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THE SEMIN OAFR JACQUELSA CAN BOOK II By Jacques Lacan ECRITSA: SELECTION FEMININE SEXUAUTY TELEVISION THE SEMINAR OF JACQUESLA CAN BOOK I:F reudP'asp erosn T echniqu1e9,5 3-1954 BOOK IIT:h eE goi nF reudT'hse orayn di nt he TechniquoefP sychoanal1y9s5i4s-,1 955 BOOK IIIT:h eP sycho,s1 e9s55-1956 BOOK VIIT:h eE thicosfP sychoanal1y9s5i9s-,1 960 BOOK XI:T heF ourF undamentCaoln cepotfsP sychoanalysis BookX X:O n FemininSee xualitthyeL, i mitosfL ove andK nowledg1e9,7 2-19(7E3n core) THE SEMINAR OF JACQUES LACAN EditbeyJd a cquesM-iAlllaeirn BOOKI I TheE goi nF reuTdh'eso arnydi nt he TechnioqfPu sey choan1a9l5y4-1s9i5s5 TRANSLATEBDY SylvaTnoam aselli WITHN OTESB Y JohnF orrester W,W'NORTON & COMPANY NEW YORK LONDON Originalpluyb lishienFd r encahs L eS eminaiLriev.rI eI . Le moida ns lat heordieFre e ude tda ns la technidqeul eap sychanal1y9s5e4, -1955 byL esE ditiodnusS euiPla,r i1s9,7 a8n d © LesE ditiodnusS euil1978 Englitsrha nsla©t iCoanm bridUgnei versPirteys1 s9 88 FirsAtm ericaend iti1o9n8 8 Firsptu blishaesad N ortopna prebac1k9 91 Allr ighrtess erved Libraoryf C ongreCsast alogiinn-gPu-blicaDtaitoan LacanJ,a cque� 1901- The egoi nF reudt'hse orayn di nt he techniqoufpe s ychoaynsail1s9,5 4-1955. (The SeminaorfJ acqueLsa canb;k .2 ) ThanslatioLn em oofi:d ansl at heordieeF reud etd ansl at echniqduele a p sychanalyse. Bibliograpp.h y: Includiensd ex. 1.E go( Psychology2). P sychonaalysis. 3.F reudS,i gmund1,8 56-193I9.. Title.S erIiIeL.sa :c an, Jacque1s9,01.- SeminaidreeJ acqueLsa can. Englishb;k .2 . BF173.L1b4k6.12 3 150.1s9 '857 -23971 [BFI75.5.E[3155]0 .19'52] ISBN0 -393-30709-3 w:w. Norto&n Company,I nc5.0,0 F ifthA venuNee,w Y orkN,. Y.1 0110 w:w. Norto&n C ompanyL td.1,0C optiSct reeLton,d oWn ClAI PU Printiendt heU niteSdt atoefsA merica 3 4 5 6 7 08 9 CONTENTS page Translnaottoer s' vil Ackndogwelmeents ix Abbreviations x INTRODUCTION I Psycholaongdym etapsychology 3 II Knowledtgreu,t ohp,i nion l3 BEYONDT HEP LEASURPER NICILPE,R EPETITION 7 III Thes ymboluinci verse 2 IV A materiadleifisnti toifto hne p henomenoofn consciousness 40 V Homeostaasnidis n sistence S3 VI FreuHde,g ealn dt hem achine 64 77 VII Thec ricuit THEF REUDIASNC HEMATOAF T HEP SYCHIC APPARATUS VIII Intorductitootn h eE ntfw ur 93 IX Playo fw ritsi ng 102 X Fromt heE ntfwt uotr heT raumdeutung 114 XI Censorsihsni opt r esistance 123 XII Thed ifficulotfir eesg ression l34 XIII Thed reaomf I rmai'nsj ection 146 XIV Thed reamo fI rmai'snc jteio(nc onclusion) 161 v vi Contents BEYONDT HE IMAGINRAY,T HE SYMBOLICO R FROM THEL ITTLET OT HE BIGO THER XV Oddo re venB?e yonidn tersubjectivity 175 XVI ThPeu rloLientetde r 191 XVII Someq uestifoontrsh et eacher 206 XVIIID esirlei,fa en d death 221 XIX Introducotfti hoebn i Ogt her 235 XX Objectiafineadl ysis 248 XXI Sosie 259 FINLAE XXII Wherei ss peecWhh?e rei sl anguage? 277 XXIIIP sychoanaalnydsc iysb erneotrio cnst ,h en aturoef language 294 XXIV A,m, a ,S 309 Bibrlpaihoyg 327 Index 331 TRANSLATORS' NOTE 1. Whatf olloiwsas c omplettrea nslaotfti hoesn e mintahra Jta cquLeasc an gavien t he.c ourosfea yeart'esa chiwnigt htihne t rainpirnogg ramomfet he SocieFtrea n�adiesP es ychanalTyhseFe r.e ncthe xwta sp reparbeyJd a cques­ AlaiMni lliencr o nsultawtiitJohan c quLeasc afrno,m t hetr anscripotfit ohnes semin.a Crertamiinn ore rrorisnt het exhta veb eenc orrecitnet dh e translaatnidow ni,lb le i ncorporianlt aetdee dri tioofnt sh eF rencthe xAltl. noteasr es upplbiyeJ do hFno rres(twehroa lscoo mpiltehdei ndexi)no, r detor clarqiufeys tiooftn rsa nslaatnidso unp plliym itbeidb liograipnhfiocramla tion. 2. We havea imeadt a ne xacttr anslaTthiioisnn .v olvheosw,e vefirn,d ing approprcioaltleo qEunigalli tsoch o rresptoo an tde xwth icihsb otihn formal andc ompl-exar enditoifLo anc ans'pso keFnr encThh.e t ranslaatiimoasnt beinbgo tihn formaanldl itercaorryr,e sponadsfi anigt hfauspl olsys iwbilteh theo rigitneaxlt . 3. Asw e needetdop aya dditioantatle nttioot nh eG ermabna ckgrouonfd manyp sychoanacloyntciecp itnsm ,a nyp assagtehser equiremoefnt thsr ee languahgaedst ob et akeinn taoc counThte.r hea sb eecno nsiderdaebblaietn e Frencahn alyctiircc albeosu tth et ranslaotfFi roenu dw'osr ksi,n lapragret stimulabtyte hde ssee minaorfLs a canw'hsi,c hu,n ttihle e arl1y9 60's, were advertiasse' dC ommentaornite hse t extosfF reudI'n.r ecenyte artsh e admiraEbnlgel ish eodfFi rteiuopdnr eparbeyJd a meSstr achehya sa lso been thes ubjeocftd iscussainodnc riticiinst mh eE nglish-lanwgouralgde. Anticipatthiedn egc isoifot nh en exFtr eutdr anslawteoh rasv,em adeo ne deciswihoinc fho llotwhseF rencthr anslatoifFo rnesu adt t hee xpenosfe Strachewyh'esr:'e inviensvtteiiis,nr v,e esmteiansptps'ea irnst heF rencthe xt, correspontdoti hneGg e rma'n besbeettszzeeBtne,,sz eutnwgeh' a,v te ranslated thibsy ' inveisntv,e stiendv,e stmeinnts't,eo af'd c athceactth,e cctaetdh,e xis'. We havea lstor ansla'tupelds icoornr'e,sp ontdoi' nTgr 'ib,ye 'bdriavne'd 'ins'tc,oi rnrcestpontdoi' nIgtns i n, bkyt ''in stinctd'e;c itshiiioshsn a rdly vii viii Transl'asnt ootre controveBrostihoa flt .h ese decaicscioorwndis t Shc hneiderman's practice.l Othedre cisiaorneps o intoeudti nt he notes. 4. ThiSse minatro,g etwhietrSh e minIa.rw hicihsb einpgu blisshiemdu lta­ neouswlays,w orkeodnb yb otthr anslastoao str osp roduucnei formiinbt oyt h terminoalnodgs yt ylWee. h avpea icdo nsideraatbtleen ttioto hnep ractiocfe s previtroaunss latoofLr asac n i, np articAunltahro nWyi ldenA,lalSn heridan,3 StuaSrcth neideramnadJn a cquelRionseei ,n4t heh opteh asto mec onsistency int heE nglirsehn ditoifLo anc acna nb ea chievIenad t.t empttiofn ogl loouwr predeceswseo crasm,et ot hec onclustihoaint tw aso ftemno rea ccurattoe rendoenre s ingFlree nch btyea rv ma rieotfEy n glitsehr mTsh.i wsa sm adea ll them oren ecessianvr iye owf t hef actth aLta can''tse chnical' vwoacsa,b ulary throughhoiuslt i fael,w aytse ntatainvdde e cideidnfl lyu Nxo.n etheltehses , translaotfit ohnefs o llowtienrgmh sa veo,rh avaec quirseudc,ih m portainnc e discusosfiLo anc anw'osr kt haittm ayb eu seftuolp ointth emo utt,o gether withc ertadiinff erenbceetsw eeonu rt ranslaatnidot nh aotf o theLra can translators. FERNCTHE RMP REVITORUASAN TSOLRTSH ITSR ANTSILOAN parole Word( Wilden) }sp eech significastiignoinfi ca(tSihoenr idan) significaotrsi iognn ificance meanin(gS chneider}man ) sens sens(eS chneiderman) meaning meanin(gS heridan) sifigenri tom eano rt os ignify travail labouorrw ork 5. Int heo rigitneaxlwt o,r disna l anguaogteh etrh aFnr encwhe rper intiend italWiec sh.a vef ollotwheidps r actiincdei,c aitnin nogt ewsh icwho rdisn t he origianpaple arienEd n gliAsnhe .x cepttioto hnir su liesm adef otrh tee rm'es go' and' moBtot.th h estee rmasr ter ansliantt ehdit se xbty' egow'h;e ni taliciitz ed, is' egion't heF rencwhh;e n iisit n r oman ftahceeo ,r igiwnoarldi s' moe. JOHFNO RSRTEER SYLVANA TOMASELLI CambriJdugn1ee8,9 6 I InRe turntioFn rge uCdl:i niPcsaylc hoanailnty hsSceih so o0l/La ea n,N ewH aveann Ldo nd:o n YalUen iverPsriets1ys98 .0 p,p v.i i-viii. 1 Anthony Wtirladnaesnn.d,e d.Th,e La nguag0e/ t heS elTfh:e F uncti0o/Lan n guagien PsychoanablyyJs .Laisc ,a n, BalJtoihmHnoosrp ek:iU nnsi verPsreists1y,96 8. ,J acqLuaecsa Bncr,i atS se:l ectLoinodno.:n T avisPtuolbcikc ati1o97n7sJ:,a cqLauceasn Th,e FouFru ndamenCtoanlc eap/tPss ychoanLaloynsdi:os n,H ogParrtehas nstd h Ien stiotfPu styec ho­ anal,y1 s97i7s. • JulMiiethtce laln dJ acqueRloisneeed,.. s F eminine SexualiLatcya.na nJdat chqeEu ceosl e Freudientnrea, nsblyaJt aecdq ueRloisLonene,d o:nM amcill1a98n2,. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thetr anslatwoirssth o a cknowletdhgeee n thusisahsomw bny t heS yndiocfs the UniversPirteysf so rt hep rojeocftrt a nslatiLnagc ana.n dt hef riendly patienacnedu nderstancdairnwegi twhh icthh ee ditoJrosn.a thSainn clair­ Wilsoann dJ oannRaa inboaws.s isitnte hdep roductoifto hniv so lumWee. a re alsgor atetfouS le bastian Gafrodhrni eswr e ll-infocrompeyed d itianngdt o Jacques-MAillalifenor tr h em eticulous attednettiamoianln itfoe sitnte hde substanatidavli hceeh asg iven.

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