Madrono, Vol. 52, No. 3, pp. 166-174, 2005 THE EFFECT OF SEASONALITY OF BURN ON SEED GERMINATION IN CHAPARRAL: THE ROLE OF SOIL MOISTURE Danielle Le Fer' and V. Thomas Parker San Francisco State University, Dept. of Biology, 1600 Holloway, San Francisco, CA 94132 Abstract Fire represents an important recruitment phase for many chaparral species. Prescribed burns are often scheduled during winter or spring when soil moisture is high in order to minimize risks of uncontrolled fire. However, chaparral wildfires typically occur in the summerorfall when soil moisture is low. Chang- ing the seasonality of burn affects pre-burn soil moisture, burn temperature and timing of germination. High soil moisture during winter or spring burns is hypothesized to lower germination rates ofchaparral plants compared to fall burns. The purpose ofthis study was to evaluate the effects ofprescribed spring burns on the germination ofchaparral species in the Mendocino National Forest, California.Weconducted two experiments to test for effects of moisture on seed germination. In the soil heating experiment, soil collected under chaparral was heated at several temperatures and soil moistures, and germinating seeds were counted. In the seed heat treatment experiment, seeds of 13 species were heated moist and dry to determine the moisture effect on heated seeds. Results indicate a differential response of seeds to heat and soil moisture. Lotus humistratiis, Daiicus pusilliis and Penstemon heterophyllus were negatively af- fected by temperature in both moist and dry treatments. Ceanothus ciineatus and Genista monspesiiUana germination increased with temperature in both dry and moist treatments. Germination of six species {Adeuostoina fasciculatwn, Camissonia coutorta, Emmenanthe pendiflora, Epilobiiun ciHatwn, Galium apahue and Malacothrix clevelandii) decreased under moist heat treatments. These results suggest that spring burns may lead to decreased diversity ofchaparral due to reduced seed survival and germination ofcertain species. Key Words: seasonal burns, chaparral, soil moisture, temperature, seed germination, prescribed burns, seed bank. Fire has become an important management tool, California that are characterized by seasonal to recreate or maintain specific vegetation coin- drought (Christensen and Muller 1975a). The com- munities (oak savanna, grassland, southeastern pine bination of dense shiub cover, severe summer forest, tall grass prairie, chaparral), to maintain spe- drought and the accumulation of "fuel" in chap- cies diversity and endangered or rare species, and arral lead to frequent fires, with frequencies ofonce to control invasive species (Zedler and Scheid every 40 to 60 years in southern California (Chris- 1988; Minnich 1989; Keeley 1991). Fire as a bio- tensen and Muller 1975b). Fires represent an im- logical process consists of a complex set of com- portant recruitment phase for many chaparral spe- ponents (timing, intensity, duration, interval be- cies: Diversity and seedling numbers are highest in tween burns), and "fire adapted'' vegetation is typ- the first and second growing seasons after fire ically adapted to a specific set of ranges of these (Christensen and Muller 1975b). Recruitment may components. Shifting the timing of fire can sub- be affected by changes in the fire regime, such as stantially affect vegetation structure, vegetation fire exclusion or very frequent fires (Keeley 1995; composition and the soil seed bank ofa site (Kauff- Zedler 1995; Keeley 2002). man and Martin 1991). In chaparral, the previously In chaparral, winter and spring prescribed burns cdrourimtamnetntsoislousreceed b(Kaenekleisyan19i8m7p)o.rtAantbeptotsetr-fuirnederre-- ctihcaulnagie; cshoamnegicnogintphoenesnetassoonfaltihteyfiorfe rtehgeiibneu.rnInfpraorm- standing ofthe effect of seasonality ofburn on spe- the fall to the spring affects soil moisture, timing cies diversity and seed bank coinposition would im- of regrowth, and fire intensity (Parker 1990). Since prove the ability of land managers to incorporate seed response to heat and soil moisture varies ac- fire into management plans. cording to seed water absorption, the seasonality of Chaparral structure and composition is greatly burn and soil moisture content can greatly influence influenced by fire (Moreno and Oechel 1991). germination patterns. Chaparral is an evergreen sclerophyllous shrub veg- Timing of burns also has the potential to change etation that doininates in moderately xeric sites of the invasion regime of post-fire alien species (Kauffman and Martin 1991). Forexample, burning ' Current address: U.S.F.W.S., San Francisco Bay Na- in early summer, just as plants begin to flower, pre- tional Wildlife Refuge, RO.B. 524, Newark, CA 94560, vents seed production of yellow star-thistle {Cen- email: [email protected]. taiirea solstitialis L. [Asteraceae]) in grasslands in 2005] LE PER AND PARKER: SEASONALITY OF BURN AND SEED GERMINATION 167 California. However, late spring and tall burns in- the chaparral vegetation ofthe Mendocino National crease diversity of native species and decrease Forest, California. In order to examine seed bank abundance of alien species (Hastings and Di- response to soil moisture and heat treatments, we Tomaso 1996). In some cases, fire may allow in- conducted two experiments. In the first experiment, vasive species like Cytisus scopariiis L. (Fabaceae) germination was measured in soil heated in the lab- and Carpobrotus ediilis (Aizoaceae) to increase in oratory under several moisture conditions. In the numbers (Zedler and Scheid 1988; D'Antonio et al. second experiment, seeds of selected species were 1993; Agee 1996). Thus, management strategies in- heated dry and after imbibing water to determine volving fire must take into account the mix of in- moisture effects on specific species. Heat treat- dividual species with different life histories and re- ments were selected to duplicate soil temperatures sponses to fire and the phenological timing ofburns during a burn (70°C to 1 10°C). Soil moisture treat- (Parker 1990; Glitzenstein et al. 1995; Spier and ments included expected summer soil moistures Snyder 1998). (3% to 7%) and possible spring soil moistures (17- Previous studies have examined the effect ofheat 30%). on the seed response of chaparral species (Keeley and Nitzberg 1984; Keeley et al. 1985), but few Methods studies have examined the effect of changing the We obtained soil and seeds from the east slope seasonality of burn and soil moisture on seed ger- of the Coast Range Mountains, in previously mination at the time of fire. Understanding the ef- burned chaparral, in the Mendocino National For- fect of soil moisture at the time of fire can help est, in northern Glenn County, near Highway 162, predict the effect of burns on responses of individ- north-west ofElk Creek, California USA 122°7'W, ual species and the resulting species composition of 39°72'N). The vegetation consisted primari(ly ofA<i- the chaparral. euostoma fasciciilatwu Hook. & Arn. (Rosaceae) An important step in managing vegetation with and Ceanothus ciineatiis var. cuneatus (Hook.) fire is to classify taxa into ecological response Nutt. (Rhamnaceae). Soil samples were collected groups, keeping in mind that each species has from the upper 5 cm ofsoil under mixed Ceanothus unique life history characteristics (Parker 1990). and Adenostoma chaparral in August 1994. All Two functional groups can be distinguished within seeds except Genista nionspessulana (L.) L. John- a seed bank: Species that do not require fire for son (Fabaceae) were collected in the Mendocino germination (fire-independent), and species which National Forest in 1994 and 1995. Genista seeds are fire-stimulated either via heat, smoke chemistry were collected from Old Railroad Grade on Mount or some other mechanism (Parker and Kelly 1989; Tamalpais in Marin and were selected for this ex- Zammit and Zedler 1994). Fire-stimulated seeds are periment because its seeds are known to imbibe less aadnadptreepdretsoensturavbiovuitng21th%e ohfeattheprtootdaulcseededinbaankfirien, than 5% of their dry weight, and the species is an invasive in chaparral. chaparral (Zammit and Zedler 1994). Fire-indepen- dent seeds comprise almost 2/3 of the total seed Soil Experiment bank in mixed chaparral; these species can poten- tially recruit at any point in the fire cycle, including We moistened the soil, and placed it in ziplock immediately after fire (Zammit and Zedler 1994). bags for one week to ensure even moistening. We Seeds of obligate resprouters, geophytes, perennial conducted four heat treatments (control [unheated], grasses and many introduced annuals are non-dor- 90°C, 100°C, and 110°C) and five moisture treat- mant and fire-independent (Zammit and Zedler ments (3%, 15%, 22% and 30% ofsoil dry weight), 1994). with four replicates per treatment. The soil was In California chaparral, higher rates of seed ger- heated for 10 minutes in an oven, using soil probe mination occur following autumn fires than spring thermometers to measure soil temperature. Samples fires (Parker and Kelly 1989). In laboratory exper- were stratified at 5°C to 8°C for two weeks then iments, germination is negatively affected for many placed in the greenhouse and 50 ml of charate (as species heated under moist conditions typical of per Keeley 1987) was added to each fiat (20 cm X spring burns (Rogers et al. 1989). Seeds lacking 20 cm). We monitored germination every two hard seed coats have lower heat tolerance after they weeks over the course of 120 days. have absorbed moisture (Parker 1990). Spring and winter burns, typically of lower heat intensity, may Seed Experiment have a negative impact on species with hard seed We examined the effect of temperature on dry coats that require high temperatures to germinate and moistened seeds of thirteen species: Adenos- (e.g., Cecmothus) (Parker 1990). tomafasciculatwn, CeanotJuis cuneatus var. cunea- The goal ofthis study was to examine the impact tus, Penstenum heterophyllus Lindley (Scrophular- on the seed bank of spring prescribed burns in Cal- iaceae), Camissonia contorta (Douglas) Raven ifornia chaparral. Our objectives were to determine (Onagraceae), Mentzelia dispersa S. Watson (Loas- the effect of changes in soil moisture and temper- aceae), Galium aparine L. (Rubiaceae), Daucus ature during spring burns on seed germination in pusillus Michaux (Apiaceae), Malacothrix cleve- 1 MADRONO 168 [Vol. 52 in (N (N r--_ 00 ((NN (iNn (ri OiNn ^ ON i^n n'-viD dCO (N (^N ^m ^ ^ ,00 Oo o^ ^^ OO OO N^O oo o d dr<-) d d d d , d'vD d din d d d d , d d d CD ' < oa ca 00 00 00 0m0 i^n Od^N 1^^^o^ o^ din idn rn (N coa r^i o o^ ^ coa o '^—1 coa r-- in in in in in in in in in in in in d d d ri 00 in in < CD ON ON CO NO rj r| o o o o o CoQ CoQ o '^— m m in in in in NO NO CaDo •So o <o oa oa 00 O NO in in r-; idn din in idn Sino o idn ri oOa NO NO XCOQ O O.—n^ oOa ON in in in in in in in in rrin d d d d din NriO in d(N NO riin riin riin riin * o o* < >^^ ^ ^\D ;k ^o^^in ^ o00^ q din din din cn dNOON d(OoN q \^D. ^^. 0^0 O aa;\ m^NO in f^. d ^o6 rn (-M <0 r\ l^^ ^ ^ in in in in in in in din d d d(N d din in s C ^: K: Ill V >; Co §- i ^ ^ i • ^ c 5 c ^ o s Q ^ kCj O~ ^O ^Q DC ^I^, Fn O 9^ ~r§Q- >ra ^NO3 C0l"rO-H o 5-- O 2005] LE PER AND PARKER: SEASONALITY OF BURN AND SEED GERMINATION 169 Table 2. Percent Water Absorption ([Moist Weight Data Analysis - Dry Weight]/Dry Weight) for Seeds Soaked 8 Hours in Distilled Water. We used a Kruskal-Wallis analysis followed by a multiple range analysis on ranks to compare ger- Percent water mination of soil burn treatments (SAS 2004). For Species absorption each species, we compared percentage germination Adeiiostomafasciciilatiiiii 49.7 for heat and moisture treatments with a two-way Cainissonia contorta 70.0 Analysis ofVariance after arc-sine transforming the Ceanothiis cuiieatus 4.2 data, followed by multiple pair-wise comparisons Daiicus pusillus 43.0 (Tukey) to determine differences between moisture Dicentrci chyscuitJici treatments and between control and heat treatments Einmenanthependijiora 46.7 (SAS 2004). Epilobium ciliaturn 187.0 Gallium apariue 65.5 Results Genista monspesiillaiia 0.0 Lotus huiuistratus 81.0 Soil Experiment Malacothrix clevelandii 86.1 Meutzelia dispersa 5.5 Germination in soil heated under dry conditions Penstenion heteropliyllus 71.3 (i.e., 3% soil moisture) varied among species. At 3% soil moisture, Eriodictyon germination in- creased significantly with heat (P < 0.01) (Table 1). Total density reflected the high germination of (laHnodoiki,Aa.ndGrAaryn.)(AWstaelrpa.ce(aPea)p,avDeircaecneater)a,cEhpriylsochiinitihma Eriodictyon (Table 1 ). Eriodictyon germinated in small quantities in the control and 90°C treatments ciJiatiim ssp. ciliatum Raf. (Onagraceae), Emiueu- (0.5 per flat); its densities increased significantly aphnytlhleacpeeaned)u,liLfolotruasvhaunmipsetnrdaitiiliifsloEr.a BGernetehn.e(H(yFdarboa-- aanhdigwheroef 2v9ersyeehdliignhgsa/tfl1at00a°tC10a0n°dC1(1P0°<C,0.r0e1a)ch(iTnag- c(eFaaeb)aceaaned).Genista mouspessulana (L.) L. Johnson ble 1 ). In contrast, Ceanothus andAdenostoma ger- We completed two sets of seed heat treatments: Gminnaapthiaolniudimd cnaoltifinocrrneiacsuem wDiCth. h(eAastte(rTaacbelaee)1,). LFsoor- a set with pre-soaked seeds (soaked in distilled wa- pyrum stipitatum A. Gray (Ranunculaceae), Navar- ter for eight hours prior to heating) and a set with retiapiihescens (Benth.) Hook, and Arn. (Polemon- dry seeds. Seeds were heated in glass tubes in an iaceae), and Verbascum thapsus L. (Scrophulari- oil bath heater containing sand for 10 minutes at aceae), germination was too low to examine statis- 7hse0ua°rteCed,d.t9h0eA°fhCteearatnhidneat1th1e0t°rtCeu.abetsmT.eenmOtp,neerwacetounrptleraolcpersdoebtsewesaedsmsenaoi-tn twiecrEalerliyonde(igTcaattbyilovene,l1y)A.adfefneoctsetdombay haenadt tuontdalergemromiisntatcoino-n aoPefqturWeihopaulstatmseaoslnu(t2ni5oo.nseo1efdfscihltpaererartpepa,lpaeptrer,)epabanerdtewdaepaepsnlipteewdroKalea5eylemerlys bdilteio1ns). (Ei.rei.,od1i5c%t,yo2n2g%eramnidna3t0io%nsowialsmosiisgtnuirfei)ca(nTtal-y lower under moist conditions at soil temperatures p(l1a9t8e7s),wetrheenesxtaramtiinfieedd sweeeedkslyinfoarn gienrcmuibantaotri.onPeftroir of 100°C and 110°C (P < 0.01) (Table 1). Aden- ostoma germination decreased under moist condi- up to 14 weeks, and germinated seeds were counted tions when the soil was heated (P < 0.01) (Table and removed. Seeds of different species were stratified at spe- 1).Total density decreased as temperature and soil cific combinations oflight and temperature to inax- moisture increased (Table At low temperatures imize germination (Keeley and Keeley 1987; V.T. (no heat and 90°C), total d1en).sity was not affected Parker, unpublished data). The seeds of Adeiiosto- by soil moisture (P > 0.05) (Table 1). However, ma, Ceaiiothus, Malacothrix, Dicentra, Eiiimeiiaii- total density decreased significantly in moist soil at the, Daiiciis, Galium and Epilobium were stratified temperatures of 100°C and above (P < 0.05) (Table in the dark at 5°C for 3 weeks, then for 4 weeks 1). with 12 hours oflight (20°C) and 12 hours ofdark- At 90°C, Ceanothus germination was higher un- ness (5°C). This cycle was repeated once in order to maximize germination rates. Cainissonia, Pen- tduerresm,oisositl cioTniodiisttiuorensdi(dTanbolte a1f).fecAttCoetahnerottheumspegrear-- stemoii and Mentzelia seeds were first stratified in mination. Ceanothus was the only species germi- the dark (5°C) for 3 weeks, then with 12 hours of nating in moist soil at temperatures above 90°C (Ta- light (20°C) and 12 hours of darkness (5°C) for 4 weeks. For the second cycle they were placed at ble 1). 30°C (dark) for 1 week, then at a regime of 12 Seed Experiment hours of light and 12 hours of dark for 2 weeks. Genista and Lotus were stratified for4 weeks in the Seed water absorption, as percent of dry weight dark at 5°C, then at 10 hours light (20°C) and 14 ([moist weight — dry weight]/dry weight) ranged hours dark (5°C) for 3 weeks. from 4% to more than 100% of their dry weight MADRONO 170 [Vol. 52 o od * oo ^ V o o o o O o o dV On OCI ^^ -^:r rVi io^- dV CD o o ^-;r d V - ^ PC ic«p^ G s ^ s ?s SS t£5 £g C^' PS ^g sg 5u £ ^ SE ec3 g^ j: E ^ £ t5 ?^ ^ 2^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ p^ > ^ ^ ^ >^ ti(:U; 4-. >> ? c(U w >^ ^ >^ ~ ihi ^ Q S a. Q S Q S S QQ ^^ 0CI,, Q S a. a S a. 2005] LE PER AND PARKER: SEASONALITY OF BURN AND SEED GERMINATION 171 — o o >n (N (N O O ^* O-x- o o o V q — d c (U SE tE5 £g ^ E Oh ^ ^ o ^ ^ Q/3 — ^ Q S Q. Q S CI. ^ Q S CI. § Q S CI, CI, MADRONO 172 [Vol. 52 (Table 2). Ceanothus, Genista, and Mentzelia seeds ditions {Adenostoma, Camissonia, Galium, Epilob- imbibed 4% or less of their dry weight in water. ium, Malacothrix, Emmenanthe) had no seed coat All other seeds absorbed 23% or more of their dry dormancy and absorbed water above 23% of their weight. weight. These included seeds ofopportunistic "fire Three species {Ceanothus, Genista and Camis- survivors" that do not require fire to germinate and sonia) showed a positive temperature effect on ger- may survive low intensity heat (e.g., Adenostoma, mination when heated dry (Table 3). Ceanothus Epilobium, Galium). A group offire-sensitive post- germination increased from 0 at the control tem- fire colonizers was sensitive to any amount ofheat, perature to 25% at 110°C. Genista germination in- moist or dry {Emmenanthe, Daucus). creased from 15% at no heat to 23% when heated. Conditions during spring prescribed burns may Germination of Camissonia seeds increased from be conducive to germination of fire-stimulated 6% when unheated to as much as 63%. seeds with seed coat dormancy (e.g., Ceanothus, In eight species, Adenostoma, Emmenanthe, Epi- Genista). Hard-coated seeds absorbed 4% or less of lobium, Galium, Daucus, Eotus, Malacothrix and their weight in water and did not exhibit a negative Penstemon, at least one heat treatment under dry temperature effect under moist conditions. Ceano- conditions negatively affected germination (Table thus, an obligate seeding shrub, may increase in 3). Heat tolerance of species varied, but germina- numbers after spring burns. However, some spring tion of all of the former species except Emmenan- burns may not reach temperatures high enough to the dropped at 110°C. Daucus and Penstemon were stimulate Ceanothus seed germination (Parker most sensitive to heat: germination dropped at 1989). Assuming seed longevity of about 50 years, 70°C. Emmenanthe, Galium and Lotus germination any ungerminated seeds might die before the next dropped at temperatures of 90°C. Epilobium was fire (Parker 1989; O'Neil 2002), leading to de- most tolerant of heat: germination dropped signifi- creased seed bank diversity. Ceanothus reaches cantly at 1 10°C. sexual maturity at 20 years of age, at which time Germination offive species {Ceanothus, Genista, seed banks reach their highest levels (Zamitt and Lotus, Daucus and Penstemon) was not affected by Zedler 1994). Ungerminated seeds are also suscep- moisture (Table 3). Lotus, Daucus and Penstemon tible to predation (Mills and Kummerow 1989; seeds were negatively affected by temperature in O'Neil 2002). both moist and dry treatments (Table 3). Ceanothus Seeds of shrub species that would germinate un- and Genista germination was higher when seeds der the low moisture conditions typical offall burns were heated in both moist and dry treatments (Table (e.g., Eriodictyon and Adenostoma), are negatively 3). affected under conditions found during spring Germination of six species {Adenostoma, Cam- burns. Adenostoma may continue to dominate post- issonia, Emmenanthe, Epilobium, Galium, Mala- fire vegetation by resprouting. However, without cothrix) decreased under moist heat treatments at the establishment ofyoungerplants by germination, temperatures as low as 70°C (Table 3). shrub density will eventually decline. Diversity in the chaparral community is retained Discussion primarily within the seed bank (Sampson 1944; Sweeney 1956; Keeley and Keeley 1987; Parker Levels of heat tolerance vary among species and Kelly 1989). Spring prescribed burns may (Keeley et al. 1985; Keeley 1987; Keeley and Kee- change the composition ofthe seed bank over time ley 1987; Odion and Davis 2000), and high tem- by differentially promoting germination of species peratures (150°C) can be lethal for seeds (Keeley with hard-coated seeds over those with soft-coated et al. 1985; Cruz et al. 2003). For several fire-stim- seeds. High soil moistures during burns negatively ulated species in this study, germination decreased affect germination for many species that would sur- at 120°C. vive fall burns, and this would likely lead to shifts The heat-stimulated seed germination (heat or in community composition. The impact of winter chemical cues) observed in many species in this or spring burns may be particularly severe for fire- study {Ceanothus, Camissonia, Lotus, Genista, Em- dependent herbaceous annuals with soft seed coats menanthe) supports findings in other field and lab- (e.g., Emmenanthe, Epilobium), since their seeds oratory studies (Keeley and Nitzberg 1984; Keeley wouldn't survive fires under wet conditions, and et al. 1985; Keeley and Keeley 1987; Moreno and may be depleted from the seed bank. Oechel 1991; Ferrandis et al. 1999). Also, Aden- Fire can promote invasion of nonnative species ostoma has previously been observed to be sensi- (Zedler and Scheid 1988; D'Antonio et al. 1993). tive to heat during winter burns (Moreno and Oech- A late spring fire leads to germination the following el 1991). spring, leaving an opportunity fornonnative species Soil moistures of 15%, equivalent to those oc- to disperse to and establish at the site (Parker curring during spring burns in the Mendocino Na- 1989). The reduction in density and species rich- tional Forest, had a negative impact on seeds with ness of plants germinating from dormant seed no seed coat dormancy (Le Fer 1998). Seeds that banks also can give nonnative species an opportu- were negatively impacted by heat under moist con- nity to become estabhshed (Parker 1989). Seeds of 2005] LE PER AND PARKER: SEASONALITY OF BURN AND SEED GERMINATION 173 some nonnative species (e.g.. Genista) may ger- north Florida longleaf pine savannas. 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