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The Effect of Sleeping After ‘Asr - Analysis Toward Prophetic Tradition PDF

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1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In the name the God the Almighty, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, the most merciful and powerful who always gives his blessing for us. Especially for his perfect guidance to me in writing this research. The researcher would like to express the deepest gratitude to Allah SWT for his guidance to make this research is completed. Peace and salutation be upon to our prophet Muhammad SAW, who has brought us from the darkness to the lightness. I am sure and realize that I would not be able to complete and finish this research without great help and pray of the following people whom I would like to address my gratitude and appreciation. 1. Firstly, my beloved parents, Drs. Munawar and Nur Asiyah, as well as my beloved brother, Miqdad Syukril Iman and Muhammad Dzafir Elfani for all of the great pray and support in doing the research. 2. I am hugely intended to my beloved teacher, Prof. Dr. Ali Mustafa Ya’qub who has been guided my study in Darus Sunnah before he pass away.And afforded me to get the big opportunity to study hear. It is a pleasant moment to become one of his student what I have know is so far from the best one. 3. I am grateful to my supervisor, H. Zia Ul-Haramein Ali Mustafa, Lc, M.Si, who has guided me to accomplish my research with his meaningful advices. He guided me to complete this research sincerely and patiently. 4. I am highly and thoroughly grateful to all of lecturers and teachers of Darus-Sunnah who have taught me and shared much valuable things. Words can never be enough to thank their kindness. 5. I am also very grateful to all members of generation of IHNA for the best supporting to each other. 2 TRANSILETARATION GUIDELINES Arabic Letters Romanizations B ب T ت Th ث J ج ḥ ح Kh خ D د Dh ذ R ر Z ز S س Sh ش S { ص ḍ ض T{ ط Z{ ظ ‘ ع GH غ F ف Q ق K ك L ل <M م N ن H ه W و Y ي 3 Vowels and Dipthongs َ A اَ A يَ I َ U ىَ A وَ Aw َ I وَ U يَ Ay Source: Book of Transliteration Guidelines Graduate School Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta 2010. 4 ABSTRACK The research in this paper based on hadith of Prophet Muhammad PBUH “Whoever sleeps after ‘Asr and then his wits are gone, then he should not blame except himself”. This paper explores it by applying method of Imam Zaila’i in Takhrij hadith and for transmission Study (Dirasah al- Sanad) using Mahmud T{ah}an method. The hadith is found in Musnad Abi> Ya’la> , al-Mu’jam fi Asa>my Shuyu>h}i Abi Bakr Isma>‘i>ly, Ta>ikhul Jurja>ni, Ta>rikhul Dimashqa by ibn ‘Asa>kir , Al- Ka>mil by Ibn ‘Adi> al- Jurja>ni and Maudhua>t by Abu al- Faraj ibn al-Jauzy . All of these has the same text and meaning. There are some problematic transmitters, one of which is Amr ibn H{usain who was discredited as liar by many scholars, thus making this hadith is treated as fabricated. This hadith thus can be neither cited as proof nor acted upon. In addition, the hadith which contained the narrator Ibn lahi>’ah who mixed (Ikhtila>t) the hadith. His transmission before being mixed is accepted while after mixing it is rejected and in this hadith he narrates it after being mixed. In understanding the hadith texts, the researchers tried to understand the effects of sleep after ‘Asr in an Islamic and scientific perspective through textual and contextual understanding coupled with a scientific approach. In the hadith the Prophet suggested not to sleep after ‘Asr because it was not good for health. This is also coupled with scientific research about sleeps after ‘Asr causes sleeping after 'Asr can disturb normal human biorhythms, which discuss negative changes in hormones. Because the process of waking up after a sick sleep itself imposes certain stress on the body, this can then affect blood sugar levels. The results of this study state that this hadith law is weak even mawdu 'where there is a narrative that falsifies hadith and this hadith cannot be upgraded. This hadith cannot be used as a basis for the prohibition of Asr's sleep. But sleeping Ashar is not recommended in health based on its effects. So that sleeping after Asr is not recommended in terms of health, not in terms of sharia. So it can be concluded that sleeping after Asr is not prohibited on the side of sharia but is not recommended because it is not good for health. Keywords: Takhri>j, Sleeping, ‘Asr, Health. 5 ABSTRAK Penelitian ini berdasarkan pada hadis Nabi Muhammad SAW “Barangsiapa yang tidur setelah shalat Ashar lalu akalnya hilang, maka janganlah dia mencela (menyalahkan) kecuali dirinya sendiri”. Penelitian ini menelusuri hadis tersebut menggunakan metode Imam Zaila’I dalam takhrij hadis dan dalam meneliti jalur periwayatannya menggunakan metode Mahmud T{ah}an. Hadis tersebut ditemukan didalam kitab Musnad Abi> Ya’la> , al-Mu’jam fi Asa>my Shuyu>h}i Abi Bakr Isma>‘i>ly, Ta>ikhul Jurja>ni, Ta>rikhul Dimashqa by ibn ‘Asa>kir , Al- Ka>mil by Ibn ‘Adi> al-Jurja>ni and Maudhua>t by Abu al- Faraj ibn al-Jauzy. Kesemuanya memiliki kesamaan dalam teks hadisnya. Baik secara teks maupun maknanya. Dalam sanad tersebut terdapat beberapa perawi yang bermasalah. Salah satunya adalah ‘Amr ibn H{usain yang di-jarḥ sebagai pembohong oleh banyak ulama sehingga menjadikan hadis tadi dianggap palsu. Oleh karena itu, hadis tersebut tidak dapat dijadikan hujah maupun diamalkan. Selain itu, didalam hadis tersebut juga terdapat perawi yang bernama Ibn Lahi’ah yang hadisnya tercampur (Ikhtila>t). Periwayatan Ibn Lahi’ah diterima ketika dia meriwayatkan sebelum tercampur dan tertolak ketika setelah tercampur. Dalam memahami hadis ini peneliti berusaha memahaminya dalam sudut pandang Islam dan ilmiah melalui pemahaman tekstual dan kontekstual ditambah dengan pendekatan secara ilmiah. Dalam hadis tersebut Rasulullah menganjurkan untuk tidak tidur setelah Ashar karena tidak baik bagi kesehatan. Hal tersebut juga senada dengan penelitian ilmiah mengenai tidur setelah Ashar bahwa tidur setelah Ashar dapat menyebabkan gangguan dalam bioritme manusia normal, yang memicu perubahan negatif dalam hormon. Karena proses bangun setelah tidur sore sendiri membebankan stres tertentu pada tubuh, ini kemudian dapat mempengaruhi kadar gula darah. Hasil dari penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa hukum hadis ini lemah bahkan Mawdu’ dimana terdapat rawi yang memalsukan hadis dan hadis ini tidak bisa ditingkatkan derajatnya. Hadis ini tidak bisa dijadikan hujah mengenai larangan tidur Ashar. Namun tidur Ashar tidak dianjurkan dalam kesehatan berdasarkan efeknya. Sehingga tidur setelah Ashar tidak dianjurkan dalam hal kesehatan, bukan dari sisi syariah. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidur setelah Ashar tidak dilarang di sisi syariah tetapi tidak dianjurkan karena tidak baik untuk kesehatan. Kata Kunci: Takhrij, tidur, ashar, kesehatan. 6 TABLE OF CONTENS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .............................................................................................................. 1 TRANSILETARATION GUIDELINES........................................................................................ 3 ABSTRACK .................................................................................................................................. 5 CHAPTER I ................................................................................................................................... 9 A. Background of Study ........................................................................................................ 10 B. Problem Identification of Study ....................................................................................... 13 C. Purposes of Study ............................................................................................................. 13 D. Limitation of Study ......................................................................................................... 14 E. Methodology of Study...................................................................................................... 14 F. Previous Study ................................................................................................................. 15 G.Structure of Study ................................................................................................................ 15 CHAPTER II ................................................................................................................................ 17 A. Definition of Takhrij Hadith ............................................................................................ 17 B. Tracing the Hadith ........................................................................................................... 19 1. Text of Hadith .............................................................................................................. 19 2. Consideration (Al-I’tibar ) ........................................................................................... 22 C. Chain of Transmissions .................................................................................................... 27 CHAPTER III .............................................................................................................................. 28 A. Narrators’ biography and their qualities in ‘ada>lah and d}abt. .......................................... 29 1. Abu> Ya’la’s Narrators .................................................................................................. 29 2. Ibn A<dy’s Narrators ...................................................................................................... 36 3. Abu> Bakr Isma>‘i>ly’s Narrators ..................................................................................... 49 B. Study of Continuity of Hadith Transmission (Ittis}al al-Sanad) .......................................... 55 1. First transmission: Abu> Ya’la transmission in Musnad Abi> Ya’la ............................... 56 2. Second transmission: Ibn ‘A<dy transmission in al-Ka>mil ............................................ 58 3. Thrid transmission: Abu Bakr Isma>’ly transmission in Al-Mu’jam fi Asa>my Shuyu>kh Abi> Bakr Isma>’ily . ............................................................................................................... 62 C. Transmission Linkage ....................................................................................................... 65 1. Abu> Ya’la transmission ................................................................................................ 66 2. Ibn ‘A<dy Transmission ................................................................................................. 67 7 3. Abi> Bakr Isma>’i>ly< Transmissi....................................................................................... 70 D. The Verdict of Hadith ......................................................................................................... 71 1. The verdict of hadith transmission ............................................................................... 71 2. The Verdict of studied hadith ...................................................................................... 72 CHAPTER IV .............................................................................................................................. 74 1. The Understanding of Hadith Narration .......................................................................... 74 2. Sleeping after ‘Asr in Islamic and Science Perspective ................................................... 75 CHAPTER V................................................................................................................................ 81 A. Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 81 B. Suggestion ........................................................................................................................ 82 GLOSSARIUM ............................................................................................................................ 83 INDEXES..................................................................................................................................... 88 A. Indexes of al-Qur’an ......................................................................................................... 88 B. Indexes of Hadith ............................................................................................................. 89 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 93 ATTACHMENT .......................................................................................................................... 96 8 ميحرلا نمحرلا الله مسب (In the name of Allah the beneficent and the merciful) CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION All Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, King of all Kings, Creator of Universe, and He has no a partner. Peace and Salutation of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and his family, companions, and followers. Al-Qur’an and hadith1 are the most basic sources of Islam for Muslims where they must depend so as not to be misguided. A Muslim must obey whatever comes with the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ Allah said in the al-Qur’an: َللََّّ ا نَّ ِإ ۖ َللََّّ ا اوُقَّ تاوَ ۚ اوُهَ تْ ناَف ُهْنَع مْ ُكاَنََ اَموَ ُهوُذُخَف لُوُسرَّلا ُمُكتََ آ اَموَ بِ اَقِعْلا ُديِدشَ “And whatever the Messenger gives you, take it, and whatever he forbids you from, abstain (from it). And fear Allah. Indeed Allah is severe in punishment.”2 Al-Qur’an is undoubtedly firm and certain. There are no additions or omissions in it. Therefore, there is no need to verify the arguments on it. But, in 1 Hadith it means for what was transmitted on the authority of the Prophet ﷺ, his deeds, sayings, tacit approval, or description of his s{ifat (features) meaning his physical appearance. See: Maḥmūd al-Ṭaḥḥān, Taysīr Muṣṭalaḥ al-Ḥadīth (Riyadh: Dar al-Ma’arif, 1996 AD / 1417 H) ed. 9, p. 16. 2 Al-Ḥashr: 7. 9 other hand, Sunnah or prophecy of hadith3 can be interpolated by the slander of the liar or the hadith maker because not all hadiths are decisive like the Qur'an4. Regarding the position of hadith in Islam, a Muslim must be careful in accepting claims claimed to be hadith. It's easy for companions to verify a hadith, because they can confirm it directly to the Prophet ﷺ. If the contradictions about the hadith occur between them, they can come to the Prophetﷺ and get the right answer because they live in one period. After his death, it was difficult to confirm whether a hadith was actually revealed from him or not. Then, many scholars were interested in gathering all the hadiths and verifying that which is now known as takhrīj al-hadīth. An example of how the need to verify hadiths arises when there are so many false hadiths among the Muslim community and they often use them as propositions for their actions. Not only that, several diverse sects that emerged among Muslims deliberately made a number of hadiths to support their opinions, so the false traditions emerged. Therefore, the need to verify hadith is very important. A. Background of Study One of the gifts of Allah SWT5 is sleep. He gave sleep to humans so they could rest. As the word in the Holy Qur'an: ا رًوشُ ُن رَاهَ َّنلا لَ عَجَوَ تًَاَبسُ مَوْ َّنلاوَ اسً اَبِل لَ ْيَّللا مُكُ َل لَ عَجَ يذَِّلا وَهُوَ 3 The term Sunnah is roughly translated as tradition, but it can also be translated as Prophetic hadith which more specifically means as a report about the Prophet Muhammad saying or doing something, or reacting to something (approving or disapproving of it). See: Mahmoud Ismail Saleh, Dictionary of Islamic Words & Expressions, (Riyadh: Maktaba Dar-us-Salam, 2011 AD) ed. 3, p. 70. 4 Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad ibn al-Ṣiddīq al-Ghamārī, Ḥuṣūl al-Tafrīj bi-Uṣūl al-Takhrīj (Riyadh: Maktabat Ṭabarīyah, 1994 AD) p. 21. 5 SWT it means Subhanaahu waTa’ala. “He be praised and my His transcendence be claimed”. Said when referring to Allah. 10

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