1* kttr*,1. t**Il:l, lil* Ht It,,,.,,* r esr ,r.Itl*ftig:r.l'E;, The:E lectrid Utilrty Industry Restructlr:i ng Transition Advisory Comrnittee A: 4ep6,r1tolh e Governora nd the 56th L,egiilature oN Decembe1r 998 sr*TE.Oocu9wor$|Lm s r4[l?i ; lgql MontanaL egislativeS ervicesD ivision StateC apitol,R oom 138 Ilelen4 Montana5 9,620-!7CI6 , ': , . ',,,' Legislativ uSentices aa : (406)4 //.-3064 FAX: (406)444-3036 rmrERNEr 6HomeP age:) < rttp,ldww.mt,gov/leg/branch/brancl,htn> 'lilfliriifiuN irl uiilmlf liiliillifrIfl iriill The ElectricU tility IndustryR estructuring TRANSTTIOAND VISORYC OMMITTEE Chair: SenatorF redT homas Vice-chair: RepresentativeBillByan COMMITTESET AFF: StephenM aly, ResearchA nalYst Todd Everts,L egislativeE nvironmentaAln alyst Judy Keintz,S ecretary PUBLISHEBDY : MontanaL egislativeC ouncil RepresentativLea rryH al Grinde,P residingO fficer MontanaL egislativeS ervicesD ivision RobertB . Person,E xecutiveD irector DavidD . Bohyer,D irector,O fficeo f Researcha nd PolicyA nalysis GregoryJ . PeteschD, irector,L egalS ervicesO ffice TABLE OF CONTENTS TACFinaRle portExecutiveSummary .'....1 f. Introduc{ioann dO verview 2 ll. BudgeSt ummary lll.C hronologyToAf CAc'tivitiesEanvde nts -...... 6 July11,1997,Helena ....6 October6-71,9 97,B illings 7 January9 , 1998,H elena 7 Februar6y, 1998M, issoula I March1 3,1 998,H elena I F,pri124,199G8,r eatF alls. 9 July2 4,1998S, idney I Septembe1r8 ,1 998,H elena 10 Oc{ober231,9 98H, elena 10 OtherR elatedE vents 11 lV.A bstractoSfu bstantiveAchievements&Win Porrkosg ress ...... 13 . The EducationS ubcommittee 14 January?2,1998 ......14 March2 4, 1998 14 Ju1y1,1998 ......15 Septembe1r7 ,1 998 16 TheU niversaSly stemB enefitsProgramSubcomm. ittee ...... 17 TACUSBPFundStatutoryDirectives ......18 USBPS ubcommifteAec {ion 19 APPENDICES Appendixl: TACm embershiP19, 97-99 Appendixll : MontanaE lectricaIln dustryR estructurin&g ConsumeCr hoiceA ct (SenateB ill3 90) Appendixll l: A LegaAl nalysiso f the Elec'tricaUl tilltyI ndustryR estructurin&g CustomeCr hoiceA c't'sR eciprocitPy rovision Appendixlv : EleclricaIln dustryR estruc{urin&g M ontanaP owerC ompany's,sa le of GeneratioAn ssets AppendiVx : T.A.GR. ePorts AppendixV l: TheC ollaborativoen CustomeEr ducationa ndP ilotP rograms AppendixV ll: lssuesG onceminWg aterR ightsO wnedb y MontanaP ower Gompan(yQ uestionass kedb y senatorH unritzt hroughL EPO) TACF inalR eport ExecutiveS ummary I $ome partsa nd phaseso f the restruc'turinpgr ocessp roceededin accordancew ith the schedules et forth in SenateB ill 390,w frileo thersd id not. Deadlinesfo r the Public ServiceC ommission'fsin alo dErs on utilityt ransitionp fansa nd the startd ateo f pilot programsw ere ne@ssarilyd elayed. The TransitionA dvisoryC ommitteec rAC or Committeew) as responsiveto unanticipated decisionsa nd'eventss, ucha s the MontanaP owerC ompanfs announ@menot f its intentionto sell all of its generationa ssetsi n the state. The TAC met its statutoryr quirements regardingq uarterlym eetingsa nd reports,a nd conduc{eda n additionaml eetingi n conjunctionw ith the MontanaG onsumeCr ounsel. The TAC establishedth e EducationS ubcommitteteo ensuret hat otherT AC members and interestedl egislatorsw ere informeda bout basic aspectso f restructuringin Montana and elsewtrerea nd to monitora nd evaluatet he faimess and efrec{ivenesso f customer educationm essagesa nd materialsp roducedb y investor-owneudt ilitiesa nd participating elec'tricacl oopenatives. The TAC establishedth e UniversaSl ystemB enefttsP rcgram( USBP)S ubcommitteteo developa nd recommenda pnc{ical meanso f collectinga nd administeringU SBPf unds as well as to ftnda methodf or determiningth e applicabilitoy f creditsa gainstu niversal systemb enefitsc harges. The TAC considercda nd heardp ublic@ mmento n a varietyo f issuesa risingf rom restructuringS. omeo f thesei ssuesw ere of centmli mportancei,n dudingc ustomer aggregationa nd banierst o competitionw, hileo thersw ere morep eriphemltot he scope of SB 390, sucfra s waterr ightsa nd continueda ccesst o recreationapl roperty. Becauseim portanat spectso f eleciricali ndustryr cstructuringa re to be phasedi n overa numbero f years,r elativefyfe w mattersc ouldb e concludedo r resolvedd uringt he 1997- 98 interim;t hereforet,h e Committee'sle gislativere commendationasr e few in number. Theyi ncluded etailedd rafrl egistationto structuret he USBPa nd a proposaltor epealthe reciprocityp rcvisionso f SB 390. TRANSITIONA DVISORYC OMMITTEEF INALR EPORT l. lntroductiona nd Overview SenateB ill3 90( ChapteNr o.5 05,L auao f 1997) establishetdh e ElectricU tility IndustryR estructurinTgr ansitionA dvisoryC ommitte(eT ACo r Commifteec)o mposed of 2}members8, of wfroma rev otingm embers4, eachf romM ontana'Hs ousea nd Senatew, itha n equaln umbeor f Republicanasn dD emocratsT.h eo ther1 2 members werea ppointedb y theg ovemotro fulfilla dvisoryfu nctionsa s representativeosf groups in Montanaw itha n interesitn the restruc'turinpgro cess(.S eeA ppendixI fora lis.o f memberas nd their affiliations.) SB3 90i s a relativetyc omplicatelde gislativep ad<agen,o tr eadilyu nderstoobdy Montanac itizensw trod id notp articipatein or observeth e bill'sr iteso f passaged uring the 1gg7s essionT. hec ommitteem adee xtensiveu see arlyo n of severasl ynopseso f the biff, oneo f whbh is includedin thisr eport( s* Appendixtt ),a ndc ana lsob e found at the PublicS erviceC ommission('Ps SG)w ebsitea t unrrrv.psc.stateO.mnte. o f the foremosct trallengesfa cedb y the TACw ast o bettere ducateit s orn memberso n the intricacieos f the bilt,a s wella s someo f the speculativaes pectso f restruc'turinthga t the lawi tselfc ouldn ot( ands tillc annota) ddressw itha nyd egreeo f certaintyT. he predictivep owero f theT ACh asb eenc onstrainebdy limitedk nowledgoef thef utureo f electricityp rices,t he sourcest,y pes,a ndl ong-terma vailabilitoy f reliablee lectricity suppliesa, ndt he shapee nergym arketsw ill ac'tualltya kei n a changede conomica nd technology-inufel ncede nvironment. Them embershiopf theT ACr eflectsth e differengt roupsin thes tatew itha n interesitn the outcomeo f restructurings.t akeholderisn the processin cludep roduceras nd purveyorso f electricitys,u cha s investor-owneudti litiesa nde lectricacl ooperativesa,s we1a s elec{ricity@ nsumeros f variouss izesa ndt ypes,i ncludingla rgei ndustriafli rms, publice ntitiess, malcl ommercieanl terpriseas,n dr esidentiaclu stomersU.n der ' Codifieda s Title 69, chapterS in the Montma CodeA motated' 2 regulationt,h e interestso f produceras ndc onsumerasr e largelyc ongruenot,r at least heldt ogetheirn a balancefda shionth roughth er ulingsa ndg oodo fficeso f theP SC' W1hp artiadl eregulatiofnir,m si n theg eneratiosne gmenot f thep roductiosni dea re freet o pursueb usinessin tereststh atm ayb e quited isparatefr omt hoseo f many customersM. aketf orcesa reb elievedto be the bestm eanso f achievingth e balance thatw asf ormerlys truckb y regulation. Legislativpea ssagea ndi mplementatioonf M ontana'es lectricailn dustryre structuring biil did noto ccuri n a vacuumC. alifomiaa ndN ewH ampshirwe eree arlyp ioneersin this ventureW. hiled ifferenitn manyo bviousre spec-ttsh,e industrieas ndc ommunities in botht heses tatesw ereb urdenedw ithr elativelyh ighe nergyc osts.M ontanaw ast he first lor-coste nergys tatet o go fonrardw ithr estructuringA.s of April1 998,a n additionasl evens tatesh ade nactedre structurinlge gislationa,n others evenh adm oved decisivelyto rard restructurintgh roughth e issuanceo f comprehensivree gulatory orderst,e n statesh adt egislatioonr ordersp endinga, nd2 3 statesh ads omes orto f studyc ommissioinn placet o investigatfee asibilityS. outhD akotaw asa lonea mongth e 50 statesi n noth avinga uthorizeadn ys ignificanrte struc{urinagc livity.'Meanwhile, severabl illsa rep endingin the U.S.C ongrestso establishre structurinogn a nationwideb asis,a lthoughth erei s considerablree sistancea mongs tatest o preemptorayc {ionb y thef ederagl ovemment. TheC ommitteies authorizetdo makel egislativere @mmendationUsn. dera general provisiono f SB3 90,t heT AC'shallr ecommenledg islatioinf n ecessartyo promote electricu tilityr estructurinagn dr etailc hoiceo f electricitys uppliers."-T he law mandatess ucha ctioni n onlyo neg eneraal rena,h oweverd, uringt he 1997-98in terim. A provisiono f SB 390r equiresth eT AGt o maker e@mmendatiotnos t he govemor regardingth e implementatioonf s tatewideu niversasl ystemb enefitsc hargeso n or beforeJ anuary1 , 1999,a nda relatedfe atureo f the bill requiresth eT ACt o make re@mmendatiotnos t he governoar ndt he Legislaturree gardinglo wi ncomee nergy ' So.n'oeEt nerglnformationAdministratio,U.S. D€pt. ofEnergl n'wu'.eiadoe.gov " se" 69-8-501(I3),.MCA assistancdee rivedfr oma ll energyp roviderisn thes tate.'Asis documenteladt eri n this reportt,h e universasl ystemB enefitsP rcgram(u sBP)S ubcommitteoef t heT AC developedg uidelineas ndr ecommendethde mt o thef ull Gommittefeo r consideration andf or formalr ecommendatioton t hee ntireL egislature. other legislativere commendatioanrse likelyt o emergein thef uture,a s the complicaterde struc{uringp rocesse volvesF. ore xamplet,h eT AC'sE ducation Subcommitteweil l continueto monitoar c'tivitietsh atc ouldl eadm embertso suggest changesin the lawr egardingw froi s ultimatelrye sponsiblfeo r customeer ducation and/orwhatty pea nda mounot f fundingm ayb e requiredto effectiveliyn form cr.rstomeorsf w fratt heirc hoicesa rei n the nascenmt arkefto r retaile lectricitys upply ands ervicesI.n additionl,e gislatiown ill probablyb e requiredto makem orec ertain wl'row ill bearr esponsibiliftoy r providinge lec'tricittyo consumerws hof or oner easono r anothefra il to makea deliberatecf ioiceo f powers uppliear t thee ndo f thet ransition period. Therea rea numbeor f unanswereqdu estionsa ndu nresolveids suesto be addressed in subsequenpth aseso f the restrucilurinpgro oessF. ore xamplew, hethemr eteringa nd billings ervicesm ustb e unbundlefdo m distributiocnh argesa ndt he extento f the pSC'sj urisdictionre gardingth e distributioonf proceedsre sultingfr omt he saleo f formerlyre gulatedu tilitya ssetsa rei ssuesth ata risei n the reviewo f transitionp lans thatu tilitiesa rer equiredto file witht he PSCu nderS B3 90.I n additiona, s thet exto f the restructurinbgi ll spellso ut,t herei s an anticipatesde quenceo f requireda ctivities' sucha s transitionp lans,p ilotp rogramsth, e licensureo f supplierst,h e unbundlinogf utilityb ills.H owevera, s thisf irstp haseo f the prooessil lustratesth, ereh aveb een severasl urprisingtu mso f eventsth atw eren ota nticipatebdy the bill'ss upporterosr the Committeme embers. TheM ontanaP owerC ompany'(sM PC)a nnoun@din tentionto sell its generation facilitiesin Decembecra usedth e scheduleo f hearingsa ndr elatedm eetingsto changeA. laterd ecisionb y MPCt o dissolveit s elec{ricitmy arketinagf filiatea ndt hen pacifigorp,sd ecisionto sell itst ransmissioann dd istributiosny stemin the northwestern ' S€e 69-8-501(14a)n d6 9-8-501(18M),C A. 4