni1 a9 9b1y ElemenBto okasn dd istributed byP enguiBno oksA ustraLltida 487M aroondaHhi ghwaRyi,n gwood, Victor3i1a3 4 Reprint1e9d9 4 Reissu1e9d9 8 Allr ighrtess erved. No parotf t hibso okm ayb er eproducoerud t ilized ina nyf ormo rb ya nym eanse,l ectronoirmc eaclh anical, withouptr iopre rmissiinow nr itifrnogm theP ublisher. Coveirl lustraItmiaogneC:so louLri brary Covedre sigbny M ax Fairbrother TypesbeytS electmoLvtedL ,o ndon Printaendd b oundi nG reaBtr itabiyn Biddies GLutidl,d foarnddK ing's Lynn British LCiabtraalroy guiinPn ugb licatdiaotnaa v ailable LibraorfyC ongreCsast alogiinnP gu blication dataav ailable ISBN1 -85230-205-4 CONTENTS Precfea vii 1.W haitsA lchemy? 1 2.T heS eracfho Trr ansformation 11 3.D reaamnsdR evelations 23 4.E mbleomfKs n owledge 35 5.A Mirrooftr h Weo rld 68 6.A lcheamsay S piritDuiaslc ipline 83 7.A pplAilehcde my 99 8. TheP hoenAilxc:h yei mnt hTew entiCeetnht ury1 13 References 127 SeleBcitb liography 130 Index 132 PREFACE WhenI w asf irasstk etdo w ritoen t hes ubejct aolfc hemy, aboustev eny earasg ,o aIgr eetdo d os ow itha carefree spirLiitt.td liedI r ealwihsaetc ompxlietiaewsa itmeed. M y groundiinns gu bejctssu cahs t heC abbalaas,t lroogCyh,r istian mysticainsdmm ytholowgaysa solid Ioh naeda; c tivaenldy practicsautldliye idn t hifsei ldf orq uitseo met mie,a nd assumetdh amty brieefxc uirosnisn taol chemilciatle rature couldp abded eodu tw itnho t rolubea ta l.l Thiwsa sn ott ob e.Iw asb othd azeadn da mazedb yt he profusoifao lnc hemitceax,ltt shdei screpabnectiweeste hne m, thec ryptniact uroeft heiurt tenrcae,sa ndt he ftahcatnt o twow riteornst heh isotryo f alchemya gerveweeidrt ohn e otheIrs .o ocna met oa decistihoanst i,n cIed idn oth avea lifettiocm oem ptleet hep roejctIw, o ulhda vteo f ormulmayt e ownw ayo fw orkinTgh.i mse ancth oosgi tnextosfq uality, accordtiona g s ensoeft heiirn dividwuoarlt, ha ndp icking an ewp atthh rohu tghej ungolfea lchemihciaslt oIrnyo .t her word,cs otnacwti tahl chetmhyr owyso ub acukp on yoowunr resocuers.i thS aosa lwaybse e;nt hea lchemisceaelkh eard t o worko uth iso rh ero wns olutitoont her didlse posebdy the quesftog ro ldL.i kteh ea siprianlgc hemIiw satsa, b lteom ake useo fa vailasbtlued ioents h es ubjebcut,tu, l titmealhya,d t o drawm y ownc onclouns.si Them aini nteonnto ift hicsu rrebnoto ki st oc lraiyf the aimsa ndh istoorfay l chemayn,dt or elatbeo tihtt o other spiritaunadle soterpircat cic,ea sndt ot hea rtasn ds ciences thaitti nflueendcI.n t hel attceart egonreyw,d isvceoriaerse ferquentbleyi nmga dea,n di ti se xcititnosg e eh ow the symboliasnmdl anguaogfae l chehmays a fefctemda instream culrteuM.y owne xploratiinottnohs el inbkest weaelnc ehmy andB aroqumeu sifco romn ec haptaenrdI, h avbee epnl eased tod rawu pont her esrecaheosfa utholriskC eh arlNeisc hlol, whor elaatlecsh etmoyt heaterslee,w he.r e My earloyp timitshma tw oIu lpde nteratteot heh eart of alchemwyi tnho p roblewams p erhafpousn deodn a strong sensweh,i chi ss tiwlilt hm e,t haatl chemiysi no url ife blooSdo.m ehoiwt pso werfsuylmb olihsoml das p lacient he collecptsiyvce;h i etism ageosc cuirnt hed reamasn df ancies ofp eoplweh oh aven everre aadn a lchemitceaxlIt n.m y ownc asIeh ,a dh ade xperienocfed sre amasn ds pontaneous 'vinssi'ow,hi ch wreervee latoifo ntashl ec hiecmaplr oecssa,t a timweh enm y ownf ormaalc quainctewa intahl chemy was versyil gh;t rviaoupse oplheav er elatsemidi laerx periences tom e.( The great psychoJluonggfi,os utn,td h eCs .aGm.e phenomenwohni,c ihn tnesifiehdi si nteriensa tl chemaysa meanosf p sychtircna smissoifoa nr cheetsy.pA)s a chidl,I took gdreelaitgi hnmt a kinagn ' Aalddi'nsC av'e( aIst hought ofit )i no urc oaflri ea, g lowicnagv erinn twoh ichI t ossed littslcer aopfse verdyi ffereknitn dof b urnbales ubstaIn ce coulfidn d,m akinag kinodffi eryg ardefunl lo fd iefrfent colourleidt fltalmee sU.n fortunastueclhey a rleyx periments ina estheatlicch ewmeyr es oobna nnebdym y paren.t s Tom y minda,l cheimysn otj ussto meq uaibnutt o utdated pratcicoen,l oyf h istoriicnatles rtTe.h et ermbsy w hicwhe knowi ta,s a atdritioofnl engtlhayb orya twoorrkm,a y no longearp plbyu,t t hei nnelri fteh,e d ynamipcr coess ofa lchemdye lineabtye idm agaen ds ymbolc,a ns tiblel tappetdoe nlivaennd i lluminaat neu mbeorf b otshp iritual andp racteincatlei rspre-smedtiatiohno,l ishteiacl i,mn ugsic, psycholaongdya rtt,on ame bau fte wA. studoyfa lchemy openusp p osbsiiliietst;h es piroifit t s tirlels idienhs u man consciouss,an nedsw henw e become acquwaiitnhti etds languaaggaei nw,e c anu sei t oiunrc reateinvdeev aour.s BristMoaly,1 990 1 WHATIS · ALCHEMY? Alchye misa rtothf te r aonrsamfti.oT nhew okr oft he alhcemiisstt o b rianbgo ustuc cedeincgh angients h e materhieoa lpe ratoen,st ransfoirtfrm oimna gg orss, unrefisntedat toae p erfaencdpt u riieffdo rTmo.t urn base mienttgaool lsd t hisesi mpleexrspets soifto hni s ai,ma nda tt hpeh ysilcveaeltl h is incvhomelivceasl operaotnipse rofrmewdi tlha rbaotoerqyu iptmH.e onw­ evetrhi,si so nly doinmnees ioofna lchesmiyn,tc hee 'bamsaet iea'rwl ordk eupoann dt he'o gldp'r oduced maya lsboeu nedrsotdao sm anh miselinfh iqsu est top erfechti osw n natrueM.a inrsetaaml cmhye isa discniepi vnloilvpinhygsi c,ap lsychoilcoaagln ds pri­ ituwaolr akn,di a fn yo noef t hseee lemtesin stk aeno ut ofc onteaxntds aitdor epernettsh ael chemtircaiadolin t, thetnh weh olesna ensdt ruqeu aloifat lyc heimsly o st. Fosrve erraela ssio,itn ns o t ant rdeaiatstiyoou nn d­er stnadF.i rs,t ltcyhhei meefd iuomfa lchemeixpcra­els sioinst hroutghuhes oef m ytohlogsiycbmaol,l w shich are ptefhreecm te anosfc ovneyiinngf ormtahtacitoa nn bei nrtpetrdeea tb othm aa terainaadsl pi ritlueeavlbl,u t whicdhe fya singalnedp recdieisfneoi tni. Secondallyc,h y'ecsml aitmops r oduecxrtea orrdyi na resuilntt hspe h ysiwcoardll a rhea rtdoa sseosbsj ect­ ivelByyt. h lea wss coife anscn eo rmaulnldyet rosod todaiiytns, o pto ssiblceo vnerott hmeert ailnstg ood l, to 1 THEE LEMENOTFS A LCHEMY execpbty n ucelafirs sni.Bo utsn icea lecmhye ncom­ passmeesn taaswl e lalsp hysipcaratcliia ptiioitn n evi­ tabgloye bsey ontdh ree alomfms a tearlsi cience in its scoapnemd ayb ea blteo proedffeucctoenst hpeh ysical levtehlac ta notnb ea cocuntefdo bry n omralc hemis­ tr.Ay ddtiinoallaysw, e s haslelte h,ge o lpdrd ouecdi s usuaslalitydo b eq uidtieff netrfr eomo rndairgyol d. Thirdallyc,h ehmayas h sitosrrtyte chibnacgkf oart leatswtot housnady erasa nd hbaese pnr aicsteidnE ast­ ernAr,ba iacnd W estnes rcoie.tI ite swobuesl udr spnirgi indeeidf s hito waeu dn ifotrrma dnio tfpi roaicctLeki.e anys tu,di yth asa trtactmeadn yt yepso fp eopwliet h widedliyff ermiotnigav tnisoT.h erhea vael wabyese n alchemwihsowt esr oeu tn-da-uotm atiearl,ig sretedsy tot ry and make rtihcbehymm astseelrvitenhsgse e ­ creotfc reatgionlgSd om.e w ere megruelblll,yieo th­ erfrsa duunltep,e rforfmaiktnerng a sumtatiaonndgs e t­ tintgh egiorl d tfrhopemo c keotfts he isrp cetataonrds proscpteipvuep irlast htehrat nh rouagnhys ucciens s thleba oratoErvye.an m ontgh sei enrcaen dd edtiecda alche,mt ihseet msphaosfia sp procaocuhl dv ebrey differSeomnetw .e rien etresmtoerdie n t hceh emical tencihuqeosf a lchye,om thertsh peih ni lpohsiocaasl­ petc.sS omsea wa lchyea msa p atht ot hter umee aning ofC hrinsittiwyah,i lohete rssa wi ni tp osbsiiliftoire s prdouncgis ubtalndep otenmted inceis. Thken owleeda ngda itmh aeta cphr actibtrioohuntge r toa lecmhyC olouhriesd atttoii ttau,ndd e t os ome extedneitfn ehdi mso deo fo perat.iT ohnere are cer­ tain skyebmyo lasnd p rocesisnae lsec mhyb,u nto t wo decsripntsoi fio atr ied netic,aw lhichha csa usmeadn y ah eadafcohtreh owsheo t rayn dt reai cthssi toarnyd signnicfiecW.ar iterasl hceomn,y l ike atlhceh emists themseesdl,ev fitnhete r daitni froomt heoiwrn v iew­ poinatn di nclnaitiso.Tn hiissi nevli:ett ahbeirsen o sucthhn iga sa n' boejcvte'ii nrtpreetoanto ifa lchye.m Thissh ounlodpt o saep roblpermod veitdh atthr ee ader reasletish aast c niteii,cfp yscholoogrsi pcritaiulat lr ain­ ign wilulnd obutdelyc rteeaa differeemnptah siisn a stduyo fa lcmhye,sn icea lchecmoytn aianlstl h see dimnesnisoF.e wo fu sa rlei ketloby ee qualliyl lsekd andk nolwdegeaobnla elt lhe rel elvsea,nd o urp ersnoal 2

The Elements of is a series designed to present high Pendulum Dowsing. Prophecy . itual work, and if any one of these elements is taken out.
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