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The Einstein-scalar field constraint system in the positive case. Bruno Premoselli January 25, 2013 3 1 Abstract 0 2 WeprovetheexistenceofsolutionstotheconformalEinstein-scalarconstraintsystemof n equations for closed compact Riemannian manifolds in thepositive case. Ourresults apply a to the vacuum case with positive cosmological constant and to the massive Klein-Gordon J setting. 4 2 1 Introduction ] P 1.1 The Einstein constraint equations in a scalar-field theory and the A conformal method. . h t Theconstraintequationsariseingeneralrelativity. Aspace-timeisaLorentzianmanifold(M˜,g˜) a m of dimension n+1 that solves the Einstein equations: [ 1 Ricij(g˜)− R(g˜)g˜ij =8πTij (1.1) 1 2 v 2 where R(g˜) and Ric(g˜) are respectively the scalar curvature and the Ricci curvature of g˜ and 9 T is the stress-energytensor. In a scalar-fieldtheory the expression of T involves a scalar field ij 7 ψ ∈C∞(M˜), a potential V ∈C∞(R), and the metric g˜, and is written as 5 . 1 1 T =∇ ψ∇ ψ− |∇ψ|2+V(ψ) g˜ . 0 ij i j 2 g˜ ij 3 (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 This setting covers several usual physical cases: for instance V = 0,ψ = 0 yields the vacuum : v constraint equations, V ≡ Λ and ψ = 0 yields the vacuum case with a cosmological constant, i and V(ψ)= 1mψ2 yields the massive Klein-Gordonsetting. An initial data set for the Einstein X 2 equationsconsistsof(M,g,K,ψ,π˜),where(M,g)isan-dimensionalclosedcompactRiemannian r a manifold (n ≥ 3), k is a symmetric (2,0)-tensor, and ψ and π˜ are smooth functions in M. The Cauchy problem in generalrelativity deals with constructing space-time developments for given initialdatasets(M,g,K,ψ,π˜). SuchadevelopmentconsistsofaLorentzianmanifold(M×R,g˜) andofasmoothfunctionψ˜onM×Rsuchthat(M×R,g˜)solvestheEinsteinequations(1.1),gis the Riemannianmetricinducedby g˜onM,K is the secondfundamentalformofthe embedding M ⊂M×R andψ andπ˜ arerespectivelythe scalarfieldandits temporalderivativeonM,that is ψ˜ =ψ and∂ ψ˜ =π˜. A necessaryconditionforthe existenceofa space-timedevelopment |M t |M of an initial data set (M,g,K,ψ,π˜) is found applying the Gauss and Codazzi equations to (1.1) 1 and yields the following well-known system of equations: R(g)+tr K2−||K||2 =π˜2+|∇ψ|2+2V(ψ) , g g g (1.2) (∂i(trgK)−Kij,j =π˜∂iψ , where R(g) is the scalar curvature of (M,g). As shown first by Choquet-Bruhat [10] for the vacuum case (ψ =π˜ =0) and later by Choquet-Bruhat-Isenberg-Pollackin the general case [5], the system (1.2) is also a sufficient condition on (M,g,K,ψ,π˜) for the existence of a space-time development. ThisdevelopmentisuniqueasshownbyChoquet-BruhatandGeroch[4]. Asurvey reference on the subject is Chruściel-Galloway-Pollack[7]. Solving (1.2) provides admissible initial data for the Einstein equations. A method that turned out to be very effective to solve (1.2) is the conformal method, initiated by Lichnerowicz [15]. It consists in turning (1.2) into a determined system by specifying some initial “free” data and to solve the system in the remaining “determined” initial data. The set of free data consists of (ψ,τ,π,U) where ψ,τ,π are smooth functions in M and U is a smooth symmetric traceless and divergence-free (2,0)-tensor in M. Given (ψ,τ,π,U) an initial free data set, the conformal method yields a systemoftwoequations,often referredto asthe conformalconstraintsystemof equations,whose unknowns are a smooth positive function ϕ in M and a smooth vectorfield W in M. The conformal constraint system is written as △ ϕ+R ϕ=B ϕ2∗−1+ Aπ,U(W) , (1.3) g ψ τ,ψ,V ϕ2∗+1   △g,confW = n−n 1ϕ2∗∇τ −π∇ψ , (1.4) where we have let:  R =c R(g)−|∇ψ|2 , ψ n g n−1 B =(cid:0)c 2V(ψ)− (cid:1) τ2 , (1.5) τ,ψ,V n n (cid:18) (cid:19) A (W)=c |U +L W|2+π2 , π,U n g g and c = n−2 . The notation A (W) emp(cid:0)hasizes the depend(cid:1)ency with respect to W, which n 4(n−1) π,U isgivenbythesecondequation. In(1.5)weadoptsimilarnotationstothoseinChoquet-Bruhat, Isenberg and Pollack [6] except for the minus sign on B . Also, in (1.3)-(1.4), △ =−div ∇ τ,ψ,V g g is the Laplace-Beltramioperator,with nonnegative eigenvalues,2∗ = 2n is the criticalSobolev n−2 exponent, △ W =div (L W) and L W is the symmetric trace-free part of ∇W: g,conf g g g 2 L W =W +W − div Wg . (1.6) g ij i,j j,i n g ij The first equation is referred to as the Einstein-Lichnerowicz equation while the second one is referred to as the momentum constraint. Smooth vector fields in the kernel of L are called g conformal Killing vector fields. Since M is compact without boundary, the integration by parts formula gives, for any smooth vector field W: △ W =0 ⇐⇒ L W =0. g,conf g Given an initial data set (ψ,τ,π,U), if (ϕ,W) solves (1.3)-(1.4) then τ M,ϕn−42g,nϕn−42g+ϕ−2(U +LgW),ψ,ϕ−n2−n2π (1.7) (cid:16) (cid:17) 2 is a solution of (1.2). In this case τ is the mean curvature of (M,ϕn−42g) embedded in its space-time development, ψ is the scalar-field restricted to M and, up to a conformal factor, π is the time derivative of the scalar-field in M. We refer to Choquet-Bruhat, Isenberg and Pollack [6] and Bartnik-Isenberg [2] for more developments on the conformal method. Solving the constraint system in usual cases such as the massive Klein-Gordon setting or the positive cosmologicalconstant case amounts to solve (1.3)-(1.4) for a good choice of the initial data. 1.2 Statement of the results Inthispaperwefocusontheconformalconstraintsystem(1.3)-(1.4)inthecaseofanon-negative potentialV. IfhisasmoothfunctioninM,△ +hissaidtobecoerciveifthereexistsapositive g constant C such that for any u∈H1(M), |∇u|2+hu2 dv >C||u||2 g g H1(M) ZM (cid:0) (cid:1) or, equivalently, if 1 2 kuk = |∇u|2+hu2 dv (1.8) H1 g g h (cid:18)ZM (cid:19) (cid:0) (cid:1) is an equivalent norm on H1(M). In this case, following Hebey, Pacard and Pollack [11], we define the constant S to be the smallest positive constant satisfying that for all u∈H1(M): h kukL2∗ ≤Sh21∗kukHh1. (1.9) Ourmainresultstatesthe existenceofasolution(ϕ,W) of (1.3)-(1.4)inthe positivecaseunder suitable smallness assumptions on the free data. It is stated as follows. Theorem 1.1. Let (M,g) be a closed compact Riemannian manifold of dimension n ≥ 3 of positive Yamabe type such that g has no conformal Killing vector fields. Let V be a smooth nonnegative function on R, V 6≡ 0, and let ψ be a smooth function in M such that the op- erator △ + R is coercive. There exists a positive constant ε(n,g,V,ψ) depending only on g ψ n,g,sup V(ψ(x)) and S as in (1.9) such that if the remaining part of the initial data x∈M Rψ (τ,π,U) satisfies n−1 τ2(x)≤2V (ψ(x)) for all x∈M, (1.10) n the equality being strict somewhere in M, kπk +kUk >0 and ∞ ∞ k∇τk +kπk +kUk ≤ε(n,g,V,ψ) , (1.11) ∞ ∞ ∞ then the conformal constraint system (1.3)-(1.4) has a solution (ϕ,W). Remark 1.2. When the initial data satisfies condition (1.10), by the notations in (1.5), B τ,ψ,V is non-negative in M and positive somewhere. As we shall see in Section 2, when B is τ,ψ,V non-negative, then being of positive Yamabe type is a necessary condition. To our knowledge, Theorem 1.1 is the first result in the non-CMC setting (∇τ 6≡ 0) when B ≥ 0. With this result we get the existence of admissible initial data in important cases τ,ψ,V such as the massive Klein-Gordon setting with nonzero potential or the positive cosmological constant case. Due to its importance we state the latter separately: 3 Corollary 1.3. Let Λ be a positive constant. Then the vacuum conformal constraint system of equations with positive cosmological constant Λ, namely 4(n−1)△ ϕ+R(g)ϕ= 2Λ− n−1τ2 ϕ2∗−1+|U +L W|2ϕ−2∗−1 , n−2 g n g g  (cid:18) (cid:19) △g,confW = n−n 1ϕ2∗∇τ , has a solution (ϕ,W) provided U 6≡0 and kτk +kUk ≤C(n,g,Λ) , (1.12) C1 ∞ where C(n,g,Λ) is some constant depending only on n,g and Λ. Inthis scalar-fieldsettingthe smallnessassumptions(1.10)and(1.11)onlyinvolvethe scalar field ψ and the potential V, which is itself related to ψ by some wave equation that expresses the conservation of energy, see Wald [19]. This emphasizes the influence of ψ which appears to be the important parameter to consider. Thereareseveralinterestingresultsonsystemslike(1.3)-(1.4). Theycanberoughlyclassified accordingtotwocriteria: (i)theCMC(constantmeancurvature)versusthenon-CMCcase,and, if we forgetaboutthe fact that B may change sign, (ii) the positive case, where B >0, τ,ψ,V τ,ψ,V versus the nonpositive case, where B ≤ 0. In the CMC setting (∇τ = 0) the system (1.3)- τ,ψ,V (1.4) is semi-decoupled. Equation (1.4) is solvable, either assuming that there are no conformal Killing fields on M or assuming that π∇ψ is orthogonal to such fields (which generically do not exist, see Beig-Chruściel-Schoen [3]). Its solution appears as a coefficient in (1.3). In the CMC-case when B ≤ 0, for instance in the vacuum case, the system is fully understood τ,ψ,V (see Isenberg [13] or Choquet-Bruhat, Isenberg and Pollack [6]). Partial results exist in the max B > 0 case, and we refer to Hebey, Pacard and Pollack [11], and Ngô and Xu [17]. M τ,ψ,V In the non-CMC case, results were available only when B ≤ 0 and assuming smallness τ,ψ,V assumptions on the initial data. For near-CMC results see Allen-Clausen-Isenberg [1] or Dahl- Gicquaud-Humbert [8]. Results when U is small can be found in Holst-Nagy-Tsogtgerel [12] or Maxwell [16]. A few non-existence results exist for near-CMC initial data: see Isenberg-Ò Murchadha [14] or again Dahl-Gicquaud-Humbert [8]. A condition like our condition (1.12) is both a near-CMC assumption and a control on kUk , and Corollary 1.3 can be thought as a ∞ generalization of the available existence results for the vacuum conformal constraint system of equations to the more involved case where B >0. τ,ψ,V The paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we comment on Theorem 1.1. We prove necessary conditions for the existence of solutions of (1.3)-(1.4) and show that the need of a control on the initial data is natural. Section 3 is devoted to the proof of the existence of a smallest solution for equation (1.3). Theorem 1.1 is proved in section 4 using a fixed-point argument. Acknowledgements. TheauthorwishestothankwarmlyOlivierDruetandEmmanuelHebey for many stimulating discussions and useful comments on this paper. 2 Necessary conditions and non-existence results. We discuss the assumptions of Theorem 1.1. Throughout this section we assume that V is a smooth nonnegative function in R, not everywhere zero. We let µ = inf |∇ϕ|2+c R(g)ϕ2 dv (2.1) g n g ϕ∈H1(M),kϕk2=1ZM (cid:0) (cid:1) 4 be the coercivity constant of △ +c R(g), where c is as in (1.5), and g n n µ = inf |∇ϕ|2+R ϕ2 dv (2.2) g,ψ ψ g ϕ∈H1(M),kϕk2=1ZM (cid:0) (cid:1) be the analogue for △ +R . The first result we prove shows that the coercivity of △ +R g ψ g ψ is a necessary condition to the existence of admissible initial data when B is non-negative. τ,ψ,V This shows, in some sense, the optimality of the assumptions required on ψ in Theorem 1.1. As a by-product we obtain an integral control on |∇ψ|, which in turns implies a strong geometric condition on the underlying manifold which shows a radically different behavior than in the vacuum case. Proposition2.1. Let(ψ,τ,π,U)bean initial dataset suchthat B ≥0on M, whereB τ,ψ,V τ,ψ,V is as in (1.5), but B is not everywhere zero. If a solution (ϕ,W) of (1.3)-(1.4) exists, then τ,ψ,V △ +R is coercive and there holds that g ψ |∇ψ|2dv < R(g)dv . (2.3) g g ZM ZM In particular, (M,g) is of positive Yamabe type and we get both that µ >0 and µ >0. g,ψ g Proof. Usingstandardvariationaltechniquesandelliptictheoryweeasilyobtainthatthereexists a smooth positive function u with ku k =1 such that g,ψ g,ψ 2 △ u +R u =µ u (2.4) g g,ψ ψ g,ψ g,ψ g,ψ where µ is as in (2.2). Since (ϕ,W) solves (1.3)-(1.4) and B is non-negative, B 6≡0, g,ψ τ,ψ,V τ,ψ,V integrating (1.3) against u and using (2.4) shows that µ > 0. It is well-known (see again g,ψ g,ψ [9]) that this implies the coercivity of △ +R which implies in particular that R dv > 0 g ψ M ψ g and yields (2.3). Assuming by contradiction that the Yamabe type of (M,g) is nonpositive, we R get that there exists g˜∈[g], where [g] is the conformal class of g, with R(g˜)≤0 in M. Writing that g =v4/(n−2)g˜ for v >0, there holds that ∆ v+c R(g˜)v =c R(g)v2⋆−1 g˜ n n Dividing the equation by v2⋆−1 and integrating the contradiction follows from (2.3). Now we discuss a non-existence resultwhich showsthe necessity of a controlonπ depending on B . More precisely, the following result by Hebey, Pacard and Pollack [11] holds true. τ,ψ,V Proposition 2.2. Let (τ,ψ) be smooth functions with B > 0 in M, where B is as in τ,ψ,V τ,ψ,V (1.5). If π is a smooth function in M satisfying πn2+n2dvg > (n−1)nnn−1cnn−1 n4+n2 M|R(g)|n+42d(vng−1)(n+2) , ZM (cid:18) (cid:19) (minx∈RMBτ,ψ,V(x)) 4n then thesystem (1.3)-(1.4)admits nosolutions with (ψ,τ,π,U)as initial dataset for anysmooth traceless and divergence-free (2,0)-tensor U. Proof. Let W be a smooth vector field in M. Following Hebey-Pacard-Pollack [11] we get that (1.3) has no solutions if ZMAπ,U(W)n4+n2 >(cid:18)(n−n1n)n−1(cid:19)n4+n2 (cid:16)mMinBτ,ψ,V(cid:17)−(n−14)n(n+2) ZM(R+ψ)n+42dvg , (2.5) 5 wherewe usedthe notationsof (1.5)andwhereforanyfunction f we writef+ =max(f,0). We prove (2.5) by contradiction. We assume that (1.3) has a smooth positive solution ϕ. First, we integrate (1.3) to get B ϕ2∗−1dv(g)+ A (W)ϕ−2∗−1dv(g)= R ϕdv(g) (2.6) τ,ψ,V π,U ψ ZM ZM ZM and then we apply a Hölder inequality with parameters n+2 and n+2 to the right-hand side of 4 n−2 (2.6). This yields 4 n−2 Rψϕdv(g)≤ (R+ψ)n+42Bτ−,ψn,−4V2dv(g) n+2 Bτ,ψ,Vϕ2∗−1dv(g) n+2. ZM (cid:18)ZM (cid:19) (cid:18)ZM (cid:19) Independently, a Hölder inequality with parameters 4n and 4n yields n+2 3n−2 n+2 3n−2 Aπ,U(W)n4+n2Bτ3,n4ψn−,V2 dv(g)≤ Aπ,U(W)ϕ−2∗−1dv(g) 4n Bτ,ψ,Vϕ2∗−1dv(g) 4n , ZM (cid:18)ZM (cid:19) (cid:18)ZM (cid:19) so that, letting X = B ϕ2∗−1dv(g) n+42, equation (2.6) gives M τ,ψ,V (cid:0)R 4 (cid:1) 4n (R+ψ)n+42Bτ−,ψn,−4V2dv(g) n+2 >X + Aπ,U(W)n4+n2Bτ3,n4ψ−n,V2 dv(g) n+2 X1−n . (2.7) (cid:18)ZM (cid:19) (cid:18)ZM (cid:19) Let K be the right hand side in (2.7). The minimum value of K as a function of X is: X X 4 n n+2 3n−2 n+2 Xm>in0KX = (n−1)nn−1 (cid:18)ZMAπ,U(W) 4 Bτ,4ψn,Vdvg(cid:19) (2.8) and the non-existence condition (2.5) easily follows from (2.7) and (2.8) by contradiction. Then Proposition 2.2 follows from (2.5) since A (W)≥c π2 and R+ ≤c |R(g)| by (1.5). π,U n ψ n 3 A minimal solution of the Einstein-Lichnerowicz equation In the constant mean curvature setting the constraint system is completely decoupled and it reduces to the Einstein-Lichnerowicz equation (1.3). We now investigate (1.3) independently and for the sake of clarity consider the following equation: △ u+hu=fu2∗−1+ a , (EL ) g u2∗+1 a whereh,f andaaresmoothfunctionsonM. Inthefollowingweassumethat△ +hiscoercive, g max f > 0 and a is nonnegative and nonzero. Using repeatedly the sub and super solution M method we prove that each time equation (EL ) has a smooth positive solution then it has a a smallest solution for the L∞-norm: Proposition3.1. Let a≥0 beanonzerosmoothfunction in M. Assumethat △ +his coercive g and max f > 0. If (EL ) has a smooth positive solution then there exists a smooth positive M a function ϕ(a) solving (EL ) such that for any other solution ϕ, with ϕ6≡ϕ(a), there holds that a ϕ(a)<ϕ in M. Moreover, ϕ(a) is stable in the sense that for any θ ∈H1(M), |∇θ|2+ h−(2∗−1)fϕ(a)2∗−2+(2∗+1) a θ2 dv ≥0 , ϕ(a)2∗+2 g ZM(cid:18) (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:19) and a→ϕ(a) is also nondecreasing with respect to a in the sense that if a ≤a in M, provided 1 2 that ϕ(a ) and ϕ(a ) exist, then there holds that ϕ(a )≤ϕ(a ). 1 2 1 2 6 Remark 3.2. We prove Proposition 3.1 assuming that a is smooth but the result still holds if a is only continuous. In this case the minimal solution we obtain belongs to C1,α(M) for any 0<α<1. Proof. Leta≥0beanonzerosmoothfunctionsuchthat(EL )hasasolution. Westartproving a that there exists a positive number that bounds from below all the solutions of (EL ). First, a let us notice that there alwaysexistsub-solutionsof (EL ) assmallas we want. Indeed, forany a δ ≥0 we let u be the unique solution of δ △ u +hu =a−δf−−δ (3.1) g δ δ wheref− =−min(f,0). Sinceaisnonnegativeandnonzero,themaximumprincipleshowsthat u >0 in M. Since 0 (△ +h)(u −u )=δf−+δ , g 0 δ we obtain by standard elliptic theory that ku −u k →0 as δ tends to 0. Let δ >0 be small δ 0 ∞ 0 enough in order to have u >0. Then for ε small enough, δ0 v =εu (3.2) ε δ0 is a strict sub-solution of (EL ) since, by (3.1), a △ v +hv =εa−εδ f−−εδ < a +fv2∗−1. g ε ε 0 0 v2∗+1 ε ε Now we claimthatthere exists some ε >0 suchthatfor any positivesolutionϕ of (EL ) there 0 a holds ϕ>v (3.3) ε0 inM,where v isas in(3.2). We provethe claimbycontradictionandassumethatthere exists ε0 ϕ solution of (EL ), and x ∈ M, such that ϕ(x ) ≤ v (x ) for all ε > 0. Then, for some ε a ε ε ε ε ε˜∈(0,ε), and some x˜ ∈M, ε ϕ ϕ(x˜ ) 1=inf = ε . M vε˜ vε˜(x˜ε) In particular, we obtain that v (x˜ )=ϕ(x˜ ) and △ ϕ(x˜ )≤△ v (x˜ ) ε˜ ε ε g ε g ε˜ ε which is impossible since v is a strict subsolution of (EL ). ε˜ a We prove now the existence of a minimal solution of (EL ). We follow here the arguments a in Sattinger [18]. For x∈M and u>0 we let F(x,u)=f(x)u(x)2∗−1+ a(x) −h(x)u(x). u(x)2∗+1 Let ψ be a solution of (EL ) and let w be a strict subsolution of (EL ) which is less than any a a positive solution of (EL ). We proved the existence of such a w in (3.3). Also we let K >0 be a large enough such that for any x∈M, and any min w ≤u≤max ψ, M M ∂F F(x,u)+Ku≥0 and (x,u)+K ≥0. (3.4) ∂u For any smooth positive function u, we define Tu as the unique solution of △ Tu+KTu=F(·,u)+Ku. (3.5) g 7 As a first remark, for any two positive functions u and v in the range minw ≤u,v≤maxψ M M we have: △ +K (Tu−Tv)(x)=F(x,u)−F(x,v)+K u(x)−v(x) . g Then, by the stro(cid:0)ng maxi(cid:1)mum principle, we obtain that (cid:0) (cid:1) Tu<Tv as long as u≤v and u6≡v. (3.6) The iterative sub and super solution method applied in the range w ≤ϕ≤ψ and starting from thestrictsub-solutionwprovidesasequencev =Tnwwhichisnondecreasingbythemaximum n principleandconvergestoafixed-pointofT,thatistosayasolutionof (EL )(see[18]formore a details). We shall call this solution ϕ(a): ϕ(a)= lim Tnw. (3.7) n→∞ By standard elliptic theory, ϕ(a) is smooth. Note in passing that all the above arguments still work if we only assume that a is continuous, but in this case ϕ(a) constructed as in (3.7) will only be of class C1,α for any 0<α<1. Now we show that ϕ(a) does not depend on ψ and on w. First, ϕ(a) as in (3.7) does not depend on ψ. We let ψ and ψ be two solutions of (EL ). We let K , i = 1,2 be positive 1 2 a i constants satisfying (3.4) in [min w;max ψ ], T be the operator defined as in (3.5) and ϕ M M i i i the associated solution as in (3.7). Since (Tnw) is non decreasing there holds ϕ ≥ w. If we 1 1 assume for instance that max ψ ≤max ψ then ϕ ∈[min w;max ψ ] and thus, by (3.7) M 1 M 2 1 M M 2 and the maximumprinciple there holds ϕ ≤ϕ since T (ϕ )=ϕ . But then ϕ is a solution of 2 1 2 1 1 2 (EL )withmin w ≤ϕ ≤max ψ andthus,onceagainbythemaximumprinciple, ϕ ≤ϕ . a M 2 M 1 1 2 This proves that ϕ(a) does not depend on ψ. Now we prove that ϕ(a) does not depend on the strictsubsolutionw, providedthatw islessthananypositivesolutionof (EL ). Indeed,forany a ψ solution of (EL ), if w and w are two such subsolutions, and ϕ and ϕ are the associated a 1 2 1 2 solutions as in (3.7), then there holds w ≤ ϕ and w ≤ ϕ . We conclude once again with the 1 2 2 1 maximum principle that ϕ ≤ϕ and ϕ ≤ϕ . 1 2 2 1 Bythedefinitionofϕ(a)in(3.7),andwhatwejustproved,foranyψ solutionof (EL )there a holds that w <ϕ(a)≤ψ where w is a subsolutionthat is less than anysolutionof (EL ). With a (3.6) we obtain the desired property: ϕ(a)<ψ or ϕ(a)≡ψ. (3.8) The stability of ϕ(a) is a consequence of the minimality of ϕ(a). We denote by λ the first 0 eigenvalue of the linearized operator of equation (EL ) at ϕ(a). The stability of ϕ(a) as stated a inProposition3.1amountsto saythatλ ≥0. Assumeby contradictionthatλ <0anddenote 0 0 by ψ the associated positive eigenvector. Let w be a subsolution that is less than any solution 0 of (EL ). Let ϕ =ϕ(a)−δψ for any positive δ. For δ >0 small enough one has a δ 0 w <ϕ <ϕ(a) δ and a straightforwardcalculation shows that △ ϕ +hϕ −fϕ2∗−1− a =−δλ ψ +o(δ)>0 g δ δ δ ϕ2∗+1 0 0 δ 8 sothatϕ isastrictsupersolutionof (EL )satisfyingw <ϕ <ϕ(a)forδ smallenough. Bythe δ a δ iterativesubandsupersolutionmethodwethengetasolutionψof(EL )suchthatw<ψ <ϕ , a δ and this is in contradiction with (3.8). Finally, if a ≤ a are nonnegative nonzero functions on M, ϕ(a ) is a super solution of 1 2 2 equation (EL ) with a=a . By the minimality of ϕ(a ) we then have ϕ(a )≤ϕ(a ). a 1 1 1 2 4 The fixed-point method: proof of Theorem 1.1 In this section we prove Theorem 1.1 using the results obtained in the previous section. Before we startlet us recallsome basic elliptic properties of the operator△ that canbe found for g,conf instance in Isenberg and Ò Murchadha [14]. The following proposition can be found in [14]. Proposition 4.1. Let (M,g) be a closed compact Riemannian manifold of dimension n ≥ 3 such that g has no conformal Killing fields. Let X be a smooth vector field in M. Then there exists a unique solution W of △ W =X. g,conf Also, there exists a constant C >0 that depends only on n and g such that 0 kWk ≤C kXk C1,α 0 ∞ for some positive α. As a straightforward consequence, there exists a constant C still depending 1 only on n and g such that kL Wk ≤C kXk . g ∞ 1 ∞ The proof of Theorem 1.1 is obtained through a standard fixed-point argument. We develop the proof in what follows. Obtaining a first estimate. Let (M,g)be a closedcompactRiemannianmanifoldof dimen- sion n ≥ 3 of positive Yamabe type such that g has no conformal Killing vector fields. Let V be a smooth nonnegative function in R, non everywhere zero and ψ be a smooth function in M such that △ +R is coercive. Also let π and U be such that (π,U) is not everywhere zero in g ψ M, and let τ be a smooth function in M such that n−1 τ2(x)≤2V (ψ(x)) for all x∈M, n theequalitybeingstrictsomewhere. Thismeans,withthenotationsof (1.5),thatB isnon- τ,ψ,V negative in M and positive somewhere. In order to define the mapping to which we are going to apply Schauder’s fixed-point Theorem, we need to get some important preliminary estimate based on (1.11). Let W be a smooth vector field in M. We let ∗ 1−n −2 2 C(n,g,V,ψ)=C(n)V−1 2c S maxV(ψ(x)) R dv (4.1) g (cid:18) n Rψx∈M (cid:19) (cid:18)ZM ψ g(cid:19) ∗ whereVgisthevolumeof(M,g),Rψ isasin(1.5),SRψ isasin(1.9)andC(n)= n−12(2(n−1))−22 . By(1.9)theconstantS onlydependsonn,gandonthecoercivityconstantof△ +R ,hence Rψ g ψ on n,g and ∇ψ. We consider the equation △ ϕ+R ϕ=B ϕ2∗−1+C(n,g,V,ψ)ϕ−2∗−1 (4.2) g ψ τ,ψ,V 9 BytheresultinHebey-Pacard-Pollack[11],andsinceby(1.5)wehavethat2c V ≥B ,(4.2) n τ,ψ,V has a smooth positive solution. Since we assumed △ +R coercive, using Proposition 3.1 we g ψ can let ϕ be the minimal solution of (4.2) and let m N =kϕ k . (4.3) m m ∞ Let L∞(M) be the set of non negative bounded functions in M. Regarding the vector equation + (1.4), since we have assumed that g has no Killing vector fields, for any η ∈L∞(M) we can use + Proposition 4.1 to let W(η) be the unique vector field solution of △ W(η)= n−1η2∗∇τ −π∇ψ. (4.4) g,conf n Proposition 4.1 shows that kL W(η)k ≤C k∇τk kηk2∗ +kπk k∇ψk . (4.5) g ∞ 1 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ (cid:16) (cid:17) By (4.1), (4.2) and (4.3), N depends only on n,g,S and max V(ψ). Using (1.5) and (4.5) m Rψ M it is easily seen that there exists a positive constant ε(n,g,V,ψ) depending only on n,g,S , Rψ and max V(ψ), such that whenever M k∇τk +kπk +kUk ≤ε(n,g,V,ψ) , (4.6) ∞ ∞ ∞ then ||A (W(η))|| <C(n,g,V,ψ) (4.7) π,U ∞ for any kηk ≤ N , where A (W(η)) is as in (1.5). After a straightforward computation, ∞ m π,U using (1.5) and (4.5), one sees that, in order to obtain (4.7), it is enough to assume that C(n,g,V,ψ) ε(n,g,V,ψ)2 < (4.8) (3+4C2(N2·2∗ +k∇ψk2 ))c 1 m ∞ n where c is as in (1.5), C is obtained in Proposition 4.1, C(n,g,V,ψ) is as in (4.1) and N is n 1 m as in (4.3). Now we construct the map T to which we are going to apply Schauder’s fixed point theorem. Definition of the mapping T. From now on, we will always assume that (4.6) is satisfied, so that (4.7) holds true. For any positive N, we define B ={η ∈L∞(M),kηk ≤N}. (4.9) N + ∞ AneasyclaimisthatforanyvectorfieldW ofclassC1 inM,A (W)asin(1.5)iscontinuous, π,U non-negativeandpositivesomewhereinM. Obviously,A (W)iscontinuousandnon-negative, π,U and we just need to prove that it is positive somewhere. By (1.5) this is automatically true if π is not everywhere zero. In case π ≡ 0 there might be that there exists a C1 vector field in M such that U +L W = 0 everywhere. Taking the divergence of this equality in the weak sense g yields, since U is divergence-free: △ W =0 g,conf in the weak sense. Since g has no Killing fields this implies W = 0 and hence U = 0, which is impossible since we assumed (π,U) non everywhere zero. Now by (1.5) it is easily seen that ∗ 1−n −2 2 C(n,g,V,ψ)≤C(n)V−1 S maxB (x) R dv (4.10) g (cid:18) Rψ x∈M τ,ψ,V (cid:19) (cid:18)ZM ψ g(cid:19) 10

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