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Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,000–000 (2005) Printed5February2008 (MNLATEXstylefilev1.4) The effect of low mass substructures on the Cusp lensing relation ⋆ Andrea V. Macci`o1 & Marco Miranda1 1 Institute for Theoretical Physics, Universityof Zu¨rich, CH-8057 Zu¨rich, Switzerland 6 5February2008 0 0 2 ABSTRACT n IthasbeenarguedthatthefluxanomaliesdetectedingravitationallylensedQSOsare a evidenceforsubstructuresintheforegroundlensinghaloes.Inthispaperweinvestigate J thisissueingreaterdetailfocusingonthecusprelationwhichcorrespondstoimagesof 7 a source located to the cusp of the inner caustic curve. We use numerical simulations 2 combinedwithaMonteCarloapproachtostudytheeffectsoftheexpectedpowerlaw distribution of substructures within ΛCDM haloes on the multiple images. 2 Generally, the high number of anomalous flux ratios in the cusp configurations is v unlikely explained by ’simple’ perturbers (subhaloes) inside the lensing galaxy,either 8 modeled by point masses or extended NFW subhaloes. We considered in our analysis 59 a mass range of 105−107M⊙ for the subhaloes. We also demonstrate that including the effects of the surrounding mass distribution, such as other galaxies close to the 9 0 primary lens, does not change the results. We conclude that triple images of lensed 5 QSOsdonotshowanydirectevidencefordarkdwarfgalaxiessuchascolddarkmatter 0 substructure. / h Keywords: cosmology:theory–darkmatter–galaxies:haloes–methods:numerical p - o r t s 1 INTRODUCTION calf&Madau2001;Chiba2002;Metcalf&Zhao2002;Dalal a &Kochanek2002:Kochanek&Dalal2004).Ifadistantim- : Cold Dark Matter (CDM) simulations predict many more v agesourceisclosetoacusp(frominside)inacausticcurve, low mass satellite haloes than are actually observed in the i three of the images will be clustered together and the sum X MilkyWay(Klypinetal.1999, Mooreetal.1999). Itseems oftheirmagnificationswillbezero(Zakharov(1995),taking r that 10-15% of the mass was left in satellites with perhaps the negative parity image to have negative magnification). a 1-2%attheprojectedseparationsof1–2Einsteinradii(Re) This relation holds for a wide class of smooth analytic lens where we see most lensed images (e.g. Zentner & Bullock models (Keeton et al. 2003); on the other hand all known 2003, Mao et al. 2004); this is far larger than the observed observed lensed QSOs violate this relation. This has been fractionof0.01–0.1%inobservedsatellites(e.g.Chiba2002). explained with the presence of cold dark matter substruc- Solutions to this mismatch were proposed in three broad tureswithin the lensing galaxy’s halo. classes: satellites are present but dark if star formation is However, the discrepancy found in some systems may prevented (Bullock, Weinberg & Kravtsov 2000), satellites beduetomicrolensed starsratherthantocolddarkmatter aredestroyedduetoself-interactingdarkmatter(Spergel& substructures(Keetonetal.2003),evenifthemostpeculiar Steinhardt2000), or theirformation is preventedbychang- problem is the anomalous flux ratios in radio lenses. Ra- ing the power spectrum to something similar to warm dark diosourcesareessentiallyunaffectedbytheISMofthelens matter with significantly less power on the relevant mass galaxy(seehoweverKoopmansetal.2003),trueabsorption scales(e.g.Bodeetal.2001).Thesehypothesesleftthema- appears to be rare, radio sources generally show little vari- jor observational challenge of distinguishing dark satellites ability and most of the flux should come from regions too from non-existent ones. This became known as the CDM large to beaffected bymicrolensing. Therefore dark matter substructureproblem. subhaloes appear to be themost likely explanation. Ithasbeenarguedthatapossiblesignatureofthepres- ence of dark matter substructures can be found in strong By using low resolution simulation of galaxy formation gravitationallensingofQSOs(Mao&Schneider1998;Met- Bradac et al. (2004) claimed that the level of substructures present in simulation produces violations of the cusp rela- tion comparable tothoseobserved.Amaraetal. (2004) im- ⋆ E-mail:[email protected] planted an idealized model of a galaxy into the center of a (cid:13)c 2005RAS 2 Andrea V. Macci`o & Marco Miranda high resolution galactic halo extracted from dissipationless insidesuchanangle.Thisrelation isanasymptoticrelation N-Body simulations to test the effects of substructures on and holdswhen thesource approaches thecusp from inside lensedimages.TheirfindingscontrastthoseofBradacetal. theinnercaustic“astroid”.Thiscanbeshownbyexpanding (2004),sincetheyfoundthatthesubstructuresproducedin thelensingmaptothirdorderintheangularseparationfrom a ΛCDM halo are not abundant enough to account for the a cusp (Schneider & Weiss 1992). Small scale structure on observedcusp causticviolation. Theresultsof Amaraetal. scalessmallerthantheimageseparation willcauseRcusp to (2004) were also confirmed in a recent work by Macci`o et differ from zero fairly independentlyof the form of the rest al. (2005). Inthelaterwork,in which afully hydrodynami- of the lens. Indeed, a substructure is more likely to reduce cal simulation of galaxy formation is used, it is shown that theabsolutemagnificationfornegativemagnificationimages the presence of a dissipative component greatly enhances (Metcalf & Madau 2001, Schechter & Wambsganss 2002, thesurvivingprobabilityofsatellites,expeciallyclosetothe Keeton et al. 2003) and to increase it for positive parity center of the galaxy. Nevertheless Macci`o et al. (2005) also images. demonstratedthattheimpactonlensingofsubhaloesinthe massrange107−1010M⊙ isverysmall.Evenwithanumber ofsubhaloesabout8higheroftheobservedoneinthismass range,thenumberofmultiplelensedQSOsthatshowavio- 3 LENSING SIMULATIONS lationofthecupsrelation islessthan24%,incontrastwith † Weusethelensmodelpackage(Keeton2001) modelingthe an observed one of about 60%. This means that if the vio- main lens galaxy as a singular isothermal ellipsoid (SIE) lation ofthecusprelation isduetosubstructuresinsidethe and the substructures as NFW (Navarro, Frenk & White primarylens,thesemusthaveamasssmaller than107 M⊙. 1997) haloes. First, using the gravlens task, we find three The aim of this work is to study the influence of sub- lens configurations for which the cusp relation is roughly haloeswithmass105−107M⊙onthecusprelationviolation. satisfied (figures 7, 10 and 16). Theoutlineofthepaperisthefollowing:firstwebriefly As second step a variable number of substructures is summarizethecusprelation,theninsection3wepresentthe added to the main lens (see section 3.2 for details on their lensing numericalsimulations and ourmodeling forthepri- numberdensityand physicalproperties). Forthisnewlens- marylens,subhaloesandextra-haloes.Testsforourmodels ing system (main lens plus subhaloes) we compute again and results for three different cusp configurations are pre- positions and fluxes of the images (subhaloes mainly tend sentedinsection4.Section5isdevotedtoashortdiscussion to modify fluxes more than positions, see Kochanek (2004) onthefoldrelation.Adiscussionoftheresultsandourcon- andsection4.1),obtaininganewvalueforthecusprelation clusions are presented in section 6. Throughout this paper Rcusp. This procedure is repeated more than 20.000 times thesinglelargehalothatiscausingtheQSOmultipleimages for each of three studied positions of the source (figures 7, isreferredtoastheprimarylens.Theadditionalsmallscale 10and16):thisallows ustocomputetheprobabilitydistri- haloes (inside thehost halo) are referred toas subhaloes or butionoftheRcusp valueinpresenceofsubhaloes(i.e.figure substructures. Haloes beyond the virial radius of the pri- 8). mary lens are referred to as extragalactic haloes. Weadopt thestandard ΛCDM cosmological model with thefollowing parameters Ωm =0.3, ΩΛ =0.7, σ8 =0.9 and Ho =70 km 3.1 Primary Lens s−1 Mpc−1. Theobserveddiscrepancy in thefluxratios, compared with theexpecteduniversalrelationfromacusporfoldsingular- ity,suggests that it is an intrinsic difficulty for smooth lens 2 THE CUSP RELATION models, not associated with a particular parameterization. There are basically three configurations of four-image sys- For the scope of this paper it is sufficient to choose just a tems:fold,cusp,andcross(Schneider&Weiss1992).Inthis single smooth lens model for the primary lens. Therefore, paperwewillmainlyconcentrateonthecuspconfiguration, we select, as a smooth lens model, a singular isothermal el- thatcorrespondstoasourcelocatedclosetothecuspofthe lipsoid (SIE)(Kormann,Schneider,& Bartelmann 1994) to innercausticcurve.Thebehaviorofgravitationallensmap- takeadvantageofitssimplicity.Thismodelhasbeenwidely ping near a cusp was first studied by Blandford & Narayan usedinlensmodelingandsuccessfullyreproducesmanylens (1986),Schneider&Weiss(1992),Mao(1992)andZakharov systems(e.g.Keetonetal.1998,Chiba2002,Treu&Koop- (1995),whoinvestigatedthemagnificationpropertiesofthe mans 2004). An isothermal profile for the total mass distri- cuspimagesandconcludedthatthesumofthesignedmag- butionofellipticalgalaxiesiswellsupportedbythedetailed nification factors of the three merging images approaches dynamical studies of local ellipticals (Gerhard et al. 2001), zero as the source moves towards the cusp. In other words individual lens modeling, and statistics (e.g. Maoz & Rix (e.g. Zakharov 1995) : 1993; Kochanek 1995; Grogin & Narayan 1996). The ellipsoidal primary lens has a mass equal to 5× Rcusp = |µµAA|++|µµBB|++µ|µCC| →0, for µtot →∞ (1) i1n01t1hMe⊙le,nistpilsanoreieanntdedhawsitahntehlleipmtiacijtoyroafx0is.3a3l.oTnghethreedyshaixftiss where µtot is theunsigned sum of magnifications of all four ofthelensandhesourcearefixedtozl=0.3andzs =1.71 images, and A,B & C are the triplet of images forming the smallest opening angle (see figure 7). By opening angle, we mean theangle measured from thegalaxy centerand being † The software is public available via web site: http://cfa- spannedbytwoimages ofequalparity.Thethirdimagelies www.harvard.edu/castles (cid:13)c 2005RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 The effect of low mass substructures on the Cusp lensing relation 3 respectively, agreement with the typical observed ones (in this case we use PG1115+080 data, see Tonry 1998) 3.2 Subhaloes Since it has been shown that the number density of sub- haloeswithmassM >107M⊙ isnotsufficienttoexplainthe observednumberofviolationinthecusprelation(Amaraet al.2004,Macci`oetal.2005),theaimofthisworkistoinves- tigatetheimpactofsubstructuresbelowthismassthreshold that is fixed by the current resolution limits of numerical simulations. Wewould liketoemphasize that weareusingonly one lensing plane, this means that we will consider only effects duetosubstructuresbeingatthesameredshift ofthemain lens (see Chen, Kravtsov & Keeton 2003, Metcalf 2005 for anestimationoftheeffectsofhaloesalongthelineofsight). Inordertoevaluatethenumberdensitysubstructuresinthe massrange105−107M⊙ wehavemadesomeextrapolations based on results from high resolution N-body simulations. Themassfunctionofsubhaloesinsidethevirialradiusofan halo is close to a power law (Diemand et al. 2004, DMS04 Figure 1. Two dimensional radial number density of subhaloes hereafter, Gao et al. 2004, Reed et al. 2005): in units of the average number density inside the virial radius. N(>m)∝m−β, (2) Resultobtainedaveragingthe4highresolutiongalaxiespresented inDMS04,usingthreedifferentprojectionsforeachgalaxy. withaslopeβ ≈1,sothatweexpecttohaveafactor≈100 more subhaloes inside the viral radius if we move our mass thresAhsolsdaifdroimnt1h0e7pMre⊙vitoous10s5eMcti⊙o.nsuchsmallhaloeswillaf- QarScsOesc2is(rAo6ughhelryeaaftfeerw).aWrceserce,mwiendfixthRat≈a1taarrcesdeschainftdoAfz=l =6 0.3 one arcsec corresponds to 4.55 kpc for the cosmological fecttheRcusp relationonlyiftheirdistancefromtheimages model adopted in this paper. Using eq. 3 and adopting a is of the same order or smaller than the distance between the images themselves. Therefore we need an estimation of mass threshold for substructures of m = 5×105M⊙ the numberofsubhaloesinsideArangesfrom4to12(depending the number of haloes inside a small area surrounding the images.Thisnumberwillalsodependonthedistanceofour ontheuncertaintiesonN(R),seefigure1).Fortwo107M⊙ haloes the surface mass density within the selected area A area from the center, due to the fact that the number den- sity of haloes increases approaching the center of the main is 0.69h−2M⊙ pc−2, this means a fraction ≈ 10−3 of the total dark matter surface density in substructures, in good halo(primarylens)asclearly showninfig1,whichisbased agreement with theresults of Mao et al 2004. on numerical simulations of 4 galaxy size haloes (DMS04). Foreachlensingconfigurationanalyzedinthisworkwe Consequently the number of subhaloes with a mass addedarandomnumberofsubstructuresbetween4−12to greater than m inside an area A at a distance R from the theprimarylenswitharandommassgeneratedaccordingto centerof thegalaxy is: eq.2intherange5×105−107M⊙.Thesesubhaloesarethen NA(>m,R)= hNrv(>mπ0)ri2mm0N(R)A, (3) tphlaacteedncfolollsoewsitnhgetthhreee2Dimadgeenssi(tcyfrptrhoefi(lebliunes)idsqeutahreeianrefiaguAr6e v 7).WehavemodeledoursubhaloeswithanNFW(Navarro, whahleoreeshwNitrhv(>mm>0)mi0is(tbheeinagvemra0geannuamrbbiterrardyenmsiatyssovfasluube)- Frenk& White1997) densityprofile; for the ≈106M⊙ sub- haloesrelevantforlensingsubstructurestudiedinthiswork, inside the virial radius rv and N(R) is the radial 2D num- the NFW profile inferred from N-body simulation is the ber density of satellites at a projected distance R from the most natural choice, because on these mass scales the ef- center in units of hNrv(> m0)i (see figure 1). These last fect of baryons (that are able to modify the slope of the twoquantitiescanbeobtaineddirectlyfromN-bodysimula- density profile for greater masses (Macci`o et al. 2005)) is tions.InthefollowingwewilluseresultsfromDMS04(table very tiny because the potential well of these haloes is not 1 of their paper, simulations G0-G3). Macci`o et al. (2005) deep enough to retain them expecially in presence of a ion- have shown that the presence of baryons inside subhaloes izing background. We have adopted different concentration enhancetheprobability tofindhaloes close tothecenterof parameters(seesec.4.1)tomimicthescatterpresentinthe thegalaxywithrespecttoresultsfromdissipationlesssimu- lations.Thisistrueforsatelliteswithm>5×107M⊙,which mass-concentration relation (Bullock et al. 2001). are massive enough to retain baryons inside their potential wellandthenformstars.Sincewedonotexpectsucheffect 3.3 Extrahaloes for the mass scales involved in this work (≈ 105−106M⊙) wecanusepureN-bodysimulationasstartingpointforour Lensing galaxies are not isolated object, since they usually analysis. belong to group of galaxies (Keeton et al. 2000). Moreover Since the typical separation between images in lensed each galaxy has its own satellites galaxies with masses in (cid:13)c 2005RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 4 Andrea V. Macci`o & Marco Miranda therange109−1011M⊙.Consequentlywehavemodeledthe presence of these extrahaloes in the same way of the inner- haloes. In this work we call substructures or innerhaloes, haloes with mass < 107M⊙ that are close to the image position; we reserve the term extrahaloes for haloes with M > 109M⊙. We do not consider extrahaloes that for pro- jection effects can lie inside the primary lens close to the images positions (i.e. Oguri2005). Weconsidered threedifferentcategories ofextrahaloes: i) haloes with mass 109 < M < 1010M⊙ and with a pro- jected distance r between 60 and 200 kpc, these repre- sent the satellites galaxy of the primary lens (the expected number for these haloes can be estimated again form N- bodysimulation and it is roughly 6-8);ii) haloes with mass 1011 <M <1012M⊙ and distance 300<r<700 kpcin or- dertomimicthepresenceofcompanion galaxies;iii) haloes with 1012 < M < 5×1013M⊙ and 700 < r < 1200 kpc to take into account the possible presence of a nearby cluster of galaxies. The number of extrahaloes has been fixed between 2-8 and 2-4 for the ii) and iii) case respectively, as suggested by observations/simulations (Metcalf 2005, Amara 2004). Figure2.ProbabilitydistributionofRcuspvaluesfor2substruc- While the extrahaloes in case i) are placed in a circularly turesinsideA3 fordifferentpositionerrors. symmetric way around the center of the galaxy, the posi- tion of groups and clusters of galaxies must be modeled in an asymmetric way. Therefore we placed them only in the are added totheprimary lens :thesolid line is for an error quadrant with positive coordinates in the lens plane (being on positions of ǫ1 =10−2 arcsec (≈5%) thedashed one for thelensin[0:0]).WeusedSIEaslensmodelforextrahaloes ǫ2 =103 arcsec (i.e.thecodehascompletefreedom inmov- totakeintoaccountthepresenceofbaryonstheir-insideand ing the images). The two distributions of the Rcusp values we havegenerated 20.000 different configurations. areverysimilar,andthisalsoconfirmsfindingsofotherau- thors: theinfluence of substructures on the image positions is less strong than the one on fluxes (Kochanek 2004). We 4 RESULTS will adopt 10−2 arcsec for the error on positions for all our simulations. In this section we present results of our Monte Carlo sim- Acorrectdeterminationofthesubhaloesproperties(see ulations. We have analyzed 3 cusp configurations: Config1 section3.2)isakeyingredientincomputingtheRcuspvalue: (figure 7), Config2 (figure10) and Config3 (figure16). They figure3showstheinfluenceofthenumberdensityandmass mainly differforthevalueofRcusp in theunperturbedcase rangeofsubstructuresontheRcusp relation.Bothchanging that grows from 0.01 for Config1 to 0.243 for Config3, due the area in which subhaloes are distributed (keeping fixed to a different position of the source inside the inner caustic their number: left panel) or their mass range (right panel) curve. leads to complete different results. As second step we have tested if the subhaloes that live outside the small area (A) surrounding the images can 4.1 Testing our model substantially modify the Rcusp relation. For this purpose Before proceeding further in our analysis we present some we have defined three different areas for substructures for tests on the parameter adopted in our lensing simulation. Config2:A3=[−1.5:1.5]×[1:2],A6 =[−1.5:1.5]×[0:2] The presence of substructures acts both on positions and andA12 =[−1.75:1.75]×[−1.25:2.25].Thelastone(A12) fluxes of the images. When a substructure is added the isbigenoughtocoveralltheimagepositions.Changingthe gravlens codeadjusts thepositions and fluxesoftheimages size of the area and his position in respect to the center by minimizing the χ2 between the old (unperturbed) and of the lens, the number of substructures changes according new (perturbed) positions/fluxes. The value of χ2 depends to eq: 3. The number of subhaloes inside the three areas is on the error that we assign to the unperturbed positions 4, 9 and 19 respectively. Figure 4 shows our results. The and fluxes (usually these are the observational errors); this Rcusp probability distribution is weakly affected by thesize means that if the error on positions is smaller than the er- ofthearea.Thisindicatesthatarethesubhaloesclosetothe roronfluxesthecodewill changethelatteronesmorethan image positions the ones responsible for the Rcusp relation moving theimages to obtain a lower valuefor χ2. modification. Therefore in principle thevalueof theperturbedRcusp Figure 5 shows results for Config2 (figure 10) of the is influenced by the error assigned to the position of the Rcusp probability distribution for 3 subhaloes with mass images. In figure 2 we clearly show that this effect is very 5×105 <m<107M⊙ inside A3 (solid line) and for 8 sub- small even for a big variation of the image position errors. haloes with 107 <m<109M⊙ inside an area of 57 arcsec2 This plot illustrates the probability distribution for Rcusp ([−5:5]×[0:6] with the exclusion of A3). For this second (obtained using 20.000 realizations) when 4 substructures population of substructures both the number density and (cid:13)c 2005RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 The effect of low mass substructures on the Cusp lensing relation 5 0.8 0.7 Config.2 Config.2 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.07 0.14 0 0.07 0.14 Figure3.ProbabilitydistributionofRcuspwith4substructures: Figure 5. Effects on the Rcusp relation of substructures inside leftpanel influence ofthe substructure mass.Rightpanel effects a small area (A3) surrounding the images (solid line) and in a oftheprojectednumberdensity. largerarea[−5:5]×[0:6](57arcsec)outsideA3 (dashedline). Inthefirstcasethesubsareinthemassrange[5×105:107M⊙] inthesecondone[107:109M⊙]. Rcusprelationwerepeatedouranalysiskeepingfixmassand position of the subhaloes and varying their concentrations. Results are shown in figure 6. As expected denser haloes have a stronger impact on the Rcusp relation. We have also considered two other mass profiles for the subhaloes: SIS (singular isothermal sphere) and point like approximation. The first one, less favored by simulations, can be seen as an upper limit for the NFW profile, due to the fact that itsinnerslope for thedensityprofileis proportional tor−2. Forthis kind of subhalo model the Rcusp probability is just slightlyabovetheonesforNFWhaloeswithc=35,sowedo not expect a big change in our results using SIS instead of NFWsubhaloes.Ontheotherhandthepointmassapprox- imation leadstoanunderestimateoftheeffectofsubhaloes on Rcusp since for a fixed mass a point-like object has a smaller Einstein radius than an NFW halo (Keeton 2003). Inthefollowingwehaveadoptedaconcentrationparameter of 35 for our subhaloes in order to try to maximize their effect on theRcusp relation. Figure4.ProbabilitydistributionofRcuspforsubstructuresdis- tributedondifferentareas. 4.2 Configuration 1 In the first configuration analyzed (Config1 hereafter) the themassesareoverestimatedbyalargefraction.Neverthe- source is close to the right cusp of the inner caustic curve lessitseffectonthecusprelationisverysmallandtheRcusp (see fig 7) and the unperturbed Rcusp value is 0.01. The probabilitydistribution isclosetoadeltafunction centered criticalandcausticcurvesrefertotheunperturbedcasebut on theunperturbedvalue. they are not different from perturbed ones at the level of ModelingoursubhaloesasNFWstructureswehaveone resolution. morefreeparameter:theconcentration.Itiswellknowthat For this configuration we have generated 20.000 dif- theconcentrationcorrelateswiththemassofthehalo,even ferent lensing systems that include substructures according ifaconsistentscatterispresentinthisrelation.Extrapolat- to eq: 3. In figure 8 is shown the probability distribution ingresults from Bullock et al 2001, themean concentration for Rcusp for different numbers of substructures. The max- in our mass range is around 33. In order to test the influ- imum of the probability is obtained for the unperturbed enceoftheconcentration of oursubhaloesin modifying the value (0.01) and the tail of the distribution extends to (cid:13)c 2005RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 6 Andrea V. Macci`o & Marco Miranda Figure 6. Rcusp distribution probability for different subhaloes Figure 8. Probability distribution of R-variation for a different mass profiles: NFW profile with different concentration values, numberofsubstructuresinsideA6. SISprofileandpoint-likeapproximation. Figure 9.Sameoffigure8withlogarithmicscalefortheyaxis. Figure 7.Unperturbedlensconfiguration: Config1(R=0.01) 4.3 Configuration 2 Rcusp = 0.12 but for a very low number of configurations In this configuration (Config2 hereafter) the source is close (less than 1.0%). Figure 9 shows in a logarithmic plot the totheuppercuspoftheinnercausticcurve(seefig10)with tail of the distribution presented in figure 8: it is possible an unperturbedvalue of Rcusp =0.09. to note that an increase of the total number of substruc- Figure 11 shows the analogous of figure 8 for Config2 tures (from 4 to 6) does not substantially change the value and figure 12 shows the tail of the distribution for large of Rcusp. valuesofRcusp.Eveninthiscasethemaximumoftheprob- From figure 8 one see that in the 10% of the configu- ability distribution is centered on the unperturbed value. rations the final value of Rcusp is even less than the unper- HerethedistributionofthevaluesofRcusp ismoresymmet- turbed value and it is closer to the theoretical expectation ricthanforConfig1anditismoreevidentthattheeffectof of Rcusp = 0 (see next section on the second configuration substructures not only increase the value of the cusp ratio for more details). but can also reduce it. (cid:13)c 2005RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 The effect of low mass substructures on the Cusp lensing relation 7 Figure 10. Second unperturbed lens configuration: Config2 Figure 12. Same of figure 11 with logarithmic scale for the y (R=0.09) axis. Figure 11. Probability distribution of R-variation for config 2, Figure13.OneperturbedconfigurationwhereRcuspislessthan foradifferentnumberofsubstructures insideA6. theunperturbedvalue(0.091vs0.07).Thesolidcirclesshowthe position of the subhaloes, the point size is proportional to their mass. Tobetterillustratethiseffectwehaveisolatedoneofthe configurations in which we find a reduction of Rcusp (figure 13).Whenthedistributionofsubhaloesisnonsymmetricin valueforConfig2.Forallthethreeextra-haloesmassranges respecttothetripletsofimagesandoneoftheperturbersis considered, the modifications in the cusp relation are very close to one of the external images the latter image results smallandthevalueofRcusp isnotverysensitivetothetotal to be more magnified than the others. In the unperturbed number of extra-haloes we generated (results for different configuration|µ(B)|>µ(A)+µ(C)andthiscausesRcusp 6= number of subhaloes are shown by different curves, which 0.Ontheotherhandiftheperturbersincreaseµ(A)without are almost overlapping in the various panels). changingconsiderablythemagnificationoftheotherimages, Forthisconfigurationwehaveperformedonemoretest: this will enhance the sum µ(A)+µ(C) pushing it closer to we have modified by hand the fluxesof the three images in µ(B), giving a smaller Rcusp (0.07 in the case of figure13). order to obtain an high value of Rcusp (> 0.37). Then we Figure14showstheeffectsofextrahaloesontheRcusp used the gravlens software to find positions and masses of (cid:13)c 2005RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 8 Andrea V. Macci`o & Marco Miranda 0.8 0.7 0.6 60<R<200 (Kpc) 300<R<700 (Kpc) 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.140.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.8 0.7 Subs 0.6 700<R<1500 (Kpc) Outer1 0.5 Outer2 0.4 Outer3 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.140.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 Figure 14. Probability distribution of R-variation considering Figure15.TwosubhaloesconfigurationswithhighRcusp value. Extra Haloes with different masses and distances from the pri- ThefirstoneisindicatedbysolidsquaresandgivesRcusp=0.387. mary lens (Config2). Bottom right panel: comparison between The second (one indicated by open circles) gives Rcusp =0.274. theeffects ofextrahaloesandsubhaloes. Inbothcases Msub≈106. two subhaloes (with masses 5×105 < M < 5×106M⊙) with the constrain of simultaneously reproducing positions and fluxesof our modified images. Wehave found two con- figurationsfor subhaloesthatareshown in figure15. Inthe first case (solid squares) the mass of the substructures is roughly thesame(≈2.0×106),theyare close totheexter- nalimages withadistanceof0.08arcsecandtheperturbed valueofRcusp is0.387. Inthesecondcase(opencircles) the massofthesubhaloclosetothecentralimageis1.6×105M⊙ withadistanceof0.06arcsec,while7.8×105M⊙ isthemass of the second one that is far away from the central image, for a perturbed value of Rcusp equalto 0.372. The aim of this test is to show that there is nearly alwaysthepossibilitytoexplainananomalousfluxratious- ing subhaloes, but that their positions and masses must be tuned in a very precise way (i.e distances between images and subhaloes must be less than 0.08 arcsec). Most impor- tant,ourMonteCarlosimulationsshowthattheprobability ofobtainingsuchafinetuningisverylow.Asaconsequence weconcludethatanexplanationforthehighnumberofob- served anomalous flux ratios in lensed QSOs based on the presence of subhaloes in the mass range we have tested is very unlikely. Figure 16. Third unperturbed lens configuration: Config3 (R=0.243) 4.4 Configuration 3 turesto modify theRcusp relation is nearly independenton Inthelastcuspconfigurationanalyzed(Config3)theR-cusp theoriginal value of the cusp ratio. relation is not completely satisfied even in theunperturbed case (Rcusp = 0.243, fig 16). Figure 17 shows the R-cusp probabilitydistributionforConfig2andConfig3normalized to the unperturbed value. There are no appreciable differ- 5 FOLD RELATION ences between the two configurations. The probability dis- tributions have almost the same width and the same maxi- For sake of completeness we have also considered a fold mumvalue(≈0.35)andbotharecenteredontherespective case similar to the configuration of the well known system unperturbedvalue.Thismeansthattheabilityofsubstruc- PG1115 (Impey et al. 1998). In this case we define thefold (cid:13)c 2005RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 The effect of low mass substructures on the Cusp lensing relation 9 A2 A1 Figure 17. Probability distribution for 4 subhaloes within A6 Figure 18. Unperturbed fold lens configuration (similar to forConfig2andConfig3 PG1115,Rfold=0.92) relationastheratiobetweenthemagnificationoftheclosest pair on opposite sides of thecritical curve(cfr fig 18): R = µ(A1) =1. (4) fold µ(A2) By applying our procedure to this test fold case we found thatitiseasiertomodifythevalueoftheunperturbedR fold withrespecttotheoneofRcusp,asclearlyshowninfig19.In ourcomputational procedure theposition of thesource can bechangedbythegravlenscode,inordertominimizetheχ2 ofthelensconfiguration.WhilethisdoesnotaffecttheRcusp relation it canbeimportantin thefold case:aspointed out by Keeton, Gaudi and Petters (2005) the degree to which R candifferfromoneforrealisticsmoothlensesdepends, fold inadditiontotheangularstructureofthelenspotential,not only on thedistanceof thesourcefrom thecaustic butalso on its location along thecaustic itself. Sothethevalues we got for R are due both to the effects of subhaloes and fold both to theshift along the caustics of thesource. Thus, it is not possible to conclude from Rfold alone whether observed fluxratios are anomalous or not. Figure19.ProbabilitydistributionofRfoldforadifferentnum- berofsubstructureswithinanareaof3arcsec2(5×105<Msub< 6 DISCUSSION & CONCLUSIONS 107M⊙). Quasars that are being gravitationally lensed into multiple images have recently been used to place limits on the sur- andhydrosimulations(Macci`oetal.2005)haveshownthat face density of cold dark matter subhaloes (Mao & Schnei- it is hard to reconcile theobserved high numberof cupsre- der 1998, Metcalf & Madau 2001, Chiba 2002, Metcalf lation violation with thetotal amountof substructurespre- & Zhao 2002, Dalal & Kochanek 2002, Chen Kravtsov & dicted by the ΛCDMmodel. These studies were limited by Keeton 2003, Bradac et al. 2004, Mao et al. 2004). Small the present achievable numerical resolution that permits to mass clumps that happen to lie near the images affect the resolve DM haloes down to masses ≈107M⊙. observed magnification ratios. The question arises as to In this work we have quantified the effects of smaller whether these observations are compatible with distortions massclumps(105−107M⊙)ontheobservedviolationofthe expectedtooccurfromdarkmattersubstructuresandsatel- R cusp relation. We employed results from N-body simula- lite galaxies within theΛCDM model. Recent results based tions to estimate the expected number of subhaloes in this on numerical N-body (Amara et al. 2004, Rozo et al. 2005) low mass range. Due to the small mass of the perturbers (cid:13)c 2005RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 10 Andrea V. Macci`o & Marco Miranda we have restricted our analysis only to those close (in 2D) BradaˇcM.,SchneiderP.,LombardiM.,SteinmetzM.,Koopmans to the images positions. 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