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THE EFFECTS OF PERSON-ORGANIZATION FIT ON EMPLOYEE JOB SATISFACTION, PERFORMANCE AND ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT IN A TURKISH PUBLIC ORGANIZATION A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES OF MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY BY MÜGE KARAKURUM IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY APRIL 2005 Approval of the Graduate School of Social Sciences Prof. Dr. Sencer Ayata Director I certify that this thesis satisfies all the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nebi Sümer Head of Department This is to certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science. Asoc. Prof. Dr. Reyhan Bilgiç Supervisor Examining Committee Members Prof. Dr. Canan Ergin (HUN, PSY) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Canan Sümer (METU, PSY) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reyhan Bilgiç (METU, PSY) i I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. Name, Surname: Müge Karakurum Signature: i ABSTRACT THE EFFECTS OF PERSON-ORGANIZATION FIT ON EMPLOYEE JOB SATISFACTION, PERFORMANCE AND ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT IN A TURKISH PUBLIC ORGANIZATION Karakurum, Müge M.Sc., Department of Psychology Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reyhan Bilgiç April 2005, 113 pages The notion of person-organization fit (P-O fit) is concerned with identifying the antecedents and consequences of compatibility between employees and the organizations in which they work, as part of interactional psychology. Literature on consequences of P-O fit has demonstrated significant relationships with various individual outcomes. The main purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of P-O fit operationalized as value congruence between the employee and the organization, on job satisfaction, organizational commitment and performance of employees working in a public organization at both individual-level and cross-level analysis by utilizing multiple measures of fit. The secondary purpose was to compare multiple measures of fit in terms of their power in predicting individual outcome variables and investigate the level of association between direct and indirect fit and whether direct fit contributed to prediction over and above indirect fit measures. One hundred and eighty employees of a public organization filled out the questionnaire. Cross-level analysis could not be performed because of inadequate level of agreement between respondents. Results revealed that both direct and indirect fit measures were significant predictors of individual outcome variables at individual-level analysis except for supervisor ratings of task performance and overall performance, iv which were solely predicted by direct fit. Direct fit was the most consistent and effective predictor of individual outcome variables and made a consistent unique contribution to prediction of outcome variables over and above indirect fit measures. The results and implications of the study were discussed and limitations of the study were addressed. Keywords: Person-Organization Fit, Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction, Performance. v ÖZ BİR TÜRK KAMU KURUMUNDA KİŞİ-KURUM UYUMUNUN ÇALIŞANIN İŞ TATMİNİNE, PERFORMANSINA VE İŞE BAĞLILIĞINA ETKİLERİ Karakurum, Müge Yüksek Lisans, Psikoloji Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Doç. Dr. Reyhan Bilgiç Nisan 2005, 113 sayfa Birey-Örgüt uyumu kavramı, etkilişimsel psikolojinin bir parçası olarak, çalışanlar ile çalıştıkları kurumlar arasındaki uyumluluğun öncelleri ve sonuçları ile ilgilidir. Kişi-Kurum uyumunun sonuçları hakkındaki literatür çeşitli sonuç değişkenleri ile anlamlı ilişkiler göstermiştir. Bu araştırmanın temel amacı, kişisel değerler ile kurum değerleri arasındaki uyum olarak ölçülen Birey-Örgüt uyumunun çalışanların iş tatmini, performansı ve işe bağlılığı üzerindeki etkilerini hem kişisel düzeyde hem örgütsel düzeyde birden fazla uyum ölçüm yöntemi kullanarak ortaya çıkarmaktır. Araştırmanın ikincil amacı ise kullanılan uyum ölçüm yöntemlerini bağımlı değişkenleri yordama güçleri yönünden karşılaştırmak ve doğrudan uyum ile dolaylı uyum arasındaki ilişki düzeyi ile doğrudan uyumun bağımlı değişkenleri dolaylı uyumun üzerinde bir yordama katkısı olup olmadığını ortaya çıkarmaktır. Bu amaçla, bir kamu kurumunda çalışmakta olan yüz seksen çalışana anket uygulanmıştır. Kurum kültürü konusunda yeterli düzeyde görüş birliği ortaya çıkmadığından örgütsel düzey analizi uygulanamamıştır. Sonuçlar, sadece doğrudan uyum ile anlamlı şekilde yordanan yönetici tarafından değerlendirilen iş performans ile genel performans hariç olmak üzere, hem doğrudan hem dolaylı uyumun sonuç vi değişkenlerinin anlamlı yordayıcıları olduğunu göstermiştir. Doğrudan uyum en etkin yordayıcı olarak ortaya çıkmış ve sonuç değişkenlerini sürekli olarak dolaylı uyum ölçümlerinin üzerinde yordamıştır. Çalışmanın sonuçları tartışılmış ve çalışmanın sınırlılıklarına değinilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Birey-Örgüt Uyumu, İşe Bağlılık, İş Tatmini, Performans. vi To My Family and Hakan vi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Reyhan Bilgiç for her patience, encouragement and guidance throughout the study. I would like to express my thanks to the Examining Committee Members, Assoc. Prof. Canan Sümer and Prof. Dr. Canan Ergin for their valuable recommendations and comments. The contribution of each and every participant of the study as well as the support and help of departmant managers and employees who distributed and gathered the questionnaires are gratefully acknowledged. Without them, this study would not be possible. The technical assistance of Atilla Bektaş at each step of the study is gratefully appreciated. I would like to thank all my friends each of whom has a unique contribution that can not be expressed in words. I would like to thank my fiance Hakan Atasoy for his continuous patience and support throughout the research. Without him nothing would be as good as it is. Finally, I would like to express my special thanks to my family for their endless encouragement throughout my education life and endless love throughout my life. Also, thanks to Buddy for making me smile every time I am with him. ix TABLE OF CONTENTS PLAGIARISM……………………………………………………………………….....iii ABSTRACT.....................................................................................................................iv ÖZ ....................................................................................................................................vi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ...............................................................................................ix TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................................................................x CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................1 1.1. The Interactional Perspective in Explaining Employee Behavior .......................... 2 1.2. Theoretical Foundations of P-E Fit......................................................................... 3 1.2.1. Principle of Interaction .....................................................................................3 1.2.2. Principle of Congruence ...................................................................................3 1.3. Different Forms of P-E Fit...................................................................................... 4 2. PERSON-ORGANIZATION FIT.................................................................................6 2.1. Definiton and Operationalizations of P-O Fit......................................................... 6 2.2. Measurement of P-O Fit ....................................................................................... 11 2.2.1. Direct and Indirect Fit ....................................................................................11 2.2.2. Individual-level and Cross-level Indirect Fit..................................................12 2.2.3. Common Instruments for Measuring Indirect Fit...........................................14 The Organizational Culture Profile..........................................................14 2.2.4. Alternative Methods for Calculating Indirect Fit ...........................................17 Difference Scores .....................................................................................18 Correlation ...............................................................................................18 Polynomial Regression ............................................................................19 2.2.5. Consequences of P-O Fit ................................................................................20 2.2.6. Discussion of the Literature Findings.............................................................30 3. OVERVIEW OF THE STUDY ..................................................................................33 3.1. Individual Outcome Variables .............................................................................. 33 x

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