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OUTP-08 03 P CERN-PH-TH/2008-015 The effect of primordial fluctuations on neutrino oscillations N. P. Harries∗ The Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, University of Oxford, 1 Keble Road, Oxford, OX13NP, UK 8 and 0 TH Division, CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland 0 2 n a Abstract J Recent work has shown that neutrino oscillations in matter can be greatly enhanced by flips between 4 2 mass eigenstates if the medium is fluctuating with a period equal to the neutrino oscillation length. Here we investigate the effect of the primordial fluctuations on the neutrino oscillations in the early universe. ] We calculate the oscillation probability in the case of a general power law fluctuation spectrum and for a h morerealisticspectrumpredictedbyinflation. Wealsoincludetheeffectoftheamplification offluctuations p resulting from the QCD phase transition. We find that there is a region of parameter space where this - p mechanism would be the dominant mechanism for producing sterile neutrinos. However this conclusion e does not take account of the damping of fluctuations on the neutrino oscillation scale when the neutrinos h decouple from the plasma. We find that this reduces the probability of flips between the mass eigenstates [ to an unobservable level. 1 v 1 Introduction 2 4 7 Formanyyearstherehasbeentremendoussuccessindeterminingthemassesandmixingoftheneutrinosector, 3 includingexperimentsonsolar[1],reactor[2,3],atmospheric[4]andaccelerator[5,6]neutrinos. Atthe3σlevel 1. the masses and mixing angles determining the solar neutrino oscillations are ∆m2 = (7.2 9.2) 10−5 eV2 0 andsin2θ =0.25 0.39[7],while those determining the atmosphericoscillations2a1re∆m2 −=2.0 ×3.2 10−3 8 and0.34<12sin2θ −<0.68withsin22θ <0.9[7]. Currentlythe signof∆m2 is undeterm3i1nedand−the c×urrent 0 3σ upper bound2o3n the allowed values23for the final mixing angle is sin2θ <230.044 [7]. The LSND experiment : 13 v showed oscillations on a mass scale of ∆m2 1eV2[8] if this observation is interpreted as standard neutrino i ∼ X oscillations then it can only be explained as oscillations into a forth neutrino state. Precision measurements at LEP have shown that there are only three neutrinos that interact via the standard weak interaction exist r a with mass less than M /2 and therefore these addition states must be sterile [9]. The global data including Z the LSND (but not including MiniBoone) comprehensively disfavored the inclusion of just one sterile neutrino [10],the inclusionof2sterileneutrinosmildly mixedwiththe 3activeneutrinoshasamoreacceptablefittoall dataincludingLSND[11]althoughthe valueofthe associatedLSNDmixingangleisstillproblematic[12]. The inclusion of the MiniBoone experiment did not observe an oscillation [13] but does not ruble out this scheme [14]. Also keV sterileneutrinoswhichnaturallyariseinmanymodels [15]canalsoexplainpulsarkicks[16]and are warmdarkmatter candidates [17]. The latter has recently been receivedinterestfollowing the observations of the centralcoresof low massgalaxies[18] andfrom the lownumber ofsatellites observedin Milky-Way sizes galaxies [19]. Ifsterileneutrinosdomixwiththestandardmodelneutrinosthentheywouldbeproducedviaoscillationsin the early universe [20]. If the sterile neutrinos were produced before the active neutrinos decouple (T &MeV) ∗email: [email protected] 1 activeneutrinoswouldoscillateintosterile neutrinos,thenthe activeneutrinoswouldbe repopulated,resulting in an increase in the number of relativistic degrees of freedom. The expansion rate of the universe would increase, which would lead to a higher freeze-out temperature and therefore a higher neutron to proton ratio, leading to a higher abundance of helium and other elements [21]. This increased expansion rate can also be probed by observations of the CMB [22, 23]. These sterile neutrinos would also contribute to the warm dark matter content of the universe which would suppress the formation of large scale structure [23, 24]. Neutrino oscillations in the early unverse have been extensively investigated and bounds have been placed on the mixing angles and difference in mass squared [20]. However, these studies have neglected the fact that there are temperature fluctuations in the early universe. It has been shown that matter fluctuations can cause level crossing between mass eigenstates [25], resulting in an amplification of these oscillations. In the case of active-sterile mixing this could lead to an amplification in the production of sterile neutrinos. If the spectrum of the fluctuations was known and the fluctuations were large enough then new bounds could be placed on the masses and mixing of the neutrino sector. Alternatively if the masses and mixing was known then then constraints could be placed on the spectrum of the fluctuations and on the models which predict them. This paper is organized as follows. We begin by calculating the level crossing probability of a two neutrino system in an expanding universe with a general spectrum of temperature fluctuations. In sections 3 and 4 we calculate the level crossing probability for the case of a power law spectrum and a spectrum predicted by inflation respectively. In section 5 we investigate the effect of neutrino decoupling and in section 6 the effect of the QCD phase transition. Finally we conclude in section 7. 2 Neutrino evolution To consider the Neutrino oscillations in a fluctuating media we follow the analysis developed in [25]. The evolution of a neutrino system is determined by the Schr¨odinger equation, i∂ ν = H0(t)ν 1, where t is time, ∂t here H0 and ν are the Hamiltonian and neutrino wavefunction in flavour basis. This can be rotated such that the hamiltonian is instantaneously diagonalised2, i∂ ν0 =H0ν0, where ν0 =Uν are the instantaneous mass ∂t m m m m eigenstates. For a two neutrino system cosθ sinθ U(t)= M M , (1) sinθ cosθ M M (cid:18) − (cid:19) ∆ idθ /dx Hm(t)= id−θ /mdx − ∆m , (2) m m (cid:18) (cid:19) where ∆ = (∆m2cos2θ A)2+ ∆m2sin22θ 2/4E, tan2θ = δm2sin2θ/(∆m2cos2θ A), θ is the vac- m m − − uummixinganqgle,∆m2isthedifferenceinmasssquared,EistheenergyoftheneutrinoandAisthedifferencein (cid:0) (cid:1) matterpotentialsofthetwoneutrinosystem. Beforetheneutrinoshavedecoupled,fortemperatures,T &MeV the matter potential takes the form A ∆C G2E2T4/α (3) ≃ − v F 2 4 E T 1.86 10−20∆C MeV2, (4) v ≃ − × MeV MeV (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) whereαis the fine structureconstantandC =14π a sin2θ sin2θ /45,a=3 forν andν¯ ,a=1forν , v W W e e µ − ν¯ , ν and ν¯ and C = 0 for sterile neutrinos. We have assumed that the neutrino, anti-neutrino asymmetry µ τ τ v (cid:0) (cid:1) is of the same order as the baryon asymmetry and therefore the contribution to the matter potential can be neglected. There is a resonance when the neutrino system is maximally mixed, when A = ∆m2cos2θ. As the matter potential is negative for both neutrinos and anti-neutrinos there will only be a resonance if the difference in mass squared is negative. It is convenient to consider the hamiltonian as the sum of the averaged 1Hereweusethenotation H0 forahamiltonianinamediumwhichisnotfluctuating. 2whereU†H0U isdiagonal 2 Hamiltonian, H0 and the fluctuated Hamiltonian, δH, where the true hamiltonian, H H0+δH and in the ≡ absence of fluctuations δH = 0. The Schrodinger equation is rotated to diagonalize the averaged Hamiltonian where the fluctuations are teated as a perturbation. Nowi∂ ν0 =H (t)ν0, H (t)=H0 +δH where H0 is ∂t m m m m m m m given by Eq. (2) and δV cos2θ sin2θ δHm(t)= 2 −sin2θmm cos2θmm , (5) (cid:18) (cid:19) where V = A/2E and δV = V V , where V = A /2E and A is the matter potential in the absence of 0 0 0 0 − fluctuations. If the off diagonal elements are non-zero transitions between the mass eigenstates can occur. If ∆ dθ /dt the neutrino propagation is non-adiabatic with or without fluctuations. If dθ /dt ∆ m m m m ≪ | | | | ≪ the evolution in the absence of fluctuations is adiabatic and the level crossing between the mass eigenstates is determined by the off diagonal elements in Eq (5), which are δV sin2θ/2. In the perturbative limit where the fluctuations are small the level crossing probability is P tf dtδV sin2θm exp i tdt′2∆ 2. (6) m ≃ 2 (cid:12)Zti (cid:18) Z (cid:19)(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) Numerical simulations have shown(cid:12)that for large fluctuations the system(cid:12) becomes depolarized, i.e. with the probability of detecting each flavour of neutrino being 1/2; a rough criteria for depolarization is the region P & 1/2. The neutrinos that we consider are in thermal equilibrium with the plasma and therefore have an energy spectrum which is approximately Fermi-Dirac and is charectorised by the temperature of the plasma. For this spectrum the average energy of the neutrinos E = yT, where y 3.1514. For the rest of this h i ≃ paper we consider the oscillations of a neutrino with an energy equal to the average energy of the ensemble of neutrinos, i.e. E = yT. To calculate the fluctuated hamiltonian for a neutrino with this energy we use Eq.(3) V = A/2E ET4, in the case of small fluctuations δV = 4VδT/T +VδE/E. If the neutrino is in thermal ∝ equilibrium with the fluctuations δE/E =δT/T andthereforeδV =5VδT/T. If the neutrino is not in thermal equilibriumwiththefluctuationsthenδE/E 0,i.e. theenergyoftheneutrinoremainsapproximatelyconstant ≃ across the scale of the fluctuation. As we will see in the section 5 the neutrinos decouple from the fluctuations atthe scale whichamplifies the neutrinooscillationsbefore the time atwhichthe neutrinososcillate. Therefore itisagoodapproximationtouseassumethattheneutrinosarenotinthermalequilibriumwiththefluctuations and δV =4Vδ. Expanding the fluctuations into their Fourier components this now becomes d3k tf t k 2 P = (k) dt2V sin2θ exp i dt′ 2∆ z , (7) (2π)3P m m− a Z (cid:12)Zti (cid:18) Z (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:19)(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) where k is the comoving wavevector(cid:12)(cid:12), (k) δT(k)2, δT(k) is the Fourier trans(cid:12)(cid:12)form of the temperature P ≡ | | fluctuation which we have assumed to be constant in time, a is the scale factor and z is defined to be the directionofneutrinopropagation. Inthisderivationwehaveapproximatedtheneutrinotobemassless,therefore ds2 dt2 a(t)2dx2 = 0, and ∆x = dt/a. Note that the integral in Eq. (7) is oscillatory except when ≃ − | | 2∆ = k /a, i.e. the fluctuation length is equal to the neutrino oscillation length. To solve the time integral m z R we use the stationary phase approximation. Here we define new variables Q(a,k ) q(a) k /h, (8) z z ≡ − 2a q(a) ∆ =µ a2+λa−4 , (9) m ≡ h 2Vasin2θm(cid:0) (cid:1) F(a) =2µλsin2θ, (10) ≡ h ∆m2 µ , (11) ≡ 2yT h 0 2∆C G2yT6 λ v F 0, (12) ≡ α∆m2cos2θ (13) 3 wherefortemperaturesofinteresttheuniverseisintheradiationdominatedera,whereT =T /a,y =E/T,the 0 hubbleparameterH a˙/a=h/a2 andT ,y andhareconstant. We define I 2 suchthatP = d3k (k) I 2, ≡ 0 | | (2π)3P | | applying the stationary phase approximation R 2 I 2 = daF(a)eiRQ(a′,kz)da′ (14) | | (cid:12)Z (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 2 (cid:12) (cid:12) 2π (cid:12)F(a (k ))eiQ(as1(kz),kz)(cid:12) +(a a ) (15) ≃ (cid:12) s1 z siQ′(as1(kz),kz) s1 → s2 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:12)2πF(as1(kz))2 (cid:12)(cid:12) ≃ (cid:12)Q′(a (k ),k ) +(as1 →as2) (cid:12) s1 z z | | 2πF(a (k ))F(a (k )) as1(kz) s1 z s2 z + sin Q(a,k )da. (16) Q′(a (k ),k )Q′(a (k ),k ) z | s1 z z s2 z z | Zas1(kz) The integral in Eq. (14) is oscillatory except where Q(k,a) = 0, this defines a where i=1, 2, such that si Q(a ,k (a )) = 0, note there are two real solutions to this equation. Once I 2 is integrated with respect to si z si | | k the final term of Eq. (16) is averaged to zero and therefore it is no longer considered. Integrating I 2 with z respect to k is done so by a change of variables, dk = dkz da =hQ′(a )ds . Now the limits of int|eg|ration z z dasi si si si are from k = [ , ], this corresponds to a = [0,a ] and a = [a , ], where a . Therefore the integral z s1 0 s1 0 0 −∞ ∞ ∞ can be simplified to ∞ ∞ h P = dk dak F(a)2 ( k2+k (a)2), (17) 2π r r P r z Z0 Z0 p where we have introduced the cylindrical polar co-ordinates (k ,k ,θ). Note for a there is a minus sign from r z s1 ′ ′ Q(a (k ),k ) = Q(a (k ),k ) and also the limits of integration, where k = a and k = 0. This s1 z z s1 z z min 0 max −| | results in a positive term in Eq (17). Now to calculate the level crossing probability we need the spectrum of the fluctuations. 3 Power Law Spectrum The measured spectrum of fluctuations is approximately flat. This correlates to = 2π2k−3∆2(k), where ∆2(k)=∆2(k0)(k/k0)ns−1, and the spectral index ns 1 is small. From the combinPation of the WMAP3 [26] − and SDSS [27] data, n = 0.98 0.02 at the 68% confidence level [28]. To first approximation we assume that s ± the spectral index is constant. Our motivation for this is to analyze the effect of how the parameters effect the level crossing probability for the simplest case possible. For this case the level crossing probability is hµcos2θλ1/3 ns−1 µλ1/2 4π umax u8−4(ns−1) P ∆2(k ) sin22θ du, (18) ≃" 0 (cid:18) k0 (cid:19) #(cid:20)cos2θ(cid:21) 2−ns Z0 (1+u6)3−(ns−1) where we have defined u λ−1/6a. The first square bracket is the size of the fluctuations at the neutrino ≡ oscillation scale with a scaling factor of λ1/3. From Eq. (7) we can see that the fluctuations at the neutrino oscillation length scale is the important factor in increasing the level crossing probability. The second square bracket is the weighted number of oscillation lengths. This can be more easily seen if one expands µλ1/2 = h−1/(2yT /∆m2λ1/2) and realising that h−1 is the scaled Hubble length and (2yT /∆m2λ1/2) is the scaled 0 0 oscillation length. As one might naively expect the level crossing probability increases with the number of oscillation lengths. There is also a mixing factor sin22θ and a numerical factor which are as one would expect. Considering the oscillation of electron neutrinos into sterile neutrinos the oscillation probability is given by P =1/2 (1/2 P)cos2θ cos2θ , (19) es i f − − where θ and θ are the mixing angles at production and detection of the neutrino. For small mixing cos2θ i f ≃ 1 2θ2 and therefore − P (1 2P)(θ2+θ2)+P. (20) es ≃ − i f 4 ForP/θ2 &1the oscillationprobabilityisdominatedbythelevelcrossingprobabilitycausedbythe fluctuating plasmaandisthisdominantmechanismfortheproductionofsterileneutrinos. InFigure1weplotthecontours ofconstantP/θ2 asasfunctionofmasssquareddifferencesandspectralgradient. Thelevelcrossingprobability increaseswith∆m2,this is becausethis correspondsto smalleroscillationlengthandthereforemoreoscillation periods. Also the level crossing probability increases with n , this is because the amplitude of the fluctuations s on the neutrino oscillation length scale are larger. 1.2 1.15 P(cid:144)Θ2=104 1.1 P(cid:144)Θ2=102 ns 1.05 P(cid:144)Θ2=100 P(cid:144)Θ2=10-2 1 P(cid:144)Θ2=10-4 0.95 0.9 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 Dm2HeV2L Figure 1: The contours of constant P/θ2 as a function of spectral index n 1 and difference in mass squared s − ∆m2. 4 The primordial spectrum from Inflation An initial stage of inflation seems a necessary ingredient ot the Big Bang model[29]. An intriguing feature of inflationarymodelsisthattheypredictanearlyscaleinvariantspectrumwhichisconsistentwiththatobserved by WMAP [26], the 2dFGRS [30] and SDSS [27]. A simple model capable of generating this spectrum of fluctuations for inflation is a single scaler field, φ, with the potential V(φ), in the slow role approximation ε (M V′/V)2/2 1 and η M2 V′′/V 1, where ′ represents d/dφ. For this model the curvature ≡ pl ≪ | | ≡ pl| | ≪ fluctuations, ∆2(k), which are related to the temperature fluctuations by (k)=2π2k−3∆2(k) are given by R P R H4 ∆2(k)= , (21) R (2πφ˙)2 (cid:12)t∗ (cid:12) (cid:12) owfhemreottio∗nisfotrhethtiemienflaattownhificheldthienkthmeodsleowcrorsosleedatphperohxoimri(cid:12)zaotnio,nk, =3Haφ˙H=|t∗. TVh′,isatnodgetthheerHwuibthblethpeaerqaumaettieorn, − H2 =8πV/3M2 results in pl 128π V3 ∆2(k)= . (22) R 9Mp2lV′2(cid:12) (cid:12)t∗ (cid:12) (cid:12) Approximating H to be constant and using k =aH|t∗ (cid:12) φ 8πVdφ ln(k/k )= . (23) 0 − M2V′ Zφ0 pl 5 For simplicity we consider the potential V =a φn, for this case n 128 V φ 2 nM2 (2+n)/2 ∆2(k)= 0 0 1 pl ln(k/k ) . (24) R 3n2M4 M − 4πφ2 0 pl (cid:18) pl(cid:19) 0 ! where V = a φn. We can see that the spectrum is flat for n = 0, 2, i.e. for n = 1, increases with k for 0 n 0 − s 2<k <0,forn >1anddecreaseswithkforn>0andn< 2,forn <1. Nowtoobtainanalyticalresults s s − − we can use observations of the primordial spectrum to determine the three of the four free parameters. At the 68% confidence level ln ∆2(k )1010 = 3.17 0.06 and dln∆2/dlnk = n (k ) 1 = 0.02 0.02, where k =0.002Mpc−1 [28], re-eRxpr0essing Eq (24) i±n terms of these pRaramet|ekr0s s 0 − − ± 0 (cid:0) (cid:1) n (k ) 1 αn ∆2(k)=∆2(k ) 1+ s 0 − ln(k/k ) , (25) R R 0 α 0 (cid:18) n (cid:19) where we have chosen α (2+n)/2 to be undetermined3. n ≡ For this spectrum of primordial fluctuations the level crossing probability is ∞ um P = 2π∆2µλ1/2sin22θ dv duI (26) R 2 Z0 Z0 I = u4 v+ u2+u−4 2 −3/2 1 1−ns(k0) ln v+ u2+u−4 2 +ln(hµλ1/3/k ) αn (27) 2 (cid:16) (cid:0)(1+u6)2 (cid:1) (cid:17) (cid:18) − αn (cid:16) (cid:16) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:17) 0 (cid:17)(cid:19) Figure 4 plots the contours of constant P/θ2 for n = 1 for n > 1 and n = 4 for n < 1. The fluctuations s s − increase with ∆m2 and n for as for the case of the power law spectrum. However the increase with n is s s not as pronounced as there is only a logarithmic increase with n . This mechanism becomes dominant in the s production of sterile neutrinos for keV neutrinos with n >1. s 1.15 P(cid:144)Θ2=101 1.1 P(cid:144)Θ2=100 P(cid:144)Θ2=10-1 n s 1.05 P(cid:144)Θ2=10-2 P(cid:144)Θ2=10-3 1 P(cid:144)Θ2=10-4 0.95 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 Dm2HeV2L Figure 2: The contours of constant level crossing probability for a spectrum predicted by inflation with a potential V =a φn where n= 1 for n >1 and n=4 for n <1. n s s − 3For fluctuations to be present at the neutrino oscillation length scale we require that the number of e-folds, Ne = R da/a ≃ 60.ln(k0/k),formasssquareddifferences uptokeV2 thisistrue. 6 5 Neutrino Damping So far we have neglected the damping of the fluctuations in the early universe by neutrino diffusion which is equivalent to Silk damping of photon decoupling. This occurs when the neutrinos diffuse from over dense regions dragging the matter with them. Neutrinos decouple at Tdec 1.4MeV for ν and Tdec 2.2MeV for νe ≃ e νµντ ≃ ν and ν [31], this occurs when universe expands faster than the neutrino interaction rate H >Γ , where Γ µ τ ν ν is the neutrino interaction rate. However, the neutrinos decouple from a particular mode of oscillation when c k > Γ , where c is the sound speed of the oscillation. Following [32] the damping factor in the density s ph ν s fluctuations is 1 ηmax D(k,η) exp( Γ(k,η))=exp (k /ǫ )η kdη (28) phys tot visc ≡ − −2 (cid:18) Z0 (cid:19) where ρ is the totalenergydensity, η =(4/15)Σρ τ is the shear viscosityco-efficient, ρ is the energy tot visc να να να density of ν , τ 1/Γ is the typical collision time and Γ is the interaction rate of ν with the medium, α να ≡ να να α η = min[η,η (k)], η (k) is the comoving time at the decoupling of the oscillation mode k and the sum max dec dec is over all active neutrino species. Substituting the neutrino interaction rate Γ =γ G2T5, the energy density ν ν F ǫ =π2g (T)T4/30, where g is the effective number of relativistic helicity degrees of freedom4 into Eq. (28) α α 2 4 g H k ν Γ(k,T)= , (29) 75g Γ aH ν tot (cid:18) να(cid:19)Tmax(cid:18) (cid:19)Tmax X whereT =max[T,Tdec(k)],Tdec(k)decouplingtemperatureofνwiththeoscillationmodek. Thedecoupling max ν ν temperature of an oscillation mode can be related to the neutrino decoupling temperature by c k 1/4 Tdec(k)=Tdec s , (30) ν ν aH (cid:18) (cid:19)Tνdec where Tdec is the ν decoupling temperature. For all k modes the neutrino has decoupled before the neutrino ν oscillation length is equal to the oscillation length (see appendix A) and therefore T = T (k) and the max dec damping is maximal. This damping modifies the primordial spectrum to ∆2(k) ∆2(k)exp( Γ(k)), (31) → − Γ(k)=Λ u2+u−4 2+v 3/8, (32) (cid:16)(cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:17) where 4 g H 3/4 Λ ν c−5/4 µ λ1/3cos2θ , (33) ≡ 75g Γ s dec dec Xν tot (cid:18) να(cid:19)Tdec (cid:16) (cid:17) whereλ =λa−6,µ =µa3 anda isthescalefactoratthetimeofneutrinodecoupling. Thiseffectively dec dec dec dec dec gives a cutoff in the fluctuation spectrum when u2+u−4 2+v = Λ−8/3 = 3.5 10−10 eV2 4/3. As × ∆m2 Λ ∆ m2 −4/3 the cutoff is larger for smaller (cid:16)m(cid:0)ass differe(cid:1)nces.(cid:17)This is because smaller m(cid:16)ass d(cid:17)ifferences ∝ corresponds to a larger oscillation length, therefore fluctuations with smaller k. From Eq. (29) we see that (cid:0) (cid:1) damping is largestfor (a)largerk/Γ τ/L , where L is the oscillationwavelengthand(b)k/H. Physically osc osc ∼ (a) is due to the neutrinos ’dragging’ the matter to distances larger than the oscillation wavelength and (b) is for smaller expansion rate and larger oscillation frequency there will be a larger number of oscillation lengths whenthe dampingislarge. Theeffectofthisdampingonthe powerspectrumwithn =1isshowninFigure3. s Here we see that the damping severely reduces the level crossing probability for ∆m2 &10−7. This damps any oscillations into sterile neutrinos in the eV keV mass range and the oscillations between active neutrinos. − 4wherefermionicdegreesoffreedomaresuppressedbyafactorof7/8 7 10-6 10-7 10-8 No Damping P(cid:144)Θ2 10-9 Damping QCD effects 10-10 with Damping 10-11 10-9 10-8 10-7 10-6 10-5 Dm2HeV2L Figure 3: The effects of damping on the power law spectrum with and without fluctuation caused by the QCD phase transition. 6 QCD phase transition At a temperature of about T∗ 150MeV there is a QCD phase transition from a quark-gluon plasma to a ∼ hadron gas, this transition can increase the amplitude of the primordial fluctuations for sub horizon modes while leaving the superhorizon modes unaffected [33]. According to the second law of thermodynamics dp ρ+p=T (34) dT where ρ and p are the energy density and pressurerespectively. During the phase transition the energy density is discontinuous in temperature at the temperature of the phase transition T∗, therefore the pressure must be continuouswithadiscontinuousgradient. Duringthephasetransitiontheenergydensitydecreasesfromρ−(T∗) to ρ+(T∗), wherewenowuse the notation and+forthe beginningandendofthe transitionrespectively,the − pressure p remains constant p(T∗), and therefore the speed of sound cs =(∂p/∂ρ)1s/2 =0. As the sound speed is zero there are no restoring forces from pressure gradients and therefore the radiation fluid goes into free fall. This can be seen quantitatively from the equations of motion for sub horizon density fluctuations δ′ kψˆ=0 (35) − ψˆ′+c2δ =0 (36) s where ψˆ = (ρ/(ρ+p))v and v is the peculiar velocity. During the phase transition ψˆ′ = 0 and δ′ = pec pec kψˆ = const. The solution to these equations are ψˆ = ψˆ− and δ = δ−+k(η η−)ψˆ−, i.e. the energy density − increaseslinearlywiththetimeofthephasetransitionandthewavevector. Thisresultsintheratiooftheinitial fluctuations,Ai,tothefinaloscillations,Af beingAf/Ai k/k1wherek1 =√3/(η+ η−). Thisapproximately ≃ − modifies the spectrum of density fluctuations by ∆2(η,k) fork 6k ∆2(η,k) 1 (37) → ∆2(η,k)(k/k1)2 fork >k1 (cid:26) P/θ2 is plotted in Figure 3 including the effects of the QCD phase transition. From this we see that the level crossingprobabilityis increasedbutthe fluctuations arestillseverelydamped andconsequentlythere is stillno observable effect. 7 Conclusion If sterile neutrinos mix with the standard model neutrinos they will be produced by oscillations in the early universe and the number produced will depend on the mass squared differences and mixing angles. Sterile 8 neutrinos would add to the relativistic energy density of the universe increasing the expansion rate of the universe resulting in an increase in the abundance of light elements. They would also contribute to the warm dark matter of the universe. Neutrino oscillations propagating in a fluctuating medium can be enhanced due to the increase in the level crossing probability between mass eigenstates. This probability is dominated by the amplitude of the fluctuations on the neutrino oscillation scale. The temperature fluctuations in the the earlyuniversehavebeenprobedbythe WMAP,2dFGRSandSDSSdataandhaveshownthatthisspectrumof fluctuations is nearlyscaleinvariant. Inthis paper wehavecalculatedthe levelcrossingprobabilityfor the case the spectrum of density fluctuations has a simple power law dependence and for the case this is modified by logarithmic running as predicted by a simple model of inflation. For these cases there is a region of parameter space for large ∆m2 and n were the production of sterile neutrinos would be dominated by this mechanism. s Howeverthis conclusionignoresthe damping ofthe fluctuationwhichoccurs whenthe neutrinosdecouple from the plasma, this is equivalent to Silk damping. We have shown that the neutrinos damp the fluctuations on the scale of the neutrino oscillation length scale and thus the level crossing probability is vastly reduced and is unobservable. AfurthereffectisthatthefluctuationsontheneutrinooscillationscaleareamplifiedattheQCD phase transition. However we find that this enhancement is insufficient to overcome the damping that occurs. In conclusion the production of sterile neutrinos does not get amplified from level crossing between the mass eigenstates due to primordial fluctuations because when the neutrinos decouple they damp the fluctuations at the neutrino oscillation scale. 8 Acknowledgements IwouldliketothankGrahamRossandSubirSarkarforextremelyusefuldiscussions. Thisworkwassupported by STFC Studentship Award PPA/S/S/2004/03926and by a Marie Curie Early Stage Research Training Fel- lowshipoftheEuropeanCommunity’sSixthFrameworkProgrammeundercontract(MRTN-CT-2006-0355863- UniverseNet). Appendix A The decoupling temperature of the k oscillation mode is 1/4 c k Tdec(k)=Tdec s . (38) ν ν aH (cid:18) (cid:19)Tνdec The wavevectorof the the neutrinos oscillation is k =hµλ1/3cos2θ v+(u2+u−4)2 (39) q where u = λ−1/6a = λ−1/6T/T where T is the temperature of the universe. The ratio of the decoupling 0 temperature to the temperature of the universe is Tdec(k) 1/4 ν = c µ λ cos2θu4 v+(u2+u−4)2 , (40) s dec dec T (cid:18) q (cid:19) where λ = λa−6, µ = µa3 and a is the scale factor at neutrino decoupling. The right hand side is dec dec dec dec dec minimized for v =0 and u=0, where at this minimum Tdec(k) 1/4 ν = (3/22/3)c µ λ cos2θ 2.5. (41) s dec dec T ≃ (cid:12)min (cid:12) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:12) As the minimum of this ratio is gr(cid:12)eater than unity the temperature of the universe when the wavelength of the fluctuation is equal to the neutrino oscillation length is always greater than the temperature at when the neutrinos decoupled from this mode. 9 References [1] B. 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