UNIVERSIDAD LAICA VICENTE ROCAFUERTE DE GUAYAQUIL FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS DE LA EDUCACIÒN MENCIÒN - INGLÈS RESEARCH PROJECT “ THE EFFECT OF TEACHER MADE RESOURCES ON THE GRAMMATICAL ACCURACY OF EFL STUDENTS IN 8TH GRADE AT UNIDAD EDUCATIVA JOSÈ BENITO BENÌTEZ SAN ANDRÈS, SCHOOL YEAR 2016- 2017 ”. PREVIO A LA OBTENCIÒN DEL TÌTULO DE LICENCIADA EN LENGUA INGLESA MENCIÒN EN ENSEÑANZA Y ADMINISTRACIÒN DE SISTEMAS EDUCATIVOS EN TEFL AUTHORS: Samantha Raquel Ricaurte Nicola Cleopatra Eugenia Espinoza Domínguez TUTOR: MSc. Xavier Torres Freres GUAYAQUIL – ECUADOR 2017 1 ABSTRACT The present project involves the support for grammar teaching and learning, proposing the use of teachers’ own resources (teacher-made) in order to keep students interest at the moment to learn grammatical structures. The project was the result of the researchers’ intention to soften the difficulties that 8th graders had when the teacher introduced grammar because they got confused about differences, definitions, rules and when to use each at the moment of writing or speaking. One of the principal problems was the lack of additional practice and structures, that’s why some students are not able to write compositions or take dictation. Also some of them are not able to communicate their ideas efficiently by the incomplete development of the language skills. We applied the descriptive research that was used by a combination of qualitative and quantitative researches. The present project contain surveys, interviews, and observations sheets. For this research we interviewed the English coordinator, the English teacher and we applied a survey on students. We observed classes for three days to look for the students’ progress and how the teacher developed her classes. In this study, 12 students in the 8th grade were surveyed. From these students, 64% indicated that grammar us a difficult part in their learning process. However, 82% of them stated that grammar is essential and that the worksheets their teacher used were important as well. In addition, during the three-day class observation, researchers were able to notice that the teacher use worksheets to make students practice the grammar, and that the worksheets facilitated the students’ comprehension and learning of the structures studied. All this confirmed the answers given by the coordinator and the teacher in the interview applied to them. These results indicate that the use of materials made by the teacher has a positive impact on students learning of grammar. For this reason, researchers encourage teachers to prepare this type of materials to facilitate learning. That is why this project provides solutions, strategies and methods with innovative materials that will promote the learning of grammar in 8th graders and will help in the management of grammar to achieve good results. The most important and fundamental part is to offer a comfortable classroom atmosphere during the learning process since the use of teacher made- resources motivate students. 6 DEDICATION I dedicate some words for my amazing parents, for their constant help and support. Every time that I needed some help for the elaboration of this project, they were willing to collaborate and supported me economically and emotionally during my whole career. To the last but the most important, I dedicate this to my son who has been my greatest motivation to conclude this project successfully. SAMANTHA RAQUEL RICAURTE NICOLA 7 DEDICATION The present thesis is dedicated especially to my family; thanks to their support I was able to finish this hard work, reaching my goal of becoming a professional. To my mother that despite the distance I had her unconditional support throughout this process, and with her advice and words she was able to push me to what I am now, always encouraging me to be a professional, and learn to fulfill everything that I propose. In the same way, I also want to emphasize the unconditional support of whom I consider my father, Jhon Morla Reyes, who gave me his unconditional support with his dignified words of a father, establishing my bases of responsibility and desires for improvement. CLEOPATRA EUGENIA ESPINOZA DOMINGUEZ 8 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to each one of those important people who have contributed somehow to complete this project: TO GOD, for his great blessings, wisdom and his daily protection, for his invaluable support and the holy force that provided me in difficult times. TO MY FAMILY, My Parents, Josefina Nicola and David Ricaurte, for their valuable support and encouragement during my whole life, also for their love, care, guidance and education in order to be a good person for the society. TO MY PROJECT PARTNER, Cleopatra Espinoza, for her disinterested help, you who have been my right hand in all this time, for contributing considerably in this project, I thank you not only for the help provided, but for the good times we live together TO MY TUTOR, who patiently guided us to complete this requirement. SAMANTHA RAQUEL RICAURTE NICOLA 9 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT As a first acknowledgment, I would like to express my gratitude to each one of those important people who have contributed somehow to complete this project: TO GOD, because in this hard process he became my way and opened my mind to accomplish what is now my fulfilled goal. TO MY FAMILY, My mother who despite the distance gave me the support and encouragement to be able to undertake this hard work that with effort and dedication we have worked during all this time. TO MY PROJECT PARTNER, Samantha Ricaurte, for her patience and perseverance, allowing us to be together in this great project that helped us to grow professionally and as a human being, giving as finalize one of our great goals. TO MY TUTOR, who with his professionalism and patience, helped us to never give up and continue to fulfill this goal that is now an accomplished. CLEOPATRA EUGENIA ESPINOZA DOMINGUEZ 10