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The Elementary School Journal Published September, November, Index to Volume 94 January, March, and May September, November, 1993, and by the University of Chicago Press January, March, May, 1994 Editor Thomas L. Good Managing Editor Gail Miller Hinkel The University of Chicago Press Published September, November, 1993 January, March, May, 1994 Copyright 1993, 1994, by the University of Chicago INDEX TO VOLUME 94 Author Index DePinto, Thommie—see Coley, Joan Develin DePinto, Thommie—see Marks, Marilyn Deshler, Donald D., and Schumaker, Jean B.— Strategy Mastery by At-risk Students: Not a Afflerbach, Peter P., and Johnston, Peter H.— Simple Matter, 153-168 Writing Language Arts Report Cards: Duffy, Gerald G.—Teachers’ Progress toward Eleven Teachers’ Conflicts of Knowing and Becoming Expert Strategy Teachers, 109-1290 Communicating, 73-86 Anderson, Valerie, and Roit, Marsha—Pianning El-Dinary, Pamela Beard, and Schuder, Ted— and Implementing Collaborative Strategy Seven Teachers’ Acceptance of Transac- Instruction for Delayed Readers in Grades tional Strategies Instruction during Their 6-10, 121-138 First Year Using It, 207-219 Athanases, Steven Z.—Teachers’ Reports of the El-Dinary, Pamela Beard—see Pressley, Effects of Preparing Portfolios of Literacy Michael Instruction, 421-439 Ezell, Helen—see Kohler, Frank W. Barksdale-Ladd, Mary Alice, and Thomas, Ferro-Almeida, Susan—Teachers’ Initial Per- Karen F.—Eight Teachers’ Reported Pedagog- ceptions of Transactional Strategies Instruc- ical Dependency on Basal Readers, 49-72 tion, 201-206 Battistich, Victor; Solomon, Daniel; and Deluc- Fuchs, Douglas—see Fuchs, Lynn S. chi, Kevin—Interaction Processes and Stu- Fuchs, Lynn S.; Fuchs, Douglas; and Phillips, dent Outcomes in Cooperative Learning Norris—The Relation between Teachers’ Be- Groups, 19-32 liefs about the Importance of Good Student Block, Cathy Collins—Strategy Instruction in a Work Habits, Teacher Planning, and Stu- Literature-based Reading Program, 139-152 dent Achievement, 331-345 Blumenfeld, Phyllis C.; Krajcik, Joseph S.; Marx, Ronald W.; and Soloway, Elliott— Gardner, Rosalie—see Coley, Joan Develin Lessons Learned: How Collaboration Gardner, Rosalie—see Marks, Marilyn Helped Middle Grade Science Teachers Good, Thomas, L.—Editorial Statement, 1 Learn Project-based Instruction, 539-551 Gordon, Jane—see Vaughn, Sharon Blumenfeld, Phyllis C.—see Krajcik, Joseph S. Graham, Steve, and Harris, Karen R.—Self-reg- Blumenfeld, Phyllis C.—see Marx, Ronald W. ulated Strategy Development: Helping Stu- Blumenfeld, Phyllis C.—see Miller, Samuel D. dents with Learning Problems Develop as Blunk, Merrie—see Marx, Ronald W. Writers, 169-182 Brown, Barbara—see McCaslin, Mary Brown, Rachel, and Coy-Ogan, Lynn—The Ev- Harris, Karen R.—see Graham, Steve olution of Transactional Strategies Instruc- Harvey, Connie L.—see Ladewski, Barbara G. tion in One Teacher’s Classroom, 221-234 Hoel, Kathryn—see Kohler, Frank W. Canough, Trudie—see Wood, Eileen Jenkins, Joseph R.; Ronk, Joan; Schrag, Judy Coley, Joan Develin; DePinto, Thommie; A.; Rude, Gary G.; and Stowitschek, Car- Craig, Sharon; and Gardner, Rosalie—From ole--Effects of Using School-based Partici- College to Classroom: Three Teachers’ Ac- patory Decision Making to Improve Ser- counts of Their Adaptations of Reciprocal vices for Low-performing Students, 357-372 Teaching, 255-266 Johnston, Peter H.—see Afflerbach, Peter P. Coley, Joan Develin—see Marks, Marilyn Cougan, Monica Clapp—see Kloosterman, Kelly, Beverly—see Marx, Ronald W. Peter Kloosterman, Peter, and Cougan, Monica Cousins, J. Bradley; Ross, John A.; and Clapp—Students’ Beliefs about Learning Maynes, Florence J.—The Reported Nature School Mathematics, 375-388 and Consequences of Teachers’ Joint Work Kohler, Frank, W.; Ezell, Helen; Hoel, Kathryn; in Three Exemplary Schools, 441-465 and Strain, Phillip S.—Supplemental Peer Coy-Ogan, Lynn—see Brown, Rachel Practice in a First-Grade Math Class: Effects Craig, Sharon—see Coley, Joan Develin on Teacher Behavior and Five Low Achiev- Craig, Sharon—see Marks, Marilyn ers’ Responding and Acquisition of Content, Crawford, Barbara—see Marx, Ronald W. 389-403 Kraicik, Joseph S.; Blumenfeld, Phyllis C.; Delucchi, Kevin—see Battistich, Victor Marx, Ronald W.; and Soloway, Elliot—A THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL JOURNAL Collaborative Model for Helping Middle Rose, Wanda—see Marks, Marilyn Grade Science Teachers Learn Project-based Ross, John A.—see Cousins, J. Bradley Instruction, 483-497 Rude, Gary G.—see Jenkins, Joseph R. Krajcik, Joseph S.—see Blumenfeld, Phyllis C. Krajcik, Joseph S.—see Ladewski, Barbara G. Schrag, Judy A.—see Jenkins, Joseph R. Krajcik, Joseph S.—see Marx, Ronald W. Schuder, Ted--The Genesis of Transactional Strategies Instruction in a Reading Program Ladewski, Barbara G.; Krajcik, Joseph S.; and for At-Risk Students, 183-200 Harvey, Connie L.—A Middle Grade Sci- Schuder, Ted—see El-Dinary, Pamela Beard ence Teacher’s Emerging Understanding of Schumaker, Jean B.—See Deshler, Donald D. Project-based Instruction, 499-515 Schumm, Jeanne Shay—see Vaughn, Sharon LaPage, Jenness—see McCaslin, Mary Schwager, Mahna T.—see Newman, Richard S. Levin, Joel R.—Mnemonic Strategies and Class- Solomon, Daniel—see Battistich, Victor room Learning: A Twenty-Year Report Soloway, Flliot—see Blumenfeld, Phyllis C. Card, 235-244 Soloway, Elliot—see Krajcik, Joseph S. Stowitschek, Carole—see Jenkins, Joseph R. Marks, Marilyn; Pressley, Michael; Coley, Joan Strain, Phillip S.—see Kohler, Frank W. Develin; Craig, Sharon; Gardner, Rosalie; Symons, Sonya—see Wood, Eileen DePintc, Thommie; and Rose, Wanda— Three Teachers’ Adaptations of Reciprocal Thomas, Karen F.—see Barksdale-Ladd, Mary Teaching, 267--283 Alice Marx, Ronald W.; Blumenfeld, Phyllis C.; Tuck, Dorothy—see McCaslin, Mary Krajcik, Joseph S.; Blunk, Merrie; Crawford, Barbara; Kelly, Beverly; and Meyer, Karen Van Scoy, Irma J.—Differences in Teaching be- M.—Enacting Project-based Science: Experi- tween Six Primary and Five Intermediate ences of Four Middle Grade Teachers, Teachers in One School, 347-356 517-538 Vaughn, Sharon; Schumm, Jeanne Shay; Niar- Marx, Ronald W.—see Blumenfeld, Phyllis C. hos, Frances Johnson; and Gordon, Jane— Marx, Ronald W.—see Krajcik, Joseph S. Students’ Perceptions of Two Hypothetical Maynes, Florence J.—see Cousins, J. Bradley Teachers’ Instructional Adaptations for Low McCaslin, Mary; Tuck, Dorothy; Wiard, Amy; Achievers, 87-102 Brown, Barbara; LaPage, Jenness; and Pyle, Joyce—Gender Composition and Small- Weiner, Sue—Four First Graders’ Descriptions Group Learning in Fourth-Grade Mathe- of How They Spell, 315-330 matics, 467-482 Wiard, Amy—see McCaslin, Mary Meyer, Karen M.—see Marx, Ronald W. Wood, Eileen; Miller, Gloria; Symons, Sonya; Miller, Gloria—see Wood, Eileen Canough, Trudie; and Yedlicka, Jeanne—Ef- Miller, Samuel D., and Blumenfeld, Phyllis C.— fects of Elaborative Interrogation on Young Characteristics of Tasks Used for Skill In- Learners’ Recall of Facts, 245-254 struction in Two Basal Reader Series, 33-48 Woodward, John—Effects of Curriculum Dis- course Siyle on Eighth Graders’ Recall and Nattiv, Amalya—Helping Behaviors and Math Problem Solving in Earth Science, 299-314 Achievement Gain of Students Using Coop- erative Learning, 285-298 Yedlicka, Jeanne—see Wood, Eileen Newman, Richard S., and Schwager, Mahna T.—Students’ Perceptions of the Teacher Zuckerman, Galina A.—A Pilot Study of a Ten- and Classmates in Relation to Reported Day Course in Cooperative Learning for Be- Help Seeking in Math Class, 3-18 ginning Russian First Graders, 405-420 Niarhos, Frances Johnson—see Vaughn, Sharon Title Index Phillips, Norris—see Fuchs, Lynn S. Pressley, Michael, and El-Dinary, Pamela Beard—Introduction, 105-108 Pressley, Michael—see Marks, Marilyn Characteristics of Tasks Used for Skill Instruc- Pyle, Joyce—see McCaslin, Mary tion in Two Basal Reader Series—Samuel D. Miller and Phyllis C. Blumenfeld, 33-48 Roit, Marsha—see Anderson, Valerie A Collaborative Model for Helping Middle Ronk, Joan—see Jenkins, Joseph R. Grade Science Teachers Learn Project-based MAY 1994 INDEX TO VOLUME 94 Instruction—Joseph S. Krajcik, Phyllis C. A Middie Grade Science Teacher’s Emerging Blumenfeld, Ronald W. Marx, and Elliot So- Understanding of Project-based Instruc- loway, 483-497 tion—Barbara G. Ladewski, Joseph S. Differences in Teaching between Six Primary Krajcik, and Connie L. Harvey, 499-515 and Five Intermediate Teachers in One Mnemonic Strategies and Classroom Learning: School—Irma J. Van Scoy, 347-356 A Twenty-Year Report Card—Joel R. Levin, Editorial Statement—Thomas L. Good, 1 235-244 Effects of Curriculum Discourse Style on A Pilot Study of a Ten-Day Course in Cooper- Eighth Graders’ Recall and Problem Solving ative Learning for Beginning Russian First in Earth Science—John Woodward, 299-314 Graders—Galina A. Zuckerman, 405-420 Effects of Elaborative Interrogation on Young Planning and Implementing Collaborative Learners’ Recall of Facts—Eileen Wood, Strategy Instruction for Delayed Readers in Gloria Miller, Sonya Symons, Trudie Can- Grades 6-10—Valerie Anderson and Marsha ough, and Jeanne Yedlicka, 245-254 Roit, 121-138 Effects of Using School-based Participatory The Relation between Teachers’ Beliefs about Decision Making to Improve Services for the Importance of Good Student Work Low-performing Students—Joseph R. Jen- Habits, Teacher Planning, and Student kins, Joan Ronk, Judy A. Schrag, Gary G Achievement—Lynn S. Fuchs, Douglas Rude, and Carole Stowitschek, 357-372 Fuchs, and Norris Phillips, 331-345 Eight Teachers’ Reported Pedagogical Depen- The Reported Nature and Consequences of dency on Basal Readers—Mary Alice Barks- Teachers’ Joint Work in Three Exemplary dale-Ladd and Karen F. Thomas, 49--72 Schools—J. Bradley Cousins, John A. Ross, Enacting Project-based Science: Experiences of and Florence J. Maynes, 441-465 Four Middle Grade Teachers—Ronald W. Self-regulated Strategy Development: Helping Marx, Phyllis C. Blumenfeld, Joseph S. Students with Learning Problems Develop Krajcik, Merrie Blunk, Barbara Crawford, as Writers—Steve Graham and Karen R. Beverly Kelly, and Karen M. Meyer, 517-538 Harris, 169-182 The Evolution of Transactional Strategies In- Seven Teachers’ Acceptance of Transactional struction in One Teacher’s Classroom— Strategies Instruction during Their First Rachel Brown and Lynn Coy-Ogan, 221-234 Year Using It—Pamela Beard El-Dinary and Four First Graders’ Descriptions of How They Ted Schuder, 207-219 Spell—Sue Weiner, 315-330 Strategy Instruction in a Literature-based From College to Classroom: Three Teachers’ Reading Program—Cathy Collins Block, Accounts of Their Adaptations of Reciprocal 139-152 Teaching—Joan Develin Coley, Thommie Strategy Mastery by At-Risk Students: Not a DePinto, Sharon Craig, arid Rosalie Gard- Simple Matter—Donald D. Deshler and Jean ner, 255-266 B. Schumaker, 153-168 Gender Composition and Small-Group Learn- Students’ Beliefs about Learning School Math- ing in Fourth-Grade Mathematics—Mary ematics—Peter Kloosterman and Monica McCaslin, Dorothy Tuck, Amy Wiard, Bar- Clapp Cougan, 375-388 bara Brown, Jenness LaPage, and Joyce Students’ Perceptions of the Teacher and Pyle, 467-482 Classmates in Relation to Reported Help The Genesis of Transactional Strategies In- Seeking in Math Class—Richard S. Newman struction in a Reading Program for At-Risk and Mahna T. Schwager, 3-18 Students—Ted Schuder, 183-200 Students’ Perceptions of Two Hypothetical Helping Behaviors and Math Achievement Teachers’ Instructional Adaptations for Low Gain of Students Using Cooperative Learn- ing—Amalya Nattiv, 285-298 Achievers—Sharon Vaughn, Jeanne Shay Interaction Processes and Student Outcomes in Schumm, Frances Johnson Niarhos, and Cooperative Learning Groups—Victor Battis- Jane Gordon, 87-102 tich, Daniel Solomon, and Kevin Delucchi, Supplemental Peer Practice in a First-Grade 19-32 Math Class: Effects on Teacher Behavior Introduction—Michael Pressley and Pamela and Five Low Achievers’ Responding and Beard El-Dinary, 105-108 Acquisition of Content—Frank W. Kohler, Lessons Learned: How Collaboration Helped Helen Ezell, Kathryn Hoel, and Phillip S. Middle Grade Science Teachers Learn Proj- Strain, 389-403 ect-based Instruction—Phyllis C. Blumen- Teachers’ Initial Perceptions of Transactional feld, Joseph S. Krajcik, Ronald W. Marx, Strategies Instruction—Susan Ferro-Almeida, and Elliot Soloway, 539-551 201-206 vi THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL JOURNAL Teachers’ Progress toward Becoming Expert ciprocal Teaching—Marilyn Marks, Michael Strategy Teachers—Gerald G. Duffy, Pressley, Joan Develin Coley, Sharon Craig, 109-120 Rosalie Gardner, Thommie DePinto, and Teachers’ Reports of the Effects of Preparing Wanda Rose, 267-283 Portfolios of Literacy Instruction—Steven Z. Writing Language Arts Report Cards: Eleven Athanases, 421-439 Teachers’ Conflicts of Knowing and Com- Three Teachers’ Adaptations of Reciprocal municating—Peter P. Afflerbach and Peter Teaching in Comparison to Traditional Re- H. Johnston, 73-86 MAY 1994

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