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THE EFFECT OF STIMULUS AREA ON VISUAL INTENSITY THRESHOLD by George A. Austin A dissertation stibmitted in partial fulfillm ent of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the University of Michigan 1951 Committee in charge: A ssistant Professor H. Richard Blackwell, Chairman Professor Donald G. Marquis Associate Professor Carl R. Brown Dr. Wilfred M. Kincaid Dr. Donald W. Lauer ACKNOVJLSDGEMENTS The author was very fortunate to have access to the excellent research facilities of the Vision Research Laboratory#, University of Michigan, and the pleasant cooperation of its entire personnel in carrying out the present series of experiments. The greatest debt is to Dr. H. Richard Blackwell, director of the laboratory, under whose guidance the experiments were planned and with whose help the data were collected and interpreted. Mathematical analysis of the data was carried out under the general direction of Dr. W. M. Kincaid, who also gave freely of his help at a ll stages of the investigation. Mr, James G. Ohmart performed numerous mechanical services. Mrs. Kenneth A. Stone and Mrs. H. R. Hiltner did the secretarial work. Special mention should be made of Mr. John H. Taylor, who acted as one of the subjects and who made the photometric determinations. Final acknowledgment is made to Dr. D. G. Marquis, who can never be repaid for his general advice, support and encouragement in my graduate training. #Operating tinder contract with the Office of Naval Research, Navy Department TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES............................................................................ iv LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS.......................................................... v Chapter I. INTRODUCTION....................................................................... 1 II. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES...................................................... 4 A. Stimulus C onditions................................................. 4 B. Method of jStimulus Presentation....................... 8 C. Subjects^....................................................................... 13 D. Photometry........................................................................ 13 S. Analysis of Data.......................................................... 15 III. EXPERIMENT I. ORIENTATION LIGHT SEPARATION . . . 17 IV. EXPERT PUT II. SENSITIVITY MAP CF FOVEA . . . . 26 V. EXPERIMENT III. THE AREA EFFECT..................................... 32 VI. DISCUSSION...................................................................................... 38 A. Theories of the Area E ffe c t................................ 38 B. Interpretation of R esu lts.................................... 43 VII. SUMMARY........................................................................... 48 V III. BIBLIOGRAPHY............................... 49 iii LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. Spectral Transmissions................................................ 6 2. Psychometric Data, Experiment IA.............................................. 20 3. Psychometric Data, Experiment IB.............................................. 22 4. Psychometric Data, Experiment I I ........................... 28 5. Psychometric ^ata, Experiment I I I ........................... 33 6. Calculations from Smoothed Curve, Experiment III. . . 44 iv LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Page 1. Relative Visual Effect, Test Stimulus and Orientation Lights........................................................................... 7 2. Floor Plan of Laboratory, Schematic ................................... 11 3. Stimulus Presentation Apparatus, Schematic..........................12 4. Practice Effect, Experiment I .....................................................IS 5. Thresholds, Experiment IA .........................................................21 6. Relative Thresholds, Experiment IB....................................... 23 7. Thresholds, Experiment II, JHT.....................................................29 S. Thresholds, Experiment II, GAA.................................. 30 9. Thresholds, Experiment III. . ................................................34 10. "Summation Function," Experiment III................................... 45 v I I. INTRODUCTION Early in the history of visual experimentation it was discovered that threshold brightness is lower for large stim uli than it is for small stim uli, for given brightness of background. This phenomenon is called the "area effect," The classic expression of the area effect is Ricco’s law, which states that for stimuli whose images fa ll on the fovea, the relationship is an inverse one: A xAB * constant, where A represents stimulus area and aB represents threshold brightness. Later investigators reported the relationship not to be exactly inverse, but rather in the form x AB = constant, k my be called the "coefficient of area effect," When the logarithm of A is plotted against the logarithm of B according to this more general form of the expression, the result is a straight line with a slope of -*k. It v/as a source of some confusion, however, that each investigator reported a different value of k. It finally became clear from the data of Graham (10) and Blackwell (3) that the graphical plot is not linear but curved, with asymptotes at A x AB - constant (Ricco’s law) for small stimulus areas, and aB - constant (absence of the area effect) for very large stimulus areas. The object of the present investigation is to deter­ mine, in so far as possible, vhether the area effect as it occurs in the fovea can be accounted for on the basis of optical effects such as optical blurring and optical smearing due to eye movements of a ll kinds. If the area effect cannot be accounted for on this basis, then we must refer it to specifically sensory mechanisms. „Fe must avoid the temptation to refer the area effect to sensory mechanisms until we have clearly ascertained the influence of the optical effects mentioned above. In order to insure that the test stim uli were imaged on the fovea, it was necessary to employ lights for orientation and fixation. Since the area effect consists of the influence of stimulating one part of the retina on the sensitivity of a spatially adjacent part of the retina, it was necessary to ascertain the extent to which the lights used for fixa­ tion and orientation influenced the threshold of the test stimulus. The influence should either be zero or a constant effect. Accordingly, Experi­ ment I is devoted to finding the smallest distance between test stimuli and the orientation lights, such that larger distances ("separations") produce no further decrease in the threshold. It was found that if the orientation lights were separated by 33 minutes of arc from the edge of stimuli of various sizes, the thresholds of the stim uli were independent of variations in the separation angle. It has been assumed by previous investigators that foveal receptors are uniformly sensitivej i.e ., that different regions in the fovea have essentially the same threshold when stimulated by a point stimulus. Explora­ tory data of Stiles (22) and Blackwell (4) indicate that this is not true for near-monochromatic stim uli of certain wavelengths. The purpose of Experiment II is to determine the threshold at different locations of the fovea for the predominately 526 millimicron stimulus us ed in the present investigation. The null hypothesis is that the fovea is everywhere equally sensitive to a small source of light. No reason was found to reject the null hypothesis. The main part of the investigation is reported as Experiment III, which consists of a determination of the area effect itse lf. Vfe have deter­ mined the threshold of fourteen circular areas varying in diamete r from0.707 to 64 minutes in angular subtense, each radius being 2 times the next 3 smaller radius. The radii are chosen to form a geometric progression so that they lie at equal intervals on a logarithmic scale. Larger circles would fa ll outside the rod-free area of the fovea. Due to the extensive and uneven bipolar and ganglionic connections of the rods, and due to the marked difference between "rod" and "cone" luminosity curves, it would be impossible to coordinate with any degree of confidence data from areas stim ulating only cones with data from areas stimulating both rods and cones. The null hypothesis in Experiment III is that there is no area effect which is not the result of optical effects. Previous data has been complicated by the presence of chromatic aberration, eye oscillations, doubtful fixation, etc., which alone or in combination could conceivably account for previous evidence of the area effect. Our data, however, s till lead to rejection of the null hypothesis. Let us establish some terminological conventions. Reduction in threshold by increase in a continuous stimulus area having a single border w ill be called the "area effect." (An annulus has two borders; two separate stim uli are not "continuous.") Change in threshold of an entire stimulus configuration by a change in brightness of part of that configura­ tion w ill be called "spatial summation" or "spatial inhibition," accordingly, as threshold is decreased or increased. The area effect is a special case of spatial summation. The non-optical causes of spatial summation or in­ hibition, whether photochemical, neural or other, w ill be called "interactiony The physiological effect of a stimulus, in the cortex or visual pathway, w ill be called "excitation." I II. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES A. STIMULUS CONDITIONS We may state as follows the basic criterion to be met by the stimulus conditions of this investigation: optical effects are to be made constant, minimal, or calculable. Monocular presentation was selected, being simpler than bin­ ocular in these respects: two eyes might not focus the same or have the same physiological or optical properties, and the exact effect on thresholds of geniculate or cortical interaction between the two visual pathways is not known. An a rtific ia l pupil 0.089 in. (2.26 mm.) was used in order to reduce optical blur due to spherical aberration and to reduce the influence of the Stiles-Crawford effect (light striking the retina obliquely has a reduced excitatory effect). Background brightness was zero, so that a ll the sensory mechanisms may be presumed to be available for stim ulation. Fixation distance was 10.25 feet, a distance at which most subjects fixate comfortably. Exposure time was 0.001 second, which was selected in order to minimize the effect of very small, rapid eye oscillations reported by Adler and Fliegelman (2). Since the oscillations have a frequency of 50-60 per second, the exposure time utilized eliminates most of the smearing of the stimulus image on the retina due to such oscilla­ tions. Shorter exposure was not feasible because of the lim ited light output available for the test stimulus. For a ll stimulus areas, the exposure time employed is below the critical duration, that is, the 5 product of time and threshold intensity is constant. It is essential that this condition be met so that the area effect w ill not be dis­ torted by time and intensity relations. Several factors influenced the choice of chromaticity of the test stimulus. White has been customarily used, but chromatic aber­ ration makes it very difficult to calculate the distribution of white stimulus light on the retina. Since for this reason a monochromatic stimulus is indicated, our first choice was a long-v/avelength red, which may be presumed to "activate" only one "receptor system." The eye is quite insensitive at these wavelengths, however, and our light source was found not to be intense enough to reach threshold bright­ ness under these conditions. The next choice was a middle-wavelength stimulus which would not only "activate" principally the "green receptor system," but would also have high luminosity. The stimulus finally settled on had peak luminosity at 526 m/(, with half the luminous energy within an interval of 10.2 ny*. The spectral char­ acteristics are shown in Table 1 and Figure 1. Visual effect is here defined to be equivalent to luminosity. The transmission of the stimulus filte r w ill be discussed in part D, below. With one exception, occurring in Experiment II, orientation lights were arranged in a diamond about the test spot. Thus, the observer sees one orientation light directly above ("North") of the spot, and the three remaining orientation lights are East, Yfest and South of the spot, respectively. As remarked above, Experiment I was performed to determine the exact location of the orientation lights. On the basis of Experiment I, it was decided to place the orientation lights 33' visual subtense from the nearest edge of the

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