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The Effect Of The National Plan ( 2010– 2020) On The Development Of Vocational Education In China: An Evidence From A Before After Design At A 7 Year Interval And Policy Analysis PDF

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Preview The Effect Of The National Plan ( 2010– 2020) On The Development Of Vocational Education In China: An Evidence From A Before After Design At A 7 Year Interval And Policy Analysis

AZƏRBAYCAN MƏKTƏBİ. 2018. №3 PEŞƏ TƏHSİLİ Çində peşə təhsilinin inkişafına «2010-2020 Milli Planı»nın təsiri: Layihədən əvvəlki və 7 il sonrakı vəziyyət, proqramın təhlili Ahmed Alduais1, Meng Deng2 Müəlliflər: Annotasiya. Çinin Təhsil Nazirliyinin peşə təhsilinin 1Ahmed Alduais — inkişafı ilə bağlı hesabatlarına fikir versək peşə təhsilinin pedaqogika üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru, inkişafında Milli Planın böyük rol oynadığını görərik. Beynəlxalq və Müqayisəli Təhsil Bununla yanaşı, Milli Planla bağlı ingilis dilində olan rəsmi İnstitutu, Təhsil fakültəsi, Pekin sənədləri tədqiq etdikdə aydın olur ki, Milli Planın inkişafın Normal Universiteti (BNU). təmin olunması ilə bağlı əsaslı rolu yoxdur. Ölkədə Peşə Pekin, Çin. təhsili, ümumilikdə 6 göstərici ilə xarakterizə olunur. Çin E-mail: [email protected] Milli Statistika Bürosunun məlumatlarına əsasən göstəricilər bunlardır: məktəb, ümumi qəbul, yeni qəbul, məzunlar, 2Meng Deng — təhsil işçiləri, tam ştatlı müəllimlər. Bu yazıda, əldə olunan Professor, Xüsusi Təhsil statistik məlumatlar əsasında 7 ili əhatə edən rəsmi İnstitutu, Təhsil fakültəsi, Pekin sənədlər təhlil olunub. Araşdırmalar nəticəsində bəlli olub Normal Universiteti (BNU). ki, Milli Planın peşə təhsili ilə bağlı proseslərə Pekin, Çin. müdaxiləsindən əvvəl və sonrakı dövrlərdə peşə təhsili E-mail: [email protected] sahəsində də inkişafı xarakterizə edən əsaslı bir fərq yoxdur. Əlavə olaraq müəyyənləşdirilib ki, tədqiqat dövrünü əhatə edən illər ərzində peşə təhsilinin keyfiyyəti aşağı Açar sözlər: düşüb. Hətta peşə təhsili almaq arzusunda olanların sayı Layihədən əvvəl və sonra, da azalıb. Məqalədə, ümumən belə bir qənaətə gəlinir ki, siyahıyaalma, büro məlumatları, Çin Təhsil Nazirliyinin peşə təhsilinin inkişafı ilə bağlı irəli Çin, Milli Plan 2010-2020, peşə sürdüyü tədqiqat nəticələri bu araşdırmanın nəticələri ilə təhsilinin inkişafı. eyniyyət təşkil etmir. DOI:10.32906/AJES/683.2018.02.24 ORCID:0000-0003-0837-4915 Məqaləyə istinad: Alduais A., Deng M. (2018) Çində peşə təhsilinin inkişafına «2010-2020 Milli Planı»nın təsiri: Layihədən əvvəlki və 7 il sonrakı vəziyyət, proqramın təhlili.«Azərbaycan məktəbi». № 3 (684), səh. 87–108 Məqalə tarixçəsi Göndərilib: 19.10.2018; Qəbul edilib: 02.11.2018 http://journal.edu.az 87 Azerbaijan Journal of Educational Studies. 2018. №3 The effect of the National Plan (2010–2020) on the development of vocational education in China: An evidence from a before-after design at a 7–year interval and policy analysis Ahmed Alduais1, Meng Deng2 Authors: Abstract. Recent reports by the Ministry of Education in 1Ahmed Alduais, China on the progress of vocational education showed that PhD, Institute of International the realisation of the National Plan is stepping forward. How- & Comparative Education, ever, our reviewed studies of conducted research in English Faculty of Education, Beijing did not show any study examining the effect of the National Normal University (BNU), Plan and/or the realisation of the objectives set on such policy Beijing, PRC. documents. That said, we conducted a before-after design E-mail: [email protected] study at a 7–year interval using six indicators of vocational education and policy document analysis. The census bureau 2Meng Deng, data which was retrieved from the National Bureau of Statis- Professor, Institute of Special tics of China included six indicators of total vocational: school, Education, Faculty of total enrolment, new enrolment, graduates, educational per- Education, Beijing Normal sonnel and full-time teachers. The results indicates insignifi- University (BNU), cant statistically difference between the pre-intervention and Beijing, PRC. post-intervention intervals. However, several implications E-mail: [email protected] were inferred from this outcome. These included: the devel- opment was restricted to the quality of vocational education other than the quantity; the output contradicts some objec- tives set on the National Plan like the expansion of vocational education which can be achieved only quantitatively but the Keywords: results showed rapid decrease of enrolment in the 2016 as Before-after design; census compared to high enrolment in 2010 and the pre-intervention bureau data; China; National period as well; and the use of different terminology and types Plan 2010-2020; vocational of vocational education in the different official websites of education; vocational China has made the accessibility of the secondary data tedious education development. and fussy. DOI: 10.32906/AJES/683.2018.02.24 ORCID:0000-0003-0837-4915 To cite this article:Alduais A., Deng M. (2018) The effect of the National Plan (2010–2020) on the development of vocational education in China: An evidence from a before-after design at a 7–year interval and policy analysis.Azerbaijan Journal of Educational Studies. Vol. 684, Issue III, pp. 87–108 Article history Received: 19.10.2018; Accepted: 02.11.2018 88 http://journal.edu.az Ahmed Alduais, Meng Deng The effect of the National Plan (2010–2020) on the development of vocational education in China Introduction vocational education group (rank = 123 and Vocational education plays a major role in c–value = 2), modern vocational education the national development of China’s economy. system (rank = 123 and c–value = 2), voca- It has been progressing rapidly according to tional education resource (rank = 250 and c– the National Plan for Medium and Long–term value = 1.58), vocational education develop- Education Reform and Development (2010– ment (rank = 250 and c–value = 1.58), 2020) (hereafter the National Plan) (Ministry vocational education law (rank = 250 and c– of Education of the People's Republic of China, value = 1.58), vocational student (rank = 421 2018). It should be linked to regular education and c–value = 1), vocational training (rank = and ensure linking preservice and in-service 421 and c–value = 1), and vocational creden- conditions. The number of the students of vo- tial (rank = 421 and c–value = 1). The National cational education in secondary school should Plan also defined one chapter, namely, chapter increase from 21.79 million in 2009 to 22.5 6, for vocational education development be- in 2015 and 23.5 in 2020. Similarly, the num- tween 2010 and 2020. It included four acts ber of the students in vocational higher edu- (14–17): 1) intensifying efforts in developing cation should rise up from 12.8 million in vocational education, 2) mobilizing the en- 2009 to 13.9 in 2015 and 14.8 in 2020. Voca- thusiasm of industries and enterprises in vo- tional education should be always the option cational education, and 3) Speeding up voca- for those who fail to join colleges and univer- tional education development to meet the sities (Ministry of Education of the People's needs of rural areas, and 4) making vocational Republic of China, 2018). The implementation education more appealing (Ministry of Edu- of the National Plan has been progressing cation, People's Republic of China, 2010, p. 2). since its execution in July, 2010 (Gu, 2010) Other proposed areas of vocational education which was basically structured with the aim development in the National Plan included: to “guide and allocate tasks for the develop- 1) expanding vocational education in minority ment of the education of the next decade” and inhabited areas with more funds for second- “to promote the scientific development of ed- ary vocational education, 2) developing voca- ucation and proposed the development goal tional education for students with special of changing China from the world’s largest ed- needs, 3) promoting the development of vo- ucation system to one of the world’s best” cational education through other industries (Hui, 2013, p. 39). However, for some re- and sectors, 4) funds for vocational education searchers, this policy is no more than another should be raised from multi-sources including version of prior issued policies which had not governmental and non-governmental sectors, resulted into significant progress on the edu- 5) improving the vocational educational law, cation system in China (Pan, 2015). Thus and 6) encourage the abilities of vocational edu- as the first step to measure the importance of cation through making quality schools that vocational education in the National Plan, we could stand as exemplary for other places in used the Automatic Recognition of Multi-Word China, and finally 7) establishing piloting pro- Terms (http://www.nactem.ac.uk/software/ grammes for vocational education to measure termine/) to identity the C–Value (Frantzi, their impact (Ministry of Education of the Peo- Ananiadou, & Mima, 2000) for vocational ed- ple's Republic of China, 2018). Whether the ucation and/or any relevant concepts to vo- above objectives have been realised relatively cational education. Having run the C-Value realised by now or not is the major objective software, ten concepts were identified includ- of this paper which is examined through a ing: vocational education (rank = 2 and c– quantitative synthesis of census bureau data value = 34.80), secondary vocational educa- between 2009 and 2016 and analysis of policy tion (rank = 47 and c–value = 4.75) exemplary documents. http://journal.edu.az 89 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Literature review tem into dual-based system—matching the ‘Go Global’ strategy and finally improving The history of vocational education in quality of secondary vocational schools in ru- China goes back to 1902 but more formally ral areas, generally, and central and western to 1970 (United Nations Educational, Scien- regions, particularly (Zhao, 2016). The voca- tific and Cultural Organization [UNESCO], tional education system followed the National 1987). This was proceeded by initial efforts Vocational Qualification (NVQ) framework ad- since the establishment of the People’s Re- ministered by the Ministry of Human Re- public of China in 1949. These included: 1) courses and Social Security (UNESCO-UNE- establishment of specialised secondary edu- VOC International Centre for Technical and cation, 2) skilled worker school education, Vocational Education and Training, 2018). The and 3) vocational middle school education. five major challenges of vocational education The period of the Cultural Revolution between in China according to this recent report by the 1966 and 1976 these efforts which were put UNEVOC and UNESCO include: insufficient de- between 1949 and 1965 went backward until sirability, low partnership level with enter- the end of the Cultural Revolution. The period prises and companies, unequal development between 1977 and 1985 witnessed a new de- among the different regions, relative quality velopment of education in China including: 1) level and the need for teacher development diversified development of technical and vo- (ibid). The delivered speech by the General cational education, 2) development of worker Secretary of China Dr. Jiang Bo stated that training schools and vocational middle Technical and Vocational Education and Train- schools, 3) development of short-term voca- ing (TVET) contributes to “economic, political, tional schools (UNESCO, 1987). cultural, social as well as ecological progress” Further, vocational education reform in and that China has put efforts—enabling the China has been given vital attention. It was country to transfer from a highly centralised identified as a key factor of national develop- planning economy into a dynamic market ment in 2000. In addition to the National Plan economy (Bo, 2012, p. 2). Vocational educa- (2010–2020) entered and enforced in July, tion between 1980 and 2001 witnessed ex- 2010—for education development in 2010, a pansion on quantity, construction, quality, re- further plan for vocational education devel- form, specific development on rural areas and opment, namely, Modern Vocational Educa- research development (Ministry of Education tion System Construction Plan (2014–2020), of the People’s Republic of China, 2006). and the Decision on Accelerating the Devel- Therefore, vocational education in China opment of Modern Vocational Education Sys- manifests several problems. For instance, it is tem, was entered and enforced in June, 16th characterised by “instability, non-successive, 2014 (UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre controlled by various authorities and focusing for Technical and Vocational Education and on teaching staff construction and secondary Training, 2018) with reference to the Voca- vocational education” (Shi & Qi, 2010, p. 11). tional Education Law on September, 1st 1996 Further, to solve the problems of rural areas, (Ministry of Education of the People's Repub- free secondary vocational education could lic of China, 2009). Among these reforms: ex- help decreasing such problems (Yu, 2009). pansion of the number of the vocational stu- The lack of outside school training is also an- dents, transferring some universities from other major problem in the Chinese vocational academic into universities of applied sciences education (Yang Q. , 2009). Restructuring the (UAS), to have two types of entrance exami- vocational education polices mainly those of nation for academic and non-academic uni- higher education is also among the weak- versities, transferring from school-based sys- nesses that hinder the development of voca- 90 Azerbaijan Journal of Educational Studies. 2018. №3 Ahmed Alduais, Meng Deng The effect of the National Plan (2010–2020) on the development of vocational education in China tional education (Li J.-m., 2009; Lu, 2011). re-orientating vocational education and inte- There is a need of innovation in Chinese vo- grating it into mainstream system of national cational education (Zhuangcai, 2003). Regard- education…, constructing skills accreditation less of the current development of vocational and test system to assure relative quality stan- education ( (Yuezhu, 2012), it still needs “en- dard; optimizing relative capital assurance larging investment degree sustainably, re- mechanism…” (Wang J. , 2006, p. 28). forming curriculum system to enhance teach- Several studies reported vocational edu- ing quality, reinforcing the construction of cation shortcomings in China as well. Among practice training base and building monitoring these is the study approaching the causes of system and optimizing assurance mechanism” the dropout in upper secondary school level. (Yannan, 2008, p. 20). In order to further de- The results indicated that the dropout was velop the vocational education in China, there not correlated to the financial constraints. is a need to “further enlarge investment on More interestingly, the researchers in this vocational education, optimize employment study found that the education and migration market admittance system and reform talent of the mothers but not that of fathers—cor- cultivation model to achieve effective interac- relate to dropout. Besides, the students tend tion between vocational education and society to drop out due to low achievement (Yi, et al., development” (Shen, 2009, p. 9). Four stages 2015). The development TVET is related to could be identified—describing the develop- the economic growth be it in the developed ment of vocational education in China, namely, or developing countries, and particularly, in “recovery, development, decline and recon- China, it is related to the transition from tra- struction” as opposed to minus factors hinder ditional planned economy to socialist market its quality “insufficient policy tools, the value economy (Yang, 1997). Another study also conflict, and non-correspondence between concluded that vocational education leads to aims and measures” (Zhen, 2009, p. 37). Al- more employment opportunities but not nec- though the school-based curriculum of voca- essarily better performance in comparison to tional education has proved positive impact general education (Yang, 1998). Among the but still the integration of the theoretical and major drawbacks of vocational education in practical skills need further research and im- China also those related to workplace training, provement (Wang & Wu, 2012). Moreover, vo- resources and standards, and planning and cational education manifests major funding coordination (Organisation for Economic Co- problems where “stock funds volume is small, operation and Development [OECD] , 2010). source structure is unreasonable and the re- A recent study has described the vocational gional investment is imbalanced” (Yanmei & education as insufficient (Chen, Wang, & Su, Zhongguo, 2014, p. 54). Besides, among these 2018). Another study raised the importance flaws are the “non -coordinated development of further training for vocational education of general education and vocational education, teachers to enable them to successfully poor communication between the secondary achieve polices of the transferable skills (Bai and higher vocational education, failing to & Geng, 2014). Another report stated clearly highlight the Chinese characteristics” (Zang that the vocational education development in & Cao, 2009, p. 13). This urges the need for a China is intricately related to the ‘Made in parallel education system—of both regular China 2025’ strategy and for this reason too education and vocational education (ibid). A much efforts have been put on this sector. Be- proposed model for the development of vo- sides, this type of education is very much in- cational education can be achieved through: fluenced by the German model (Klorer & “building cooperative relationship and policy Stepan, 2015). Besides, it is a mixed system harmonization mechanism for stakeholders, where there is not clear distinction between http://journal.edu.az 91 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Initial Vocational and Technical Education scarce. Going through recent studies by (Wu (IVTE) and Continuing Vocational and Tech- & Ye, 2018) showed that the current status of nical Education (CVTE)—both are under the vocational education in China is progressing same law of Vocational and Technical Educa- but still further development is necessarily tion (TVE). Given this, this brings all levels to- required. Among these is that although the gether: Junior and Senior Vocational Schools, age of vocational education in Chia is over 150 Skilled Workers’ Schools, Secondary Technical years but still it has a long way to go. It took Schools, Higher Vocational Colleges and Senior the vocational education system in China a Skilled Workers Schools. Consequently, two long time to set up its specialities which was ministries are in charge of the administration set in 1952. Additionally, vocational education of vocational education: the Ministry of Edu- [input] and [output] are intricately related to cation and the Ministry of Human Resources employment which is again related to deciding and Social Security (Wang W. , 2010). Al- whether a person will be part of the society though VTE has been effectively supporting of not, formally, at least. A standard curricu- the labour market but still it lacks Systematic- lum of vocational education should be direc- ity and accountability (Electronic Industry Cit- tional, practical and integrated. Being more izenship Coalition [EICC] , 2015). A recent practical and having teachers who are ready study showed “the United States, and Hong to help the students reach this practicality are Kong, offered stronger support for vocational two main features of growing social economy education, with more focus on individual de- through vocational education. Undoubtedly, mands of students and society” (Li, 2018, p. the quality of teachers is a predictor of the 1). Another study reported the high number quality of vocational education system. Scien- of female students in particular and students tific management is also another aspect lead- from disadvantaged areas in general in upper ing to the success of vocational education. secondary technical and vocational education Given this, the transition from quantity devel- (Wang, A., 2017). A study also reported that oped vocational education system to quality the social structure in China is also what af- developed system is highly required to have fects more the decision-making in selection an internationally recognised vocational ed- vocational education (Xing & Rojewski, 2018). ucation system (Wu & Ye, 2018). Policy diffu- There is a need for further training of voca- sion is one of the factors that could possibly tional education teachers and improving their the affect the development of vocational edu- research skills (Meng, 2012). Another study cation in China. A study reported that voca- raised the issue of the influence of political tional education system in China is “autocor- system being part of the education system in related to the neighboring provinces and local China and how is this related to policy imple- vocational education systems converge more mentation in relation to vocational education slowly if a spatially lagged dependent variable (Qi, 2014). Community education is also is introduced, while they converge faster if a among the possible related areas to vocational spatially error variable is introduced” (Gu, education which was raised by (Lu, 2009) but 2016, p. 503). That said, this study examines she did not present if this is linked directly to the possible effect of the National Plan on vo- vocational education. cational education development before and after the implementation of this policy at a The present study 7–year interval through census bureau data retrieved from the National Bureau of Statis- Research reporting the effect and/or the tics of China (NBSC) database. The following realisation of the National Plan on the devel- hypothesis guides this study: opment of vocational education in China is H0:There will be no statistically significant 92 Azerbaijan Journal of Educational Studies. 2018. №3 Ahmed Alduais, Meng Deng The effect of the National Plan (2010–2020) on the development of vocational education in China difference between the total number of voca- Measures tional education schools, total enrolment, new This study used unobtrusive measures. enrolment, graduates, educational personnel Secondary analysis of census bureau data was and full–time teachers before and after the the main approach for examining our pro- National Plan at a 7–year interval; posed hypothesis regarding vocational edu- HA: There will be statistically significant cation development in China before and after difference between the total number of voca- the implementation of the National Plan. The tional education schools, total enrolment, new raw data were presented in terms of numbers enrolment, graduates, educational personnel of vocational education schools, total enrol- and full–time teachers before and after the ment, new enrolment, graduates, educational National Plan at a 7–year interval. personnel and full-time teachers. The National Plan has been executed in 2010 and the data Method includes 7–year interval before and 7–year interval after. The National Plan represents Sample the intervention and is the independent vari- The population of interest in our study is able including data of either the pre–inter- vocational education students and teachers. vention period or the post–intervention pe- However, we used the database available on riod. The dependent variables are the NBSC database at a 7–year interval before and aforementioned six variables of vocational ed- after the implementation of the National Plan. ucation. The pre–intervention period is years between 2004 and 2010 and the post–intervention pe- Design riod is the years between 2011 and 2017. Yet, A quasi–experimental design, namely be- it should be noted that the data of every year fore and after design was used in this study. presents the data for the previous year. For In notational form, it can be depicted as: instance, the data for 2004 in the database is O X O the data for 2003 and so on. The data is pre- where: sented on the website as chapters related to X= the National Plan; O= the vocational ed- each educational field. For instance, the voca- ucation variables before and after the inter- tional education has one section and the data vention at a 7–year interval. presents the number of vocational education The main assumption for this design is that schools, total enrolment, new enrolment, the National Plan has affected the develop- graduates, educational personnel and full– ment of vocational education in China. For time teachers. Thus, we propose that our re- this reason and as quantitative indicators, the sults are only indicators for the level of de- number of vocational education schools, total velopment of vocational education—and enrolment, new enrolment, graduates, edu- whether the National Plan has impacted this cational personnel, and full–time teachers will development or not and thus cannot be gen- be statistically yet significantly higher in the eralised and/or used to refer to the overall post–intervention period, than the pre–inter- quality of vocational education as our tested vention period. hypothesis is purely quantitative and direct contact with the vocational education envi- Procedure ronment did not take place. We are also not The data were retrieved on October 10, including other factors like population or reg- 2018 from the NBSC database (http://www. ular education system. stats.gov.cn/english/Statisticaldata/Annual- Data/). It includes census bureau data for all sectors in China between 1999 and 2017. Data http://journal.edu.az 93 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Figure 1. Spread of vocational education variables before and after the National Plan at a 7–year interval A) from the census are presented in tables, re- the implementation of the national plan flecting the total number of vocational edu- 2010–2020 at a 7–year interval. As is seen, cation schools, total enrolment, new enrol- the spread of the numbers seems to be be rel- ment, graduates, educational personnel and atively different. This indicates that the vari- full–time teachers. The data was converted ances among the two groups in each boxplot into excel file and then analysed using the Sta- are not quite different. Although the the dif- tistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) ferences do not not seem to be significant but version 20. In addition to time series and de- a further examination of these variables scriptive statistics, the independent samples through the independent samples t-test to ex- t-test was mainly used to test the hypothesis amine the statistical significance could pro- in relation to the possible effect of the National vide more accurate evidence on the possible Plan on the development of vocational edu- difference between the two intervals. cation before and after the execution at a 7– Figure 2 A–F shows the time series for vo- year interval. cational education schools, total enrolment, new enrolment, graduates, educational per- Results sonnel and full-time teachers before and after the implementation of the national plan Figure 1 A–F presents the the variances for 2010–2020 at a 7–year interval. While (1) vocational education schools, total enrolment, represents the most recent years in both in- new enrolment, graduates, educational per- tervals (i.e. 2009 and 2016), (7) represents sonnel and full-time teachers before and after the oldest years (i.e. 2003 and 2010). As is 94 Azerbaijan Journal of Educational Studies. 2018. №3 Ahmed Alduais, Meng Deng The effect of the National Plan (2010–2020) on the development of vocational education in China Figure 1 — B) Figure 1 — C) http://journal.edu.az 95 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Figure 1 — D) Figure 1 — E) 96 Azerbaijan Journal of Educational Studies. 2018. №3

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