The effects of fibroblasts on wave dynamics in a mathematical model for human ventricular tissue Alok Ranjan Nayak1∗ and Rahul Pandit2† 1Robert Bosch Centre for Cyber Physical Systems, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012, India. 2Centre for Condensed Matter Theory, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012, India. We present systematic numerical studies of electrical-wave propagation in two-dimensional (2D) andthree-dimensional(3D)mathematicalmodels, forhuman, ventriculartissuewithmyocytecells that are attached (a) regularly and (b) randomly to distributed fibroblasts. In both these cases we show that there is a parameter regime in which single rotating spiral- and scroll-wave states (RS) retain their integrity and do not evolve to a state ST that displays spatiotemporal chaos 6 and turbulence. However, in another range of parameters, we observe a transition from ST to 1 RS states in both 2D or 3D domains and for both cases (a) and (b). Our studies show that the 0 ST-RS transition and rotation period of a spiral or scroll wave in the RS state depends on (i) the 2 coupling strength between myocytes and fibroblasts and (ii) the number of fibroblasts attached to n myocytes. Weconcludethatmyocyte-fibroblastcouplingstrengthandthenumberoffibroblastsare a more important for the ST-RS transition than the precise way in which fibroblasts are distributed J over myocyte tissue. 1 1 PACSnumbers: 87.19.Hh,89.75.Kd,05.45.-a Keywords: MathematicalModel,Fibroblasts,Action-potential-duration-restitution,Spiral-wavedynamics ] O T I. INTRODUCTION 16]. Zlochiver, et al. [15] have shown the expression of Cx43 between fibroblasts and myocytes in a mono- . o Approximately 16% of all deaths in the industrialized layer of myocytes and fibroblasts of neonatal rats; Mi- i b world are caused by cardiac arrhythmias like ventricular ragoli, et al. [16] have reported that Cx43 and Cx45 - tachycardia (VT) and ventricular fibrillation (VF) [1, 2]. are expressed among fibroblasts and between fibrob- q [ There is a broad consensus that the analogs of VT and lasts and myocytes in cultured fibroblasts coated over VF in mathematical models for cardiac tissue are, re- rat-ventricular-myocyte strands. Both experimental and 1 spectively, (a) a single rotating spiral or scroll wave of computationalstudieshaveshownthatsuchcouplingbe- v electrical activation and (b) spiral-wave or scroll-wave tweenmyocytesandfibroblastsenhanceselectrical-signal 7 turbulence, which displays broken electrical waves and propagation in cardiac tissue [7, 15–18]; this enhance- 9 3 spatiotemporalchaos[3–6]. Thus,itisveryimportantof ment increases with Nf, the number of fibroblasts that 2 study such spiral and scroll waves to develop an under- are attached to a myocyte. In cell-culture experiments, 0 standing of life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias. Such Miragoli, et al. [16] have found that the conduction ve- 1. studies are truly interdisciplinary because they require locity (CV) decreases with an increase in the density of 0 inputs from biology, bio-medical engineering, cardiology, fibroblasts in cultured strands of neonatal-rat myocytes 6 on the one hand, and physics, nonlinear dynamics, and coated by fibroblasts; studies by McSpadden, et al. [17] 1 numerical methods, on the other. We use methods from have found that CV decreases as the fibroblast number v: these areas to solve the nonlinear, partial-differential increases on the top of a myocyte layer in a monolayer i equations for state-of-the-art mathematical models for of neonatal-rat cardiac myocytes, which are electrotoni- X cardiac tissue with myocytes and fibroblasts. We build callyloadedwithalayerofcardiacfibroblasts. Zlochiver, r on our earlier studies of this problem [7, 8] to elucidate et al. [15] have shown that CV decreases as (i) the gap- a the role of two different forms of myocyte-fibroblast cou- junctional conductance increases or (ii) the fibroblasts plingsonspiral-andscroll-wavedynamicsinsuchmodels density increases in their experiments with fibroblasts of by using theoretical ideas from spatiotemporal chaos. neonatal rats; they have also obtained similar result in It is useful to begin with an overview of experimen- their computational studies in a two-dimensional (2D) tal and computational studies of cardiac myocytes and sheet of myocyte tissue in the dynamic Luo-Rudy (LRd) fibroblasts. Cardiac fibroblasts, which are inexcitable model [19, 20] by inserting fibroblasts. Computational cells, often multiply and connect with cardiac myocytes studies by Xie, et al., [18] have shown that CV decreases during fibrosis [9–11], a process of cardiac-tissue heal- as they increase the gap-junctional coupling or the fi- ing after a myocardial infarction. Fibroblasts in cell cul- broblasts density in a 2D LR1 myocyte model [21], with ture and in intact tissue can couple with myocytes by either randomly attached or randomly inserted fibrob- expressing either the connexins-43 (Cx43) or Cx45 [12– lasts. In simulations with the 2D TNNP04 model (due to ten Tusscher, et al. [22]), Nayak, et al. [7] have found that CV either decreases or increases, with attached fi- broblasts, as they increase the gap-junctional coupling. ∗ [email protected] Theexperimentalandcomputationalinvestigationsmen- † [email protected] 2 tionedaboveshowthatboththegap-junctionalcoupling hereC isthetotalcellularcapacitanceofamyocyte,V m m and N enhance CV and, therefore, they can play a cru- isthemyocytetransmembranepotential,i.e.,thevoltage f cial role in spiral- and scroll-wave dynamics in mathe- difference between intra- and extra-cellular spaces, and matical models for cardiac tissue. I is the sum of all the ionic currents that cross the my- m We develop and investigate two models with differ- ocytecellmembrane;C ,V ,andI are,respectively,the f f f ent arrangements of fibroblasts that are attached to my- total cellular capacitance, the transmembrane potential, ocytes. In the first arrangement there is a regular, spa- andthesumofallioniccurrentsforthefibroblast;N (x) f tially periodic attachment of fibroblast, whereas, in the is the number of identical fibroblasts attached to a my- second arrangement, fibroblasts are attached randomly ocyteinoursimulationdomainatthepointx;andI ,G , j j tomyocytes. Ourstudyhasbeendesignedtounderstand and D are, respectively, the gap-junctional current, the the effects of fibroblast organization, fibroblast density, myocyte-fibroblastsgap-junctionalconductance, andthe andthemyocyte-fibroblastcouplingonspiral-andscroll- diffusion coefficient that is related to the gap-junctional wavedynamics. Weusetwoparametersetsformyocytes. conductance between myocytes. The first set leads to a stable rotating spiral or scroll For myocytes, we use the state-of-the-art mathemati- (RS) wave; the second leads to spiral- or scroll-wave- cal model for human ventricular tissue developed by ten turbulence (ST) states in an isolated myocyte domain. Tusscher and Panfilov (the TP06 model) [25]. In the By investigating an ST state in the presence of fibrob- TP06 model the total ionic current is lasts, we observe that both models, with regularly and randomly attached fibroblasts, show transitions from an Im=INa+ICaL+Ito+IKs+IKr+IK1 (4) ST to an RS state, depending on the myocyte-fibroblast +I +I +I +I +I +I , NaCa NaK pCa pK bNa bCa coupling G and the maximum number N of fibroblasts j f where I is the fast, inward Na+ current, I the L- attached to a myocyte in our simulation domain. We Na CaL type, slow, inward Ca2+ current, I the transient, out- findthat, onceSTisconvertedtoRS,thespiralorscroll to wardcurrent,I theslow,delayed,rectifiercurrent,I rotationperiodincreasesasweincreaseG andN . Our Ks Kr j f the rapid, delayed, rectifier current, I the inward, rec- studywithanRSstateandfibroblastsshowsthatanRS K1 tifier K+ current, I the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger cur- remains unchanged in both models with regularly and NaCa rent,I theNa+/K+ pumpcurrent,I andI the randomly attached fibroblast; and the rotation period NaK pCa pK plateau Ca2+ and K+ currents, and I and I the increases as we increase G and N . bNa bCa j f background Na+ and Ca2+ currents, respectively. The The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. full sets of equations for this model, including the ODEs Section II is devoted to a description of our model and for the ion-channel gating variables and the ion dynam- the numerical methods we use. Section III is devoted ics, are given in Refs. [7, 26]. to our results. Section IV contains a discussion of the We follow MacCannell, et al. [27] to model the fibrob- significance of our results. lasts as passive elements. The fibroblast ionic current I f is II. MODEL AND METHODS I =G (V −E ), (5) f f f f InthisSection,wedescribethedetailsofourmyocyte- where G and E are, respectively, the conductance and f f fibroblast models for two-dimensional (2D) and three- the resting membrane potential for the fibroblast. dimensional (3D) tissue. We also explain the numerical- Physical units in our model are as follows: time t is simulation techniques that we use to solve the partial in milliseconds (ms), V and V are in millivolts (mV), m f differential equations (PDEs) that comprise our mathe- C and C are in picofarads (pF), I and I are in m f m f maticalmodels. Wealsodiscussthemethodsthatweuse picoamperes (pA), G is in nanoSiemens (nS), E is in f f to analyze the data from our numerical simulations. mV, G is in nS, and D is in cm2/ms. j We study models with (a) regularly attached fibrob- lasts and (b) randomly attached fibroblasts. In case (a), A. Model Nf(x) = Nf for all site x in our simulation domain. In case(b)wechooseN (x)randomlyateachsitex;N (x) f f can be any integer from 0 to N , with equal probability The 2D and 3D myocyte domains, with attached fi- f for any one of these values. broblasts, can be modeled by the following PDEs and ordinary-differential-equations (ODEs) [23, 24]: ∂V −I +N (x)I B. Methods m = m f j +D∇2V , (1) m ∂t C m ∂V −I −I Our 2D and 3D simulation domains are, respectively, f f j = , (2) squares (1024×1024 grid points) and rectangular paral- ∂t C f lelepipeds (1024×1024×8 grid points). We use 5-point where and 7-point stencils for the Laplacian in 2D and 3D, re- spectively, and a finite-difference scheme with step sizes I =G (V −V ); (3) δx=δy=0.25 mm in 2D, and δx=δy=δz =0.25 mm in j j f m 3 3D, i.e., our simulation domains are 256×256 mm3 (in conductance,is0.00219nS/pF;and(e)τ ,thetimecon- f 2D) and 256×256×2 mm2 (in 3D). For time marching stant of the f gating variable that is associated with the we use a forward-Euler scheme with δt = 0.02 ms. We I current, is increased 2 times compared to its value CaL use Neumann (no-flux) conditions at the boundaries of intheTP06model[7,25,26]. Ourfibroblastsparameters our simulation domain. are as follows: C =6.3 pF, G =4 nS, E =−49.0 mV, f f f Fornumericalefficiency,wehavecarriedoutoursimu- and Gj in the range 0≤Gj ≤6 nS [7, 30]. lations on parallel computers, with an MPI code that we To obtain spiral and scroll waves we use the S1-S2 have developed for the TP06 model. Our code divides cross-fieldprotocol[26,31,32]. Weapplyastimulus(S1) the 2D (or 3D) simulation domain into n columns (or of strength 150 pA for 3 ms to the left boundaries of our slabs)alongthex-directionofthedomain, i.e., eachpro- simulationdomains,toformaplanewave. Wethenapply cessor carries out the computations for (1024/n)×1024 thesecond(S2)stimulus,withthesamestrengthanddu- and (1024/n)×1024×16 grid points, respectively, for 2D rationastheS1stimulus,fromthebottomboundaryand and 3D domains. To compute the Laplacian at the in- with 0 mm≤y≤125 mm in 2D, and 0 mm≤y≤125 mm terface of processor boundaries, we use two extra grid and 0 mm≤z ≤2 mm in 3D. This protocol leads to the lines (or surfaces), which can send and receive the data formation of spiral and scroll waves, respectively, in our from left- and right-neighbor processors. The Neumann 2D and 3D domains. boundary condition is taken care of by adding an extra To examine the spatiotemporal evolution of our sys- layer of grid points on the boundaries of the simulation tem, we obtain pseudocolor or isosurface plots of Vm, domain of each processor. time series of Vm, from representative points (x = 125 Reference[28]suggeststhatwemusthaveDδt/(δx2)< mm, y = 125 mm for 2D, and x = 125 mm, y = 125 1/2d for numerical stability, where d is the dimension of mm, z=1.25 mm for 3D), which we mark with an aster- the simulation domain. For the TP06 model, with dif- isk (∗) in all pseudocolor plots of Vm. We examine the fusion coefficients D = 0.00154 cm2/ms [25], time step inter-beat interval (IBI), by using this time series with δt = 0.02 ms, and space step δx = 0.25 mm, the value 4.4×105 data points; the IBI is the interval between two of Dδt/(δx)2 is ≃ 0.05; for the TP06 model, the quan- successivespikesinthistimeseries. Weobtainthepower tity 1/2d = 0.25 and ≃ 0.17, for the 2D and 3D do- spectra E(ω), of the time series of Vm, by using 2×105 mains, respectively, i.e., we have numerical stability be- datapoints; toeliminatetransientsweremovetheinitial cause Dδt/(δx)2<1/2d. 2.4×105 data points. To obtain the rotation period T of a spiral, in an RS state, we average over the last 5 We check the accuracy of our numerical scheme, as in rotations of that RS. Ref. [28], by varying both δt and δx in a cable-type do- mainofmyocytes[7,26]andbymeasuringCVofaplane wave, which is injected into the domain by stimulating its left boundary for 3 ms with a stimulus of strength III. RESULTS 150pA.Withδx=0.25mm, CVincreasesby1.1%when wechangeδtfrom0.02to0.01ms;ifwedecreaseδxfrom In subsection IIIA, we begin by studying spiral-wave 0.25to0.15mm,withδt=0.02ms,thenCVincreasesby dynamics in a 2D domain of myocytes without fibrob- 3.1%; these changes are similar to those found in other lasts; we then introduce fibroblasts, either regularly or studies [22, 26, 28, 29]. randomly, and examine the effects they have on spiral- Although the numerical method we use satisfies both wave dynamics. Subsection IIIB contains the results of numerical-stability and accuracy conditions, an inappro- our studies of scroll-wave dynamics in our 3D simulation priately large δx can give irregular wavefront-curvature, domain. as a consequence of numerical artifacts [7, 26, 28]; this leads to unphysical wave dynamics. We check that our results are free from such numerical artifacts by inves- A. Spiral-wave dynamics in our 2D model tigating the spatiotemporal evolution of an expanding wave front that emerges from a point stimulus. We find In Fig. 1(A), we show a pseudocolor plot of V , at m that fronts of the expanding wave do not deviate sub- time t = 8.8 s, for the parameter set P1, in our 2D sim- stantially from circles, when we apply a point stimulus ulation domain without fibroblasts; the initial condition of strength 450 pA for 3 ms at the center of the domain. evolves to a state with a single rotating spiral (RS). The We use two parameter sets P1 and P2 for myocytes local time series of V (x,y,t), from the representative m to obtain, respectively, a stable rotating spiral (RS) and point shown by the asterisk in Fig. 1(A)), is given in a spiral-turbulence (ST) states in our 2D simulation do- Fig. 1(B) for 0 s ≤ t ≤ 8.8 s; a plot of the IBI versus main, and a stable rotating scroll or scroll-wave turbu- the beat number is given in Fig. 1(C), which shows that, lence in our 3D domain. The parameter set P1 is the after initial transients, the spiral wave rotates periodi- original one used in the TP06 model [7, 25, 26]. In the cally with an average rotation period T ≃ 212 ms. The P2 parameter set, we use the following parameters, with power spectrum E(ω) in Fig. 1(D) has discrete peaks at all other parameters the same as in the original TP06 thefundamentalfrequencyω ≃4.75Hzanditsharmon- f model: (a) G , the I conductance, is 0.172 nS/pF; ics. The periodic time series of V , the flattening of the Kr Kr m (b)G ,theI conductance,is0.441nS/pF;(c)G , IBI,andthediscretepeaksinE(ω)demonstratethatthe Ks Ks pCa theI conductance,is0.8666nS/pF;(d)G ,theI time evolution of the spiral wave, with the P1 parame- pCa pK pK 4 FIG.1. Therotating-spiral(RS)andspiral-turbulence(ST) states in a 2D domain in the absence of fibroblasts. For the parameter set P1, the pseudocolor plot of V in (A), the m periodic nature of the local time series for V from the rep- m resentativepoint(markedbyanasterisk∗in(A))in(B),the flattening IBI with an average rotation period T ≃212 ms in (C), and the discrete peaks in the power spectrum with the fundamentalfrequencyωf =4.75Hzanditsharmonicsin(D) FIG.2. VariousRSandSTstatesinour2Ddomainforthe characterize the RS state. The exact analogs of plots (A)- regularlyattachedfibroblastmodel. ((A1)-(B4))Pseudocolor (D) are shown, respectively, in (E)-(H) for the P2 parameter plots of V , with G =4 nS for N =1,2,4,and 6, illustrate m j f set; the irregular local time series, the fluctuating behavior thattheRSstate(parametersetP1)remainsinanRSstateas of the IBI and the broad-band nature of the power spectrum N increases(firstrow). However,anSTstate(parameterset f characterize the ST state. P2)showsatransitiontoanRSstateasN increases(second f row). ((C)-(D))TherotationperiodTofRSincreasesasN f increases,forafixedvalueofG ,andvice-versa,forboththe j P1 and P2 parameter sets. ter set, is periodic. In Figs. 1(E)-(H), we show the exact analogs of Figs. 1(A)-(B) for the P2 parameter set. The non-periodic local time series in Fig. 1(F), the fluctuat- ingIBIinFig.1(G),andthebroad-bandnatureofE(ω) inFig.1(H)arecharacteristicoftheSTstate. Thepseu- slope of a myocyte-fibroblast composite at the cellular docolorplotinFig.1(E),attimet=8.8s,showssuchan level [8, 33]. Once the ST state is suppressed, a sin- STstate, whicharisesfromthesteepslopeoftheaction- gle spiral in an RS state rotates periodically as shown potential-duration-restitution (APDR) plot [8, 25]. In Figs. 2((B2)-(B4)). In Figs. 2(C) and (D), we plot, re- summary, then, in the absence of fibroblasts, the param- spectively, the rotation period T of a spiral wave in an eter sets P1 and P2 lead, respectively, to (a) an RS state RS state versus N , for different values of G , for the f j and (b) an ST state in our 2D simulation domain. P1 and P2 parameter sets. We find that T increases as We now examine the effects of fibroblasts on spiral- (i) N increases, with a fixed value of G , and (ii) G f j j wave dynamics in both RS and ST states. We begin increases, with a fixed value of N . This increase of T f our investigation with the P1 parameter set and with is a consequence of the decrease of CV that is associated the regularly attached fibroblast model with 1 ≤ N ≤ 6 f with a decrease of the upstroke velocity of a myocyte- and 1 nS ≤ G ≤ 8 nS; the remaining parameters for j fibroblast composite AP in its depolarization phase, as fibroblasts are as in subsection IIB. shown in Refs. [7, 8, 18]. Furthermore, we observe that In Figs. 2(A1)-(A4) we show pseudocolor plots of V , m the minimum value of N , required for the ST-RS tran- f at time t=8.8 s, with the P1 parameter set for regularly sition, decreases as G increases, for the P2 parameter j attached fibroblast model with G = 4 nS and different j set. valuesofN . TheanalogsofFigs.2(A1)-(A4)areshown f in Figs. 2(B1)-(B4) for the P2 parameter set. The plots We focus next on spiral-wave dynamics, with P1 and inthefirstrowofFig.2showthattheRSstate,whichwe P2 parameter sets, in our randomly attached fibroblast obtain in the absence of fibroblasts, does not evolve into model. In Fig. 3, we show the exact analogs of Fig. 2, anSTstate; however,thespiral-armwidthW decreases butnowfortherandomlyattachedfibroblastmodel. The d as we increase N , for a fixed value of G (first row of pseudocolorplotsinFigs.3(A1)-(A4)showthattheran- f j Fig. 2). We define W to be the difference of the radial domness in attaching fibroblasts does not lead to an RS- d distance between the wave front and the wave back of STtransitionfortheP1parameterset. However, inspite a spiral arm, whose center is located at the spiral core. of the randomness in the arrangement of fibroblasts, we Such a decrease of W is related to the shortening of the observe an ST-RS transition for the P2 parameter set d action-potential-duration (APD) of a myocyte-fibroblast (see Figs. 3(B1)-(B4)), which is qualitatively similar to composite that has been discussed in Refs. [7, 8]. theST-RStransitionintheP1case(comparethesecond FortheP2parameterset,weobserveatransitionfrom rows of Figs. 2 and 3). However, the minimum value of an ST to an RS state as we increase N for a fixed value N , required for an ST-RS transition, is higher for the f f of G (second row of Fig. 2). Such an ST-RS transition randomlyattachedfibroblastmodelthanintheregularly j istheconsequenceofthesuppressionofthesteepAPDR attached case (compare Figs. 2(D) and 3(D)). 5 Parameter set P1 Parameter set P2 350 300 s) 300 (C) GGjj==14 nnSSs) 250 (D) (m 250 (m 200 T 200 T 150 150 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 N N f f FIG.3. VariousRSandSTstatesinour2Ddomainforthe randomlyattachedfibroblastmodel(thisfigureistheanalog FIG. 4. The rotating-scroll and scroll-wave-turbulence of Fig. 2). The results are qualitatively similar to those in states, in our 3D simulation domain of size 256 × 256 × Fig. 2 for the regularly attached fibroblast case. Note that 2mm3,fortheregularlyattachedfibroblastmodel,areshown the minimum value of Nf, for a fixed value of Gj, for the in ((A1)-(B4)) via isosurface plots of Vm. The myocyte- ST-RS transition, is higher compared to that in Fig. 2(D). fibroblast coupling strength Gj =4 nS. The scroll-arm width of a rotating scroll, with the P1 parameter set, decreases as N increases (first row). The scroll-wave turbulence, associ- f ated with the P2 parameter set, is converted to a rotating scroll as N increases (second row). ((C)-(D)) Plots of the f B. Scroll-wave dynamics in our 3D model rotation period T of a scroll wave in a rotating-scroll state, for the P1 and P2 parameter sets; for both parameter sets T We turn now to a systematic study of scroll-wave dy- increasesasGj increases;notethat,fortheST-RStransition, namics in our 3D simulation domain. For both the P1 the minimum value of Nf decreases as Gj increases. and P2 parameter sets and both regularly and randomly attached fibroblast models, we carry out simulations to studythedependenceofscroll-wavedynamicsonN and f G . We present our numerical results below. j In Figs. 4(A1), (A2), (A3) and (A4), we show, respec- tively, isosurface plots of V , at time t = 8.8 ms, for m theP1parametersetinourregularlyattachedfibroblast model with G = 4 nS and N = 0 (i.e., isolated my- j f ocytes), N = 1, N = 2, and N = 4. In the absence f f f of fibroblasts, i.e., N = 0, the P1 parameter set dis- f plays a rotating scroll wave with fundamental frequency ω ≃5 Hz and rotation period T ≃ 201 ms; this is consis- f tent,becauseω ≃1/T. InFig.4(C),weplotTversusN f f for G = 1 nS (●) and 4 nS (▴). We find that T increases j as we increase (i) N , for a fixed value of G , or (ii) G , Parameter set P1 Parameter set P2 f j j 215 190 for a fixed value of N . In Figs. 4((B1)-(B4)) and (D), f (C) Gj=1 nS (D) we show, respectively, the exact analogs of Figs. 4((A1)- s) 210 Gj=4 nSs) (A4)) and (C), for the P2 parameter set. In the absence (m (m 180 205 of fibroblasts and for the P2 parameter set, we obtain T T a scroll-wave-turbulence state (Fig. 4(B1)); this scroll- 200 170 wave turbulence is converted to a rotating scroll if we 0 2 N 4 6 0 2 N 4 6 f f have N >1 (second row of Fig. 4). Once the scroll-wave f turbulence state is suppressed, a rotating scoll rotates FIG. 5. The rotating-scroll and scroll-wave-turbulence with a period T, which increases as we increase N for f states,inour3Dsimulationdomainfortherandomlyattached a fixed value of G , and vice-versa (Fig. 4(D)). Further- j fibroblast model; the exact analog of Fig. 4. The results are more, from Fig. 4(D), we find that the minimum value qualitativelysimilartothosefortheregularlyattachedfibrob- of Nf, required for the ST-RS transition, is 4 and 2, re- lastcase. NotethattheST-RStransitionNf value,forafixed spectively,forG =1nS(●)and4nS(▴). Theisosurface value of G , is higher than its counterpart in Fig. 4(D). j j plots in Fig. 4 show that the width W of a scroll-wave d arm in the rotating-scroll state decreases as we increase N for both the P1 and P2 parameter sets. The mecha- f 6 nisms of the ST-RS transition, and increase of T and a spiral-wavebreakupoccurs,inanLR1model,becauseof decrease of W , as we increase N and G , are the same randomly diffuse fibroblasts in a localized area of a sim- d f j as those we have found in our 2D studies. ulation domain; Zlochiver, et al. [15] have shown from InFig.5weshowtheexactanalogofFig.4fortheran- their experiments and simulations that a rotating spiral domly attached fibroblast model, with both the P1 and becomes unstable and, finally, spiral breakup occurs, as P2 parameter sets. Our scroll-wave results here are sim- they increase the percentage of diffuse fibroblasts. Ma- ilar to those for the case of regularly attached fibroblast jumder, et al. [34] have shown from their numerical ex- model. From Fig. 5(D), we find that the minimum value periments that a transition from an RS to various ST of N , for the ST-RS transition, is 5 and 3, respectively, states occurs depending on the percentage of fibroblasts f for G =1 nS (●) and 4 nS (▴). Note that this minimum in their simulation domain. In our attached-fibroblast j value of N is higher for the randomly attached fibrob- model studies, fibroblasts do not inhibit wave propa- f last model than it is for the regularly attached fibroblast gation [7]; however, fibroblasts attached to a myocyte model (compare Figs.4(D) and 5(D)). can lower the steepness of the APDR curve, depending on the values of G and N [8, 33]. Such a lowering j f of the steep slope of the APDR eliminates spiral- and IV. CONCLUSIONS scroll-wave turbulence in our 2D and 3D simulation do- mains [35–38]. Therefore, we observe an ST-RS transi- Wehavepresentedthemostextensivenumericalstudy tion. Earlier studies in Ref. [33] have observed ST-RS carried out so far of the effects of fibroblasts on spiral- spiral-wave transitions because of a suppression of the and scroll-wave dynamics in a mathematical model for steep portion of the APDR slope in a 3D model consist- humanventriculartissuewithfibroblasts,attachedregu- ing of myocytes, fibroblasts, and extracellular space by larlyorrandomlytomyocytes. Ournumericalstudyhas using the LR1 model [21]. However, those studies have been designed to uncover the role of (i) the organization not investigated the spiral- and scroll-wave transition as of fibroblasts in ventricular tissue ( i.e., to compare reg- a function of Nf and Gj. Our study shows that both ular and random arrangements), (ii) myocyte-fibroblast Nf and Gj are important factors during the fibrosis pro- coupling G , and (iii) the density of fibroblasts, i.e., the cess [10, 39]. j maximum number of fibroblasts N attached to a my- We suggest that our results from in silico studies can f ocyte. One of the principal results of our studies is that be verified in in vitro experiments. Furthermore, by us- spiral- and scroll-wave dynamics depend only slightly on ing advanced cell-culture techniques [40–42], our 2D and the details of the organization of fibroblasts in ventricu- 3D numerical results can be tested easily in cell-culture lar tissue. However, the ST-RS transition, the stability experiments. of spiral- and scroll-wave turbulence, the rotation period ofarotatingspiralandscroll,andthewidthofarotating spiral and scroll arms, depend sensitively on N and G . f j ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Earlier studies have investigated the effects of fibrob- lasts on spiral-wave dynamics by introducing randomly diffuse fibroblasts in a myocyte domain [15, 34]. 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