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The Elementary School Journal Published September, November, Index to Volume 101 by; the Universsiitt)y ofCh icaggo o PrePcresse J aSnePutaermyb,e rM,a rNcoh,v emMbaeyr,, 2020010 0, and Editor Thomas L. Good Managing Editor Gail Miller Hinkel The University of Chicago Press Published September, November 2000 January, March, May, 2001 Copyright 2000, 2001, by the University of Chicago INDEX TO VOLUME 101 591 Author Index Parent Perceptions of the Elementary School Environment, 35-62 Abbott, Mary—Identifying Reliable Ceneraliza- Hiebert, James, and Stigler, James W.—A Pro- tions for Spelling Words: The Importance of posal for Improving Classroom Teaching: Les- Multilevel Analysis, 233-245 sons from the TIMSS Video Study, 3-20 Alton-Lee, Adrienne; Diggins, Cathy; Klenner, Hoffman, Diane M.—Pedagogies of Self in Lena; Vine, Elaine; and Dalton, Ngaio— American and Japanese Early Childhood Edu- Teacher Management of the Learning Envi- cation: A Critical Conceptual Analysis, 193- ronment during a Social Studies Discussion in 208 a New-Entrant Classroom in New Zealand, 549-566 Jakubecy, Jennifer J.—see Kauffman, James M. Astor, Ron Avi; Meyer, Heather Ann; and Pitner, Ronald O.—Elementary and Middle School Karns, Kathy—see Fuchs, Lynn S. Students’ Perceptions of Violence-Prone Kauffman, James M.; Davis, Courtney P.; Jaku- School Subcontexts, 511-528 becy, Jennifer J.; and Lundgren, Kristin A.— Self-Concept, Higher-Order Thinking, and Baker, Amy J. L.—see Kessler-Sklar, Susan Teaching: Comments on the Findings of Two Baker, Scott—see Gersten, Russell Meta-Analyses, 355-358 Baxter, Juliet A.; Woodward, John; and Olson, Kessler-Sklar, Susan, and Baker, Amy J. L.— Deborah—Effects of Reform-Based Mathe- School District Parent Involvement Policies matics Instruction on Low Achievers in Five and Programs, 101-118 Third-Grade Classrooms, 529-547 Klenner, Lena—see Alton-Lee, Adrienne Borman, Goeffrey—see Datnow, Amanda Kos, Raylene, and Maslowski, Cheryl—Second Graders’ Perceptions of What Is Important in Cavalier, Albert R.—see MacArthur, Charles A. Writing, 567-584 Clark, Kathleen—see Taylor, Barbara M. Cox, Martha—see La Paro, Karen M. La Paro, Karen M.; Pianta, Robert; and Cox, Mar- tha—Kindergarten Teachers’ Reported Use of Dalton, Ngaio—see Alton-Lee, Adrienne Kindergarten to First Grade Tiansition Prac- Daniels, Patricia—see Lipson, Marjorie Y. tices, 63-78 Datnow, Amanda; Borman, Geoffrey; and Lipson, Marjorie Y.; Mosenthal, James; Daniels, Stringfield, Sam—School Reform through a Patricia; and Woodside-Jiron, Haley—Process Highly Specified Curriculum: Implementation Writing in the Classrooms of Eleven Fifth- and Effects of the Core Knowledge Sequence, Grade Teachers with Different Orientations to 167-192 Teaching and Learning, 209-232 Davis, Courtney P.—see Kauffman, James M. Lundgren, Kristin A.—see Kauffman, James M. Diggins, Cathy—see Alton-Lee, Adrienne MacArthur, Charles A.; Ferretti, Ralph P.; Okolo, Elbaum, Batya, and Vaughn, Sharon—School- Cynthia M.; and Cavalier, Albert R.—Tech- Based Interventions to Enhance the Self- nology Applications for Students with Liter- Concept of Students with Disabilities: A Meta- acy Problems: A Critical Review, 273-302 Analysis, 303-330 Maslowski, Cheryl—see Kos, Raylene Meyer, Heather Ann—see Astor, Ron Avi Ferretti, Ralph P.—see MacArthur, Charles A. Mosenthal, James—see Lipson, Marjorie Y. Fuchs, Douglas——see Fuchs, Lynn S. Fuchs, Lynn S.; Fuchs, Douglas; and Karns, Okolo, Cynthia M.—see MacArthur, Charles A. Kathy—Enhancing Kindergartners’ Mathe- Olson, Deborah—see Baxter, Juliet A. matical Development: Effects of Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies, 495-510 Pearson, P. David—see Taylor, Barbara M. Peterson, Shelley—Fourth, Sixth, and Eighth Gersten, Russell, and Baker, Scott—Teaching Graders’ Preferred Writing Topics and Iden- Expressive Writing to Students with Learning tification of Gender Markers in Stories, 79-100 Disabilities: A Meta-Analysis, 251-272 Pianta, Robert—see La Paro, Karen M. Gersten, Russell, and Vaughn, Sharon—Meta- Pitner, Ronald O.—see Astor, Ron Avi Analyses in Learning Disabilities: Introduc- tion to the Special Issue, 247-250 Rosenshine, Barak—Commentary: Issues in Griffith, James—School Climate as Group Eval- Conducting Meta-Analyses of Intervention uation and Group Consensus: Student and Studies, 371-377 592 THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL JOURNAL Stigler, James W.—see Hiebert, James Fourth, Sixth, and Eighth Graders’ Preferred Stringfield, Sam—see Datnow, Amanda Writing Topics and Identification of Gender Swanson, H. Lee—Research on Interventions for Markers in Stories—Shelley Peterson, 79- Adolescents with Learning Disabilities: A 100 Meta-Analysis of Outcomes Related to Identifying Reliable Generalizations for Speiling Higher-Order Processing, 331-348 Words: The Importance of Multilevel Analy- sis—Mary Abbott, 233-245 Taylor, Barbara M.; Pearson, P. David; Clark, Kindergarten Teachers’ Reported Use of Kinder- Kathleen; and Walpole, Sharon—Effective garten to First Grade Transition Practices— Schools and Accomplished Teachers: Lessons Karen M. La Paro, Robert Pianta, and Martha about Primary-Grade Reading Instruction in Cox, 63-78 High-Poverty Schools, 121-166 Meta-Analyses in Learning Disabilities: Intro- duction to the Special Issue—Russell Gersten Vaughn, Sharon—see Elbaum, Batya and Sharon Vaughn, 247.-250 Vaughn, Sharon—see Gersten, Russell Pedagogies of Self in American and Japanese Vine, Elaine—see Alton-Lee, Adrienne Early Childhood Education: A Critical Con- ceptual Analysis—Diane M. Hoffman, 193- Walpole, Sharon—see Taylor, Barbara M. 208 Williams, Joanna P.—Commentary: Four Meta- Process Writing in the Classrooms of Eleven Analyses and Some General Observations, Fifth-Grade Teachers with Different Orienta- 349-354 tions to Teaching and Learning—Marjorie Y. Wong, Bernice Y. L.—Commentary: Pointers for Lipson, James Mosenthal, Patricia Daniels, Literacy Instruction from Educational Tech- and Haley Woodside-Jiron, 209-232 nology and Research on Writing Instruction, A Proposal for Improving Classroom Teaching: 359-370 Lessons from the TIMSS Video Study—James Woodside-Jiron, Haley—see Lipson, Marjorie Y. Hiebert and James W. Stigler, 3-20 Woodward, John—see Baxter, Juliet A. Research on Interventions for Adolescents with Learning Disabilities: A Meta-Analysis of Out- comes Related to Higher-Order Processing— Title Index H. Lee Swanson, 331-348 School-Based Interventions to Enhance the Self- Concept of Students with Disabilities: A Meta- Commentary: Four Meta-Analyses and Some Analysis—Batya Elbaum and Sharon Vaughn, General Observations—Joanna P. Williams, 303-330 349-354 School Climate as Group Evaluation and Group Commentary: Issues in Conducting Meta- Consensus: Student and Parent Perceptions of Analyses of Intervention Studies— Barak Ro- the Elementary School Environment—James senshine, 371-377 Griffith, 35-62 Commentary: Pointers for Literacy Instruction School District Parent Involvement Policies and from Educational Technology and Research on Writing Instruction—Bernice Y. L. Wong, Programs—Susan Kessler-Sklar and Amy J. L. 359-370 Baker, 101-118 Effective Schools and Accomplished Teachers: School Reform through a Highly Specified Cur- Lessons about Primary-Grade Reading In- riculum: Implementation and Effects of the struction in High-Poverty Schools—Barbara Core Knowledge Sequence—Amanda _ Dat- M. Taylor, P. David Pearson, Kathleen Clark, now, Geoffrey Borman, and Sam Stringfield, and Sharon Walpole, 121-166 167-192 Effects of Reform-Based Mathematics Instruction Second Graders’ Perceptions of What Is Impor- on Low Achievers in Five Third-Grade Class- tant in Writing—Raylene Kos and Cheryl rooms—Juliet A. Baxter, John Woodward, and Maslowski, 567-584 Deborah Olson, 529-547 Self-Concept, Higher-Order Thinking, and Elementary and Middle School Students’ Per- Teaching: Comments on the Findings of Two ceptions of Violence-Prone School Subcon- Meta-Analyses—James M. Kauffman, Court- texts—Ron Avi Astor, Heather Ann Meyer, ney P. Davis, Jennifer J. Jakubecy, and Kristin and Ronald O. Pitner, 511-528 A. Lundgren, 355-358 Enhancing Kindergartners’ Mathematical Devel- Teacher Management of the Learning Environ- opment: Effects of Peer-Assisted Learning ment during a Social Studies Discussion in a Strategies—Lynn S. Fuchs, Douglas Fuchs, New-Entrant Classroom in New Zealand— and Kathy Karns, 495-510 Adrienne Alton-Lee, Cathy Diggins, Lena MAY 2001 INDEX TO VOLUME 101 593 Klenner, Elaine Vine, and Ngaio Dalton, 549- Technology Applications for Students with Lit- 566 eracy Problems: A Critical Review—Charles Teaching Expressive Writing to Students with A. MacArthur, Ralph P. Ferretti, Cynthia M. Learning Disabilities: A Meta-Analysis—Rus- Okolo, and Albert . Cavalier, 273-302 sell Gersten and Scott Baker, 251-272

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